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Digital Graphic Narrative


Hannah Woollaston

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Shape Task

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What did you like about your image?I liked the gradients in my image, especially on the ears I think this made the image look more realistic and as if a light was shining on the panda. I also like the shape of the black parts around the eyes as this is a distinctive part of the panda. I like the basic outline of the panda as I believe this makes it easily recognisable as a panda, I also like the colours of the image, because I used a gray/white instead of a bright white, I think this makes it look more realistic and natural.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would improve the gaps in my image and make sure that the whole image was covered. I would also add some more strokes into my image to see what the image would look like with them in, I think this would add more depth to my image. I would add some circles to the eyes to make it look like it had a glint in its eye, this would help to make the image look more natural. To make the panda look more realistic I would also try to add more detail to the mouth. Finally, if I was to do this again I would try to add more texture to the panda as I think this would make it look more realistic and add more depth to the panda itself.

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Improved shape task

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• What did you like about your image?This is my improved panda, I prefer this image because I added texture onto the panda, using colour range. I also like this

image because I changed the colour of the eyes using colour overlay, this has made the panda look more realistic. Also to improve my image I went back over the image and filled in any gaps I had that were showing through as that made the image look un-professional.

• What would you improve if you did it again?• If I was to improve the panda image further I would make sure that, the outlines I created using the shape tool were

more smooth and not bumpy as this can spoil the effect on the image and make it look less realistic. Another thing I would improve if I did this again is the background, I would try to create a more interesting one as this would help to make the panda stand out more.

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Shape Task

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• What did you like about your image?• I liked the clear outline and shape of the penguin I got from using the shape tool, I think this gives the

image a more realistic look. In this image I also used the texture tool to put texture on certain areas of the image, I like this because I think it adds more depth to the penguin. Also, in this image I used the polygon lasso tool to select face/nose area because there wasn’t any shapes that would’ve been able to fit the shape of the face/nose properly, this is a benefit to the polygon lasso tool. In this image I also like the colours used.

• What would you improve if you did it again?• If I was to do this again I would add more detail to the penguin, maybe to the stomach, I would do this

by adding a subtle gradient to the shape.

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Evaluation of Rotoscope 1

What did you like about your image?In this image, I like the general shape of the hamster as it is recognisable. I liked the rotoscope technique as a whole as it is easy to use, I prefer it to the the shape tool for this reason. In this image I also like the colours used as they all blend in well together and create depth in the image.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this again I would try to incorporate putting the texture onto the hamster as I think this would help to make it look more realistic.

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Rotoscope 2

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Evaluation of Rotoscope 2

• What did you like about your image?i like the colours I chose to use for this rotoscope as I think they make the image look more realistic as they

are appropriate and match the colours in the original image, I managed to do this by using the colour selecting tool to pick the colours for each section from the original image. In this image, I am also pleased with the outline of the fish as It is recognisable as a clown fish.

• What would you improve if you did it again?• If I were to do this again I would try to incorporate other techniques we have learnt how to do into the

image, such as comic book, I think this would help to make the image more cartoon like, this could be suitable for the story book we have to produce. Another thing I would improve is make the gradient I put on the face more obvious/prominent as this would give the image more depth.

