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J. clin. Path. (1965), 18, 414

Diagnosis of preinvasive carcinoma of theuterine cervix


From the Central Histological Laboratory, Whittington Hospital, London

SYNOPSIS The changes occurring at the periphery of invasive cervical carcinomas have been studiedin detail, with particular reference to the incidence of preinvasive carcinoma. The various criteriaused in the cytological diagnosis of malignancy have been evaluated, and the implications of largecytological screening programmes are discussed in a brief review of the literature.

In 1867 Beale illustrated exfoliated malignant epi-thelial cells while the entity of preinvasive carcinomawas probably first recognized by Williams (1888)and more clearly defined by Schauenstein (1908)although the term 'carcinoma in situ' was not intro-duced until 1932 by Broders. Exfoliative cytologywas finally established as a routine diagnostic methodin this field by the work of Papanicolaou and Traut(1943) and has been actively practised since thenall over the world. Although Schottlaender andKermauner (1912) showed histologically that pre-cancerous changes were present at the margins ofinvasive carcinomas the validity of the concept ofpreinvasive carcinoma depends ultimately on clin-ical evidence (Petersen, 1955; Koss, Stewart, Foote,Jordan, Bader, and Day, 1963).The term 'preinvasive carcinoma' is used here as

synonymous with 'carcinoma in situ' but a morerecent concept termed 'dysplasia' has been intro-duced and currently finds great favour with Amer-ican workers. The boundaries of the latter conditionare ill-defined and the prognosis is uncertain but aproportion develop into preinvasive carcinoma(Stern, 1959) while many examples show regression(Koss and Durfee, 1956; Figge, de Alvarez, Brown,and Fullington, 1962). The precise ratios are muchdebated and the general uncertainty is reflected bythe accumulation of many synonyms; 16 have beenlisted by De Brux and Wenner-Mangen (1961). Manyauthors have defined histological criteria for dys-plasia (Carson and Gall, 1954; Galvin, Jones, andTe Linde, 1955; Reagan, Hicks, and Scott, 1955;Nieburgs, 1963) and it has also been claimed byReagan, Seidemann, and Saracusa (1953) and byOkagaki, Lerch, Younge, Mckay, and Kevorkian

Received for publication 23 December 1964.

(1962) that these distinctions are reflected in precisecytological distributions. More recently Richart(1963) has claimed that the two conditions may bedistinguished by radioautographic analysis usingtritium as a labelling agent.

Since the introduction of a cytochemical methodusing acridine orange by von Bertalanffy, Masin,and Masin (1956) the technique of fluorescencemicroscopy has become firmly established in thefield of diagnostic cytology. Nevertheless, the rela-tive value of the method compared with the purelymorphological approach using Papanicolaou's tech-nique has been much debated. Thus T6rnberg,Westin, and Norlander (1960) and Elevitch andBrunson (1961) have emphasized the technical rapid-ity of the cytochemical method while results of equalaccuracy to those obtained with the Papanicolaoumethod have been claimed by Dart and Turner(1959) and by Kaplan, Masin, Masin, Carleton, andvon Bertalanffy (1960). It is clear that the cytochem-ical method yields satisfactory results only in thehands of a competent cytologist (Holland andAckermann, 1961) but the employment of lowermagnifications is a definite advantage to the micro-scopist as stated by Tornberg et al (1960).The investigation of Schottlaender and Kermauner

mentioned earlier has been much quoted in theliterature but remains one of the few original studieson the subject. It appeared worth while, therefore,to investigate in detail the relationship betweeninvasive cervical carcinoma and the presence ofhyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia, and preinvasivecarcinoma at its margins. At the same time therelevant uterine cervical smears in the files of thisdepartment were reviewed for critical evaluation ofthe criteria of malignancy suggested by previousauthors.


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Diagnosis ofpreinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix


Histological material from 300 examples of infiltratingcervical carcinoma, accumulated during the years 1944to 1963 in the files of this department, was studied. Onlybiopsies and hysterectomy specimens were accepted andall cases with a history of previous irradiation wererejected. In each case the main site of the biopsy wasnoted and a search was made for evidence of preinvasivecarcinoma affecting either the surface squamousepithelium, the cervical canal, or both. The extent ofinvolvement by carcinoma in situ was estimated bynoting the number of low-power field diameters overwhich a strip of surface epithelium showed the typicalchanges while in the case of the endocervical glands thedegree of involvement was briefly described. Similarmethods were used for cases showing dysplasia,metaplasia, or hyperplasia of epithelium at the marginsof infiltrating tumours. In all cases the degree of cellularproliferation was determined by counting the numberof nuclei in the vertical depth of the altered epitheliumand noting the maximum and minimum figures.At this point the termsmentionedmust be clearly defined.

