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DIBELS® Next Student MaterialsThird Grade/Benchmark Assessment

Roland H. Good III

Ruth A. Kaminski


Kelli Cummings, Chantal Dufour-Martel, Kathleen Petersen,

Kelly Powell-Smith, Stephanie Stollar, and Joshua Wallin

Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.


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Benchmark 3

Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 1.1

Finding a Nest

AsPatrickwalkedalongthepathtohisneighbor’shouse,hetrippedoveratreerootcoveredbysomespikyleaves.Hebentdowntoseeiftheleaveshadscratchedhim.Itwasthenthathesawthenest.Itwastuckedintotheleaveswithtwotinyeggsinside.Herememberedfromhisschooltriptothenaturecenterthatheshouldn’ttouchit.Helookedaroundforthemotherbird.Notseeingher,hequietlybackedawayandcontinueddownthepath. Eachday,Patrickwalkeddownthepathandcarefullycheckedthenest.Patrickmadesurenottodisturbanythingthatwasnearit.Heknewthatthebrushprotectedthenestfrompredators.Bytheendoftheweek,therewereatotaloffiveeggsinthenest.Justoneweeklater,therewerenineeggs.Hewonderedwhatkindofbirdwouldhatchoutofthem.Theeggsweresmallerthanchickeneggsandtheywerecream-coloredwithbrownspeckles.Oneday,Patrickgothisanswer.Ashecreptovertolookatthenest,hesawamotherquailsittingontheeggs. Patrickcontinuedtocheckonthenesteveryday.Hewasdeterminedtokeepitsafe.Afteraboutthreeweeks,theeggsfinallyhatched.Patrickwasthrilledtoseeallthelittlequailsscurryingaroundtheirmother.Afterthat,everytimehepassedthespotwherethenesthadbeen,herememberedthelittlebabybirdsandsmiled.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 1.2

A Famous Food: The History of Pizza

Manypeopleloveeatingpizza.Pizzaismadeusingathincrustwhichiscoveredwithtomatosauceandcheeseandthenbaked.Often,othertoppingsareadded.Youmightthinkthatpizzaisanewtypeoffood,butpeoplehavebeeneatingitforhundredsofyears. MostpeoplethinkpizzacomesfromItaly.Thisispartlytrue.ThetypeofpizzathatismostcommontodaywasfirstmadeinthecityofNaples.Someoftheearliestpizzas,though,weremadeinGreecemorethantwothousandyearsago.Thisearlypizzawasmadebytravelingarmies.Aftermarchingallday,thesoldiersbakedaflatbreadontheirshieldsandthencovereditwithcheeseandfruit. WhentomatoeswerefirstbroughttoItalytheywereputonacrust.Notlongafter,pizzabegantobesoldonthestreetsatmarketstands.Peoplewouldordertheirfavoritetoppingswhilethecrustwasbeingmade.Evenkingsandqueensstartedtoenjoythisnewfood. PeoplefromItalywhotraveledtootherpartsoftheworldtooktheideaofpizzawiththem.TravelerswhohadtriedpizzainItalyreturnedhomewantingmore,andthedemandforthefoodgrew.Today,almosteverycountryhassomekindofpizza.Youcanchoosethickcrustorthincrust.Thenumberoftoppingsyoucanhaveisnumerous.Therearebreakfastpizzasandevendessertpizzas.Nomatterhowyousliceit,pizzaisadeliciousandadaptablefood.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 1.3

