  • 1.DevOps Vagrant & Ansible

2. Why ? 3. Code As Infrastructure 4. Because luck has no place 5. WHY ? 6. Installing development environment no worries 7. Prevent your computer from being ruined 8. Team efficiency 9. Remove the pain of software deployment 10. Prevents inadvertent errors 11. Avoids annoying tasks 12. It works on my machine ! 13. Certification program Compile your application code. Getting the latest version of any recent code changes from other developers is purely optional and not a requirement for certification. Launch the application or website that has just been compiled. Cause one code path in the code you're checking in to be executed. The preferred way to do this is with ad-hoc manual testing of the simplest possible case for the feature in question. Omit this step if the code change was less than five lines, or if, in the developer's professional opinion, the code change could not possibly result in an error. Check the code changes into your version control system. 14. HOW ? 15. Know State & Consistency State A Provisioning State B 16. Idempotence & Repeatability State B Provisioning State B 17. Now you should say 18. Meet the tools a very opinionated presentation 19. The VM manager Vagrant 20. The provisioning tool It configures the machine (installs stuff, push config files, etc.) Puppet Chef Ansible Salt ? 21. The deployment tool It pushes the project on the server (& configures it, runs migration, clears caches, ) Capistrano (and it can deploy non ruby applications) Two ways informations transferts (DB sync, logs) 22. Summary VMmanagement Vagrant Systemconfiguration Ansible Applicationdeployment Capistrano 23. Where is Docker ? 24. WellPre-provisionedVM Docker Applicationdeployment Capistrano 25. Why we dont use docker ? 26. Because you need a specific cloud provider And we deploy our apps in the customer datacenter on various systems. But maybe, one day 27. So why Ansible and not puppet/chef/ ? 28. Simple (its just Yaml) Agent less Runs on every dev machine (python + openssh, yeah that means you dont need ruby) Push based Made in Durham 29. How it works ? 30. Vagrant A Vagrant File contains : Provider Sharing folder instruction Networking configuration (port forwarding) (optionnal) Provisionner 31. Ansible Hosts Variables Roles 32. Playbook.yml 33. Rles 34. Rles (again) 35. Tasks 36. Templates 37. Handlers 38. Files Its just for copy/paste ! 39. Vagrant + ansible skeleton 40. Where do I put all of this stuff ? in its own branch 41. Does & Donts Its also opinionated 42. Dont: Make snowflake VM : you become dependant of the VM management tool Do: Separate provisioning Dont: Use Vagrant default SSH key in production ! Dont: Separate dev & ops Dont: Try to eliminate admin sys (you need hero) Do: Use same environment for Dev/test/prod 43. Lets deploy ! 44. Questions ? 45. Thank you !

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