


Developing Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) standards to collect scientific data:

learning from experience with French and associated fleets of the Indian Ocean

Alexandra Maufroy A.1, Antoine Bonnieux2, Armelle Denoize3, Romain Godefroy4, Michel Goujon1,

Julien Lebranchu5, Sarah Le Couls2, Patrick Moëlo4, Laurent Pinault3, Benjamin Querné4,

Gwenaëlle Wain6, Arthur Yon6 and Karine Briand5*


During the last decades, Electronic monitoring (EM) has been progressively implemented and tested

in tuna fisheries and various pilot projects have confirmed the potential of EM to collect scientific

information, that could be useful to fulfil data requirements of the Regional Observer Scheme in the

Indian Ocean. Nevertheless, as for any new tool, it is critical that EM minimum standards are discussed

and adopted, before validating the wide use of EM in the Indian Ocean.

The aim of the present document is to contribute to the definition of EM minimum standards for

scientific data collection on tropical tuna purse seine fleets of the Indian Ocean. This document reports

on the shared experience of scientists, fleet managers, EM analysts and EM vendors in various EM pilot

projects covering the French and associated tropical tuna purse seine fleet since 2014. Here, we review

the results obtained for two types of scientific data collection needs : (i) data collection on discards,

that is currently undertaken routinely to compensate for a lack of onboard observation, and (ii) data

collection on retained catches, that is currently in development. Lessons learned from the two types

of projects are used to make recommendations that could be used as guidelines when adopting EM

minimum standards for scientific data collection purposes in IOTC.

1 ORTHONGEL, Concarneau, France. 2 CFTO, Concarneau, France. 3 SAPMER, Le Port, France. 4 Thalos, Ploemeur, France. 5 MARBEC, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Sète, France 6 Bureau Veritas Living Resources, Rennes, France * corresponding author : [email protected]



1. Introduction

During the last decades, the use of Electronic Monitoring (EM) has grown exponentially in numerous

fisheries as a mean to collect information on catch, bycatch and discards. In the case of tuna fisheries,

EM has been progressively implemented and tested as an alternative tool to supplement onboard

observation and increase observer coverage, especially for vessels that cannot embark observers

(Restrepo et al., 2014; Ruiz et al., 2015; Hosken et al., 2016; Emery et al., 2018, 2019; Gilman et al.,

2020). In particular, various EM projects have been implemented onboard European and associated

tropical tuna purse seiners with the objective of reaching 100% coverage of fishing sets (Ruiz et al.,

2015, 2016; Briand et al., 2018). Among others, provided that EM systems are carefully configurated,

these pilot studies have confirmed that EM allows the monitoring of discards at an acceptable species

identification resolution, especially for species and groups of species which are systematically

discarded (Briand et al., 2018). Though issues remain for the monitoring of incidental interactions with

sensitive shark species (Briand et al., 2018; Forget et al., 2021) and the monitoring of the use of Floating

OBjects (FOBs, Ruiz et al., 2017), EM has therefore proven to be a valuable tool to collect scientific data

onboard tropical tuna purse seiners, that could be used to fulfil data requirements in the frame of the

Regional Observer Scheme (ROS - IOTC, 2011) of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC).

Nevertheless, as for any new tool, it is critical that EM minimum standards are discussed and adopted,

before validating the wide use of EM in the Indian Ocean (Murua et al., 2020). In recent years, such

potential minimum standards have been proposed by various authors (e.g. Restrepo et al., 2014; Ruiz

et al., 2016; Murua et al., 2020). In 2020, Murua et al. presented an extensive review of potential EM

minimum standards for a range of fishing gears (longline, gillnet, purse seine and pole and line).

Discussions during the Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics (WPDCS) highlighted the

importance of involving the different stakeholders in the process of defining EM minimum standards

and it was decided to create an ad-hoc intersessional Working Group on the development of EM

Programme Standards in 2021 (IOTC, 2020a, 2020b).