Living in Singapore

ThewholefamilymovedwhenNell’smotherwasaskedtotransfertoanofficeinaforeigncountryforayear.Everyonewasexcitedbecausetheythoughtitwouldbeasplendidadventure.TheywouldbelivinginSingapore. Nelllovedhernewhome,whichwasinthemiddleofalivelycityfullofpeople.Honkingbusesandcarsfilledthestreets,yetbeautifulflowersgreweverywhere.ItseemedalotnoisierthanNell’ssmalltownhadbeen. OnethingNellandherfamilyhadtogetusedtowastherain.Itseemedlikeitpouredeveryday.Buttoday,thesunshonebrightly.Nellandherdaddecidedtotakeadvantageofthegoodweathertogotoabookstore.Theywantedtopurchasethelatestbookintheseriestheywerereading. Onthewaytothestore,Nellandherdadlookedatthesidewalkfilledwithpeoplesellingvariousfoodsfromsmallcarts.Onemansoldjuicefromfreshfruit,andawomansoldricewithchickenontop.Nellstoppedandstaredwhenshesawabigsnowconeinabowlwithpinkandgreenjuiceontop.Amanwasaddingyellowjuice.Nell’sdadtoldheritwasanicedkachang,andthenboughtoneforher. Nellwantedtoeattheicebeforeitmelted.Whenshegottothebottomofthebowl,shesawsomeseedsandbeans.Nellwassurprisedsincethesnowconesathomeweredifferent.Nelltookabiteandsmiled.Itwasverygood.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 2.1

Horseback Treasure Hunt

ItwasDenny’sbirthday,andhisthreebestfriendswerecomingtohisgrandfather’sranchtoridehorsesandlookfortreasure.Whenhisfriendsgotthere,Dennyexplained,“We’vegottowatchforcluesinblueenvelopesalongthetrail.ThecluesleadtoatreasurethatGrandpahidthismorning.” Joe,Ray,andHectorcouldn’twaittogetontheirhorsesandridedownthetrail.DennyandhisgrandfatherledthewayuntilJoecalledout,“There’ssomethingblueonthattree.”Herodeoverandgrabbedtheenvelopeoffthelowbranch. “Yournextnoteisnearagoat,”heread. Inaflash,theboysturnedandrodedowntothegoatpenwhereRayfoundthenextenvelopeonafencepost.Itread,“Findhighground,thenlookdown.” “Ithinkwe’resupposedtoridetothetopofthathill,”saidDenny.“It’sthehighestplacearound.” TheyrodetothetopofthehillandsearchedforcluesuntilHectorhollered,“Theclueisstickingoutfromunderthisrock.”Hejumpeddownandpulledtheenvelopefree.“Taketenstepssouthandmakethembig,thengrabashovelandstarttodig,”heread. Theboysjoinedarmsandtooktenstepssouth.Theydiscoveredthreeshovelsandanorangecirclepaintedontheground.Theyalldugasdirtfleweverywhere. SuddenlyDennycalled,“Here’sawoodenchest!”Everyonewatchedwhileheliftedthelid.“Therearefourcowboyropeshere,”hesaid.“They’reropeslikearealcowboywoulduse!”Theboyswerehappyandproudthattheyhadfoundthehiddentreasure.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 2.2

Raising a Calf

Someofyourfriendsprobablyhavepetdogsorcats.Othersmighthavegerbilsorgoldfish.Butdoyouknowanyonewhohasababycow?Itmightastonishyoutoknowthatmanychildrendo!Everyyear,thousandsofyoungpeopleraisebabycows,orcalves,tocompeteinlivestockshows. Imaginethatyouaregoingtoraiseacalfforalivestockcompetition.Getreadytoworkhard!First,youmustprepareaplaceforyourcalf.Itneedsaclean,drypenthatisroomyenoughtorunaround.Theenclosureshouldhaveagoodfencesothecalfcan’tescapeandgetinjuredorlost.Beforeyouputthecalfinitsnewhome,checktomakesurethereisnothingsharpordangerous.Calvesliketoexploreandputeverythingintheirmouth.Itisyourresponsibilitytowatchoutforthemandprotectthem. Onceyoubringyourcalfhome,providefoodandwatereachdayandmakesureitspenisalwaysclean.Yourcalfwillneedfreshwatertwiceaday.Thecalfwon’tdrinkdirtywater,sodisposeofthepreviouswaterfirst.Thecalf’sfoodshouldbefresh,too.Dampordirtyfoodisbadforthecalf,socleanoutanyoldgrainorhaybeforeyouputoutfreshfood.Becarefultogiveyourcalftheproperamountoffood.Eatingextrafoodcanmakeacalfsick.Neverskipthesechoresbecausethecalfdependsonyouforeverythingitneeds. Ifyoutakegoodcareofyourcalf,itwillgrowquickly.Beforeyouknowit,itwillbetimetoshowyourcalfatalivestockshow.Youcanbeproudofallyourhardwork.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 2.3


