
i t

D E l / O T f i D T O T H E I L L M S T B A T i O f l l O F S P I R I T U A L J i y t E R C D L I R S E ,“ I’ H K A xi l T V 1* 1 O N' O E T 11 O r G II T 1 * T It K V K G 1 N N 1 \ tl O F W 1 S P O M 1

• P A R T R I D G E A N D R R I T T A N , P U B L I S H E R S A N D P R O P R I E T O R S , N O . 3 4 2 B R O A D W A Y - - T E R M S , T W O D O L L A R S P E R A N N U M I N A D V A N C E ; S I N G L E C O P I E S , T I V E C E N T S .

h o i . . I V . - A O . 2 2 . N E W Y O l U x , S A T U R D A Y . S E l ’ T E M H E R 2 0 , 1 8 o 3 . W H O L E N O . n s .

■\t p rin cip les of Muiuvfo; •;TH E IN S T IN C T O F P R O G R E S S -

k* doxxfJo - . ar.-l tvv

r. the o• x r - r m-!i the f-n V.-, and ■ ■■ •’ ; •'

i- hi-c.x UX the" Sa !i •> :h •r -trx.t- ( ^

. • . ' ' ' ' in th- XV. rid of

n, he goes, cI . .


t e n t- ! m l xin—u-n.-v


itk 'k lived there, let him rx-t ,\x v j hi* lather* “ h »' old and

I lill it can be repaired i ««»• **»« sw w pil away.

“ W htU godless irrexc-reu *lxd gx\>d of past gx'U*

t hv'-i'. b»n!t hv your pious grandfath.; v i " T il»« I '-s t ' iw foiling, the builJmg is

" I'hon perreh in it*m ins; better ivnx.H •• <>,

««* <T the jx'i' thought; sooh i- I ho popular !'■ ,:'o. \\ i'-h such :i philosophy as this

Wt:on and of business, whore would have boon our -igxntic S’- itn»s. our Rail wax * and our

the Minx ulus tohfo and .activity they haxix given . ■ ■ ■ • -w»Uv th* o< I sv.. , ' bl aio , >, u,.rough: in their tr.vtx i W wc all our d»-o,ivories invention*. ■■■1 ; <' ' ' ' - ■ : - mb a id v- h\ arts ol

W h r • would have b '.n the outwatd culture— tlu* intcl-

e n t; is ho hotter1 ansv. the, rudilnw and follnw of Ins \. nth. >tt. n, it has been; l.xng* for youth iin .it is «'•' earthly re l.-ngor, and the ’ . rax, *, hut the pure, s rv i •' and umuorta1

1 . hoit.-o is n.> land. t " which lio is ever :xdv xncing. Min', c f.«r ancient an he hind, that he should look h lokxvftixl, tier itiou* ! Impiou* brutes bent doxxtx to the ,

\nd if the -Id ni »n . ou t. f oxir memory xxitl jv.'iie-c.nee that h. bua, win* foil an old xvorld I .'nth in live Spirit i rentembr.-xnce; while tbo m ex.-. .ire ih'! | behind, are burred iu••hlixion1. In, head Ike the till; ' t X* ill l toll u XVl|.' x.ei,- hi. J .

ai(h. And Coluin a held in dcathle** " , who o n'ixim -l f So, i .it- > is iirnnoi ■ vers, and what their

a of tho:

.1 L-

forth iiv'in h ’s forvho id. and ! turns upward to his d« Mined l l v , for man tv' h* dis*ati«ti«sl xvitlx tli I 1 te the fututo and the | eu.tomed toy when the m" child s.v'ii tires of the old j.l.v and the well tli

I spurrt lilth' box' of the niueteenth century, true : he li'-'s. j'kvx s horse no fon-. r. nor mimics t), hi* sp'rls, hut now ho jdavs Railroads nn.l e, tip Tel.

And *o the nun, the real / of svetne mind andj m'ver content with his po's.-n', but aspires oxer to :t 1 nobler future. The pictures that pleased hi. eye -■> m ■ vesterdaxx, to-xlav seem c-ars,. and roulU 's d.uib-.

his fice l.vks «x.-r 0UXV.V..1, and j l ‘h ,n 'e . * whocnicilit-1 J osh- ! 1'irii-- nx.- not then for my adh. A- d mak, th*- woraxcii- And thu* ’s it natural] rrn.v t * 3 time- worn frith, or an an. •• ni nn.l fa-lnolublc thw-logy > .] I.titi n. i iu 1 :he p i-t nml old. and reach for —i 'r the fix..In. -* o f mx xi. \»* and the uuch.ingi abl- n. — of my for 1 know, s.-.-i- r .>r 1 iter, tli

The iliftxnt drops the old ne j opinion*. El vino mo rattier for nxy want of mental nrtivity ftn.l o ’/; that the ^reat id. i- 1 may d «x thing i* within hi- grasp. The i Hpiritual advan. -nxeni. Commend in tn -n , f.,!— ts n-i-t.'n-v — la m bh 1 to d

d ie pri

ok. The' the affe in which rattling su ,p in

graphs, soul, is hie h r.

eon-i't. n v. and be!

ivmidnin^ alwax s the same i i nix opinion*, the

Tho■\\ here won' 1 hav.- Ivcn this glorious and exvi mctva*- that so lately ch.umed his soul. :is he

can r.ty■. . i -

. ansi ii in n.

