  • Development of electrochemical inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental pollutantsABU-ALI, H., NABOK, Aleksey , SMITH, T and AL-SHANAWA, M

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    ABU-ALI, H., NABOK, Aleksey, SMITH, T and AL-SHANAWA, M (2016). Development of electrochemical inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental pollutants. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 13, 109-114.

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  • Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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    Development of electrochemical inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection ofenvironmental pollutants☆

    H. Abu-Ali a,⁎, A. Nabok a, T. Smith b, M. Al-Shanawa ca Material and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UKb Biomedical Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University, UKc Faculty of Science, University of Basra, Iraq

    ☆ 26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors 2016⁎ Corresponding author.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Abu-Ali)© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an op

    Please cite this article as: H. Abu-Ali, et al., Depollutants, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Researc

    a b s t r a c t

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 11 July 2016Received in revised form 20 October 2016Accepted 21 October 2016Available online xxxx

    The main aim of this work is to develop a simple inhibition electrochemical sensor array for detection of heavymetals using bacteria. A series of electrical measurements (cyclic voltammograms) were carried out on samplesof two types of bacteria, namely Escherichia coli and Shewanella oneidensis along with optical measurements(fluorescence microscopy, optical density, and flow cytometry) for comparison purposes. As a first step, a corre-lation betweenDC electrical conductivity and bacteria concentration in solutionwas established. The study of theeffect of heavy metal ions (Hg2+) on DC electrical characteristics of bacteria revealed a possibility of pattern rec-ognition of inhibition agents. Electrical properties of bacteria in solutionwere compared to those for immobilizedbacteria.

    © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

    Keywords:Inhibition biosensorEscherichia coliShewanella oneidensisOptical measurementsElectrochemical measurementsCyclic voltammogram

    1. Introduction

    Heavy metal pollution is a problem associated with areas of in-tensive industry. Zinc, copper, and lead are three of the most com-mon heavy metals released from road travel. Lead concentrations,however, have been decreasing consistently since leaded gasolinewas discontinued [1]. The existing high-tech methods of their detec-tion are usually expensive and laboratory based. This work is a partof ongoing research targeting the development of novel, simple,and cost effective methods for monitoring environmental pollutants,particularly pesticides, petrochemicals and heavy metals being com-mon contaminants of water resources. It is known thatmicroorganismsare very sensitive to heavy metals [2,3]. The use of microorganisms forassessment of general toxicity of aqueous environment was reportedpreviously [4]. Identification of the types of pollutants in the environ-ment and the evaluation of their concentration is much more difficulttaskwhich is impossible to solve using a single inhibition type of sensor.However, the sensor array approaches utilising several types of bacteriabeing inhibited differently by different types of pollutants could solvethe above problem. Electrochemical measurements were successfullyused for studying electrical properties of cells deposited on screenprinted gold electrodes and showed great prospects of using such cell-


    en access article under the CC BY-NC

    velopment of electrochemicah (2016),

    based sensors for detection of various pollutants [5,6]. Our previous ex-periments went further and expanded this idea to more complex bio-objects such as bacteria. Using two types of bacteria, Escherichia coliand Deinococcus radiodurans, we confirmed the principles of inhibitionsensor arraywhichwas capable of differentiation between radionuclideand heavy metal pollutants [2,7]. In this work, we used simple electro-chemical measurements for establishing the correlation between con-ductivity of liquid bacteria samples and immobilized bacteria, andstudying the effect of heavy metal ions (Hg2+) on them. In addition toE. coli bacteria, we used another type of bacteria, Shewanella oneidensisknown by its high resistance to heavy metals. The main focus of thiswork is on electrical characterisation of both free bacteria in solutionand bacteria immobilized on the surface of metal electrodes.

    2. Experimental methodology

    2.1. Bacteria sample preparation

    Two types of bacteria were selected for this work: Escherichia coli(E. coli), which is quite sensitive to different environmental pollutants,and Shewanella oneidensis (S. oneidensis) known by its extreme resis-tance to heavy metals. LB (Luria-Bertain) broth was used as a medium[8] for both bacterial cell cultures. Both types of bacteria and respectivegrowth media were acquired from Sigma-Aldrich Co. Other chemicals,i.e. HgCl2 salt and poly L-lysine (PLl) were also purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. Cultivation of bacteria was performed in several stages.