Asthewavesrolledontotheshore,agroupofteensranintothesurfwithfunnyroundboardsundertheirarms.Allielookedupfromreadingherbookandwatchedthem.Whentheyreachedthewetsand,theytossedtheirboardstowardtheincomingwaves.Then,theyquicklyjumpedontothem.Someofthemfellflatintothewater.Otherswereabletoglideoutintothesurforovertheshallowwater.Oneboywasevenabletofliphisboardaroundandchangedirection,likeaskateboarder.Itlookedlikegreatfunandgoodexercise.Allie’sfriendMorgantoldherthegroupwasskimboarding. Thatnight,afterdinner,AllieaskedherDadifhehadeverskimboarded.Hehadn’t,buthesaidhewouldbewillingtolearn.Theyreadaboutittogetherinamagazine.Theydecidedtheywouldrentboardsandtryitthatweekend.Overthenextfewdays,Alliestudiedthemotionsoftheskimboarderscarefully.Fromherreading,sheknewthattimingwasveryimportant. WhenSaturdaycame,Alliewasreadytoheadforthebeachearly.First,sheandherdadpracticedrunningtotheshoreandtossingtheirboardsintothesurf.Next,theyrepeatedtheirfirststepandaddedthejumpontotheboard.Ontheirfirsttry,theybothfellbackwardsintothesurfandsatlaughingateachother.Thiswasnotaseasyasitlooked! Afterseveralattempts,theywereeachabletoglidealittlewayonthewater.Alliewasproudofherselfandherdad.Theyrealizedthatitwouldtakealotofpracticetobecomegoodatskimboarding.Intheend,theydecidedthatthefuntheyhadtogetherwaswellworththeeffort!

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 3.1

A Surprising Discovery

IwassoexcitedtobegoingtothewinterOlympicGames.SomeofmyearliestmemorieswereofwatchingOlympicskatersglidebeautifullyovertheice.Finally,Iwouldhavethechancetowatchtheminperson. IwaspackingmybagswhenMomcameintomyroom. “Ihavesomebadnews,”shesaid.“Therearenoticketsavailableforanyiceskatingevents.Infact,ticketsformosteventsaregone.Ididgetticketsforoneevent,though.It’saneweventcalledcurling.” Iwasverydisappointed,butIwasalsocurious.Curling?Whatwasthat?ItsoundedlikesomethingImightdotomyhair! Soon,weleftfortheairport,butIwasstillalittlesad.Icouldn’tbelieveIwasfinallygoingtotheOlympics,butwouldn’tgettoseetheskaters.DadassuredmeIwouldenjoycurling,butIdidn’tquitebelievehim. Wecheckedintoourhotelandthensetoutforthestadium.Itwaschilly,andhadanicyfloorwithalargetargetinthecenter.Asthegamesstarted,teamsoffourpeopleworkedtogethertoguidealargegranitestonetowardthetarget.Beforelong,Iwascaughtupintheexcitementofthegames.Ihadfoundafavoriteteamandwasthrilledwhentheydidwell. Iwasinmuchbetterspiritsasweleftthecurlingmatch.Wewereinabeautifulplace,asoftsnowwasfalling,andthereweregoingtobeplentyoffunthingstokeepusbusy.ImightnotbeabletoseetheOlympicskatersinperson,butIcouldputonmyowniceskatesandtryoutthefrozenpondnearby.Itwasturningintoagreattripafterall.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 3.2

