
Design and Implementation of Geographic Information System

on Tourism Guide Using Web-Based Google Maps

Agus-Sudarma1, Nyoman-Piarsa2 and Wira-Buana3

1 Department of Information Technology, Udayana University

Bali, 80361, Indonesia

2 Department of Information Technology, Udayana University

Bali, 80361, Indonesia

3 Department of Information Technology, Udayana University

Bali, 80361, Indonesia

Abstract Tourism is one of the world appeal to come to the State of

Indonesia, especially Bali. The government was aware of the

potential of the tourism so that the government continues to

campaign to introduce tourism in Bali to the public. But the

promotion which is done by government is still using

conventional method. That promotion is promoted by distributing

brochures, pamphlet, billboards, etc. The weakness of that

method is the tourists cannot access information in real time.

Therefore, it need a system that contains information on tourism

as a tour guide for travelers who want to visit to Bali so that the

information obtained about the tourist attractions are complete.

This system will be able to help travelers to determine their

location and tourist destination. In addition, this system can also

be accessed anywhere with an Internet connection. Sources of

data in this system is informant, event or activity, and the

document or archive. While the research methods used are as

follows : literature review, interviews, and collect the necessary

data. Implementation of system will be created use the PHP

programming language, while the DBMS used is My SQL.

Keywords: Tourism, Google Maps, Google Maps API.

1. Introduction

There are many advantages increase in gained by the state

from tourism activities, such as: national income and

foreign exchange, a lot of available jobs, and cultural

preservation can work together to build Bali. Therefore,

the government continues to engage in many activities that

support the promotion of tourism.

The way to support and promote tourism activities is to

introduce tourism products directly to tourists, both

domestic and foreign tourists. Promotion may be in a form

of tourism product info, history, location, maps,

accommodation information, transportation, etc.

Nevertheless the promotion is still done traditionally. So to

solve this problem, this paper will be design geographic

information system on tourism guide using a web-based

google maps. Moreover, Bali is a tourist destination of the

world, therefore geographic information system on tourism

guide using a web-based google maps system is needed to

support the tourism activities.

2. Methodology

This section, will explain about the methodology used in

research that’s titled Design and Implementation of

Geographic Information System on Tourism Guide Using

Web-Based Google Maps.

2.1 Collaborative GIS

The development of GIS dates back to 60’s, with the

apparition of GIS as computational tools for capturing,

managing and transforming data of spatial references to be

used in planning and decision-taking processes. Other

work that followed after these, was trying to provide a

support for the integration between groups of people and

for the decision-taking based on geo-referential data,

studying also the impact of them on its users. The

development of these systems continued and took

advantages of the Internet era, in which the Web maps has

a fundamental situation. [4]

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 478

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.

2.2 Definition of Google Maps

Google Maps is an application made by Google group.

Google Maps associated with digital maps. Digital maps

displayed by Google Map are various such as map and

satellite. Currently, the number of users of Google Maps is

growing rapidly because the information provided by

Google Maps is very complete. In addition, when there is

changing of data in a location, Google Maps will quickly

make corrections and update data.

Google Maps can be accessed using a stable Internet

connection. The user interface of Google Maps is also very

user friendly. So, for those who are new in using Google

Maps surely will be interested in this digital map system.

Therefore, no wonder if many people in the world use

Google Maps to locate and specify a location. [8]

2.3 Definition of Google Maps API

So many features that could be developed by the Google

Maps that make the Google Maps is growing very rapidly.

Based on these ideas, the founder of Google Maps was

made an API (Application Programming Interface) for

Google Maps which later was named Google Maps API.

Google Maps API is very useful in the creation of a

geographic information system because it does not need to

make a digital map for these systems since the digital

maps that will be used is provided by Google that can save

time and effort. Thus, we can focus on the data and

information that will be displayed by the geographic

information system. The understanding of the Google

Maps API requires a basic knowledge of HTML and

javascript. [9]

Using Google Map to work on a geographic information

system provides several benefits including the following :

1. Simplify storage system map.

2. Can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection.

3. No need to create a new map.

4. Change of map data faster.

5. The system is going to be lighter.

2.4 System Overview

The overview diagram of this research is shown in Fig 1.

