Download - Devon 2

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The issue I’m researching is the War in Afghanistan. The war has taken 1196 U.S. troops lives' Since 2001.

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The issue is that the United States has spent $285 billion on the War in Afghanistan. This problem occurred by the Terrorist’s who drove hijack plane’s into the Twin Towers know has 9/11.

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Sep 11th, 2001- Terrorist’s crashed plane’s in the Twin Tower’s.

Oct 7th, 2001- U.S. and British forces began airstrikes on Afghanistan.

Nov 13th, 2001- Taliban fighters abandon Kabul after weeks of airstrikes.

August 2003- NATO deploys troops to Kabul for a peace keeping mission.

Feb 17th, 2009- Obama approves adding 17,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

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The financial impact is $285 billion.

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• The worst effected area of the War in Afghanistan is Afghanistan.

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The difference beaten the children in the U.S. and the children in Afghanistan, is the children in Afghan have to see and hear the war, but the children in the U.S. would have to suffer if their mom or dad was in the war. They are alike because both the U.S. and Afghan children have to hear about the war.

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A solution for the war in Afghanistan is to start taking out U.S. troops. This solution has not helped solve the problem because Obama hasn’t started the withdraw of U.S. troops. Some other ways people could help solve this problem is the people could take votes and send them to Obama.

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My personal connection of this issue is that Obama is spending to much money on the War, instead of spending some of that money on world hunger and on jobs.

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The human impact of this topic is if one of your family members are in the War and they die, the family of that person will what the war to stop.

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Some Aid Organization for the war in Afghanistan is the Afghanistan Relief Organization (ARO).

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Before the war in Afghan started we had $285 billion more than after the war started.

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It was announced on Sunday, May 1st 2011 that Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. troops on the ground in a 40 minute firefight. He was killed by a SEAL Team 6 member directed by the CIA. The Navy SEALS are a part of Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC).

It was announced on Sunday, May 1st 2011 that Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. troops on the ground in a 40 minute firefight. He was killed by a SEAL Team 6 member directed by the CIA. The Navy SEALS are a part of Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC).

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