







    MARCH, 2020

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    Community is network of people that interrelate via physical or virtual technologies for different

    social purposes by exchanging information and share idea on mutual interests. Community and

    police work together to combat crime in the community. In University of Lagos (UNILAG)

    community, safety depends on school security and police to curtail crime to barest minimum

    within the academic society while security officers also depend on members of community to

    give them vital information about crime activities in their domains on time. In contemporary

    environment, relationships between community members and police have increased due to

    different social technologies available to report crime situation in the community. Crime reporter

    may remain anonymous while reporting without going to police stations before reporting issues.

    There are many programs used by many communities to support community policing in their

    areas; they include: Neighborhood-Survey, Neighborhood-Watch, setting up police-academy and

    building infrastructure for community police-unit in their domains. Neighborhood Watch taught

    citizens how to detect unlawful activities and what should be response of citizens if criminals are

    found in the communities. Organizing neighborhood-watch is important to have crime free

    community that promotes quality of life. In this project a mobile-based community policing

    application is proposed. It aims at assisting school security and police to eliminate crimes with

    useful and timely information about criminals and their modes of operations. Finally, prototype

    based mobile community policing application was designed to report crime activities from

    community members irrespective of locations they found themselves without having facial

    contact with police. The system is implemented using Java, Basic4Android and Google SDK for

    front-end interface while PHP, SQLITE and MYSQL are used to design application backend.

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    Title Page i

    Declaration ii

    Certification iii

    Dedication iv

    Acknowledgement v

    Abstract vi

    Table of Contents vii

    List of Tables x

    List of Figures xi


    1.1 Background of Study 1

    1.2 Statement of Problem 4

    1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study 5

    1.4 Scope of Study 6

    1.5 Significance of Study 6

    1.6 Methodology 7

    1.7 Definition of Term 7


    2.1 Historical Background of University of Lagos (UNILAG) Community 8

    2.2 Evaluating Effectiveness of Community Policing 8

    2.3 Challenges in Community Policing Implementation 9

    2.4 Community Policing in Practice 10

    2.5 Reason for Embracing Community Policing 11

    2.6 Prospect of community policing in Nigeria 12

    2.7 Mobile Android SDK and its Feature 13

    2.8 Review of Literatures on Community Policing System 14

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    3.1 Analysis of Existing System 15

    3.2 Problem of Existing System 15

    3.3 Analysis of New System 16

    3.4 Justification of New System 17

    3.5 System Design 17

    3.5.1 Output Design 17

    3.5.2 Process Analysis 20

    3.5.3 Input Design 20

    3.5.4 Database Design 23

    3.5.5 Use Case Diagram 26

    3.6 System Coding Tool and Technique 28

    3.6.1 Entity Relationship 29


    4.1 Introduction 31

    4.2 System Implementation 31

    4.3 Changeover Method 31

    4.3.1 Changeover Recommendation 32

    4.4 System Installation & System Run 32

    4.4.1 Hardware Specifications 32

    4.4.2 Software Specifications 33

    4.5 Choice of Programming Language 33

    4.6 System Documentation 34

    4.6.1 Installation Processes 34

    4.6.2 for Server-Side 35

    4.6.3 System Maintenance 36

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    5.1 Summary 37

    5.2 Recommendation 37

    5.3 Conclusion 38

    5.4 Further Research 39

    5.5 Problem Encountered 40


    Appendix A (Sample Output) 43

    Appendix B (Program Flowchart) 47

    Appendix C (Application Source Code) 49

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    Table 3.1: List of Registered Member Record 18

    Table 3.2: List of Reported Incident 19

    Table 3.3: List of Social Community Signup Record 19

    Table 3.4: Member Record 24

    Table 3.5: Incident Report Database Design 25

    Table 3.6: Social Community Signup Database Design 26

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    Figure 3.1: Member Registration Entry Form 21

    Figure 3.2: Incident Report Entry Form 22

    Figure 3.3: Social Community Sign Up Entry Form 23

    Figure 3.4: Use Case Diagram for Community Policing 27

    Figure 3.5: Entity Relationship Diagram for Community Policing 30

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    1.1 Background of Study

    With mobile technology rapid development, modern societies are part of digital network; all

    sectors now utilize network services to invent digital opportunities via community policing.

    Community is network of people that interact via verbal or technology means for social and

    information-exchange purposes on common mutual interest Castro (2017). Community exists on

    different mediums that include academic community, email community, message-board

    community or social networking community for people to interact and communicate together.

    Community policing is problem solving tactic that tackles community social disorder and

    misdeed via community participation and engagement of residents and police to combat crime

    within the community they belong. Community usually depends on police or available security

    outfit to curb civil unrest by reducing crime to barest minimum in the society. On the other hand,

    police rely on community members to provide them with vital information about their

    neighborhoods by reporting crime in their areas Haywaite (2015). In contemporary environment,

    relationship between police and community has increased in many communities due to

    availability of different social technologies that aid crime reportage without restriction to time

    and location of report. Crime reporter can report from any location in the world without going to

    police station to lodge complaint and can also decide to remain anonymous while reporting to


    Community policing without community involvement and engagement is not complete. Police

    officers handle criminal part of community policing while community members handle social

    program and project with support from assigned police officers to combat crime and other

    nefarious activities within their neighborhood communities. Several programs are usually

    implemented by different communities to offer support for community policing in their areas like

    neighborhood-survey, neighborhood-watch, police-academy and building-structure for

    community police unit. With neighborhood-watch, citizens are taught on how to detect nefarious

    activities and what to do if criminals are found in the communities. Organizing neighborhood-

    watch is important to have peaceful community that is free of crime and improve quality of life

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    Hellström (2014). Every community encourages her citizens on active participation via regular

    attendance and financial contributions to make community safer to live and work. To make

    community policing attract interest of police involvement, community members must hold

    schedule meetings at public community buildings that are accessible to other members like

    home, school, library, town hall, church, mosque and other public buildings. Attendance must be

    taken seriously to attract police involvement by marking attendance sheet that contains member

    names, addresses and phone numbers. Socializing is part of vital component for community

    policing, members should be allowed to express themselves. Drug-Abuse-Resistance-Education

    (D.A.R.E) is another community program that community uses to support community policing in

    their domains. It is program that targets youths in the community to give information about drug

    abuse and crime to police James (2015). Youths are important in community policing; their

    involvement cannot be underestimated. Youths in the community are trained with relevant skills

    to resist temptation to taste tobacco, alcohol and drugs; they are equipped with skill to detect

    nefarious activities before reporting to police. Police officers are seen as friends by youths of the

    community and relay useful information to police within the neighborhood to combat crime.

    Adults and youths in the community see police officers as friends that are parts of their

    community members that can be trusted with confidential information without fear of being


    Community policing assists citizen and police to work together to prevent crime in the

    neighborhood before it occurs. In modern world, social media and other related technologies are

    improving community policing; facebook group-account, twitter, whatsapp, email and other

    social networks are improving modern community policing as enlighten youths can act as

    anonymous to send text, image, audio and video messages to update police about crime situation

    in their communities Jintana (2017). Community members and police officers on social

    platforms get posted information that sparks them into actions to fight crime. Even though,

    modern technologies are becoming tools to collaborate with police officers in disseminating

    information, many citizens from local communities are adult illiterates that cannot use these

    technologies; they must be involved by simplifying modern technologies for them to

    communicate with members and police Vatcharaporn (2015). It is the responsibility of men and

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    women, literates and illiterates to safeguard community they all reside by making it possible for

    community members to work together with police in eradicating crimes and related activities.