A Day for a Shadow Dance

Allnightlong,thewindhowledandtherainpoureddown.Gopherwoketothesoundofthunderrumbling.Shelookedoutofherburrowatthebigraindropssplashingontheground.“It’sanotherrainyday,”shegroaned.“WhenwillIeverbeabletorunandplaywithmyfriendsagain?” Gophercrawleddeeperintoherburrowandbegandigginganewtunneltopassthetime.AfterawhileGophercouldnolongerhearthethunderandrainofthestormandshewenttosleep. Whenshepokedherheadoutofherburrowthenextmorning,Gopherfeltthewarmsunonherface.“Yippee!”sheshoutedasshescurriedoutintothesunshine.Alloftheanimalsweregatheredinthemeadow. “Comeon,Gopher,”calledRabbit.“Thesunshineisbackandwecanplayoursunnydaygames.Icanevenseemyshadow,”heexclaimed. Rabbittwitchedhisearsandwatchedhisshadow.Theearsofhisshadowtwitchedinexactlythesameway.Gopherwaspleasedtoseethatherownplumplittleshadowwasback,too.Alloftheanimalswiggledandwavedandwatchedtheirshadowsmove. “Let’sdancewithourshadowstocelebratethesunshine,”suggestedRabbit.Heimmediatelybegantodancewithhisshadow.Gopherjoinedhim,andthenalltheanimalsweredancingwiththeirshadows.Astheyswayedandtwirled,theirshadowsdancedalongwiththem.Theanimalfriendsdancedaroundthesunnymeadowuntilthesunbegantosetand

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 3.2

A Day for a Shadow Dance, continued

theshadowsfaded. Finally,tiredandhappy,Gophersaidgood-byetoherfriendsandpromisedtomeetthemagainonthenextsunnyday.Assheheadedhome,shehopedthattomorrowwouldbeanotherperfectdayforshadowdancing.

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Oral Reading Fluency G3/Benchmark 3.3

A Triple Challenge

Doyouknowpeoplewholiketodoseveraldifferentsports?Ifso,aracewiththreestagesorpartsmightbejustthetypeofathleticeventtheywouldenjoy.Theraceusuallybeginswithaswimandisfollowedbyabikeride.Finally,itendswitharun.Sincetherearethreepartstotherace,anathleteneedstotrainforallthreesportstobesuccessful. Somepeopletrainspecificallytocompeteinthistypeofrace.Thebestcompetitorshaveaplantohelpthemdowellineachpartoftheevent.Theyknowthattheymusthaveenoughenergytofinisheachpartoftherace.Thatiswhytrainingforenduranceissoimportant.Havingthestrengthtogofromonesporttothenextduringtheraceisthekeytogettingagoodoveralltime.Movingquicklybetweenthedifferentpartsoftheraceisalsoimportant.Racesaretimedfromthemomentswimmersjumpintothewateruntiltheyrunacrossthefinishline.Theclockdoesnotstopwhentheygetoutofthewateranddryofftogetontheirbikeorwhentheychangetheirshoestostartrunning. ThefirstoftheseraceswasheldinFrancemorethaneightyyearsago.Thesportdidn’treallytakeoff,though,untilrecently.IthasgrowninpopularityandisnowanOlympicevent.Therearemanytypesofraceswiththreestages.Theshortestiscalledasprintandcoversaboutsixteenmiles.ThelongesttypeiscalledanIronmanandisoveronehundredmileslong.Today,similarracesareheldallovertheworld.Theyevenhavesomeforkids.Whynottryone?

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DIBELS® Next AdministrationDirections and Scoring Keys

Daze/Level 3Benchmark Assessment

Roland H. Good III

Ruth A. Kaminski


Kelli Cummings, Chantal Dufour-Martel, Kathleen Petersen,

Kelly Powell-Smith, Stephanie Stollar, and Joshua Wallin

Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.


benchmark assessmentDIBELS

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DazeG3/Benchmark Assessment

Directions: Make sure you have reviewed the scoring rules in the DIBELS Assessment Manual and have them available. Say these specific directions to the students:

1. Before handing out the worksheets, say I am going to give you a worksheet. When you get your

worksheet, please write your name at the top and put your pencil down. Hand out the Daze

student worksheets. Make sure each student has the appropriate worksheet.

When all of the students are ready, say You are going to read a story with some missing words.

For each missing word there will be a box with three words. Circle the word that makes the

most sense in the story. Look at Practice 1.

