Page 1: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative

NeuroImage 15, 83–97 (2002)doi:10.1006/nimg.2001.0940, available online at on

Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses:Application to Words versus Nonwords and Initial versus

Repeated Face PresentationsR. N. A. Henson,*,†,1 C. J. Price,* M. D. Rugg,† R. Turner,* and K. J. Friston*

*Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, and †Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience andDepartment of Psychology, University College London, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom

Received March 8, 2001

We introduce a new method for detecting differencesin the latency of blood oxygenation level-dependent(BOLD) responses to brief events within the context ofthe General Linear Model. Using a first-order Taylorapproximation in terms of the temporal derivative of acanonical hemodynamic response function, statisticalparametric maps of differential latencies were esti-mated via the ratio of derivative to canonical parameterestimates. This method was applied to two exampledatasets: comparison of words versus nonwords in a lex-ical decision task and initial versus repeated presenta-tions of faces in a fame-judgment task. Tests across sub-jects revealed both magnitude and latency differenceswithin several brain regions. This approach offers acomputationally efficient means of detecting BOLD la-tency differences over the whole brain. Precise charac-terization of the hemodynamic latency and its interpre-tation in terms of underlying neural differences remainproblematic, however. © 2002 Elsevier Science

Key Words: event-related; fMRI; word; nonword;faces; BOLD; impulse; latency; deactivations.

Several authors have argued that analysis of thelatency (as well as the magnitude) of the blood oxygen-ation level-dependent (BOLD) impulse response mayprove informative with regard to the neural/synapticactivity following brief stimulation (e.g., Menon et al.,1998; Kruggel and von Cramon, 1999; Miezin et al.,2000). The present work introduces a new whole-brainstatistical technique for testing differences in the la-tency of the BOLD impulse response function withinthe context of the General Linear Model (GLM). We usedata from a lexical decision task and a face fame-judgment task to demonstrate the ability of this tech-nique to detect latency differences within brain regionsbetween two classes of stimuli: words versus nonwords

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected].


and initial versus repeated presentations of famousfaces.

We rarely know the precise shape of the BOLD im-pulse response for a given brain region, but we canmake an informed guess in light of knowledge of thecanonical hemodynamic response function (HRF) de-rived from previous studies. To allow for some devia-tions about this canonical form, Friston et al. (1998)added further response functions derived from a first-order multivariate Taylor expansion of the canonicalHRF. These functions included the partial derivativewith respect to time (temporal derivative) and partialderivative with respect to duration (dispersion deriva-tive). The inclusion of this set of “basis” functionswithin the General Linear Model allows estimation ofthe contribution of each basis function (its parameterestimate), linear combination of which allows calcula-tion of the mean and standard error of the best-fittingevent-related response. Friston et al. (1998) also pro-posed that tests of differences in the latency of re-sponses can be derived from knowledge of the standarderror of the fitted response. The present work takesthis proposal further by explicitly estimating responselatency (relative to the canonical HRF) via the ratio oftemporal derivative to canonical parameter estimates.A preliminary application of this proposal was reportedby Henson et al. (1999a), and a related, more generalproposal has been made recently by Liao et al. (2001).

The canonical response function and its temporalderivative are shown in Fig. 1a. Assume that the realevent-related BOLD response, F(t), as a function ofpoststimulus time, t, is delayed relative to the canoni-cal response, f(t), by a small amount dt, such that

F~t! 5 af~t 1 dt!,

where a is a scaling factor. With a first-order Taylorexpansion of the canonical response,

f~t 1 dt! , f~t! 1 f9~t!dt,

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Page 2: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


where f 9(t) is the temporal derivative, then

F~t! , af~t! 1 adtf9~t!.

If the canonical response and its temporal derivativeare used as two basis functions in a GLM, the param-eter estimates, b1 and b2, derived from the least-means-squares solution of

F~t! 5 b1f~t! 1 b2f9~t!

are then such that

FIG. 2. Regions showing magnitude effects for (i) main effect ofdecreases in blue) and (ii) differential responses to words and nonwto nonwords in blue). Effects are rendered on a canonical normalizdecreases with distance from cortical surface. Below are plots for regregion (b) in left temporo-occipital cortex (x 5 248; y 5 269; z 5 2canonical (c) and derivative (d) for words (W) and nonwords (N). The(solid lines, the sum of the two basis functions, weighted by their paa function of poststimulus time (PST). Error bars refer to the stanstandard error of the difference in word–nonword parameter estima

FIG. 3. Regions showing latency effects (i) relative to canonical rfor words and nonwords (middle row, delayed for words in red, delaysulcus (x 5 133; y 5 248; z 5 139) and region (b) in left motor cor

FIG. 1. (a) The canonical hemodynamic response function (HRFThe temporal derivative used in the present study is the finite differtime. This difference function is then orthogonalized with respect tofinite approximation to the continuous derivative. (b) The canonical Hin time. (c) Parameter estimates for canonical (b1) and derivative (bdifference relative to the canonical HRF (dt) and the ratio of deriva

a , b1, dt , b2/b1.

In other words, the magnitude of the BOLD response,a, is estimated by the canonical parameter estimate,and the latency of the BOLD response, dt (relative tothe canonical response) is estimated by the ratio ofderivative to canonical parameter estimates (provideddt is small relative to the time constants of the canon-ical HRF; see below).

