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Table of Contents

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What is Diabetes?

The Importance of Healthy Living and Balanced Nutrition

Great Food to Prevent Diabetes

The Benefits of Exercising Daily

How to Live with Diabetes

Other Diseases Caused by Unhealthy Living


Connect with Kristy Clark

Kristy Clark Other Books

Kristy Clark Autobiography

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I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Diabetes Free For Life: A Simple Guide on How to Be Diabetes Free for Life While Living a Healthy Life”.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to avoid developing diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or use the latter

efficiently. Insulin is a hormone created by the body to regulate the storage and use of glucose (sugar) in the organism. The body uses the insulin to transform glucose into energy. Diabetes is

diagnosed when the level of sugar is over 1.26 grams per liter of blood in two different blood tests.

Diabetes is worldwide, and can be fatal if not treated and managed. In the world, one person dies

of the disease every eight seconds. In 25 years, the number of diabetics in the world should reach

over 330 millions, according to scientists. Experts even consider the disease as epidemic, even though it is not transmissible.

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid contracting the disease. This book will explain what they are

and how effective they are. It will also explain what the signs of diabetes are and tell who has a greater risk of contracting diabetes, and what the signs of diabetes are. Diabetes is a dangerous

and deadly disease. It affects many Americans mostly because of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Diabetes is also a societal consequence. We live in a society where exercising has become a hobby instead of a necessity. The emergence of fast-food, greasy foods in schools, work

cafeterias, and the fast paced lifestyle of working people that forces them to eat in a hurry, are multiple causes of the growing rate of persons affected by diabetes.

This book will help you understand the disease, its complications, and how to live a diabetes-free

and healthy life. In the first chapter we will explain the disease and the different types. The second chapter will be about the importance of a healthy living and balanced nutrition. Chapter

Three offers you a list of great food to prevent diabetes. The benefits of exercising daily will be

the focus of the fourth chapter. Chapter five will deal with how to live with diabetes and learn to control it. Finally, chapter six will focus on other diseases caused by unhealthy living.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it! What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. It is usually a lifelong disease, also

called chronic, and requires regular treatment and daily attention. Diabetes can be fatal if not

treated quickly and regularly.

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It exists in two forms: Type 1 and Type 2. Both of them have genetic predispositions. However,

the predisposition alone is not enough to trigger the disease and it is not uncommon for some people to live forever with the disease without experiencing any of the symptoms. The symptoms

usually appear when a person has a bad diet, full of grease, fat, and sugar. The high level of sugar in the blood forces the insulin glands in the pancreas to secrete more insulin and this is

when they simply cannot keep up and shut down.

In type 1 diabetes, a virus or toxins provoke an abnormal reaction inside the immune system. This can lead to the destruction of the pancreas, the organ that produces the insulin. Type 1

diabetes usually appears at a young age. The pancreas, the organ in charge of producing insulin, does not work properly. Patients are then forced to inject themselves with insulin to help the

body function.

Researchers are looking at ways to fix the problem, but solutions are still theoretical. People can live with type 1 diabetes, but it requires daily treatment, a constant blood check, and healthy

nutrition. Many athletes suffer from diabetes, but the disease does not stop them from living a

normal life.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of the disease and many people live with it without even knowing. Genetic predispositions are, in most cases, the cause, but people won’t realize

they have it until much later in life. This is the difference between type 1 and type 2. Type 1 appears early and is diagnosed immediately, while type 2 may take decades to show up and is

sometimes triggered by old age or a change in the human body, such as menopause for women. For this reason, doctors call type 2 diabetes the “hidden disease.” However, having the genetic

predisposition is not enough to contract the disease. Overweight and unbalanced nutrition are usually the main triggers. The lack of exercise also helps the evolution of the disease.

Therefore, this type of diabetes is the easiest one to prevent as eating healthy food and exercising

are the best ways to counteract the disease. Type 2 diabetes is extremely common among the

overweight population. Because this is a genetic-based disease, someone can assume they have the malfunctioning gene if a member of their family has it as well.

Five symptoms are linked to the disease, according to doctors.

• Extreme thirst and frequent urination: The body uses the insulin from the water to take

over and therefore makes the patient thirsty. Then the body has to reject the excess and forces the patient to urinate.

• Extreme hunger: Because the insulin cannot turn sugar into energy, the body believes it needs more to function. The patient eats more and the hunger may even persist after a


• Weight loss: Despite eating more than usual, a patient may lose weight. This is due to the fact the sugar cannot reach the muscles or storage areas and causes the muscles to decrease

in weight.

