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Determination of individual characteristics in Modern

Gujarati language for handwriting analysis

Swetang Patel14


This paper gives information about Graphology, handwriting analysis, different types of

handwriting characteristics. Gujarati language also known as Gujerati, Gujarathi, Guzratee,

Guujratee, Gujrathi, and Gujerathi. Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language and its native language

to the Gujarat of India. Gujarati is the variant of Devanagari, the main difference being the

absence of the shirorekha or the line above the character and also more rounded shapes than

others. The first writing systems were developed more than five thousand years ago. They have

used anticipated pictorial representation to communicate a message. Writing or handwriting is

a universal skill that does not distinct from sex, colour, or creed and race.


Standardization is a socio-economic circumstance dating from the beginning of the 20th

century. In the history of national language standardization defined as “The construction – and

subsequent dissemination – of a uniform supra dialectal normative variety”.

In writing, physical body parts are used so it is a physical process. Through the nervous system,

the brain sends the signal or order to the arms, hands and fingers, where they are manipulated

as writing tools together. In such a way, the aim to write forms deep within the creative

processes of the mind and makes writing an expressive gesture representative of the mind

behind the pen.[1]

Every written sample shows the same variety as the faces, fingerprints, bodies, voices of all

persons in this world. Generally we recognize our friends’ voices on the phone, and by the

frequency of tone alone and know about their state of happiness, sadness, anger, warmth or can

be said as the emotional state of a person. As same, handwriting is a reflection of mood changes,

characterizing the state of mind of a writer at that moment.

Writing or handwriting is a universal skill that does not distinct from sex, colour or creed and

race. Graphology offers a neutral outline of the distinctive personality and behaviour of an

14 M.Sc. Criminology, GFSU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

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individual, without their physical presence. [2]

Graphology is also called Graphoanalysis, is a process which is used by some to attempt to

determine personality traits and details about an individual based on their handwriting.

Graphology began in 1871 by Jean-Hippolyte Mlchon, and it is still popular in Europe,

especially in France. Graphology is not undertaken as real science because of the evidence

which is against it. One way that has been tested is, by having multiple graphologists who

analyse the same handwriting sample.

The advantage of graphology is that it will not matter how rarely or frequently you write, how

praised or ugly your handwriting, it always has a meaning to the eye of the trained graphologist

in the circumstances of personality and character evaluation.[3]


The word “graphology” word is made from the combination of the Greek word “Graphein”,

means “to write” and the “Logos” means “an account”. Graphology is the study of writing

which is based on the growing body of knowledge which is continuously being tested in

practical use. The science of Handwriting or the Graphology is based on the presumption that

handwriting expression and personality functioning are convolutedly related. Graphology is

based on knowledge, not a codified system like arithmetic. People are not alarmed to find

varying, many times conflicting explanations assigned to a stroke or shape. It is manageable to

understand writing characters using different approaches to certain origins. Graphology is an

art of combining and integrating information that essential training and judgement in its


Graphology is an inference of different characters from a person’s handwriting. According to

the theory of graphology, handwriting is an expression of personality. The way words and

letters are formed is analysed systematically so it can reveal traits of personality. Graphologists

analyse elements like the size of individual letters and the degree and regularity of slanting,

ornamentation, angularity and curvature. Other basic analysis are the general appearance and

impression of the writing, the pressure of upward and downward stroked, and the smoothness

of the writing.[5]

Graphologists have cautioned that the validity of handwriting analysis can be subverted by

such consideration as myopia and the loss of motor control. Generally, the scientific basis for

graphological interpretations of personality is questionable.

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History of Graphology

The first writing systems were developed more than five thousand years ago, they anticipated

pictorial representation to communicate a message. Those earlier writing systems include

cuneiform which was developed in Sumer (now it is Iraq) and hieroglyphics from Egypt. The

first development of pure alphabets that uses a single symbol to represent a single phoneme

(letter sound) began in Egypt in 1800 BC and in time the Phoenician alphabet emerged in

approximately 1200 BC. The alphabets developed with the coastline of modern Lebanon,

consisted of 22 constant letters and did not record vowel sounds. That practice is still in the

Arabic and Hebrew written languages today.

