Page 1: Digital Marketing 2016 Report
Page 2: Digital Marketing 2016 Report

By: Doug Bentley

mailto: [email protected]

© Copyright 2016

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may give away this report as long as it is not

sold, altered in any way, falsely misrepresented or distributed in any illegal or immoral manner.

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Disclaimer: This e-book has been written for information purposes

only. Every effort has been made to make this ebook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or

content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this ebook should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate


The purpose of this ebook is to educate. The author does not warrant that the

information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author shall have neither liability

nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this ebook.

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Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. - 1 -

What is Digital Marketing Exactly? ........................................................................................................... - 2 -

7 Digital Marketing Success Strategies ..................................................................................................... - 3 -

Top 5 Digital Marketing Benefits For Small Businesses .......................................................................... - 13 -

5 Critical Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid ........................................................................................ - 14 -

3 Key Factors to Succeed With Digital Marketing ................................................................................... - 16 -

Conclusion – Digital Marketing is Here to Stay ....................................................................................... - 18 -

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Digital Marketing in 2016: Top 7 Strategies to Watch for Success

Did you know that 72% of consumers are already connecting with brands

through their various digital marketing channels and activities?

This is MAJOR. In other words, a large portion of your target market is now

using these means to connect and build relationships with companies they

know, like, and trust. Digital marketing is an ever changing industry, with new

techniques and trends constantly emerging. In order to make sure your

business is ahead of the curve, it’s important to stay on top of the latest

strategies that are helping companies across the globe effectively increase

leads, sales, and revenue.

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In this report, we’ll explore the top 7 digital marketing strategies that are

going to play a big part in 2016. If you start incorporating them into your

campaign today, you’ll already be one step ahead of your competition.

But before we jump in…

What is Digital Marketing Exactly?

Digital marketing involves promoting your products and services via an

electronic platform. This includes e-mail, social media, the internet, mobile

phones and tablet devices. It has become the most popular and successful

way of advertising and building up brand awareness. Unlike more traditional

marketing techniques, digital marketing enables you to analyze your

campaign to find out more about your target market and what is and isn’t


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You can keep track of what content is being viewed, what produces sales

conversions, and even how long visitors stay on your website. This data can

then be used to improve your marketing strategy and convert more leads into

sales. It is a lot more complex than businesses realize when they first start

out. The potential benefits are staggering providing you devote the time and

effort required to build a successful digital marketing strategy.

Consumer behavior has changed dramatically when it comes to finding and

choosing products, services, and businesses. The internet (especially now with

easy Mobile access) has enabled consumers to receive and provide

information about businesses whenever they need it, no matter where they


This is not expected to change…

7 Digital Marketing Success Strategies

Here are 7 Digital Marketing Success Strategies you should watch and

implement for success in the coming months and years:

1. The Bar Will Be Raised for Website Design

Your company’s website is its main marketing hub. Any content that you

release onto the World Wide Web will usually have the sole purpose of

directing customers back to your site. Therefore it is imperative that you

ensure your website has a clean, professional look and that it contains useful,

easy to read content.

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Up until now, businesses have been able to get away with having a fairly basic

site. This is no longer enough in 2016. The bar is being raised and generic,

grid design sites are being pushed aside in favor of more artistic, flowing

creations. Consumers like to be fully engaged rather than being presented

with simple text and images.

However, it’s easy to overstep from artistic to over-complicated designs. While

you do want to engage visitors to your website, you don’t want to overwhelm

them. So try not to be too overenthusiastic with animations and flash images.

2. Local Search Optimization and Content Will Be Top Priority

Local search marketing is set to become even more important in the coming

year. Today’s consumers are much more likely to turn to the internet to find

information on local businesses than they are to look in a phone book or local

classifieds. Ensuring your company is easy to find in local searches can be

hard work. According to research, the number one reason why most

businesses fail to appear in local search listings is because they simply haven’t

updated their contact information.