    Collaboration removes fear about police among citizens; with increase in police presence and

    patrols, citizens can report crime incidence in their domains before it occurs due to established

    trust and security by community members Donohoe (2016). Community policing differs from

    community to community, each community should come out with working template to curb

    crime in the community through partnership with police. One major setback for community

    policing is that it requires total commitment to eliminate crime in the community. As police

    officers perform their daily community duties, community members are encouraged to assist in

    getting rid of crime, drug abuse and other social vices from the community.

    Recent assessment of University of Lagos academic community indicates that community

    policing in the institution is still being handled via traditional policing. University of Lagos has

    indigenous security outfit that works in collaboration with Yaba Police station to prevent crime

    within the institution. UNILAG security apparatus is restricted by constitutions to prosecute

    offenders; every crime case must be handed over to police within the area of jurisdiction.

    Community policing in University of Lagos involves collaboration among students, internal

    security outfit and police officers assigned to work with the institution. Officers in charge of the

    academic community usually patrol crime-zone areas to prevent or detect crime. Officers are

    usually seeing receiving calls during patrol; this is dangerous for 21st century community

    policing because student-criminals and the collaborators from outside can ambush security

    officers with superior firearms to attack police and school security on patrol. Sighting police

    vehicles alone on campus can scare students from giving out important security information to

    police and school security; many students with useful information like to remain anonymous

    before divulging security information to security. Some students and staffs with sensitive

    security information run away whenever they see police or security vehicle on patrol because of

    fear of being tagged criminals or taking them as first suspects Alex (2013). Academic

    community like University of Lagos and people with diver culture, belief, moral up-bringing and

    propensity to crime, violence, cultism, rape, and so on need to update its community policing

    approach to rid the institution off crime. Having noticed lots of problems militating against

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    success of community policing in a learned environment like University of Lagos, it is better to

    utilize information technology to strengthen community policing in the institution to achieve

    crime free society which the institution is aiming to achieve. New approach works on existing

    mobile infrastructure and internet services which institution and staffs already have. Mobile

    community policing application that is based on client-server architecture design will be

    developed. Proposed mobile app will run on mobile phones of every community member to

    upload and report real-time crime incidents within the community to police, school security and

    community members. In situation where reporter is the victim attacked with his/her phone

    seized, victim voice is enough to activate application from seized phone to send SMS, email,

    FCM messages and underground emergency calls to security officers and police. Location of

    incidence along with map of the area is silently sent to security officer for emergency

    mobilization. Regular meetings are hosted between police and community members to discuss

    current criminal issues to police. Detail about individual criminal like full-name, sex, age,

    occupation, address, complexion, crime committed, weapon found on him/her, group-member,

    video/audio evidences and so on are usually uploaded to server for police and school security to

    investigate and combat crime

    1.2 Statement of Problem

    Daily situations in UNILAG community raise lots of questions on how school security and

    police are handling community policing and responding to new threats in the area. Crimes like

    drug abuse, rape, theft, sex-trafficking, and cultism have increased within the academic

    environment recently as reported in the dailies. Even though UNILAG has long successful

    standing with traditional policing, this approach contains many weaknesses that shouldn’t be

    continued. In conventional community policing, officers are busy patrolling crime-zone areas

    with vehicles to detect new cases of crime while others are busy receiving calls during patrol;

    this approach is dangerous in 21st century community policing because criminals can hide with

    superior firearms to attack officers on patrol. Sighting police vehicles alone on campus can scare

    students from giving out important security information to police and school security; many

    students with useful information like to remain anonymous before divulging security information

    to security. Some students and staff with sensitive security information run away whenever they

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    see police or security vehicle on patrol because of fear of being tagged criminals or taking them

    as first suspects. Other problems facing traditional community policing include:

    i. Lack of trust on school security and police officers by members of academic community

    ii. It doesn’t give room to make anonymous reports, thereby, many information is not


    iii. It doesn’t permit close relationship with police officers because many see them as enemy

    of people

    iv. No reliable security on crime data

    v. Lots of security and police officers are involved to fight social vices effectively in the

    school community before impact is felt

    vi. It is time consuming to retrieve information and update data

    vii. Large volume of paperwork is involved which leads to waste of money and storage space

    viii. No direct role for higher officials policing the community

    ix. Misplacement of community crime paper-records can occur to frustrate future community


    x. Manual handling of large number of community crime cases can be difficult

    xi. Paper files for keeping community information are sometimes attacked by pest or fire

    outbreak and unauthorized user

    1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study

    The aim of this project is to implement and design mobile community policing application that

    allows community members to divulge sensitive information to security officers within the

    university community to fight crime and other social vices in the area

    The specific objectives of study are:

    i. To design system that is capable of tracking criminals within the academic community

    ii. To implement application that serves as prototype for future community policing

    iii. To assist police and school security officers get reliable information to reduce crime

    iv. To demonstrate possibility of using mobile technology to combat crime

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    1.4 Scope of Study

    This study covers use of community social network to report crime where videos, images and

    text that assist police to fight crime within the school community are uploaded to all community

    members involved. Proposed mobile application will cover:

    i. Application offers accounts to community members and officers so that their details are

    stored for future referencing and to ensure users do not fill member forms whenever they

    logon to their accounts

    ii. Voice recognition system is implemented to enable crime victims talk to activate

    application to report emergency cases even if their mobile phones are seized

    iii. It incorporates search engine to allow community members search for current posts by

    date, event and location where crime is committed

    iv. It uses Google map to obtain location of incidence and other useful information that are

    sent to community members and securities during emergency reportage

    v. Email facility offers community members to enter their email addresses for future

    community notification or emergency alert

    vi. It maintains community records for effective school policing

    vii. Uploading incident video, audio and image files to community members are allowed

    viii. Report on FIR records about crime cases are generated for future decision or court cases

    1.5 Significance of Study

    Significances of study are:

    i. To help security administrators of UNILAG community tackle crime effectively within

    academic environment

    ii. To assist police in crime investigation and verification in the community

    iii. To safeguard community data and information in the system

    iv. Operation of community policing application developed is easy, there is no need of training

    users at extra cost

    v. To keep accurate record of community policing

    vi. Software developed is tailored for UNILAG community usages, no foreign technical jargon is

    included in the documentation

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    vii. To help community members divulge information to security personnel even if the phones are

    seized by criminal gangs

    1.6 Software Development Methodology

    Research methodology collects and analyzes data to solve research problem identified. Method

    to adopt is broken into many small modules with different units. I will use Java, Basic4Android,

    Google SDK and Basic4Java to implement frontend of this application for client-side while

    MYSQL and PHP are used to design backend of this application. Method of data collection for

    gathering facts for this research are:

    i. Observation-Method: Accurate information from reliable sources was collected after

    monitoring existing community policing to identify its short comings

    ii. Browsing Method: This is faster technique; vital information was extracted from

    electronic book, journal, publication and article relating to community policing

    iii. Interview Method: This technique is special of all fact-findings. During interview, facts

    about present methods used in community policing and their effectiveness were explored

    before implementing this research

    1.7 Definition of Term

    Community policing: is involves community partnership that engages in problem solving

    within environment

    Crime record: is record with crime entry report on what happened over period ordered by date

    Data: raw resource used by computer

    File: is collection of related records

    Information: is processed data that can solve problem

    Management: is process of getting activities carried out through other people

    Mobile Phone: is telephone with access to cellular radio that can be used over wide area without

    physical connection to communication network

    Program: set of instructions to perform specific task on given problem

    Social network: is web-based service that allows individual to create public profile to share

    information together as group

    Software: This is application that can be run on computer

    Storage Device: This is device for storing data in computer system

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    2.1 Historical Background of University of Lagos (UNILAG) Community

    UNILAG community is located within Mainland district of Lagos state. It is located in Yaba

    local government and has more than 62,000 students with close to 30,000 students and over 1000

    staff live within university campus community. UNILAG community is host to many religion

    institutions like churches and mosques. Some of them include student fellowships like RCCG,

    Foursquare Youth Fellowship, Christ Apostolic Youth Fellowship, student Muslim organizations

    and so on. Community is head by vice chancellor, who resides in school VC’s lodge on campus.