    -ND license (

    l inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental.1016/j.sbsr.2016.10.007

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  • 2 H. Abu-Ali et al. / Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

    The first step was to cultivate a specific strain of bacteria in Petri dishcontaining solid broth agar, in order to use it as a bacteria source in fu-ture. In the second stage, one colony of bacteria was added into a sterileflask containing 50 ml of liquid broth. Finally, the flask containing thebacterial culture was placed inside shaking incubator operating at150 rpm shaking speed. The incubation temperatures were 30 °C forS. oneidensis and 37 °C for E. coli. Bacteria start growing after 16 h forE. coli and 24 h for S. oneidensis.

    2.2. Experimental procedures

    To study the inhibition effect of heavy metals on the above bacteria,HgCl2 salt (from Sigma-Aldrich) was selected. Solutions in different con-centrations (0.1, 1, 10, 100 mM) of HgCl2 were prepared by multiple di-lution of 1M stock solution of HgCl2 in deionisedwater. Bacteria sampleswere mixed with HgCl2 solutions in 1:1 ratio and kept incubated for 2 h.

    The effect of heavymetal on the bacterial density was examined andanalyzed using three different optical experimental techniques: fluores-cence microscopy, UV–visible spectrophotometry, and flow cytometry.GALLIOS flow cytometer BECKMAN-COULTERPN A75199AA instrumentwas used for counting the percentage of live and dead bacteria aftercolouring bacteria samples with L7012 Live/Dead Bacterial ViabilityKit. Fluorescence microscopy measurements were performed usingOlympus-BX60 instrument. In this study, bacterial samples were alsostained using L7012 Live/Dead (L/D) BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit[9], which is a mixture of (SYTO-9) green fluorescence nucleic acidstain and the red fluorescence nucleic acid stain propidium iodide.The cultivated bacteria density and changes in the live bacteriacounts after exposure to pollution were monitored using optical den-sity photometer (6715 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer JENWAY OD600).The electrochemical measurements, i.e. cyclic voltammograms (CV),were carried using gold screen printed three-electrode assemblies andDropSens microSTAT200 potentiostat. The same CV measurementswere carried on both types of bacteria immobilized on the surfaceof gold electrodes via poly L-lysine (PLl) [10]. For that purpose, thesurface of gold was modified in a 1:1000 mixture of PLl (1 mg/ml)and deionised water for 1 h at 37 °C. Then bacteria were immobilizedby dropping stock solutions of either E. coli or S. oneidensis in LBbroth on the modified electrodes, keeping it there for 1 h, then wash-ing out non-bound bacteria with phosphate buffer solution (PBS).The CV measurements of the electrodes with freshly immobilizedbacteria were carried out in PBS both before and after treatmentwith HgCl2 in different concentrations.

    3. Experimental results and discussion

    3.1. Optical measurements

    The numbers of live and dead bacteria were determined with fluo-rescence microscopy and OD600 similarly to that described in [7]. Live

    Fig. 1. Fluorescence microscopy images of E. coli before

    Please cite this article as: H. Abu-Ali, et al., Development of electrochemicapollutants, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (2016),

    and dead bacteria appeared as green and red dots, respectively, on fluo-rescence microscopy images in Figs. 1 and 2 for E. coli and S. oneidensis,respectively.

    It is clear, that the exposure to HgCl2 reduces the number of live(green) bacteria and increases the dead ones (red), while S. oneidensisbacteria are much less affected.

    Similar and even more pronounced pattern was observed in flowcytometry experiments where bacteria were stained with the sameL7012 Live/Dead Bacterial Viability Kit and appeared on the graphsin Fig. 3 as blue (live) and orange (dead) dots. The increase in thedead E. coli bacteria count after exposure to HgCl2 salt is visually ap-parent. Image analysis of Fig. 3A(b) yields the percentage of liveE. coli 43.88% and 56.12% for dead ones.

    In addition to that, dead E. coli bacteria appear mostly in bottom-leftquadrant of the graph in Fig. 3A(b) indicating the increase in the bacte-ria size most-likely due to rapture of cell membranes. Contrary,S. oneidensis bacteria were affected much less, the percentages of liveand dead bacteria after exposure to 1 M HgCl2 solution were 83.36%and 16.64%, respectively. Again, dead bacteria appeared slightly en-larged since they were shifted to the bottom-left in Fig. 3B(b).

    The result of optical density measurements of both bacteria samplesand the effect of their treatment with HgCl2 salt of different concentra-tions are shown in Table 1. The bacteria density was assessed (and pre-sented as absorbance) by losses of light intensity in themiddle of visiblerange (600 nm) as a result of light scattering on bacteria. The reductionin optical density upon increasing the HgCl2 concentration is muchmore pronounced for E. coli than that for S. oneidensis.