' - nual •re. this world

spreadimj oxer be lUlify mg. i leva

ours ! Alt l v • wonderful a

nil Ilk- :X : nd ‘V hanttoi • more thrilling nnK'dy, s.vm* noxx hut ;


' •

nI nad meotailv inacM ho has ar I with wh.;

a nn l>OUMbat msere » ' i sv-tiiy. that he nrwst

.t rr.-'.*' K .! g - . p u r x ' r Church, a morv rc.ison-' U : i*\ l corA. ! : rhd.rk'pbv. or a ie-KT Morality. That to

Ly .u: XXe.a a d.siutisr.od spir.t. as he p-issss through the L »vr.u., <u»d c.rents'r.ies. and UKvles o f faith about hint.■ ro f u a i t in , ail is van-.ty

antuMa, in m.'ral*. religion and tluwlogy— r minds and souls, and in lofty and 'piritu-

al xxisdem. as the jv'pnUr rule " oulsl in ike ns .I thank God that this is an imiussihilit I thank Xvod that j which it crave 1 of

man to advam

.vx a»nl.

oi l P‘

as. and his phy . :is w.xthx o f cvr.'Ure and rebuke : t in any way restless and nr.eausAsl. i , and to cv'Q#kWr tho rnan x'ho U oo rive, and at a s tan d stiil, satisfied with!

n o ! “ * « » Ka,l” 5 « * ">• r-o. , . . . . . I I . , M m » 'm .w ...... 1 » « t« y » . « i lk o « aJdiBg glMtor fiv.-.l I,. ll,ous l,l. ™,l

g i w t o , Mtd HWn? sod inzhtenstol I !>.' I k l # * » *'1' el''-1' Ifc. u l t t n U d r, i-w k a truer Tin - procal inlotvhango of knowledge, tho progress of tho S ; iri( i,tl

nun : that every invention in Art gix\s us a new proof o f the dix me jvwor and wisdom in man. and thus hununijo* and on- l irges c-ur Religion: that tho dtscoxvry o f ovorv n.'xv laxv of

I the Universe increases x'ur knowledgxs of the great Law giver. » t o w h l M of w o t o U . wkI to p o n s our pksr. That ad^aon-

j U'.cnt m ate in Science, which is the undt'ratanding and intorpre j Lition o f Nature and h.-r revelations, advances our av.^uainunc J with the 0;*»nm-.,n< Author of Natnr\>; and that thus art and

science and tvligion must, despite all ,\j.]sjsiti«

t'g, and ennobling, motel |ssw d -void The writing' that .t. ligluc-1 him bill one short piY.tohci Mured the x. ry depths of his

i now, jK'rhaps sutlc, fi ll and unprofitahlo. f-r h* J them now. "Milk for babes," ho sax* : “ strong

new. The P » u* old lady loves the» Mxrstrange to sav. she liut.-s and curse s theR . l g .e A XXav with v.m r old tli•x'li.sth a t th arid i- rapidly outgtowiready outgrown. Avvax, with yourtnttere. 1 . r.vd . you r mu#ty sy-ten I of ,

sent to lv men .iiioiis of Art. .uni nter

ul th. spirit then, sefi has gone Wyot meat for groxvr noxv no longer. And s

“ V an-!

: weak no's -or to go b.

’•ght may uawn UrknesA. That

wish even, to m.sJitx his the- hat it i* heresy to oversU’p the nd the narrow pal.' of his s e c t: .'ve«. th - cJd lo o k : im verence

; : infidelity to forsake th- old church rxv. ixe anv new- or farther revelation

Catholic among Calh vics. 3 Catholic h- i.> b .. r. mati.-r how much new and

1 u;».n hi* soul to lift him above !»•■ u if b. i> b*m a x'.thin'ist among Calvin . tvg Ur.i'.xr. in-, he mv.*: rcm.nn >o through a. iam b far.':., r. per, an 1 higher he may av U- ho a-1 r.vti. t ' at"t- r something truer, l ' Le i..i. l»-gun lit".- a r.-xpo t. he must .lie bora a M diar..:n-Jan. a M-li.umned.111 he it first a Id got and an ignoramus, lie i lgr.or.xtnus s t ill: if he is l«orn A brule an* slave h. nuW rcmair. f o. v. rmor-.

d always t** *h- -.uim party— he i-

' pn:

M h it nourish.\l his soul one.', feeds it his appetite rejeetA with lojithing that The old book is thrown aside : '■ dustj

