  • 7/24/2019 Developing a Small Business Structured Approaching


    Developing a Small Business

    A Structured Approach

    1. The Business Idea

    a. Gaining the support of your family

    b. Skills required to run a business

    c. Sort of business you want to start

    d. Starting your business

    i. New business

    ii. Franchise businessiii. Existing business

    e. Inesting in your business

    i. Financial

    !. "ash

    ii. Non#financial

    !. $ssets

    2. Complying with Legislation

    a. %ealth and Safety at &ork $ct

    b. 'ata (rotection $ct

    c. Form of business

    i. Sole trader

    ii. (artnership

    iii. "ompany

    !. (riate company limited by shares

    a. )embers* liability is limited to the

    amount unpaid on shares they hold

    +. (riate company limited by guarantee

    a. )embers* liability is limited to the

    amount they hae agreed to

    contribute to the company*s assetsif it is wound up

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    ,. (riate limited company

    a. No limit to the members* liability

    -. (ublic limited company

    a. "ompany*s shares may be offeredfor sale to the general public and

    members liability is limited to the

    amount unpaid on shares held by


    d. "hoosing a usiness name

    i. "heck to see if it is already being used

    e. (rotecting business ideas

    i. (atentsii. "opyright

    !. (aintings

    +. (hotographs

    ,. &ritings

    iii. /rademarks

    f. Inland reenue

    i. National insurance contributions

    !. "lass 0ne 1 applies to all employed people

    and is paid by both the employer and the


    +. "lass /wo 1 paid at a flat rate by all self#

    employed people whether they are sole

    traders or partners

    ,. "lass /hree 1 (ayable by the self#

    employed as a percentage of profitsbetween a minimum and maximum leel

    ii. Self assessment tax returns

    iii. 2alue $dded /ax 32$/4 registration

    !. !5.67 # standard rate charged on most

    goods and serices

    +. 67 # reduced rate charged on domestic

    fuel and power by charities

    ,. 87 # 9ero rate where no 2$/ is charged

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    g. /rading laws

    i. "onsumer (rotection $ct !:;5

    ii. /rade 'escriptions $cts !:

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    you offer that are not? or cannot be? offered

    by you competitors

    i. Indications for the future 1 what the business

    will do.c. )arketing ob@ecties

    i. Sell existing products to existing markets

    ii. Extend existing products into new markets

    iii. 'eelop new products for existing markets

    i. 'eelop new products for new markets

    $. De%ining Business Strategya. (ES/E analysis

    i. (olitical 1 health and safety legislation

    goerning conditions in the workplace and

    consumer protection legislation coering

    labelling and packaging

    ii. Economic 1 effects of inflation? interest rates

    and exchange rates

    iii. Social 1 changing demographic trends in your

    customer base

    i. /echnological 1 deelopment of Information

    /echnology has affected the ways in which

    business is conducted including the use of

    faxes and email and the opportunities created

    by the Internet

    . Enironmental 1 consider genetic engineeringthe process of manipulating genes of a plant or

    animal to produce desirable characteristics

    b. >esource audit

    i. (hysical >esources

    !. (lant and machinery

    +. /ools and equipment

    ,. 2ehicles

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    ii. %uman >esources

    !. Skills of each indiidual

    +. Estimate of their adaptability under

    changing circumstancesiii. Financial >esources

    !. Finance from own resources

    +. Finance from borrowed funds

    c. "hoice of strategy to an existing business

    i. &ithdraw from the market entirely

    ii. "onsolidate the existing position within the


    iii. Increase market positioni. Introduce new products or serices

    d. Implementing the strategy

    i. (lanning and allocation of resources

    !. (hysical

    +. %uman

    ,. Financial

    ii. Structure of the business

    !. For a new business it is likely to be


    iii. )anagement of the people and systems in the


    !. )anaging your staff

    +. "ontrol and information systems

    e. Strategic threats

    i. New entrantsii. Substitute products

    iii. (ower of suppliers and buyers

    !. Sole supplier of a particular product will

    be in a strong position

    +. uying power has an impact in the

    grocery market.

    i. "ompetitie rialry

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    &. !"taining 'ight Support

    a. usiness links

    i. (roide a ariety of adice and guidance tobusinesses

    b. Enterprise agencies

    i. Not#for#profit organisations that proide

    adice? counselling? information? training and

    practical help to businesses

    c. "hambers of "ommerce

    i. Information and eents

    ii. /rainingiii. Export assistance

    i. "ost saings on bulk purchasing power

    d. Federation of small businesses

    i. Free serices to members including

    !. /elephone helplines

    +. Export information and guidance

    ,. =egal assistance

    -. /axation adice

    (. )ar*et 'esearch

    a. Segmentation

    i. Geographic

    ii. 'emographic

    iii. 0ccupation and social classi. $"0>N segmentation

    !. $ "lassification 0f >esidential

    Neighbourhoods which analyses

    households on the basis of the type of


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    $"0>N )ain "lassification %eadings

