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Digital Graphic Narrative



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Shape Task

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Shape Task

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What did you like about your image?With my image I like how by only using shapes I can create an image that has a lot of resemblance to the original, plus I even added extra objects to the image such as a mouse in the owls claws.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this task again the part that I would improve would be the detail of the owl, I would add further detail making the owl more clear and making the resemblance between mine and the original stronger.

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What did you like about your image?I toughly enjoyed doing this task and creating an end image that I was proud of, I believe I did a good job on this task as my image resembles the original very well. I feel that the aspect that worked best was the hair with the gradient tool as it gave the hair a faded look similar to Wiley’s original hair in the image.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this task again an area that I would aim to improve on would be his tattoo on his neck, I feel I could have done this better if I had a higher quality picture as I found it hard to copy the original as when zoomed in the image began to blur.

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Film Quotes

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Film Quotes

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What did you like about your image?Fight club is one of my favourite films so I enjoyed this task, in the image I like the use of the famous soap linked to the film, similar to the films poster. For the Harvey Dent quote I liked the fact it gave me the chose to be creative in my approach so I thought the coin that’s famously linked to Dent was a good idea to add to the film quote.

What would you improve if you did it again?There are a number of things I would improve if I did this task again, firstly I would spend more time on them as I feel I could have done a better job if I had a bit longer on it, the text used in the pictures could have been better, more suitable to what the images shows. The editing could have been stronger, as places look sloppy.

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?I like the creativity and originality that I was allowed to express in my images as I had the choice of what to do with the text, creating the image has taught me a number of new skills that I can use on in future on Photoshop such as tracking and leading, these tools allow me modify my text by increasing or decreasing the space between letters and sentences. I also liked the use of the warp tool which allowed me to distort the positioning of letters and their shapes which can be useful for future reference. Furthermore I was shown how to implement over images over my text by using the clipping mask tool, I created my own by placing an image of something that means something to be so I chose the iconic image of England winning the football world cup, the clipping mask tool helped me do this.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this work again, next time for the clipping mask task I would choose a different image or possibly a better version of my original image, this is because the top of the image is mostly bright white colours which makes it hard to properly view my name. so to improve my work a different image choice would be effective.

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Comic Book

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What did you like about your image?With this image I liked the fact I could take an existing normal image and once I've taken it to Photoshop I can add filters over it and edit it in a way that resembles a comic illustration. With my image you can still clearly see who the character in my image is.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this task again firstly I would improve it by decreasing the noise that can be seen in the photo, mainly around the jokers suit. I would also aim to add greater detail to my image, especially in the jokers face, his face paint isn't very clear.

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Photo Story

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Photo Story

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What did you like about your image?I enjoyed the fact we created a story with only using images and no text, it was insightful and helpful towards my project of making a children’s story book as it let me practice telling a story with illustrations as well as text.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this task again I would chose I different idea, perhaps one with a more interesting outcome. I would also think about the angles and construction of the shots more if I did this again as I realised that camera angle is very important to creating an atmosphere in the image.

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What did you like about your image?I like the originality of my image, there is no other penguin like mine and while creating my drawing I improvised everything I drew from the top of my head, this allowed me to be as creative as possible.

What would you improve if you did it again?Next time if I attempted this task again I would conduct further research into the drawing, I would plan my drawing better so I that next time the quality of the illustration would be better

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Narrative Environment

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Narrative Environment

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What did you like about your image?For the first image I liked how realistic it can look, as I used an original image of a mountain range then added a filter over it, it made it quick and easy to make a illustrated styled background. For the second image I liked the use of colours in the image, along with the symmetry between the path and trees leading towards the sunset, I felt this looked good.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this task again I would improve my work by adding more detail to the environments, perhaps adding in animals to the background or even more nature such as bushes, plants or trees.