The aim of the present document is to contribute to the definition of EM minimum standards for

scientific data collection on tropical tuna purse seine fleets of the Indian Ocean. This document reports

on the shared experience of scientists, fleet managers, EM analysts and EM vendors in various EM pilot

projects covering the French and associated tropical tuna purse seine fleet since 2014. Here, we review

the results obtained for two types of scientific data collection needs : (i) data collection on discards,

that is currently undertaken routinely to compensate for a lack of onboard observation, and (ii) data

collection on retained catches, that is currently in development. Lessons learned from the two types

of projects are used to make recommendations that could be used as guidelines when adopting EM

minimum standards for scientific data collection purposes in IOTC.



2. The OCUP-electronic program onboard French and Italian purse seiners

2.1 Objectives of the program

In 2013, ORTHONGEL implemented the OCUP program to facilitate the boarding of scientific observers

of coastal countries (Goujon et al., 2017), with the aim of reaching an exhaustive observer coverage of

its member fishing vessels. In 2014, as some vessels of the Indian Ocean could not carry observers due

to the lack of space onboard (piracy-protection teams are embarked since 2010), an electronic

monitoring extension of the program was implemented (Electronic Eye Optimization “OOE” Project for

the Future, Briand et al., 2017), with the participation of partners from the Producer Organization

ORTHONGEL, the fishing company CFTO, the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development

(IRD) and Bureau Veritas Living Resources (BVLR).

It is important to note that the objective of the OCUP-electronic component of the program is not to

replace the OCUP-onboard coverage of French and Italian purse seiners of the Indian Ocean but rather

to ensure the coverage of purse seiners which cannot routinely board observers. In 2021, 3 French

purse seiners are routinely covered by OCUP-onboard observers while 7 French and 1 Italian purse

seiners are routinely covered by OCUP-electronic observers.

Since 2013, onboard OCUP observers have brought the complement to the mandatory 10-15%

observer coverage (EU DCF program) to reach 41.0% of fishing days in the Indian Ocean in 2019. The

Electronic Monitoring Systems (EMS) implemented in 2014 covered the remaining 47.4% of fishing

days in the Indian Ocean in 2019 (Figure 1). The remaining 11.6% of fishing trips corresponded to

fishing trips covered by EM but for which EM records could not be analysed (unexploitable or

incomplete EM records). In 2020 and 2021, issues encountered with the Covid-19 pandemic did not

allow to maintain the expected coverage by OCUP – onboard observers, though the mandatory

coverage by DCF observers was maintained. At the same time, the coverage of EM equipped purse

seiners improved as solutions were implemented to avoid EM recording issues (see 2.3.2 and 2.4.2).

Figure 1: observer coverage per type of scientific observation program (FR and IT purse seiners)



2.2 Camera installation

7 French and 1 Italian purse seiners have been equipped in 2014 with EM systems developed by Thalos.

The initial configuration of EM systems, installed in 2014 and funded by CFTO was primarily designed

to collect similar information as onboard observers on :

- fishing activities (date, position and type of fishing sets)

- discards (amount and species composition)

- Best Practices for the safe release of sensitive species (sharks, rays and sea turtles)

Since 2014, various pilot projects have allowed gradually improving EM configuration to solve issues

of insufficient image definition, overexposure, water projections or blind spots when collecting

scientific information on discards with EM records (Briand et al., 2017, 2021). In complement, these

projects have contributed to the development of improved solutions for the storage and the analysis

of EM records (see sections 2.3 and 2.4).

Figure 2: progress made since 2014 on EMS configuration and protocols for the scientific observation

of discards of EMS-equipped French and Italian tropical tuna purse seiners of the Indian Ocean.

Though important progress have been made since 2014, as for any new tool, reaching high standards

of data quality with EM is a trial and error process. At this stage, fine tuning of existing EM systems is

therefore being conducted with three main objectives. First, as vessel-customized EM configurations

may be challenging for data collection by electronic observers (Briand et al., 2021) camera installations

and settings will be standardized. Second, as issues of observation (Forget et al., 2021) or lack of

species identification of sharks (Briand et al., in prep) have been reported, camera installations will be

further optimized on the upper deck (SIDEO project: Shark IDentification with Electronic Observation).

Finally, as the EMS configuration 1.0 did not allow collecting information drifting Fish Aggregating

Device (dFAD) deployment, the EM will be configurated to cover the front deck of purse seiners.