    Many businesses are hosted in UNILAG community like banks, pure water factory, kiosks and

    business centers; the school was established in 1962 to serve as citadel of learning in Nigeria.

    First ever Vice-Chancellor of University of Lagos community was Professor Eni Njoku, who

    was installed from 1962-1965; while current vice-chancellor for UNILAG community is

    Professor Toyin Ogundipe. Part of student mandate is to take part in cultural and Founder’s Day

    festival which is usually one of the largest festivals in UNILAG community. UNILAG has

    internal security outfit and host community meeting with police and other student groups within

    UNILAG community for security purposes. At the moment, security headquarters in UNILAG

    is called Alpha-base, which is located at the back of multipurpose halls along university road or

    adjacent to School of Post Graduate Studies, faculty of education area.

    2.2 Evaluating Effectiveness of Community Policing

    According to Sherman (2015), there are several parameters used to evaluate efficiency of

    community policing like community-unity, police-managerial structure and culture. Vagueness

    behind the concept of community policing is the only factor that affects its effectiveness.

    Community policing is idea that showcases roles of police in the society to combat crime with

    support from community members. Martin (2016), highlighted many approaches used in

    examining effectiveness of community policing:

    i. Foot-Patrol: This strategy is important to make community policing becomes effective in the

    neighborhood. Frequent foot-patrol of police in a community prevents occurrence of crime

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    and familiarize police officers to all community members in the areas as well as understand

    security challenges facing the community. Community members usually feel safe whenever

    police patrol team is seen around to safeguard the community Rosenbaum (2014)

    ii. Police-Storefront/Post: This strategy is meant to decentralize police service by bringing

    police officer closer to community they serve. Community members should try to build police

    posts in their domains to provide temporary shelters to police. Presence of police post

    contributes to crime reduction within the areas close to police post while areas that are far

    from police post have higher rate of crime in many previous cases analyzed

    iii. Community-Meeting: This method enhances community policing effectiveness through

    regular meeting with police officers; where members of community can communicate with

    police about security situation bothering the community and dialogue on current approach to

    resolve issues. Having regular meeting with police makes them become friends of many

    community members with exchange of contacts for emergency notification and report of any

    danger in the community. It also makes police train segment part of community on modern

    crime reportage and remote sensing

    iv. Door-to-Door Visit: This practice enables police to have face-to-face and house-to-house

    visit to neighborhood to familiarize patrol officers to community members to get updated

    information on criminal activities in the community. This approach builds trust relationship

    between community members and police officers as well as causes sharp decrease in crime

    rate in many communities as residents are cautious because nobody knows if his/her

    household or nearby will be next for police officers to visit Eck (2014)

    2.3 Challenges in Community Policing Implementation

    Success of community policing depends on how it is implemented; implementation of

    community policing is faced with many challenges that are external and internal. External means

    challenges emanate from the community while internal means challenges emanate from police

    structure. Future growth of community policing depends on how police superiors structure

    policing system to accommodate future development and give room to self-critics with continual

    learning system Sherman (2017). Lack of trust, poor communication and power tussle can lead to

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    downfall of community policing. Successive police must lay solid structure to that which permits

    continuous active participation of community policing in area of jurisdiction. Constant training

    of community members especially youths about community policing must be put in place to

    create awareness on crime reportage and remote sensing as well as promote moral decadence

    among their peers in the community. Role of community to combat crime through intelligence

    gathering and reportage to police contributes to crime prevention among community members.

    Without community involvement, crime in the neighborhood would not get police attention.

    Closeness of police to members of community and religion leaders can further strengthen

    community policing in the areas by reducing crime rate in the areas where crime and poverty are


    2.4 Community Policing in Practice

    Strategy and concept introduced into community policing are numerous; Martin (2016), lists

    many initiatives that demonstrate how community policing is carried out in practice:

    i. Public-Education Program: This initiative implements context of community policing to

    earn police support and cause increase in police human resources. Police educates public on

    how to avoid being victimized and prevents individual from being involved in crime. Police

    uses D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program to educate community members

    especially young ones to resist peer pressure, violence, drug abuse to leave crime-free lives

    ii. Neighborhood-Watch: This permits members of community in local residence come

    together to share information relating to crime and violence in the community by discussing

    required methods to combat or report to community police officers

    iii. Neighborhood-Town Meeting: is community meeting scheduled to maintain mutual contact

    between police and public. The meetings hold in public places like town halls, schools and

    advertise publicly to garner maximum attendance possible. According to Skogan (2014),

    meeting permits member of community to have face-to-face contact with police to exchange

    sensitive information on prevention of crime in the community and helps police garner public

    support for specific initiative

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    iv. Weed-and-Seed Program: This type of program prevents crime in the community. It is two-

    tier approach to crime combat where prosecutors and law-enforcement agencies weed-out

    criminals and drug addicts in the community via surveillance and regular patrol while

    community members “seed” by providing support through human service intervention,

    prevention and neighborhood-restoration programs. Security agencies are alert to weed-and-

    seed program to reduce fear-of-crime in the society

    2.5 Reason for Embracing Community Policing

    There are many reasons why community policing must be embraced to combat modern crime in

    the community. Increase in crime rate has caused police to look inward to prevent crime and

    lawlessness. There is need for collaboration between public and police to get rid of crime and

    violence in the community. According to Leary (2015), crime control was responsibility of

    member of public in 1960s before gradually shifting responsibility to police officers to do the

    prevention. During this period, emergency of new technologies to combat crime later widen gap

    between public and police officers. Cutting tie with community was due to top-down hierarchical

    approach introduced by police where responsibility of fighting crime became major duties of

    police officers due to availability of sophisticated modern technologies. This totally cut tie with

    community members as police were no longer seeking collaboration of community members;

    they were instead busy seeking technologies to combat crime and violence in the community.

    According to Weiss (2017), emergence of technologies like patrol vehicle and superior-fire arms

    to fight crime created crack walls between police and community members; police were so

    engrossed with their technologies that they became less aware of human-community

    involvement. Police patrols community areas on duty-rotation basis to prevent criminals even

    though they change their routes for security reasons. Most times, community can’t predict exact

    time police comes around to obtain sensitive security information from community. Police are

    then seen as strangers that disengage community people from their services and suggests that

    police are less concerned about community policing Miller (2015)

    Another incident that caused poor relationship between community and police is social unrest of

    1960s that resulted into assassination, civil riot and gang violence. During this period, police

    were oppressive in their tactics; police brutality caused civil unrest that made people see police

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    as enemy of common people that upholds unjust cause. Many community members started losing

    confidence in police services. Community members do not want to associate with police any

    longer or stand as witnesses to crime cases in favor of police. Many members are scared of

    reporting crime situations to police because of fear of being held as chief suspects; this hinders

    police effort to control crime and maintains social disorder in the community. In-between 1980s

    and 1990s, crime rates were on increase across the nation despite advance in police training and

    technology. During this time, the public lost confidence in police structure within poor and urban

    communities; police heads later discovered importance of community members as they realized

    that modern technologies alone were not enough to combat modern crime; they started tracing

    back community roots to gain confidence of community members in tackling contemporary

    crime to boost community policing.

