Download - Desalination Unit

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    Desalination units

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    What is desalinationWhat is desalination??

    DesalinationDesalination is refers to any of several processes thatis refers to any of several processes that

    remove theremove the excess saltsexcess saltsand otherand other mineralsmineralsfrom water tofrom water to

    obtainobtain fresh waterfresh watersuitable for human consumption,suitable for human consumption,

    irrigation, or several industrial use.irrigation, or several industrial use.

    Thermal distillationThermal distillationis one of the methods used foris one of the methods used fordesalination, and that is what we use in QGdesalination, and that is what we use in QGutilities.utilities.

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    GenerallyhowGenerallyhowThermal DistillationThermal Distillationgogo


    1)1) Vapor formation due to the addition of heat to salineVapor formation due to the addition of heat to saline

    water (leaving behind nonvolatile impurities)! water (leaving behind nonvolatile impurities)!")") Vapor is separated from the li#uid!Vapor is separated from the li#uid!

    $)$) %ondensation of the vapor due to heat%ondensation of the vapor due to heat


  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    'efore eplaining thermal'efore eplaining thermal


    we need to now the #uality ofwe need to now the #uality ofsea watersea water

    we are going to treat withwe are going to treat with..

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    *verage sea water *nalysis*verage sea water *nalysis

    SodiumSodium 26,600 ppm Na26,600 ppm Na

    MagnesiumMagnesium 6600 ppm Calcium6600 ppm Calcium

    1300 ppm CaCO1300 ppm CaCO33 PotassiumPotassium 400 ppm K400 ppm K

    ChlorideChloride 31,00 ppm Cl31,00 ppm Cl

    SulphateSulphate 3,200 ppm SO3,200 ppm SO44 !l"alinit#!l"alinit# 1$0 ppm CaCO1$0 ppm CaCO33 %&S%&S 40,000 ppm40,000 ppm

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    +ea Water salinity+ea Water salinity

    (g&l)(g&l) 'alti, +ea'alti, +ea -- %aspian +ea%aspian +ea 1$ 1$ *driati, +ea*driati, +ea ".".

    /a,i0, ,ean/a,i0, ,ean $$!2 $$!2 3ndian ,ean3ndian ,ean $$!4 $$!4 *tlanti, ,ean*tlanti, ,ean $2 $2 5editerranean5editerranean $6!7$6!7 8ed +ea8ed +ea 7$ 7$ *rabian Gulf*rabian Gulf 7$7$

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit


  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    /hysi,al /roperties of +ea/hysi,al /roperties of +ea

    WaterWater'n sea (ater)'n sea (ater)

    &issol*ed salts lo(er the *apor pressure&issol*ed salts lo(er the *apor pressure

    o+ pure (atero+ pure (ater Salts raise the -oiling point o+ sea (ater .sSalts raise the -oiling point o+ sea (ater .s

    pure (aterpure (ater

    .apor pressure lo(ering is a +unction o+.apor pressure lo(ering is a +unction o+ionic strengthionic strength Critical parameter in simulating sea (aterCritical parameter in simulating sea (ater


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    /hysi,al /roperties of +ea Water/hysi,al /roperties of +ea Water

    'n sea (ater)'n sea (ater) Solu-ilit# o+ gases decreases asSolu-ilit# o+ gases decreases as

    temperature and salt contenttemperature and salt contentincreaseincrease

    Salt content o+ sea (ater (ill a/ect the solu-ilit#Salt content o+ sea (ater (ill a/ect the solu-ilit#

    o+ car-on dioide (hich controls p ando+ car-on dioide (hich controls p andcar-onate-icar-onate euili-riumcar-onate-icar-onate euili-rium!!

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    QGQGdesalination unitsdesalination units

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit




    7 desal units7 desal units 05401 !7C&05401 !7C& ;a,h one of 7 ,ell type;a,h one of 7 ,ell type

    Gross output ! .2 tonne&hrGross output ! .2 tonne&hr

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    " desal tans" desal tans05%401 !705%401 !7 ea,h tan ,apa,ity !! .>$:6 mea,h tan ,apa,ity !! .>$:6 m$$

    7 desal water pumps7 desal water pumps 05P40105P401

    !7C&!7C& ea,h pump ,apa,ity .2 mea,h pump ,apa,ity .2 m$$&hr&hr

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    seawater supply ,ondition seawater supply ,ondition

    $.@, in summer> 1.@, in winter!$.@, in summer> 1.@, in winter!min supply pressure at battery limit "!. bar gmin supply pressure at battery limit "!. bar g

    desalinated water produ,ed desalinated water produ,ed 7$@, at the battery limit!7$@, at the battery limit!