Response functions shifted 61 s relative to the ca-nonical are shown in Fig. 1b. The corresponding pa-rameters for the canonical function (b1) and its tempo-

rd/nonword presentation versus baseline (top row, increases in red,s (middle row, greater responses to words in red, greater responsesrain (with cerebellum artificially removed), in which color density(a) in left temporoparietal cortex (x 5 251; y 5 257; z 5 124) and

The left plot for each region shows the parameter estimates for theht plot for each region shows the best fitting event-related responseeter estimates) and adjusted data binned every 2 s (dotted lines) as

rd error of parameter estimates/adjusted data across subjects (theis inset).

onse (top row, delayed relative to canonical in blue) and (ii) differingfor nonwords in blue). Plots are for region (a) in right intraparietal(x 5 239; y 5 212; z 5 154). See Fig. 2 legend for more details.

d its temporal derivative plotted against poststimulus time (PST).e between the canonical HRF and the same HRF shifted 1 s later in

canonical HRF to remove the small correlations introduced by the(red) together with HRFs shifted 1 s earlier (green) or later (yellow)

ssociated with HRFs in b. (d) The relationship between the latency:canonical parameter estimates (b2/b1).

woorded bion6).rig


) anenctheRF

2) ative

Page 3: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


Page 4: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


ral derivative (b2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responsesearlier than the canonical, the derivative parameter ispositive; for responses later than the canonical, thederivative parameter is negative.

The value of dt in seconds is plotted against the ratioof derivative:canonical parameter estimates in Fig. 1d.Positive ratios (negative values of dt) correspond toresponses occurring earlier than the canonical HRF.The range of latency differences is approximately 62 s(given that fitted responses cannot peak earlier thanthe peak of the temporal derivative). The relationshipbetween dt and the derivative:canonical ratio is almostlinear for latency differences between 61 s, with agradient of approximately 22.58 s.

An image of response latency can be created bytransforming the derivative:canonical ratio for eachvoxel with a function resembling that in Fig. 1d. Thisfunction can be approximated by a sigmoidal logisticfunction,

2C/~1 1 exp~Db2/b1!! 2 C,

where C 5 1.78 and D 5 3.10 (root mean square errorof nonlinear fit 5 0.18). Statistical tests of latencydifferences can then be performed by comparing onesuch latency image for each event type across subjects,allowing construction of a statistical parameteric map(SPM) of the significance of latency differences acrossall voxels.

In summary, for small latency shifts, a first-orderapproximation is sufficient for estimating a linearlyparameterized response. The ratio of the parametersfor the HRF and its temporal derivative represent anestimate of that latency (and the same logic can beapplied to other partial derivatives of a response func-tion, such as the dispersion derivative (Friston et al.,1998), which might be used to estimate the relativeduration of BOLD impulse responses). However, thisratio is a nonlinear function of the actual latency byvirtue of the fact that the parameterization ignoreshigh-order terms. The above procedure can thus beseen as linearizing a nonlinear parameter estimationproblem, solving using ordinary least squares, and ap-plying a nonlinearity post hoc to account for higherorder terms discounted during the estimation. Thenonlinear transformation also renders the distributionof estimated latencies more Gaussian than the originalratio estimator (and we can appeal to the robustness ofparameteric statistics to mild deviations from normal-ity). The transformation is quick to perform and can beinserted after (subject-specific) parameter estimation,but before (multisubject) analyses over those parame-ters, maintaining a formal link with conventional two-stage, mixed-effects analyses used in fMRI (see Meth-ods).


Lexical Decision Dataset

This dataset comes from two sessions of a lexicaldecision task (which comprised the encoding phase of amemory experiment reported elsewhere; Henson et al.,1999b). Previous blocked designs have revealed activa-tions for the lexical decision task relative to a baselinetask (e.g., Price et al., 1994; Rumsey et al., 1997), butcould not distinguish differences in activation for thewords and nonwords themselves.

The stimuli comprised two sets of 90 5-letter nounswith a Kucera–Francis written frequency of 10–100,selected from the MRC Psycholinguistics Database( One setwas used in each of the two 12-min sessions. For arandom 30 words of each set, the letters were randomlypermuted in order to create 5-letter nonwords. Thesenonwords were not therefore restricted to pseudowords(though some were pronounceable by virtue of the vow-els). The 2:1 ratio of words to nonwords was selected onthe basis of the subsequent memory experiment (Hen-son et al., 1999b). Words and nonwords were displayedfor 1 s, interspersed with 7 s of fixation (SOA of 8 s).The words were presented in a pseudorandom order,with the constraint that a nonword occurred everythird stimulus on average, in order to improve sensi-tivity to the difference between words and nonwords(Josephs and Henson, 1999). Subjects indicated theirlexical decision with one of two fingers of their righthand, the order of finger assignment being counterbal-anced across subjects. The capitalized words were pre-sented in 24-point Helvetica font on a Macintosh com-puter, projected onto a mirror approximately 300 mmabove the subject in the MRI scanner. The horizontalvisual angle subtended by the stimuli was approxi-mately 4°.

Face Repetition Dataset

This dataset is a subset of that acquired during twodifferent memory tasks performed on repeated presen-tations of famous and nonfamous faces (Henson et al.,2001b). We restrict analysis here to correct fame deci-sions for initial versus repeated presentations of thefamous faces during the fame-judgment task. Stimulusrepetition tends to decrease decision times in such“implicit” memory tasks, which makes these data in-teresting in the context of repetition priming (Hensonet al., 2000).

Famous and nonfamous (unfamiliar) gray-scale faceswere taken from the set created by Gorno-Tempini etal. (1998). A random sequence of two presentations ofeach face was created for each subject. The faces werepresented for 500 ms against a baseline of an ovalcheckerboard present throughout the interstimulus in-terval, with a stochastic distribution of SOAs deter-

Page 5: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


mined by a minimal SOA of 4.5 s and randomly inter-mixed null events with probability 1/3 (Josephs andHenson, 1999). Each stimulus was presented on a mir-ror above the participant, subtending a visual angle ofapproximately 10°. Each subject was scanned duringtwo counterbalanced 20-min sessions, though only thesession involving the fame-judgment task is consideredhere. Subjects were instructed to press one of two keyswith either the index or the middle finger of their righthand to indicate whether or not each face belonged to afamous person, regardless of whether they had seen itbefore the experiment. The assignment of keys wascounterbalanced across subjects.


Different groups of 12 right-handed volunteers gaveinformed consent to participate in each experiment(ages 22–34 in the lexical experiment; ages 22–42 inthe face experiment; 6 males in each group). All volun-teers reported themselves to be in good health with nohistory of neurological illness.

