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Issue 64 Winter 2015 £2.75

Record-breakingvisitor spendingfigures revealedBy Christina Eccles

INTERNATIONAL visitors have spentan extra £2.5b in Britain during thelast four years as a result of work bythe national tourism agencyVisitBritain, figures have revealed.

This beats the target set for it bythe UK Government in 2011 by morethan half a billion pounds and meansthat every £1 invested inVisitBritain’s activities has resulted inan overseas visitor spending £21 inBritain.

Overall inbound tourism, Britain’sthird largest service export and oneof its fastest growing, was worthmore than £26b to the UK economyin 2013.

The industry is also a major job cre-ator, for example every 22 additionalChinese visitors that come to Britaincreate an additional job in the sector.

VisitBritain chair ChristopherRodrigues said: “We have contributedto another record year for inboundtourism numbers and spend. Inboundtourism is clearly a key economicdriver, creating growth and jobs rightacross Britain.

“We will continue to deliver award-winning campaigns, build partner-ships to extend our impact, make iteasy for people to get here by build-ing air route connectivity and sup-porting the development of a book-able, integrated transport systemwhich is easy for the internationalcustomer to understand and use.

“Everything we do is motivated bythe goal to add value to the inboundtourism industry, maximising the tax-payers’ investment in tourism, anddriving economic growth across thenations and regions ensuring that theeconomic benefits of tourism are feltacross the whole of Britain.”

Tourism minister Tracey Crouchadded: “VisitBritain has done fantas-tic work to promote UK tourism tooverseas visitors.

“There are a multitude of wonderfulcultural and heritage sites on offerthroughout the UK which I'm delight-ed that overseas visitors are enjoy-ing.

“However, there is always more todo and this Government is commit-ted to supporting the tourism indus-try, and through the Five Point Planfor tourism, we will ensure theseeconomic benefits are spreadthroughout the country.”

Announcing the figures at its annualreview launch, VisitBritain also re-iterated its ambition for internationalvisits to Britain to grow by more than20 per cent during the next five yearsto 42m by 2020.

This could see an additional £4.5bin visitor spend.

The agency will be working toensure that its major markets forregional exploration – Europe, theUSA and Australia – continue todeliver, as well as competing for thenew growth markets of tourism suchas China, Brazil and the Gulf.

LONDON’S tourism boom hascontinued during the secondquarter of 2015, with the citywelcoming a record 5.1minternational visitors betweenApril and June this year, sixper cent more than the sameperiod last year, according tothe Office for NationalStatistics InternationalPassenger Survey.

Tourist spending over thesame period was £3.2b, aneight per cent increase com-pared with the second quarterof 2014. Over the past fiveyears (2009-2014), the num-ber of overseas visitors com-ing to London has risen by22.5 per cent.

CEO at London and PartnersGordon Innes said: “The posi-tive figures for the secondquarter of 2015 bode well foranother year of strong visitornumbers and spend acrossthe city’s museums and artgalleries, attractions, restau-rants and hotels.

“We constantly look for newways to build and grow thecity’s tourism offer which sup-ports tens of thousands ofjobs across the capital.

“That work includes innova-tive campaigns promotingLondon to the world such asthe launch of London’sAutumn Season of Cultureand our hugely successfulGuest of Honour campaign.”

Brighton’s iconic Royal Pavilion IceRink has once again opened to thepublic for the festive season. As wellas enjoying a skating session, visitorsto the attraction can also enjoy a hugerink side bar and restaurant, with a40m terrace, as well as exploreBrighton’s shopping offering. Leader ofBrighton and Hove City Council CounWarren Morgan said: “We are delightedto welcome back the rink this year – ithas become Brighton’s star winterattraction and something of aChristmas tradition. It draws peoplefrom far and wide to visit Brighton andenjoy the city’s unique Christmasappeal.”


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EDITORIALJudith Halkerston group editor 01226 734639 [email protected] Eccles reporter 01226 [email protected] Taylor reporter [email protected] Musgrave reporter [email protected]

PRODUCTIONStewart Holt – studio manager –[email protected] Blackburn – graphic [email protected] Firth – graphic [email protected]

ADVERTISINGTony Barrysales and marketing director01226 734605

CIRCULATIONKelly Tarff01226 734695 [email protected]:




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Peter Rabbit time capsule tocelebrate start of playgroundBy Christina Eccles

WILLOWS Activity Farm will bury atime capsule on site as constructionstarts on the UK’s first Peter RabbitAdventure Playground, opening inApril 2016.

The capsule will preserve a host ofmuch-loved Peter items for futuregenerations, including Peter Rabbitbooks, a soft Peter toy, WillowsNewsletter announcing the newadventure playground and a PeterRabbit Magazine.

Copies of local newspapers will beincluded to give a flavour of life inHertfordshire in 2015.

The time capsule will be buriedunderneath the 100-year-old ashtree that will soon be transformedinto The Peter Rabbit SecretTreehouse – the centrepiece of thenew attraction.

A plaque will also be placed on thetree to commemorate the occasion,and a letter from Willows chiefexecutive Andrew Wolfe will explainthe contents of the capsule forfuture generations.

Andrew said: “We’re delighted tobe welcoming Peter Rabbit toWillows next year, and what betterway to mark the beginning of theconstruction of the new area thanwith a time capsule?

