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AMA Partners Consulting I Solutions I Research

We are specialists in executive pay & corporate governance, providing unparalleled market insight through our unique data technology platform, DirectorInsight

Our team combines experienced business professionals with dedicated market research analysts and in-house software development capabilities, offering comprehensive cross border intelligence.

Our approach is designed to provide a competitive advantage for our clients. Our way of working is entrepreneurial to the core, building on a

culture of independent thinkers and doers.

AMA Partners has its office in Amsterdam and operates across Europe. We have sales alliances in the countries, with deep local knowledge and

network, to establish and grow our business.

Market positioning Unique data analytics platform for Executive Pay & Corporate Governance insight

Board rooms

Fact based insight

We provide boards and

remuneration committees:

market intelligence,

benchmarking and pay for

performance analytics.


Screening platform

A platform for investors to

screen portfolio companies

executive pay levels, its

management, highlight pay for

performance misalignments &

governance risks.

Human Resources

Competitor intelligence

We provide board and key

professional intelligence to

support companies talent

management, executive

resourcing and succession

planning activities.

Private equity


We offer flexible and bespoke

human capital services in

mergers, acquisitions,

divestments and spin-offs. Our

aim is to help our clients to

move quickly and unlock value.

Services ‘at a glance’

Peer group review

Report & Research

Software platform offering unparalleled insight in the performance and value creation of

European listed companies and the compensation of their top executives. DirectorInsight

provides a fully integrated platform where boards, remuneration committees, investors

and professionals in the field of HR and research, have access to the same data, to make

informed decisions and engage effectively.

We provide an objective review of company’s remuneration peer group composition.

Through AMA Partners proprietary peer group modeling tool, peer group scenarios can

be constructed and screened for appropriateness.

We provide full service support. Our dedicated market research analysts swiftly deliver at

all times, high quality customized reports tailored towards clients specific needs, and in-

depth data modeling upon a client request, to generate further insight.

We offer a platform for academic research, deliver news on leading issues, trends and

education on remuneration & corporate governance practices.


Easy to access on line platform with comprehensive, fundamental company financial

performance and executive compensation data from 2008 and onwards, providing

highest quality statistics and data for assessing executive compensation levels, pay

for performance alignment, board intelligence, corporate governance practices and

academic research. Data covers over 31 indexes, 1150 listed companies with circa

30.000 senior executives, drawn from leading European equity indexes.





o Fact based decision making. o Set market competitive

executive pay practices and levels.

o Pay for performance allignment.

o Demonstrate sound corporate governance practices.

o Engage effectively with stakeholders.

o Robust peer group selection.

DirectorInsight Promoting Transparancy and making informed decisions

o Flexible and simple platform for preparing engagements and vote on executive pay levels and remuneration policies.

o Quality screening of portfolio companies executives and board structures.

o People business intelligence, enabling proactive talent sourcing, succession planning and competitor key man insight.

o Assess company board composition and practice against corporate governance code’s and markets.

DirectorInsight Promoting Transparency

Easy to access information at your fingertips….

Universe of 31 European equity indexes with circa 1150 companies. Enabling our clients to self compose various peer groups at any point of time.

DirectorInsight Board governance insight

Company screening on board diversity, governance risks and relationships.

Up to date Board composition and governance intelligence

DirectorInsight Competitor Intelligence

Competitor intelligence - circa 30.000 executive biographies Simple and easy way to identify key executives for succesion planning and

talent management activities. Understand key people capabilities of your competitors .

DirectorInsight Remuneration levels and policies

Standardized data enablying you to understand and benchmark remuneration policies and levels

across european markets.

Access to a wealth of data covering 7 years of quantitative & qualitative board remuneration (granted , target, company disclosed, realized, oustanding share/options awards, realizable

compensation, contractual terms, remuneration structure, stockownership, peergroup etc.)

DirectorInsight Unique Pay4Performance tool

Swiftly evaluate & benchmark performance and compensation and assess the relationship between

pay and performance. Create your own custom peer group.

The tool is designed to be flexible and dynamic allowing the user to create at any point in time the

data and charts desired relevant to their specific needs.

DirectorInsight Unique Pay4Performance tool

Compare at any point a company’s CEO Pay and financial performance against the CEO pay and

performance of an equity index, sector, peer group or another company.

Enabling superior insight & mitigating risks – Screen how your company’s CEO pay and performance is

ranked against other companies, a self - selected peer group or index. The companies plotted in the shaded gray area represent pay and performance alignment.

Peer group review

Through our proprietary peer group modeling tool, we provide a comprehensive and completely objective diagnosis of company’s existing peer composition for its appropriateness.

Companies can create various peer group scenarios based on algorithms and analytics, providing the client the flexibility to adjust key metrics to prevent a “one size fits all” approach.

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Peer group algorithm

Sample of our clients:

Georgeson: “Having access to Director Insight, has proved very useful in supporting clients on various remuneration matters especially when speaking to shareholders."

Client testimonials: Hermes Investment Management: “DirectorInsight is a tool which can help us easily identify how a company’s executive pay and governance practices differ from peers and are aligned with performance. This is very useful in the analysis of governance risk and in our company engagement work.”

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