    2.6 Prospect of Community Policing in Nigeria

    Idea behind community policing in Nigeria started in 2004 as means of soliciting for human

    involvement to regain their confidence and become partners in quality police service re-branding

    Kappeler (2016). Potential and prospect of community policing now determines how police

    agencies engage community members; this already serves as eye opener for police by widening

    their visions beyond focusing only on law enforcement services to community mobilization to

    seek support in fighting crime. According to Coquilhat (2015), prospect of community policing

    gets community members along with police activities by improving public relationship and trust

    about police for grass root support. Many communities are likely to take part in community

    policing if police can see them as partners in modern crime fighting. Police needs to become

    community’s friend by collaborating with chiefs and kings of communities before they can

    change orientation and perception of ordinary members of community to join hands with them in

    fight against crime in the society. Community must also realize that without police, community

    cannot be safe for people to live and prosper. No foreign or domestic investor will come to

    community that is full of acrimony and wicked people; community must respect police who are

    sacrificing their life to safeguard the community by giving useful information to police that will

    help them eliminate all forms of wickedness in the community so we can all have better society

    we had wanted Mudiare (2014). Community policing is achievable, it has prospect in Nigeria

    since offending action from both ends can be resolved.

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    2.7 Mobile Android SDK and its Feature

    Android is operating system that is based on Linux kernel; it is responsible for developing

    Android mobile apps and primarily leads by Google. Android system supports background

    processing, provides rich user interface library that supports 2-D and 3-D graphics using

    OpenGL-ES (short OpenGL) standard, and grants access to file system as well as embeds SQLite

    database. Android application consists different visual and nonvisual components which are

    reusable component of other applications. Android tool contains Android device emulator; this

    emulator runs Android Virtual Device (AVD), which emulates real Android phone. AVD allows

    one to test Android application on different mobile android versions and configurations without

    access to real hardware. Even if one has real mobile android device available, one gets familiar

    with creation and usage of AVDs. Virtual devices give one possibility to test application for

    selected Android versions and specific configurations. One can define multiple AVDs with

    different configurations and start them in parallel to test different device configurations at once.

    Different versions of Android Operating System exist which include:

    i. Android Cupcake

    ii. Android Donut

    iii. Android Éclair

    iv. Android Froyo

    v. Android Gingerbread

    vi. Android Honeycomb - First OS design for tablets and launched on Motorola Xoom

    vii. Android Ice Cream Sandwich: First OS to run Smartphone and tablet as well as ends 2.X

    naming conventions

    viii. Android Jelly Bean: Launched on Google Nexus 7 tablet by Asus

    ix. Android Jelly Bean: Arrived on LG Nexus 4

    x. Android Jelly Bean

    xi. Android Kit Kat: Launched on LG Nexus 5

    xii. Android Lollipop: Launched on Motorola Nexus 6 and HTC Nexus 9

    xiii. Android Marshmallow: Launched on LG Nexus 5X and Huawei Nexus 6P

    Android Marshmallow aims to make OS become more user-friendly with improved battery life

    and control over apps

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    2.8 Review of Related Literatures on Community Policing System

    i. According to Boe (2014), provides analysis that focuses on dynamic interaction among

    community youths and criminal involvement outcomes. Individual panel report by Afro-

    American male population between 14 and 23 in U.S community was used. Multinomial

    discrete choice-vector for auto regression model was used to determine youth decisions to

    engage in schooling, employment and criminal behavior

    ii. According to Joy (2012), she identifies effect of educational realization on youth crime in the

    community using reform in post education system within 1980 and 1990 in U.K. to determine

    participation of community individual ranges from 16 and 21 years of age. Study was

    conducted randomly by selecting wrongdoers from the community. Result indicated that there

    was 1% increase in number of males in full-time education while there was 1% increase in

    number of men continuing in education after compulsory school leaving age; this alone

    reduced criminal behavior of males by 1.9% while that of females were reduced by 1.1%

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    3.1 Analysis of Existing System

    Investigation about community policing reveals that UNILAG academic community uses

    traditional approach to gather information about crime activities within the school environment

    before relaying the same to Yaba police station. Students and staffs are not carried along in the

    existing system, they are scared to report crime activities in their respective areas to security unit

    or police on campus because many students and staff have to trek long distances from their

    hostels or staff quarters to report crime incidences in Alpha-Base, which is security headquarters

    in UNILAG before it can be taken seriously. Urgent crime attack that demands attention of

    police on campus environment is usually delayed before arrival of police to school community;

    police station is far from school and transportation fare is not affordable to many students and

    staffs from campus to report crime or call attention of police to urgent issues. Reporting crime on

    campus takes longer process and responses are not usually immediate; many times, delay on part

    of security and police has been attributed to “organization protocols” that must be followed.

    Crime reporters must fill FIR form before report can be taken serious by security personnel, at

    times, reporters are subjected to intimidation by arresting them as first suspects and subjecting

    them to long waiting hours or weeks before they can be cleared. With these happening in

    existing community policing system, community members are scared to relate with police and

    internal security, crime like raping, cultism, stealing on campus especially forest-regions has

    been on increase since existing system lacks capacity to involve community members in crime

    fighting and reportage. In existing system, crime report cannot be done as anonymous and

    reporting is usually delayed. All community data and crime details in the community are

    documented on paper in UNILAG which get lost due to mismanagement

    3.2 Problem of Existing System

    Community policing in use at UNILAG has problems that affect performance of traditional

    community policing that include:

    i. High-Cost: Conventional community policing is difficult to maintain. Constant patrol of

    police in the community to monitor security situation every minute of the day is

  • 16

    expensive. Cost of fueling patrol vehicles and hiring spies to carry out 24hrs surveillance

    within the community is easy to maintain on long run. Cost of storage for community

    record keeping and police details for community are expensive when compare to proposed


    ii. Time-wastage: Many times, are wasted during crime reporting and before response from

    police due to administrative protocols that must follow. Searching relevant community

    record is time consuming. Time wasted on irrelevant issues can cause death of victim

    before response from rescue squad

    iii. Lack-of-Security: Insecurity on community records, member details, community events,

    multimedia files (pictures, videos and audios) can be manipulated

    iv. Loss-of-Document: Traditional method of storing community policing information may

    get lost; media files can get corrupt which can lead to problem beyond management

    3.3 Analysis of New System

    New community policing for University of Lagos Academic Community is designed to address

    shortcomings experienced in existing system by introducing mobile based community policing.

    In new system, community members can report to police directly or through member forum by

    uploading information without visiting police post from their mobile phones and locations.

    Community members can post information or report crime situation as anonymous and

    information can reach destination instantly which enables rescuer team to mobilize on time to

    counter criminal activities. New system is based on client-server architecture design; proposed

    mobile app runs on mobile phones of every community member to upload and report real-time

    crime incident within the community areas to police, internal UNILAG security and community

    members. In situation where reporter becomes victim attacked with his/her phone seized, new

    system incorporates voice recognition and background location tracking system; victim voice is

    enough to activate application from seized phone to send SMS, email, FCM messages and

    underground emergency calls to security officers and police. Location of incidence along with

    map of the area is silently sent to security officer for emergency mobilization for counterattack.