• Tiredness: Obviously, if the body cannot turn sugar into energy, the patient will experience tiredness.

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• Vision troubles: Eyes secrete fluids that help the body deal with the sugar. The more

sugar in the body, the more fluid is taken from the eyes, which cannot function properly anymore.

Type 2 diabetes and how to control the risks will be the main focus of this book in the following

chapters, because type 1 diabetes cannot be avoided and is usually only treatable with daily injections of insulin.

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The Importance of Healthy Living and Balanced Nutrition

We explained in chapter One, diabetes was usually caused by an unhealthy diet and the absence of exercise. In this chapter we will focus on the importance of a balanced nutrition in order to

keep diabetes away. We are talking here about Type 2 diabetes, as type 1 diabetes can only be slowed down—or controlled—by daily injections of insulin in the body.

The type 2 of the disease can be controlled and even avoided by living a healthy life and

following a balanced diet. Why is a balanced diet important? We said earlier the disease is triggered by an excess of sugar in the body. This excess of sugar forces the body to create more

insulin, the pancreas tries harder and harder until it just cannot follow and has to shut down. If the patient eats less sugar-based food, the pancreas will be able to regenerate and work properly


A balanced diet is then essential to avoid contracting the disease. Scientists proved the lack of insulin from the pancreas could be fought with a hypo caloric diet. This means a person could

avoid contracting the disease simply by following a sugarless diet or at least by reducing the

consumption of sugar.

In other words, a person has to pay attention to what they are eating. This does not mean you should not eat candies or chocolate anymore. It means you have to reduce the amount of sugar

you put in your body and balance it out with healthier food such as vegetables and fruits. A major step in reducing sugar consumption would be to stop drinking soda. The massive amount

of sugar in those drinks is extremely dangerous, and not only for the pancreas, but for other organs as well. If you are a frequent soda drinker, try to lower your consumption or end it


Doctors can help you build a personal diet depending on your body weight and your needs. It can be dangerous to start a severe diet and drastically change your eating habits. The body needs a

certain amount of calories to function and could run into issues if it does not receive the calories

it requires. However, calories don’t necessarily mean sugar! There is a large variety of food that provides healthy calories and energy. We are talking about vegetables, fruits, cereal, eggs, and

white meat.

Healthy living is not only related to food itself. It also means you have to take care of the body’s basic needs. One important basic need is sleep. The body needs at least six hours of sleep every

night, eight for children up to 15 years old. Sleep helps regenerate the cells in your body and in your brain. Sleeping helps fight stress and studies show the more stressed you are, the more you

eat. Another basic need is drinking. Drink at least two liters of water a day, you will help your body clean up on the inside. Water in your body works exactly like water on a dirty dish. Pour

some into your stomach and it will gather the bad calories and reject them during urination. Water is the only thing a human needs to survive!

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There is no better way to fight diabetes than eating healthy food. It is scientifically proven that

calorie-less food is much better for your body than caloric meals. Sugar is everywhere, and so is fat. When you buy products at the grocery store, make sure you check the label for the daily

servings of sugar and fat you will get per serving. Try to find food that does not go over 10 percent of the daily serving. It is also important to not eat between meals. It is better to eat a little

bit more during a meal and stay away from food for three to four hours until the next meal.

Eating healthy food does not mean you can’t treat yourself from time to time. It is acceptable to eat pizza, cheeseburgers, fries, candies, chocolate, etc., as long as it is not your daily diet, but

simply a once-a-month occurrence.

In the next chapter, we give you a list of great food you can eat on a daily basis to help you keep diabetes away.

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Great Food to Prevent Diabetes

Eating healthy food and having a balanced diet is essential to preventing diabetes. If doctors can help you figure out what are the best choices to help fight the disease, you can already start with

the list of food we will give you in this chapter. All of those choices are clinically proven effective to prevent diabetes.

Fruits and vegetables are great foods to start your new diet. Fruits are full of benefits for the

heart, the pancreas, and other organs related to diabetes. Apples are among the best fruits to prevent diabetes. The old saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away exists for a reason: It

works! Apples should be at the heart of your diet. Apples are low in calories, but rich in fibers, which reduce hunger and fight bad cholesterol.

Berries of all sorts, red or blue, contain anthocyanin, which contribute in lowering the level of

glucose by stimulating the production of insulin.

Vegetables, just like fruits, help the body function, regenerate, and balance itself. Avocados for example are great to slow down the digestion and help prevent the rise of sugar in the blood.

