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IBM Presentation Template

Daniel Breston Chief of DevOps Ranger4

25 Nov 2015

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‘“Organisations, and large enterprises in particular, want to attract and retain good talent but if they’re viewed as fuddy-duddy, they won’t appeal to or keep the cool kids. And there’s real demand for this kind of expertise.”

Jay LymanResearch Manager at 451 Research

But that’s not to say that everything will be rosy in the garden when adopting a DevOps approach. The key challenge, for many, is change management and simply getting staff to buy into the concept, mainly on the operations side as this is predominantly a grassroots developer’s movement.’

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‘DevOps will shift from being a niche approach to application development and deployment and move into the mainstream over the next 12 months or so, according to Gartner.

In fact, so appealing will this grassroots philosophy prove to be that it will be taken up by a quarter of Global 2000 organisations, creating a software tools market forecast to leap in size by 21.1% from $1.9bn last year to $2.3bn in 2015, the market researcher believes.’


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The Things that Drive DevOpsI’m all about


I’m in charge of stability

Development Operations


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Don’t fight stupid -Make more awesome

(Jesse’s rule)

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Organisations:Team Structures

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“Traditional” IT

CIOHead of Development Head of Operations


The rest of the business

Test Security Release SupportInfrastructure

Silos, hand offs and a ‘wall of confusion’

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What’s DIFFERENT about DevOps?

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DevOps Starts

CIOHead of Development Head of Operations


The rest of the business

Test Security Release SupportInfrastructure

DevOps often starts as grassroots thinking and can start anywhere

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DevOps Spreads

CIOHead of Development Head of Operations

PMO/BAs Dev DBAs Test Security Release SupportInfrastructure


For DevOps to make advances, executive sponsorship and increasing engagementwith the rest of the business needs to happen

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Organisational Change

CIOHead of Development Head of Operations

Product A Product B Product C Product D Security Release SupportInfrastructure


Product E Product F Product G Product H

Product Owners

Arranging teams around product is a common initial step, not without its challenges.

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Organisational Change

CIOHead of Development Head of Operations

Product A Product B Product C Product D Security Release SupportInfrastructure


Arranging teams around product is a common initial step, not without its challenges.

Product E Product F Product G Product H


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Organisational Change

CIOHead of Development Head of Operations

Product A Product B Product C Product D Security Release SupportInfrastructure


Product E Product F Product G Product H


Arranging teams around product is a common initial step, not without its challenges.

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Organisational Change

CIOChange Run

Product A Product B Product C Product D Security Release SupportInfrastructure


Renaming teams can support change. Some organisations build DevOps teams…

Product E Product F Product G Product H

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Organisational Change

CIOChange Run

Product A Product B Product C Product D


Renaming teams can support change. Some organisations build DevOps teams…

Product E Product F Product G Product H

Security Release SupportInfrastructureDevOps

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Organisational Change

CIOChange Run

Product A Product B Product C Product D



Product E Product F Product G Product H

Security Release SupportInfrastructureDevOps

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Organisational Change

CIOChange Run

Product A Product B Product C Product D Security Release SupportInfrastructure


Others embed Operations into the product development teams

Product E Product F Product G Product H

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Organisational Change

CIOChange Run

Product A Product B Product C Product D


Others embed Operations into the product development teams

Product E Product F Product G

Security Release SupportInfrastructure

Product H

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DevOps Proliferates

CIOChange Run

Product A Product B Product C Product D


DevOps is an evolutionary and transformational movement

Product E Product F Product G

Security Release SupportInfrastructure

Product H

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DevOps Nirvana

CIOCustomer Innovation Management

Product A Product B Product C Product D

IT IS the business. Everyone is on board with the DevOps way of thinking.

Product F Product G Product H Product I

Product E

Product J

The Board

Dashboards and automation alignment

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“If you can’t change the people, change

the people.”

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Reading Recommendation‘Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long’

by David Rock

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Interactions:Collaboration & Integration

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Value & Principles

• Focus on people• Embrace change and experimentationCulture• “Continuous Delivery”• “Infrastructure as Code”

• Focus on producing value for the end user• Small batch sizes

• Measure everything• Show the improvement

• Open information sharing• Collaboration and communication





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Typology of Organisational Culture (Westrum, 1994)




Low cooperation Modest cooperation High cooperationMessengers shot Messengers neglected Messengers trainedResponsibility shirked Narrow responsibilities Risks are sharedBridging discouraged Bridging tolerated Bridging encouragedFailure leads to scapegoating

Failure leads to justice Failure leads to inquiry

Novelty crushed Novelty leads to problems

Novelty implemented

Which column do you fit in?

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How to Create a Generative CultureCharacteristics of a Generative Culture

DevOps Practices

High cooperation Cross-functional Teams. Many organisations create cross-functional teams that include representatives from each functional area of the software delivery process. This allows everyone to share the responsibility for building, deploying and maintaining a product.

Messengers trained Blameless Postmortems. By removing blame, you remove fear, you enable teams to more effectively surface problems and solve them. Mistakes happen. Holding blameless postmortems is a valuable way to learn from mistakes.

Risks are shared Shared responsibility. Quality, availability, reliability and security are everyone’s job. One way to improve the quality of your services is to ensure that devs share responsibility for maintaining their code in production. The improvement in collaboration that comes from sharing responsibility inherently reduces risk. With more eyes on the software delivery process, it’s a given that some errors in process or planning will be avoided. Automation reduces risk and, with the right tool choice, can enable collaboration.