    Among the three optical methods used, flow cytometry appeared tobe the most reliable and not affected by different motility of E. coli andS. oneidensis. It is known that dead E. coli bacteria are not motile andtend to sediment which may affect the results of static fluorescent mi-croscopy and optical density measurements. Nevertheless, the resultsof optical testing of bacteria samples provided a background for furtherstudy using much simpler electrochemical method.

    3.2. Electrochemical measurements on liquid bacteria samples

    The electrochemical measurements of bacterial samples were car-ried out usingDropSens potentiostat and screen printed gold electrodes.Potential was recorded against Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Typical cy-clic voltammograms for E. coli and S. oneidensis of different concentra-tions (i.e. dilutions with LB broth) are shown in Fig. 4.

    Generally, the CV graphs in Fig. 4 are almost featureless in the select-ed voltage range from−0.5 V to+0.5 Vwhichwas chosen deliberatelyin order to avoid electrochemical reactions on the electrodes. Slight in-crease in the cathode current at −0.2 V indicates the beginning of hy-drogen reduction.

    The values of cathode current at−0.5 V appear to decrease with theincrease in bacteria concentration (or dilution ratio 1:10, 1:5, 1:2, 1:1)with the largest current shown for clear LB broth and the lowest for

    (A) and after (B) treatment with HgCl2 salt (1 M).

    l inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental.1016/j.sbsr.2016.10.007

  • Fig. 2. Fluorescence microscopy images of S. oneidensis before (A) and after (B) treatment with HgCl2 salt (1 M).

    Fig. 3. Flow cytometry results for E. coli bacteria (A) and S. oneidensis (B); graphs (a) and (b) were obtained, respectively, before and after treatment with HgCl2 (1 M).

    3H. Abu-Ali et al. / Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

    bacteria stock solution. That means that bacteria adsorbed on the sur-face of gold electrodes act as insulating layer reducing the current.These results are very important since they establish a correlation be-tween the values of cathode current and bacteria concentration insolution.

    The next step was to study the effect of Hg2+ ions on CV character-istics of both S. oneidensis and E. coli bacteria. A series of CV measure-ments were carried out on liquid samples of bacteria stock solution inLB broth which was mixed in 1:1 ration with different concentrationsof HgCl2 and kept for 2 h prior to CV measurements. The results ofthese measurements in Fig. 5 show substantial increase in cathode cur-rent (Ic) for E. coli samples (Fig. 5A) upon increasing the concentrationof HgCl2 while this effect is much less pronounced for S. oneidensis sam-ples (Fig. 5B). In addition to that, the oxidation and reduction peaks ap-peared on CV curves for S. oneidensis samples in Fig. 5A which aredefinitely related to electrochemical reactions associated with the pres-ence of HgCl2. The anodic peak increaseswith the increase in HgCl2 con-centration. However, such electrochemical reactions do not appear onE. coli samples in Fig. 5B. It is known that heavy metal salts act as co-factor for S. oneidensis bacteria growth [11], so the oxidation peak atabout 0.2 V on Fig. 5A is most-likely related to the interaction of HgCl2with S. oneidensis.

    When analysing the effect of heavy metal salts on CV characteristicsof liquid bacteria samples the effect of extra Hg2+ and Cl− ions onconductivity of liquid medium has to be taken into account. Inorder to find out the true effect of heavy metal ions on bacteria, the

    Table 1The results of OD600 for both bacteria samples which exposure to HgCl2 for 2 h.


    HgCl2 concentration

    Before treatment 0.1 mM 1 mM 10 mM 100 mM 1 M

    E. coli 0.813 0.773 0.712 0.637 0.416 0.356S. oneidensis 0.827 0.869 0.861 0.793 0.832 0.753

    Please cite this article as: H. Abu-Ali, et al., Development of electrochemicapollutants, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (2016),

    values of cathode current (Ic) of bacteria samples has to be normal-ized by the reference current Iref of LB broth diluted 1:1 with partic-ular concentration of HgCl2. The values of relative changes of cathodecurrent ΔIc/Ic=(Ic− Iref)/Iref at−0.5 V of both S. oneidensis and E. colibacteria are plotted in Fig. 6 against the concentration of HgCl2.

    As one can see the effects of HgCl2 on S. oneidensis and E. coli arecompletely different: Δ Ic/Iref goes upwith the increase in HgCl2 concen-tration for E. coli which means that E. coli bacteria inhibited by Hg2+

    ions becoming less electrically resisting, while Δ Ic/Iref is almost flat atlow concentrations of HgCl2 and slightly increases at high concentrationof 1M. Thismeans that S. oneidensis are practically not affected byHgCl2low concentrations but inhibited at high concentrations. This is a verypromising result showing a possibility of pattern recognition of heavymetals using the two bacteria.