.lust, ashes to ashes." Tho old coat o f theology or philosophy has become too straight and imrroxv for him : ho has all outgrowu it now. Thus the child discards, or break* in pieces the old toy : tho youth is ashamed of tho child's play ;—-the man of the youth's lolly. The living scholar lir.*-* o f tli,* s>,.ro,,typed and I musty tohos o f the past; tho thinker xv.- iri. s of the .'Ul philoso-l phy that fail* to satisfy hi* .picrics: and tho cam o .seeking j l'ivinc is sk-k at heart of tho foolish old theology of Jewish Savages, and of the Dark Ages. s> :.i.■ i- it for man to look forward and to lv diso'iiteiin ,l with the old and past, and to seek for something newer, fairer and better in the future'. And still and forever, “ the eve is not satisfied with

ng. nor the ear tilled with hearing," neither will the nature grorastev, bigotry, and fanaticism, move forx'ver hind in hand, of man consent to h.' limited or re-trained hv any bounds. Put the l bat even lit. narr-.xx -minded cxuis.-rvative and the very bigot active child to play in tlie narrow ground, and be -ighs for tin

t. s.vs and fee!* the trutli ol this, their frvs u. nt bitter In - j field t give him the field, and he is con through the fen. - , into the * tie tv to the prx-gn s, ,-t , , . , nee and art. an.l to the advancenion-1 street.-, and over the whole town, lie can not b. con turned in tiny j j ’ : i by. siithc. -nt y i And he who thus stands forth] lituit'. Tell the youth of ipiick and generous mind, that lie must. in op|ST'ition to Ui > advancement of science and nliil.vs.,,,!,,- 11 not o|Kn this b.vk and hear that preacher, and thon.-h h. kn.-w i>p|*\sitio:i to ih .* advancement of science and philos.ipl,y. a

r- " «* m o r a l s , ■ g x . and religion— who chooses to r, hi w:- i.- a - w.r'a a moving ,.nw.,rd and enlarging his sphep. ot x.'-.o i. \*ijt his fuldg.f thought and attaining t.« higher and tiobl. r views, and fall, r au.l more exlonaxc Inowl-

.-'.-in- to me a full grown man in the little caul and breeches • : th- boy, tin t everywhere bnrstiug out, mvesliin* hi-

p p .\crty an.l hi* nakedness: or like a swath..I and swaddled fint. sprawling on the ground, lin t can neither stand nor go iv- ux leading -Mings, tickled stiil with the no:— of his shaking

e-t v‘ i A mbound to one

I br».w,J x»lv:u

. ha- - firmly an ! uu.hnngc- »“ ‘l delighting still t.> b- f. J pap from th

. UugiA

- d : -

ihle. He who never or a .l.m c-.l fc .,[ •'raons imhecifc.

sho Los -Uk»1 Mill at the very p-itit 10 La* n«-ver grown a single inch U

«h who ha. progr— e l in nothin -; wh./ . : . pwmd, but has

. '• ‘ ' ml hf i - . :* r . i ’ to be admired and r."p,v : d— the on. nm*t p*t v. is ti' m ‘ t worshipfui. 1,. think what al-

: but to reach for-,•— that i- pra.

the nursery y-ii. -t. - .. And surrounded by such, xx- feel our:avage-s. And whatever may be their cireum-]

'Uimov and condition, and the outward and ap]cvront civilization of tbe.r lot, they but r-s. mble th— barbarous chief*, that the I traveler -.'im ii.r. , in .. t ' in th- wild- . f b ni-ht. d Al’rici, their

p heads adorr-xl with the plumed hat of some plumb-red English j with shining epan*

dornmenls, v tho men -ris o f right,.

\ th. .r unci ul should ri w . . . . but they th.""1-clw.v. do-pile their foreign! .u i . j . nn'-rut. i. and s ix a ;.'still. Suchi i , v'e nothing oif th.-ir own—ire* inward convict1 no living priucipl. -.of truth to <1. l end on— bnl only

iher uopardciia’. !- , ar.l t > out-•c! i* danin.tbl.. 11- must rc-tuk- the world, It* ensto

t » . without sux,' caeruoii*. tiny 1 impr.,\ing ,t. ■ up th-'


d tradition.* o f the past and «’-nd.lhit however much th- world— and that most worldly portion

lt J *‘l’ th.— may c 11-ui- tin-u :l -; v and uii-alisti-d I |jfic | -pint, tin- do-ir-- <>f prog>. tin . i- .'fi,.7 ih.m- , ■ „> <}„■ ,/,*,

that is ever aspiring alt. r greater fr.vdom, wisdom, an.l cx c l- ' line.* : and liovvov• r much it may . \dt that inactivitx ol' thought.

1 nuu.j .r i> oiit 'rv"* • ttr 1 '*V'SL our ^ *• mir party, or

' - i I"'- 1 • , • • r t in 1.ul lVridi all fr^sh, living thoughts, all i w n il luv tv HehiM, »'Ur rotten institution-, «>ur

• doctrinciub.' owrsltaJowod and destroyed."I. an t carri. d

" , , '„ j ii. - - r I"- - ■' L ‘ ‘ ,h". ',,lj r how mud) it 111.1 v f lt-r til­

l i n g th - child, b-si I ‘bat fixedness and rigidity, an.l that r«-\. i-nc- for the past and er A»Mxe, |.iHgr..,,ixe, t1* authontx. that -lands in the xvax . fa ll n lx an. viiient, w.- -hall

. nd.-Axor to show that ihb di'-sali-fa. tion with the pa-t— this di- •otvU-nt with our former view: and opinion,—with the ancient'tli. ol.vgy . the old i* not only n.i/iin ta ry (■• a il , , , )

And tir-t: w.-

h.-r. and though lie kinif neither l-**-k nor pr. a. her. and car.-d for neither v, -tcrvlay. y. t

before tiv-morrow ho will have heard and road them both.