Listen. After playing in the dirt, Sam went (pause) home, summer, was (pause) to wash her

hands. You should circle the word “home” because “home” makes the most sense in the story.

Listen. After playing in the dirt, Sam went home to wash her hands.

Now it is your turn. Read Practice 2 silently. When you come to a box, read all the words in the

box and circle the word that makes the most sense in the story. When you are done, put your

pencil down.

Allow up to 30 seconds for students to complete the example and put their pencils down. If

necessary, after 30 seconds say Put your pencil down.

2. As soon as all students have their pencils down, say Listen. On her way home, she (pause) chair,

sleep, saw (pause) an ice cream truck. You should have circled “saw” because “saw” makes

the most sense in the story. Listen. On her way home, she saw an ice cream truck.

When I say “begin,” turn the page over and start reading the story silently. When you come to a

box, read all the words in the box and circle the word that makes the most sense in the story.

Ready? Begin. Start your stopwatch after you say “begin.”

3. Monitor students to ensure they are reading and circling the words. Use the reminders as needed.

4. At the end of 3 minutes, stop your stopwatch and say Stop. Put your pencil down. Collect all of the Daze worksheet packets.

Timing 3 minutes. Start your stopwatch after you say “begin.”

Reminders If the student starts reading the passage out loud, say Remember to read the story silently. (Repeat as often as needed.)

If the student is not working on the task, say Remember to circle the word in each box that makes the most sense in the story. (Repeat as often as needed.)

If the student asks you to provide a word for them or, in general, for help with the task, say Just do your best. (Repeat as often as needed.)


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Playing by the Rules

Once in a while, a natural athlete is born. This is a person who has an unusual talent for a 1

sport. Tiger Woodsis

one such person. He makes the game of golf look so easy, and people 4

love to watch him play. Another natural athlete was Bobby Jones. Bobby playedgolf

many 6

years ago, but many young golfers still think of him as arole

model today. 8

Bobby was born over one hundred years ago. Like Tiger, Bobby showed a talent for golf 10

at ayoung

age. He was too short to use a real golf club, so somebodysawed

a club in half for 13

him. Bobbynever

had a real golf lesson. Instead, helearned

by imitating the best golfer at the 15

golf course near his house. 16

By agefourteen

, Bobby was playing in tournaments. Hewas

winning them, too! However, 18

he gotangry

easily. When he missed a shot, he would often yell and throw his club down. “To 20


was just a game to beat someone ,” Bobby said later. “I didn't know that someone was 23

me.” 23

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With time, Bobby learned tocontrol

his temper. He became known forbeing

a very fair 25

and honest player. Once , during a tournament, Bobby was getting ready to make a shot. When 27


his club next to the ball, heaccidentally

moved the ball a tiny bit. This is 30

against the rules of golf, and judges assign a penalty to players whodo

it. However, no one else 32

saw it happen , and the ball moved less thanhalf

an inch. But Bobby told thejudges

about it, 35

and asked them to give him the usual penalty. The judgesdid

not want to do it, but 37


. 38

As a result of the judges'decision

, Bobby lost the tournament. But he did not mind. In 40

fact, when someonepraised

him for insisting on playing fairly, Bobby did not understand. 42

“There is only oneway

to play the game,” he said. “Youmight

as well praise a man for not 45

robbing a bank!” 45

People all over thecountry

loved Bobby. But at age twenty-eight, Bobby stopped playing 47

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golf. His family and hisjob

were more important to him than thesport

. He is still remembered 49

today as one of golf's greatest players. 50

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The City Championship

The name “City Champion” has a nice sound, doesn't it? At the beginning of last summer, I

didn't think of myself as a champ. I hadnever

been a champion at anything. I soon learned, 3

though, what can happen as theresult

of a few months of hardwork

and practice. 5

My friends and I play basketball at the Youth Services Center almost everyday

. Each 7

year the center hosts asummer

event called Student Leaders Athletic Mentoring. Everybody calls this 8

the Summer SLAM forshort

. Workers at the center assign local kids to teams. Then each team 10


a coach who is a greathigh

school player. 12

This year our coachwas

Reggie Fox from Central High School. On thefirst

day of 14

practice, Reggie lined usall

up in a row. He said, “Everybody

who wants to win the city 16

championship, raise your hand!” Of course, we all raised our hands. We could tell that Reggie 18