    Community policing record system in new system is computerized and simple to use; it is less

    error prone compared to traditional method. Searching community member information is fast as

    information can be retrieved in matter of second. Main features of new system are:

  • 17

    i. Immediate dissemination and retrieval of information: New system provides quick

    information to police for emergency rescuer and information retrieval system

    ii. Immediate transmission of multimedia files: In traditional mobile policing system,

    information transmission was difficult as video, picture and audio were difficult to

    transmit instantly to community forum members due to size involved

    iii. Easy to operate: This application is easy to operate and fits into limited budget of the


    3.4 Justification of New System

    It is expected that with introduction of new system, lots of positive changes will be noticed. In

    design of community policing software, effort is made to create affordable and efficient

    community policing application which if adopted for University of Lagos community, will

    tighten security apparatus in UNILAG. New system is very cheap because it works on existing

    internet and telecommunication infrastructures that exist in university community as well as

    individual mobile phone of community members to proffer solution to insecurity in the school

    community. To justify implementation of new system to aid insecurity in the school community,

    following features are expected to be considered during design and implementation stages:

    i. Authentication: New system will make sure provided login credentials of community

    members are correct

    ii. Confidentiality: Unauthorized disclosure of member’s identity and criminal details to

    third-parties outside police, internal security and community members of UNILAG

    community will not be allowed

    iii. Integrity: New system will prevent unauthorized modification of member and criminal’s

    information from server

    iv. Availability: New system will prevent unwanted withholding of crime information from

    time it is needed

    3.5 System Design

    3.5.1 Output Design

    At design stage, output design is formulated to showcase how output will be displayed when

    implemented in real life scenario based on design interface. It is considered first during design

  • 18

    stage because it is output that will determine input while processing input will determine output.

    System provides many reports to answer different design approaches for mobile community

    policing system. Tables below show the expectation of output data from application when

    implemented, they are presently at design stages:


    xxxxx—means alphanumeric or alphabetic output data expected to be displayed by computer

    when program is implemented

    99999---- means numeric output data is expected to be displayed when program is implemented



    LAGOS UNIT 001



    S/N Member ID Member Full


    Address Mobile No Leader’s





    Officer in


    99 99999 xxxxx Xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx Xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx Xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx Xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx Xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    Table 3.1: List of Registered Member Record

  • 19


    LAGOS UNIT 001



    Table 3.2: List of Reported Incident


    LAGOS UNIT 001



    S/N Username Password Firstname Lastname Email City Gender Birthday Remark

    99 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    Table 3.3: List of Social Community Signup Record

    S/N Member ID Member

    Full Name













    Officer in


    99 99999 xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

    99 99999 xxxxx 99999 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

  • 20

    3.5.2 Process Analysis

    Information gathered was processed into meaningful format before entry into system. Criminal’s

    information is captured by community members and stored in database for future reference

    3.5.3 Input Design

    Input design interface is where raw data are entered into computer for processing. For operation

    to be performed on computer, data must be entered into it via input interface form. In this new

    system, input interface design for this research involves input forms to capture data to derive

    required outputs. Input interface form designs are expected to be used for capturing program

    inputs. Some input interface forms at design stage include:

    i. Member Registration Form

    ii. Incident Report Entry Form

    iii. Social Community Sign Up Entry

    Member Registration Design Form: This is used to capture data from member of UNILAG

    Community at design stage of development.

  • 21

    Figure 3.1: Member Registration Entry Form

    Incident Report Entry: This is used to capture incident report in the community for effective

    policing and documentation purposes at design stage of development

  • 22

    Figure 3.2: Incident Report Entry Form

    Social Community Sign_Up Input Design: This is used to capture profile data of community

    member who wishes to join online social community for information dissemination and

    reportage purposes

  • 23

    Figure 3.3: Social Community Sign_Up Entry Form

    3.5.4 Database Design

    Data in the system must be stored and retrieved from database; designing database is part of

    system design. Data elements to store have been identified at analysis stage to design data

    storage and retrieval system. Database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum

    redundancy to serve many users. General objective is to make database access become easier and

  • 24

    flexible for users. Relationships are established between data items while unnecessary data items

    are removed. Normalization is done to get internal consistency of data to have minimum

    redundancy with maximum stability. This minimizes data storage required to reduce data

    inconsistency and optimize data for updates. MYSQL database has been chosen to develop

    relevant databases needed for this application. The following are database tables involved in

    proposed system:

    1. Table Name: Member_Record.sql

    Purpose: For keeping community member’s details

    Key Field: Member ID


    Member ID Alphanumeric 10 Member identification number

    Full Name Alphabetic 20 Member’s full name

    Address Alphanumeric 15 Member’s home address

    Phone No Alphabetic 11 Member’s contact number

    Leader’s Attestation Alphabetic 40 Leader’s confirmation of


    Occupation Alphabetic 20 Member’s occupation

    Community Leader Alphabetic 25 Community leader name

    Officer in Charge Alphabetic 05 Patient’s Blood Group

    Table 3.4: Member Record

  • 25

    2. Table Name: Incident_Report.sql

    Purpose: To keep record of crime in the community and report made for future purposes

    Key Field: Incident ID




    Incident ID Numeric 10 Incident identification


    Full Name Alphabetic 20 Member’s full name

    Member ID Numeric 10 Member identification


    Report Title Alphabetic 20 Crime report heading

    Report Incident Alphabet 40 Crime report detail

    Image Evidence Blob 50 Picture evidence of incident



    Encoded base64 90 Video/Audio evidence of

    crime incident

    Date Reported Alphanumeric 20 Crime report date

    Officer-in-Charge Alphabetic 35 Police officer reported to

    Table 3.5: Incident Report Database Design

  • 26

    Table Name: Social_Community_Signup.sql

    Purpose: For keeping record of user’s login purposes

    Key Field: Username, Password


    Member ID Numeric 15 Social member identification


    Username Alphanumeric 20 Social member’s username

    Password Alphanumeric 20 Social member’s password

    First Name Alphabetic 30 Social member’s surname

    Last Name Alphabetic 30 Social member’s last name

    Email Alphanumeric 20 Social member’ email

    City Alphabetic 20 Social member’ city

    Gender Alphabetic 10 Social member’ gender

    Birthday Alphanumeric 15 Social member’ date of birth

    Remark Alphabetic 50 Social member’ general


    Table 3.6: Social Community Signup Database Design

    3.5.5 Use Case Diagram

    Use Case Diagram is graphical technique that stands for system functional requirement; it is

    designed during requirement collection before being redefined by community member or police

    officer to suit pre-defined objectives. Use case model consists of textual description.

  • 27

    Figure 3.4: Use Case Diagram for Community Policing (Boe, 2014)

    Features of the New System

    The following features are identified

    a. Security button: This is the centre red button; it is used for making emergency contacts

    during distress. Clicking the button sends background messages via SMS, Email, FCM

    and tracking locations and map to police, school security as well as all community

    members registered on the app. It also has voice feature which makes it easy to activate

    and send background messages via voice once the phone has been collected from the

    victim during robbery, raping, kidnapping or other crime related activities. It can also

    wake up or restart the phone that is switched off or in sleep mode to carry out all the tasks

    mentioned above.

    b. Add: This button enables app user or community member to register information like

    name, email, mobile number about police, school security and all community members

    into this application. It can also be used to edit existing information about community

    members in case of sudden contact changes.

    c. Officer: This button enables user to view all executives of community member and their

    related profile information. This allows members to familiarize with their coordinators

    and contacts for proper community information flow.