Scanning Parameters

A 2-T Vision system (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany)was used to acquire T2*-weighted transverse echopla-nar images (EPI) (64 3 64 pixels, TE 5 40 ms) withBOLD contrast in a descending direction, positioned tocover the whole brain except cerebellum. In the lexicalexperiment, a total of 245 volumes of 34 2.5-mm-thickaxial slices of 5 3 5-mm2 pixels positioned every 3 mmwere collected per session with an effective repetitiontime (TR) of 3 s/volume. In the face experiment, a totalof 356 volumes of 24 3-mm-thick axial slices of 3 33-mm2 pixels positioned every 4.5 mm were collectedwith an effective TR of 2 s/volume. The first 5 volumesin each session were discarded to allow for T1 equili-bration effects. For the lexical experiment, the 8:3 ratioof SOA to TR ensured an effective sampling rate of theimpulse response over trials of 1 Hz; for the face ex-periment, the 4.5:2 ratio ensured an effective samplingrate of 2 Hz. Because of their uneven proportions andpseudorandom ordering, the poststimulus samplingwas not quite uniform for words and nonwords in thelexical experiment; the sampling for initial and re-peated presentations of faces in the face experimentwas uniform.

Data Analysis

Data were analyzed using SPM99 (Wellcome Depart-ment of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK; Friston etal., 1995). All volumes were realigned spatially to thefirst volume, and the signal in each slice was thenrealigned temporally to that measured in the middleslice using a sinc interpolation. Note that one couldalso use the temporal derivative of a hemodynamic

response function to allow for different slice timings(Henson et al., 1999c): The temporal derivative of thecanonical HRF used here, for example, could captureslice timing differences of approximately 61 s, i.e., TRsless than 2 s. This would obviate the need to realign thedata temporally, which may alias frequencies abovethe sampling limit. Little power was expected abovethe sampling limits in the present experiments, how-ever (with their combination of short TRs and longerrelative SOAs), and temporal realignment was desir-able to increase the likelihood that any latency differ-ences between event types were close to the linearrange in Fig. 1D. (Temporal realignment would also beparticularly important if one wanted to make infer-ences regarding latency across slices.)

The resliced volumes were normalized to a standardEPI template based on the MNI reference brain (Ash-burner and Friston, 1999) in Talairach space (Ta-lairach and Tournoux, 1988). The normalized images of3 3 3 3 3-mm3 voxels were smoothed with an 8-mmFWHM isotropic Gaussian kernel. Treating the vol-umes as a time series, the data were high-pass filteredto 1/60 Hz in the lexical experiment and 1/120 Hz forthe face experiment (owing to the larger range of SOAsin the latter). The smoothed images were scaled to agrand mean of 100 over all voxels and scans within asession (note that this session-wide scaling does nothave the caveats associated with scan-specific globalscaling; Aguirre et al., 1998).

For the lexical experiment, three event-types weredefined: (1) correct decisions to words, (2) correct deci-sions to nonwords, and (3) incorrect decisions to wordsor nonwords (the latter, though rare, were modeledseparately to capture additional error-related variabil-ity). For the face experiment, there were eight basicevent types, derived from correct and incorrect re-sponses to initial and repeated presentations of famousand nonfamous faces. Correct responses were furtherdivided into those matched and unmatched for timewithin the session. This matching was performed torule out the potential time confound resulting from thefact that repeated presentations occurred later, on av-erage, than initial presentations (see Henson et al.,2001b, for further details). The two event types of in-terest—initial versus repeated presentations of famousfaces—were therefore controlled for nonspecific timeeffects.

Each analysis was performed in a two-stage, mixed-effects procedure (Holmes and Friston, 1998). In thefirst stage, the BOLD response for each event type wasmodeled with the canonical HRF and its temporal de-rivative (see the introduction). These functions wereconvolved with an event train of delta functions at eachstimulus onset and downsampled every TR (at themidscan time point) to create covariates in a GLM,together with a constant term for each session. Param-eter estimates for each covariate were calculated from

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the least-mean-squares fit of the model to the timeseries. Images of the parameter estimates for the ca-nonical and derivative covariates were created by sub-ject-specific contrasts (collapsing across sessionswithin subjects). These “summary statistic” imagescomprised the data for a second stage of repeated-measures analyses (Frison and Pocock, 1992), treatingsubjects as a random variable. Pairwise one-tailed con-trasts on the canonical parameter images allowed ttests on differences in the magnitude of event-relatedresponses (t values were subsequently transformed toZ values). Two contrasts were tested: the main effect ofthe two event types (versus the interstimulus baseline)and the differential effect between the two types.

Pairwise tests on the differences in derivative pa-rameter estimates cannot be directly interpreted aslatency differences, because the effect of the temporalderivative depends on the canonical parameter esti-

FIG. 4. Regions showing magnitude effects for (i) main effect odifferential responses to initial and repeated face presentations (mresponses to initial presentations in blue). Below are plots for regionin right lateral fusiform cortex (x 5 145; y 5 248; z 5 233). See F

FIG. 5. Regions showing latency effects (i) relative to canonical rblue) and (ii) differing for initial and repeated face presentations (mpresentations in blue). Plots are for region (a) in right inferior occipfusiform cortex (x 5 148; y 5 254; z 5 224). See Fig. 2 legend for

FIG. 6. BOLD responses (dotted lines) predicted from linearconvolution of short bursts of neural/synaptic activity (rectangularfunctions) with the canonical HRF as a function of poststimulus time(in seconds) for two event types to illustrate effects of differences in(a) magnitude, (b) onset, and (c/d) duration of neural activity. Theintegrated neural activity is equated in c, whereas the peak neuralactivity is equated in d. Solid lines illustrate magnitude and latencyof the peak BOLD response.

mate (in both sign and magnitude). Larger responses(bigger canonical parameter estimates) require greatercontributions of the temporal derivative to shift themforward or backward in time. Rather, derivative pa-rameter estimates must be normalized by the canoni-cal parameter estimates. “Latency maps” of this de-rivative:canonical ratio at each voxel, after a sigmoidaltransformation (see the introduction), were smoothedby an 8-mm FWHM isotropic Gaussian kernel andentered into paired t tests to produce SPMs of latencydifferences.