“Peter is already loved bygenerations of children. We are veryproud to be the location of the first-

ever Peter Rabbit AdventurePlayground and want to ensurePeter’s legacy is preserved and lovedfor many more generations to come.

“We hope that when our timecapsule is discovered in the future,the people who find it will bereunited with a fondly-rememberedfriend.”

The UK’s first Peter Rabbit Adventure Playground opens in April.

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Encore tickets has launched an exclusive ‘murder mystery’ packagewith City Cruises for groups to celebrate Agatha Christie’s 125thbirthday. The difference with this murder mystery is that it takesplace on a Thames cruise, and all the group members are primesuspects! The boat leaves Westminster Pier and the Inspector hasto work out ‘whodunit’ in time for its return. The group members –including the guilty party – then go on to see either The Mousetrapor Theatreland’s hilarious new murder-mystery comedy The PlayThat Goes Wrong.

FOUR Devon establishments havebeen honoured with a prestigiousVisitEngland Rose Award.

Beera Farmhouse in Milton Abbot,Tavistock, Higher Wiscombe cottagesin Southleigh, The Somerville Hotelin Torquay, and Tor Cottage inChillaton, have all received aVisitEngland Rose Award.

Victoria Hatfield, chair of VisitDevon, said: “The VisitEngland Rose

Award is a tremendous accolade forany establishment and for Devon tobe honoured with four very worthywinners is a fantastic achievementfor these Devon businesses and forthe county.

“Once again Devon proves we havefantastic tourist accommodationwhich is recognised on a nationallevel and is amongst the finest inthe country.”

Success for Devon establishments

OLD Town Chambers, luxury five-starserviced apartments in Edinburgh,has been recognised as the highest-rated hotel in the city’s market byindustry experts, Orbitz Worldwide.

The 2015 Orbitz Worldwide Best inStay Elite Award was presented tothe bespoke apartments found inthe heart of Edinburgh, following arange of five star reviews on itsglobal website.

Guests that have booked andstayed at Old Town Chambers votedin a variety of attributes on a scaleof one to five including amenities,maintenance, staff, room comfort,location and value.

These factors along with the

number of positive reviews,frequency of booking and reputationof hotel staff, led Old TownChambers to come out on top asthe highest-rated hotel in theEdinburgh market.

Julie Grieve, CEO of Lateral City,operators of Old Town Chambers,said: “We are delighted to have wonthis award and cannot thank bothour new and returning customersenough for voting for us.

“We always strive to give ourguests the best possible experience,so to win such an accolade, votedby the people who have stayed andexperienced what we have to offer,is just fantastic.”

Apartments are city’s bestOld Town Chambers in Edinburgh.

THE Association of IndependentFestivals and the Musicians’ Unionhave announced details of anagreement that will mutually benefitemerging artists who arerepresented by the pair’s 55member festivals.

The ‘Fair Play for Festivals’agreement will formalise the existingrelationship between emergingartists and independent festivalsrepresented by AIF.

Details of the agreement wereunveiled in a session presented bythe AIF’s Paul Reed and the MU’sKelly Wood on day one of the AIF’sannual flagship conference andcelebration event – The FestivalCongress – in Cardiff.

The agreement, which is anextension of the MU’s existing ‘FairPlay’ initiative, aims to providepractical guidance for musicians andfestivals.

It outlines key conditions foremerging artists and independent

festival operators in areas such asremuneration, promotion, logisticsand advance information requiredfrom artists and festivals alongsideperformance details.

The UK’s festivals and AIF memberfestivals in particular are one of themost effective incubators foremerging talent and this agreementis an important step in formallyrecognising the importance ofemerging artists and independentfestivals to each other.

The MU has 30,000 members –many of whom play live either aspart of a portfolio career or as theirmainstay. The AIF represents 55festivals with a collective audienceof over 600,000.

Paul Reed, general manager of AIFsaid: “We are delighted to launchthis project at the Festival Congress.This agreement covers a lot ofground and, in many cases, thefestivals will already be fulfilling suchconditions for emerging artists.”

‘Fair Play for Festivals’agreement is revealedat flagship conference

The famous terracotta army creations.

A TEAM of artists from Zigong inChina’s Sichuan province are hardat work creating thousands ofilluminated lanterns for The Festivalof Light event at Longleat inWiltshire,

Among the extraordinary artworksis a 50-metre-long floating dragonboat, a five-metre-tall teapot set,the Chinese zodiac and a stunningrecreation of the famous terracottaarmy.

The workers are using more than

18 kilometres of silk, 20 kilometresof LED lighting and 76 tonnes ofsteel to create the spectacularglowing tableaux.

In addition to 23,000 individuallanterns, the team is alsoconstructing a twenty-metre-tallPorcelain Pagoda out of 80,000porcelain cups, bowls and plates.

Zigong is renowned as thebirthplace of Chinese lanterns andhas been staging extravagant lanternfestivals for more than 2,000 years.

Team of artists creatinglanterns for light event

OVER 125,000 bednights havebeen booked on Stay Play Exploreshort break campaigns since itslaunch in 2005.

Leicester Shire Promotions iscelebrating 10 years of itssuccessful campaign for visitors toLeicester and Leicestershire and tocelebrate this anniversary, LeicesterShire Promotions is running anational Discovery marketingcampaign to promote the breaks

including targeted print and radioadvertising, online activity, searchengine optimisation, PR and socialmedia.

