Page 1: Development of a Feature



The Application has the System Administrator, Employee, Student (Trainee), Chat,

Forum modules. The System Administrator can add a Course, add a schedule, modify a

course, add a feedback, modify a feedback, Register a New Employee to the Concern,

and view the profiles for both employee and student Profile. The Employee can view

Schedule allotted by Admin, Forum Messages and he can chat with others to clarify the

online doubt that afforded by the student. In Chat Module Whoever it may be entering

into chat with others (Except Unregistered Users). The students can clarify the doubt

through the Forum messages. The Students can post the question to the forum. If

anybody knows the answer to those questions then they can reply the answer through

the Forum. In chat everyone enter into chat (except unregistered user) with others.They

can also create a separate room for chatting Like Entertainment, Jokes.Depending upon

the user wish they can enter into chat with others. He/She can also possible to create a

new room for chatting.

Development of a feature-rich, Resume Builder Application

Abstract :-

Develop an Intranet Application for Winner Technologies Ltd. for automating the

process of Resume Writing. This would be facilitating the employees to make and print

their resumes in a proper format. In addition, it will be facilitating the higher

management to search the employees depending upon their skills sets and other

attributes. The Basic Requirement is to have a centralized repository of all the skill-

holders in the organization so that an employee with a particular skill set can be

immediately found in case of urgent requirement. .

Development of a feature-rich, Resume Builder Application. 


Abstract of the project 

Page 2: Development of a Feature


Develop an Intranet Application for Winner Technologies Ltd. for automating the

process of Resume Writing. This would be facilitating the employees to make and print

their resumes in a proper format. In addition, it will be facilitating the higher

management to search the employees depending upon their skills sets and other



The Basic Requirement is to have a centralized repository of all the skill-holders in the

organization so that an employee with a particular skill set can be immediately found in

case of urgent requirement. 

 Functional components of the project 

Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionalities that you find

appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of

functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed. 

1) The system has the following type of users: 

1. End-Users(Employees)

2. System administrator.

 2) The Users can perform the following tasks: 


1) Enter information into their Resume / Edit Resume.

2) Print their resume as a word Document. 

 System Administrator:

1) Enter information into their Resume / Edit Resume.

2) Print their resume as a word Document.

3) Search for a particular employees. 

Page 3: Development of a Feature

 3) The system has the following Interfaces: 

 1) Login

      a) End-User

      b) System Administrator 

 2) Interface for filling up the following information

      a) Personal Information

      b) Educational Information

      c) Skill sets

      d) Training

      e) Visa Details 

 3) Interface for searching a student on various attributes. 

 4) Interface to print the resume in Word Format. 

 5) Logout 

 4) Come up with the database design. The Login to the system is database driven i.e.

a user will be allowed to access the system if and only if he is the valid user of the

system(his name is present in the database) 

5) Decide a format in which you want the resume to get printed in word document. 

 The Project Can be developed using either two tiers or three tiers



Page 4: Development of a Feature




The project titled “Development of a web-based Recruitment Process System

for the HR group for a company” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with

Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2005 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back

end which works in .Net framework version2.0. The coding language used is C# .Net.

This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process

System for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating

vacancies, storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews,

Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports

may be required to be generated for the use of HR group.

Functional components of the project:

Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionality that you

find appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of

functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed.

There are HR group who will create vacancies, create applicants (persons applying for a

vacancy), initiate interviews and close vacancy. There are interviewers who will be

intimated about the interview schedule and finally enters the result.

Title of the project

Development of a web-based Recruitment Process System for the HR group for a


Abstract of the project

Page 5: Development of a Feature

This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process

System for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating

vacancies, storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews,

Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports

may be required to be generated for the use of HR group.

Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Interface

Functional components of the project

Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionalities that you find

appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of

functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed.

There are HR group who will create vacancies, create applicants (persons applying for a

vacancy), initiate interviews and close vacancy. There are interviewers who will be

intimated about the interview schedule and finally enters the result.

The requirements are as follows:


a.Login to the system through the first page of the application – the welcome message

should display the Name and Employee number of the person.

b.Change the password after login to the application

c.See his/her details and change it.

d.Help from the system

2.HR group:

a.Should be able to create a new vacancy.

b.Should be able to change any of the editable details for the vacancy.

c.Should be able to create a new applicant.

d.Should be able to change any of the editable details for the applicant.

e.Should be able to search on Applicant Number and Vacancy Number.