Fig. 1 General Overview System

This system has two types of user, admin and user (public

user). Two types of users have different access rights

depending on the user level. Admin has the right to access

more than the user (public user).

The tourism information is added by admin. Then the

system will bring up the map information from Google

Maps, and the tourism information will appears as digital

map by category. For example, if the tourists want to

search for information based on tourism attractions

category, it just need to select attraction category. When

the category has been selected then the next step is to find

information or the location of the selected category.

Locations can display the desired information as a tour


This system not only has advantage on the selection of

category, but also has other advantages, as the map can

become digital maps and normal maps (street maps). The

travelers are highly facilitated by the selection of maps so

the system can be used as a tourist guide for tourists. The

following is an explain of the process that occurs in the

geographic information system on tourism guide using a

web-based google maps and illustrated by the context

diagram described in Fig. 2.

Setting Tourism


Tourism Information

Map as a Travel Guide

Displaying Information

Computer Browser

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 479

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.


GIS Tourism Guide



Data object, data category, data user, data banner, data news, data regency, data polling, data module,

data gallery, data category object

Data object, data category, data user, data banner, data news, data regency, data polling, data module, data gallery,

data category object

See data object, information data object, see gallery, see news

Data object, data news, data gallery, data banner

Fig. 2 Context Diagram

In Fig. 3 will be explain about the business processes that

occur in the geographic information system on tourism

guide using a web-based google maps.

Business process is demonstrated through entities called

data flow diagrams. Entities on data flow diagram level 0

is login, view object, view news, create object, and

management master data.

Username, password


D1 Data object





View Object


Management Master Data


Create Object

View object, view gallery, search


Data object, data gallery

Data user

Check authority

D1 Data object

D3 Data category object

D2 Data regency

D1 Data object

D4 Data category

D2 Data regency

D5 Data news

D6 Data gallery

D7 Data user

D6 Data gallery

Data gallery

D3 Data category object

D2 Data regency

D7 Data user

D4 Data category

D2 Data regency

Data object


View News

View news, banner polling, search

Data news, data polling,data banner

Check authority

Data news, data polling, data banner

D5 Data news

D9 Data banner

D8 Data polling

D8 Data polling

D7 Data user

D9 Data banner

D3 Data category object

D4 Data category

Fig. 3 Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Figure 4. illustrating table design geographic information

system on tourism guide using a web-based google maps.

Table formed of the design were 10 tables : tb_gallery,

tb_object, tb_category_object, tb_polling, tb_banner

tb_module, tb_regency, tb_category, tb_user, and tb_news.





M 1










PK id_user

name username password admin address email phone id_regency




PK id_object

name address lat lng description id_category_object id_regency id_user picturetb_gallery

PK id_gallery

jdl_gallery gbr_gallery description id_object id_user


PK id_regency

name description


PK id_category_object

name description


PK id_category



PK id_banner

title url description


PK id_polling

choice rating active


PK id_module

name link active sequence publish


PK id_news

title contents day date hour picture read id_category id_user

Fig. 4 Desgin Table

The system consist of 10 tables :

1. tb_gallery used to store data about picture.

2. tb_polling used to store data and information about

polling such as rating, choice, etc.

3. tb_banner used to store data and information about


4. tb_category used to store data and information about

category of news.

5. tb_module used to store data and information about

module such as name, link, publish, etc.

6. tb_news used to store data and information about news

such as title, contents, picture, etc.

7. tb_object used to store data of attractions such as data

or information a beach, park, etc.

8. tb_category_object used to store data about the

attractions of category.

9. tb_user used to store data and information about user

such as name user, address user, email, etc.

10. tb_regency used to store data and information about

regency such as name and description.

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 480

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.

The degree of relation indicates the maximum number of

entities that can be filled with other entities in the entity set.

The degree of relationship that occur in sets of entities on

the system :

1. tb_category with tb_news

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_category

and tb_news is 1: M (one to many) because a category

can have a lot of news.

2. tb_object with tb_gallery

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_object

and tb_gallery is 1: M (one to many) because a object

can have a lot of gallery.