    $!: bar g at the battery limit!$!: bar g at the battery limit!

    brine blowdown and re=e,t water is dis,hargedbrine blowdown and re=e,t water is dis,harged

    at 1!. bar g to seawater ,ooling returnat 1!. bar g to seawater ,ooling return


  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    %ell "%ell 1 %ell $ %ell 7

    Desal pump(")

    'rine pump(")

    +eawater inlet



    Va,uum ;=e,tor





    5/ steam




  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    /ro,ess Cow/ro,ess Cow

    1) De,hlorination1) De,hlorination +eawater is being de,hlorinated before entering the+eawater is being de,hlorinated before entering the

    desal units in order to oAset hypo,hlorite!desal units in order to oAset hypo,hlorite! De,hlorination agent is

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    ") %hemi,al in=e,tion") %hemi,al in=e,tion

    'efore desalination> seawater is in=e,ted'efore desalination> seawater is in=e,ted


    1!1! *ntis,ale (*ntis,ale (Belgard EVBelgard EV)> via " dosing pumps)> via " dosing pumps

    rated "!7"!4 B&hrrated "!7"!4 B&hr

    "!"! *ntifoam (*ntifoam (Bellite M8Bellite M8) > via 1 dosing pump) > via 1 dosing pump

    rated 1!2 "!- B&hrrated 1!2 "!- B&hr

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    $)$) ;vaporator system;vaporator system ;a,h desalination unit is a thermo,ompressor> multieAe,t evaporator;a,h desalination unit is a thermo,ompressor> multieAe,t evaporator

    type with four evaporator eAe,ts!type with four evaporator eAe,ts!

    +eawater is preheated in distillate ,ondenser! /art of it forms the feed+eawater is preheated in distillate ,ondenser! /art of it forms the feed

    for the evaporators> and the remainder Cows dire,tly to the ,oolingfor the evaporators> and the remainder Cows dire,tly to the ,ooling

    water return header!water return header!

    *fter ,hemi,al in=e,tion and 0ltration> seawater sprayed on the heating*fter ,hemi,al in=e,tion and 0ltration> seawater sprayed on the heating

    bundles of the four eAe,ts!bundles of the four eAe,ts!

    For the 1For the 1ststeAe,t> seawater Cows through the tube side of e=e,toreAe,t> seawater Cows through the tube side of e=e,tor


    Desalinator heating steam is supplied from the 5/ steam header> andDesalinator heating steam is supplied from the 5/ steam header> anddesuperheated by in=e,tion of spray water supplied by desal pump!desuperheated by in=e,tion of spray water supplied by desal pump!

    5/ steam enters the e=e,to,ompressor whi,h su,s and ,ompresses5/ steam enters the e=e,to,ompressor whi,h su,s and ,ompresses

    the non,ondensed vapour from the distillate ,ondenser of the 7the non,ondensed vapour from the distillate ,ondenser of the 7 thth


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    The miture of 5/ steam vapor leave the e=e,to,ompressor to fedThe miture of 5/ steam vapor leave the e=e,to,ompressor to fed

    into the heating tube bundle of the 1into the heating tube bundle of the 1ststeAe,t in whi,h it iseAe,t in whi,h it is


    The heat of ,ondensation is utiliHed to vaporiHe part of theThe heat of ,ondensation is utiliHed to vaporiHe part of the

    seawater sprayed in the 1seawater sprayed in the 1ststeAe,t!eAe,t!

    The other part of the seawater (brine) ,olle,ts at the bottom shellThe other part of the seawater (brine) ,olle,ts at the bottom shell

    and Cows to the shell bottom of the net eAe,t!and Cows to the shell bottom of the net eAe,t!

    The ,ondensate from the shell side of the e=e,tor ,ondenser isThe ,ondensate from the shell side of the e=e,tor ,ondenser is

    routed to the tube> outlet side of the 1routed to the tube> outlet side of the 1ststevaporator> where itevaporator> where it

    ,ombines with the ,ondensate produ,ed by steam ,ondensing in,ombines with the ,ondensate produ,ed by steam ,ondensing in

    the tubes and routed to the tube outlet of the "the tubes and routed to the tube outlet of the "ndndeAe,t evaporator!eAe,t evaporator!

    3n the other side> the vapor produ,ed in the 13n the other side> the vapor produ,ed in the 1 ststevaporator Cowevaporator Cow

    through the demister pad out of the evaporator! This Cow routed tothrough the demister pad out of the evaporator! This Cow routed to

    the tubes of the "the tubes of the "ndndeAe,t evaporator a,ting as a heating medium!eAe,t evaporator a,ting as a heating medium!