    $ )odern family housing for manual workers

    )odern family housing for higher incomes

    " 0lder housing of intermediate status' 2ery poor quality? older terraced housing

    E >ural areas

    F Arban local authority housing

    G %ousing with most oercrowding

    % =ow income areas with immigrants

    I Students and high status non#family areas

    B /raditional high status suburbia

    C $reas of elderly people

    b. "ompetitie adantage

    i. Financial

    !. Efficiency saings which lead to lower

    costs of production

    +. =ower selling price to the consumer

    ii. 'ifferentiation in serice!. =onger opening hours

    +. Improed deliery serice

    ,. )easurable difference in the quality of


    -. %igher quality product

    iii. "ompetition

    !. 'irect 1 generated by businesses that

    offer the same products or serices asyou in the same market

    +. Indirect 1 businesses that although

    operating in different markets and with

    different products may pose a threat if

    they can easily diersify into your


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    ,. Industry 1 businesses that operate in

    the same product area but which sell in

    different markets

    -. =inked 1 businesses that offer the sameserice but delier in a different manner

    c. S&0/ $nalysis 1 encourages you to think about the

    positie sides of your business as well as the negatie

    sides. It should also be used to assess your competition.

    i. Strengths

    ii. &eaknesses

    iii. 0pportunities

    i. /hreatsd. Anique Selling (oint 3AS(4

    i. "rucial element in defining your competitie

    adantage. Dou must establish what makes you

    different from your competitors.

    !. &ill the customers in the market

    perceie this as an adantage

    +. Is it significantly different from what

    my competitors are offering

    ,. &ill my customers actually beliee in this


    -. &ill my customers receie some benefit

    from this AS(

    6. &ill this AS( motiate customers

    sufficiently to make a purchase

    e. "ritical Success Factorsi. Examples include

    !. 'eliery times

    +. Speed of serice

    ,. uality of the product

    -. "ompetitie pricing

    +. Identi%ying ,our -roducts

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    a. oston "onsulting Group 3"G4 )atrix 1 established

    in the !:

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    therefore relates only to products and markets and gies

    you four alternatie courses of action

    i. Selling existing products to existing markets

    ii. Extending existing products into new marketsiii. 'eeloping new products for existing markets

    i. 'eeloping new products for new markets

    /hese four options are set out in a four#box matrix that plots

    your existing and potential products against your existing and

    potential markets as follows

    A5S!66 )atri-resent products 5ew products



    )arket (enetration (roduct 'eelopment



    )arket Extension 'iersification

    )ar*et -enetration1 increasing the existing share in the

    existing market to facilitate further growth)ar*et 7tension1 taking existing products into new markets

    -roduct Development1 offering new products or modifying

    existing products into the existing markets

    Diversi%ication1 either with related products and markets or

    unrelated products that are totally unconnected with the

    existing products and markets

    d. >ight (roduct into the >ight )arket

    i. Existing products into existing markets

    ii. Existing products into new markets

    iii. New products into existing markets

    i. New products into new markets

    !. >elated diersification 1 the

    deelopment of new products that are

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    complementary to the existing product


    +. Anrelated diersification 1 products that

    take the business outside of the industryin which it normally operates

    e. (roduct management 1 relates to the oerall brand

    image of your product.

    8. The 'ight -rice

    a. Importance of price to the consumeri. Asers 1 the person who will actually use the


    ii. 'eciders 1 the person who will actually take

    the decision to make a purchase but who does

    not necessarily buy the product themself

    iii. uyers # the person who actually buys the


    i. Influencers 1 people who hae some influence

    oer the decision to purchase

    b. Selecting the right price

    i. "osts

    ii. "ompetitors

    iii. usiness ob@ecties

    c. (rice as an effectie marketing tool

    i. =inking price with promotion!. =oss leaders 1 products sold at low prices

    that indiidually make a loss? but entice

    the consumer into the shop? after which

    they may well buy other products at the

    same time

    +. 'iscounts or sales 1 these are often used

    to dispose of excess stock

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    ,. Short term interest free credit 1 this is

    often used to tempt the consumer to

    Hbuy now and pay later*

    -. )aintenance or other serice guarantees1 these can either be sold alongside the

    product or offered on a free basis.

    ii. /arget market pricing

    !. )arket segment 1 if you hae segmented

    your potential market on? for example? a

    nationwide basis? it is possible to charge

    different prices according to location

    +. "onsumer group 1 differential pricingdepending on the consumer? is a ery

    common pricing structure

    iii. 0pportunist pricing 1 sometimes a product can

    be priced with no relationship to its true alue.

    i. $dded alue pricing 1 inoles a different

    price for products that increasingly offer

    further features and benefits as in the retail

    clothes market

    . =inked product pricing 1 where one product

    requires another product as matter of course?

    the pricing of both constituent parts can be


    i. 'ual charging 1 the most common example of

    this pricing strategy is in the rental industry.