  • 28

    d. Helpline: This button helps showcases all community location offices within the campus

    in case of face-to-face contacts with their coordinators. It also includes all mobile and

    email to reach each of the community office locations for direct contacts or making

    inquiry purposes.

    e. Camera: This button enables app user to take picture of crime incident within the

    community to serve as future evidence of crime occurrence or exhibit to prove court

    cases. The app can use forward or back camera to make emergency shots before

    uploading via web server or email to all community members.

    f. Video: This button helps user to record live video of crime incident within the

    community to serve as future evidence of crime occurrence or exhibit to prove court

    cases. The app can use forward or back camera to make emergency video recording

    before uploading via web server or email to all community members. Other buttons are

    included to begin and stop live recording; another one can be used to playback the

    recorded video before uploading.

    g. Chat: With this button, all community members can chat together irrespective of their

    locations around the globe. This boosts information flow among members and aids crime

    reportage among members.

    h. Tracking: Once the security button is clicked or voice mode is activated, background

    tracking of incident location becomes activated and updates police and other community

    members so that current location and map where the victim has been carried to can be

    tracked as well as how long it will take to get to current destination where the victims are

    located. The app sends tracking code to all community members and police which can be

    used to keep track update of the present victim’s location; this feature is advised to be

    used by police only in order not to compromise security effort at securing the victims.

    3.6 System Coding Tool and Technique

    Programming coding tool consists of coding environment used for designing this application;

    many tools were used for development, testing and evaluation to determine program workability

    by targeting specifications that meet aim and objectives at beginning of this reseach.

    Programming tools involved in this implementation are:

    i. Basic4Android

    ii. Android Google SDK

    iii. SQLite

  • 29

    Basic4Android: is refered to B4A, it is another programming language with Java and Android

    SDK capability. It uses visual designer environment to build user interface that targets mobile

    phone and tablet with different screen sizes. Compiled mobile APK can be tested in AVD

    emulator or physical android device using B4A Bridge. B4A language is like Visual Basic that

    fits in native android environment. B4A is object and event-driven language that generates

    standard-signed APK ready for upload at Google Play, Samsung and Amazon App store. Below

    are features that attract researchers to this language:

    i. It has powerful rapid development tool for building native android apps

    ii. B4A IDE is 100% dedicated to android development

    iii. APKs generated are native to that of Java, no runtime libraries are required

    iv. It is object-oriented language with similar performance to Java

    v. It can share code with B4J, which another development tool for desktop application


    vi. XML programming is not necessary

    vii. It has rapid debugger that supports fast deployment, code-swapping and expression

    viii. It has designer script feature that permits programmers to create complex layout

    Android SDK: This programming tool is used together with B4A to design android mobile

    application. SDK stands for Software Development Kit that comprises tools

    like debugger, library, handset-emulator QEMU, sample-code and tutorial. It supports multiple

    screen sizes and development-platform that includes computer running Linux, Mac

    OS and Window. Until end of 2014, supported IDE was officially Eclipse via Android

    Development Tool (ADT) Plug-in. Developer can use text editor to edit Java with XML files,

    before using command-line tool to create, build and debug android application. SDK supports

    older versions of android platform if developer wishes to target applications for older devices

    3.6.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

    This is essential tool used to represent flow of application development life cycle for application

    to work as unit. The diagram represents how different entities like people, object or concept

    relates with one another in a system.

  • 30

    Figure 3.5: Entity Relationship Diagram for Community Policing (Kappeler, 2016)

  • 31



    4.1 Introduction

    This is exact chapter that is concerned with implementation and research evaluation; it was

    achieved based on input-outcome from chapter three. Inputs were used to achieve result

    enumerated as output design from chapter three. Central-focus of this chapter is to enlighten

    application users on necessary software and hardware requirements needed to run developed


    4.2 System Implementation

    Implementation is process of switching from one system to another that has provision for

    different defects of previous system. Now that implementation of Mobile Community Policing

    has been achieved, there is need for total-integration of this application to replace existing

    system in use presently at University of Lagos community. Users of this application must be

    carried along until they are fully-familiar with new system. Several changeover methods are

    available for management to adopt without affecting users in their present working


    4.3 Changeover Method

    There are various changeover methods namely;

    i. Parallel-Changeover

    ii. Pilot-Changeover

    iii. Direct-Changeover

    i. Parallel-Changeover: is one of safest methods that provide way of verifying results of

    new-system. Current and new-system are put to run in parallel manner for period of time.

    Cross-checking is exercised as both systems are processing same kind-of-data. Indication

    is shown if there is any problem with new system

    ii. Pilot-Changeover: this involves selecting part of school-community to operate new-

    system in parallel with existing system. If satisfied with new system, management

  • 32

    discontinues old system and continues with new-one before piloting is transferred to

    another part in the community

    iii. Direct Changeover: this is the type of changeover method where old system is wholly

    replaced by new system in one move. This method is quick with minimal work load but

    risky and unavailable when two-systems differ. This method is cheap and less time is

    consumed in the process, it is difficult to correct programs while the system remains


    4.3.1 Changeover Recommendation

    However, out of all changeover-methods, parallel changeover method is good for use of

    whosoever wishes to implement this application. As experienced programmer, I decided to

    recommend this changeover method to University of Lagos community after understudy many

    software developers like Oracle, IBM and so on that had won huge amount of contracts running

    several millions within local and international academic institutions. This enables management to

    learn new-system; optimum performance of new system enables management to decide whether

    to replace old system with new system or retains old system

    4.4 System Installation & System Run

    System Installation works in conjunction with evaluation of new-system. Having designed and

    implemented mobile community policing application for UNILAG community, running program

    on mobile device must be explained in order to understand environment where this application

    will run to achieve target-objectives

    4.4.1 Hardware Specification

    For proper implementation of new-system, author recommends the following minimum

    hardware requirements where this application will run:

    i. Pentium-4 processor and speed of 3.20GHz

    ii. RAM of about 448 megabytes (MB)

    iii. 500-megabytes (500 MB) of available space on hard-disk

    iv. CD/DVD-ROM drive

    v. Simple-enhanced windows-keyboard and mouse

  • 33

    vi. Sound-card

    vii. Android mobile phones with different screen sizes

    viii. HP-Laser Jet printer for report generations

    ix. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

    4.4.2 Software Specification

    The following software requirements are necessary for optimum performance of mobile based

    community policing:

    i. The system runs on windows XP or any higher Microsoft windows operating system

    ii. Basic4Android, Java, Android SDK for front-end Graphical User Interface mobile design

    iii. SQLITE for back-end mobile database design

    iv. Emulator like YouWave

    v. PHP

    vi. WAMP

    vii. MYSQL

    4.5 Choice of Programming Language

    Programming language used in designing this application is Basic4Android with support of

    Android Google SDK and Sqlite. Other tools were used for development, testing and evaluation

    purposes in order to meet-up with set objectives at beginning of this research. Below are some

    programming tools involved:

    iv. Basic4Android

    v. Android Google SDK

    vi. SQLite

    Basic4Android: is popularly called B4A, another language used with Java and Android SDK for

    programming. It uses visual-designer-environment to simplify procedures for building user

    interfaces that target phones-and-tablets with different screen-sizes. Compiled mobile programs

    can be tested in AVD emulators or on real-android devices using B4A-Bridge. Language is

    similar to Visual Basic but adapted to native Android environment. B4A is event-driven

    language. B4A generates standard signed-Android applications that are uploaded to Google Play

  • 34

    store, Samsung-App store and Amazon-App store. Below are features that make researchers

    adopt the language:

    ix. Simple RAD-tool for developing native Android-applications

    x. Complete programming language that is 100% focused on Android-development

    xi. It compiles to native byte-code without requiring runtime libraries

    xii. It has performance similar to applications written in Java

    xiii. It is object oriented-programming language

    xiv. There is no need for XML-programming

    xv. It has rapid-debugger that supports quick-deployments and code-swapping

    xvi. It has powerful designer scripts feature that permits one to create sophisticated layouts

    Android-SDK: This programming tool is used with B4A to design android based mobile apps.

