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Page 2: Discover the-best-of-ukraine (1)

The author of the project:Maryana Ivanylyuk

The participants of the project:

The pupil’s of the ninth, tenth and eleventh forms

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The key questions:

What should Ukrainians be proud of?

What should people around the world know

about Ukraine?

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The list of competences development of which is foreseen :

Value- semantic competency

Communication Competency

Information Technology Competency

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The topicality of the problem: Nowadays Ukraine is on the way to European integration that’s why Ukrainian President declared 2016 the Year of the English Language. According to the decree it is important to take into account a role of English as the language of international communication, in order to facilitate learning of the English language to widen citizens' access to the world's economic, social, educational and cultural opportunities, to ensure Ukraine's integration into European political, economic, scientific and educational sector, which defines learning English as a priority of the development strategy. Representing Ukraine to all countries and retelling of all we are proud of is the first step to the European integration in order to make us known to the whole world.

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The tasks of the project:To transfer knowledge and skills in new situations;To use the Internet to search for information;To develop pupil’s intellectual and creative

abilities;To develop pupil’s awareness of moral, aesthetic

and spiritual values;To gather and work out information about Ukraine

in the blog to expand foreigners’ knowledge about Ukraine.

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The purpose of the project:

To develop searching skills;To develop desire to glorify the country in

which they live;To deepen pupils' knowledge of Ukrainian

history, writers and places that we can be proud of;

To nurture the love to Ukraine, patriotism.

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Expected results:

To develop civic consciousness;To teach children to admire Ukraine and

everything that is connected with it;To create problem searching, effectively

creative learning.

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The project is:

Group;short term;Creative, informative;Internal.

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The algorithm of our work№ Title Doers Date of

performanceResources Invoice

1. 1. Introduction to the topic and purpose of the project.

Teacher 18.11 Computer, multimediaboard


2. 2. Watching the video about knowledge of people around the world about Ukraine and the teacher’s presentation “MY COUNTRY -- UKRAINE”Joining into groups, sharing duties in order to gather and work out the information: I group – historians (11th form)– make the presentation about unforgettable page of Ukrainian history – Revolution of dignity and Heavenly hundred; II group – geographers (9th form)– make the presentation about the Carpathian mountains and resorts there; III group - specialists in literature(10th form)– make the presentation about a famous person of Ukraine.

Teacher and pupils 19.11 Computer, multimediaboard


3. 3. - Visiting the museum of heavenly hundred; - going to the mountains; - visiting the library;

Teacher, pupils 25.1128.11



1000 grn165 grn

4. 4. The preparation of presentation materials; make the presentation.

Pupils 26.11-05.12 Computer __

5. 5. Designing the blog. Teacher and pupils 07.12-10.12 Internet __

Total 1165 grn

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Stage Activities Expected results

Motivational stage Introduction to the topic and purpose of the projectWatching the video about knowledge of people around the world about Ukraine.

A deep longing for work

Informative stage Joining into groups, sharing duties in order to gather and organize the information; visiting the museum, resort, library; surfing the net.

Gathering information according to each group’s study

Modeling stage Making presentations Presentations

Reflex – evaluating stage Project discussing and evaluating

Experience, future interaction with the blog’s users; blog :

The plan of our work

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Evaluation rubric for PowerPoint Presentations1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12

CONTENT 1Historical or biographical information

The knowledge of the topic is not clearly visible. The information is incorrect or there is no such information.

There is some evidence that accurate information is given. The study does not show that more than one source are used.

It is clearly confirmed that the information is accurate. It is used by more than one source.

The information presented clearly and attractively. It is used by more than one source.

CONTENT 2Problems of application examples

The limited understanding of exact use of the topic. The process of solving problems with the help of the topic’s material is not clear and with mistakes.

The partial understanding of the exact use of the topic. The making process is incomplete.

The understanding of the problems of application in the life of the subject knowledge . The process of making is almost full.

The understanding of the problems of application in the life of knowledge on the subject. It shows a clear strategy for making different problems using knowledge of the topic.

THE ELEMENTS OF DESIGN There are no signs of planning clear and varied presentations.

There are some signs of a clear plan and varied presentations. Slides are easy to understand.

Obvious signs of planning a clear, varied presentation. Slides are easy to read. Some effects and background are used.

Obvious signs of planning a clear, varied presentation. Slides are easy to read. The effects, sound and background are used.


Missing completely or partially present.

Present but not created. Too much.

Enough .Graphic elements are created. Not quite aptly applied.

Graphic elements are present in sufficient quantity. Most are created. Successfully applied.

GROUP WORK There was no group work. One member of the group has been making presentations.

We can see that the work is done almost by all members of the group, but the performance of the team members was different.

One can clearly see that the work’s been done by all members of the group. Most members of the group participated in a collaboration .

One can clearly see that the work’s been done by all members of the group. The group divide the tasks and all worked maximally on the common result.

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