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It is vitally important to ensure your company’s name, phone number and

address is correctly entered into any online directory you are a part of. If

you’ve changed your location or phone number since you last made an online

listing, you need to update it as soon as possible. After all, what use is it to

show up in local searches if your customers aren’t going to be able to contact

you? They aren’t going to take the time to research the correct information.

Not only that, but your local listings must be claimed, verified, and optimized

in order to rank highly and be seen by more potential customers. Your NAP

(Name, Address, Phone Number) citations must be consistent across the web

in order to produce better rankings and optimization.

Blogging will also become even more essential as a local traffic tool. Content

is always going to remain king of online marketing. Using interesting, relevant,

keyword-optimized content to educate your target audience is a key area of

focus. Publishing blog posts, social posts, visual content, and more across the

web naturally activates a “pull” marketing campaign that sends targeted

prospects to YOU. So regardless of the industry you are in, content marketing

could easily become your top-selling strategy.

3. Mobile Will Continue to Dominate Marketing

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As mentioned above, consumers spend a lot more time on their mobiles

searching for information on products and services these days. Mobile

marketing has been steadily growing in popularity and it isn’t slowing down in


In 2015, mobile traffic actually overtook desktop traffic for the first time ever.

So unless you have a mobile optimized version of your website, your

marketing efforts will not be able to bring in the best results.

There are even some consumers who won’t buy from a business if they don’t

have an online presence. Mobile phones have become such an integral part of

today’s society and it is now expected that modern businesses have a mobile

optimized site.

It isn’t just your website that you should be focusing on, however. Sure it’s

important to optimize your site, but there are other mobile marketing

strategies that you should be focusing on in 2016. Apps are another way you

can reach your target market. Offering an app that your customers can

download will help to set you apart from the competition and reach a much

larger target market. If you also tailor the app so that your products and

services can be bought directly through it, this will further boost your sales

and your reputation.

Mobile marketing comes in many forms and mobile searches in particular are

set to increase over the course of the coming years.

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4. Online Video Consumption Will Break New Records

Did you know that online videos current account for around 50% of mobile

traffic? This is a trend that is set to continue to growth spurt throughout 2016

and many years beyond. One key indicator is the popularity and success of

social video ads on major social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube

and Twitter. Consumers like to be engaged and a video does that much more

effectively than blocks of text and a simple image.

Recent research carried out by Cisco has helped to predict that video will make

up an estimated 69% of all online consumer traffic by 2017.

Many companies are already cashing in on this growing content marketing

trend. You only have to look at the popularity of YouTube to see the potential

online videos have for your marketing campaign. Every single month YouTube

attracts over one billion visitors. People love videos and it’s easy to see why.

A short marketing video engages the customer and provides information in an

easy to digest format. Creating and publishing videos no longer requires

expert technical knowledge. So if you think about it, you’re getting the same

response as you would with a TV ad, only you’re paying a fraction of the price

for the same benefits.

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5. Social Relationship Building Set to Become the New Advertising

Social relationship building is going to become one of the most important

marketing strategies for businesses in 2016 and beyond. Social media is huge

and it has already helped thousands of businesses create more brand

awareness. Actually engaging with your customers on a daily basis will help

to build up trust and give your business a more personal touch.

This is also one of the best ways to retain customers and improve customer

satisfaction. Keeping customers is a major challenge that many businesses fail

at. It’s natural to lose some amount of business each year, but if you’re finding

you are losing a lot of your customers then it’s time to focus on figuring out

ways to keep them.

So what exactly is social reputation building? Put simply it is the creation of

content that focuses on long-term customer value. Rather than creating

strong sales related adverts, instead you should be focusing on creating

relevant and useful information that your customers might find useful.

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Talking about the latest issues relating to your industry is a good place to

start. Everybody likes to discuss current trends regarding the things they are

interested in.

What you need to remember is that building a strong social media presence

isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes time and dedication to gain a good

following online.