Page 6: Development of a Feature

f.Attach an applicant to a vacancy - The relationship between applicant and vacancy

should be many:many.

g.Should be able to schedule the interview and enter details of the interviewer and


h.Should be able to postpone or remove the interview.

i.HR person cannot ‘close’ the vacancy which is not owned by them.


a.Should be able to view all interviews scheduled to be taken.

b.Should be able to view the details of the applicants details

c.Should be able to view the details of the vacancy.

d.Should be able to search on Interview Date, Applicant Number and Vacancy Number.

e.Should have the access to change the Interview details – Date/Time, Status


4.Other details:

a.The vacancy should have the following details:

i.System should generate a Vacancy number sequentially. This should be unique and

cannot be changed later on.

ii.Date of the creation of the vacancy should default as today – This cannot be changed

later on.

iii.Owned by – This should default to the HR employee creating the vacancy. This

employee will become the owner of the vacancy. This can be changed later on.

iv.Status of the Vacancy – Open/Close/Suspended. This should default as Open but can

be changed later by HR.

v.Title of the Vacancy (like Java Developer)

vi.Detailed description about the vacancy

vii.Number of job opening under that vacancy (like 5 numbers of Java Developers

required). Once all these job openings are filled i.e. 5 people are hired, the vacancy

should close itself.

viii.Department in the company – this should come from a drop-down box which have

the Department list.

ix.Date by which the vacancy should be fulfilled/gets closed – this can be left blank

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otherwise the vacancy will close on that day by default.

x.List of all the applicants already ‘Selected’ for a job openings in the vacancy.

b.Applicant details should have the following:

i.System should generate an Applicant number sequentially. This should be unique and

cannot be changed later on.

ii.Date of the creation of the applicant should default as today – This cannot be changed

later on.

iii.Status of the Applicant – Not in Process/In Process/Hired/Banned.

iv.The Applicant Status should default as ‘Not in Process’ on creation of the applicant

but as soon as a single vacancy is attached, this should default as ‘In Process’. No more

vacancy can be attached to the applicant, if the status is either ‘Hired’ or ‘Banned’ - The

status can be changed manually by HR Group.

c.Applicant-Vacancy data should have the following:

i.This should display the Applicant Number and Name.

ii.This should display the Vacancy Number and Title

iii.Display the date on this the Applicant is attached to the vacancy

iv.Status of the Applicant/Vacancy – Interview Scheduled/Selected/Rejected/Not


v.Checkbox stating – ‘Schedule Interview’. This should open the page with following


1.Display the Employee Number of the Interviewer – The interviewer should be from

the same department.

2.Display the Name of the Interviewer – this should default if the number is selected.

3.Display the date of the scheduled interview – Date should only be in future.

4.Display the Start and End time of the scheduled interview – Date/Time of the

interview for the same Interviewer should not conflict with any other interview

previously scheduled for the interviewer/applicant.

vi.As soon as the interview details are added and saved, an email notification should go

to the Interviewer with the details.

d.As soon as all the number of job openings is filled, the vacancy status should change to

Page 8: Development of a Feature

‘Close’ by default.

e.HR group should not be able to attach an applicant to vacancy if the status of the

Vacancy is ‘Close/Suspended’.

f.Once closed, a vacancy can not be reopened or suspended in any case.

g.If Open, the status of the vacancy can be changed to ‘Close’ or ‘Suspended’ by the HR.

h.If ‘Suspended’, the status of the vacancy can be changed to ‘Close’ or ‘Open’ by the HR.

i.Once the status of the Applicant-Vacancy becomes ‘Selected’, the status of the

Applicant should change by default to ‘Hired’.

j.The required security needs to be implemented.

k.HR group is the Employees from ‘HRD’ department.

l.An email notification should be send to the owner once the vacancy gets closed.

5.Exception Allowed to the above functionalities

a.If email notification is not possible, then make a link in the employees

(HR/Interviewer) login where all the (email) messages for them are stored. Should have

the facility of reading the message and deleting them.

Steps to start-off the project

The project implementation can be done by using:

Microsoft platform.

Internet tools like ASP, JSP, Java Script, Java, VB, VC++ etc as front-end

And using Oracle/SQL-Server as database or back-end.

The following steps will be helpful to start off the project.

1.Study and be comfortable with technologies such as

a.Active Server Pages/HTML and SQL server, Oracle etc.