An optimised EM configuration is currently being deployed (end of 2021 – beginning of 2022) with 6

or 7 wide angle cameras (103°) covering operations on the upper (crow’s nest and desk cameras),

lower (conveyor belt and discard belt cameras) and front decks (front deck camera). The cost of these

improvements are supported by the fishing company CFTO.



On the upper deck, where setting, pursing, brailing operations and sorting of large bycatch must all be

covered by electronic observers, an improved configuration is currently being deployed with (i) a port

side crow’s nest camera to monitor the general fishing activity including setting, pursing, and brailing

(ii) a desk camera to record brailing operations and (iii) a starboard side crow’s nest camera, currently

in deployment, to solve known issues of blind spots of the desk camera. In the lower deck, two or three

cameras record sorting operations along the conveyor and discard belts. Finally, a front deck camera

is currently in deployment to record activities of drifting Fish Aggregating Device (dFAD) deployment

at any time (day or night).

Figure 3 : EMS configuration 2.0, currently in deployment. Additional cameras (starboard side crow’s

nest and front deck) are highlighted in green.

2.3 Camera settings and EM records storage

2.3.1 Camera settings

Since 2014, the type of cameras used and their settings have also been improved, with a current

objective of standardization of EM systems between purse seiners. Table 1 details the solution that is

currently being deployed.



Table 1: camera setting in EMS configuration 2.0

Camera GPS Angle Frames / s Resolution Recording

Crow’s nest 1 Yes 103° 1 1024x768 Continuous during the day

Crow’s nest 2 No 103° 2 1024x768 Triggered by vessel speed

Desk Yes 103° 5 1024x768 Triggered by vessel speed

Conveyor belt No 103° 5 1024x768 Triggered by vessel speed

Discard belt No 103° 5 1024x768 Triggered by vessel speed

Front deck No 103° 1 1024x768 Continuous (day and night)

Upper deck cameras are equipped with GPS which enables geolocalizing each frame and recording

vessel position (one position per minute). All cameras have access those these Information on the

location and timing of EM records, and this information is directly provided on all EM images, so as to

grant the reliability of the information collected by electronic observers. The port side crow’s nest

camera is set to record continuously at day time (trigger based on ephemerids) so as to ensure that all

fishing operations are captured. Other cameras of the upper and lower decks are triggered by vessel

speed to record fishing operations once they start (upper deck) and to capture sorting operations of

the catch (upper and lower decks). A trigger based on the detection of activity on the front deck is

currently in development to avoid continuous recording. To limit the amount of data storage and in

compliance with requirements of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL), cameras are only

recording when purse seiners are outside of a 12 NM radius from the closest port.

2.3.2 EM functioning checks

In complement, the cleanliness of cameras is regularly checked on land by the owner of EMS-equipped

vessels, so as to ensure that cameras are recording images than can be analysed. A web application

provides snapshots of EM records (one per hour) that allow alerting vessel crews as soon as a need to

clean cameras is detected. The web application also provides information on the proper functioning of

cameras (amount of EM record data stored per day) to identify issues of malfunctioning (defect

cameras or hard drives, etc) and organize for maintenance operations. An automatized solution is in

development to alert both the fishing company and the crew of water projections or other issues that

degrade the integrity of video records in near real time.

2.3.2 EM videos storage and transmission to BVLR analysts

Once recorded, EM videos are stored digitally on two hard disks with a 6-month storage capacity :

- a portable hard disk that is transported to Bureau Veritas Living Resources (France) for analysis

- a resident hard disk that contains the same EM data and remains onboard to serve as a backup

The system is configurated for minimal intervention by vessel crews and the skipper is only in charge

of installing the portable hard disk at the beginning of the fishing trip and replacing the disk at the end

of the fishing trip. During the fishing trip, vessel crews do not have access to camera settings and

cannot interfere with the proper functioning of the EM system. Physical intervention on cameras is

also prevented by verifications of snapshots available on the dedicated web interface (see 2.3.1).