To restrict analysis to voxels in which the canonicalHRF provided a reasonable fit to the data, the second-stage SPMs were masked with voxels that survivedP , 0.05 corrected in reduced F tests (separable acrossevent types, pooled across subjects) from the first-stageSPMs. These tests identify voxels for which a signifi-cant proportion of the total variability in the evokedresponse to one or more event types was captured bythe canonical HRF. Voxels not surviving these testswere therefore excluded from the analysis (since thepresent attribution of “magnitude” and “latency” ismeaningful only in the context of impulse responsesresembling the canonical form). Given that the pri-mary concern of the present analyses was methodolog-ical rather than neuroscientific, more liberal uncor-rected thresholds were used for the second-stageSPMs: The canonical SPMs were thresholded at P ,0.005 and the latency SPMs at P , 0.025 (correspond-ing to two-tailed P values of 0.01 or 0.05, respectively,since both directions were tested). Only regions com-prising at least 10 contiguous voxels were reported.The maxima of such regions were localized as best aspossible to the systems of Talairach and Tournoux(1988) and Brodmann (1909).


Lexical Decision Dataset

Behavioral Results

The means of the error rates and median correctreaction times across subjects were 0.03 and 931 ms,respectively, for words and 0.07 and 998 ms for non-words. The reaction times did not differ significantly,F(1,11) 5 2.21, MSE 5 27,202, P . 0.16.

ce presentation versus baseline (top row, increases in red) and (ii)le row, greater responses to repeated presentations in red, greaterin right parietal cortex (x 5 145; y 5 251; z 5 154) and region (b)

2 legend for more details.onse (top row, earlier than canonical in red, later than canonical in

le row, delayed for repeated presentations in red, delayed for initiall cortex (x 5 127; y 5 287; z 5 26) and region (b) in right lateralre details.

f faidd(a)


Page 8: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


Magnitude of Canonical Response

Words and nonwords relative to baseline. Exten-sive activations were seen for the main effect of word/nonword presentation versus baseline (top row, Fig. 2).These included regions in lateral temporo-occipital cor-tex, lingual gyri, intraparietal sulci, lateral fissuresand insulae, pre- and postcentral (motor) cortex on theleft, precentral sulci, posterior inferior prefrontal cor-tex, and bilateral medial frontal/anterior cingulate cor-tex. A deactivation was seen in a left temporoparietalregion (see below).

Words greater than nonwords. Several regionsshowed differential responses to words and nonwords(middle row, Fig. 2). Greater responses to words wereseen in bilateral temporoparietal cortex, posterior cin-gulate/precuneus, and dorsal cingulate, as well as leftanterior medial frontal and right anterior middle tem-poral cortex (Table 1A). The left temporoparietal re-gion, which included the ascending ramus of the supe-rior temporal sulcus and aspects of the angular gyrus(BA 39), has previously been associated with semanticprocessing (see, for example, Price, 2000). This regionshowed a deactivation relative to baseline for non-words (region “a” in Fig. 2), post hoc t(12) 5 3.15, P ,0.005 (but not for words, t(12) 5 0.24). This BOLDsignal decrease may reflect greater neural activity dur-ing the baseline period (intertrial fixation) than imme-diately following nonword presentation. Such tran-sient decreases have been shown to produce negativeBOLD responses similar to inverted normal impulse


Maxima within Regions Showing Word–Nonwo

Region of activationLeft/right


(A) Words

Anterior medial frontal L 9

Anterior middle temporal R 21Cingulate L 24Posterior cingulate/precuneus B 31/23Temporoparietal L 39

R 39

(B) Words

Inferior frontal R 45/46Inferior frontal R 6/44Superior/inferior parietal L 7/40

R 7/40

Temporo-occipital L 19/37

Note. L, left; R, right; B, bilateral; responses of regions in bold ar

responses (though differing in the postpeak under-shoot; Fransson et al., 1999).

Nonwords greater than words. Regions showinggreater responses to nonwords than to words includedextensive parietal regions (mainly within the intrapa-rietal sulcus, particularly on the right, but extendinginto both supramarginal gyri), two regions in rightinferior frontal cortex, and one in left temporo-occipitalcortex (Table 1B). The latter region (region “b” in Fig.2), most probably in anterior occipital sulcus (BA 19/37), has previously been associated with phonologicalretrieval (Price, 1998). This region showed activationsfor both words and nonwords relative to baseline (posthoc t(12) . 5.4, P , 0.001), but relatively greateractivation for nonwords. This activation also peakedlater for nonwords than for words (see also Fig. 3).

Latency of Canonical Response

Words and nonwords relative to canonical. The re-sponses of many of the regions that showed a maineffect of word/nonword presentation versus baselinewere delayed relative to the canonical response (toprow, Fig. 3), the main exceptions being the bilateraltemporo-occipital, left motor, and bilateral medial fron-tal (SMA) regions. The estimated latency relative tothe canonical (dt), averaged over the voxels with de-layed responses, was 0.41 s (ranging between 0.13 and0.78 s). Two regions, in left motor cortex and bilateralSMA, showed earlier responses than the canonical.