Some links to these technologies are given in the ‘Guidelines and References’ section of

this document

2.Make a database of Departments which includes some dummy departments and one

‘HRD’ department. Decide on the various details of the people that would be stored in

Page 9: Development of a Feature

the database (like employee/number, name, email-id, department, system-login,

password in cryptic form, etc)

3.Assign a mail-admin who will create mail-ids for the people in the intranet of your lab

or in the internet. These mail-ids will be used for sending automatic notifications and

reports. The mail-admin will also take care of assigning the logins to the users of the

Recruitment system

4.Create the front-page of the Recruitment system giving a brief description about the

system and a login box

5.Create the help-pages of the system in the form of Q&A. This will help you also when

implementing the system

6.Create other sub-systems like automatic notification, screens for various functions

(like vacancy/applicant/applicant-vacancy/employee details etc)


This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process

System for theHR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating

vacancies, storingApplicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews,

Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports

may be required to be generated for theuse of HR group.Using web recruitment systems

like recruitment websites or job sites also play a role insimplifying the recruitment

process. Such websites have facilities where prospective candidatescan upload their

resumes and apply for jobs suited to them. Such sites also make it possible for recruiters

and companies to post their staffing requirements and view profiles of

interestedcandidates.A good decision is made usually from gathering adequate

information, working out theimportance of individual factors, and choosing the best

Page 10: Development of a Feature

course of action. The quantity and qualityof the information, the process of highlighting

the important factors, and the duration to processthe decision are critical. Nowadays,

outsource hiring and recruitment companies have played animportant role in many

industries, for reducing the search duration and increasing the likelinessof employing

the right person. However, there are too many human resource (HR) companies inthe

market. Submitting a request for each of them would need huge amount of time and

effort to process. Intelligent autonomous Web services would be the best solution to

solve this problem.Further, this can reduce the chance of human errors and bias.

Therefore, e-HR MatchmakingService (e-HR) is proposed to provide a standardized

human resource searching, platform via theWeb services, returning candidates from

many different sources. The e-HR integrates with thesources . A candidate management

system and retrieves the relevant candidates matching therequirements. Also, the e-HR

weights each result with configurable ranking criteria and presentsthe best matching

results to the requesters, assisting them to make the best decision on hiring andhence

reducing the effort of searching and interviewing.In the context of the Millennium

Development Goals, human resources


represent the most criticalconstraint in achieving the targets.

Therefore, it is important for health planners and decision-makers

 to identify what are the human resources required to meet those

 targets. Planning the

human resources for health is a complex


 process. It needs to consider both the technical aspectsrelated


to estimating the number, skills and distribution of health


 personnel for meeting population health needs, and the political


implications, values and choices that health policy- anddecision-makers

Page 11: Development of a Feature


need to make within given resources limitations. After presenting


an overview of the various methods for planning human resources


for health, with their advantages andlimitations, this paper 


 proposes a methodological approach to estimating the




of human resources to achieve the goals set forth by the Millennium


Declaration. The method buildson the service-target approach


and functional job analysis.


Human Resource management has become one of the essential functions in

anorganization. No organization can do without this department. Human Resource is

the functionor department in an organization that is has the task to recruit, train,

motivate, reward, dismiss,terminate as well as look after the welfare of employees in an

organization..1 (Human resource journal, August 2006, IPM (K) Therefore the HR has to

ensure that the welfare of employees aretaken into consideration.

According to S.Peter in his, dynamics of management, Human Resource is thedisturbance handler.. It

should be able to handle disputes arising out of employees.

This HR function has various roles to perform among them recruitment, training, job

evaluation, performing appraisal, enduring healthy and safety at the work place e.t.c.

Tasked with theresponsibility of recruitment, the Human Resource Manager should

ensure that proper selectionhas been done in order to select or recruit the best

candidates. Today this process of recruitmenthas been made easier with the advert of

the internet. In this case ERecruitment has been formedwhere people across the globe

can apply online and even be interviewed online. This process hasreduced the expenses

of traveling and the costs of handling interviews.The HR function has played a major

Page 12: Development of a Feature

role in the hospitality industry. This has been enhanced byrecruiting, training, and

developing the staff in the industry. This ensures that the trained staff available matches

the expected volume of customer demand. For instance in a full service

restaurant the seating of customers might average one and a half hours. If the staff is

open 24hours then it is possible to have workers working for 8 hours and replaced by

others.Therefore the HR Department must ensure that there are enough employees to

satisfy the needsof customers. Needs of the function in Hospitality ManagementThe HR

plays a vital role in hospitality industry. These roles classified as follows:(i) Job analysis,

man power planning and scheduling work.ii) Recruitment, selection and training of

employees.iii) Job evaluation, conditions of employment and welfare of employees.iv)

Promotion, retirement, and termination of employment.