Data stored on hard disks are encrypted to grant the integrity of EMS records onboard purse seine

vessels (no modification by vessel crews) and during their transport to BVLR facilities. Once received,

hard disks are locked in a safety deposit box, only accessible by BVLR analysts. The videos stored on

the hard disks are then decrypted by the analysts using a software developed by Thalos and passwords

specific to each vessel. Decrypted videos are then deleted after complete viewing and unfilled hard

disks are sent back to the vessel to re-encode a new fishing trip. A track file is shared among the

partners of the OCUP-electronic program in order to check the completion and availability of the

different hard disks.

2.4 Scientific data collection protocols

In the case of onboard observation, observers follow the protocols defined by the French National

Institute for Research and Development (IRD-Ob7, 2020) to meet tuna Regional Fisheries Management

Organisation (t-RFMO) requirements (IOTC, 2011, 2015a, 2015b, 2019) in terms of monitoring of

bycatch, incidental catch and Floating OBjects (FOBs). When present onboard, observers fill different

forms and data sheets with on species composition, fate of the catch (retained or discarded) and FOB

use. All data are validated and stored within Observe 7.6.7 database developed by IRD (Cauquil et al.,

2015). The objective is to reach similar high standards of data collection, quality and storage for fishing

trips monitored remotely by electronic observers.

Since 2014, work has therefore been conducted to validate the use of EM for scientific observation

purpose and identify long-term solutions for the visualisation of EM records, the collection of robust

scientific data by electronic observers and the storage of collected scientific data.

2.4.1 Electronic observers and EM visualization software

Since 2014, EM records are analysed by BVLR electronic observers. These electronic observers are

generally former onboard observers of the DCF programme who have been trained to IRD-Ob7 data

collection protocols. As BVLR is also the coordinator of the OCUP – onboard program, this facilitate the

ongoing harmonization of EM observation protocols with IRD-Ob7 onboard observation protocols. EM

records are analysed with the OceanLive software developed by Thalos with two main improvements

since 2014 : (i) improvements in the ergonomics of the software to facilitate the work of electronic

observers and (ii) integration of a measurement tool.

The cost of reviewing EM video records is currently supported by the fishing company CFTO, while the

costs associated with the coordination of the OCUP program (combined for onboard and electronic

observations) is supported by the Producer Organization ORTHONGEL.



2.4.2 EM scientific data collection

After a phase of validation of EMS ability to provide as robust estimates of discards per species as

onboard observers (Briand et al., 2017), observer protocols were revised by IRD with the aim of

harmonizing onboard and electronic observation protocols, to the extent possible. Exhaustive counts

of discards were used to describe the discard flow used and develop methods to accurately estimate

discards (Briand et al., 2018, in prep). Additional work, conducted in the frame of the OCUP – electronic

program has also allowed replacing EM Excel data collection sheets with a more durable storage in

ObServe 7.6.7.

Therefore, in 2021, BVLR electronic observers use the same forms as DCF and OCUP onboard observers

to collect information on fishing operations, discards of bycatch and application of Best Practices for

the safe handling and release of sensitive fauna. Except for Best Practices data that are managed by

the Producer Organization ORTHONGEL, the data are entered in the ObServe software to be stored in

an ObServe 7.6.7 database. The development of the current EM data flow required two adaptations

of onboard observation protocols. First, as EM only allows collecting information on FOBs at the time

of dFAD deployment (Ruiz et al., 2016), data validation procedures were adapted to the specific case

of electronic observation. Second, though optimized EM configurations allow in theory an exhaustive

observation of all released and discarded catches, this exhaustive data collection can be tedious and

time-consuming. An adapted protocol was therefore proposed and tested to optimize the balance

between EM data quality and observation costs (Briand et al., 2018, in prep). Currently, EM observers

(i) collect exhaustive information on discards for sorting operations < 20 minutes (ii) sample sorting

operations > 20 minutes with sequences of 4 minutes (Yon and Wain, 2021).

In complement, EM specific observation forms were developed to monitor the quality of EM records

and report on the proportion of (i) observable fishing sets, for which at least 5 minutes of EM records

are available for the crow’s nest port side and desk cameras and (ii) exploitable fishing sets, for which

EM systems allowed the monitoring of discarding operations and at least 50% of the individuals could

be identified at the scale of the species (fraction of individuals identified as MZZ, i.e. FAO code marine

fishes nei, < 50%). To date, this monitoring has allowed fixing issues of EM systems failures (e.g.

replacement of defective hard disks), inadequate camera settings and lack of maintenance of EM

equipment (camera cleaning by fishing crews). This allowed increasing the exploitability rate of EM

records from 60% of fishing sets in 2020 to 86% in 2021, which represents a significant improvement.