Timeline of Graphology

1622: The publication “How to recognise from a letter the nature and quality of a writer”

written by Italian doctor Camillo Baldi. This is the first publication which is known as a printed

publication on the study of different handwriting.

Late 18th Century: Gainsborough apparently keeps his model of handwriting on the painting


1875: French abbot Jean Hyppolyte Michon formulated the term “Graphology”, from the Greek

words: “Graph” means “to write” or “I write”, and “Logos” means “doctrine” to “Theory”.[6]

1895: “Writing originates in the brain, not in the fingers and that handwriting is actually

brainwriting” said by a child psychologist, Wilhelm Preyer.

1920: Henry Grunfeld, co-founder of SG Warburg, detected that someone was stealing petty

cash from his family firm in Germany. He took the help of handwriting experts, and they

promptly recognised the culprit. Applicants firstly have to submit the samples of handwriting

before being accepted for a situation. Grunfeld persisted convicted of the meritss of graphology

until his death at age of 95 in 1999. “There is not a single case in 60 years where the

graphologists had stated that something that turns out to be wrong.”

1930: Dr Ludwig Klages published an influential “Handwriting and Character”. He is widely

considered as the father of modern graphology.

1949-1954: Dr Eric Singer, an Austrian but lived in England, published “Graphology and

Everyman”, “The Graphologists Alphabets”, “Handwriting and Marriage”, “Personality in

Handwriting”. [7]

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1965: Fransic T. Hilliger established a company “Handwriting Analysis Ltd.”. He was the

student of Dr Eric Singer. His business encompasses personnel selection, tuitions,

graphotherapy (this therapy proposed that negative emotions can result in disease), and work

at London’s Old Bailey as an “Expert witness”. He evolves a method for assessing the degree

of any trait or characteristics in a handwriting sample, and setting the first standard for students

in the UK.


Handwriting is writing with the hand as different from print. The term handwriting can be more

or less restricted to mean the form of writing peculiar to each person. Scales were developed

to measure the quality of the script from grade to grade in the elementary schools, and a series

of careful investigations of the handwriting movements were undertaken. Different studies

revealed that the pressure on the penholder (grip pressure) as well as the pressure of the pen

point on the paper (point pressure) varies continuously during writing, and the speed of writing

is not uniform but depends upon the which type of stroke going to made. For example,

movement speed usually increases slowly as the strokes begins, comes at maximum in the

middle, and drops off in the direction of end. The direction of the stroke, loops and turns, the

complexity and the type of stroke that preceded will alter the speed of a given writing

movement. Speed is also affected by length of letter elements, usually it takes more time to

make long strokes than to make short ones.

By comparison of the handwriting movement of poor and good writers, researchers found that

these two groups have difference in position of writing hand, speed, and types of movements

in fingers and hands while writing. A good writer showed greater uniformity in the formation

speed of similar strokes.

Overview of Study

There are two variation of concern during the comparison handwriting: the variation of the

handwriting of the particular individual and the handwriting from one individual to another.

These two variabilities are seen when several individuals are asked to write the same word

many times. Intuitively, the within writer variability (the variation in a person's handwriting

samples) is less than the between-writer variation (the variation between the handwriting

samples of two different people). The goal of this study is to initiate this intuitive observation

in an objective manner.

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The study consisted of three phases: data collection, feature determination, and determining

individuality. In the data collection phase, prototypical handwriting samples were collected.

The feature separation phase was to acquire handwriting features that would entitle the writing

style of one writer to be differentiate from the writing style of another writer. The validity

determination phase was to determine the differences and similarity between the two individual

characteristics. The study pertains to natural handwriting and not to forgery or disguised

handwriting. Handwritten document examination for forensic analysis is different from

recognition of content.