The finding that BOLD responses in frontotemporal


Differences in Canonical Response Magnitude


Talairach coordinates

Z valuex y z


3.97 29 60 30 3.78233 33 48 3.57

0.32 66 23 221 3.590.59 212 29 42 3.585.86 0 257 18 3.864.59 251 257 24 3.87

242 272 42 3.210.54 54 269 30 3.46


1.08 45 45 6 4.821.67 54 12 24 3.802.59 251 227 42 3.51

227 248 48 3.2411.53 45 236 45 4.30

24 260 51 4.250.32 248 269 26 2.94

otted in Fig. 2.





e pl

Page 9: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


regions were delayed relative to the canonical, whereasthose in motor and SMA regions were earlier than thecanonical, may appear counterintuitive, given that themotor and SMA responses presumably reflect rela-tively later components of responding (e.g., right fingerdepression). However, the possible differences in vas-culature (i.e., precise mapping from neural to BOLDresponses) render such across-region comparisons un-interpretable (see also Miezin et al., 2000, who foundthat responses in motor cortex could peak earlier thanthose in visual cortex during a visual–motor responsetask).

Words earlier than nonwords. Several regionsshowed differential latencies to words and nonwords(middle row, Fig. 3). Regions showing shorter latenciesto words included bilateral temporo-occipital and in-traparietal cortex, bilateral insulae, and right inferiorfrontal cortex (Table 2B). The right parietal region(region “a” in Fig. 3), which has previously been acti-vated for phonological relative to semantic judgments(Mummery et al., 1998), showed both a greater and adelayed activation for nonwords than for words (seealso Fig. 2). The relative delay for nonwords was seen


Maxima within Regions Showing Word–Nonw

Region of activationLeft/right


(A) Words

Medial frontal B 6/8Precentral gyrus L 4/6

Superior temporal gyrus L 21Superior temporal sulcus L 21Lingual/parahippocampal L 19/30

R 19/30Posterior insula L —Superior temporal sulcus L 39

(B) Words

Inferior frontal R 47/11Inferior frontal R 45/46Middle frontal R 6/9Middle frontal R 46

R —Cingulate B 24Inferior parietal L 40Inferior parietal L 40Superior parietal L 7Inferior/superior parietal R 7/40

Temporo-occipital L 19/37

R 19/37

Note. L, left; R, right; B, bilateral; ., later than; ,, earlier than;

in 9 of the 12 subjects. The mean estimated latencies inthis region (dt) were 20.42 and 0.65 s for words andnonwords, respectively, a difference of 21.07 s. Thisdiffers from the peak-to-peak difference of 20.75 s inthe fitted responses of Fig. 3 because of the averagingof a nonlinear transformation (in the former case),rather than the averaging of a linear transformation(in the latter case).

Nonwords earlier than words. Regions showingearlier responses to nonwords included left motor cor-tex (precentral gyrus), medial frontal cortex, and sev-eral regions in the left superior temporal sulcus/gyrus(Table 2A). Responses in the left motor region (region“b” in Fig. 3), most probably reflecting the right fingerpresses, were of approximately equal magnitude forwords and nonwords, simply delayed for words relativeto nonwords. The relative delay for words was seen in11 of the 12 subjects. The mean estimated latenciesrelative to the canonical response were 20.04 and21.00 s for words and nonwords, respectively, a differ-ence of 0.96 s (cf. the peak-to-peak difference of 0.76 sin Fig. 3). This longer relative latency for words in leftmotor cortex (which can be seen in the data too, Fig. 3)


d Differences in Canonical Response Latency


Talairach coordinates

Z valuex y z


0.46 3 18 63 2.766.45 239 212 54 3.34

230 221 60 3.260.70 257 212 0 2.900.76 260 239 0 3.030.27 215 251 6 2.370.49 21 245 3 2.851.24 239 224 12 2.710.27 254 266 12 2.29


1.92 30 33 218 3.570.97 57 27 12 3.320.89 51 12 42 3.560.78 39 30 15 2.581.43 36 26 29 3.630.46 0 224 45 2.480.32 266 221 18 2.801.51 254 233 48 2.691.11 233 254 51 2.805.80 33 248 39 3.85

33 269 54 3.223.00 239 254 212 3.03

233 287 23 2.948.61 36 263 26 4.28

21 272 29 2.99

ponses of regions in bold are plotted in Fig. 3.






Page 10: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


would not be expected from the reaction times, whichdid not differ significantly (and if anything, wereslightly longer for nonwords). Resolving this apparentparadox is not possible without more direct measuresof motor cortex activity (e.g., lateralized readiness po-tentials, which might diverge earlier for nonwordsthan for words, even though the motor execution la-tency might not differ).

Face Repetition Dataset

Behavioral Results

The means of the error rates and median correctreaction times were 0.18 and 945 ms, respectively, forinitial presentations of famous faces and 0.14 and 773ms for repeated presentations. Reaction times to re-peated presentations were significantly faster than toinitial presentations, F(1,11) 5 20.35, MSE 5 8732,P , 0.001.

Magnitude of Canonical Response

Face presentations relative to baseline. Activationsfor the main effect of face presentation versus baseline(top row, Fig. 4) included an extensive region coveringbilateral occipitotemporal and fusiform cortex, a regionincluding left pre- and postcentral gyri (including mo-tor cortex), and regions in left inferior central sulcus,medial frontal cortex in cingulate sulcus (and extend-ing into SMA), left thalamus, bilateral anterior insu-lae, bilateral precentral sulci, right intraparietal sul-cus, right inferior frontal gyrus, and right anteriorfrontal cortex. No region showed a deactivation rela-tive to baseline.

Repeat greater than initial presentations. A num-


Maxima within Regions Showing Differenceand Repeated F

Region of activationLeft/right


(A) Repea

Anterior frontal R 10Inferior frontal R 9/46Posterior cingulate B 7/31Postcentral L 1/2/3Superior/inferior parietal L 7/40

R 7/40

(B) Repea

Lateral fusiform R 37

Note. L, left; R, right; B, bilateral; responses of regions in bold ar

ber of regions showed differential responses to initialand repeated presentations of faces (middle row, Fig.4). Most showed greater responses to repeated presen-tations (Table 3), including a right anterior frontalregion, right inferior frontal sulcus, postcentral gyrus,posterior cingulate sulcus, and bilateral intraparietalregions. The parietal regions in particular have previ-ously been associated with “old–new” effects in episodicrecognition (see Rugg and Henson, 2001). Indeed, theright intraparietal region (region “a” in Fig. 4) ap-peared to respond only to repeated presentations, posthoc t(12) 5 6.89, P , 0.001 for repeated, and t(12) 50.44 for initial, presentations.