The desires and aspiration* o f man are a* illimitable as the Unix. i '.', The oid bough* are still strong, perhaps, and K -ir fruit, but the ancient nio-.- covers them, and d.vay 'already ihrealcns th em ; then Id the young limbs groxv with groomt foliage and larger, fairer fruit*. Ueomtso l have a cottage now. is it any r. ns..n why 1 •hotild not have a palace by and by The more anxious tin- votith is to have a *ilx.-r watch t.x-.lav, the more lik.-ly he will U> to want one of gold to morrow. l>ccxu<- 1 have U-arin .1 so much of truth this year, 1 anv inn content. 1 have known makes me eager to know more. Still tlx- unknown proxok. s my mental appetite—excite- my knowing faculties a* their natural food an.l stimulus; and 1 am better prepared an«l more strongly iu.-it >1 by w hat 1 have learn.-.1 and thought thi- .car, to learn and think the more, next. It is n d enough for me lo - • Eunice and England, I must vi-it Chinn and Japan nl-o. .^fter 1 have examiin d tho in.> >u through tin- telescope, I want to .. • Jupiter and Saturn all th- more. 1 am r. sties.* in the limits .if the »ld km.wfo.l_'-. The old science refuse, to satisfy my vpie*

Jy th-'atllh.-ntx lionings. In my ii.-xx -travvlviix '• -1. 1 am not content to set 1 out tho old unproductive root*, with in.--a-;. 1 b. nic*. that the old

trdcii-r cultivated, but 1 ixxii-t plant mw kind- with more pro xd nmnunolh f r u i t . Ualxini-m xva- nxy IkmU ct A l ‘> Among tho BaptUt* 1 jverhnp* " a - taught to spell l 111

i.vri viii-in xx.i- my '-■•bool R id- r. wh-re l l-armsl t-> lulp my-- It to knowledge; but 1 found a xvctld v-t lx«oks l-eyoml all these. \ sect that -« found to b

The soul outgrow , all sects, all creeds, all phil.wophi. - ; m-xke- d iinmak.

o f constant improvement. i*rp *t« at. never^ndittp pt\\ i !am to ls‘ tvsjvvte.l am! applaud. J for anything, 1 would lv: for that. In all thing* but theology, '"aw d ir .- .always to dcsin- 1'.- |

sp-crx'wnexl bonnet, but. I •xx- .ami higher and pun r ! your antiquated no" -r— 1

g : that the true soul has »]. , Itioldy philosophy, your lilies ami phil.xsophy. I

will lv fettered no longer by xoxtr pai: your >.ct*. yourloaders an.l chiefpri.s'.-, or by . ur tyro .. . .• “ F o r f ix u Oi*is- io> " 1 will be no longer ifod down by your formula* and dogmas, by your nnti-jualcd customs nnd conventional usstg-s.

•• 01.1 opinion*, rags and tatter*.G-'t you jjoxi.'—g.-t you gxM»e'.'

l will ls> bene, forth free lo think, to sjvak. to act. E i— to follow tin tiuth. uutranxmelcd bv human foshion. unfettcr.-d bv ancient notions an.l systems “ vvhcrx'Vr she leads the way."

lb* not let xi- indulge in any dread ol" “ freclout o f thought," nor fear that the enfranchised miml -hall lead u* astray— shall c xrrv u> to a fabulous perdition. For the mind is cr« at.. 1. inspired and dircct-d by tho great God ; and if tin* mind could lead me to perdition, 1 am not afraid but that l should reach through hell to

| ln-avcn. Rut tear not, there is no danger in the .xdx .ance of thought.! /ui ‘ '.>1*. c.m not d a : : 1 the soul, te . u sh ou ld they yr\irt

s . . .(rustic:! o f jjj.n'a/ activity— o f m ental am i spiritual li fe— that

u i : its free grow th an d j . . . . ."T his is the damnation,” says Jesus, “ that light hath come into the world, and men love darkness ratlu-r than light. 1- caiwc their .loo l-are evil." The tree that grows in the ojvn sunlight a n j lice air of heaven, i- vigorous, beautiful and fruitful C.'tifino it, dwarf it, ctu-li it down, and it- vigor, lvunty and glory arc gone. Ami s.» with t!-..- fott.Tcd and enslaved uxitnl; it becomes p e r , and m.-an. and meager; narrow, di-tort.d and Jo formed, degrad an.l darkeu.-d,an.l ahnev-t.-Mingui-hed in intoll.vlual night. 1., around you and see if this lv not tho ease. The in tedi .vmv

< .r f .;/' tie./. a v'tvatu'ii, a revelation the divine min then tear not it- fixvst, fullest development. In such free and full development docs it alone manifest itself most tnilx and nx.xsi nobly. Neither dread tho destruction ,-f old systems, institution- and forms of filth, for the g.*.*.! call never di.'—

a ’Tis luxl the ruin v*f the KiJ.The xvastinf: of the wrong -amt ill.

WhateVr of It'.1 old time hint l* living still.'’