    For example? in car rentals a basic charge perday is often made with a further charge

    depending on the mileage drien.

    9. 7mploying sta%%

    a. >ecruitment and selection

    i. &riting a @ob description

    ii. )ethods of recruitment

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    !. Newspaper adertisements

    +. "areers serices

    ,. >ecruitment agencies

    -. /he Employment Serice and Bob centreiii. )aking a selection

    b. Employer >esponsibilities

    i. 'iscrimination

    ii. Equal 0pportunities

    iii. %ealth and Safety

    c. Employee >ights

    i. /erms and conditions of employment

    ii. Fair and unfair dismissaliii. Notice periods to terminate employment

    i. )embership or non#membership of a /rade


    . redundancy payments

    i. National )inimum wage

    ii. )aternity and parental leae

    iii. Stakeholder pensions

    ix. Statutory sick pay

    x. Statutory maternity pay

    xi. &orking time regulations

    d. /ax and National Insurance

    i. Income tax and National Insurance are

    deducted at source under (ay $s Dou Earn

    3($DE4 scheme

    e. Staff $ppraisali. )otiating staff

    ii. Identifying any deelopment or training


    iii. (lanning for growth

    asics of Staff $ssessment

    &hat are you going to assess

    a. "ommunication skills

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    b. /echnical knowledge

    c. Standard of customer serice

    d. Effectieness at soling problems

    %ow often will you carry out an assessment

    a. /hree months initially

    b. %alf yearly or annual assessments thereafter

    %ow will you make the assessment

    a. $ppropriate grading from one to fie

    i. Ansatisfactory

    ii. elow standardiii. Satisfactory

    i. Good

    . 0utstanding

    Structuring the assessment

    1:. 'ight Location

    a. Importance of location

    i. 'epends upon the type of business

    !. >etailers

    +. &holesalers

    ,. )anufacturers

    -. Serice businesses

    b. )ethods of distributioni. Selectie distribution 1 selectie about how

    you distribute the products

    ii. Exclusie distribution 1 associated with

    products perceied to be of high or unique


    iii. Intensie distribution 1 aims to make your

    products as widely aailable as possible

    c. >ight distribution method

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    i. >eliability 1 delier the right products at the

    right time

    ii. Suitability 1 products are packaged in such a

    way that they will not be damaged in thedistribution process

    iii. Functionality 1 consumer will be concerned

    about what happens if the product fails to

    function in the future

    d. Effectie supply chain

    11. Business -romotiona. Importance of promotion

    b. )arketing promotion mix

    i. $dertising

    !. /eleision

    +. >adio

    ,. (osters

    -. (ress

    ii. (ublic relations and publicity

    iii. Sales promotions

    !. /rade 1 incenties to wholesalers or

    retailers 1 financial such as discounts or

    non#financial incenties such as proision

    of free display materials

    +. "onsumer 1 money#off ouchers

    ,. Internal 1 offered to sales staff 1bonuses for exceeding sales targets

    i. (ersonal selling

    . Asing the Internet

    c. Ealuate promotion options

    i. &hat exactly are you selling

    ii. &hat are the market conditions

    iii. &hat are your marketing ob@ecties

    i. Is the adertising going to be cost effectie

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    12. -ro%essional ;elp

    a. $ccountants

    i. "omplying with legislationii. Establishing internal control systems

    iii. $ssisting with pricing and profitability


    i. >aising finance

    . )anaging the growth of your business

    b. Solicitors

    c. "onsultants

    i. Strategyii. 0rganisation design and deelopment

    iii. uality management

    i. )anufacturing systems

    . usiness planning

    i. Financial management

    ii. (ro@ect management

    iii. Information technologyinformation systems

    ix. %uman resource management

    x. )arketing

    xi. 'esign and creatiity

    xii. /ransport management

    1. 6inancial 6orecasts

    a. "ash flow Forecast 1 used to pro@ect the flow ofcash into? and out of? your business.

    i. Income from sales

    ii. 'ealing with credit sales

    iii. 0ther income

    !. Introduction of new capital

    +. =oans or grants receied

    ,. >eceipts from sale of fixed assets

    i. (ayment categories

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    !. (ayment to creditors

    +. Salaries and wages

    ,. "apital expenditure

    -. =ight? heat and power6. >ent and rates

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    iii. usiness ackground and %istory