Initial greater than repeat presentations. Only oneregion showed a greater response to initial than torepeated presentations, in right lateral fusiform (BA37), region “b” in Fig. 4. This region responded to bothinitial and repeated presentations (post hoc t(12) .9.06, P , 0.001), but less so on repeated presentations.A repetition-related reduction in the response to famil-iar faces in this region, which is close to the fusiformface area defined by Kanwisher et al. (1997), has beenshown previously (Henson et al., 2000) and may reflectthe behavioral phenomenon of repetition priming (e.g.,Ellis et al., 1990). This region also showed evidence ofshorter latency for repeated than for initial presenta-tions (see below).

Latency of Canonical Response

Face presentations relative to canonical. Several re-gions that showed a main effect of face presentationalso showed a shorter latency than the canonical (toprow, Fig. 5), namely bilateral inferior temporo-occipitaland fusiform cortices, left motor cortex, and medial


n Canonical Response Magnitude to InitialPresentations


Talairach coordinates

Z valuex y z

. initial

0.32 21 51 0 2.920.68 54 30 30 3.380.29 0 227 48 3.360.35 251 227 54 3.063.92 245 251 36 3.87

230 272 54 3.065.83 45 251 54 3.67

45 248 30 3.98

, initial

2.51 45 248 233 3.54

otted in Fig. 4.


s iace




e pl

Page 11: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


frontal (SMA) regions. No region showed responseswith a longer latency than the canonical.

Initial earlier than repeat presentations. A few re-gions showed differential latencies to initial and re-peated face presentations (middle row, Fig. 5). Regionsshowing earlier responses to initial presentations oc-curred in bilateral posterior inferior occipital cortexand bilateral medial frontal cortices (Table 4A). Theright inferior occipital region (region “a” in Fig. 5)showed a slightly smaller and later response to repe-titions. The relative delay for repetitions was seen in10 of the 12 subjects. The mean estimated latencies inthis region (dt) were 21.44 and 20.36 s for initial andrepeated faces, respectively, a mean difference of21.08 s. This differed considerably from the value ofonly 20.25 s from the peak-to-peak difference in thefitted responses in Fig. 5. This discrepancy, owing tothe nonlinear transform (see above), is likely to in-crease as the latency difference between the actual andthe canonical response increases (e.g., beyond the near-linear region in Fig. 1D). In this case, the latenciesrelative to stimulus onset for the fitted responses toinitial (3.88 s) and repeated (4.12 s) presentations weremuch earlier than for the canonical (5.01 s; see also toprow, Fig. 5).

Repeat earlier than initial presentations. The onlyregion showing an earlier response to repeats was theright lateral fusiform region, which also showed asmaller response magnitude to repeats (region “b” inFig. 5). The mean estimated latencies were 0.09 and20.58 s for initial and repeated presentations, respec-tively, a mean difference of 0.68 s (cf. a value of 0.37 sfrom the peak-to-peak difference in the fitted responsesin Fig. 5). The shorter latency for repetitions was seenin 10 of the 12 subjects. This ability to detect a shorterlatency to repeated face presentations in this region isconsistent with nonlinear fitting of a response function


Maxima within Regions Showing Differences in Canonical

Region ofactivation




(A) Repea

Medial frontal L 6/8R 6/8

Inferior occipital L 18R 18

(B) Repea

Lateral fusiform R 37

Note. L, left; R, right; B, bilateral; ., later than; ,, earlier than;

parametrized by onset latency, peak latency, and peakmagnitude, as reported by Henson and Rugg (2001).These authors found a significant difference in medianpeak latency, but no significant difference in onsetlatency. This combination of a shorter peak latency andreduced peak magnitude is consistent with a shorterduration of underlying neural/synaptic activity follow-ing repetition (see Discussion).


The present study has demonstrated the feasibilityof using the temporal derivative of a canonical hemo-dynamic response function to infer differences inBOLD impulse response latency. We were able to iden-tify a number of regions that showed differences inboth the magnitude and the latency of the event-re-lated response to words and nonwords in a lexicaldecision task and to initial and repeated presentationsof famous faces in a fame-judgment task. Such latencydata may comprise a useful additional source of infor-mation with which to generate or contrast theories. Webriefly consider these findings, before discussing themethod in more detail.

Present Findings: Words versus Nonwords

Psychological interpretations of our word–nonworddifferences are limited because the stimuli were notwell controlled (e.g., for word regularity, nonword pro-nunciability, syllabification, or word/nonword ratio,given that the primary interest was in subsequentmemory for the words; Henson et al., 1999b) and be-cause any word–nonword differences in a lexical deci-sion task could reflect the different decisions (accep-tance versus rejection) rather than differences in thestimuli per se. Caution should also be exercised given


ponse Latency to Initial and Repeated Face Presentations


Talairach coordinates

Z valuex y z

. initial

1 26 12 54 2.746 9 6 51 2.733 224 278 218 2.420 27 287 26 2.42

, initial

6 48 254 224 2.4045 245 221 2.57

ponses of regions in bold are plotted in Fig. 5.








Page 12: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


the liberal statistical thresholds used for illustrativepurposes. Nonetheless, the general consistency be-tween the present results and those of previous studiesis reassurring. Regions showing greater responses towords were more extensive on the left and includedposterior temporoparietal cortex, precuneus/posteriorcingulate, and anterior medial prefrontal cortex. All ofthese regions have previously been associated withlexicosemantic processing: left temporoparietal regionwith semantic processing by both neuroimaging andneuropsychological studies (see Price, 2000, for re-view), precuneus/posterior cingulate in silent viewingof words versus false fonts (Price et al., 1994), and leftanterior medial prefrontal cortex for words versus non-words in a feature detection task (Price et al., 1996)and in a reading task (Rumsey et al., 1997).