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?These images are my text practice images, the top image is showing how I used tracking and leading to spread out the words and letters, I liked this because I think it could make the text very effective and prominent on the page if the words are spread out. The second image is created by using ‘layer styles’ and ‘pattern overlay’ this makes the words stand out more, this tool could be appropriate for a logo or advert etc, I liked the tool because it makes words look nicer and more prominent on the page. The third technique was the clipping mask tool, to do this I had to write my name and make sure, using the tracking and leading tool, that the letters were very cramped together. I then had to choose an image and place this on top of the text, resize it and then right click on the layer to create clipping mask, because the most interesting part of the image wasn’t on my text I used the move tool to move the image in my text. I really liked this technique and image because it is unusual and makes the text more interesting to look at and read. The fourth image, on the same slide is the text edited using the warp tool, to do this I had to rasterize my text layer to make it like a picture and then go onto ‘edit’, then ‘transform’ and then ‘warp’ I liked this effect on the text because it creates an interesting shape to it. My fifth image was created using ‘distort’ this is done in the same way as the warp image, I like this, however it is not my favourite technique I have used because I think it makes the text look quite flat and boring, however I did like how it creates a perspective effect on the text. My final image is done using ‘skew’, again this is done in the same way as the warp and distort images, but I like this one because of how it draws you into the text when you look at it.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I did this again I would improve my ‘layer style pattern overlay’ text and maybe pick a more interesting pattern to go onto the text, I think this would make it look more interesting.

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Comic Book

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Comic book

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Comic book

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What did you like about your image?I created three images, through using cut-outs and the threshold tool. I like the first image because of how cartoon like it looks, but still looks realistic and you can still see the facial features in there. The second image is my favourite because I decided to play around with the colour more and then change the lightness. This has given the image a deep purple colour which I think adds depth to the image, on this image I also like the sketchy detail of her hair that the cut-outs and threshold tools create. On the third image, I decided to go a little more abstract with the cut-out tool, I think this creates an interesting effect on the image, I also then used threshold on the image and the hue/saturation tool to make the background dark and the main focus of the image (Carl and Pete) almost fully white compared with the background.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to try this technique again I would use the overlay, blending mode and screen more to see what effect this had on my images, I didn’t do this, this time because I liked the cartoon effect my images had, but I would experiment with that next time.

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PhotographyLonely Happy

Sad Excited

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What did you like about your image?I liked these images because I think they describe the set emotions well, (happy, sad, excited and lonely). I also really liked how we decided to send them as Snapchats and take a picture, of the picture, I think this an effective way of creating an interesting set of images, rather than just taking pictures of the person. I also liked how we took the photos of the phone at an interesting and unusual angle, this makes it easier to see the pictures on the phone but also makes the photo of the phone look better than if it had just been taken at a straight-forward angle. I also liked how we used a small aperture so that only the phone and the image on the phone is in focus, I think this makes it easier for the viewer to see that the phone and the image on it are the main subjects.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to improve these images I would try taking the photo at different angles, to see which worked best and created the most interesting photograph, I would also try to define the emotions in the picture more by the actions in the pictures.

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What did you like about your image?I decided to draw some flowers for the illustration example, to begin with I looked for images of flowers on Google for inspiration, but this was unsuccessful so I decided to draw the flowers from my own imagination. There were some elements of the drawing I liked, despite not being best pleased with it. I liked how the flowers all over-lapped each other, I think this creates depth in the image and makes it more interesting, I did like the shading in the centre of the flowers because this makes them stand out against the white background.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to draw these flowers again I would improve, the outline of the flowers and make them more bolder as it is difficult to see them against the white background in the photograph. Another thing I would improve and change is how spaced out the flowers on the outside are, I would make them closer together and more central and this would help to bring the viewers attention to the centre of the image where the main flower is. Id I was to do this again I would upload my drawing to Photoshop and see if I could combine any digital techniques with drawing to make it look better.

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Illustration with Comic book effect

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Evaluation for Illustration 2What did you like about your image?This is my improved illustration image which I went onto apply the comic book effect too. I liked this because I improved the outline of the image which I made darker so you can see the flower more clearly. I also liked the effect I put on it (cut-out) I think this adds interesting and eye catching shade to the image, I also like the way the foreground of the image and the background of it aren’t aligned properly which adds depth to the image. to create this image, I first drew the flower, took a picture of it and uploaded it to Photoshop. After I had done that I went onto filter gallery and picked cut-outs and changed the sliders to pick an appropriate number where the picture looked ok.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I did it again I would add more colour to the flower in the drawing stage, I think this would make the comic book effect better, i also would improve this because I think it would make the flower stand out more.