Chief executive Martin Peters said:“We created the innovative andunique Stay Play Explore package indirect response to calls for helpfrom local hotels who wanted touse excess capacity during schoolholidays, when their conferencebusiness was typically quieter.”

Campaign to promote breaks

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Cadbury World is choc-full of group exclusivesAS ONE of Birmingham’s topattractions, Cadbury World is anever-popular choice for a day out.

With chocolatey zones of discoveryalongside group offers, theBournville based attraction delivers amemorable experience for visitors ofall ages.

Home to 14 zones exploring themagic and making of Cadburychocolate, groups can enjoy a self-guided tour through the attraction.

You can visit the Aztec Jungle,Advertising Avenue and the popularChocolate Making zone, as well asthe newly revamped Purple Planetwhich features a range of funinteractive games with a chocolateytwist.

Not-to-be-missed is the 4DChocolate Adventure zone, whichlaunched last year.

The interactive cinema experiencegives visitors the opportunity toexperience the feeling of diving intoa pot of melted Cadbury Dairy Milkchocolate, riding the CrunchieRollercoaster and taking to the skiesin a Cadbury Creme Egg airshippiloted by the Caramel Bunny, allwithout leaving your seat.

With lots more on offer, includingthe World’s Biggest Cadbury Shop,stocked full of Cadbury favouritesand exclusive handmade novelties,as well as the Cadbury Café andoutdoor African Adventure play areafor children, Cadbury World is the

perfect destination for a chocolate-themed day trip

Special discounted entry rates areavailable for groups of 15 or morewith free coach parking as well ascomplimentary admission and ameal for one driver. Organisers ofgroups of 20 or more will alsoreceive free admission for the grouporganiser.

For group brochures and bookingenquiries, please or call0844 880 7667. Follow us onFacebook at or Twitter@CadburyWorld.

BIRMINGHAM attracted a record37.2m visitors last year, an increaseof almost 10 per cent and more thanany other regional UK city, figureshave revealed.

The city’s visitor economy is nowworth £5.98b having grown by half abillion in just one year.

This growth has resulted in thecreation of nearly 5,000 local jobsand further boosted Birmingham’sdrive to become a leading globaltourism and business destination.

The figures were released byMarketing Birmingham’s research armthe Regional Observatory and tourismresearch body, Global TourismSolutions.

Chairman of Marketing BirminghamPaul Kehoe said: “Birmingham is now

the UK’s fastest growing tourismdestination with multi-million poundinvestments in our infrastructure,connectivity and visitor offeringcombining to bring record numbers tothe city.

“New air routes to China and NewYork, major events including theFrankfurt Christmas Markets and theConservative Party Conference and agrowing retail and independent cultureoffering saw millions travel toBirmingham and boost our status asa global destination.

“Looking ahead, this year will seethe £150m Resorts World leisuredestination reach completion – addingto the recent £600m New StreetStation redevelopment and brand new£150m Grand Central retail complex.”

City’s visitor numbersrise by 10 per cent

Birmingham Christmas Market

Hotel opens at stadiumA NEW DoubleTree by Hilton hotelhas opened at the Ricoh Arena inCoventry.

The hotel’s 121 guestrooms,including 50 queen rooms withstadium views, 18 deluxe rooms andtwo king suites, offer guests amodern and welcoming environment.

Other facilities include a 24 hourfitness centre, restaurant andbrasserie and bar.

General manager Richard Marshsaid: “The Ricoh Arena attracts ahuge number of people to its wide

range of events – sport, business andentertainment – and the DoubleTreeby Hilton here will be perfectly suitedto serve the needs of that growingaudience.

“In addition to Wasps rugby matchdays, we are also superbly placed fora range of leisure attractionsincluding Cadbury World, WarwickCastle and Stratford Upon Avon andwe hope to be able to bring morepeople to the region to savour what ithas to offer, or persuade them tostay longer in the area.”

Drayton Manor Theme Park near Tamworth has scooped the Best UKAttraction for Children accolade at this year’s Group Leisure Awards– for the eighth time and the second consecutive year. The familyowned and run attraction picked up the award at the Group LeisureAwards Dinner and Ceremony, which took place at the HiltonBirmingham Metropole hotel. Managing director William Bryan said:“We are delighted to have won this award again and I would like tothank the readers of Group Leisure for voting for us.”

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By Christina Eccles

EIGHT businesses across the PeakDistrict and Derbyshire are playing aleading role in a pioneering projectpromoting England as a leadingdestination for accessible tourism –now worth more than £12b to thenational economy.

Official tourist board Visit PeakDistrict and Derbyshire was one ofjust seven top destinations to net ashare in national tourist boardVisitEngland’s ‘Access for All’ project,funded by a 125,000 Euros grantfrom the European Commission.

Local businesses leading the wayin the national and European driveto maximise the potential of the so-called Purple Pound spent bydisabled visitors are:� Chatsworth� Crich Tramway Village� East Lodge Hotel and Restaurant,Rowsley� High Peak Borough Council’sPavilion Gardens, Buxton� Hoe Grange Holidays, Brassington� Peak Shopping Village, Rowsley� The Peak District National ParkAuthority’s Parsley Hay Cycle Hirenear Buxton� Rivendale Caravan and Leisure

Park, near Ashbourne.All eight had a site audit to review

facilities and pinpoint areas thatcould be improved, classroom-basedand on-line training to boostcustomer service, a ‘mystery shop’by people with a range of disabilitiesand tips to improve theiraccessibility statement andwebsites.

