
A Revolutionary New Form of Energy Medicine for the Digital Age

A Revolutionary Form of Energy Medicine for the Digital Ag

A Revolutionary New Form of Energy Medicine for the Digital Age

SUBTLE ENERGY SCIENCESVisit our website and learn more about digital energy


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Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

“Energy is your body’s magic! It is your life force. You keep it healthy and it

keeps you healthy. If you are sick or sad, shifting your energies feels good.

When you care for these invisible energies, it makes your heart sing and your

cells happy!” DONNA EDEN


I recently coined the term digital energy medicine to denote any kind of bene cial

subtle energy that is either produced or transmitted using primarily digital

technology. I did this because, after four years of concentrated research and

development of methods for integrating life enhancing subtle energies with

digital technology and digital media, I felt this was the easiest way to describe this

emerging energetic technology.

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

A simpli ed de nition of energy medicine might be stated as any system of

therapy that uses some form of energy to optimize the body’s own ow of life

force energy.Subtle energy, on the other hand, is a term that refers to any type of

en er gy that has some empirical scienti c support for its existence but

nonetheless lies outside of the four forces accepted by mainstream science: the

strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism and gravity. (Some scientists

accept magnetism as a fth force in physics.) Although the emerging eld of

subtle energy research indicates that there are numerous varieties of subtle

energy, each with unique associated qualities and effects, there is evidence that,

in general, subtle energy is intimately related to consciousness. In fact, Dr. Claude

Swanson, in his wonderful book LIFE FORCE, The Scienti c Basis, referred to the

eld of subtle energy research as “the natural bridge between the old physics and

the new science of consciousness.”

“Conventional medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the biochemistry of

cells, tissue, and organs. Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the

energy elds of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of

cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most

ef cient, least invasive way to improve the health of organs, cells, and


Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

I rst became aware of the concept of capturing and embedding subtle energies

into digital media in 1999, when I came across an ad for a series of CDs which

claimed to have such energies (speci cally, those associated with altered states

of consciousness) embedded into them. I later learned that a few years earlier in

the ’90’s, a Russian researcher had claimed to successfully capture life force

energy on magnetic tape, which could then be embedded into music and

transmitted by simply playing the music. Intuitively, this seemed possible to me.

After all, sound is energy, and it can be recorded, stored and transmitted.

Electromagnetic energy, as well, can be captured, stored and transmitted. So the

notion that life force energy (or, at the very least, subtle energies closely related

to life force energy) could be recorded, and stored and transmitted via digital

technology, was not a huge reach for me.

I was already quite convinced of the existence of subtle energy because of my

involvement as a teenager and young adult in a martial arts school with roots in

the Shaolin tradition of Chan Buddhism. That extremely positive period of my life

offered repeated and convincing proof of the existence of qi, which is generally

de ned in Chinese Medicine as the basic stuff of which the material world is

comprised. Although some scienti c evidence links qi with the human body’s

natural electromagnetic eld, we know that it is much more than mere

electromagnetism, because distant healing experiments involving qi have

sometimes incorporated the use of Faraday cages (which effectively block all

electromagnetic signals), yet have still produced significant results.

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

Years later I became even more passionately involved in pursuing this idea of

digital energy medicine when, after personally making signi cant advancements

in the development of this technology, I discovered that my lifelong reality of

experiencing severe bipolar depression every year of my adult life, for more than

20 years, had somwhow ended. Although I still experienced low energy states

from time to time, I was no longer going through extended periods of time (lasting

months) in which my entire emotional state felt as though I had been sucked into

a bottomless black hole of misery, shame and meaningless. I was involved with

the same spiritual practices (e.g., meditation, mindfulness and emotional

releasing) that I had been engaging for several years. The only major element that

had changed was my integration of an early form of this digital energy medicine

into my life and environment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Indeed, when

running the technology in my home and on my computer, I often experienced

extended states of flow and bliss while working for long periods of time.