\ye ! must live forever'. Tho old, dead leaves must tall before' the lic-h. new foliage can .-tail into luxuriant life, and the tree can grow and bloom and fruit atic.-h. Every time the old. dead loaves tall, and tho young foliage put- forth, the (rev renews its youth and strength, it.- Ivauty, and its glory. The old lions*, now tottering, must cotne down, before* the new and nobler edifice can he erected. 1‘iie more thoroughly the land is cleared, and tho deeper it i- plowed, the more tlouii-hiug and abundant will die new crop lv . Then away xvitll these groundless fears at the destruction of tho old and the coming of the new. I'm not your new cloth into a " old garment, your new wine iuto old bottle* ; but "pu l the new w ill..' -ays .1, n-. " into lu-xv bottles, that both may lv pre-creed." I have alway- found, that when l trembled for the re-nll* of mental freedom, and that nexv views and now ih.vriv t would bring de-trucliou in their train, that

intelligence u * re a o f th d . <>f m in a eternal and gh-no


; fo«

th.- worn out and unsutlkient philo—phy— 0l" th-

i -• , wL*o nud liberal enough yc-:. rd iv.1- one-sid. d. .xml fis'lirh, ami nano

■ul otilgre-vv nil sects, all ere. d*. all philosophic

ak— thenx at its pleasure. They m- but the oas


x Mill ■Up,!

aide and i yrurem eat ii

av this <1*—i


i jacket, _1# fw matter b o * tight an 1 dialing it may

intt-d-", «r h-* • awkwardly L* l-.u.r - t " 1'y f J. i- v. Ke.-p tb - .M il— the coat t-

L.,n tho v at, tin ugh the ni iu boU,o man d -troy-d. K. p’ 1 4I'

• 1, whether tho man's *ool i t , , , l i t firm ../id Ur trt. l. j 1- k » . "I'T"

:;',..wn uj, urn. tlo Aildi.l, j .ilU .. lull.!, '..c .!■

biiu c

A* th * ini vnt grow., into the child, si* the child blooms into tin youth, a- the youth ripen* into th- m look, back with : -mile of deri-iotx, with si -iu- r of eontoinpl, ..r it nin\ b- xxiili : t. ir o f regr. t or pity Upon the idea-, the pnr-nits, nuns of his funner sure. ! it

lie -.ays. with l'.ml o f<u . ” xilien I wa. -( child I thought si

v childish thing- ’ reli. ireh d ’

child, bin xrhi W ith him, l ..

or l< amt all ihii

to-M l.i...-.-lf »iia| ..f th- ................... ■onginj !ii‘.l ,'1. ,’;iHor

"Th.lliwn-.' ii.y»ii*' wi'l l—a'.v.ral "mgs . . .JIt,.L sU u J I'luk.iar-l ..ill . ll>-' *" l” :

I,.,..hole. i u j . 0 > - ■ ........................Ik- -, ■* •- I fti.J l>w«s onw«iJ *° " in*" Tb*' man d-ii.l.-* tho ig"vr

and the soul «/.»>*•-* •«! tveru m oullm .’ I his- it if, but noble and . re-r/Ay. to tool the vanity

! of our past opinions and pa-t exj'Cr'1'*)»’*“ : I"* di-coixtenlv'd w ithwlint we have Ivon, and with xvhat xvo jii \ and to i- ach somi thing higher and faire-v i" the future. And however the

( Mali-nary, unprogre - iv e and bigvti'd max e wideinn and mmlhe , j mat.;.', live world, in it* inn.o t In-art. eli. ii-l..s tllMC who . "large i

l the swnbi-11he -phoreof human knowlsdg. «»* «*>*-•» and " ', i , drelingvii'hed inventors, nn.l it

the noblest of the rnce. Admiring post, lily and llbtory, in it- imino't d . >v.l

,f the Wothl. fopeuiiv"-. Galileo and l tl.vir new r while tho n

ha* tillI*’" into quick d - t'hnnning gi*’" ' " " h 'rf'"of new and higher truth are-. xl. orhl; while the vdd dnx. Her* >•!

bitterly hostile t*» hi* i

Ih.v1oiu1v.s1 mind wa* trx'ubicd by some re.-vrevroxv of V.1J ;l by some bugbear phantom of ancient "tidily. Then let old opinion* lv exploded, perish, but let the new spring up more t i

be cnfraudii-rd for

ante n man 1 put ; ntviiv omits him*.-If not H-«• •

xrld re <!"> ' IV toveivius Ileitie* then

, the

W llll

Tho v'hrx'.ahg in its] tl.-ir "• » S y . . f i b - lu i v - r - to b- agi.i. tho poor crawling worm. law-. h-ld up I - -ur admit

. am. Mix l<> Spread Its opponents or pet Tho* child never looks I of o '"’ - m‘ r''‘ "

infant again. • And tho youth; hi* gl'•arlx days, nml I...A- forward

,r> of th.ii The fame

sUUon, v»r trigi or timo-lionorcd ab

h, but let 111 OU-ly Iroin their decaving K-.I-. till

mi slavery of Error and of Wrong.Onxvnrel move tho earth and planets and great sun himself,

threuigh the infinite region* of-pace, t'uxxarel move tiro stream- lo their de-lined -• i : upward groxv lire- tree* ; and r o the human j world moves ever onward, and gixov- .-v.-i upwarel. Mankind .- | just Is-ginniire; t.» |HT.eive that ; •..•/. v'. i<‘. 'i

o ■' i - So * ■'• " - . ■ and I h a ,imist forever put an end to all sccliri on and bigotry. Exit the] ..e.l into the ground, then, quietly and without f. xr, lor it will -piin* forth and grow upwarel to the heavens. Without auxietv, axe. joyfully, scatter your grunt

| th.v-e living MVvl* of et. m il tiuth- d no inditlbrenoo, opp..-itioi

prevent tinthe UnixI ; in ;

v- and earn.-t thoughts — into the <e*sl field ol th.-

i. .«r hostility —no p-w. r in i iprin pn | forth, - hi ol

,.ut th - civilir- d ’

| „.ol*ly w * i »k® •

n,ling threw

id , and -pro.xvlnig threxugh.wit the nation- tV-iu out III- lit lie teilivtam

Tti.-re -vv .-II* .« lufo-hiy U,l.-,I |>ea wli.'-e t.reuil an.l ere*1 . - 1 wax, ■