Nevertheless, the data collected in the frame of the OCUP-electronic project is not yet used for

reporting to IOTC. Current limitations include the lack of information on various activities with FOBs

and their tracking buoys and issues of data collection for some species. In the case of sharks for

example, it has been estimated that 30-50% of sharks cannot be observed with current EM systems

and 17% cannot be identified at the scale of the species (CFTO, comm pers). Though issues of non-

exhaustive observation of sharks have also been reported for onboard observers (Forget et al., 2021),

the lack of species identification with EM is obviously an important limitation that prevents EM data

from being used for stock assessment purposes. A reconfiguration of EM installations will therefore

soon be tested in the frame of the SIDEO project and EM scientific data collection protocols will be

updated accordingly.



3. Using EM to collect data on retained catches : SAPMER-TNC, PRONTOS and EM Task force projects

3.1 Background and objectives

It has long been known that estimating precisely the composition of retained catches is a difficult task

onboard tropical tuna purse seiners, principally due to the fast loading of retained catches (so as to

prevent the formation of histamine in the fish) and misidentification of species (notably for juveniles

of yellowfin and bigeye tunas, Fonteneau, 1976). This well-known issue has led to the development of

the Tropical Tuna Treatment (T3) procedure during the 1990s, as a mean to correct estimates of catch

per species reported in logbooks (Pianet et al., 2000). Estimating precisely the composition of retained

catches is not only problematic for fishing crews. In the case of onboard observers, should data

collection on retained catches be required, this additional task would compete with data collection on

discards, that are the primarily focus of onboard observation protocols (Sabarros, 2020). Onboard

observers therefore report estimates of retained catches provided by fishing crews in their logbooks.

To date, the same applies to electronic observers in the frame of the OCUP-electronic program.

Recent developments in EM and artificial intelligence (AI) could offer solutions to solve the issue of

robust estimation of the composition of retained catches. First, since EM records can be reviewed after

the loading of the catch, EM could offer a solution to collect information on retained catches on the

conveyor belt, without slowing down the process of loading the catch into the wells. Second, EM and

AI solutions could be combined, to automatically identify discards at the scale of the species on

conveyor belts. Such solutions are being tested and gradually improved in the frame of several pilot

projects since 2019 (Figure 4).

Figure 4: progress made since 2019 on EMS configuration and protocols for the scientific observation

of retained catches of French and associated tropical tuna purse seiners of the Indian Ocean.

3.2 Stage 1 : the SAPMER-SFA-TNC pilot project

From June 2019 to October 2020, SAPMER, the Seychelles Fishing Agency and The Nature Conservancy,

conducted a EM pilot project with the aim of complementing data collection in the frame of the OCUP-

onboard observation program, improving science and compliance data collection and foster pelagic

fisheries management innovation.



In the frame of the project, one Seychelles-flagged purse seiner was equipped with an EM system from

Thalos. The EM system was designed to monitor retained catches with high quality resolution video

records during shifting operations (transfer of retained catches from brine to dry holds via conveyor

belts). Recorded video footage were reviewed by BVLR, with the purpose of estimating the amount,

the composition and the size of retained tuna and non-target species during the shifting process. In

the frame of the project, data were collected for a selection of 22 fishing sets (27 shifting operations)

over 10 months, representing 584 tons of fish sampled, 4,653 size measurements from 14 different

species and 1,402 pictures clipped and tagged with species and size information. Data recorded by EM

systems were also compared with those collected by onboard OCUP observers.

Overall, despite various technical challenges, the project confirmed that EM has the potential to :

(i) allow fast size measurements of retained fish (though accuracy remained to be assessed

with comparison with physical sampling)

(ii) provide comparable estimates of the composition of the catch compared to logbooks

(although some discrepancies were noted for large shifting operation, when fish are

arranged in layers on the conveyor)

(iii) allow a more precise estimation of tuna species composition, especially when very small

quantities of a species are present in the catch, a situation that is particularly challenging

to provide accurate estimates of catches for all species

(iv) collect high-quality pictures of the fish on the conveyor belt if cameras are well placed and

provided adequate lighting. The collection of such images is key for future developments

of combined EM-AI solutions.