They also shared in a £100,000print and on-line media andmarketing campaign by VisitEnglandin partnership with ExpressNewspapers throughout September,which aimed to raise awareness ofaccessible destinations andbusinesses across England.

Deputy director and head ofindustry engagement at Visit PeakDistrict and Derbyshire Lindsay Raesaid:

“VisitEngland estimates that theoverall annual value of overnightaccessible tourism to Derbyshire is£45m, so it makes sense for localbusinesses to invest in improvingtheir facilities and services for thiskey sector of the market.

“We’re delighted that eightbusinesses across the Peak Districtand Derbyshire have had theopportunity to review and improve

their accessibility thanks to thispioneering Access for All project,and we’re very grateful to AccessibleDerbyshire for their expertise inhelping to make it a success for allinvolved.”

Chief executive of VisitEnglandJames Berresford added: “Theaccessible tourism market is worth asizeable £12.1b to the English

economy, and many tourismbusinesses are realising thatcatering for disabled customers isnot only a necessity but a wiseinvestment that brings a host ofbusiness benefits. Many of thechanges businesses make may besmall, but combined contributesignificantly to the visitorexperience.”

Peak tourism businesses joinquest for the ‘purple pound’

Chatsworth is aiming to attract more disabled visitors.

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COMBINE your visit to Excursions™on Saturday, January 23 with aninformative sampler weekendexperiencing group product anddiscover some special places forgroup days out and short breaks.

Two new familiarisation trips to therural Cotswolds and London arebeing arranged for group travelorganisers with packed itinerariesplanned around a day at the showon the Saturday.

The first, three-day trip takes inattractions around the Cotswoldsregion, which is famous for itshundreds of honey-colouredlimestone villages.

Two nights’ accommodation isincluded at the four-star CotswoldWater Park Four Pillars Hotel withdinner the first evening in a countrypub and the second back at the

hotel. Coach travel is provided throughout

the weekend with visits to theCorinium Museum, Brewery ArtsCentre, Batsford Arboretum,Cherwell Boat House and the city ofGloucester.

The second weekend is a source ofinspiration for group travelorganisers planning a Londonitinerary, the two-day familiarisationtrip to the capital includes a onenight stay at the four star BestWestern Palm Hotel.

The weekend takes in tours ofHMS Belfast, Shakespeare’s Globeand Wembley Stadium; there’s alsoafternoon tea with City Cruises anddinner with a guided tour at the RAFMuseum.

Coach travel is provided courtesyof Buzzlines.

Whichever weekend trip youchoose, on arrival at AlexandraPalace you will be treated to a VIPwelcome with fast track entry,complementary drinks and awelcome goody bag.

You will also be invited to join anafternoon session of ‘ElizabethanDressing’ in honour ofShakespeare’s 400-year legacy.

Full itineraries for bothfamiliarisation weekends can befound on the show website.

To book a place priced at £99 perperson for the Cotswolds trip or £85per person for the London itinerary,based on two sharing a room (singlesupplement applies to both) contactthe Excursions team on 02380625516.

Spaces are limited and bookingswill be operated on a first come,

first served basis. Group organisers, operators and

itinerary planners interested in theexhibition but not the familiarisationweekends can pre-register theirattendance to this free entry eventonline at

With an expected attendance of1,300 quality buyers and some 300exhibitors from the UK and Europe,Excursions™ 2016 will be the placeto meet and pick up new inspirationfor group day trips, short breaks andholiday.

Follow Excursions™ 2016 onTwitter @Excursionsshow for newsand updates or visit the show’sFacebook page at ‘Excursions: GroupTravel Trade Exhibition’.

A video with highlights from the2015 show can also be viewed onthe website.

Experience group productson an Excursions™ 2016familiarisation weekend

Exclusive show only offers for groupsGROUP organisers and itineraryplanners who attend Excursions™2016 at Alexandra Palace, NorthLondon on January 23 from10.30am to 4pm can takeadvantage of the many exclusiveshow only offers available fromexhibitors.

These will give an added extra forgroups planning a visit to thetourism businesses and make theirexperience even more memorable.

Amongst the many extra discountsand add-on experiences is a 25 percent discount off the 2016/17 sixattraction group rate at PortsmouthHistoric Dockyard.

This includes entry into the MaryRose Museum, now in its laststages of conservation with theremoval of its viewing windowsplanned for late summer 2016;HMS Victory; HMS Warrior 1860;

the National Museum of the RoyalNavy; Action Stations and the newHMS Monitor M.33.

Norman Allen Group Leisure isoffering free porterage and awelcome drink for confirmedenquiries made at the show, whileFred. Olsen is giving a £10 pernight free on-board spend for grouporganisers.

Shepherd Neame, Britain’s oldestbrewer, has put together a specialtour, tutored tasting and Sundaylunch package for groups of 16-60people.

Bursledon Brickworks inHampshire, the only steam drivenbrickworks in the country datingback to Victorian times, will besteaming up its brickmakingmachinery for groups of 30 plusbooking a guided tour.

Amazingly this process did not

change until the 1970s.Other exclusive show offers

include a complimentary welcomedrink from Floreal Holidays;additional discounts from FrenchBrothers Boats for their Thamesriver cruises and Visit Eastbournefor the town’s weekly summer1812 firework concerts.