Handwriting samples

Our objective was to obtain a set of handwriting samples that would capture variations in

handwriting between writers. This meant we would need handwriting samples from multiple

writers. The handwriting samples of the sample population should have the following


i. They are sufficient in number to exhibit normal writing habits and to portray the

consistency with which particular habits are executed, and

ii. For comparison purposes, they should have similar nature in texts, in writing

circumstances and in purpose of writing.

Various factors can be impact the style of handwriting, e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, handedness,

the handwriting system learned, subject matter or content, writing protocol (written from

memory, dictated, or copied out), writing instrument like paper and pen, alterations in the

handwriting of an individual over time, etc. For instance, we assured that document content

would be such that it would apprehend as many features as possible. Only some of these factors

were considered in the experimental design. The other factors will have to be part of a different

study. However, the similar experimental methodology can be used to determine the influence

factors not reviewed.

Source document

A source document in Gujarati, which was to be copied by each writer, was designed for the

purpose of this study. It is concise (55 words) and complete in that it captures all characters

(alphabets and numerals) and certain character combinations of interest. In addition, the

reference document also include punctuation, and form of a general document that permits

extracting macro-document attributes such as word and line spacing, line skew, etc. Forensic

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literature in English refers to many such documents, including the London Letter and the Dear

Sam Letter [8].

Each participant (writer) was required to copy-out the source document one time in his/her

most natural handwriting, using plain, unruled/ruled sheets, and a medium black/blue ballpoint

pen provided by us.

Reference document:

Illustrative Document:

Writer Population

We decided to make the writer population as representative of the Gujarat State population as

possible. Statistical issues in determining the writer population are: the number of samples

needed to make statistically valid conclusions and the population distribution needed to make

અનુચ્છેદ ૧: પ્રતિષ્ઠા અને

અતિકારોની દ્રતિ એ સર્વ

માનર્ો જન્મથી સ્ર્િંત્ર અને

સમાન હોય છે િેમનામાં

તર્ચારશતિ અને અંિ: કરણ

હોય છે. અને િેમણે પરસ્પર

બંિુત્ર્ ની ભાર્નાથી ર્િવરંુ્


અનુચ્છેદ ૨: દરકે. વ્યતિને

જાતિ, ત ંગ, ભાષા, િમવ

,રાજકીય અથર્ા બીજા

અતભપ્રાય રાિર ીય અથર્ા

સામાતજક ઉદ્ધ્ભર્સ્થા ન,

તમ કિ, જન્મ અથર્ા મોભા

જરે્ા કોઈ પણ જાિના ભેદભાર્

ર્ગર આ ઘોષણા માં રજૂ

કરર્ામાં આરે્ ા સઘળા

અતિકારો અને સ્ર્િંત્રિા

ભોગર્ર્ાનો હક્ક છે. ર્િુમાં

કોઈપણ વ્યતિ િે સ્ર્િંત્ર, ટ્રસ્ટ્

હેઠળ ના સ્ર્શાસન હેઠળ ન

હોય િેર્ા અથર્ા સાર્વભમત્ર્

ની બીજી કોઈપણ મયાવદા હેઠળ

આરે્ ા દેશ અથર્ા પ્રદેશની

હોય િો પણ રાજકીય,

હફામર્તર્ષયક અથર્ા

આંિરરાિર ીય મોભાના િોરણ ે

િેની સાથે કોઈપણ ભેદભાર્

રાખર્ામાં આર્શે નતહ.

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conclusions that apply to the Gujarati population, which are issues in the design of experiments



If the samples are random, then every individual in Gujarat should have an equal chance of

participating in the study. We attempted to make our sample population as random as possible.

Sample handwriting was obtained by contacting participants in person or by mailing the study.

For geographic diversity, we obtained samples from the native communities from different

districts (Surat, Valsad, Navsari, Vadodara, Kheda, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Ankleshwar, Aravalli,

Bharuch, Chhota-Udaipur, Junagadh) of the Gujarat State, and few are collected from out of

India also like Chicago, New Jersey, USA, Toronto, Canada, Ternopil – Ukraine but are of

Gujarati Origin.