really wanted to win, too. 19

Last year ourcoach

was easy on us, but that was definitely not the case this year. 21

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Reggie made us run until our legs were sore . After practice he would always encourage us and 23

giveus good advice. He would say, “ Nothing that's worth anything comes easy. The

harderyou 26

work, the more you'll berewarded

.” 27

By the time the Summer SLAM gamesrolled

around, we were a great team. Before the 28

firstgame began, Reggie huddled with us inside the gym . We went over all the plays and 30

watchedthe other team during their drills. Reggie

seemeda little nervous. The other team was 33

coached by one of his teammates. Theylooked

pretty good, too. Once the gamestarted

, though, all 35

of our worries meltedaway

. We ran our plays perfectly. By halftime we were already 37

beating the otherteam

by twenty-one points. When the finalwhistle

blew, the scoreboard read 39

fifty to twenty-seven. We had thebiggest

win in SLAM history! 40

It wasgreat

winning the city championship, even though ittook

a lot of hard work. I 42

can'twait until I'm in high school. I want to be one of the players who

comesback to coach 45

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during the Summer SLAM. I'llremember

the lessons that Reggie brought with him thislast


summer, and I'll pass those along to anew

group of young players. 48

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Making Chocolate

What sweet treat do you enjoy? For Troy, it was chocolate. That is why he was so excited 1

when hefound

out his class was going totake

a field trip to a chocolatefactory

. He would see 4

how his favoritetreat

was made. He could only hope hewould

get a sample while he 6

was there ! 7

When the students arrived at thefactory

, they went into a huge room. On thewalls

were a 9

lot of pictures of anunusual

tree. Troy wondered what a tree had to do with chocolate. As if 11

reading Troy's mind , a guide came in and told them that chocolate begins with the cacao tree. It 13

growsin tropical rainforests. 14

The guide explained thathanging

on the trees are fruits aslarge

as melons. People pick these 16

fruits andsplit

them open. Inside are seeds calledcocoa

beans, which workers scoop out and 18

put in big piles. After about aweek

, the beans' shells harden. Then they are ready to make 21

their long journey to the factory . 22

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Troy saw that first the beanswere

roasted in very hot ovens. Theovens

didn't look like any 24

Troy had ever seen, but the roasting beans smelled great ! Next, the beans went into another 26

machine that took off the hard outer shells and left the inside parts, callednibs

. The guide 29

explained that the nibsare

the parts that go into the chocolate . Troy watched as the nibs went into 31

yet another machine. This machine crushed the nibs into a liquid. Troy was enthralled by the 33

dark liquid pouring out of the machine. 34

In thenext

part of the factory, Troy and theother

students watched as the liquid went into 36

what looked like a very large mixing bowl. Theliquid

chocolate got mixed with dry milk and 38

sugarto make a thick chocolate paste. The

thickchocolate passed through huge rollers. The 40

guidetold them that this part of the process could take up to a week! 42


then moved on to see the already mixed chocolate get poured into molds 44

whereit cooled and hardened. The last step was packaging. The students watched as


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wrapped the chocolate bars. Finally, at the end of the tour, the guide passed outchocolate


samples to each student. Now that Troyknew

where chocolate came from, he thought hemight


like it better than ever. 51

Daze Scoring Key G3/Benchmark 3

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Page 23: DIBELS Next Student Materials › cms › lib08 › CA01000043 › Centricity › Do… · DIBELS ® Next Student Materials Third Grade/Benchmark Assessment Roland H. Good III Ruth

DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. Visit our website at Revised 5/17/10

DIBELS® Next Student MaterialsDaze/Level 3

Benchmark Assessment

Roland H. Good III

Ruth A. Kaminski


Kelli Cummings, Chantal Dufour-Martel, Kathleen Petersen,

Kelly Powell-Smith, Stephanie Stollar, and Joshua Wallin

Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.