Leeds Castle is giving away onefree place for every 15 peoplebooking a standard non-guided visitand Whitchurch Silk Mill hasoffered a free guide book for everyguest.

Terms and conditions apply to allthese offers.

Group travel organisers anditinerary planners should regularlycheck the Excursions™ website asmore exclusive show only offers willbe added until a few days beforethe exhibition opens.

With an expected attendance of1,300 quality trade buyers andsome 300 exhibitors from the UKand Europe, Excursions™ 2016 willbe the place to meet, network andpick up new inspiration for groupday trips, short breaks andholidays.

The show is organised by TourismSouth East in partnership withLondon & Partners andVisitEngland.

Group organisers, operators anditinerary planners can pre-registertheir attendance to this free entryexhibition online

You can follow Excursions™ 2016on Twitter @Excursionsshow fornews and updates or visit theshow’s Facebook page at‘Excursions: Group Travel TradeExhibition’.

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Excursions™ blooms with VisitEngland’s‘2016 Year of the English Garden’ IN ASSOCIATION with VisitEngland’s‘2016 Year of the English Garden’and to mark the 300th anniversaryof ‘Capability’ Brown’s birth, some ofEngland’s most beautiful gardenswill be showcased at theExcursions™ 2016 group traveltrade show.

VisitEngland and the RoyalHorticultural Society (RHS) areworking together with the showorganisers, Tourism South East, tocreate an area specifically dedicatedto gardens at the exhibition, whichwill be held at Alexandra Palace,North London on Saturday, January23 (10.30am-4pm).

The Year of the English Garden willspotlight and celebrate the country’sfabulous gardens and events toinspire additional or extendedovernight visits during 2016.

A range of free resources havebeen developed by VisitEngland tohelp the travel trade capitalise onthe campaign, this literature will beavailable for visitors to take away atExcursions™ 2016.

The campaign also pays tribute toLancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, who wasbest known for designing gardensand landscapes at some of thecountry's grandest stately homesincluding Blenheim Palace,Chatsworth, Highclere Castle,Burghley, Weston Park and Compton

Verney, some of which will be onshow at Excursions™.

His landscape gardens aresynonymous with England's greenand pleasant land with theirseemingly natural rolling hills,curving lakes, flowing rivers andmajestic trees that looked naturaland in harmony with the surroundingcountryside.

The RHS will complete the featurearea at Excursions™ with a beautifulwinter garden filled with camellias,winter orchids and climbing plants,plus a stunning visual display ofsome of the finest planting designsand combinations from RHSGardens.

The RHS team will be on hand toshare gardening advice and explainmore about their ‘Greening GreyBritain’ campaign, which aims totransform hard grey areas into living,planted places that enrich lives.There will also be a series ofpractical demonstrations and talkspacked with inspirational ideas forgroup experiences.

Group organisers, operators anditinerary planners can pre-registertheir attendance to this free entryexhibition online With anexpected attendance of 1,300quality buyers and some 300exhibitors from the UK and Europe,

Excursions™ 2016 will be the placeto meet and pick up new inspirationfor group day trips, short breaks andholidays.

For those interested in exhibiting,‘Capability’ Brown gardens can bookstands in a section specificallydedicated to his 300th anniversary;all other gardens are also invited toshowcase their product within the

‘Year of the English Garden’ area atExcursions™; bespoke rates for4sqm, 6sqm and 8sqm stands areavailable.

Please contact Joanne Channon atTourism South East [email protected], Tel: 0238062 5472 for information onbooking a stand within the ‘Year ofthe English Garden’ area.

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FOLLOWING the highly successfulseparate AGM and ShowcaseWeekends run by the Group TravelOrganisers Association this year, thetrade body has unveiled the datesfor these events in 2016.

The GTOA AGM weekend will beheld at the Northampton MarriottHotel on January 16 and 17.

Formal sessions will take place onthe Saturday afternoon followed bynetworking for group travel organiserand associate supplier members inthe evening. GTOA branch meetingsand the national AGM will be stagedon the Sunday morning.

Mike Bugsgang, GTOA’s chiefexecutive said: “We are delighted tohave secured headline sponsorshipfor the AGM weekend from Madeand speaking to GTOA members atWorld Travel Market and the GroupLeisure Show, there is considerableenthusiasm to attend the event inNorthampton.”

The 2016 GTOA ShowcaseWeekend will take place fromOctober 28 to 30.

Tenders are being sent to the

Association’s hotel members and anannouncement regarding theShowcase location together withoutline details of the itinerary willfollow shortly.

In addition to headline sponsorMade, other sponsors to date of theAGM weekend include BrightwaterHolidays, English Heritage,Fred.Olsen Cruise Lines, HFHolidays, Historic Royal Palaces andTravelsphere.

Mike Bugsgang

Association announcesmajor events for 2016

A trio of penguin chicks has hatched for the first time at Longleat.All three chicks are doing well and keepers at the Wiltshire wildlifeattraction are confident more are due to start hatching out over thecoming weeks. Longleat is home to a colony of captive-bredHumboldt penguins who live on Penguin Island, which features a225,000-litre diving pool and a series of naturally-themed nestingareas.

Whether you are looking forexciting city events, excellentconference facilities, internationallyrecognised cuisine or familyactivities, Plymouth is the city foryou.