Sample Size

The sample population should be large enough to enable drawing inferences about the entire

population through the observed sample population. The issue of large enough is related to

sampling error, the error that results from taking one sample instead of examining the whole

population, i.e., how close is an estimate of a quantity based on the sample population to the

true value for the entire population? Higher precision levels would entail a larger number of

samples. Our database has a sample size of about 98, and our results are therefore subject to

such a margin of error.


The sample population should be representative of the Gujarati population. For instance, since

the Gujarati population consists of an (approximately) equal number of males and females, it

would Be unwise to perform the study on a sample population consisting of only males and

expect the conclusions of the study to apply to the entire Gujarati population consisting of

males and females (especially in the absence of any scientific evidence that proves or disproves

the association between handwriting and gender). The sample was made representative by

means of a stratified sample with proportional allocation [9].

Each writer was asked to provide the following Name, Age, Gender, Birth Place, Occupation,

Languages known, Current city and Signature in Gujarati language.

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Identification of Handwriting

Identification of handwriting presumes considerable importance in the court of law when the

authenticity of signature is challenged. Even when the handwriting itself is not to be doubted,

the conditions under which it was written sometimes become a great moment. Such questions

as whether the writer’s hand was guided or forced to write or whether the alteration was applied

after the completion of the document often have to be answered by the expert in court of law.

One of the first steps in the investigation of disputed signature or writing is to find out or collect

the genuine or natural writing of disputed authors which have to be compared with disputed

writings. The experts use the writing characteristics in determining authenticity presuppose that

each handwriting has certain persistent characteristics features from which available

handwriting samples can be different. And another question is whether the observed difference

is within the expected limits or out of them. Many innovative methods are developed to identify

and verify authenticity of given pieces of writing: Compare the dates with the age of paper,

determining whether writing at the creases preceded or followed creasing, and physical and

chemical examination of paper and the ink to determine the origin, manufacturing date, and the

date of writing.

Use of handwriting analysis

People learn handwriting analysis for different purposes like, the criminology firm of science

offers a study course which entitles one with a licensed handwriting expert. Testimony from

the handwriting expert is admissible in the court of law for the purpose of build identification

or validity of a specific document. In this field, the professional title for one is “examiner of

questioned document”. Those professional experts work in cooperation with law enforcement

agencies, attorneys.

There is another wider group of people who study handwriting analysis as a means to find out

themselves and others. These experts are called as graphologists. They know about

enhancement in formation of writing and suggest similar enhancement in the personality of the

writer. Character attributes that vary from the norm will show up in the handwriting. The

graphologists get to know about how to analyse the difference between normal and abnormal


Gujarati script and Evolution of the Script

Gujarati (also known as Gujerati, Gujarathi, Guzratee, Guujaratee, Gujrathi, and Gujerathi) is

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an Indo-Aryan language and its native language to the Gujarat of India. This language is part

of the greater family of Indo-European languages. Gujarati name given because this is the

language of the Gujjars. Origin of the Gujarati’s can be traced back to Old Gujarati (circa 1100-

1500 AD).

In India, Gujarati is the official language in the state of Gujarat, and in Union Territories of

Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. This language is also a statutory provincial language

in state West Bengal. As per the 2011 census, 4.5% of Indian population speaks Gujarati.

Worldwide there are 65.5 million people who speak Gujarati, and these people make Gujarati

26th most spoken native language in the world. Gujarati is extensively spoken in large parts of

Africa, Madagascar, UK and USA, and as well as various emigrants’ communities around the


Gujarati is the variant of Devanagari, the main difference being the absence of the Shirorekha

or the line above the character and also more rounded shapes than others. Initially it was used

for commercial ends, it has been introduced to as saraphi (banker’s) or mahajani (trader’s)


According to development, Gujarati is divided into three historical stages

1. Old Gujarati (1100-1500 CE)

Old Gujarati also known as Gujarati Bhakha or Gurjar apabhramsa. It is the antecedent of the

modern Gujarati and Rajasthani language which is spoken by the Gurjars, who were residing

and ruling in Gujarat, Rajputana, Punjab, and central India. This language was used as the

literary language around the 12th century. Texts of this era display the different characteristic

Gujarati features such as direct/oblique noun forms, postpositions, and auxiliary verbs. While

generally known as Old Gujarati¸ many scholars prefer the name of Old Rajasthani, based on

the different opinion that Gujarati and Rajasthani were not distinct yet.