    SDK means Software Development Kit which comprises development tools

    like debugger, libraries, handset-emulator based on QEMU, sample-code and tutorials. It

    supports multiple mobile screen-sizes and development-platforms like computers

    running Linux, Mac OS and Windows. Developers use text-editor to edit Java and XML files,

    then use command-line tools to create and debug Android-applications. SDK also supports older

    versions of Android-platform if developers wish to target their applications at older devices

    4.6 System Documentation

    Documentation gives elaborate information about design specifications and functionalities like

    hardware and software specification, program flowchart and so on. It also assist in development

    of new system

    4.6.1 Installation Process

    Having developed this system, it becomes important to instruct users about installation of this

    software without difficulty. Here are steps to follow for successful-installation for server and

    client-side application:

    For Server-Side: (Community Policing Server)

    i. Find and Install WampServer Software included in project CD

    ii. Run newly installed WampServer Software

  • 35

    iii. Browse to local-folder “C:\wamp\www”

    iv. Create folder named “communitypoliceserver” or choose any other name that suits existing


    v. Open web-browser and type address: http://localhost/phpmaydmin

    vi. Under CREATE_DATABASE textbox, type: “mcpdb” and click on CREATE button

    vii. After new database has been created, click IMPORT_Tab and navigate to project CD to

    browse “datasite” folder and select the “mcpdb.sql” file

    viii. Click on GO-button to populate database with initial data

    ix. Open project CD to copy all contents of “mcpdb” folder to “c:\wamp\www\

    communitypoliceserver” folder that was created earlier

    x. Finally, open browser and type “http://localhost/communitypoliceserver/cpanel” in address


    xi. You are now ready to operate this application

    xii. Default Administrator’s Login are

    xiii. Username: admin

    xiv. Password: admin

    xv. From administrator’s Control Panel, one can configure and edit all communitypoliceserver

    application you need to run

    xvi. THANK YOU!!!

    4.6.2 For Client-Side: (Mobile Community Policing App)

    i. Connect USB cable from android based mobile phone to Computer or switch-ON

    Bluetooth connection on both devices

    ii. Locate android file from PC and send to mobile device

    iii. Double-click android file to start installation

    iv. Follow on-screen installation wizard as shown from mobile devices and respond


    v. Click on “Finish” to exit


  • 36

    4.6.3 System Maintenance

    System maintenance describes different forms of server maintenance to run well. System

    maintenance covers many activities like program-removal, designing-errors, testing-data and

    updating user support. For convenient purposes, maintenance is grouped into three:

    i) Corrective Maintenance

    ii) Adaptive Maintenance

    iii) Perfective Maintenance

    However, perfective maintenance remains the best choice of all categories. Perfective

    maintenance modifies existing programs to enhance information performance. This maintenance

    responds to additional needs of users due to changes in or out of the organization. For better

    performance in productivity, management must stick to perfective maintenance for quality

    delivery purposes

  • 37



    5.1 Summary

    This system followed necessary activities of software development from initial stages to

    implementation stages and testing. This research identifies use of mobile community police

    application developed to resolve issues between members of community and police from time-

    to-time. Analysis of existing system was carried out to identify related problems while solutions

    to problems identified were also provided. After this, implementation of system-design,

    database-design, client side-design, server side-design, interface-design and system security-

    design were considered carefully during implementation. After design and implementation of

    different units, system-testing was done using test data to check actual test-result. However,

    performance evaluation was ascertained to know if it matches objectives set out earlier to have

    perfect mobile community police system that will take care of identified problems to improve

    efficiency. Finally, documentation and implementation of this proposed application were

    affected while system-requirement, changeover-procedure, manual and training were also

    handled accordingly

    5.2 Recommendation

    UNILAG mobile community policing may find it difficult to function effectively as security

    management tool except certain measures are taken by internal security apparatus and police

    administrators in charge of University of Lagos’s jurisdiction. Recommendations listed below

    are worthy of note:

    i. Internal security officers in collaboration with police administrators should improve

    towards UNILAG community crime record keeping. Due to lack of commitment in the

    past before this application was developed, some vital community-crime records for

    UNILAG community were not kept properly while others were not kept at all. Crime

    record keeping should be seen as major contributor in attainment of crime-free society

    Edem (2016)

  • 38

    ii. Every police officer posted to UNILAG community to maintain law and order should

    relate professionally to community members by dwelling in their midst to understand

    areas that need constant monitoring

    iii. Workshops and seminars must be conducted on crime record-keeping by making

    templates available for them to see and follow. In addition to this, community record

    managers should be allowed to acquire knowledge on contemporary methods of

    community crime-record keeping via information-technology

    iv. Members of UNILAG community and environs must leverage on deployment of mobile

    community policing for academic communities to be at alert in their surroundings to

    notify security officer about suspicious crime in their neighborhoods via new developed

    mobile app irrespective of their locations

    v. Government with support from community-members should provide necessary facilities

    needed for contemporary crime combat for security officers to perform their duties under

    law to safeguard community

    vi. UNILAG community leaders must setup monitoring team to enforce use of new mobile

    app to achieve secure environment

    vii. Community police and their internal security collaborators should adhere to security

    ethics to achieve sustainable development as community switch over to new system

    viii. Before using new mobile community policing, recommendation for adequate training and

    orientation must be given to community members and police officers

    5.3 Conclusion

    Analysis of this thesis reveals that all initial objectives have been achieved. Community policing

    moved from face-to-face interaction to mobile and internet-based technologies that give comfort

    to community police and members-of-community; crime report cases can be reported as

    anonymous without seeing police face-to-face within the community. This new automated

    system is designed for UNILAG community as against present traditional mode-of-operation on

    crime prevention within the community; it is regarded as value-added service that improves

    security among members of community to promote productivity. University Community

    members and all security apparatus can now sit back to explore rear-opportunities in this new

    mobile community policing apps. Successful implementation will boost delivery of service in

  • 39

    UNILAG Community. Quality record keeping system will improve as mobile community

    policing application becomes fully integrated into day-to-day activities in each police unit where

    crime-information holds vital position in contemporary security-service. Mobile community

    policing application prevents face-to-face interaction with police-officers before community

    crime information is reported. To guarantee their continuous operations, it must be judiciously

    maintained and use only for the sole purpose it was developed. Now that implementation period

    of mobile community policing is over, its maintenance should be taken over by IT department of

    UNILAG internal-security unit and provide routine software and hardware training support to

    members of the school community. Objectives set-out when this project began have been

    achieved; other related achievements include:

    i. To assist security-administrators and stakeholders in UILAG Community environment

    tackle daily crime among members

    ii. To help police in crime-investigation and prevention within the academic community

    iii. The operation is very easy even for dullest, there is little cost of user training expenses

    iv. This application is customized for UNILAG Academic Community in-house use,

    operating manual is in plain English without foreign technical jargon that may confuse

    potential users of this application

    5.4 Further Research

    This research can get improved upon in future research; current version of new software resides

    in Alpha-Base’s dedicated server, but more areas will need additional features in this direction in

    the future to enable community members lodge useful complaints to police from their respective

    locations. However, to improve on existing system; possible areas that need future development


    i. Improving on Graphical-User-Interface (GUI) of application

    ii. Implementation of smart watch-based community policing application must be

    encouraged in future to enable community members lodge complaints un-noticed

    from their mobile watch devices

    iii. Ensure each community member is provided with access permission to appropriate

    segment of the application

  • 40

    iv. Real-time location-based tracking should be introduced in future implementations

    5.5 Problem Encountered

    The problems encountered during this project design are:

    i. Unavailable Literature Sources: Although, the project research topic looks simple, but

    useful materials on topic areas are difficult to research

    ii. Programming-Methodology: Methodology adopted in handling programming aspect of

    this project caused many problems that took days to solve. Problems that include

    connectivity issues via MYSQL database posed many challenges

    iii. Inadequate-Fund: This design will not be successful without financial involvement for

    paying computer time; typing and planning of work also has its own financial involvement

    that contributed to huge-financial investment on this project engagement

    iv. Inadequate Power Supply: Poor supply of power in the society caused delay in this

    program implementation and programming

  • 41


    Alex C, (2013). Analysis of Police and Policing in Nigeria, Center for Law Enforcement

    Education and National Human Rights Commission, Lagos

    Boe Q, (2014). An Assessment of Police Officers’ Acceptance of Community Policing;

    Anderson Publishing, pg. 16-25

    Castro L, (2017). Institutional frameworks for addressing public sector corruption in Africa:

    Mandate, performance, challenges & capacity needs. Boulder, Colorado, USA: The African

    Capacity Building Foundation.