Nestled between the ocean andthe moors at the heart of Devon andCornwall, Plymouth’s natural settingis truly inspiring.

Soak up some of the city’sheritage and head for the oldmaritime port area, the Barbican.

Follow in the footsteps of thePilgrim Fathers who departed fromthe Mayflower Steps on their voyageto the New World in 1620.

The Barbican is a bustlingcommunity of restaurants, cafés andattractions and is home to the world

renowned Plymouth Gin Distillerywhere you can take a tour and enjoya tutored tasting.

From the Barbican it’s a short walkto Plymouth Hoe boasting the iconicSmeaton’s Tower.

From this vantage point, you cantake in the full extent of PlymouthSound’s stunning views!

Plymouth is home to the largestmusic and entertainment venue inthe South West, Plymouth Pavilions;and the largest regional producingtheatre in the UK, Plymouth’sTheatre Royal. Add this toPlymouth’s year-round programme ofcultural events like the NationalFirework Championships, FlavourFest and Classic Boat Rally; makesPlymouth a must visit destination!

Must-visit Plymouth hassomething for everybody

A NEW £1.5m family entertainmentcentre is coming to Liverpool.

Mattel Play! Liverpool is the firstbranded attraction of its kind inEurope and will feature Thomas andFriends, Bob the Builder and FiremanSam.

The Grand Hall at Albert Dock is thevenue for the new interactive 13,000sqft facility which will be operated byHeritage Great Britain plc, the groupbehind iconic tourist attractions anddestinations including Land’s End and

Snowdon Mountain Railway.CEO of Heritage Great Britain plc

Allan Leech said: “We already havethe experience of running some ofthe biggest visitor attractions andlandmark brands in the UK.

“We are the custodians of theiconic Land’s End, John O’Groats,Snowdon Mountain Railway and TheNeedles and now for these greatBritish children’s brands.”

Mattel Play! Liverpool is scheduledto open in Spring 2016.

Mattel Play! to open in city

WILTSHIRE tourism has celebratedits third consecutive record year,according to figures from a newreport on the economic impact ofthe area’s visitor economy.

The report was produced by TheSouth West Research Company forVisitWiltshire and provides ananalysis of tourism activity inSwindon and Wiltshire for 2014including comparisons with previousyears, analysis of spend by type andarea, competitor destinations andoverall economic contribution.

The report shows that in 2014 thenumber of visitors, value of tourismspend and tourism’s economicimpact all reached record levels.Tourism is up across the wholecounty and Wiltshire’s tourismseason is getting longer.

VisitWiltshire’s chairman andSwindon and Wiltshire LocalEnterprise Partnership Boardmember

Peter Wragg said: “This report is

hugely encouraging and gives furtherevidence of how important tourismis to our overall economy.

“Since 2011 Swindon andWiltshire’s total tourism businessturnover and GVA have increased by30 per cent. Wiltshire’s visitoreconomy is worth £1.5bn perannum and supports over 28,000jobs.”

CEO of VisitWiltshire DavidAndrews added: “This report is aterrific endorsement for ourmarketing and development activityand the efforts we and the industryhave been making to win backmarket share after Wiltshire’stourism downturn from 2005-2010.

“We are particularly pleased to seesuch strong growth in overnightstays which are up five per cent.Growth across the county reached arecord 19.9m visitors in 2014 andwe are delighted that there is newevidence that we’re extending thevisitor season.”

Third consecutiverecord year forWiltshire tourism

TAKE That superstar Gary Barlowwas made an HonoraryYorkshireman after making asurprise appearance at the WhiteRose Awards in Leeds.

Gary, who is from Cheshire,received the award alongside TimFirth – his co-writer of a newmusical The Girls.

The musical tells the story of theCalendar Girls, a group of Yorkshire

women who made a nude calendarto raise money for LeukaemiaResearch.

Chief executive of Welcome toYorkshire Sir Gary Verity presentedthe awards at the White RoseAwards, at the first direct arena inLeeds.

He said: “I am very proud towelcome Gary Barlow and Tim Firthas honorary Yorkshiremen.”

Gary made honorary Yorkshireman

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By David Thomas

TRAVEL a few short minutes fromLondon’s West End and you will findyourselves in the Latin-Americanbarrio of Washington Heights, NewYork, on the hottest day of thesummer.

You will also find yourself at one ofthe hottest shows in town, In TheHeights, written by Lin-ManuelMiranda whose musical Hamilton iscurrently the hottest ticket onBroadway.

In The Heights features apulsating mix of rap, bodegas andsalsa music, performed by aphenomenal cast of all-singing-and-dancing actors who capture theaudience’s hearts from the very firstnumber – and keep them riveted tothe very last beat.

October 8 saw the 30thAnniversary Gala Performance of LesMiserables. For me, as for many,the most magical moment of thismost magical of evenings was when

four phenomenally gifted performersgathered to sing the breathtakinglybeautiful Bring Him Home together(Colm Wilkinson, the original JeanValjean, Peter Lockyer, GeronimoRauch and John Owen-Jones.

At least it looked as if they weregoing to perform together, but aftertwo rounds of each of three Valjeans

singing in turn, John Owen-Joneshad still not sung a note. And thenhe sang.

With long running shows you willoften find that everyone has aparticular favourite in a role, andthis may owe as much to theoccasion on which they first sawthat performer as the actual qualityof the performance itself.

