Page 1: Development of Maintenance Management System … of Maintenance Management System of CIPAN ... Regulation ISO 10816-1 was adopted in ... 0,7 1,12 1,8 2,8 4,5 7,1 11,2 45 Class I

Development of Maintenance Management

System of CIPAN

Rute Filipa Duarte Caetano

Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica

Instituto Superior Técnico


This assignment aimed the development of maintenance management system of

CIPAN. Having this subject as a goal, several tasks were taken in consideration to achieve it:

CIPAN's Engineering and Services Department procedures' acquaintance, Infor EAM

customized manual making for CIPAN, field's categorization per group, equipment's

structure scheme build, creation and updating ofthe equipment 's inventory, numeration norm

updating and Identification of CIPAN's áreas and tools, preventive maintenance

readjustments, maintenance procedures creation and updating, maintenance and

inspection's data about productive sectors "SQ" and "TNE'S", definition of criticality's

matrices, creation of operational users/training, man/time cost's outlining, material's cost

control, collaborator's data-base actualization, Dataspy configuration and report's

identification and the necessary indicators for maintenance management.

Keywords: Maintenance management, Infor EAM, Equipment, Maintenance procedures,

Criticality 's matrices and Data-base.

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Maintenance can be defined as a

combination of every technical procedure,

administrative or management procedure,

during assets' time-span, appointed to

preserve it or to adapt it to perform the

required purposes.[2]

On figure 1.1 one can find different

forms of maintenance.

1'icilclcimincil l l CoiulitionalPreventive Preventive

Maintenance l Maintennnce

Figura 1.1- The different kinds of maintenancehierarchy.[1^

Maintenance management's

purpose is to accomplish a low-cost

modus-operandi, connecting ali these

different kinds of maintenance by the right

proportions. This price is not only fulfilled

by the cost of upkeep, on an accountant

perspective. It is the cost of upkeep added

to maintenance's indirect costs and to the

benefits obtained by the improvements.[1]

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is the type

of maintenance applied after malfunction

detection and it is appointed to restore

asset's performance for its required


On the other hand, if an early

malfunction detection would have been

preceded by a first warning that would

allow planning the repair previously to the

time of the malfunction. This task should

be designated as conditional preventive,

replacing the term corrective. ••

One can realize that the distinction

between conditional preventive tasks and

corrective tasks cannot always be a linear

job to take. Between these boundaries a

practical decision should be taken, a

reasonable pre-warning notification to

allow one to determine that a certain task is

a preventive task towards a malfunction,

and on the other hand, it is not a corrective

task for an eminent malfunction.

It is certain that any sort of a task

that requires a production-model

modifícation from a setup (in short, an

unpredicted task), should be regarded as a

corrective one. And it can only be regarded

as a conditional preventive task when its

date of accomplishment is determined, in a

way to avoid changes to that model, in a

planned scheme.[1

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Corrective maintenance requires

some basic equipment to be available, as

well as workshops to be adjusted for a

rapid conclusion of the requested tasks.

As a rule, the minimum limit of a

working área isn't considered by some

small industries, and there is a propensity

to find a confusing equipment disposition,

in other situations, one can find a single

workshop for ali professionaFs group.

Consequently, these situations create long

rows, delays, and hazardous conditions,

besides corrupting the performance of the

task's quality.

In this company's particular

research (CIPAN), there are three

workshops to be noticed: workshop of

mechanics, workshop of electrics and an

instrumentation workshop, although the

working área is quite restricted.

On the figures 1.2 and 1.3 one can

observe the workshop's general chart.

Figure 1.2-Plan of the floor O of the workshops.

ssr sss-

Figure 1.3-Plan of the floor l of the workshops.

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It is a benefít to find the three

workshops standing close together,

because this proximity allows speeding up

equipment's repairing (essentially the

equipment related to these three

categories). Another advantage is the use

of rolling platforms (equipment commonly

used in this company).

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is the one

performed during pre-determined breaks,

according to prescribed criteria, its goal is

to reduce malfunction's scenarios, or

assefs deterioration. [2J

There are two types of preventiveF21maintenance:L

a) Systematic


b) Conditional




Both are planned activities,

however, in a management point of view,

in the systematic preventive maintenance,

the task repeats itself during pre-

established periods of time, but in the

conditional preventive maintenance actions

will only be taken when it occurs some sort

ofindicator. [

The objectives of preventive

maintenance are [lí:

+ Predict a liable period of time

where malfunctions could happen,

taking the correct measures to

prevent it;

T Reduce equipment's repairing


-r Eliminate/reduce the risks of

equipment's malfunctions, in a

criticai condition or with a high

repairing cost;

-r Suppress the causes for serious

injuries, which will grant trust in

the equipment's employment.