Preinvasive carcinoma or carcinoma in situ implies acomplete loss of the normal maturation gradient in anepithelium with replacement by a homogeneous anddisorientated cell population. The latter may becompletely undifferentiated, assuming a simple transi-tional celled structure with marked atypicality andmitotic activity: on the other hand, some attempt atdifferentiation may result in an epidermoid or squamous-celled structure or even a combination of these threetypes.

Dysplasia implies a lesser degree of dedifferentiationthan that found in fully developed carcinoma in situ.There is often substantial cellular pleomorphism but amaturation gradient is still detectable and no attemptwas made to subdivide the group. The terms metaplasiaand hyperplasia are generally accepted and need nocomment.

In the case of cervical smears stained by Papanicolaou'smethod various cellular criteria were sought for inatypical cells from proven examples of infiltrating andpreinvasive carcinoma; the method is self-evident fromthe headings in Table III.


The findings in the case of the infiltrating tumoursmay be summarized as follows, The total 300 ex-amples included 187 squamous carcinomas, 68 epi-dermoid carcinomas, 30 adenocarcinomas, 13 muco-epidermoid carcinomas, and two adeno-acanthomas.In this classification the epidermoid variety includesundifferentiatedand transitional-celled forms. Typicalexamples ofan adenocarcinoma, a muco-epidermoidcarcinoma, an undifferentiated transitional-celled car-cinoma, andasquamous-celledcarcinomaare illustrat-ed in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. As far as thesite of origin was concerned, the histological material

FIG. 1. Endocervical columnar-celled adenocarcinoma.Haematoxylin and eosin x 70.

* Y"'z~ '' EdFIG. 2. Exocervical muco-epidermoid carcinoma showingvacuolated 'signet ring' cells interspersed in trabeculae ofepidermoid cells. Haematoxylin and eosin x 300.


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FIG. 3. FIG. 4.FIGS. 3 and 4. Exocervical transitional-celled carcinoma with occasional keratinized squamous foci. (x 75) andendocervical epidermoid and squamous-celled carcinoma (x 110). Haematoxylin and eosin.

FIG. 5. FIG. 6.FIGS. 5 and 6. Transitional celled preinvasive carcinoma of mucous glands; the field is immediately adjacent to thatshown in Figure 4 (x 80) and extensive involvement of mucous glands by preinvasive squamous-celled carcinoma(x 76). Haematoxylin and eosin.

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Diagnosis ofpreinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix

FIG. 8.

FIG. 7. Replacement of endocervical columnar epitheliumby preinvasive transitional-celled carcinoma. Haema-toxylin and eosin x 145.

FIG. 8. Residual mucous glands completely unaffected bythe proximity of endocervical epidermoid carcinoma.Haematoxylin and eosin x 105.

FIG. 9. A very uncommon focal atypical glandular hyper-plasia close to an endocervical squamous-celled carcinoma.Haematoxylin and eosin x 85.

FIG. 10. Severe endocervical squamous metaplasia in acase of chronic cervicitis. Haematoxylin and eosin x 76.

FIG. 11. A very uncommon direct transition from epi-thelial hyperplasia to an infiltrating exocervical squamous-celled carcinoma. Haematoxylin and eosin x 30.

FIG. 12. Three normal parabasal epithelial cells close toa normal mature epithelial squame. Papanicolaou x 300.

FIG. 13. A greatly hypertrophiedparabasal epithelial cellclose to a shrunken and distorted mature epithelial squame.The normal nuclear cytoplasmic ratio of the parabasal cellis preserved. Papanicolaou x 300.

FIG. 9.


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418 P. C. Meyer




FIG. 10. FIG. 11.

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Id ni*. WI4I..


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FIG. 14.

FIG. 14. A group of three small malignant cells of parabasal type with an intensely orange-coloured cytoplasm. The

fading of the nuclei in the long interval since this film was prepared is a frequent occurrence. Papanicolaou x 400.FIG. 15. A very uncommon type of malignant cell of 'tadpole' shape. Papanicolaou x 300.




FIG. 16. FIG. 17.