At the end of the project, several improvements in the EM configuration and additional developments

were still necessary to propose an EM system fully able to accurately estimate retained catches per

species and size category. Additional pilot projects are currently developing these additional EM tools.

3.3 Stage 2 : improving the size measurement tool (PONTOS project)

Correctly assessing the amount of retained catches requires the combination of two tools : (i) an

accurate fish measurement tool (that could also be useful for the collection of size data on non-

retained catches) and (ii) an automatized or semi-automatized species identification tools based on AI.

The PONTOS (Projet d'Outils de mesure du Nombre, de la Taille et du pOids des eSpèces, project for

tools of number, size and weight measurement of species) started in 2021 with the objective of

developing fish mensuration and total catch (brailers) estimation tools using stereoscopic cameras.

Estimates using stereoscopic cameras will be compared with direct observations, so as to reach a

precision of 95%.



3.3 Stage 3: combining EM with AI

In complement, work is currently being done conjointly by French EM partners (ORTHONGEL and its

member fishing companies, Thalos, BVLR and IRD) to develop combined EM – AI solutions. A dedicated

EM Task force was set up with the objective of conducting initial tests of AI solutions for automatized

or semi-automatized species identification tools that could be used either by fishing crews to improve

estimates reported in logbooks or by electronic observers and onboard observers for scientific data

collection purposes.

4. Recommendations for the adoption of EM minimum standards in IOTC

Almost 8 years of work on EM onboard tropical tuna purse seine vessels of the Indian Ocean have

allowed gradually improving EM configuration and protocols to collect scientific data on fishing

operations, discards and dFAD deployment. Additional work, started during the most recent years, is

being conducted to improve data collection and reporting on retained catches. In this document, we

reported on this shared experience of a wide range of stakeholders (scientists, fleet managers, EM

analysts and EM vendors) with the objective of contributing to the definition of EM standards for

scientific data collection purposes in IOTC. In this section, this shared experience will be used to provide

guidelines to adopt such minimum standards, rather than to propose a list of potential minimum


It is important to note here that, as discussed earlier in the document, developing EM systems to

collect robust scientific data will be long trial and error process. The solutions that are being tested

and implemented for the French and associated fleet of the Indian Ocean reflect the knowledge and

technical solutions that are currently available. Proposed EM solutions and recommendations may

therefore evolve in the future. It is also important to note here, that we are only focussing on

recommendations for EM systems designed to collect scientific data. Such systems are being

developed and implemented with clear and precise objectives and that these solutions may not be

adapted to other needs (e.g. verification of compliance).

Recommendation 1: avoid requesting for a predefined configuration

For example, it is less important to set a precise number of cameras or to impose a precise definition

for EM records than to ensure that the configuration cover all operations on the upper, lower and front

decks of purse seiners.

Recommendation 2: test EM abilities against onboard observation

In our experience, this step of validation of EM configuration and settings has proven critical to identify

gaps and differences in data collection between the two types of observation. Therefore, even after

the adoption of EM minimum standards in IOTC, the replacement of onboard observers with electronic

observers should not be encouraged until data collection with EM is fully validated by the Scientific



Committee. In the case of tropical tuna purse seiners, this step of validation is especially important in

the case of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) species. Indeed, issues of lack of identification

have been reported on the upper deck of purse seine vessels (Briand et al., in prep). For ETP species,

that are generally in data poor situations for stock assessment purposes, fully moving towards EM of

purse seiners without having solved this issue is not suitable to monitor the stock status of ETP species

with robust information.

Recommendation 3: EM systems should be carefully installed and configurated

This can be a long process, that can take several years before being fully optimized. The right balance

should be found between EM installations that are customized to deal with different vessel

configurations and harmonization between vessels, so as to ensure similar data collection by electronic

observers. It is also critical to solve issues detected in EM configuration, particularly if the objective is

to collect data that could be useful for stock assessment purposes. Fine tuning of EM installation, as

soon planned in the frame of the SIDEO project, is therefore important and changes should be reported

to IOTC.