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Initial Ideas

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ProposalDimensionsTo show the story and the techniques I plan to use in full I am aiming to create at least 20 pages, this is because I am doing one page with text on and the opposite side will have the images on. I am doing this so I can do full page illustrations to show the techniques, this will also fit in with the age range I plan to target as it would be easier for them to read and understand that way. The dimensions on the book will be 18.6 x 0.6 x 21.9cm I think this is a nice size as it isn’t too big so younger children will be able to hold it more easily.

Story OverviewIn the story I have chosen, the three little pigs decide to build their own houses, one is made out of straw, the second out of sticks and the third out of bricks. They built there houses very quickly, apart from the one who had decided to take extra care in building his house out of bricks. While the other two pigs, that had built their houses out of sticks and straw, relaxed, they were spotted by a hungry wolf. They ran into their houses to hide and the wolf chased them, first the wolf went to the straw house but he huffed and puffed and blew the house down, the wolf then went to the stick house but he blew that one down too. The two pigs then ran to the pig who had taken the time with his brick house and hid in there but the wolf could not blow the bricks down, so he climbs the roof and falls down the chimney where the pig had boiled some water, his hurts his tail and then gets scared by this and then runs away, the two pigs that had the straw and stick houses quickly re-made their houses out of bricks.

Export FormatPDF

Advantages: PDF files can be accessed easily through having adobe reader which is free, most computers have it and it can also be accessed on phones. Another advantage to PDF files is they can save multiple layers in the files.

Disadvantages: PDF files are large files and therefore take up a lot of room. Another disadvantage to PDF files is that they aren’t compressed so they get bigger each time they are edited.

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18th December


My target audience for this book will be both the children and their parents who are likely to choose what they read so it has to appeal to both audiences, I plan to do this by making the illustrations colourful and eye-catching so both the parents and the children are interested by it. I think the age of the children who will read this book will be 4-6 as it has to be for a slightly older child because it is about a hungry chases the pigs so this may be too much for a younger child, however younger children (the lower end of my TA) would still understand the story because it is quite simple and I hope to use the large illustrations to help support this. I think the gender my book will appeal to is both but maybe appealing slightly more towards boys because of the angry wolf. I think the class of my TA will be across all classes because it is a very famous and well known children's story, I think the location of my TA will be in England and other English speaking countries because it will be written in English only.

Production Methods

In the production of my book I plan to use techniques such as rotoscoping and the shape tool to create my images, I also plan to use my own photography where I can, to use as a base for my rotoscoping and shape tool techniques. I have decide to use a mix of the rotoscoping and shape tool techniques because I think they will both be useful for different things, for example I think the rotoscoping will be more useful for intricate areas in my images and the shape tool will be more useful more bigger areas as it is easier to warp the shape to fit in larger areas. I have also chosen to use these two techniques as in the practice stage in this pro-forma I was stronger at these than the illustration and the comic book effect. I also think this two techniques go well with story and will help to create a more cartoony contemporary effect which I wanted to achieve in my book.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

There is a lot of great detail that clearly shows how you will create your illustrations. You have thought a lot about the different elements within the book, such as text and how the font and font size is appropriate for the age group.You have explained in detail how the different techniques will benefit your children's book.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

You have added a lot of links in your mind map that express how techniques can be used within the book and how they will benefit the story.

You could add some pictures in that show layouts of text and where abouts they will be placed om the page.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal contains a lot of detail about the book and seems well thought out. It goes into depth on each part and is very easy to follow.

No area for improvement

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

There are a lot of options for the type of book which shows the there has been a lot of thought gone into it. You have related your ideas back to the age range and have carefully thought through each step to make sure it is best suited to your age range.

Although each image was well annotated there could have been more ideas on what images to use and comparisons with illustrations from the same story however by different people and in different forms e.g. cartoon versions of the story

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

-Your explanations of the dimensions and sizes you are going to use are clearly explained, as well as your advantages and disadvantages of a PDF.