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    This pro,ess repeated in the "This pro,ess repeated in the "ndnd $ $rdrdeAe,ts!eAe,ts!

    The ,ondensate from ea,h eAe,t is routed to the well of the distillateThe ,ondensate from ea,h eAe,t is routed to the well of the distillate


    The pro,ess in the 7The pro,ess in the 7ththeAe,t is diAer in thateAe,t is diAer in that

    The +!W from ,ell side is pumped away to the +!W returnThe +!W from ,ell side is pumped away to the +!W return

    header under ,ontrol of distillate ,ompartment levelheader under ,ontrol of distillate ,ompartment level


    Distillate from the tube side is routed to distillateDistillate from the tube side is routed to distillate

    ,ompartment whi,h pumped to desal tans!,ompartment whi,h pumped to desal tans!

    The ,ell side vapors are routed to the e=e,to,ompressor!The ,ell side vapors are routed to the e=e,to,ompressor!

    n the rundown line> there is a ,ondu,tivity analyHer whi,h willn the rundown line> there is a ,ondu,tivity analyHer whi,h will

    swit,h the distillate to re=e,t (ifswit,h the distillate to re=e,t (if II1.1. JJs)!s)!

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    7)7)Va,uum systemVa,uum system ;a,h Desalination Knit operates under va,uum ,onditions whi,h;a,h Desalination Knit operates under va,uum ,onditions whi,h

    are established by a ,onventional powered e=e,tor system!are established by a ,onventional powered e=e,tor system! 5otive steam for the e=e,tors is supplied from the 5/ steam5otive steam for the e=e,tors is supplied from the 5/ steam


    The dissolved air in the seawater is released as non,ondensableThe dissolved air in the seawater is released as non,ondensable

    vapors in ea,h evaporator!vapors in ea,h evaporator!

    Finally> the non,ondensable vapors are ,olle,ted in the vaporFinally> the non,ondensable vapors are ,olle,ted in the vaporHone of the distillate ,ondenser and dis,harged to the 1Hone of the distillate ,ondenser and dis,harged to the 1ststeAe,teAe,t

    through the e=e,to ,ompressor!through the e=e,to ,ompressor!

    The va,uum e=e,tor pulls the non,ondensable vapors from theThe va,uum e=e,tor pulls the non,ondensable vapors from the

    heating tube bundle of the 1heating tube bundle of the 1ststeAe,t through the vent ,ondensereAe,t through the vent ,ondenser

    where the vapors are ,ondensed!where the vapors are ,ondensed! %ondensate from the e=e,tor ,ondenser is routed to the tube side%ondensate from the e=e,tor ,ondenser is routed to the tube side

    of the 1of the 1ststeAe,t!eAe,t!

    During startup> the hogging e=e,tor is used to initiate a va,uum>During startup> the hogging e=e,tor is used to initiate a va,uum>

    pulling the non,ondensable vapors from the heating tube bundlepulling the non,ondensable vapors from the heating tube bundle

    of the 1of the 1stst eAe,t!eAe,t!

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    %ontrol of desalinated water system%ontrol of desalinated water system

    Desal units operates under the following ,ontrolDesal units operates under the following ,ontrol



  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    Turn down operationTurn down operation +ometimes we need to operate desal unit on ,apa,ity+ometimes we need to operate desal unit on ,apa,ity

    less than 1::L due to la, of demand of downstreamless than 1::L due to la, of demand of downstreamusers!users!

    3n order to turn down3n order to turn down Determine the desired produ,tion rate!Determine the desired produ,tion rate! 5aintain the same maeup Cow (12: m$&hr)!5aintain the same maeup Cow (12: m$&hr)!

    slowly redu,e the steam Cow to the e=e,to,ompressor by ad=ustingslowly redu,e the steam Cow to the e=e,to,ompressor by ad=usting69V7+:169V7+:1in in,remental steps!in in,remental steps!

    This last a,tion will have a ,as,ading eAe,t> in thatThis last a,tion will have a ,as,ading eAe,t> in that

    less heat inputless heat input less feed Cashing in ea,h eAe,tless feed Cashing in ea,h eAe,t less distillate produ,tless distillate produ,t88 in,rease brine blowdown +monitor the level in the brinein,rease brine blowdown +monitor the level in the brine


    3n order to in,rease produ,tion rates> reverse this3n order to in,rease produ,tion rates> reverse thisoperation! 9owever> monitor the temperature in brineoperation! 9owever> monitor the temperature in brine,ell 1 so as not to e,eed the high temperature trip of,ell 1 so as not to e,eed the high temperature trip of2.M%!2.M%!