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Initial Ideas

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Idea Generation

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Galaxies End Well


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(number of pages and page size) estimate 10 pages

Story OverviewThe story features 3 characters, Sammy the Space girl, the evil Space mother and the three eyed space frog. Sammy's step mother treats her horribly giving her space chores all the time. One day She sends her out to find the well at the galaxies end so that she can bring her back some space gunk but the trick is she most only use a sieve to carry it back. She finds the well but realises the task is impossible, until out of nowhere appears a 3 eyed space frog that shows her what to do but at the price of one request, she must do his bidding for a whole night. She agrees goes home with the space gunk still inside the sieve to her stepmothers amaze. The frog turns up at her house that same night and her stepmother forces her to keep her word, once the night is nearly over the frog has one last request, to have his head cut off by Sammy, hesitantly at first she does and to her and everyone else’s amaze the frog turns in to a space prince belonging to the galaxies royal family. She marries the prince and they live happily ever after.

Export FormatPSDAdvantages: PSD files allow me to add extra layers and gives me a number a tools they allow me to edit and manipulate images however I want. Disadvantages: PSD files cannot be viewed by everyone, only those who have the correct software to open them, however PSD documents can be saved as JPEG’s which is a file that anyone can view.

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7th April


For the age of my target audience I plan to aim toward a younger audience as my adaptation of the old English fairy tale 'the well at the ends world' will be written in a children's book style, the target age will be around 4-6 year olds. As the main character of my story is a space girl the book may mainly appeal to a younger female audience, however the content will be written in a manner that appeals to both boys and girls, this is because space travel, spaceships and aliens are all known interest of both young boys and girls. Which then leads me to the characteristics of my target audience, I will be focus on characteristics of any child that likes the idea of space travel and adventure as that is what my book will feature. The story may also interest children who espier to be astronauts as the story features space travels and elements of exploration. My story is based around an old English Fairy tail and my book will be written in English to the location of my targeted audience will be English based.

Production MethodsI'm going to use Photoshop to create my illustrations for my book, I like the idea of using rotoscoping to create my characters and their settings. Rotoscoping consists of getting an original image on Photoshop for example a frog and using the polygonal lasso tool to select sections of the image and adding a copy layer over the original in colour, you do this a number of times to build up layers until the end result shows a replicate copy coloured in in the colours which I selected. When we did the rotoscoping task before hand I found that it was an effective way of creating good looking illustrations that had both a real life aspect and also a cartoon aspect which is what I will be aiming to create in my book. There are a few disadvantages to rotoscoping as it may take me quite a while to create my characters in full detail however I feel that this will be worth it as I will be left with professional looking characters with good detail and enjoyable to read for a young audience. Once my characters created I can copy and paste the already finished characters into the settings of each page.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

A strength of your proposal is that you’ve really gone into detail with what it is your wanting to accomplish. But also the fact that you have different ideas of what could happen in the story. I would say this is a strength as if one to go wrong you still have your back up idea in a way.

I think your proposal is well thought out and you’ve managed to explain what it is you would like to do very well. I feel though one thing that could have further work on is why you would like to rotoscope for your production methods and why you think this could appeal to your target audience.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

I would say the strengths are that you know what it is your wanting to do. You seem to have it well planned out in your head. I feel as if the galaxy idea you have is planned out a lot more and this is a strength as this does seem to be your chosen one.

I would say an area that needs further development is the Mcdonalds idea that you have as this could always be your back up plan. But I feel as if you could have a bit more detail added to it. As it feels like you know exactly what you want to do and every small detail. But I feel like you havent got everything down in your idea generation.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I like how you have gone into a lot of detail about how you will adapt the story to make it your own. I also like you have explained who your target audience is and why it is this.

To improve you could go into slight more detail about your production method and why you have chosen to create your book in this way rather than using an alternate method.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

A strength is how you have explained what the traditional fairy tale is and how you will adapt it to appeal to children of the modern day. It shows you have a clear understanding of what you are wanting to produce.