    Change, pg. 18-21

    Coquilhat F, (2015). The Development of Community Patrol Program: Community-Oriented

    Policing in New York City Police Department. New York: Praeger Publishers, pg.73-88

    DC: Police Executive Research Forum, pg. 3-12

    Donohoe G, (2016). Police-Community Violence in Nigeria, Lagos: Centre for Law Enforcement


    Eck I, (2014). Above the Law: A Report on Torture and Extra-Judicial Killings by Police in

    Nigeria. Lagos: Civil Liberties Organization

    Edem T, (2016). Police Corruption and the State: Prevalence and Consequences. Global

    Haywaite H, (2015). A New Nigerian Police Image: Its Role in the Next Millennium. A Paper

    delivered at a seminar organized for Assistant Inspectors–General and Commissioners of Police

    by Nigeria Police Force at International Conference Centre Abuja, October 19-20.


    Hellström P, (2014). Policing freedom: A Commentary on Dilemmas of Policing in Western

    Democracies. Eastover, Plymouth: MacDonald & Evans

    James N, (2015). Colonialism, State and Policing in Nigeria; Crime, Law and Social

    Jintana B, (2017). Police-Community Relations in Nigeria: What Went Wrong?

    Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, pg. 19-27

    Joy O, (2012). Policing Nigeria: Control and Autonomy in the Exercise of Coercion; African

    Studies Review, pg. 73-78

    Kappeler V, (2016).Community policing in South East: Policing Nigeria in the 21st Century.

    Ibadan, Spectrum Books

  • 42

    Leary G, (2015). The Key Element of Oriented Community Policing; Colorado: Regional

    Community Policing Institute

    Lucey R, (2013). Community Policing: Comparative Perspectives and Prospects. New York: St.

    Martin's Press, pg. 23 -29

    Martin D, (2016). Community Policing: Elements and Effects-Contemporary Readings;

    Martin T, (2016). Policing Nigeria in the 21st century; Ibadan: Spectrum Books, Waveland

    Press, pg. 45-62

    Miller P, (2015). Problem-Oriented Policing in Practice, Criminology and Public Policy, pg.: 5-


    Modum A, (2015). The Defining Characteristics of Community Policing; Washington

    Mudiare E, (2014). Community Policing is Good Policing: The Past, Present, and Future.

    Rosenbaum E, (2014). The Functions of Police in Modern Society; National Institute of Mental

    Sherman B, (2017). What Community Policing Teaches us about Community Criminal Justice;

    Available on, Retrieved on 28th November, 2019

    Sherman H, (2015). Policing Japan Community; Law and Order pg. 46-52

    Skogan W, (2014). Element of Community Policing Perspectives: An Anthology. Roxbury

    Publishing Company, pg. 37-49

    Vatcharaporn R, (2015). Policing a Democracy; Lagos: Centre for Law Enforcement Education

    Washington DC: Police Executive Research Forum, pg. 25-38

    Weiss F, (2017). Research, planning and implementation in West .Africa on Local Government

    Police Management, Washington, D.C. 3rd edition

  • 43



  • 44

    Menu Page:

  • 45

    Social Community Page: This is where user selects from the options available in

    the proposed system.

    Signup Page: This is where new community member registers for social community forum for

    effective policing

  • 46

  • 47


  • 48

  • 49


    #Region Project Attributes

    #ApplicationLabel: Community Policing

    ' #VersionCode: 1

    ' #VersionName:

    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.

    ' #SupportedOrientations: unspecified

    ' #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False

    #End Region

    #Region Activity Attributes

    #FullScreen: False

    #IncludeTitle: True

    #End Region

    #AdditionalRes: ..\res.ChatMessageView


    Sub Process_Globals

    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.

    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

    Private Mv2 As MovieViewControl

    End Sub

    Sub Globals

    Private mnubt7 As Button

    Private pnl7 As Panel

    Dim xui As XUI

    Dim xlbl As B4XView

    Dim Button1 As Label

    Dim Button2 As Label

    Dim Button3 As Label

    Dim Button4 As Label

    Dim Button5 As Label

    Dim const ACTIVE_COLOR As Int = Colors.White

    Dim const INACTIVE_COLOR As Int = Colors.RGB(205, 95, 75) '105, 105, 105

    End Sub

    Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:



  • 50

    Mv2.Load(File.DirAssets, "c.gif", False)

    Dim Panel1 As Panel


    Panel1.Color = Colors.RGB(188, 132, 128) '128, 128, 128 'panel color here


    Panel1.AddView(Button1, 0, 10dip, 60dip, 60dip)


    Panel1.AddView(Button2, (100%x / 5), 10dip, 60dip, 60dip)


    Panel1.AddView(Button3, (100%x / 5) * 2, 10dip, 60dip, 60dip)


    Panel1.AddView(Button4, (100%x / 5) * 3, 10dip, 60dip, 60dip)


    Panel1.AddView(Button5, (100%x / 5) * 4, 10dip, 60dip, 60dip)

    Activity.AddView(Panel1, 0, 100%y - 60dip, 100%x, 60dip)

    CreateLabel(Button1, Chr(0xF006), "Call Us")

    CreateLabel(Button2, Chr(0xF002), "Search")

    CreateLabel(Button3, Chr(0xF01D), "About")

    CreateLabel(Button4, Chr(0xF08A), "Map")

    CreateLabel(Button5, Chr(0xF2BE), "Email")


    End Sub

    Sub CreateLabel(Label As Label, Text1 As String, Text2 As String) As B4XBitmap

    Dim cs As CSBuilder



    xlbl = Label

    xlbl.Text = cs

    xlbl.TextColor = xui.Color_RGB(105, 105, 105)

    Return xlbl.Snapshot

    End Sub

    Sub Button1_Click


  • 51

    Dim Phone As PhoneCalls


    End Sub

    Sub Button2_Click


    Dim market As Intent, uri As String




    End Sub

    Sub Button3_Click



    End Sub

    Sub Button4_Click


    Dim intent1 As Intent

    Dim URI As String

    URI = "geo:" & 6.4541 & "," & 3.3947 & "?q=" & 6.4541 & "," & 3.3947




    End Sub

    Sub Button5_Click


    Dim intent1 As Intent

    intent1.Initialize("android.intent.action.SENDTO" , "mailto:

    [email protected]")

    intent1.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.SUBJECT","Our Able Community Leader")

    intent1.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.TEXT", "Here is my complaint/request")

    intent1.WrapAsIntentChooser("Send feedback")


    End Sub

    Sub SetActiveButtonColor(View As Label)

    For Each button As Label In Array As Label(Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4,


    If button = View Then

    button.TextColor = ACTIVE_COLOR


  • 52

    button.TextColor = INACTIVE_COLOR

    End If


    End Su

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