'I tic brevsl- of coumu-rce

The bad of a pri-r-t may tr- \- 1 . -

But u v . f , iruih h-.' :• -i They may curs. ,t mv! . all IVreer* u’X.l Is-tr.xv. i

AuJ the tmlh -h \ .1 ,

-hall I!

M Y S T IC A L N U M B E R S .

• Turr.K ore v. a ,1. cr,- - ia the t. That girellc.- the outer >kie« ;

Th-re ore *.vcn hue# in the »Un, |)f ihe Spirit I’arad'.-i-

And th,- -exca Lunj- l.uru l>ri„hi In the mind, the heart, oaj ihc

Of the aoitebq'irit* Irotu cverx ' That crcr and ever ar.-.-.

"Th-re * the a rc revea agro In the evuris of the Sp:.-; c Hrexx. x ;

Ami sevenyoy* ihrexagh t c r . : tt-x, Frora the nxori* of the h< art till v'v. u ;

Seven ror.ain* ef light re> and froWhere the -oxen great uump-'i* the n And xhc Threni- e t llod hath a seven- f-'M ;

And the ang.'l h e 'i- are x . ex.X .

And . very #Lvr tg.vl *hie. la the jxath of degree# fer ever rx > .

At. 1 0 , . . .And a.—x e: -fold heaven n*uud every on,

In the r-pirat order twin. - "-..inpaaj of Spirits. \\L • while ar

Arc ,.d bk

i -drops

Thrir rna-H- lull* my spirit ii l o ! ,..1,- I.,-., nihil uuxail- !.Mx thoughts nre- drown re> her a#" Oh. rckv-lipited tf. raph, wbve-c ,

O'cre-em- my t.,-ui_- w Mb a calm via •V : k .. .. I •

"h u -o eyes aw iwin t--r.v .»p!re ' . ' ib.xi l-f- I i •.A* i'.,.- sweet v- . v:i ixnJ ih- . . u-i>:. >1 . . .

F.-.-tiug thy presence vicar. I car.' not wh-ih.-r My being to it* primal In- r. turn* l - die.

To I*-- dilltiscd in love, au.l mu 1c a p a ;.Of the ilivin. -i beaulv whh h U ui a n .

Were tv Her. belxer tar.Where is thy h-.ou-: in what !s Millin ' -i .r

1 hear her anv. t re-ply :•• Broth l u a i D u i • Sk]

.Vint l .mx ss-at to be A Sister Spirit. I will pilot i

Where beauty -ii- in grow * ef n I h .vt.!. And vveaxi • lor T.. an * of I- • - ; > ’

Charuii-xg her human -• -V. i t*. • .; x,Ot re ■ '• •Wy •• er* of the .a ilti.

W .thin ii» Inyjrnuit K.wvrx IN vih with, r* u.-t the flower*.

And Serve IV -pair -tni. * u--'. v'; * lirvast of There* hte i> calm and holy :The re>-.' .m l mx it l - l x .lie

Kouvnl lox S l row The

but F.i ido and ltri-l., Within ih—e !*>>». i

Thou happv *oal, thou Id. - Tin* maiden tingi lo me.

■ f-u ie . drink tv.".ii o.:l t'.i • Of jov, 1 pi. d .o to t i. .

I drink re. th,v from out tOf lox c .xii.l lov.-'s

Ui- ! ih. ,- dear -h .11 ILot sluuitsT elnt Ill p al.-ie . an*1

To tratro . lie Wh-re I.ove li.vih n

x'r x .x» l ls" .' ,u him ii - 1. op xxlowe ean-i then . .And tin* -ex-.i • -M »<•'•

1 st.-cp ate Spifit-l.'i. e t.Cel, -t at ui.uti i'K wall*. '

.-ink the .lio ,..y KU1..W* ,.l IhXV. iN. :hl i- iix th - -hie-.

It ■ -nelll ,x[ IhvMIjiSt aM .cpel... «•* rep mine

1* A I t T I I ] ] ) ( , ]•; A N I ) I ! K I T T A ,\ S I ' I I t I T I ! A f . T K I , i : ( , I ! A I ' l l .S ' .

S . i.. |i It I T » A N . I h i T O R .

• • ■ ' . • • . ■ ..


w a h a n ’ S m o d e r n m y s t e r i e s ■


Har --IS-* . -

* * r ^ ' * *

w * &■u k .#••.itf-r

V A 1 1 T U t I ) ( i H A N I )

^ r i j l i n u l O ' a m n i u n i u i l i o n i i


i M * |Mt|j beaming

I by clwiiU, tin* gleamingVV

n r *m l


St wralknh. mu.* -hy.

' talk. til by aiul by.