2. Middle Gujarati (AD 1500-1800)

According to Ernst Kausen and Mistry, in this period Gujarati split from Rajasthani language

and develop certain features which are the hall-marks of modern Gujarati such as the phonemes

Ꜫ and ⴢ, the auxiliary stem chh*, and the possessive morphological marker n*. A substantial

amount of literature was created in this period.[4]

3. Modern Gujarati (AD 1800-)

After 1800 Modern Gujarati came into its own and the language and script used till date from

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this period. The creation of metal types for printing Gujarati in 1815 saw a growth of literature

and Lexicography as is attested by the first printed book published in 1815 namely “a Gujarati

translation of Dabestan-e Mazaheb” prepared and printed by Parsi priest Fardunjee


Handwriting Analysis

While doing analysis of any evidence including handwriting, we can determine the

characteristics of any object or we can say that every evidence/object has its own

characteristics, and those characteristics can be divided into two:

● Class characteristics.

● Individual characteristics.

Class characteristics are those characteristics that are common to a particular group,for example

the eye colour in humans, according to the eye color, humans can be classified into different

groups and each member of that group will have the same characteristics but they will be

common to all in that class, example: group with eye color black.

Individual characteristics are those characteristics that will be particular to each

evidence/object, and those characteristics would not match with the characteristics of any other

object, example, firing pin marks, tool marks, etc.

Document examiner examines the entire document to understand the source and determine the

authenticity of the document which is disputed. A document expert examines the two types of

characteristics as classic characteristics and individual characteristics. other than

characteristics, there are some factors which affect the handwriting, they can be, Age, Mood,

Time to write, Surface , Writing instrument, Illness, Drink and drugs, Trying to write in

different ways.[11]

Class/ General characteristics: The general or common pattern of handwriting, letters space,

shapes etc. and it is limited to a group, age, language etc.

Some classic characteristics of handwriting:

1. Arrangement: This characteristics is about arrangement of characters/letters, words and


2. Alignment: The relation of the difference of the word, signature or written sentence, to

a real or imaginary base line is considered as the alignment.

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3. Relative size and Proportions: The overall size of writing may decrease or increase but

the regularity to the relative size of one letter to the other letters is near to fixed and it

remains impartially constant.

4. Writing Slants: The inclination slant of letters or strokes of letters with the real or

imaginary baseline is referred to as writing slant.

5. Size: From person to person, the size of writing may be different.

6. Movement: The manner in which the fingers, hand, forearm, or entire hand move to

develop writing is called writing movement or movement in writing. There are some

sub-characteristics of movement available: finger movement, wrist movement, Forearm

movement, Whole-arm movement.[12]

7. Spacing: This characteristic shows the empty space between the letters or words or

lines. Spacing can be studied from three different manners: Spacing between letters,

spacing between words, spacing between lines.



Sample 1 Sample 2




Individual characteristics: these characteristics are limited to an individual writer. This

characteristic makes handwriting unique from others.

1. Skill level: Skill level can be said as an appreciation of beauty as applied to handwriting.

2. Form: This can be the most basic individual characteristics. Form is a pictorial

representation of a letter or writing movement.

3. Height ratios: Height ratios are a correlation or comparison of the height of an

individual letter or letter segment to another letter, usually within the same word or


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4. Loops: this found in a cursively written letter may be symmetrical or may be flat on

one side and therefore be asymmetrical. They may be thin or bulbous. They may be

rounded at the apex or may be sharply pointed like a needle.

