Page 1: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


2018 Season

Devotions—Team Talks

Page 2: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


It is important that we, as Coaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will

have strong opinions that run contrary, but these opinions are not biblically based. The majority of adults who are

saved today can identify with a childhood experience that began their walk with Jesus.

Salvation must come before any meaningful Bible learning or life application can take place. Psalm 78:1-8 makes it

clear that it is possible to teach Biblical truths to kids. Therefore let’s believe for their salvation and give them early

opportunities to receive Christ. Children can receive Him as soon as they begin to learn the difference between right

and wrong. Children most often will make several decisions and responses to the gospel message- it is normal!

Some kids may follow what their friends are doing rather than making a personal decision. When that happens, take

time to explain to them again what it is you are asking them to do. Be sincere and loving, just as Christ would.

Remember that we are all sinners and we must present salvation in a loving, accepting manner. Trust God to work in

the child’s hearts.

Make salvation a possible task – after all, it is a free gift. At the same time, it shouldn’t be a mumbled

prayer. Consider these steps:

1. Explain that God loves everyone and wants each person to become a member of

His family. (John 3:16)

2. Sin prevents us from being a part of God’s family. The Bible says sin is doing wrong

and when we sin we are not being obedient to God. Romans 3:23 says that everyone has sinned. A child needs to

understand that “everyone” includes him/her.

3. Romans 6:23 says the payment for sin is death. God loves us so much that He does

not want us to die. He sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. (2 Cor. 5:21, I Peter 2:24).

4. If we want to become a part of God’s family, we must ask God to forgive us for the

things that we have done wrong. According to John 3:36, we need to encourage the child to believe that God has

forgiven him.

5.Be sure the child knows that even after we have been saved, we still make mistakes.

In I John 1:9 it states that if we tell God what we have done, He will forgive us and we will still be a part of God’s


All of this must be done using vocabulary that is simple, straightforward and free from confusing symbols and analo-

gies. It is important to follow-up and help children build a strong foundation. The biblical command of Matthew

28:19-20 goes beyond just “telling them about Jesus”; we are also to make them disciples!


Page 3: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Clinic K Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page

#1 Acquaint

Have all children introduce themselves and state their age. Ask each child what is their favorite thing to do? What is their favorite color? Have they played basketball before?

#2 Sportsmanship Ruth 1-4 152

Could you return to your homeland without knowing where you would live? If you were Ruth, would you have stayed with Naomi? Can you trust God as Naomi did?

#3 Sharing 2 Kings 4:1-7 222

Do you share your toys with other children? If they asked to play with your favorite toy would you let them?

If your friend needed help would you listen to them and see of you could help?

#4 Team Play Mt 4:18-22 308

Were you afraid to be on this basketball team? Were you afraid you would not know anyone else?

Are you willing to make new friends?

#5 Caring Luke 10:25-37 379

Who are our neighbors? If you saw someone hurt on the side of the road would you help them?

In the story who was the neighbor?

#6 Giving 2 Kings 4:8-17 226

Do you know what giving means? Can you name a way you can be a giving person. Has anyone ever given something you?

#7 Thinking Matthew 9:1-8 328

When you wake up in the morning what do you think about? Do you think about Jesus?

Do you ever think about how Jesus loves you?

#8 Conditioning

#9 Honesty

Ever have anyone cheat you? Can we cheat in basketball ? In this story Zacchaeus gave back all the money he had cheated. Was he happy?

Page 4: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Peewee Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page

#1 Acquaint:


#2 Sportsmanship:

Ruth showed great dedication to her mom-in-law which is something we can learn from.

#3 Sharing:

In basketball, we have to share. What are ways we can practice sharing in basketball?

#4 Team Play:

Jesus was forming his team! These are the first 4 disciples that Jesus called to follow him! Jesus knew that we were creat-

ed to work as a team. That is why he's given us family and friends. Who is on your team? We are a team! What are

things teams do for each other? (They encourage, help, challenge, teach, learn from, have fun ) On the court, I want us to

focus on doing all

#5 Caring:

At People".

How can we show care for each other on

the basketball court so that others on our team feel supported and taken care of?

Page 5: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Peewee Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page

#6 Giving: 2 Kings 4:8-17 226

basketball court?

#8 Conditioning Acts 31-16" 484

We are going to read a story from the Bible about a man who wasn't in good condition, and really needed help!

What did the beggar want from Peter and John?

What are some ways we can improve our condition so we are strong players



What kind of a person do you think Zacchaeus was? How did he make money? Was he well liked?

How do you feel about someone who is honest? Why do you like an honest person?

#10 Planning Matthew 8:5-13 324


How did Jesus feel when the Roman commander asked for his help?

What did Jesus think of the Roman commander? Why does our team have a practice?

Why do we practice different skills each week? he

Page 6: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Peewee Team Talks Beginners Bible

Week Theme Scripture Page

What did Jesus do for his disciples? What was He trying to show them?

How can you serve other players on your team and the other team you are playing like Jesus served his disciples?

Page 7: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Minors Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page

#1 A New Habit Psalm 139:7-10 5

What new habit do we need to learn on this team? Could trust be one of the habits? Who should we trust?

#2 Let Go

Sometimes we say, "let's go". What do we mean? Let go of fear, laziness, bad habits? What else?

#3 No Shortcuts

#4 Trust Me Anyway John 16:33

a good way for us to learn? What about trusting Jesus?

#5 A New Way of Thinking Romans 12:2 35

What does shaped by the world mean? How could shaped by Jesus help our team?

#6 The Ultimate Time Manager Ps 32:8 43

#7 Break Away 52



Page 8: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Minors Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page

#11 Don't Go it Alone Psalm 63:7-8 70

Last week we talked about teammates. What about Jesus as a teammate? Problem, difficulty He's there.

#12 A Joy No One Can Steal John 16:33 76

Is okay to steal? Ever had anything stolen? Think Jesus could help you?


#14 Open Your Eyes Genesis 3:2-6

Can you play bball with your eyes closed? What do you do with your eyes closed? Can Jesus open your eyes?

#15 Don't Practice Your Problems Rom. 8:38-39 104

What should we practice? Anything?

Page 9: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Majors & Seniors Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page


Matthew 7:24 20

Page 10: Devotions—Team Talks...Devotions—Team Talks î It is important that we, as oaches, Teachers and leaders, believe that children can be born again. Some people will have strong opinions


Majors & Seniors Team Talks

Week Theme Scripture Page

#9 Peace


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