benchmark assessmentDIBELS

Page 24: DIBELS Next Student Materials › cms › lib08 › CA01000043 › Centricity › Do… · DIBELS ® Next Student Materials Third Grade/Benchmark Assessment Roland H. Good III Ruth

C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Benchmark 1


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

benchmark assessmentDaze


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Playing by the Rules

Once in a while, a natural athlete is born. This is a person who has anangryunusualresult

talent for a

sport. Tiger Woodsmindwereis

one such person. He makes thefairgametoo

of golf look so easy, andgolf'speoplestopped

love to watch him play. Anothertodaynaturalnext

athlete was Bobby Jones. Bobby playedgolfcountrydid


years ago, but many youngeasygolfersso

still think of him as aroledecisionstill

model today.

Bobby was born overgolfersoneless

hundred years ago. Like Tiger, Bobbypenaltyshowednatural

a talent for golf

at aathleteusualyoung

age. He was too short torulesusemore

a real golf club, so somebodylatershortsawed

a club in half for

him. Bobbysawedonlynever

had a real golf lesson. Instead, herealoftenlearned

by imitating the best golfer at the


course near his house.

By agetoldtherefourteen

, Bobby was playing in tournaments. Heplaythinkwas

winning them, too! However,

he gottournamenthouseangry

easily. When he missed a shot, heinsteadwouldshowed

often yell and throw his club down. “To


was just a game to beatmodelsomeonejudges

,” Bobby said later. “I didn't know that someonemanywasmoved


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With time, Bobby learned tocontrolyellage

his temper. He became known foryoungwinningbeing

a very fair

and honest player.ReadyOnceHundred

, during a tournament, Bobby was gettingpraisedreadyeasily

to make a shot. When


his club next to the ball, heaccidentallydidn'tplayed

moved the ball a tiny bit. Thisneverisaccidentally

against the rules of golf, andwasjudgeshonest

assign a penalty to players whodomightclub

it. However, no one else

saw itimitatinghappentournaments

, and the ball moved less thanbitsuchhalf

an inch. But Bobby told thelessontimejudges

about it,

and asked them torememberedgivewhile

him the usual penalty. The judgesgamesawdid

not want to do it, but



As a result of the judges'decisiongotunderstand

, Bobby lost the tournament. But heassigndidsaid

not mind. In

fact, when someonepraisedanothernot

him for insisting on playing fairly, Bobbyhasdidinsisted

not understand.

“There is only oneplayingthanway

to play the game,” he said. “Youmightnofact

as well praise a man forgettingnotdo

robbing a bank!”

People all over theallfairlycountry

loved Bobby. But at age twenty-eight, Bobbymakestoppedunusual


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golf. His family and hiswantgolferjob

were more important to him than thewaygivesport

. He is still remembered

today aspeopleonejudges'

of golf's greatest players.

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C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Benchmark 2


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

benchmark assessmentDaze


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The City Championship

The name “City Champion” has a nice sound, doesn't it? At the beginning of last summer, I


think of myself as a champ. I hadneverfirstevery

been a champion at anything. Ibasketballsoonharder


though, what can happen as theworkwhistleresult

of a few months of hardcallshalftimework

and practice.

My friends and Ibeatingplaygame

basketball at the Youth Services Center almost everydayeventwants

. Each

year the center hosts asummergivefriends

event called Student Leaders Athletic Mentoring. Everybody calls this

the Summer SLAM forshortseemedday

. Workers at the center assign localwinkidswanted

to teams. Then each team


a coach who is a greathighhostsmore

school player.

This year our coachwascan'twould

Reggie Fox from Central High School. On thestartedhandfirst

day of

practice, Reggie lined usplayereverybodyall

up in a row. He said, “EverybodyEasySummer

who wants to win the city


, raise your hand!” Of course, wemyselfallrolled

raised our hands. We could tell that Reggie


wanted to win, too.

Last year ourcoachsoundmelted

was easy on us, but thatrunwaswatched

definitely not the case this year.