Broccoli contains a large amount of chrome. Chrome is known to play a major role in stabilizing

the level of glucose in the blood. Carrots are one of the richest natural sources in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene reduces the risks of contracting diabetes and leads to a more balanced glucose


It is known that white meat has great calories to help the body. White meat contains less fat than red meat and more energy. Turkey or chicken are great substitutes for burgers, ribs, and steak, as

they also provide needed protein. However, it has to be chicken or turkey breast as this is the best part of the animal. You also should avoid eating the skin because it is rich in saturated fat.

One of the main complications of diabetes is cardiac arrest. Eating fish reduces the risk of, first

contracting diabetes, and second contracting heart disease. The fat located in fish also helps the production of insulin.

To go with white meat or fish, try beans. Beans of any sort are great complements to help out

fight diabetes. They are rich in fiber and low in calories. They are also extremely rich in proteins and can therefore easily replace red meat. Beans help reduce elevated sugar levels.

Finally, olive oil is one of the best things to use to cook your dinner. Instead of using butter or

regular oil, try using olive oil. The good fat of olives helps the production of insulin and it also

plays the role of anti-inflammatory that researchers compare to aspirin. Olive oil also slows down the digestion, which means the level of glucose will not rise as fast.

In addition to eating healthy and taking good care of your body, exercising is also a great way to

prevent diabetes. Chapter four will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of exercising daily.

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The Benefits of Exercising Daily

Diabetes is a disease that attacks the muscles and reduces their mass to finally turn them into

useless things. Without strong muscles the body cannot function. Exercising daily helps your body keep the muscles alive and strong. In addition, a daily workout helps prevention of


You do not have to follow a drastic, severe exercising program. All you have to do is try to exercise at least three hours a week. Walking in a park for an hour, running on a treadmill, going

to the mall for three hours, in other words simply walking around often is a good start to keep

your body in shape. When you go shopping, try to park far from the entrance so you have to walk more on your way there and back.

Exercising helps your blood circulate through your body and helps your body burn fat and bad

calories. By exercising, the sugar in your blood is used to help your muscles function and therefore, not stagnant in your organs and arteries. It is a simple process. The more you eat, the

more you need to exercise. And the more you exercise, the more you need to eat. So, if you want to treat yourself with delicious sugar packed foods, you will have to exercise to make sure you

burn those calories.

According to doctors and researchers, exercising is the best way to fight diabetes. However, it has to be a daily routine or at least a tri-weekly habit. Just walking around the block once a

month is not enough, especially if you don’t have a balanced diet.

Exercising helps you feel better about yourself as it releases endorphins in your body, the same endorphins you would get by eating your favorite food. Working out fights the high level of

cholesterol and keeps diabetes away by helping the production of insulin.

If you plan on exercising daily and at a high level, talk about it with your doctor. He will help

you find the best program for your needs and physical and medical abilities. You will have to take it slowly, step by step. Do not try to run a marathon on the first day or go on a five-mile run

because you just ate a candy bar and want to burn the calories. You will burn as many calories walking a mile at a good pace as you would running it.

And if you think you cannot exercise if you have Type 1 diabetes, you are wrong. The next

chapter will help you understand how you can live a normal life despite having diabetes. How to Live with Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease affecting millions of people all around the world. Many people have to live with the disease and fight a constant battle against it. However, it is possible to live a normal,

common life with diabetes of type 1 or type 2 alike. Unless the disease is at an advanced stage, diabetes is easily controllable.

The steps we gave you in the previous chapters to prevent diabetes also work to control it and

keep it stabilized. The life of a patient is changed forever when he contracts diabetes. Because diabetes is in certain cases a fatal disease, diabetes can modify the relationships of a patient with

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his family, friends, or colleagues. Studies show there are two times more depressed people

among diabetics than in the general population.

With the discovery of insulin and the ability to inject it into the human body, diabetics now have a way to control their disease. This gives them the opportunity to live a normal life, just like any

else. It requires a patient to accept the disease and start living accordingly. The patient will have to start changing their lifestyle, diet, do what we talked about in the previous chapter.

A diabetic affected by type 1 can, and should, exercise just like anyone else. A lot of patients

affected by type 1 are afraid to exercise because exercising requires a large amount of insulin to be released in the body. However, researchers say exercising could help diabetics slow down the

disease and even type 1 diabetics should exercise, while closely monitoring their glucose levels adapt the insulin doses depending on the physical activity.