The Scientific and Theoretical Foundations of Digital Energy Medicine

The science on which I first began to base this technology does not, at first glance,

seem to be remotely applicable to digital energy medicine. However, I am deeply

grateful to have been able to develop what I believe is an innate human capacity

for recognizing creative connections that normally go unnoticed. As such, when

rst learning some of the principles I am about to share, my heart and mind were

ignited with the joy and inspiration of possibility.

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

I will now offer a short introduction to some of the scienti c principles that serve

as the foundation for the work I do. But please keep in mind that, in the interest of

limiting the length of this article, this introduction will be a super-simplied

presentation lacking the many nuances, dimensions and capacities represented

by the full potential of digital energy medicine. Future articles will address many

of these other aspects of the technology and its scope of transformative

in uence on modern life. In addition, I’m also working on a book about digital

energy medicine that should be published within the year.

Shape Power: Geometry and the Quantum Vacuum

Although not the only means of producing subtle energy and digital energy

medicine, the use of shape, geometry, angle, proportion, quantity and related

principles is both practical and powerful. In this section, we will brie y explore

the work and discoveries of some of the most important pioneers in the study of

how geometry elicits the ow of life enhancing subtle energy. I highly recommend

that anyone interested in learning more about this work invest time to explore

the work of these pioneers more deeply. (A brief list for further reading is offered

at the end of this article.)

Dan Davidson: How Shapes Create Subtle Energy

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

In 1997, physicist Dan Davidson published a book entitled, Shape Power: ATreatise On How Form Converts Universal Aether into Electromagnetic and GraviticForces and Related Discoveries in Gravitational Physics . While it probably didn’t

win the award for the most layman-friendly title, Dan’s book presented years of

fascinating research that he had conducted, which empirically demonstrated the

capacity of shape and geometry to produce transformative subtle energy.

Combining this research with his extensive knowledge of spiritual traditions, he

formed a theory that. although developed independently, is strikingly similar, in

some aspects, to other theories offered by researchers whose work of which he

seems to have been unaware at the time of the book’s publishing.

Key Discoveries

He theorized that specific shapes create equally specific wave patterns in the

aether (his preferred term for the quantum vacuum).

These wave patterns are subtle energies of various bandwidths.

An analogy can be drawn by imagining a large ship in the ocean, where

the ocean is likened to the aether, which is believed to be a “super uidic

particulate medium which permeates all space.” As the water ows

around the shape of the ship, secondary longitudinal/compression

waves form around the ship’s unique shape. These wave patterns are

analogous to the subtle energy patterns that are formed as a result of

the quantum vacuum’s interaction with shape.

He found this principle to apply not only to three-dimensional shapes but to

two-dimensional shapes, diagrams and patterns as well.

For example, whenever two lines intersect in a pattern drawn on paper,

a subtle energetic vortex is created.

The angle at which the lines intersect in uences the particular subtle

energetic pattern that is created.

Conclusion: Shapes can be used to generate energetic effects on multiple

levels, including the levels of subtle energy, electromagnetism and gravity.

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

Erich Korbler: New Homeopathy and Symbols as Transmitters of Energetic


An Austrian engineer by trade, Erich Korbler combined his knowledge of

Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupunture with dowsing to synthesize a new

form homeopathy, which was considered both revolutionary and controversial in

nature. He collaborated with physicists from the Atomic Institute in Vienna, as

well as the Max Planck Institute in Munich, to test some of his theories.

Key Discoveries

He discovered that certain two-dimensional symbols painted in precise body

locations (including acupoint areas) elicit healing and energetic effects.

Korbler believed that this phenomenon was the origin of the indigenous

body painting tradition that has appeared worldwide.

Conclusion: Two-dimensional signs and symbols, rather than being mere

representations of logical/intellectual meanings, are in fact condensed forms

of energy with very real energetic effects.