An improvement is that you could explain what characters will be in your adapted version and what characteristics each of them will have and how this relates back to the traditional fairy tale you have based your story upon.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Your story overview has great detail, this will help you when creating the imagery for the book and the text used. I think you have chosen a good way to create your visuals using photography. This is a good way to challenge yourself and I believe it will turn out nicely. You have explained how your book will appeal to your target audience well and have given a good explanation on where the story comes from.

One thing you could do is add in the original story to your overview and compare each of the story’s and how you have changed the elements in them. For example how you have changed the characters and locations.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Your idea generation has lots of different ideas and has been explained well. Your mood boards are nicely presented.

One improvement can be made on the idea generation, you could explain the locations more and what is going to be in each locations (objects etc.) You could add in a front mood board. This will give you more fronts to select from and will help you decide the main font for your book.

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Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.My feedback suggests that I have shown good detail in my audience and story development however it has also shown me that I may need to further develop on the production method of my story and why I have chosen to use rotoscoping.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree that my audience and story development has been presented in good detail, I also agree that further development needs to be done on my production method.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I understand the feedback stating I need to add more detail to my other adaptation, this is true I could do with adding more detail, however I had already decided what idea I was going to do so I went into more detail explaining the chosen idea.

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Original Script day the mother of a little girl named Lily suddenly died. Her father remarried, but Lily's stepmother was as unkind as could be. The stepmother was forever giving Lily difficult tasks to do, treating her like a servant and feeding her

scraps.One day the stepmother decided she would send the child away for good. And so she picked up a sieve and

handed it to Lily and said, "Go fill this from the Well of the World's End, and if you do not succeed, never show your face in this home again!"

So Lily started on her journey, though of course she had no idea where to go. She asked everyone she met where she would find the Well of the World's End, but they just shook their heads and shrugged and answered, "I don't know." And then suddenly, as sometimes happens, an old woman appeared and said, "There, take that path and

you will find the Well of the World's End."Naturally Lily was pleased, but then she remembered the sieve. "How on earth will I fill a sieve with water," she asked a bird, and though the bird might have known the answer, he said not a word. And so, when Lily reached

the well, she dipped her sieve into the water, but it ran out just as quickly as she could scoop it in.She began to weep, but just then, as sometimes happens, a frog leaped into her lap and looked up at her and

spoke. "If you promise to do whatever I ask for one whole day, I'll tell you how to fill your sieve."Lily agreed at once.

"Stop it with moss and daub it with clay, and then it will carry the water away," said the frog.Lily collected moss and lined the sieve, and she dabbed clay on it, too. Sure enough, this time when she dipped it

in, the water stayed."Don't forget your promise," the frog croaked as Lily skipped away.

"I won't," she sang as she ran happily home.

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Original Script

Well, when the stepmother saw the sieve full of the water from the Well of the World's End, she was furious, and she began to concoct other plans, but just then they heard a tapping at the door and a voice cried out,

"Remember the promise you made me."When the stepmother opened the door she saw a frog. "What on earth?" she cried, but Lily quickly told the

story of the Well of the World's End and of her promise to the frog.The stepmother grinned wickedly. "Girls must keep their promises," she said, and so Lily nodded. "I

remember," she said to the frog. What do you wish?""Lift me up," said the frog, "lift me onto your knee. Remember the promise you made to me."

Lily shuddered. She wasn't certain that she liked the notion of a slithery frog on her knee, but her stepmother said, "Do as he asks. Girls must keep their promises." And so she did.

And then the frog looked up at Lily, and his great big eyes bulged as he said, "Give me some supper made especially by thee. Remember the promise you made to me."

Again the stepmother grinned. "Girls must keep their promises," she said. "Now go make the frog some supper."

And so she did, and she fed the frog so well that soon his stomach bulged as much as his eyes."Take me to your bedroom quick as can be. Remember the promise you made to me."

Well, Lily didn't like this idea, but her stepmother smirked and said, "Girls must keep their promises," and so Lily took the frog to her room and set him down to sleep as far away from her as she could.

At dawn she woke, and when she opened her eyes, the frog sat on her pillow."Kiss me, kiss me as quick as can be. Remember the promise you made to me."