3. tb_regency with tb_object

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_regency

and tb_object is 1: M (one to many) because regency

can have a lot of object.

4. tb_category_object with tb_object

The degree of relation that occurs between

tb_category_object and t_object is 1: M (one to many)

as a category_object can have many object.

5. tb_user with tb_object

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_user and

tb_object is 1: M (one to many) because user can send

or have a lot of object.

6. tb_regency with tb_user

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_regency

and tb_user is 1: M (one to many) because regency can

have a lot of user.

7. tb_user with tb_gallery

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_user and

tb_gallery is 1: M (one to many) because user can have

or send a lot of gallery.

8. tb_user with tb_news

The degree of relation that occurs between tb_user and

tb_news is 1: M (one to many) because user can have

or send a lot of news.

3. Experiments and Results

Once the system design is completed, the next will be the

trial process. This step holds an important role in

programming. It lets the programmer do trial and error

fixing before it launched officially for the viewers.

Fig. 8 Homepage

Menu on Fig. 8 contains recent news about tourism in Bali

as well as the homepage menu search button, polling, and


Fig. 9 Gallery Album

Gallery is a page that displays album contains image

galleries of attractions in the island of Bali. Initially the

gallery menu will display gallery album if the gallery

album is clicked to it will display a gallery of images.

Fig. 10 Gallery Images

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 481

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.

On Fig. 10, there are two album pictures related to Bali

Bird Park, labeled as “Bali Bird Park” and “Koleksi Bali

Bird Park”.

Fig. 11 Gallery Map

Besides being able to display images in the selected

album, gallery menu can also display maps of locations

corresponding to the album. On Fig. 11 is corresponding

map of the location of Bali Bird Park.

Fig. 12 Map

Fig.12 Map is a page that displays a map of attractions in

the island of Bali. Attractions are displayed on maps,

visualized with marker according to the category object.

Maps using a check box that can be used to select

categories of objects based on user desires such as pura

(temple), pantai (beach), taman (park), hotel, restoran

(restaurant), penginapan (lodging).

Fig. 13 Map Object Categories Pantai (Beach)

Fig. 13 is an example of the user who just wants to see the

object categorized pantai (beach). There is only one

marker is shown on the map.

Fig. 14 Get Directions

Get directions is a page that will show you the road to the

location of the existing tourist attraction on the island of

Bali with a drag marker starting location to a destination


Fig. 14 is a view to using the get directions feature. Pink

marker indicating the starting location with an image of

people walking (walking) while a brown marker with

pictures lawn signs are markers showing the location of

the destination.

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 482

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.

Fig. 15 Search

Fig. 15 Search is a page that will display a searchable user

attraction. Users need to type the area or location to

search. After that, the system will bring up the location of

the object by name or location of the area that has been

input by the user.

Fig. 16 Login Admin

Fig. 16 Login Admin is special page for the user who has

full access rights to the system admin. This page serves as

the admin login page.

4. Conclusions

The result on this paper is a design data flow diagrams and

tables. Data flow diagrams and tables have a strong

relationship. Data flow diagrams and tables can be used as

a basis and foundation to create a geographic information


The system will be created is a geographic information

system on tourism guide using a web-based google maps.

The system will help travelers to choose tourist

destinations in Bali. The system can be accessed anywhere

in real-time by using an Internet connection. Basically,

making this system aims to help the government to

promote tourism.


Our thank goes to Department of Information Technology

Udayana University, Bali, who has helped organize this


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I Putu Agus Sudarma studied Information Technology in Departement of Information Technology Udayana University since August 2008, and now working her research fo S.Ti. degree in Information Technology.

I Nyoman Piarsa, ST., MT received his ST degree in Electrical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember University in 1998, and his MT received in Electrical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University in 2001. He is lecturer at Electrical Engineering Departement (major in Computer System and Informatics) and at Information Technology Departement of Udayana University. Putu Wira Buana, S.Kom., MT received his ST degree in Informatics Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember University in 2005, and his MT received in Electrical Engineering from Brawijaya University in 2008. He is lecturer at Electrical Engineering Departement (major in Computer System and Informatics) and at Information Technology Departement of Udayana University.

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 483

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.

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