Chaumery & de Belizal: Shape-Caused Waves and the French System of Physical


Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

In the mid-20th century, Leon de Chaumery and Antoine de Belizal developed a

subtle energetic science they calledMicrovibratory Physics, which they hoped

would be accepted by the medical community. This vibratory science, also

referred to as Physical or Medical Radiesthesia, differed substantially from the

more popular Mental Radiesthesia, which projects the mental body (along with its

subconscious attachments and aversions) through a prendulum in order to arrive

at asnwers to various questions. In reality, Chaumery and de Belizal were openly

critical of Mental Radiesthesia, since it can be very subjective. Their solution to

this problem was to project thevital or qi body (which has no hidden attachments

and aversions connected directly to it) through the pendulum instead. This

method required the use of specially calibrated pendulums which used speci c

shapes to detect what they termed shape-caused waves. In this way, they helped

pioneer a method of using the human energy eld as a scienti c instrument for

reliably detecting and measuring subtle energy.

Key Discoveries

They discovered 12 higher harmonics (i.e., subtle energies or shape-caused

waves) associated with unique two and three-dimensional shapes.

They found that one of these energetic bandwidths was in fact a powerful

and penetrative carrier wave involved in profound meditation, prayer and

healing at a distance.

Conclusion: Shapes produce microvibratory patterns capable of

revolutionizing medicine and other fields of human endeavor.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim: BioGeometry and the Science of Using Shapes to Balance the


Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

Egyptian architect Ibrahim Karim (now living in Canada) inherited all the private

scienti c diaries and research left behind by Chaumery and de Belizal. As an

outstanding steward of this important body of knowledge, Dr. Karim built on

these foundations to develop an even more sophisticated energy science he

refers to as BioGeometry.

Key Discoveries

Karim discovered and repeatedly veri ed that the Golden Ratio, as found in

nature (and the Fibonacci Sequence), emanates a powerful subtle energetic

quality that acts as an energetic gateway to allow higher levels of harmony

and balance to be made manifest on the Earth plane.

He developed unique shapes and systems (using various proportions, angles,

quantities and other elements) to produce this profoundly balancing quality

in all types of environments.

Conclusion: Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes can be

used to create energetic environments which facilitate higher levels of

harmony and balance.

Introducing the SES Amplifier Software

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle EnergySciences

So, now that we have established the fact that two and three-dimensional shapes,

geometries, symbols and patterns act as subtle energetic antennas, how can we

employ this crucial principle to generate digital energy medicine? I developed a

software application, simply namedEnergy Ampli er Software, that does exactly

this by extracting the subtle energy from such patterns and amplifying them

millions of times. This is not the same software that is commercially available on

this site. Rather, it is the private, proprietary software we use to create all the

digital energy medicine available on this site.

Digital Energy Medicine - Subtle Energy Sciences


Using this software, which is not yet commercially available, we can isolate the

energy of, say, the Golden Proportion, and amplify it to virtually any magnitude

necessary for even the most demanding of energetic balancing tasks. The

software can then embed this energy into digital audio les, digital picture les

and digital video les. And by incorporating other unique tools, we can embed

this energy into almost anything else, including water, food, wallpaper,

agriculture, school rooms, hospitals, entire electrical systems, ash drives,

stickers, wifi towers, jewelry, supplements and much, much more.

We greatly welcome any further inquiries from researchers interested in

conducting scientific research on our various technologies. If you or someone you

know may be interested in this kind of research, please contact us

at [email protected].

Suggested Reading

de Belizal, A. and P. A. Morel. Physique Micro-Vibratoire et Forces Invisibles.

Chaumery, L. and A. de Belizal. Esai de Radiesthesie Vibratoire.

Davidson, Dan. (1997) Shape Power: A Treatise On How Form Converts

Universal Aether into Electromagnetic and Gravitic Forces and Related

Discoveries in Gravitational Physics. Rivas Publishing.

Gilbert, Robert J. (2005) Egyptian and European Energy Work: Reclaiming the

Ancient Science of Spiritual Vibration. Vesica Institute.

Karim, Ibrahim. (2011) Back to a Future for Mankind:

BioGeometry. BioGeometry Consulting Ltd.