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    *,id ,leaning*,id ,leaning

    When did a,id ,leaning is re#uired?When did a,id ,leaning is re#uired?When distillate output Cow from the evaporatorWhen distillate output Cow from the evaporator

    units is de,reasing at an abnormally fast rate!units is de,reasing at an abnormally fast rate! *n internal inspe,tion of tubs must be made*n internal inspe,tion of tubs must be made

    before ,leaning> in order to ,on0rm and re,ordbefore ,leaning> in order to ,on0rm and re,ordthe degree of s,aling!the degree of s,aling!

    * $$L 9%B is used* $$L 9%B is used

    * suitable %orrosion inhibitor must be used* suitable %orrosion inhibitor must be usedduring this pro,ess!during this pro,ess!

    SIDEMSIDEMpro,edure is to be follow!pro,edure is to be follow!

    Bicarbonate removal

    H++ HCO



    2O + CO


    vente! to


  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    Desal unit interlo,sDesal unit interlo,s 'rine temperature ,ell 1 high!'rine temperature ,ell 1 high!

    +ea water maeup low Cow!+ea water maeup low Cow!

    %ell 1 seawater maeup low Cow!%ell 1 seawater maeup low Cow!

    'rine ,ell 7 very low level!'rine ,ell 7 very low level!

    'rine ,ell 7 very high level!'rine ,ell 7 very high level!

    Distillate ,ell 7 very low level!Distillate ,ell 7 very low level!

    Distillate high ,ondu,tivity!Distillate high ,ondu,tivity!

    *ir instrument very low pressure!*ir instrument very low pressure!

    *ntis,ale tan low level!*ntis,ale tan low level!

    *ntis,ale tan very low level!*ntis,ale tan very low level! *ntifoam tan low level!*ntifoam tan low level!

    +!5!' tan low level!+!5!' tan low level!

    +!5!' tan very low level!+!5!' tan very low level!

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    For eN,ient operation we needFor eN,ient operation we need

    to nowto now

    %hermal 9:cienc#%hermal 9:cienc#

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    Thermal ;N,ien,yThermal ;N,ien,y

    Three prin,iples are employed to ensure thatThree prin,iples are employed to ensure thatthermal desalination is e,onomi,ally viablethermal desalination is e,onomi,ally viable

    %ontrol of boiling point by ad=usting pressure to allow%ontrol of boiling point by ad=usting pressure to allow

    multiple boiling at su,,essively de,reasing temperatures!multiple boiling at su,,essively de,reasing temperatures!

    Kse of heat released by vapor as it ,ondenses to heat upKse of heat released by vapor as it ,ondenses to heat up

    feed waterfeed water

    5aintain ,lean heat e,hange surfa,es5aintain ,lean heat e,hange surfa,es

    Thermal eN,ien,y is measured by the Gained utput 8atioThermal eN,ien,y is measured by the Gained utput 8atio(G8) or the /erforman,e 8atio (/8)(G8) or the /erforman,e 8atio (/8)

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    ;ained Output heat

    losses to environment and in,rease in heat oflosses to environment and in,rease in heat of

    vaporiHation as pressure de,reases!vaporiHation as pressure de,reases!

    *n approimation of G8 is :!4

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit


  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    ;vaporator +,aling;vaporator +,aling

    9/ects o+ Scaling)9/ects o+ Scaling)

    3n,reased ;nergy 3nput3n,reased ;nergy 3nput

    8edu,ed Distillate /rodu,tion8edu,ed Distillate /rodu,tion

    3n,reased 5aintenan,e %osts3n,reased 5aintenan,e %osts

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit




    %riti,al parameter is 5*O%riti,al parameter is 5*Otemperaturetemperature

    %al,ium %arbonate%al,ium %arbonate

    " 9%" 9%$$EP %EP %$$""Q %Q %""Q 9Q 9""

    %a%aQ"Q"Q %Q %$$""EP %a%EP %a%$$ 5agnesium 9ydroide5agnesium 9ydroide

    99"" Q % Q %$$""EP "9EP "9Q %Q %""

    5g5gQ"Q" Q "9Q "9EP 5g(9)EP 5g(9)"" %al,ium +ulphate%al,ium +ulphate

    %a%aQ"Q" Q +Q +77""EP %a+EP %a+77

    6$ @%

    11: @%


    1": @%

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    5y friend!!!!!5y friend!!!!!

    *lways remember*lways remember

  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    andel chemicalscare+ull#

    ?ear #our PP9

    Mind hotpoints



  • 7/26/2019 Desalination Unit



    'est regards'est regards

    5ohammed Roraiem5ohammed Roraiem

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