Preventive maintenance is quite

suitable with certain equipment, but not

that usefiil with other sorts of equipment,

but it is the company's obligation to

employ preventive maintenance in the

equipment that could compromise the

personnel's safety.

It is crucial to evaluate, throughout

an economic study, if it is sustainable to

support the costs for equipment's

preventive maintenance. When excessively

applied, preventive maintenance turns out

to be technically prejudicial and more

expensive than corrective maintenance.

Some limits can be applied:

l- To spend only the reasonable

costs; preventive maintenance

should only take place if its

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employment is less expensive

than equipment's acquisition;

2- To avoid penalties caused by

equipment's operating stops;

3- To allow the equipment of

production to have its regular

renovation, therefore having its

life span's in consideration,

replacing parts or the whole

equipment consequently.

Systematic preventive maintenance

It is the preventive maintenance

scheduled in time or ruled by the amount

of times the equipment is used, without

previous assefs condition control.[2]

The success of this task is

associated with meticulousness, predicting

a time span where the equipment functions

without trouble.[1] In doubt one tend to be

more conservative, the time between

breaks tend to be shorter than it should,

and that requires superfluous stops and

parts' replacements.

CIPAN performs a systematic

preventive maintenance on its equipment

through maintenance and inspection.

Inspection is the recognition of

problems or suspicions that could predict

future problems. It doesn't require any

kind of intervention on the equipment, and

either does it restrict its usual performance.

The purpose for maintenance's

routine is to do check-ups and/or to

substitute the equipment's stress factor.

This siruation forces to disengage the

equipment and to verify its operational

status, limiting its usual performance.

Systematic preventive

maintenance's performance when applied

in a company can be described through

these following circumstances: every

single week, at Mondays, the Infor EAM's

administrative manager creates a

preventive maintenance's agenda. Its

period of appliance will have its initiation

on the following week from Saturday to

Friday. If one of these performances is

ever scheduled on Saturdays, Sundays or

Holidays, it will be rescheduled to the

following day of the week. It is determined

a period of pause of 30 working day s after

the time indicated for each equipment in

case of maintenance / inspections, with 3

months' frequency or more, for other

situations it is l / 3 of their schedule,

adjusting its own maintenance needs to

SMDES, and production plan of the sector.

It was produced a new document

for CIPAN called "Annual Maintenance

Plan 2009". This document contains the

detailed dates of maintenance and

inspections to be applied to the equipment

in the year of 2009. CIPAN shall update it


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Conditional preventive maintenance

It is preventive maintenance based

on assets' performance surveillance, and /

or on these signiflcant operation

parameters, integrating the resulting

actions. [2J No actions are necessary if it

does work fine, only when there are

evidences of malfunction or of close

failure, actions should be taken. The

success of conditional preventive

maintenance depends on the effectiveness

of resources and on the methodology for

monitoring the condition of the equipment.[i]

Conditional inspection's most

common techniques:

*- Vibration analysis;

-r- Analysis of the employed


-r- Thermography;

f Parameter's effíciency analysis;

T- Visual inspection;

^ Ultrasonic rating.

CIPAN uses vibration analysis as a

conditional preventive maintenance

method. The vibration analysis is done by

an externai company, SPECMAN.

Regulation ISO 10816-1 was adopted in

terms of vibration severity for the

equipment as criteria. The values are

represented in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2.

Table 1.1- Vibrations' global levei.

mm. si










Class I





Class II





Class III





Table 1.2- Priority's criteria.







Emergency Intervention

(supervise continuously)

Intervention as soon as possible

(supervise frequently)

Intervention when needed


No need for an intervention

Maintenance of Improvement

Maintenance of improvement

includes modifications or amendments to

improve the equipment's performance, to

set it to new operating conditions, to

rehabilitate or to improve its operational


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Equipment 's criticality

Criticalities are set in order to

determine which type of preventive

maintenance will occur on a particular

equipment. Criticality expresses how

crucial the equipment is in a production


It was defined and implemented the

following method to use in criticality

matrices' defmitions:

The equipment will be classified by

leveis 1,2,3 and 4.

1 - Criticai to the quality of the


2 - Criticai to the process;

3 - Criticai to the environment and


4 - Not Criticai (auxiliaries).

For each levei it will be imposed

rules, such as:

Equipment of levei l, 2 and 3 - Must have

preventive maintenance

Equipment levei 4 = it will be regularly set

in a preventive maintenance system.

Assessment shall be carried out case by


Maintenance management computerized


The use of maintenance

management computerized system isn't

just an implement of technology, it is

essentially a management position.

Maintenance management's software is

fundamentally a tool to help the

maintenance manager to better perform.