For me, personally, in thirty years Ihave never seen a finer Jean Valjeanthan John Owen-Jones.

To the Hospital Club for the launchof Motown The Musical, hosted bySir Lenny Henry.

The show tells the story of BerryGordy, the legendary founder of therecord label that changed popularmusic forever. And here was BerryGordy, in London, in person, to tellus the story. Over the next hour orso Gordy filled the stage withmemories of Smokey Robinson (“atfifteen his shirt and his trouserswere too big so everything floppedaround”) The Supremes (“we used

to call them the ‘No-Hit Supremes’because we spent five yearspromoting them and could never getthem a hit”) and the young MichaelJackson “The Sponge” whoinstinctively learnt from andincorporated the best bits of otheracts and made them his own.

And from next Spring, audiences atMotown The Musical at theShaftesbury Theatre, London, will beable to become part of the nextchapter in this incredible story – andtreat themselves to a great night outexperiencing live some of thegreatest songs ever written.

In The Heights is playing at theKings Cross Theatre until April 10th2016, Les Miserables is playing atThe Queens Theatre, Motown TheMusical will preview at TheShaftesbury Theatre from February2015 and don’t forget... the hugelyanticipated London Production ofDisney’s Aladdin The Musical, whichopens at the Prince Edward Theatrein June goes on sale this week!

News from around the theatres ...

MISS Saigon will take its final Londonflight at the Prince Edward theatre onSaturday 27 February 2016.

This hugely popular musical hashad its final extension and shortbreak specialist, SuperBreak, isurging agents to ensure theypromote this show over the nextcouple of months to capitalise onany last minute demand.

SuperBreak offers packages to theshow that combine overnightaccommodation with a variety ofhotels across the capital to suit alltastes and budgets.

Winner of a record-breaking nineWhatsonstage Awards in 2015, MissSaigon tells the tragic tale of youngbar girl Kim, orphaned by war, whofalls in love with an American GIcalled Chris – but their lives are tornapart by the fall of Saigon.

The show’s original stars, EvaNoblezada and Jon Jon Briones,continue to lead the wonderful,international cast in one of thegreatest contemporary musicals ofall time.

Graham Balmforth, national salesmanager at SuperBreak comments:

“This is such an iconic show thathas drawn audiences from far andwide.

“With just a few months left to seeit in London, customers need tobook now, before it’s too late.”

Prices are from £123 per personincluding one night at the three starPresident Hotel on a b/b basis and aticket to the show.

For more information onSuperBreak

Miss Saigon to take final flight

David Thomas

SuperBreak national salesmanager Graham Balmforth.

Miss Saigon, winner of a record-breaking nine Whatsonstage Awards, takes its final flight at the Prince Edward theatre on February 27.



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Oxford Castle Unlocked has announced the return of the OxfordShakespeare Festival for summer 2016, when four Shakespeareplays will be performed outdoors with the stunning castle as itsbackdrop. New for 2016, groups can book a joint experience,combining a seat at the theatre with a place on an Oxford CastleUnlocked tour to create an entertaining evening itinerary. Festivalfounder Michael Speight said: “Over 5,000 people came toexperience the first Oxford Shakespeare Festival and I’m lookingforward to building on that success next year with four newproductions from a selection of Oxford’s most talented theatrecompanies. The full line-up will be revealed shortly.”

THE award-winning West Endproduction of Roald Dahl’s Charlieand the Chocolate Factory,directed by Sam Mendes, hasmarked its 1,000th performance inthe West End, since opening inJune 2013.

The show has quickly becomeone of the West End’s most

popular and successful stagemusicals.

It won two Olivier awards in April2014, and has broken records atthe Theatre Royal Drury Lane,where it has been seen by over1,600,000 people. It is nowcurrently taking bookings untilDecember 3 2016.

Show celebrates landmark

DISNEY’S new musical Aladdin willpremiere in London’s West End onThursday June 9 2016 at the PrinceEdward Theatre.

SuperBreak will have a range ofpackages available combiningovernight accommodation andtickets to the show, with demandexpected to be high.

National sales manager atSuperBreak Graham Balmforth said:“Aladdin is produced by Disney

Theatrical productions, the sameteam behind the smash hit musical,The Lion King.

“We expect it to be one of thebiggest theatre openings of 2016and will appeal to a variety ofcustomer types.

“We know how a great show canprovide the perfect reason to travelto London for a short break and thisis something agents should exploitat every opportunity.”

June date for Aladdin premiereDisney’s new musical will be at the Prince Edward Theatre.

Television star Louiseto play Mrs BoyleLOUISE Jameson will star as MrsBoyle in the record-breaking 60thanniversary tour of Agatha Christie’sThe Mousetrap from January 2016.

The beloved murder mystery willbegin the 2016 leg of its tour atNottingham Theatre Royal onJanuary 19 before visiting more than25 further venues across the UK.Further casting will be announced indue course.

Louise is best well-known for herlong-running roles as Leela, acompanion of Tom Baker’s Doctor inDoctor Who, Susan Young inBergerac, Eleanor Glasson in DocMartin, and Rosa di Marco inEastEnders.

She said: “I thought about doingsomething special for my 65thbirthday in 2016. Just how did I getto be 65.