-When talking about the PDF you could say that they use multiple pages rather than layers. You could also talk about your specific intentions for your illustrations in your production methods.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

-Ideas are well explained and thought out. Very detailed explanations about specific techniques and styles that could be used in your work. All aspects of your work have been looked at and it is very clear to see what your ideas are. Everything is set out well and easy to see.

-You could include more age/audience specific information on your mind map & the different types of book for certain ages.

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Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

My feedback on my proposal was mostly positive with some areas for improvement, I received most of my improvements on my mind map section such as including age specific information.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with my improvements that need to be made on my mood board such as adding images from different illustrated versions of the same story as this would help to show what techniques I am thinking of using. I also agree with showing, on my mood board, how the text would be laid out in my book, I think this would help to improve my work and make it clearer for people to understand what I want the book to look like.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I think I could improve my initial ideas with all of the feedback I have been given so I don’t really disagree with any feedback I have been given because I feel it was all fair and everything that was bought up as improvements can be improved on to help my work.

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Original Script

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks. A big bad wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played and thought, “What juicy tender meals they will make!” He chased the two pigs and they ran and hid in their houses. The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now came to this house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in hardly any time. Now, the two little pigs were terrified and ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks. The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying for hours but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through the chimney but the third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf fell into it and died. The two little pigs now felt sorry for having been so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and lived happily ever after.


I used this script as a base for my story board, I read through it and condensed it and changed some elements to make it more appropriate for my audience, such as making the wolf only burn its tail in the water and running away instead of dying which I thought may be too much for my audience.

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Script used in my storyboard.

• Scene 1: The Three Little Pigs all went to collect the materials they needed to build their houses, Sticks, Straw and Bricks.

• Scene 2: The Three Little Pigs all started to build their houses, this pig was working hard and building his home out of bricks so it was stronger.

• Scene 3: The two pigs that had decided to build their houses out of sticks and straw finished very quickly and were enjoying some time to relax, when they spotted something…

• Scene 4: The two frightened pigs went to hide in their houses of sticks and straw.• Scene 5: The first pig went to hide in his straw house but the wolf huffed and he puffed and

he blew the house down!• Scene 6: The wolf then went to the second pigs house which was built out of sticks, but he

huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down• Scene 7: The two frightened pigs had no where to hide so they ran to the third pigs house to

get away from the scary wolf!• Scene 8: The Three Little Pigs all went to hide in the brick house but the wolf huffed and he

puffed and he COULDN’T blow the house down! So he had another idea…• Scene 9: The wolf wouldn’t give up so he climbed down the chimney and burnt his tail on the

fire and quickly ran away!• Scene 10: The wolf ran away and the two pigs went to re-build their houses out of brick this

time and they never has trouble from the wolf again.

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Final Script for bookScene 1: Once upon a time there were three little pigs who wanted to build their own houses so one day they went to collect the materials they needed, Sticks, Straw and Bricks.

Scene 2: The three little pigs all started to build their houses. This little pig was working hard and building his house out of bricks so it was stronger and safer.

Scene 3: The other two little pigs that had decided to build their homes out of straw and sticks finished very quickly and were taking sometime to relax after a hard day. But then they spotted something…

Scene 4: A wolf! The two frightened pigs went to hide in their houses of straw and sticks.

Scene 5: The first little pig went to hide in his home of straw and hoped the wolf wouldn’t find him… But it did. The wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!

Scene 6: The wolf then went to the second little pigs house which was built out of sticks and he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!

Scene 7: The two little pigs were very frightened and had no where to hide so they ran to the third pigs house to get away from the scary wolf!

Scene 8: The third little pig let them in and they all hid in the brick house. The wolf huffed and he puffed and he COULDN’T blow the house down! So he had another idea…

Scene 9: The hungry wolf wouldn’t give up so he jumped down the chimney to get the three little pigs…

Scene 10: But he burnt his tail and got such a shock that he ran away as fast as he could!