6. Personalized and Segmented Email Marketing

There has been a lot of debate as to whether email marketing is still relevant

in today’s digital marketing world. The simple answer to this is yes, it is

absolutely still relevant. However, admittedly the way you should approach

your email marketing campaign has changed significantly over the years.

During 2016, personalized and segmented email marketing is what you should

be focusing on.

Customers want to feel like they actually matter. They want a personalized

experience and don’t want to be made to feel like they are just a number on

your database. Personalized emails therefore are a lot more likely to get a

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response from customers, rather than a generic template sent out to your

entire mailing list.

So what does a personalized email look like? Well, firstly it’s important to use

the customer’s name at the start of the email. Then more importantly, you

need to make sure the content you are sending is relevant to that particular

customer. Look at what they bought from you and use this to determine the

type of products they are likely going to be interested in.

Obviously using data collection tools will aid you with this as you’ll be able to

analyze and gather a wide range of information on your customers which you

can then use to create better targeted emails.

If you have a large mailing list, personalizing each email separately is going

to be an issue. That’s where segmented emails come in. By separating your

mailing list into specific groups, it helps you to tailor your emails to fit each

group accordingly. This still provides a more personalized response, but it

requires a lot less time than personalizing the content for each individual.

If you follow the personalized and segmented email marketing approach it will

really help you continue to drive sales and boost customer retention.

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7. Reputation Management Will Become Even More Vital

In business your reputation is everything. Drawing customers in and making

a sale is only part of the battle when it comes to sustaining your business.

Another major part of ensuring your business doesn’t fail is developing a

strong, reliable reputation. In order to achieve this you need to focus on

offering good customer service.

Social media is the best way to boost your reputation. It allows you to

personally connect with your customers and respond to any problems quickly.

While many customers will still contact you directly if there are any issues,

more are starting to turn to social media to voice their opinions. Customer

reviews are just as important as customer feedback.

Did you know that 4 out of 5 people these days go on social media sites to get

advice on which product or service they should choose? Peer

recommendations are everything and far outweigh advertisements alone. By

managing your reputation, customers will be more likely to write good reviews

and recommend your business to others.

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The key is to show your customers that you actually listen to them. By looking

at what people are saying about your company online, you’ll be able to take

action and show that you care what your customers think.

You will also need to act on any problems that your customers experience. It’s

one thing to listen, but if you don’t actively do anything to rectify the problem,

it isn’t going to do anything other than harm your reputation. Keep customers

updated on any changes you have made to a product or service based upon

their recommendation. Offer discounts to those who have had a negative


The bottom line is that consumers want to know they are dealing with a

company they can trust. Digital marketing has made it easier for them to find

reliable, trustworthy businesses and make more informed choices about who

they do business with.

Overall the above are the top 7 trends you really need to pay attention to,

learn as much as you can about, and implement strategically if you want to

get the most from your Digital Marketing efforts.

No matter which methods you choose to adopt, you are that much closer to

saving time and money on your marketing campaigns – while reaching more

of your customers and prospects.

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Top 5 Digital Marketing Benefits For Small Businesses

Traditional Marketing - such as Direct Mail, Print Ads, TV Ads, Newspaper Ads,

and Radio Ads - have lost the powerful punch they used to pack in the world

of marketing. Businesses across the globe are turning their focus and

marketing budgets on more effective ways to reach their audiences.

Here Are 5 Reasons Digital Marketing Is A MUST:

1. More Cost-Effective Than Traditional Marketing

Because it costs a fraction of many traditional marketing methods, Digital

marketing delivers a better cost-per-lead ratio - ultimately increasing profits.

2. Delivers Higher Conversions

A targeted marketing campaign via digital channels not only provides a

massive amount of exposure to serious leads, but can deliver a much higher

return on investment than non-performing, expensive traditional methods.

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3. Keeps You Connected With MOBILE Consumers

Mobile data traffic is expected to increase 10-fold between 2014 and 2019. So

without a solid Mobile strategy, you are missing out on a major source of leads

and profits.