Now Lily shook her head, for she didn't want to kiss a frog at all, but she remembered how well the frog had treated her at the Well of the World's End, and she surely didn't want to hurt him. At last she shut her eyes

and kissed him quickly on top of his head. When she opened her eyes, there stood a handsome young prince."I was enchanted by a wicked magician, and I could not break the spell until a girl would do what I asked for

one whole day and then kiss me at dawn. Now marry me, for I love you."

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Story Breakdown

1. Sammy is sent out by her step mother to find the well at the galaxies end. 2. Sammy searches for the Well3. she comes across an old woman who shows her the way4. She finds the well but discovers she cannot bring back the space gunk in a sieve5. a three eyed space frogs appears that tells her how to do it but at a price6. Sammy comes back with the space gunk at her step mothers surprise7. later that night the frog comes to her home telling her she needs to fulfil her promise of doing the frogs bidding for a whole night.8. Sammy’s step mother forces her to keep her word, so she lets the frog in9. the frog requests she shares a bed with through the night, she reluctantly agrees.10. as the night comes towards an ends the frogs final request is for Sammy to kiss him, Sammy insists it wont happen however her step mother again forces her as she thinks it is punishment 11. Sammy kisses the frog which then turns him back into a prince, they marry and live happily ever after.

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Draft Scriptsometime, long into the future where people lived on Moons and fly spaceships, there was a space girl named Sammy. Sammy lived on a tiny planet called Toto with her horrible step mother. Her step mother always treated her badly, making her do countless space chores everyday. One day the stepmother wanted to get rid of her for good so she called Sammy and commanded her to “go find the well of the galaxies end and from it you must fill up this sieve full of space gunk and bring it back to me with out spilling, if you cant do this you must never show your face on this planet ever again!”So without any choices Sammy was sent out into space in search of the well. After a while of searching through asteroid fields and empty planets Sammy came across an old whistling woman. “do you know where I can find the well of the Galaxies end?” Sammy asked “yes, yes my child, simply follow the milky way road, once the end is reached, the well you will find.” Sammy thanked the old woman and jumped back in her ship taking no delay in continuing her journey.Sammy began to reach the end of the Milky way road and just like the old woman had said the well was just at the end. Wasting no time Sammy threw on her space outfit and rushed out her ship to the well. Sammy plunged the sieve into the well, filling it with gooey purple space gunk, but to her despair the gunk spilled away just as fast as she had filled it.She began to weep, but just then, out of the well appeared a 3 eyed space frog. The frog to her amazement then spoke. “if you promise to do whatever I ask for one whole night, I promise I will show you how to fill your sieve’. Sammy agreed at once. "Stop it with some space moss over there and then dab it with this space clay, and then it wont leak" said the space frog.Sammy did exactly what the frog suggested and to her amazement the gunk stayed. “don’t forget your promise” said the space frog as Sammy hopped away.“I wont” she sang as she jumped into her spaceship to finally go home. Well, when the stepmother saw Sammy with the sieve full of space gunk with a single drop spilled, she was furious, and she began to concoct other plans, but just then they heard a slimy tapping at the door and a voice cried out, "Remember the promise you made me.”the stepmother quickly opened the door and to her amazement there stood the three eyed space frog. “what is this disgusting creature doing at my door step?!”Sammy quickly told her the story of what happened at the well and the promise she made the space frog. The wicked stepmother then with an evil grin on her face said “girls must keep their promises”. Sadly Sammy knew she must keep her promise so she nodded and said “I remember, what is it you wish?” “Lift me up” said the space frog, “lift me up onto your knee. Remember the promise you made to me”. Sammy was hesitant, she didn’t want the slithery space frog sat on her knee, but her stepmother quickly insisted “do as he asks. Girls must keep their promises.” and so she did.Then the frog asked “make me some supper, I’m incredibly hungry. Remember the promise you made me.” The stepmother again grinned “go make him some supper, girls must keep their promises.” so Sammy did, she fed the space frog so well that soon his stomach bulged like a beach ball. Finally the space frog said “Take me to your bedroom quick as can be. Remember the promise you made me.” this didn’t appeal to Sammy, no way did she want to take this revolting three eyed space frog to her bedroom, but just like every other time Sammy’s stepmother grinned once again and said “girls must keep their promises.” and so Sammy did what she was asked and kept her promise but placed the space frog down to sleep as far away from her as possible.Once the light shone through her window in the morning she woke to the sight of the space frog sat on her pillow. “kiss me, kiss me as quick as can be, remember the promise you made to me.”Sammy shook her head in disagreement, there was no way she wanted to kiss this space frog. Yet she then remembered just how kind the frog had been to her by helping her at the well of the Galaxies end, so surely the least he deserved was a quick kiss. At last she shut her eyes and kissed the top of his head. Once her eyes opened to her astonishment there stood a tall handsome young prince.“Thank you ever so much! I am the son of the King of the galaxy and was cursed long ago by an evil alien witch and I could not break the spell until a girl would do what I asked for one whole day and then kiss me at dawn. You have freed me from the curse and If you would, I promise to take you far away from this retched place and we can live happily ever after!” Sammy couldn’t explain how happy she was so she agreed and just like that they got in her ship, flew far far away and lived happily ever after.