The software doesn't replace the

technicians. It only helps them to avoid

some important hard time-consuming

tasks, providing them to focus on tasks

much more intelligent and productiveJ1-'

Maintenance management

computerized system will become the most

valuable source of information and the

most important tool for management and

maintenance engineering, available to

maintenance managers (if used properly,

responsibly managed and primarily used

by the sénior management). Otherwise, it

will only be another bureaucratic process

and it will consume hours of work of

administrative and technical teams,

becoming a major hindrance in the work of


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Giving maintenance a Start

To initiate maintenance in a company

that already hás its own structure of staff,

one hás to:[1]

a) Select a management system /


Initially, one should prepare the

analysis and the diagnosis of the

company, regarding maintenance's

performance, keeping in mind the

users needs, criteria on data collection,

required reports and leveis of

performance to be supervised.

Therefore, the products specifícally

tailored to maintenance management

should be analysed.

CIPAN, producer of industrial

antibiotics, purchased Infor EAM.

There was a flaw in the

implementation of this first point, this

software was not customized in order

to fulfil the requirements of the

company, which led to the failure of

Infor EAM in terms of reports and

performance indicators, a very

important condition to achieve a fine

maintenance management.

b) Setting data for basic management;

This is a long process, also

known as the "walk in the desert"

because it is hard work and the results

are little: organization, research,

elements' registration, adjustments,

maintenance plans, but everything

remains static.[1]

c) Implement management and its


Met these phases, the

management system will enter its

cruise phase and will be consequently

improved in any of its áreas, according

to the results and to its critic analysis.

This is a process with a

timeframe for achieving never inferior

to 6 months, requiring planning,

persistent and dedicated work,

motivation and support from top levei

management. [i]


The aim of this work was obtained,

ali requested items were achieved except

two: the control of material costs and the

creation of reports and indicators on Infor

EAM. The material cosfs control was not

implemented because the feedback by

Glintt, on the possibility of timing and

costs associated with such was not

received until the end of this work. The

reports and management indicators were

not created in Infor EAM because Glintt's

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budget, Infor EAM's supplier, was too

high compared to what was required. In

order to circumvent the problem it was

created an auxiliary database in Microsoft

Access which provides ali the

performance indicators and reports


Apart from achieving the required

items, there were still others for the

development of maintenance management

system, such as drafting a document to put

types of equipment out of service or to

remove them, setting up material and

logical meters, the creation of a document

called "Maintenance annual plan" and

digitalization of documents supported by

Infor EAM.

There still were identifíed items to

be developed in CIPAN, in order to

develop the maintenance management

system: definition of production

equipment for the installation of a timer,

list of assets, improvement of definitions

and classification about kinds of job's

instructions and motive codes, association

of preventive maintenance records with the

preventive maintenance task's instruction,

spare parts' evaluation for Chemical

Synthesis and Central Services (criticai

equipment), maintenance procedures for

purified water, central services and the

cold storage room, Infor EAM's

employment of criticism and training of

users /requesting people on EAM and on

Maintenance Management.

It was suggested to the company

that the Central Services personnel should

inseri the meters' readings into Infor EAM,

besides completing the usual sheets and

that would make the weekly readings.

Initially, someone would be responsible to

provide the proper instruction to the

personnel and to validate the readings,

included them in Infor EAM.

Consequently, one would obtain the

meters' records, and could thus create

preventive maintenance which is triggered

by its operating hours (example: every

5,000 operating hours), but not by its time

frequency (example: monthly).

Documents' digitization is

extremely important since it is through this

that we have inspection and maintenance's

records being printed together with its

respective preventive maintenance task's

instructions. Through this procedure much

time is saved. The head of the workshop by

printing the preventive maintenance task's

instructions prints, automatically, the

inspection and the maintenance's records

that the personnel have to take to the íleld.

Formerly, the head of the workshop print

the task's instructions, then he had to move

to the secretary of the department of

engineering and services to get that


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Maintenance purpose is not only to

maintain operational capability of

equipment. It is above ali to know how to

detect problems and to propose solutions

for the production equipment and for the

maintenance team's performance


Normally, due to bustle, we quit

thinking in médium / long term. But I am

sure that, if the médium / long term chronic

problems were solved, we would not be

this uptight by the short terms.

Ali the beneflts that a system brings

to maintenance are related to the

management procedures enhancement

involved in maintenance, as a result to the

cosfs reducing and to the increase of

availability of equipment and facilities.

The lack of commitment is the most

common reason, for which companies that

bought maintenance management systems,

do not reach their expectations.

Managers, before starting the selection

process of the software, should seek to

assess their needs and identify the most

important points to be required to the

companies that will offer their

management products.


[1]- José Paulo Saraiva Cabral,

Organização e Gestão da Manutenção,

5aEdição, LIDEL

[2]- Norma Portuguesa, Terminologia da

manutenção, CT 94 (APMI), Setembro de


[3]- Relatório Ref.a R09CD0036A de 09-

02-2009, Medição e Diagnóstico de

Vibrações, SPECMAN

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