Scene 11: The two little pigs that built their houses out of sticks and straw went to re-build their houses out of brick and they never had trouble from the wolf again!

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Digital Flat Plans page 1

The Text for scene one will go here. As it gives chance for the children to look at the images on the left side first and then the writing so they will already be able to tell what is going on and then the text will help to further explain.

Scripted text to go in box above:

Once upon a time there were three little pigs who wanted to build their own houses so one day they went to collect the materials they needed, Sticks, Straw and Bricks.

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Scripted text to go in box above:

The three little pigs all started to build their houses. This little pig was working hard and building his house out of bricks so it was stronger and safer.

Digital flat plans page 2

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Digital Flat Plans page 3

As well as putting text here I am also using speech and thought bubbles in the actual images both to add some description to the image but also to help younger children if they don’t understand the larger amounts of text this will help describe what is happening.

Scripted text to go in box above:

The other two little pigs that had decided to build their homes out of straw and sticks finished very quickly and were taking sometime to relax after a hard day. But then they spotted something…

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Digital Flat Plans page 4

Scripted text to go in box above:

A wolf! The two frightened pigs went to hide in their houses of straw and sticks.

I plan to have my the speech/thought bubbles spread out on the page of images, especially if there is more than two per page as I don’t want them to over crowd the page and overtake from the images.

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Digital flat plans page 5

Scripted text to go in box above:

The first little pig went to hide in his home of straw and hoped the wolf wouldn’t find him… But it did. The wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!

This is where my fifth piece of text will go, this piece of text will be quite long as I am not using any speech or thought bubbles in it, so it has to do the job of describing the whole scene.

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Digital flat plans page 6

Text to go in box above:

The wolf then went to the second little pigs house which was built out of sticks and he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!

The text for this page is again very descriptive because the image is quite sparse but represents what is happening at that point well. It also doesn’t have any speech/thought bubbles.

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Digital flat plans page 7

Text to go in box above:

The two little pigs were very frightened and had no where to hide so they ran to the third pigs house to get away from the scary wolf!

This is getting to the important/crucial moments in the book so I want the text to mirror this and describe what is happening well, I have also started at this point adding speech bubbles back in to add extra detail for these important pages.

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Digital flat plans page 8

Text to go in box above:

The third little pig let them in and they all hid in the brick house. The wolf huffed and he puffed and he COULDN’T blow the house down! So he had another idea…

This is a crucial moment in the story when the wolf realizes he can’t blow the brick house down, to emphasize this in the text I have used capitals to highlight the would couldn’t this makes it more powerful on the page and more fun for the children to read.

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Digital flat plans page 9

Text to go in box above:

The hungry wolf wouldn’t give up so he jumped down the chimney to get the three little pigs…

On this page I struggle for room on the image side so I only have room for one speech bubble so I rely on this side to describe what is going on after he comes down the chimney.

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Digital flat plans page 10

Text to go in box above:

But he burnt his tail and got such a shock that he ran away as fast as he could!

As I was struggling to describe what was going on, I decided to add another page in, the main text will again go on this side, I have not used any speech/thought bubbles as I liked the simplicity of the image on this page.

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Digital flat plans page 11

Text to go in box above:

But he burnt his tail and got such a shock that he ran away as fast as he could!

As I was struggling to describe what was going on, I decided to add another page in, the main text will again go on this side, I have not used any speech/thought bubbles as I liked the simplicity of the image on this page.

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Digital flat plans page 12

Text to go in box above:

The two little pigs that built their houses out of sticks and straw went to re-build their houses out of brick and they never had trouble from the wolf again!

This I where my text will go again, this is the last page of the book so I wanted it to be detailed and have a simple, clear ending. I haven’t used any speech/ thought bubbles because I wanted the focus just to be on the images and then the text on this side.

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