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Final ScriptSammy lived on a tiny planet called Toto with her horrible step mother. Her step mother treated her like a slave, always making her do countless space chores everyday.

One day the stepmother called Sammy and told her to “go find the well of the galaxies end and fill up this sieve with space gunk. Bring it back to me with out spilling a drop. If you can’t, you must leave this planet forever.”

Sammy set out into space in search of the well. She searched through asteroid fields and empty planets until finally she came to the well of the galaxies end. Sammy rushed out of her ship to the well. She plunged the sieve into the well, filling it with gooey purple space gunk, but the gunk spilled away just as fast as she had filled it.

She began to weep, “What ever will I do?”. Just then, out of the well appeared a 3 eyed space frog. The frog then said. “If you promise to do whatever I ask for one whole night, I promise I will show you how to fill your sieve”. Sammy agreed at once.

“take this clay and moss and block the holes with them, it then wont leak”. Said the space frog.Sammy did this and to her amazement the gunk stayed. “Don’t forget your promise” said the space frog as Sammy happily hopped away.“I wont” she sang as she jumped into her spaceship to finally go home.

The stepmother was furious when she saw the sieve full of space gunk but before she could react they heard a slimy tapping at the door and a voice cried out, "Remember the promise you made me.”The stepmother quickly opened the door and saw there stood the three eyed space frog. “What is this disgusting creature doing at my door step?!”

Sammy quickly told her what happened at the well and the promise she made. The wicked stepmother then with an evil grin on her face said “girls must keep their promises”. Sammy knew this so she nodded and said “I remember, what is it you wish?”

The space frog had one wish “let me use your bed tonight, I cant recall the last time I had my own bed. I am ever so tired. Remember the promise you made me.” Sammy did what she was told and kept her promise. She placed the space frog down to sleep and set out a blanket and pillow on the floor for her self.

Once the morning came she woke to the sight of the space frog sat on her pillow. “Kiss me, kiss me as quick as you can. Remember the promise you made to me.”Sammy immediately disagreed, there was no way she wanted to kiss this space frog. Yet she then remembered just how kind the frog had been to her, what harm could it be? At last she shut her eyes and kissed the top of his head. Once her eyes opened to her astonishment there stood a tall handsome young prince.

“you broke my curse! I am the son of the King of the galaxy. I was cursed long ago by an evil alien witch and I could not break the spell until a girl would do what I asked for one whole day and then kiss me at dawn. I am forever in your debt. I promise to take you far away from this retched place and we can live happily ever after!” Sammy was thrilled so she agreed and just like that they got in her ship, flew far far away and lived happily ever after.

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Flat Plans

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Digital Flat Plans

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