    !. &hen the business was started

    +. %ow it has deeloped since then

    ,. $ny significant achieements-. $ny accreditation gained such as quality

    standard awards

    i. /he product or serice

    . 0perations

    i. )arket analysis

    !. 0erall si9e of the market

    +. )arket trends

    ,. 'irect competitors-. )arket segmentation

    6. (ricing expectations

    eleant legislation such as health and


    :. Enironmental concerns

    !8. >eleant independent market

    research information if aailable

    ii. )arketing strategy

    !. S&0/ $nalysis

    +. "ustomers and markets

    ,. (roduct

    -. (rice

    6. (romotionisk ealuation

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    1(. 'aising 6inance

    a. Inesting your own moneyi. Financial

    !. 'irect in@ection of cash

    ii. Non#financial

    !. $ssets such as motor ehicles? tools and


    b. Short term finance

    i. 0erdrafts

    ii. /rade creditiii. Factoring 1 organisation that takes oer the

    running of your sales ledger and will issue

    statements and debtor reminders according to

    an agreed timetable


    Improes cash flow

    >emoes the need to chase unpaid inoices

    Simple process


    "ustomers know that you are using the factor 1 stigma

    "an proe costly in oerall terms

    'ifficult to extricate yourself from the factoring arrangement

    i. Inoice discounting # similar to factoringexcept the control of the sales ledger is

    retained by you and therefore you need to

    control the debtors and chase for late

    payment. Inoice discounting is not eident to

    your customers.

    c. =ong term finance

    i. =oans

    !. 2ariable rate loans

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    +. Fixed rate loans

    ii. %ire purchase

    iii. =easing

    !. Finance lease 1 the lessor pays for theasset and becomes the owner

    +. 0perating lease 1 lessor is responsible

    for sericing? maintaining and updating

    the equipment

    ,. "ontract hire 1 similar to an operating

    lease 1 for example to finance a fleet of

    motor ehicles

    i. Soft loans 1 loans aailable on generous terms

    and at lower rates of interest than would be

    charged commercially. /hey are proided

    through local Enterprise $gencies

    d. Gaining Equity Finance

    i. usiness angels

    ii. 2enture "apital

    !. Seed capital 1 new high technology


    +. Start#up capital

    ,. Expansion capital


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    d. (rofit and =oss $ccount most important account for

    all businesses

    e. "omputer#based $ccounting Systems

    i. =ess time spent Hdoing the books*ii. $ccurate

    iii. Ap#to#date

    i. Faster production of annual accounts

    . "ost saings on book#keeping and accountancy


    Software (ackages

    Sage/$S ooks



    18. 6ranchises

    a. $dantages

    i. /ried and tested

    ii. rand image

    iii. =ess risk

    i. "omprehensie training

    b. 'isadantages

    i. No room for indiiduality

    ii. 'ifficult to dispose as there are limitations on

    any re#sale

    iii. 'ifficult to enforce exclusie territory rightsc. /ypes of franchise

    i. Bob franchise 1 purchasing a @ob for yourself 1

    for example mobile car mechanics and

    domestic carpet cleaners

    ii. usiness franchise 1 purchase of a complete

    business 1 for example fast food operation

    iii. Inestment franchise 1 substantial inestment

    1 for example hotels and restaurants

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    d. Franchise costings

    i. 0ngoing costs

    !. )anagement fees

    +. Serice charges,. >oyalties

    19. 7isting Businesses

    a. 2aluing

    i. alance sheet

    ii. Fixed assets

    !. =and and buildings

    +. (lant and machinery

    ,. /ools and equipment-. )otor ehicles

    iii. "urrent assets

    i. =iabilities

    . Goodwill

    b. )anaging the purchase

    c. Financial considerations

    i. 0wn capital

    ii. 2enture capital

    iii. ank loan

    2:. 4uality Standards

    a. uality and business ob@ecties

    i. >educe product returns

    ii. Increase customer satisfactioniii. Inest in new technology

    i. Andertake market research

    . >educe the costs of production

    b. uality and competitie adantage

    i. Free deliery

    ii. Free maintenance for a limited period

    iii. Free appliance fitting

    i. Free telephone support

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    c. "ustomer "omplaints

    d. uality )anagement System

    i. IS0 :88!+888

    21. ;andling -ro"lems

    a. "risis )anagement plan

    i. External crises 1 outside of the control of the

    business 1 fire? flood? bomb alert or explosion

    ii. internal crises 1occur within the business 1

    power or machinery failure? computer crash?

    data corruptionb. Insurance

    i. Employer*s liability

    ii. Fire

    iii. /heft

    i. "onsequential loss

    . (rofessional indemnity

    i. Cey person

    c. (ersonal insurance

    i. $ccident and sickness

    ii. "ritical illness

    iii. 'eath

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