FIG. 16. Some very uncommon malignant cells of multinucleated giant-celled type. Papanicolaou x 300.FIG. 17. Some clusters of hypertrophic endocervical columnar epithelial cells showing a slight increase of the nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio but no pleomorphism; normal pregnancy. Papanicolaou x 300.

FIG. 15.


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420 P. C. Meyer

was obtained from the exocervix in 203 cases, fromthe endocervix in 85 cases, and from the junctionalregion in only 12 cases.The relevant findings in the examples of preinvas-

ive carcinoma, dysplasia, and hyperplasia are shown

in Tables I and II. Squamous metaplasia was presentin only two examples of infiltrating carcinoma; ineach case the involvement was mimimal affectingonly one and two mucous glands respectively.A typical example oftransitional-celled preinvasive


Carcinoma in situ

Structure Extent

Surface Epithelium Glandular Involvement(Low-powver Fields)

Squamous 1TransitionalSquamous 3Squamous 6Squamous and transitional foci Only minute fociSquamous 10Squamous 4

SquamousTransitional and squamousSquamousSquamousSquamousSquamous


SquamousTransitional and squamous

TransitionalTransitionalTransitional and squamous


5- 912-128-16

11-28Many completely replaced -

Many completely or partly replaced 11-14Many completely or partly replaced 11-13

16-20Many completely replaced 15-23Several completely replaced 13-30

10-25Many completely or partly replaced -


A fey completely replaced

A few completely replaced


Transitional 2Transitional 2ISquamousTransitional 32Transitional and squamous ITransitional and squamous foci 4SquamousTransitional 3Squamous ISquamous I

One-half of one large glandSeveral replaced: acinarproliferation in some glandsMany completely replaced

Many completely replacedSeveral completely replacedSeveral completely replacedMany completely replacedTwo glands partly replacedOne gland completely replacedOne gland completely replacedSeveral completely replaced








'No invasive carcinoma present in specimen.



Extent: SurfaceEpithelium(Low-power Fields)

Number of CellLayers (Minimumand Maximum)


Extent: Surface Number of CellSquamous Epithelium Layers (Minimunm(Low-power Fields) and Maximuim)

Endocervix and exocervixEndocervixExocervixEndocervixExocervixExocervixExocervixExocervixExocervixExocervixExocervixExocervixExocervix

Case No. Site

Number ofCell Layers(Minimum andMaximum)








ExocervixEndocervixExocervixExocervixEndocervixEndocervixExocervix andendocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervixExocervixEndocervixExocervix andendocervixExocervix andendocervixEndocervixExocervix andendocervixExocervixEndocervixExocervix andendocervixEndocervixExocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervixEndocervix

Case No. Site





1 114










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Diagnosis ofpreinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix

carcinoma affecting mucous glands is shown inFig. 5; in this case the field is immediately adjacentto that illustrated in Figure 4. Extensive involvementof mucous glands by squamous-celled preinvasivecarcinoma is shown in Fig. 6 while replacement ofendocervical columnar epithelium by transitional-celled preinvasive carcinoma is illustrated in Figure7. It was found that the presence of an infiltratingcarcinoma usually produced no effects on adjacentmucous glands (Fig. 8) but in one example (Fig. 9)there was a focal atypical glandular hyperplasia inthe presence of an infiltrating squamous-celled car-cinoma. For comparison, a typical example ofsquamous metaplasia from a case of simple chroniccervicitis is illustrated in Figure 10. A direct trans-ition from a zone of hyperplasia to infiltrating car-cinoma was an extremely uncommon finding and anexample is illustrated in Figure 11.

It must be added that the numbers of the casesshown in Table III do not correspond to those shownin Table II since cervical smears were available fromonly four cases of preinvasive carcinoma; the re-mainder were obtained from examples of infiltratingcarcinoma. For convenience the same four cases ofpreinvasive carcinoma shown in Table II have re-tained their original numbers and are marked bysuperscripts in Table III although this has caused dis-continuity in the sequential numbering of the casesin the latter Table. Some of the cellular types men-tioned in Table III are illustrated in Figs. 12-16,while for comparison some hypertrophic endocervi-cal columnar cells from a normal pregnant womanare shown in Figure 17.


An increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio emergedas the most important diagnostic feature of cyto-logical malignancy and this finding has been con-firmed by several authors (Papanicolaou and Traut,1943; Gates and Warren, 1950; Johnston, 1952;Reagan and Moore, 1952; Papanicolaou, 1954). Theother findings listed in Table III were more inconstantalthough an intensely orange coloured cytoplasmin a small parabasal type of cell proved a valuablediagnostic feature; it is of interest that multinucleat-ed giant cells of bizarre shape were only rarely ob-served. It is often claimed (Boddington, Cowdell,and Spriggs, 1960) that preinvasive carcinoma andinvasive carcinoma cannot be distinguished cyto-logically and this was confirmed in the present study.

It is sometimes possible to render a definite diag-nosis of cytological malignancy on the examinationof a few atypical cells but it is the experience in mostdepartments that cervical smears often show variousdegrees of cytological atypia; it is the usual practice

to assign such smears to four or five appropriategrades, the interpretation of which for clinical pur-poses may be difficult. In view of the laboriousnature of the work and the fact that the subjectivediagnosis of cytological malignancy depends onsimple physical criteria it has been the recent prac-tice in the United States to carry out these investiga-tions with the aid of physical instruments. Theseuse simple mathematical measurements and suchstudies have been reported by Reagan, Hamonic,and Wentz (1957), Tolles, Horvath, and Bostrom(1961a, b) and Bostrom, Tolles, and Spencer (1962).The present histological study has shown that dys-plasia, preinvasive carcinoma, and infiltrating car-cinoma may coexist. In view of the random samplingof cells in cervical smears it appears unwise to formu-late precise histological diagnoses on particularcytological distribution curves obtained by physicalmeasurements, and the present tendency is to regardany positive smear as an indication for biopsyregardless of the degree of atypia observed (Hellwig,1963).

It has sometimes been suggested (Novak andGalvin, 1951) that cytological diagnosis of pre-invasive carcinoma is often not confirmed by studyof the relevant histological material and that patho-logists' definitions of preinvasive carcinoma mustvary widely (Kirkland, 1963); it is a fact that falsepositive cytological diagnoses are sometimes madebut also true that lesions are often minute and easilyeradicated. Consideration of the findings in Table Ishows that infiltrating carcinomas were surroundedby preinvasive zones up to 1.25 cm. wide since thewidth of one low-power field was equal to 0.25 cm.under the particular magnification used. Althoughless than one-tenth of the infiltrating tumours in thisseries showed this change it is clear that the evidenceof a preinvasive phase must have been already ob-literated in many cases. Nevertheless, the fact thatmainly biopsy material from relatively early caseswas studied suggests that by no means all infiltratingcervical carcinomas pass through a prolonged pre-invasive phase.While the laboratory services of this country

could in general deal with the cytological materialsubmitted from gynaecological clinics, it is clearthat the mass screening of the adult female popula-tion at regular intervals would require an entirelydifferent approach. It has been calculated that thesubmission of a cervical smear at three-yearly inter-vals from every parous woman between the ages of25 and 60 would entail the examination of approx-imately 150 smears from a general practice including2,000 patients (Brit. med. J., 1963) from which it isclear that the annual national turnoverwouldamountto several million cytological examinations. It has


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P. C. Meyer


Case No. of Atypical Cells Total Size ComparedNo. < 10= + with

10-50= ++> 50 = +-+ Normal Normal

Parabasal MatureCells Squames

Shapes of Shapes ofCell Nucleus

Area of Nuclear Nuclear Increased Cyto-Nucleus Membrane Chromatin Prominence plasmic

Pattern of Nucleoli Colour

Mostly Smallerlarger, someanisocytosis













Elongated, Circular,oval, irregularirregular,tadpoleOval, Circular,irregular ovalOval Circular

Smaller Oval Circular,oval

Much Elongated, Circular,smaller oval oval




Increased Indistinct Pyknotic +

Increased Indistinct

Slightly Normalincreased

Increased Normal

Slightly Normalincreased

Circular No change Normal


Smaller Elongated, Circular,oval, oval,irregular, irregulartadpole

Smaller, Oval, Circular,except irregular ovalgiant cellsSmaller Oval Circular,


Smaller Oval, Circular,irregular oval,


Smaller Oval Circular,oval

Smaller Oval Circular,oval,irregular

Increased Normal

Increased Normal

Increased Normal

Increased Normal

Increased Normal

Increased Normal

Increased Normal

Pyknotic -


Pyknotic -


Accen-tuatedPyknotic +

Pyknotic -

Pyknotic -

Pyknotic -

Pyknotic -


Pyknotic -

Smaller Elongated, Circular, Increased Normal Pyknoticoval, oval,irregular irregular