Bridging encouraged Breaking Down Silos. In addition to creating cross-functional teams, techniques for breaking down silos can include co-locating ops with the dev team, including ops in planning throughout the software delivery lifecycle, and implementing ChatOps*.

Failure leads to inquiry Blameless Postmortems. Our response to failure shapes the culture of an organisation. The more you focus on the conditions in which failures happen, as opposed to blaming individuals for failures, the closer you’ll get to creating a generative culture.

Novelty implemented Experimentation Time. Giving employees freedom to explore new ideas can lead to great outcomes. Some companies give engineers time each week for experimentation. Others host internal hack days or mini-conferences to share ideas and collaborate. This is how many new features and products have originated, and it shows how much value employees can generate for an organisation when they are released from habitual pathways and repetitive tasks.* Jesse Newland, “ChatOps at GitHub” March 26, 2013

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Our kind of IT

Just-in-time means that customer delight is directly transmitted to those who are making the product.

Don’t measure me on cost or traditional

IT metrics, but on the metrics of the


Jim FowlerCIO, GE Capital

Taiichi OhnoTHE LEAN MAN

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DevOps Maturity






Optimising DevOps

Managed DevOps

Starting DevOps

Fundamental DevOps

Not started DevOps

DevOps DONE – fine tuning and tied tightly to business goals.

Automated build, cross-functional teams, product-focused, cultural change happening

Thinking about cultural change, starting to write scripts, looking at test automation

Outages, war-rooms, blame, unplanned work, delays and defects.

Happy people with integrated toolchain to pre-empt failure, automate test and deployment –

Continuous Delivery

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Practice Culture Automation Lean Measurement Sharing

Level 4: Optimising

Desired elements of the culture are identified,

ingrained and sustainable – “ the way we work here”

Continually enhancing the employee and customer


Self-service automation, self-learning using analytics

and self-remediation

Autonomous habitFull empowermentExternal learning

Measure to customer valueEffective knowledge

sharing and individual empowerment

Level 3: AdoptedCulture viewed as an asset

to be managed.Ability to adapt to changing

business needs.

Collect and analyse metrics of the automated process

and measure against business goals

Driven deploymentMajority involvement

X-process learning

Monitor using business and end-user context

Collaboration based processes are measured to

identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies

Level 2: Sustainable

Cultural traits that support business strategies have

been identified.Ability to analyse trends in culture and predict issues.

Central automated processes across the application lifecycle

Goal orientatedSelected teams

Value stream learning

Monitor resources consistently

Collaboration, shared decision making and


Level 1: In Transition

Aware of aspects in culture that may help or hinder.

Programs implemented to address specific issues.

Silo’d automation, no central infrastructure

Formal structureOnly specialistsTeam learning

Measure to project metricsManaged Communication,

some shared decision making

Level 0: Impeded

Culture developed organically

Lack of awareness as to how culture is impacting

day-to-day business. Culture misaligned to goals

No automationReactive approach

Little/no involvementAd-hoc learning

No monitoring or metrics collection

Poor, ad-hoc communication and


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Requirements Management Maturity

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Written Requirements

Organized Structured Traced Integrated

Documented and shared, regular collaboration between teams, backup and restore enabled

Formatted consistently, stored and secured. Version tracked and easily accessible to those with rights

Types (e.g. functional/non-functional) are specified. Attributes and prioritization is applied. Querying and filtering is possible.

Determine and track requirements relationships, has a hierachy of requirements: user needs, features and use cases. Coverage analysis reports implemented.

Requirements management fully integrated with software development environment: used directly in design, development, change tracking, testing and PM.

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Release and Deployment Management Maturity

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Manual Packaged Scripted Complex On DemandBespoke, unpractised process. Authorization and sign off incidental. Roll back via back up copy or scripts.

Some packages (e.g. MSIs) and scripts. Release authorization considered.

Multiple scripts allowing automation. Can deploy to multiple parts of route to live. Possible roll back through redeployment. Some version control.

Can deploy composite applications. Role based security available. Multiple platforms services through single interface.

Push button deployments when code is ready – continuous delivery and deployment achieved. Full auditability and compliance.

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Reading Recommendation‘Reinventing Organisations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness’

by Ken Wilber and Frederic Laloux

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Automation:Rigour and ruggedness

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Shift Left

Continuous Delivery Lean Management

Continuous integrationAutomated

testingDeployment automation

Version control

Limit WIPUse visual displays

Use monitoring tools to make

business decisions

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“The number of issues we had from production emergencies that were triggered by an ops

change essentially went to zero.

Because we were able to roll changes out in an automated fashion, and then test those changes

in the various environments, by the time code got to production, it had been through three other

environments – dev, integration, customer test – before it got to production.”

Jez MillerPuppet Labs 2015 State of DevOps Report

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route to live

Test QA Prod

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route to live

Test QA Prod

Deploy your application at any time, at high speed

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route to live

Test QA Prod

Deploy your application at any time, at high speed


Be pre-emptively alerted to performance issues/outages

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route to live

Test QA Prod

Deploy your application at any time, at high speed

Be pre-emptively alerted to performance issues/outages

Redeploy last known working version instantly, fix, test, redeploy

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Be DevOpstastic

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