In the case of the left temporoparietal region, theword–nonword difference was in the context of a deac-tivation to nonwords (but not words) versus baseline.One possibility is that this deactivation reflects a tran-sient cessation in neural activity that was occurringduring the interstimulus interval. This interstimulusactivity might reflect the demands of maintaining eyefixation between stimuli, for example (in which case,the interruption of fixation would need to be greater fornonwords than for words). Another possibility is that,when subjects are not engaged in an active task, theyengage in free-flowing thought and this involves activ-ity in semantic/conceptual processing areas (Binder etal., 1999). According to the latter account, a stimulus-locked reduction in conceptual processing might beexpected when the stimuli are nonwords, which haveno semantic associations, but not words, which do.

Apart from a left temporo-occipital region, the re-gions that showed greater responses to nonwords thanto words tended to be more extensive on the right.These included bilateral intraparietal sulci, extendingto both inferior (supramarginal) and superior parietalgyri, and right inferior prefrontal cortex. These regionshave previously been associated with phonological re-trieval: the left temporo-occipital region is consistentlyactivated during word retrieval tasks (see Price, 1998),and the parietal regions are more active when phono-logical judgments are contrasted with semantic judg-ments (Price et al., 1997; Mummery et al., 1998; seealso Rumsey et al., 1997).

While we did not have prior predictions for latencydifferences between words and nonwords, we illustrateone possible account of the pattern found in the lefttemporo-occipital region, which showed both a greaterand a longer latency activation for nonwords than forwords. Greater activation of this region for nonwordsor pseudowords than for words has been reported pre-viously in various tasks (Hagoort et al., 1999; Rumseyet al., 1997; Price et al., 1996). It has been suggestedthat this increase in mean activation reflects thesearch for a lexical representation that has not been

established by prior experience (Price et al., 1996). Inthe context of competitive network models of visualword recognition (e.g., Seidenberg and McClelland,1989), in which lexical units compete with one another,the delayed response to nonwords compared to wordscould reflect earlier resolution of this competition inthe case of words compared to nonwords. Relativelyprolonged neural activity for nonwords relative towords in the left temporo-occipital region would pro-duce both the larger and the relatively delayed peakingof the BOLD response (see Fig. 6D and below).

Present Findings: Initial versus Repeated Faces

The differences between initial and repeated presen-tations of famous faces in the fame-judgment task arealso consistent with previous findings. The enhancedresponse associated with repetition in regions such asright prefrontal, posterior cingulate, and bilateral pa-rietal cortices has been associated with episodic re-trieval (Rugg and Henson, 2001). The response of theright parietal region, which occurred only for repeatedpresentations, may reflect incidental recollection of theprevious presentation of a face, for example.

Recent neuroimaging findings have also suggestedthat when a process is repeated (i.e., occurring on bothfirst and second presentations), decreased responsesare seen in brain regions associated with that process-ing (Schacter and Buckner, 1998). This is consistentwith the right lateral fusiform region identified in thepresent experiment, which has previously been associ-ated with face processing (Kanwisher et al., 1997). Inparticular, if the process subserved by this region wererecognition of individual faces, decreases would be ex-pected for familiar (e.g., famous) faces, which would berecognized on both initial and repeated presentations,but not for unfamiliar faces, which might be recognizedonly after repeated presentations (Henson et al., 2000).

Decreased hemodynamic responses following repeti-tion may be a consequence of decreases in the meanfiring rate of neuronal populations, analogous to thephenomenon of “response suppression” recorded fromsingle cells in monkey inferior temporal cortex (Desi-mone, 1996). It has been suggested that these de-creases also correlate with behavioral priming effects(Wiggs and Martin, 1998), which is consistent with thereaction time improvement associated with famousface repetition in the present fame-judgment task.However, the finding that both the magnitude and thelatency of the fusiform response were reduced follow-ing repetition is also consistent with a shortened du-ration of neural/synaptic activity (see below and Hen-son and Rugg, 2001). This decreased duration could infact occur without any change in the instantaneouslevel of neural activity (cf. Figs. 6a and 6d).

Page 13: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


Advantages and Limitations of Present Method

There are several caveats associated with thepresent method. Foremost, care must be taken in ex-trapolating differences in BOLD latency to differencesin the latency of underlying neural/synaptic activity.Assuming a linear convolution model (Friston et al.,1998), a difference in BOLD latency can derive from adifference in the onset of neural activity (Fig. 6b) or adifference in the duration of simultaneously onsettingneural activity (Fig. 6c). These possibilities can, inprinciple, be distinguished by testing whether the dif-ference arises in onset latency or peak latency: In Fig.6B, the BOLD responses will differ equally in theironset and peak latency, whereas in Fig. 6c, the re-sponses will differ in peak latency but not onset la-tency. The temporal derivative shifts the canonical re-sponse only earlier or later in time, however, withminimal change in its shape, and thus cannot distin-guish these two types of latency shift. In the case of anequivalent level of neural activity that is simply sus-tained longer for one event type than for another, theBOLD response can differ in both latency and magni-tude (Fig. 6d). The left temporo-occipital region, show-ing differences between words and nonwords, and theright fusiform region, showing differences between ini-tial and repeated face presentations, both showed thispattern of combined magnitude and latency differ-ences. Thus we cannot determine whether these BOLDdifferences reflect neural activity that is both strongerand delayed in one case than in the other or is simplymore prolonged.

Several researchers have used models of the BOLDresponse that are explicitly parameterized by, for ex-ample, magnitude, latency, and duration (Kruggel andvon Cramon, 1999; Miezin et al., 2000; Henson andRugg, 2001). Unlike the approach adopted here, theseapproaches are able, in principle, to distinguish BOLDonset latency from BOLD peak latency (potentiallydistinguishing cases b–d in Fig. 6) and hence allowmore constrained inferences about magnitude, dura-tion, and latency of underlying neural activity. How-ever, these approaches require iterative search meth-ods in order to fit the model to the data, which can becomputationally expensive when performed for everyvoxel. Though our approach to detecting latency differ-ences is less precise, it has the advantage of operatingwithin the general linear model and therefore requir-ing considerably less computation in order to constructparametric maps of latency differences over the wholebrain.

