  • 7/29/2019 Differentiate Between Following


    Management information systemFA11-BBA-033Hira Irshad

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    Question No. 1

    Differentiate between following; write definition withminimum 2 examples for each. Explain w.r.t function

    of each.

    Information System

    "An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelatedcomponents that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distributeinformation to support decision making and control in an organization".


    Payment systems (e.g., Octopus) Ticketing systems (e.g., Urbtix)

    Expert System

    A computer application that performs a task that would otherwise beperformed by a human expert.


    Diagnose human illnesses Make financial forecasts

    Schedule routes for delivery vehicles

    Operation Support Systems

    An operational support system (OSS) is a set of programs that help acommunications service provider monitor, control, analyze and managea telephone or computer network.



    Tracking network components

    Decision Support System

    It is a computer-based information system that supports business ororganizational decision-making activities.


  • 7/29/2019 Differentiate Between Following


    Management information systemFA11-BBA-033Hira Irshad

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    Manufacturing Execution Systems

    Bank Rate Monitor

    Strategic Information System

    A computer system used by organizations to examine market andcompetitor information to help them plan how to make theirbusiness more successful.ExamplesIn monitoring

    Transactional Processing SystemA transaction process system (TPS) is an information processingsystem for business transactions involving the collection,

    modification and retrieval of all transaction data.Examples

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

    Transaction Processing Monitor (TPM)

    Management Information System

    It is a computer system that stores and distributes information on how tosuccessfully manage an organization, and it is usually regarded as asubset of the internal controls of a business.


    Office Automation Systems

    Enterprise Resource Planning


    Observe activities in a supermarket: shoppers looking down aisles

    for specific products; lines forming at the POS (Point of Sale)machines; workers putting new prices on items.

    i- Prepare a list of shoppers and workers activities that could becarried out with less use of human time and more accuracy if theywere aided by IT. Explain how you would change those activities.Write a BRIEF report detailing your observations and suggestions

    Activities of workers



  • 7/29/2019 Differentiate Between Following


    Management information systemFA11-BBA-033Hira Irshad

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    Activities of workers improved by IT

    In IT monitoring is done through cameras which decreases time.

    And monitoring is done in much better way. In IT digital menu bar helps to display things along with their


    Activities of Shoppers

    Records keeping

    Managing accounts

    Analysis of goods quantity present

    Activities of shoppers improved by IT

    Digital weighing system helps to analyze the quantity of goods left.

    Different soft wares like peach tree helps to maintain records withreduce chances of errors.

    Spreadsheets should be used to keep the record of things.

    Question No: 3

    Assume that computers can recognize voices easily and detecttheir users exact meaning when talking. Will the necessity forwritten language be reduced to zero? Why or why not?


    No, the necessity of written language will not be reduced to zerobecause written language has its own importance. Every person has hisown accent and speaking style due to which the computer might not beable to write what the users actually wants to write. Symbols in

    sentences which changes the meaning of a sentence might not be usedby computer which results in different meanings of sentence.Distractions also affects the person's voice recognition.

    Question No: 4

    Information systems cannot solve some business problems. Givethree examples and explain why technology cannot help.


    Information system cannot solve some business problems like in an

    organization we cannot measure the employee's behavior or employees

  • 7/29/2019 Differentiate Between Following


    Management information systemFA11-BBA-033Hira Irshad

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    satisfaction level through information system as it can only be observedby humans.

    In an organization different leadership styles are used to direct the

    employees but information system cannot help us to guide what shoulda leader do in a particular situation.

    In an organization there came up many conflicts betweencustomers and employee but these conflicts cannot be solved byinformation system it can be solved by understandings of eachother


    What is CRM in general? Give examples of different CRMapplications.

    Customer relationship management (CRM) is a software used by acompany to manage their interactions with current and future customers.It provides all required details of customer data.

    CRM Applications

    CRM Applications Integrate Business Sales, Marketing &

    Customer Support Functions. CRM Enterprise Applications Maximize Business Interactions and

    Improve Customer Relationships

    Sugar Mobile


    Resco MobileCRM

    Question No: 6What conditions must exist in an organization planning an MIS?Can an off-the-shelf computer program be used as an MIS? Why orwhy not?

    Following conditions must exist in an organizations planning an MIS forthemselves. The system should deal with management information notwith data processing only, provide support for the managementplanning, decision making and action and should develop and defineclear goals and objectives for the MIS which will support the business

    objectives.An off the shelf computer program cannot be used as an MIS because

  • 7/29/2019 Differentiate Between Following


    Management information systemFA11-BBA-033Hira Irshad

    5| P a g e

    there is no such software that provide all the things required by anorganization. Such software should be made according to therequirements of an organization that meets all the organizationalstandards. Off the shelf program may not fully meet all the requirements

    of an organization such as word processing, spreadsheet applicationetc. whereas an MIS is a comprehensive software system that manageseverything that is required by an organization.

    Question: 7

    What are the potential risks of a single organization controllingmuch of the market for essential software?

    There might be some chances for business to dissolve when another

    company emerges with something new that attracts the customers.

    An unhappy staff would be a potential risk for the organization that maybring down the software's production efficiency.

    The major risk associated with high market share for essentialsoftware is that if any software fails, all the loss must be beard by theorganization alone.

    The organization should keep introducing new innovative software sothey might not loose customers interest.

    They need to keep a strict check on customers demand so they mightnot loose customer's satisfaction and market share.

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