Mermet, Abbe. Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia.

How We Embed Energetic Signatures Into Digital Audio and Media Files

How We Embed Energetic Signatures IntoDigital Audio and Media Files

Neumayer, Petra and Roswitha Stark. (2013) Painting the Energy Body: Signs

and Symbols for Vibrational Healing. Healing Arts Press.

Swanson, Claude. (2003) The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the

Paranormal. Poseidia Press.

Swanson, Claude. (2009) LIFE FORCE: The Scienti c Basis. Volume II of the

Synchronized Universe. Poseidia Press.

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How We Embed Energetic Signatures Into Digital Audio and Media Files

How We Embed Energetic Signatures IntoDigital Audio and Media Files

We live in an exciting day and age in which we are learning so much about what

energy is and how it works.Einstein’s famous E = MC2 equation clearly illustrates

that everything is energy.

I’ve spent the last several years of my life absolutely fascinated by this idea, and

I’ve spent much of that time researching a particular kind of energy that is often

referred to in the scientific literature as “subtle energy”.

The mainstream physics community generally recognizes four fundamental

forces in the world:

1. Strong nuclear force

2. Weak nuclear force

3. Electromagnetism

4. Gravity

How We Embed Energetic Signatures Into Digital Audio and Media Files

How We Embed Energetic Signatures IntoDigital Audio and Media Files

Many questions remain, however, about the nature of each of these forces and

what gives rise to them.

Some of these questions, for example, are:

Where does electromagnetism come from?Why do electricity and gravity

affect one another in peculiar ways?How, exactly, is the strong nuclear force

capable of overpowering the enormous and repulsive electromagnetic force

produced by protons?

To make a long story short, there are a new breed of scientists who are getting

closer to answering these and other questions through their research in “subtle


In fact, many of these pioneering scientists are positing subtle energy as the

missing “fifth force” of physics.

If you’ve ever heard of the terms qi, prana or life force, you may already have a

clue as to what subtle energy actually is.

In general, subtle energy is any type of energy that falls outside of the four known

forces in physics.

All energies outside the four known physics forces are so subtle that they cannot

be measured by conventional electromagnetic instruments.

Nonetheless, we are able to scienti cally measure the EFFECTS of subtle energy

in a number of ways, so we can say beyond any doubt that subtle energy does in

fact exist and it influences virtually everything in the world.

How We Embed Energetic Signatures Into Digital Audio and Media Files

How We Embed Energetic Signatures IntoDigital Audio and Media Files

Princeton and MIT-trained physicist Dr. Claude Swanson has documented the

incredible research that has been conducted on subtle energy is two landmark

books, The Synchronized Universe and Lifeforce: The Scientific Basis.

In both of these great books, Dr. Swanson describes instances in which subtle

energy was found to interact with various electrical devices.

Likewise, in my own research I’ve discovered that subtle energy—life force energy

—can actually be captured using sophisticated recording devices and techniques.

I then developed a software application that is able to amplify the originally

captured subtle energetic signature many times and embed it in various digital

media (like mp3 audios, digital pictures and video) in such a way that the same

digital media will broadcast those energetic signatures when played/opened on

electronic devices.

I could go on and on about this technology, but to keep it short and sweet, let’s

right down to the nitty gritty of why this technology is important and how it can

help you.

Think of anything you want to be, do or have in life. Whatever it is you want to do,

be or have has its own unique energy to it. (Remember Einstein’s famous


How We Embed Energetic Signatures Into Digital Audio and Media Files

How We Embed Energetic Signatures

This is all done using a very scienti c and replicable process. This isn’t airy fairy,

wave-a-magic-wand hocus pocus that I recite over a digital recording.

Once I’ve captured that initial energetic signature digitally, I will then use another

proprietary software to amplify that original signal billions and billions of times in

a balanced way.

What I do is nd creative ways of accurately representing and capturing the

ENERGY of these various things (e.g., goals, states of mind, etc.) in digital format.