    3.3. Electrochemical measurements on immobilized bacteria

    The results given in the previous section are important as a fur-ther step towards the development of bacteria-based inhibition sen-sor array, but it is still far away from real sensor development.Dealing with liquid bacteria samples is not the way forward becauseof natural variations of bacteria concentration even in laboratorysamples not to mention “real” samples taken for analysis. The prob-lem of having a reliable reference for such measurements is a verydifficult one. It would be much more useful for real sensor develop-ment to use bacteria immobilized on the electrode surface.

    In this work, both selected bacteria, e.g. S. oneidensis and E. coli, wereimmobilized on the surface of gold electrodes via poly L-lysine as de-scribed inmore detail in Section2.2. Fig. 7 shows a series of CVmeasure-ments carried out in PBS on gold electrodes with S. oneidensis and E. coliimmobilized from their respective solutions of different concentrationsin LB broth (stock solution and 1:2, 1:5, 1:10 dilutions with LB brothwere used). Both graphs show characteristic oxidation and reductionpeaks associated with electrochemical reactions in PBS. It is clear from

    l inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental.1016/j.sbsr.2016.10.007

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    -0.6 -0.4 -0.2

    Potential (V)


    Potential (V)

    S.oneidensis stock

    S.oneidensis 1:1

    S.oneidensis 1:2

    S.oneidensis 1:5

    S.oneidensis 1:10

    LB broth

    Potential (V)

    S.oneidensis stock

    S.oneidensis 1:1

    S.oneidensis 1:2

    S.oneidensis 1:5

    S.oneidensis 1:10

    LB broth


    Potential (V)

    S.oneidensis stock

    S.oneidensis 1:1

    S.oneidensis 1:2

    S.oneidensis 1:5

    S.oneidensis 1:10

    0.40.4 0.60.6
















    -0.2-0.2 -0.1

    Potential (V)


    Potential (V)


    Potential (V)Potential (V)

    E.coli stock

    1:2 dilution

    1:5 dilution

    1:10 dilution

    LB broth


    E.coli stock

    1:2 dilution

    1:5 dilution

    1:10 dilution

    LB broth


    E.coli stock

    1:2 dilution

    1:5 dilution

    1:10 dilution

    LB broth

    E.coli stock

    1:2 dilution

    1:5 dilution

    1:10 dilution


    Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms recorded on S. oneidensis (A) and E. coli (B) of different dilutions (1:10, 1:5, 1:2, 1:1, and stock solutions); CV curves for clear LB broth are shown on bothgraphs.















    A-0.6 -0.4-0.4 -0.2

    Potential (V)


    Potential (V)


    Potential (V)

    S.oneidensis + 1mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 10mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 100mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 1000mM HgCl


    S.oneidensis + 1mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 10mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 100mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 1000mM HgCl


    S.oneidensis + 1mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 10mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 100mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 1000mM HgCl


    S.oneidensis + 1mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 10mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 100mM HgCl

    S.oneidensis + 1000mM HgCl


    S.oneidensis + 1mM HgCl2

    S.oneidensis + 10mM HgCl2

    S.oneidensis + 100mM HgCl2

    S.oneidensis + 1000mM HgCl S.oneidensis + 1000mM HgCl2


    Fig. 5. Cyclic voltammograms of S. oneidensis (A) and E. coli (B) bacteria solutions in LB broth which treated with different concentration of HgCl2.

    4 H. Abu-Ali et al. / Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

    Fig. 7, that the values of current, for example cathode current peak atabout −0.2 V, decreases with the increase in concentration ofimmobilized bacteria. Similarly to previous experiments with bacteriasolutions, bacteria adsorbed on the surface act as insulator reducingthe current.

    The next set of data in Fig. 8 was obtained on gold electrodes withboth bacteria immobilized from respective stock solutions and thentreated with HgCl2 solutions of different concentrations. All measure-ments were carried out in PBS.

    Fig. 6. The dependence of relative changes in cathode current at −0.5 V for both S.oneidensis and E. coli on the concentration of HgCl2.