KeywordsGeneric Technology keywords

Database, Programming, Software Engineering, Others

Specific Technology keywords

Oracle, Internet (HTML, Java Script, ASP, JSP, Servlets), Web Based/GUI, VB, Java,VC++

Project type keywords

Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Interface

CFO chief financial officer COP continuation of payCOTS commercial off-the-shelf CPDF

central personnel data fileEEO equal employment opportunityFFMIA Federal Financial

Management Improvement Act

Page 13: Development of a Feature
Page 14: Development of a Feature

FIA Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity ActFICA Federal Insurance Compensation

ActFLSA Fair Labor Standards ActFMFIA Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity ActFTE

full-time equivalentHRTC Human Resources Technology CouncilITMRA Information

Technology Management Reform ActIRS Internal Revenue ServiceJFMIP Joint Financial

Management Improvement ProgramKSA knowledge, skills, and abilitiesLWOP leave

without payM mandatory requirement NARA National Archives and Records

Administration NPR National Performance ReviewOMB Office of Management and


Page 15: Development of a Feature
Page 16: Development of a Feature


A System analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by the

system andtheir relationships within and outside the system. Analysis is the process of

breaking somethinginto its parts so that the whole may be understood. System Analysis

is concerned with becomingaware of the problem, identifying the relevant and most

decisional variables, analyzing andsynthesizing the various factors and determining an

optimal or at least a satisfactory solution.During this a problem is identified, alternate

system solutions are studied and recommendationsare made about committing the

resources used to design the system



1. Existing System :

Presently recruitment is done manually. That is if a company or organization needs

employeesthey make an announcement through newspaper. People who are eligible

send application to theorganization or company. From these applications they are called

forinterviews or tests. After tests company has to do short listing manually. From these

shortlisted candidates, they are calledfor interviews. After interview short

listedcandidates are employed. So it’s all a time consuming procedure.

2. Limitation Of Existing System :

Recruitment is done manually. These tasks are time consuming. It may take onemonth

or long. People around the world cannot apply. Web-based system is veryconvenient

because in the manual system there are lots of difficulties in conducting andmanaging a

recruitment exam, short listing, maintaining staff etc.

Page 17: Development of a Feature
Page 18: Development of a Feature

2. Proposed System :

Developing a web-based recruitment process system for the HR Group for a company.

Somefeatures of this system will be creating vacancies, storing application data, and

Interview processinitiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results for the

applicant and finally hiring of the applicant. This project Online CGPU is an online

website in which jobseekers can register themselves and then attend the exam. Based

on the outcome of the exam the jobseekers will beshortlisted. The details of the

examination & Date of the examination will be made available tothem through the

website. People all around the world can apply andregister. It has made all the process



Online System enables the users to have the typical examination facilities and features

at their disposal. It resolves typical issues of manual examination processes and

activities into acontrolled and closely monitored work flow in the architecture of the

application. This multi platform solution brings in by default, the basic intelligence and

immense possibilities for further extension of the application as required by the user.

The system makes it friendly to distribute,share and manage the examination entities

with higher efficiency and easiness. It is acomprehensive resource for finding a job


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Page 20: Development of a Feature

Title of the project

Web based Reward Points Management System

Abstract of the project

Company ABC has an internet based product called Infobar, which allows users to view

useful links from different sites on topics of his/her interest

To encour age the usage of the Infobar, the company has a reward point scheme. 10

points are rewarded on usage of Inforbar for 1 hr. When a user accumulates over 100

points, he can redeem them for a gift of his choice.

This project aims at building a Reward Points Management System for the customer

support team of the company. Objectives are to build

1.A data store for user information

2.Web site supporting functionalities like - Search/sort/add/delete/view/modify etc on

user information

3.Modules for bonus point allocation

4.Facility to add information on different gifts available and bonus points against them

5.Facility to detect fraud/duplicate users

6.Generate report on number of users using the Infobar in a month, their responses to

various schemes etc

7.Communicate user via email to notify him about various incentives and bonus point

schemes, get his feedback etc


Online Discussion Forum


Online Discussion Forum is just line any another discussion forum found in most of the

websites online with an additional unique elegant look & feel and extended


The idea of forum has been adapted from lots of forum in many websites. The good

Page 21: Development of a Feature

features of all these forums are incorporated in to this Online Discussion Forum to make

it really an Ultimate solution for all forum needs. ODF supports all the common features

of any standard forum like posting a message, grouping the messages, replying to

existing message, multiple discussion rooms, creating teams etc.,

The unique features of ODF when compared to the other general forums are…

Elegant colors, aesthetic look

Easy navigation

Easy readability

Use simple neat graphics(less load on server)

Intelligent grouping of messages and replies

Easy configurable

Plug-in email functionality

Use of customizable scripts

Purely forum

Multi-database support

Planned to suite to fit into any kind of website

Compatible with most popular browsers

Dynamic nature(reduces the frequent refreshes and reloads)

And so on…

In addition to all these things, it can easily be incorporated seamlessly in to any existing

website as a plug-in without disturbing original sites layout or design. Like a chameleon

ODF can change its face and out look in what ever web site it is.


Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 2000 Server/Professional or Above.

Framework: .Net Framework 2.0.

Languages: ASP. Net, C#


Page 22: Development of a Feature

This paper addresses the application of observation to online settings with a special

focus on observer roles. It draws on a study of online observation of a virtual

community, i.e. an open source software (OSS) community. The paper examines general

and specific advantages and disadvantages of the observer roles in online settings by

relating these roles to the same roles assumed in offline settings. The study suggests

that under the right circumstances online and offline observation may benefit from

being combined as they complement each other well. Quality issues and factors

important to elicit trustworthy observational data from online study settings, such as

OSS communities, are discussed. A proposition is made concerning how threats to

credibility and transferability in relation to online observation (i.e. lack of richness and

detail, risk of misunderstandings) can be diminished, while maintaining the level of

dependability (which is potentially high due to a greater degree of anonymity and

"isolation" in online settings). The paper thus suggests that the less participative the

researcher's online observer role is, the more s/he should consider introducing offline

data collection techniques rather than adopting a more participative role in the

observed online setting. This methodological discussion forms the basis for making a

well-considered choice of online observer role rather than passively sliding into a role

assigned by the setting.


In a recent article, Standard-Form Contracting in the Electronic Age, 77 N.Y.U. L. Rev.

429 (2002), Jeffery Rachlinski and I analyzed whether contract law's approach to the

problem of paper standard forms can effectively govern electronic forms. We thought

the rational and cognitive reasons consumers fail to read their paper forms apply in the

e-environment. Further, although e-consumers do not face manipulative sales agents or

impatient customers waiting in line but, instead, largely contract at home in the evening

without time constraints, e-consumers are impatient, even click happy, and therefore

still do not read their forms or shop for the best terms. Relying on these assumptions

about how consumers treat their e-standard forms and evidence concerning how e-

businesses use the Internet, we concluded that Internet contracting is not

fundamentally different from the paper world. Accordingly, major changes in the

approach of contract law are not imperative.

Page 23: Development of a Feature

This paper tests our assumptions about consumer behavior when agreeing to e-

standard forms by offering some empirical evidence of consumer practices. I report on a

survey of 92 contracts students' e-standard form practices. The survey inquired about

all aspects of their practices, including frequency of contracting, the place and time of

such contracting, whether they read their e-forms or shop for terms, the reasons for

reading or failing to read, and the factors that would promote reading.

Although the survey results reinforce our assumption that consumers generally do not

read their e-standard forms, the truth is a bit more complicated. A large majority of

respondents purchase at night and at home. Nevertheless, few respondents read their e-

standard forms beyond price and description of the goods or services "as a general

matter." Further, beyond price and description, a large minority of respondents do not

read their forms at all. However, more than a third of the respondents read their forms

when the value of the contract is high and more than a third read when the vendor is

unknown. Further, a small cadre of respondents read particular terms beyond price and

description, primarily warranties and product information warnings. On the other hand,

virtually no respondents read choice of law/forum or arbitration clauses.

The survey also reveals that impatience accounts most often for the failure of

respondents to read their forms. Not surprisingly, respondents rarely shop for

advantageous terms, despite the greater availability of terms on the Internet.

The paper concludes by analyzing possible legal responses to e-standard form

contracting in light of the survey results.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 31

Working Paper Series

Page 24: Development of a Feature


The project titled “Development of a feature-rich, practical online on-

request courses coordination system (ORS)” is designed using Active Server

Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server

2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding language used

is C# .Net.

This project is aimed at developing an online on-request courses coordination

system that is of importance to an IT organization which has a training department of

its own. The online on-request courses coordination system (ORS) is an Intranet based

application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept.

This system can be used to automate the workflow of the requests that come from

various departments for project specific trainings and their approvals. The training

department has to cater to the training of the fresh recruits. It has a regular calendar

and schedule to train the Fresher. In addition to this it has to handle the project specific

training requests coming from various departments. For this the department has

appointed one person as the on-request coordinator, who will be able to service the

requests with help of ORS. The whole process starting from logging the request by a

dept to servicing the request is automated. There are features like logging the request,

to check the existing training calendar and checking the availability of respective

faculties for the course, allocating the faculty for the course, if an internal faculty is not

free during that period getting faculties from outside, report generators etc in this


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