“The same way The Mousetrap hasrun for nearly that length of time Isuppose, just second by secondtime has ticked away we've bothlasted this long, and so we'll becelebrating together. That's quitespecial.”

The production, which originallyopened at Nottingham Theatre Royalin 1952 starring the late RichardAttenborough and his wife SheilaSim before embarking on its currentrecord-breaking West End run,

continues its journey across thebreadth of the country.

Agatha Christie’s The Mousetraphas been the world’s longest runningstage production at its London homesince breaking the record in 1958and recently celebrated its 26,000thperformance.

The 60th anniversary – and firstever UK tour of this beloved murdermystery – is approaching 1,000performances and has now beenseen by nearly one million people,having broken box office records inmany of its tour venues.

Louise Jameson

Footloose: The Musical will burst back onto the stage in 2016,opening at The Spa, Bridlington on Friday January 29 2016 prior toa six-month UK tour. The cast will include singer Gareth Gates, whowill play Willard from January 29 until April 16, returning to theshow from June 20 2016. Further casting is to be announced.

THE Olivier award-winning stageadaptation of Michelle Magorian’sclassic novel Goodnight Mister Tomwill embark on a UK Tour after itslimited West End run at the Duke ofYork’s Theatre this Christmas.

The production will open atManchester Opera House andcontinue on to Milton KeynesTheatre, Glasgow Theatre Royal,

Birmingham New Alexandra Theatre,Oxford New Theatre, York GrandOpera House, Richmond Theatre,Aylesbury Waterside, Woking NewVictoria, Bath Theatre Royal,Cambridge, Cardiff New Theatre andNewcastle Theatre Royal.

David Troughton will play the centralrole of Mister Oakley, joined by anensemble cast.

Stage adaptation to go on tour

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By David Curtis-Brignell FTS

WE are approaching that time of yearwhen the media bombards us withreviews of the past year – the best ofthis, the best of that, those who havepassed and those who haveachieved something.

We have to suffer endlesstelevision programmes reviewing theyear’s sporting highlights (apart fromthe Ashes and Lewis Hamilton I ampushed to remember any) and putup with any number of pundits whomake even the callers to Radio 4’s‘Any Answers’ sound lucid.

I normally hate all of this but as ithappens I am writing onRemembrance Sunday and I havebeen in reflective mood.

I can’t help but look back at theyear almost complete. What will2015 leave as its legacy? What arethe outstanding moments?

For some it will be the surpriseelection result (especially if yourname is Miliband), or the surpriseleadership election (especially if yourname is Corbyn).

For others it will be the massmovement of peoples from war-torncountries to an uncertain future inEurope.

Some will mourn the passing of JCand his two disciples from ‘Top Gear’and for VW owners it will meanuncertainty and anger at corporatemisdoings on a huge scale.

Others will brush away a small tearat the sight of the last airworthyVulcan flying overhead or shudderwith a tremor of concern as anotherof Mr Putin’s aircraft is warned awayfrom UK airspace.

Then there’s the Islamic State ofIraq and the Levant, terrorism ingeneral, Operation Stack – these area few of my less favourite things.Oh, and yet another appallingdancer has been chucked out of‘Strictly’.

So perhaps not such a good ideato look back; let’s look forward.

In The Tourism Society we do thisevery January with our annual‘Prospects’ event where we ask apanel of industry specialists to sharewith us their thoughts on the yearahead.

This takes place on January 20 soplease save the date. In addition tothe panel presentations audienceparticipation is always equallyilluminating and as with all otherTourism Society events, theopportunity for networking is therefor the taking.

Whilst thinking about prospects ingeneral, unfortunately, at the time ofwriting I can only sense a feeling ofdeepening gloom surrounding theComprehensive Spending Review(CSR).

There is at large a fervent hopethat the current Government will notmake the same mistake as one ofits predecessors inmisunderstanding the role ofVisitEngland.

Similarly, District and County

Councils across the country aresharpening their pencils and lookingat their investment in tourism.

A lot of “What if?” questions willbe aired in the coming weeks andmonths. My suggestion would be,“What if we just leave our tourismpeople to get on with what they aredoing?”

Experience tells us that if you stopsomething and then realise youshould have kept going, the cost ofreinstating it is higher than if youhad left it alone in the first place.

In my own career I have comeacross people who only found outthe true value of what they hadstopped when it was too late. Some

were magnanimous enough to admittheir mistake and paid the price ofgetting back the status quo. Othersdidn’t and suffered for it.

So is there any good news?I believe there is. And it comes in

the form of an English county whichhas decided that now is the righttime to invest in tourism and createa new Destination ManagementService.

For the past few months I havebeen working with others to set up anew DMS. And it has been a breathof fresh air, meeting so many peoplewho are enthusiastic, supportive andkeen to create a new era ofsuccess, development and jobcreation.

They are embracing new ideas,willing to invest time and money toget it right, because they believethat they have something thatpeople want to enjoy but don’tnecessarily know exists.

So when you read this it will be afew weeks after the poppies havefallen and shortly after the initialresults of the CSR have beenannounced. It will be too late to askDavid Cameron and George Osborneto think carefully about the effect ofany decision they make on the thirdlargest part of England’s economy.

But it won’t be too late to tellthem whether they were right orwrong.� David is Immediate PastChairman, The Tourism Society.

David Curtis-Brignell FTS

We need some good news

Will the Chancellor be feeling generous?


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