4. Gives You A Competitive ADVANTAGE

Many of your competitors still aren't using digital marketing, so there's plenty

of opportunity for your business to grab a large share of your digital target


5. Allows You To Grow With The Demand

Internet traffic in 2019 is expected to be equivalent to 64 times the volume of

the entire global Internet there was in 2005. Your success will eventually

depend on your ability to meet the digital demands of your customers and


5 Critical Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

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According to Google, companies using digital marketing strategies have 2.8

times better revenue growth expectancy. This is HUGE.

However, it has to be done right to avoid some of these potential mistakes

that could waste your time and money:

1. Treating It Like An Afterthought

Digital marketing shouldn't be something you casually "jump into." It should

be a well-thought out and carefully planned journey towards more leads,

sales, and revenue.

2. Not Collecting Customer & Lead Information

It has never been easier to collect leads on auto-pilot – thanks to the internet.

Use that information to follow up with them and ultimately convert them into

loyal customers; do not miss out on this profitable opportunity. Be sure to

include opt-in forms on your website, social media sites, and more. Also make

this a consistent effort for the best results.

3. Leaving Loose Ends

Once you set everything up, don't let it go to waste by doing nothing with it.

You may not realize just how close you are to turning those ready-to-go

funnels into REAL, CONSISTENT ROI.

4. Wasting Valuable Data

With Digital Marketing, just about any type of data you need is right at your

fingertips. Don't let it go to waste; study it to understand what's going on and

implement new processes to capitalize on it.

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5. Ignoring Your Audience

Consumers expect engagement and interaction from brands they

communicate and connect with online. Don't ignore them as this could

negatively impact your reputation. Not only that, but use the power of online

customer engagement to increase sales.

3 Key Factors to Succeed With Digital Marketing

It’s understandable if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by digital marketing.

There is so much to learn and it requires a serious level of dedication to run a

successful digital marketing campaign. If you’re just starting out, the 3 key

factors below are everything you need to succeed.

1. Put your customer’s wants and needs FIRST and connect with them through

multiple digital channels for the best reach

It’s common for businesses to put their own needs first without even thinking

about their customers. Before releasing any content you need to ask yourself

what value it brings to the reader. Identify what their needs are.

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If you can come up with content that addresses these needs and a product or

service that fulfills them, you will see a lot more success.

Using a range of different digital channels is also important. Make use of social

media, email and video marketing. This will allow you to reach a much wider

target audience and really raise your brand awareness.

2. Stand out from your competition

Digital marketing has made it easier for small businesses to compete for their

share of the market. Those that are taking digital marketing by the horns are

gaining a significant advantage over those that aren’t. Due to how cost

effective digital marketing is, it has enabled small companies to really make

their mark and even compete against larger, more established businesses.

If you want to succeed you will need to really stand out from your competition.

This means keeping up with the latest trends, building up a solid, reliable

reputation and knowing which digital channels are offering the most success.

3. Monitor, measure and track your digital marketing performance

One of the most common mistakes made with digital marketing is failing to

monitor and track its performance. You need to know what’s working and what

isn’t. If you’re using a number of different channels you also need to know

which ones are gaining you the most success and which are simply wasting

your time. By monitoring your campaign you will be able to quickly identify

any changes that need to be made and where you should be focusing your

attention. It will really help to strengthen your overall strategy and ensure

your efforts are rewarded.

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Conclusion – Digital Marketing is Here to Stay

2016 is going to be the year many businesses finally wake up to the fact that

mobile, social media, reputation management, video marketing and other

strategies we talked about are here to stay. They aren’t passing trends that

you can ignore until they go away. Studies show that they will continue to

experience massive growth levels in the coming years.

If you want your business to start profiting from the digital era, you’re going

to have to take steps towards learning more about these methods; then, take

a more serious look at the ones that would be most beneficial to your growth.

Need help figuring out what they are and how they can make a significant

impact on your business specifically? Contact me today at

[email protected] for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Doug Bentley

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Richmond Video Creations

104-7288 #3 Road,

Richmond, BC, CA

V6Y 3Y1




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