Smaller Irregular Circular, Slightly Indistinct Pyknoticirregular increased

Smaller Elongated, Circular,oval, ovalirregular

Much Elongated, Ovalsmaller oval

Increased Accen- Accen-tuated tuated

No change Indistinct Pyknotic -

Orange Increased




Orange Increased

Intense Someorange normal,


Intense IncreasedorangeGreen, Increasedampho-philic

Intense Increasedorange

Green, Increasedampho-philicGreen, Increasedampho-philic, a

few orangeGreen, Increasedampho-philic,orangeOrange, IncreasedgreenOrange Increased

Orange, Increasedgreen

Orange Increased




also been estimated that the cost of detection of onecase of early cervical carcinoma is about £60, ap-proximately the same as for a case of pulmonarytuberculosis detected by mass radiography (Mac-gregor and Baird, 1963).Although mass cytological screening projects

have many advocates (Way, Duran, Peberdy, andStefan, 1963) and there is increasing pressure onlaboratories to undertake this work, some authors

remain sceptical (Corbett, 1962; McKinnon, 1963)while a few, such as Howell (1961), have been daunt-ed by the magnitude of the task. Foote and Li (1948)stated that a total of 500 hours must be spent atmicroscopy to detect one case of cervical carcinomain a screening programme; although the true figureis probably much lower (Wilson, 1961), it is clearthat the major obstacle to the implementation oflarge screening programmes is the acute shortage of

1 + +±

2 ++

Nuclear toCyto-plasmicRatio

41 + + +

5 t-

6 +

7 4- ++

8 -- +

9 - +

10 -- ++

11 +++


13 +r +

14 + + t-

261 + +

271' - +

28' +


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Page 10: Diagnosis of preinvasive of the - Journal of Clinical

Diagnosis ofpreinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix

trained cytologists (Day, 1956)). The restriction of a

laboratory technician to this narrow field of workas suggested by Way (1963) is not a sound proposi-tion since no individual could be expected to exam-

ine more than 40 slides per day and a figure of 20per day is more realistic (Faulds, 1964).

In these circumstances it is far more realistic tocarry out the screening of cervical smears by meansof automatic cytoanalysing machines of which pro-totypes exist in the United States of America. Theresultant saving of cost and manpower would mean

that far greater resources could be devoted to de-tailed studies of untreated cases of premalignantcervical conditions as suggested by Bamforth andCardell (1962) and to the establishment of cytologyregistries such as the one described at the LaheyClinic by Copenhaver and Bahner (1963).

I am indebted to Mr. G. W. Moore for the preparationof the photomicrographs.


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Beale, L. S. (1867). The Microscope in its Application to PracticalMedicine, 3rd ed., p. 258. Churchill, London.

Boddington, M. M., Cowdell, R. H., and Spriggs, A. I. (1960).Brit. J. Cancer, 14, 151.

Bostrom, R. C., Tolles, W. E., and Spencer, C. C. (1962). Acta cytol.(Philad.), 6, 417.

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Gynec., 86, 937.Corbett, H. V. (1962). Brit. J. clin. Pract., 16, 571.Dart, L. H. Jr., and Turner, T. R. (1959). Lab. Invest., 8, 1513.Day, E. (1956). Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 63, 1070.De Brux, J., and Wenner-Mangen, H. (1961). Acta cytol. (Philad.),

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17, 38.Howell, D. (1961). Med. J. Aust., 2, 163.Johnston, D. G. (1952). Cancer (Philad.), 5, 945.Kaplan, L., Masin, F., Masin, M., Carleton, R., and von Bertalanffy,

L. (1960). Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec., 80, 1063.Kirkland, J. A. (1963). J. clin. Path., 16, 150.Koss, L. G., and Durfee, G. R. (1956). Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 63, 1245.

Stewart, F. W., Foote, F. W., Jordan, M. J., Bader, G. M.,and Day, E. (1963). Cancer (Philad.), 16, 1160.

Macgregor, J. E., and Baird, D. (1963). Brit. med. J., 1, 1631.McKinnon, N. E. (1963). Canad. med. Ass. J., 88, 295.Nieburgs, H. E. (1963). Cancer (Philad.), 16, 141.Novak, E. R., and Galvin, G. A. (1951). Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec.,

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