5. Pen lifts: The writing implements lifts from the paper, usually interior to a word or


6. Entry/Exit strokes: The entry and exit strokes of a letter may repeat themselves in

similar letter formations.

7. Retracing: This is the process where in the pen inks a written portion of the line, usually

in the opposite directions, such as a downward movement followed by an upward

movement over the existing line.[13]



Sample 1 Sample 2



Pen lift

Pen Pressure

In Gujarati Language, certain individual characteristics can be found that are very peculiar to

each writer.

● Rounding/ looping of the starting two trufs in “ઘ”,

● Looping of the upper part in “ર”,

● Formation and reformation of lines in “ત્ર”

● Recirculating of semicircles in “ઉ”

● Slanting in right or left direction in “ખ”

● Formation of pockets in “ચ”

● Irregularity in forming words including “જ”

● Irregularity in connection in “ગ”ુ

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● Connecting stroke or single stroke in “હ”

● Connecting two characters in “સ્ર્”

● Slant and curve in “ણ”

● Loop and curve of the left to center part of “ભ”

● Curve and loop of the left to center part of “અ”

● Curve, connecting stroke or single stroke of the left to center part of “િ”

● Loop and curve of the left to center part of “બ”

● Curve and centered line of the left to center part of “ક”

● Curve, connecting stroke, or reformation and centered line in “ષ”

● Loop and curve in “મ”

● Curve stroke of left part in “ગ”

Result and Discussion

Handwriting plays an important role in linking various crimes as well as solving various civil

cases as well as cases of disputes. But differentiation of handwriting can be a very difficult job

if proper examination is not done for the samples and questioned. Different languages can have

different characteristics depending on their language system and the root from where a

particular language is originated from. Languages originated from the same parent system may

have a little or a lot similarity in their characteristics. But different languages cannot have a

common base therefore no similarity. This paper works on the determination of individual

characteristics in Modern Gujarati language. And for the same, there can be quite a difference

in individual characteristics of certain letters. Changes can be seen in the looping of “ઘ” as

seen in the table below, the changes can be due to the way a writer learns or other factors.

Additionally there are changes in formation loop and curve in strokes in “જ” visible from the

samples compared with the standard. Other characteristics that can be differentiated is

irregularity in loop formation and retracing of stroke in “ર”. Gujarati characters have peculiar

characteristics like reformation of strokes, loop, retracing of a single stroke, regularity or

irregularity in connecting two or more strokes unlike English or other languages. . There are

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different connecting strokes in connecting of two different character as a single joint character

like “ત્ર” or “સ્ર્”.

Table showing different characteristics in the Modern Gujarati Language.






S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

Formation of

loop in “જ”


looping of

the starting

two trufs in


Looping of

the upper part

in “ર”




of lines in





semicircles in


Slanting in

right or left

direction in

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in forming



Forensic document analysis and examination is one of the important keys to criminal

investigations. Handwriting analysis is the standard forensic method to assess the identification

of a person from the document. Handwriting or signature analysis categories into questioned

document sections in forensic science. Expert Questioned Document Examiners (QDE)

examines the questioned documents. QDE checks for any alteration or forgeries into a

document and compares it with the original document if available. Handwriting can be said as

the individual characteristics, meaning that handwriting is unique for every individual. Every

individual has their own handwriting style. According to experts, some people may have few

common handwriting characteristics but other than that it’s impossible to have more same

handwriting characteristics. It can be said that handwriting is as unique as a fingerprint.

Forensic document experts/ examiner follow the different features related to the movement and

pressure of the fingers and hand. And shape of the different individual characters and the spatial

relationship between them. Forensic document analysis is generally used in the cases of

financial fraud and also in white collar crimes. Everyday many fraud cases are registered from

low level to high level cases. And almost all the cases have motives out of financial gain,

personal purposes. So Handwriting analysis is important and the Gujarati language is most

commonly and officially used language in Gujarat state of India, and is one of the 22 official

languages of India, so all the documents in Gujarat state are mostly in Gujarati, so the

standardization for the purpose of forensic analysis becomes important.


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