    Please cite this article as: H. Abu-Ali, et al., Development of electrochemicapollutants, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (2016),

    For both types of bacteria, the cathode current Ic at−0.5 V increasesafter treatmentwithHgCl2 salt (thehigher theHgCl2 concentration - thehigher Ic). Relative changes of Ic, e.g. for both bacteria vs concentration ofHgCl2 are shown in Fig. 9. Here, the values of Ic before the HgCl2 treat-ment were used as reference.

    As one can see, the effect is similar to that observed on liquid bacteriasamples. The values ofΔ Ic/Ic for E. coli increase steadilywith the increasein HgCl2 concentration, while S. oneidensis bacteria are practically unaf-fected by HgCl2 in a wide concentrations range apart from a slight in-crease in Δ Ic/Ic at 0.1 mM. High concentration of HgCl2, however,causes the damage to S. oneidensis bacteria cell membrane, and theysharply become more conductive.

    4. Conclusions and future work

    The effect of heavy metals (Hg in this case) on two types of bacteria,e.g. E. coli and S. oneidensis was studied using three different opticaltechniques: fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry which yieldsdirectly the ratio of live/dead bacteria, stained, respectively, with“green” and “red” fluorescent dyes as well as optical density measure-ments at 600 nm. All three optical methods are capable of detectingthe effect of heavymetals on the above bacteria, though the flow cytom-etry is much more reliable. The results obtained were encouraging,however the use of expensive and bulky optical instrumentation is notthe way forward for portable and cost-effective sensor development.

    Simple electrochemical tests, e.g. cyclic voltammograms, either ongold electrodes immersed into liquid bacteria samples or (even better)

    l inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental.1016/j.sbsr.2016.10.007

  • -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6






    Potential (V)


    Immobilized E.coli 1:2 dilution

    Immobilized E.coli 1:5 dilution

    Immobilized E.coli 1:10 dilution

    B A -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6








    Potential (V)


    Immobilized S.oneidensis in 1:2 dilution

    Immobilized S.oneidensis in 1:5 dilution

    Immobilized S.oneidensis in 1:10 dilution

    Fig. 7. CVs of S. oneidensis (A) and E. coli (B) bacteria immobilized from their respective solutions of different concentrations.

    B -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6










    Potential (V)


    Immobilized E.coli in PBS after treated +1mMHgCl2

    Immobilized E.coli in PBS after treated +10mMHgCl2

    Immobilized E.coli in PBS after treated +100mMHgCl2

    Immobilized E.coli in PBS after treated +1MHgCl2

    A -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6












    Potential (V)


    Immobilized S.oneidensis after treated +0.1mMHgCl2

    Immobilized S.oneidensis after treated +1mMHgCl2

    Immobilized S.oneidensis after treated +10mMHgCl2

    Immobilized S.oneidensis after treated +100mMHgCl2

    Immobilized S.oneidensis after treated +1MHgCl2

    Fig. 8. CVs recorded on gold electrodes with immobilized S. oneidensis (A) and E. coli (B) bacteria in PBS, both before and after exposure to different concentrations of HgCl2.

    5H. Abu-Ali et al. / Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

    on gold electrodes with immobilized bacteria appeared to be verysuccessful. The values of cathode current was found to correlatewith bacteria concentration and thus with the concentration ofHgCl2 salt acting as inhibitor for bacteria. The effect of HgCl2 on thetwo bacteria used was different; E. coli is strongly inhibited by HgCl2,while S. oneidensis is practically unaffected in a wide concentration

    Fig. 9. The dependencies of relative changes of Ic of gold electrodes with immobilized S.oneidensis and E. coli bacteria vs. concentration of HgCl2.

    Please cite this article as: H. Abu-Ali, et al., Development of electrochemicapollutants, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (2016),

    range of HgCl2. The latter fact opened possibility of exploiting the prin-ciples of pattern recognition for identification of pollutants.

    This work proved the concept of a novel, simple and cost effectiveelectrochemical bacteria-based sensor and sensor array for preliminaryassessment of the presents of pollutants in water. Future work which iscurrently underway will focus on extending the range of pollutants topesticides and petrochemicals aswell as adding another type of bacteriato the sensor array.


    The authors would like to thank the Iraqi Government for sponsor-ing the PhD project.


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    l inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental.1016/j.sbsr.2016.10.007

    Development of electrochemical inhibition biosensor based on bacteria for detection of environmental pollutants1. Introduction2. Experimental methodology2.1. Bacteria sample preparation2.2. Experimental procedures

    3. Experimental results and discussion3.1. Optical measurements3.2. Electrochemical measurements on liquid bacteria samples3.3. Electrochemical measurements on immobilized bacteria

    4. Conclusions and future workAcknowledgementsReferences

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