I can then take that nal ampli ed signature and embed it into a Digital Energy

Mandala picture le or an audio le in such a way that when it is opened on a

computer, tablet or phone, it will emit the energy of that signature through the

electronic device.

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields ofInfluence

The scienti c process I use to create each energetic signature requires a great

deal of time to complete. So each individual audio and mandala you see

represents much more value than might at first be apparent.

I’ve been a connoisseur of exotic subtle energy technologies for years, and I can

tell you that each of the mandalas and audios contains energies that are as high in

quality and potency as those found in other subtle energy products costing ten or

even a hundred times the price.

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In Science, these phenomena include:

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields ofInfluence

The activity of the Earth’s geomagnetic eld, which has been shown to be

correlated with various emotional and psychological states in human beings.

Electromagnetism, which initiates the attraction of positively charged

protons to negatively charged electrons in human cells.

The strong nuclear force, which is more powerful than electromagnetism

and therefore holds positively charged protons together within the atomic


The biophoton eld in plants and animals, which is believed to be the chief

means of communication between DNA molecules across the entire body of

a plant, animal or human.

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields ofInfluence

The subtle aspect of these energies does not speak to their capacity for

facilitating positive transformations in behavior, health and awareness, however.

Research has revealed that the presence of these energies can lead to such

transformations, in both the short-term and long-term, by effectively

“conditioning” the space in which they emerge. Such spaces have been

anecdotally reported for centuries in places often referred to as “sacred,”

whether they are power spots in nature, holy pilgrimage sites or sites with long

histories of deep prayer and meditation.

By constantly cultivating highly conditioned spaces of ultra-high frequency

energy—energy that is associated with higher states of consciousness, it is

possible to subtly but effectually raise the level of consciousness of the

surrounding environment, and thereby “pull” or “attract” human consciousness

toward higher stages of development. This process might be thought of as a kind

of “sacred environmentalism,” in which the practical coupling of our physical

nature with our higher spiritual capacities becomes easier and more accessible.

These and other forces play crucial roles in our lives. And if it weren’t for science

informing us of their in uence, most of us would remain entirely unaware of their

existence. The same can be said of “subtle” energies. The emerging science of

subtle energy reveals the existence of energies that exist beyond the four known

forces of conventional science (the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force,

electromagnetism and gravity). These energies are faster than light and typically

unmeasurable using electromagnetic instruments; hence the term “subtle”


What is a Subtle Energetic “Signature”?

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields ofInfluence

In his book, The Basic Code of the Universe, Dr. Massimo Citro speaks of a basic

governing “code,” made up of “the ensemble of information that allows bodies to

exist, the blueprint of the construction.” This code can be thought of as having

both an informational component and an energetic component, the former

informing a particular substance how to “be” itself, and the latter providing the

subtle vehicle for the ow of that information. It is this basic governing code that

we refer to as the “energetic signature” of a substance.

Is Experiencing the Subtle Energetic “Signature” of a Particular Substance the

Same as Actually Ingesting the Physical Substance?

Yes and no. The energetic signature of a substance is its quintessence, its purest

distillation. So, devoid of its extraneous physical components, the experience of it

is far more re ned and understated, but no less powerful in its ability to affect

long-term transformations in consciousness. In fact, in many ways this subtle

energetic signature is far more capable than the physical substance to effect

positive change, especially when it is ampli ed, because it resonates more

powerfully with the subtle and causal energies associated with human life and

consciousness. You might think of the energetic signatures produced by Subtle

Energy Sciences as ower essences ampli ed millions and even billions of times.

The key is long-term potentiation: The longer one is immersed in these ampli ed

elds of subtle in uence, the more they initiate and facilitate positive change

over time.

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Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Scientific Validation for Audio Ormus

Scientific Validation for Audio Ormus

The following study involved 20 human subjects, and was intended to determine

whether or not Audio Ormus had a balancing effect on the human biofield.

Research conducted by Dr. Bhagyashree Nilkanth at the Centre for Bio eld



Scientific Validation for Audio Ormus

Scientific Validation for Audio Ormus

1. 20 human subjects participated in this study.