Recommendation 4: EM procedures should be optimized both on board and on land

Of course, EM installation is critical to collect robust scientific data. However, it is also critical that EM

is optimized as a whole, i.e. both on board the vessels and on land since EMS is not only cameras and

hard disks onboard a vessel. It is a full system that includes onboard configuration (camera, hard drive

but also multiple sensors information), onshore configuration (dedicated software, automatic data

generation...) and analyses.

EM minimum standards should therefore cover the following components of EM : installation,

maintenance, EM records, validation of EM against onboard observation, EM reviewing protocols,

standardized formats to export EM data, reporting to IOTC.

Recommendation 5: define clear objectives of data collection with EM

One must keep in mind that EM, as other observation means, would probably not be configurated the

same way for scientific data collection or control purposes. In the frame of IOTC, EM programs should,

as onboard observation program, be designed on the basis of requirements of the Regional Observer

Scheme Programme standards. This implies that the same rules should apply to both types of

observation and the same data templates should be used.

Recommendation 6: develop clear EM data collection protocols

It is important that scientists participating to the various science working groups of IOTC can

understand how the data available for stock assessment purposes has been prepared and reported.



Ideally, CPCs should develop clear EM protocols and report them to the Working Party on Data

Collection and Statistics. CPCs should provide IOTC forms with a document reporting on the material

and method used to prepare the data. Such a document should detail the abilities of EM at the time

of data collection and preparation (e.g. known issues of coverage, missing data types, etc).

This recommendation could apply to any type of data reporting to IOTC and is current practice in any

type of work conducted by scientists, who usually report on the material and methods used for their

studies. For the purpose of the ROS, such a “material and methods” should ideally be available also for

onboard observer programs and the type of program used to collect the information should be

reported to IOTC along with the data.

Finally, it is also important that EM data collection protocols are harmonized with onboard observation

protocols, to the extent possible, if the data are to be used in combination with scientific data collected

in the frame of onboard observation protocols.

Recommendation 7: do not request that EM records are directly provided to IOTC

One should keep in mind that the data collected in the frame of observer programs may be needed for

scientific purposes but also requested for other needs. Though it can make sense that IOTC has access

to EM records to verify compliance with IOTC CMMs, CPCs should easily have access to the data (e.g.

to verify conditions of access to a given EEZ in the frame of a bilateral fishing agreement between two

CPCs). Therefore, it would be preferable that EM records are reviewed by a fully independent body,

chosen by the flag State/ CPC.

Recommendation 8: adopt a better terminology

Since electronic observation is not an automatized process and still involves humans (electronic

observers), it is incorrect to oppose human and electronic observation. It would be more appropriate

to talk about onboard vs electronic, direct vs indirect or in situ vs remote. This is valid until AI can be

used to automatize all EM processes. This also means that electronic observers, as onboard observers,

should be carefully selected, trained, etc

Recommendation 9: maintain the EM working group active

Adopting EM standards is likely to be a process that can take several years and need to be reviewed in

the light of technical progress made in the fields of EM and AI. Therefore, organizing regular ad hoc

meetings on EM is necessary.




We would like to thank the coordinating team of the OCUP program and the IRD-Ob7 for providing

information on observer coverage in the frame of the OCUP and DCF programs. We also would like to

thank partners of the OCUP program and EM task force who have shared their views on both electronic

and onboard observation programs.


Briand, K., Bonnieux, A., Dantec, W., Couls, S., Bach, P., Maufroy, A., Relot-Stirnemann, A., et al. 2017. Comparing electronic monitoring system with observer data for estimating non-target species and discards on French tropical tuna purse seine vessels.

Briand, K., Sabarros, P., Maufroy, A., Relot-Stirnemann, A., Couls, S., Goujon, M., and Bach, P. 2018. Improving the sampling protocol of electronic and human observations of the tropical tuna purse seine fishery discards.

Briand, K., Sabarros, P. S., Maufroy, A., Vernet, A.-L., Yon, A., Relot-Stirnemann, A., Bonnieux, A., et al. 2021, October 18. Capability of electronic monitoring system to inform the hauling process of French tuna purse seiners catch. (Accessed 27 October 2021).

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