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  • 1. @folkwithpurpose Questions? Insights? Witty Heckles? Tweet @KiwiSheehy ePlot ickens Digital Storytelling Effective Retailing & Engagement in the Omnichannel World

2. Im Paul, I likebright trousers. Im Paul Sheehy. I like bright trousers, and telling stories. 3. Part 1. Digital Is Dead Part 2. Enabling Great Experiences Part 3. The Future 4. Enabling Great Experiences 5. The ultimate strategy allows consumers to use a host of platforms interchangeably for shopping, ordering, purchasing, pickup, delivery and returns. 6. Dubais home of luxury fashion launched a responsive Magento eCommerce site for a shopping seamless experience across platforms Featuring customizable shoppable magazine, Notes 7. Oliver Bonas, Gifting 8. In a crowded marketplace, its also vital to craft an authentic retail experience both on and offline. Technology is the vehicle to deliver stories. 9. Burberrys omnichannel offering is seamlessly integrated, delivering a rich shopping experience with LED screens, films, fashion shows, music, storytelling, education, and more... 10. with LED screens, films, fashion shows, music, storytelling, education, and more... 11. Including their most recent retail accomplishment Live shop the catwalk @ London Fashion Week 12. While they dont have a physical store, the vast multi-brand retailer stepped into the physical realm in February with a shoppable magazine 13. For brands with purpose, creating an authentic retail experience is as much about crafting meaningful connections with consumers as selling products. 14. Which is why Everything a brand does must connect with people in a way that is more than just linear. 15. 5 Things You Can Do To Craft Meaningful Connections Inspire Make space for Froth Reward Learn Adapt 16. 5 Things You Can Do To Craft Meaningful Connections 1. Inspire Inspiration must come first, whether through our eye- opening content, captivating film, sensory marketing or feel. 17. 5 Things You Can Do To Craft Meaningful Connections 2. Make space for froth Make the most of the buzz and empower consumers by giving them the space to make noise about you. 18. Fun Fact Chanel is the most #tagged fashion brand on Instagram even though the brand doesnt have an official account - L2 Think Tank Froth will happen with or without your help. Its up to you to make the most of it commercially. 19. 5 Things You Can Do To Craft Meaningful Connections 3. Reward A way to create deeper connections with your all- powerful tribe voice and encourage further contribution from your consumers is to reward them for their efforts Hi Fleurie, Thanks for sharing a photo of your purchase from SIVVI on Twitter yesterday! As you had 547 highly engaged followers at the time of your Tweet, wed like to offer you: 25% off of your next purchase over at Have a nice day, Love SIVVI 20. 5 Things You Can Do To Craft Meaningful Connections 4. Learn The world is made of stories, not atoms, and we can gather data from these stories to help improve the experience we offer. With the appropriate analytics we can keep up with whats going on in our brand universe. 21. 5 Things You Can Do To Craft Meaningful Connections 5. Adapt Observe closely how they interact with the technology you provide them, so that you can constantly evolve and improve your offering to make it: - Quicker - Easier - More relevant 22. The Future 23. Globalisation The Internet and evolution of technology has essentially integrated the entire world. 24. Globalisation 25. Globalisation Thats been HSBCs mantra for 14 years 26. The Future: Transformation Theres no denying we're heading into a transformative do-or-die era of retail that demands more of brands 27. 1. We lose customers until our final campaign barely registers and our business dies. OR 2. We bring heart into our business. The Future: Transformation 28. The Future: Transformation 29. HSBC A business with a distinctive mantra, HSBC is once again seen to be embracing the future of business transformation before any of its banking competitors 30. Finisterre A brand with purpose, Finisterre is sculpting the cold water surfing industry. We took Finisterre to Magento Enterprise to help them make the most of their dedicated social activities, beautiful film and photography. 31. A Purposeful Campaign Just imagine a world where brands gave back in a way that helped to promote their own values and mission too? For a FREE copy of Rio Breaks email: [email protected] Or Tweet @KiwiSheehy 32. Summary - Digital is dead. Everything is digital. The faster and more connected the world gets the more consumers will demand authentic connection. Brands who tell stories with purpose and connect will thrive. Create content to create meaningful experiences. Storytelling is the vehicle for experience. Be prepared for transformation. Bring some heart into your business. ePlot ickens Digital Storytelling 33. Competition To WIN a day-long Why Workshop with Folk for you and your team, and get to the heart of your brand again Simply Tweet us your experience of todays session to: @folkwithpurpose 34. Tweet me @KiwiSheehy | Tweet us @folkwithpurpose Email us [email protected] | Call us 01202 289 000 ePlot ickens Digital StorytellingThats all folks! Thank you

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