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us run until our legs werecoachsorelooked

. After practice he would always encourage us and


us good advice. He would say, “BeenNothingGood

that's worth anything comes easy. Theharderwentlined


work, the more you'll berewardedbiggestencourage


By the time the Summer SLAM gamesrolledprettythen

around, we were a great team. Before the


game began, Reggie huddled with us inside theteamsgymhands

. We went over all the plays and


the other team during their drills. Reggieothermadeseemed

a little nervous. The other teamblewwashistory

coached by one of his teammates. Theynervouscomeslooked

pretty good, too. Once the gamestarteddrillscould

, though, all

of our worries meltednothinghuddledaway

. We ran our plays perfectly. Bychampionshiphalftimeeach

we were already

beating the otherteamwinningremember

by twenty-one points. When the finalwhistlereadis

blew, the scoreboard read

fifty to twenty-seven. We had thegroupalmostbiggest

win in SLAM history!

It wasgreatnamecity

winning the city championship, even though ittookhighwhen

a lot of hard work. I


wait until I'm in high school. Idefinitelywantfifty

to be one of the players whocomesthat'ssoon

back to coach

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during the Summer SLAM. I'llrememberlegscourse

the lessons that Reggie brought with him thisbethinklast

summer, and I'll pass those along to aawaywaitnew

group of young players.

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C: __________________________

I: __________________________

AS: __________________________

G3/Benchmark 3


Practice 1

After playing in the dirt, Sam went homesummer was

to wash her hands.

Practice 2

On her way home, she chairsleep saw

an ice cream truck.

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

benchmark assessmentDaze


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Making Chocolate

What sweet treat do you enjoy? For Troy, it was chocolate. Thatmakepasteis

why he was so excited

when henibsfoundany

out his class was going tobeginstakehot

a field trip to a chocolateanotherwallsfactory

. He would see

how his favoritesplitprocesstreat

was made. He could only hope hewouldwonderedhuge

get a sample while he



When the students arrived at theisfavoritefactory

, they went into a huge room. On theenthralledwallshow


a lot of pictures of anunusualhardmixing

tree. Troy wondered what a tree had todomoldstold

with chocolate. As if

reading Troy'sweremindbeans'

, a guide came in and told them thatlookedchocolaterollers

begins with the cacao tree. It


in tropical rainforests.

The guide explained thatsohangingcould

on the trees are fruits aslargegetchocolate

as melons. People pick

these fruits andonlygoingsplit

them open. Inside are seeds calledcocoarainforestswatched

beans, which workers scoop out


in big piles. After about aweekdoseeds

the beans' shells harden. Then theyarrivedareparts

ready to

make their long journey to thehopefactorygrows


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Troy saw that first the beanshardenwentwere

roasted in very hot ovens. Thereadingnowovens

didn't look like any Troy


seen, but the roasting beans smelledseentripgreat

! Next, the beans went into anothernextmachinestudents

that took off the hard outermachinestreatshells

and left the inside parts, calledarenibsroasted

. The guide explained

that the nibstreesroomare

the parts that go into theroastingchocolateguide

. Troy watched as the nibs went intobigyettour

another machine. This machine crushed thenibscooledhanging

into a liquid. Troy was enthralled by theexciteddarklot

liquid pouring out of the machine.

In thenextlargelast

part of the factory, Troy and thesweetmightother

students watched as the liquid went into


like a very large mixing bowl. Theliquidputpackaging

chocolate got mixed with dry milk and


to make a thick chocolate paste. Thewhenthicksamples

chocolate passed through huge rollers. The


told them that this part of themovedprocesseach

could take up to a week!


then moved on to see thepickalreadythen

mixed chocolate get poured into molds


it cooled and hardened. The laststepfinallyfield

was packaging. The students watched ascrushedenjoymachines

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wrapped the chocolate bars. Finally, at theworkersdidn'tend

of the tour, the guide passed outlookgreatchocolate

samples to each student. Now that Troyknewverytree

where chocolate came from, he thought hesawbeansmight


it better than ever.


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