2. 10 subjects were part of a placebo group.

3. 10 subjects were part of the experimental group.

4. Both groups were randomly assigned.

5. None of the subjects knew which group they were a part of.

6. The only information the subjects knew about the study was that it was

designed to study the efficacy of “energy medicine music.”

7. Both groups were individually scanned at the beginning of the study using

Electro-Photonic Imaging/Gas Discharge Visualization.

8. After the scan, each subject played only one of two audio tracks (either a

placebo track or an energy medicine track [i.e., Audio Ormus]) on a cell

phone for 20 minutes, not knowing which track was being played.

9. Important Note: When either audio track was played, it was played withabsolutely no volume. In other words, participants did not actually hear any

sound (regardless of whether they were part of the placebo group playing

the placebo track or whether they were part of the experimental group

playing the actual energy medicine [i.e., Audio Ormus] track.)

10. After both groups were exposed to the silent playing of either a placebo

track or an energy medicine (i.e., Audio Ormus) track for 20 minutes, they

were both scanned once again using Electro-Photonic Imaging/Gas

Discharge Visualization.

11. The collected data were then submitted for statistical analysis.

12. The “energy medicine music” (i.e., Audio Ormus), even though it was played

silently with no volume, produced statistically signi cant positive effects in

terms of balancing the human biofield.


“It can be concluded that energy medicine music [i.e., Audio Ormus] had a positive

effect on balancing the human energy eld, as well as, on emotional health of the

participants.” ~ Dr. Bhagyashree Nilkanth

About Subtle Energy Sciences – Digital Energy Medicine

Analysis of SES Technology UsingBiophotonic Imaging

Scientific Validation using the Gas Discharge Visualization Camera

This research was conducted by Lisa Tully, Ph.D., of the Energy Medicine




1. The Heart-Wave CD was played.

2. Bio eld pictures were captured before and after using the Gas Discharge

Visualization camera.

3. Heart coherence was also captured before and after, using the EmWave.

Analysis of SES Technology Using Biophotonic Imaging


A human clinical study examined the HeartWave Meditation CD, produced by

iAwake Technology, for improving the bio eld and heart coherence. Results

show that listening to the Heartwave Meditation signi cantly improves the area

and symmetry of the bio eld, organ system function, chakra balance and heart

coherence. Furthermore, these effects were observed within minutes.


Before and After GDV images of the human biofield.

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Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Subtle Energy Sciences

Energy Medicine for the Digital Age

Subtle Energy Sciences strives to make effective change and personal and

collective growth more accessible to all people by providing powerful, cost-

effective vibrational technology, via the digital medium, for positive change.


We want to create pristine energetic environments that empower humanity and elicit itshighest potential for good.


“Heaven on Earth.”

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Subtle Energy Sciences

Founded by researcher and inventor Eric Thompson (former co-founder

of iAwake Technologies), Subtle Energy Sciences (SES) is committed to bringing

innovative energy medicine to the digital age.

Since 2007 Eric Thompson has been researching and developing proprietary

methods for producing and capturing subtle energies in digital form. The

captured energetic signals are then ampli ed many times using proprietary

technology, and embedded into various digital media. And because of its unique,

cost-effective production and delivery methods, SES is now able to make

available to the public genuinely transformative tools for personal and collective

change, at a fraction of the cost of other subtle energy technologies with similar


Message From The Founder

“My goal is to support you by creating ultra-coherent energetic environments that liftyou and help awake your highest potential. And if you integrate Subtle Energy intoyour daily life and use it intentionally, you’re going to feel great.”

“Looking forward to supporting you by creating powerfully supportive and nurturingsubtle energetic environments to help you connect with and realize your highestpotential.”

For Questions & Support please contact [email protected]

Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

Subtle Energy Sciences


Energy Medicine for the Digital Age

Visit our website and learn more about digital energy medicine!

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Energetic Signatures and Invisible Fields of Influence

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