Living with diabetes is possible and millions of people do it every day. However, it requires

constant vigilance and medical attention, especially for type 1 patients. The next and final chapter of this book will explain to you why living a healthy life is not only important to stop

diabetes, but also may avoid other fatal diseases. Other Diseases Caused by Unhealthy Living

We have explained in previous chapters, unhealthy living is one of the causes of diabetes and its dangers. If you are not yet convinced of the dangers of fat-based and sugar based nutrition after

reading the previous chapters, then I hope this one will set in your mind forever.

Diabetes is not the only disease caused by unhealthy living and unbalanced diet. Many other diseases are triggered by the factors. Most of these diseases can be deadly. Heart problems most

often come from an elevated level of fat and plaque in the arteries. The fat from the food stays in

the arteries and clogs them. Therefore, the blood cannot circulate and organs can shut down. The first organ to suffer is usually the heart as it is the organ, or technically a muscle, that needs the

most blood to function.

Cardiac diseases due to high caloric food, fat, and cholesterol in the body are one of the main causes of death in Western countries like the United States. Cholesterol related diseases are

frequent in diabetic patients, but not only. Even if you do not have diabetes, you can suffer from an excess of cholesterol. A high level of cholesterol is mainly caused by unhealthy living,

unbalanced nutrition, and the lack of physical exercise.

Many patients have had to have parts of their bodies’ amputated to stop diseases like diabetes or cholesterol-related diseases from spreading. In the world, one person dies from diabetes or

diseases triggered by the same problems every eight seconds!

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Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you understand the risks of diabetes and how to prevent contracting the disease. Diabetes is not a transmissible disease and can only be contracted

through genetic dispositions or unhealthy living.

Diabetes is mostly a social disease triggered by what we eat and the way we live. It is a disease affecting the whole world, developed countries and undeveloped countries alike. If you want to

avoid contracting diabetes, you will just have to follow the advice we gave you in this book. Having a balanced diet and exercising regularly are the keys to keep diabetes away. Walk, run,

play a specific sport for at least three hours a week and you will succeed in keeping your body in good shape and diabetes-free. Add to that a balanced diet, healthy food, and you have the

winning combination.

The next step is to spread the word. Make sure people around you, family members, friends and colleagues know the risks of diabetes and its implications. Make sure they also know how to

prevent the disease. Talk to them about this book and share it with them.

Finally, if you enjoyed this book, then I’d like to ask you for a favor, would you be kind enough

to leave a review for this book? It’d be greatly appreciated!

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Kristy Clark Autobiography

Being healthy in mind, body, and soul is something Kristy Clark has always strived for. It’s not just a way of life, but a passion for her and one that she believes should be shared with others.

Though Kristy is a graduate in business administration and the corporate world has been a fixture in her busy life, she knew she would always turn to her first passion of healthy living. Kristy

soon found that both writing and diligent research into health topics that affected her and her family, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, was something that came naturally.

In each of Kristy’s books and series, you’ll find that passion translated onto the page and you’ll

get all the information you’ll need on health topics most important to you and your loved ones. In her three current health book series, you’ll discover novel and relevant information on

diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and memory, as well as aging in the modern era. No matter how

old you are or your current health status, you’ll no doubt find something in each of her books that can begin to help you live more healthfully right away. That is a Kristy’s mission: to help

others gain access to the latest cutting edge research along with everyday tips.

At forty-six, people often come up to Kristy and ask her what it is that she’s doing right in order to look and feel so healthy and vibrant, and she tells them the same thing every time: it’s about

the love she has for herself and her family. Seeing her father go through the beginning stages of Parkinson’s Disease, along with being a pre-diabetic, taught Kristy that we can never go “too

far” in preventing disease and maintaining a healthful and safe lifestyle for ourselves. Kristy’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s as well, and now she has two caregivers who provide

her with 24-hour assistance. Armed with knowledge, Kristy does everything in her power to help them and herself through healthy living.

So while the hardships of life helped clarify Kristy’s focus on health topics, her desire to keep fit

and strong in mind and body propelled her to run 10 Kilometers three times a week, take yoga

and Pilates classes, practice Beach Functional Training on soft sand, and be in full control of her diet and environment. But it’s not just now in midlife that Kristy finds herself being active; it’s

always been a facet of her life. At 14, she took jazz dance and Jiu-Jitsu classes, and played basketball and volleyball. A passion for being active was born and continues to be a foundation

in her life. And she hopes to pass on that passion for healthy living through her books.

Join Kristy on this journey toward a more healthful and rewarding life today!

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