Mh* tv with : .t-'tiu V. r fh c « ( ( *«'- •** Uin-.i. J)

i. V .•.»«, ! , ,1. jm ,,• no. and

il t jv r* . fu ll ot lm ,•

th - «.

n4 «lri«ik. ..I i

->n .!■ w :in>l G, nltl.i ,in tin *'« hi 111. S'litM uu i l„n . |,

1.0V'ro* ib*' gU'ifou*

lb i)li.\ut K vo» broil T o l b b . - r t s * A

Sc.tfr r.-.i*. ’ . of

*1* ii'. Wilingi o f T ru tb ,*1 nr.' v»«m\J\ok and Youth fibt anil error


1 r . i o ^ n i \ nothin : urvm;, .-iih.'i I. i.n,*..r ni\T t tli.’ li • . m ill,* tu li'.'iiiiiiii it.* .m l in-' I min 11.*<n*-»l ii , ^,.t |-„j||, ,

nl'ti e) of ili.. |. |.i.>.hi, :i* .. 11 tilli* M" 1 >>l (Iwv i' iiiioii ,.,1nl<I l ,\1.1.-<-,- * ,-r e w.*i.hi|*-<1 l*v m l. Ibvidiotisn,tlx-i* K'liijiinis ; i - -«ini'll.^ U. II' In. i.- •.. fte« . .f , v |,

that .'viiMHUtt.l th .'p r .'ii infraction ,...| hi. v|iiiv,. ,.r ih.- in idol.'.tii , tl»' .iltiin'ni.'iii juwl loiii|.mi..n •-'. •! in i’ii i .t ,.f tv..i*htp. aii.l m*i hi lb " i» worship*.I |l,in.

win'll Isra.'l \\.niii|n .1 |h*» .'-*1.1.11 roll h i<1 “ i| .i. I tin m ' Ivv*.0 it k mail •• they M l .fortn '*> *\-niiiiit fornication.”

Ih st l li i ' .1i-.tin. li.ui In IM i n i i v (\i!-'|i..ii w.-i* , ,.iilinu. .| i*. iv not U * g o ii-rv llv know n, c n

A* ! lh*l mj. h w i; ill.- fa.': .'in l*• iviililv -.1, nm. y , , ,|, | l(,' l l. • tl jv —ii.!.* for Jtiiv person. \\ uli.'in tliin uiii|.*m|iim|in , •l«'ri\.. clear nn.| c**mnv‘. '- l view- in«l t*l*\v. from ll».- \ eu f , „(

ill V iit.m . For all ill.* csun.'rtH k* Hi. u.-w faith, fall,-.! Chi tiumty. made bv it* founder tip ( * ' .in*l ;lt tin* fvpirilmil ,lav IVlit. , ,ist. « ,.r.-.A ; l id a lleliliU* jn vet » a * v l nutted in tit*' Clnnvh. It If*'.' *•

All property vv.u Vi. 1.1 jointly, *' ill <'«hiii>i .»ii nn.l martin wa' en tire ly proh ib ited .

AlW r-nk'ijn-f that Church, some vvli*» profovw'il to iln* whole jnliv of llioir lioumw and lands which tit* v Imd •Mil '• kept Uvk pari ol' tli*' price,” dropped *|.>\in by lli'aim* spiritual a.;.*n*'\ v\lii»'!i li"*'l r,*v*'.il»*.l |<> tb.> *liUr.-li oOi<-< il *-n d*Hjoption

Ami -..mi,, f.'iual*'* vv lio oiilen-.l tin* t i iu n 'li. l>at bv, '* n av .| want -n n^Ain.l i liri'l ai*.| i»«:ttti--J, an iuruni'il "*l.tiiin.HH)Q,bn'ilU"' t’" ' bn»l r.v*i ill tb,

A S H \ K E R 0 N r r ' E C E O V E - n a u A o . ; , : ' . ' r *...- . . a . . . t .Mhi" ■-'“ V-' V u , ' l . . . I k . W W / . I . , , , ; , , . |1„. |.,

i 'll, li ill I .. I , ;| im uli.ui’ . , ,. V , n r , nt ''(>n11. i>. Inin

S r * U r W * ' in t-r .« K . .. lii.nti!,. ,|| :ill..».nl in u .n rr,. K .-rv" i " " ; *•>*« .» > ! ) - * , ............................... „ f , ..... . ... ................ ... I , , ; , . . , , , , u

• ................................. ............................. ... !. II.J h . . . . . . . . .r i li. i I n . I ,i-,, , ° " 'v - » 11 '*«■ , „ lv.

