
Mr. Derby’s Wellness class

Diabetes Introduction

Diabetes is on the rise around the world.

How common is diabetes worldwide?

2011: 366 million

2030: 552 million

78,000 children develop

type 1 diabetes every year

The Pioneers of Understanding Diabetes

Public Domain picture from:


Banting and

Charles Best…

…first conceived the idea which led to the

discovery of insulin in 1921.

Banting and Best, 1921

A few facts about diabetes mellitus

• Diabetes: “siphon - pass through” in Greek

• Mellitus: “sweet like honey” in Latin

• In ancient times… Doctors would test for


– by tasting urine to see if it was sweet

– Checking to see if urine attracted ants or flies

Diabetes is a chronic condition marked by high

levels of sugar in the blood.

Two main types of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes

Pancreas makes too little or no insulin

Type 2 diabetes

•Cells do not use insulin well (insulin resistance)

•Ability for pancreas to make insulin decreases over time

What is Diabetes Type 1?

• Let’s start....

• Every single cell in our body needs

glucose to live a happy and healthy life

For this, we need INSULIN

• Insulin is produced in our body from ‘beta-

cells’ that live in an organ in our bodies

called the PANCREAS


Insula: Island

Each cell in our bodies is like a small house with

a locked door

You need a ‘key’ called insulin to open the door

and let the glucose (energy) in

In some bodies, the beta-cells in the pancreas

cannot make enough insulin for the body to help

the glucose to get into the cells.

...So the glucose stays in the blood and the cells

become tired and sad because they don’t have

the energy to do their daily work...

Diabetics can get insulin by injecting it into their

body several times each day, EVERY DAY.

Some Type 1 diabetics wear an Insulin Pump


Pump Evolution


Pump Evolution


Pump Evolution

1970s 1980s

Pump Evolution

Modern Day Insulin Pumps

All Type 1 diabetics have to do up to 10 finger

prick tests every day to check their sugar


Type 1 Diabetes is no one’s fault...

• It can happen to anyone and is not caused

by anything a child or their parents did or

did not do.

Diabetes is NOT contagious...

Sometimes, Type 1 Diabetes can make people

very unwell for a while...

The Rule of Thumb is:

• Food makes blood glucose levels rise

• Exercise and insulin make blood glucose

levels fall

At the moment, there is no cure for Diabetes,

although there are some very clever scientists

who are trying to find a cure to help people with


• Maybe one of you will grow up to be a

scientist and find a cure!

• Find a Cure...

Awareness of diabetes and knowledge on

preventing it can result in reduction of its spread.

• Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is an illness associated with the

pancreas and the individual affected by this illness cannot

regulate their blood sugar via the secretion of insulin.

Insulin is a vital hormone in the regulation of blood sugar.

Type 2 Diabetes is generally associated with a decreased

life expectancy of 10 to 20 years. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

is dominantly characterized by high insulin levels and

insulin resistance in relation to insulin deficiency.

Type 2 Diabetes

How do you get Type 2 Diabetes

• The development of Type 2 Diabetes is generally promoted

by multiple factors such as an inadequate diet and lack of

physical activity which directly correlates with obesity

which is perceived as the primary contributor for the

majority of patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

• Many of the factors that contribute to Type 2 Diabetes are

generally associated with the metabolism of an individual.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

❖ Polyuria (frequent urination), Polyphagia (increased

appetite), Polydipsia (increased thirst), and weight loss.

❖Many individuals may not be aware of any symptoms until

they are diagnosed by a healthcare professional.

Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes

• The most common Type 2 diabetes treatments include:

• An proper diet and addition of exercise into the individual’s

lifestyle. Aerobic exercise along with resistance training can

generally improve a patient’s condition. Weight loss is a

primary concern since the majority of the United States

population is either overweight or obese as a result a poor


• Diabetic diets include low glycemic items that stabilize a

patients insulin levels. Plant based diets have shown huge

improvement in the management of the disease.

• Weight management surgery is also another effective method

of diabetes treatment when pertaining to patients suffering

from weight complications

Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes

• Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle that

includes regular physical activity and an adequate diet that

includes 3-6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily and 6-8

glasses of water daily. Many children in the United States are

at risk of developing Diabetes due to poor diets that are

composed of large quantities of sugary drinks, snacks, etc. If

Diabetes is in your family history then it is recommended that

you consult your primary care physician and obtain

information about whether you or any of your children are at

risk of developing Diabetes.

Remember what can happen

Thank you

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