The model in Fig. 6 assumes a linear relationshipbetween neural activity and the shape of the ensuingBOLD response. This is likely to be an oversimplifica-tion, given that significant nonlinearities, such as thatbetween stimulus duration and BOLD magnitude,have been demonstrated (Boynton et al., 1996; Glover,

1999; Vazquez and Noll, 1998). Such nonlinearitiesfurther complicate the inferences that can be madefrom BOLD response characteristics to underlyingneural activity. For example, the model in Fig. 6 sug-gests that the magnitude and latency of the BOLDresponse are independent. It is possible that the cou-pling between neural activity and BOLD signal is suchthat stronger neural activity produces both a largerand a more delayed BOLD response (though Miezin etal., 2000, failed to find a reliable correlation betweenmagnitude and latency of BOLD responses across in-dividuals, and several apparent dissociations betweenmagnitude and latency were observed in various re-gions of the present study, e.g., Figs. 3 and 5).

In principle, the present approach could be used tomake inferences about differential BOLD latenciesacross different brain regions (Thierry et al., 1999),simply via maps of the mean latency, relative to thecanonical response, for all voxels. While this approachmay be useful for investigating different hemodynamiclatencies across different brain regions, interpretationof such differences in terms of underlying neural/syn-aptic activity presents even greater difficulties thanthose already discussed, because they could reflect dif-ferences in the vascular dynamics of different brainregions (Lee et al., 1995), rather than differences in thedynamics of cognitive processes.

The present approach assumes that the parameterestimates for the HRF and its temporal derivative canbe estimated efficiently for each event type. Though thetemporal derivative used here is orthogonal to the ca-nonical HRF, meaning that the corresponding regres-sors for a given event type are minimally correlated(assuming minimal undersampling of the functions),correlations can arise between the regressors of differ-ent event types, which will reduce the estimation effi-ciency. If the events of one type consistently followthose of another by a small delay, for example, thecorrelation between their regressors will be high (e.g.,the difference between the canonical regressors will behighly correlated with the regressors for their temporalderivatives), preventing accurate estimation of any la-tency differences. This reflects a general problem inestimating the shape of the BOLD impulse response,which, for short SOAs, benefits from random orderingof event types and a stochastic distribution of SOAs(Friston et al., 1999; Josephs and Henson, 1999).

Another caveat is that, while the present approachmay be suitable for detecting latency differences, it isnot a precise method for quantifying those latencies.Because latency is estimated by the ratio of two param-eters, which are themselves estimated, the estimationerror in the ratio is high. This produces ratios that canvary considerably across subjects. The nonlinear sig-moidal transform renders these ratios more normalacross subjects, but it also weakens the correspondencebetween transformed latency estimates and the laten-

Page 14: Detecting Latency Differences in Event-Related BOLD Responses: … · 2008-03-27 · ral derivative (b 2) are shown in Fig. 1c. For responses earlier than the canonical, the derivative


cies in the mean fitted responses (which are linearfunctions of the canonical and derivative parameterestimates), as exemplified under Results. The presentapproach may thus be useful in conjunction with othermethods, in which it functions as an exploratory,whole-brain analysis to identify regions of interest,which may then benefit from more precise but compu-tationally expensive nonlinear methods (e.g., Kruggeland von Cramon, 1999; Miezin et al., 2000; Henson andRugg, 2001).

A final caveat of the present approach is that thederivative:canonical ratio has little meaning when thecanonical response function does not approximate thereal BOLD impulse response (which is why the presentanalyses were restricted to voxels in which the canon-ical response function accounted for significant vari-ability; see Methods). Indeed, regions with impulseresponses that are sufficiently noncanonical will not beidentified at all. In the present study, the close matchbetween the data and the fitted responses (in Figs. 2–5)confirms that the model fit is good (and in the case ofthe face fame-judgment data, we have found little ev-idence for other brain regions that responded to faceswith a noncanonical BOLD response; Henson et al.,2001a). If the data differed markedly from the fittedresponse, however, the present estimation of latencybecomes ill defined. For example, a systematic devia-tion in the initial or subsequent undershoot of theBOLD impulse response, relative to the canonicalHRF, might be partially captured by a nonzero tempo-ral derivative parameter, despite an absence of anydifference in peak/onset latency. Nonetheless, the logicof including the temporal derivative of an alternativehemodynamic response function in a first order Taylorapproximation still holds (e.g., using a response func-tion that includes greater initial or subsequent under-shoots).

A similar caveat applies to differences in BOLD mag-nitude inferred from tests on the canonical parameterestimate alone: If one response is appreciably delayedwith respect to the canonical, it will also have a smallercanonical parameter estimate. A trend to this effectcan be seen in Fig. 1C, in which the canonical param-eter estimate (b1) is slightly reduced for responses thatpeak 1 s earlier or later than the canonical, eventhough those peaks are the same height (Fig. 1B).Though this reduction may be appreciable only forlatency differences of more than 1 s, significant differ-ences in the canonical parameter estimate can reallybe interpreted only as differences in response magni-tude if there is no concomitant difference in responselatency.


We have shown how the temporal derivative of ahemodynamic response function can allow an efficient

means of creating whole-brain images of latency differ-ences. The validity of this approach receives supportfrom the statistical identification of a subset of brainregions for which the adjusted data showed latencydifferences between two event types. The interpreta-tion of such latency differences must be qualified, how-ever, by the difficulty in extrapolating from BOLD re-sponse characteristics to the characteristics ofunderlying neural activity.


This work was supported by Wellcome Trust Grant 060924. Theauthors are supported by the Wellcome Trust.


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