“ H I . I ln , l-|„ir..l, I . . . .I M o - l . . . . v i m ........ . .„„l I Iln,I' , , ....... ' ' ' ' ' - \ "lln-r .1 [• ,rn.....,i jim! I „ I.J.), „ nil- I'lir.-i- un.l.i m limn n .inn n* n

. v l y " ,nn.u>H4 In .M H um .vn l r.-l.nk ... tin ' . l i . n n ’mt, h n . n l ' f - ; l.n : is r. .-..ym • I m 1 " llm S I. ; i i ln . l f f 1 |V1 ,u 1 '• '■ • ‘ '" t l> i i ' " *ju«'n.'. <. i i >5 j , „t„M,i it w\u r.-|>r*\u nt*-*l in a ii*><m. u t i J . 'r t il . ' li jju r*

, ,!l‘ 1 ' *' 1 ■ ' ' ' pr *1 .-i cvst-. ;»'l *riii*-i-.,„ L f u . . , wo«»Hn, «*t‘ most bail oliurm-tor. put.lilyr ' ' ' llV' ,n 1|' I ' 1'' T l'.m and c.»n- j ,lr.\o.*,l, sittiif* upon a b.*a*t: d.uiotm^ thru she sltbusls by mitt

* i i... in h .n n t and irr.i.». il*!.' ov IN ot inatriutotiy, 1 istcrin^ to and gratify in J thi* animal (or W istlv )•titution its,-If. v> aUo d... s th0

I ! H I T T A N ’ S S ) ’ I I ! I T U A 1 . ’ I ' K I - K <> I* A ’ ’ H ■

T C A C H IN Q S O r

S 7

" K IN G 'i'.. t l|li.' I

>• lli

IVoiinr ir.till ••"•I tear nw.ij, R tb,* IN IRVl l*f I fflW , nj,- in lb** p*'rff*t dav



'it th.i* city, on W.'dn»'*4*y, Si'pt. tilth by.........- ' i » - S r i u i , , . T r i - ,, llw. . . . . F

0'i.t Mra. M iuv 1' V. . . ,,f \ ,.Vi \ „ .K


iv bo, I

naul I r lii't Hill



j - tin* abn,-*.it on of and i. • .

to at'.-1 land tin* >. ir

linnet* iv (ill * nfni . I. .1. hi* * oliiil'n li.HU mi1 . lliltn ■I - 1 > ) '»«!• '"I tf-HH'd >•'

I . , . , ......... .*|lil>i» 'll il l"

-. I f tio l, lliey jllolill> *1 l<> l.'iich. «H /uid • *i|»'I'Hitn-jJ • !»•

i.utrt. lli'il. •' " l I j K>i*rili'H i. ,1 Hid ..........I I u.r.ild |'i

i. -I f- t .-

lu'li’lit i ! , iml tl-' .-x.

lb«- Old Sl'iiil * * "ill "I I* ill. 1 ,

bil,• I"

II" '"H .l.l* "I .1 . hi ,|. ., mill Dili d I" IlUV I- I (11,11 Ilf 0*1 "lid liii":; Ii linn I.. yiiinJi.nii, I

\l III |l . 01 l> )l | |ll*l **t ill* " iraiiMintl -.1 In i i i i '* * f * ii/: /;• *\ll|b.dlo«l IIUIl.'ll l>A.l.'ili 0o.l I) • (Ii m i'IuI.IiiI • ml, .‘II )>l I I ".-I, h ,V jll;. , |l| .

I . . . . "111. I"like O .nl.1, liuil * "•

> I'. H i* * d d*-u ll I*' Nui'b

- Id. tl, .I.ltu*" I.

..I • • ,( V*. I

l»‘* ■

lb*' ' K.' |'llAil -. iill. <i eoiiipunuf

t'tiiin*. >vluU theory ul (li.< i-

1 mi,

ill. «iia i t In. i.- Iy|»!i .. 111.1*111' i lljut ill- In-l*'i I d. unlit ll" linn- M I" II ill*I . > l*i h * ll:-' - I " " " *

.liii - t«-*it*U oi (Itt'ii' Iii'-1, *i y nit jut" in-- liiiiid-. *'i M"-« , nil" ■ v**,d *1. "II llu-b atiilitK "I I1"

.no t tin> i-.itI) lt«-".<i,H|.lit* j l MM»iy with lb- i: ■' p iitioll *if ill*- « Olid.and llid b. mi, emu - I 'id '. Hll

<- iill«l

If * f l*l'd> I l I bl iik ' I.

■ ' .Ml, lev*

P S Y C H O M F 1 R YI »Vi* il" lib. id <■( ■ lido ;, j

.dri ll, l**i "(1> r wiifi my •• plv li, l,t ii|."ii il*• * Ini-1• Him *uIi . \ .on . ti,r (Midi «i"l (in.

mrno h«i| f».•.» fi.- if).rely allurin'' Otldl i . 'M i . mw of flv (h-

,.i .i •■tifl.dlrr id all I'mMj.-> rlriiji- h i. iiil'm l

- m - i i i v ib- if

(,!,-( Ihul .• nl' ll"' |i

, I * .lit " i '1 ry. lb" *

i .J, , i il., d lb- i - *'ll in "i " l i» liafl'b a

teriiijj to and jiratifying tlu* animal (or Kvislly) sensual natur- - f mankiti.l, instead o f ctucilyiug it, as (rue Spiritualism or

- t ,msg.> s , iiw viitl.1; Lonl.l .««•!.■ .1

U"-- I".r,.!v »t> T |„, ....................... J , . . i - k nn.l (.'..iitll,. U l,ri,li«n ( M m ll.n, , ■ ° r * ' ” ' ! " l ‘ and pr.u - f.iliiug awav of the former, and i( - -uppr.-- ion ami enslavement

' : : r ^ T ' * • " t ' T # - ’ - “*•"■• u,.. ^ « n J ..... ............. » v * i . " . . - > . m i ... ........ .......... .....; , , '• •' ‘ " ‘r 1 •mntd.-.l m l simple . til,* Ohuivlt, t.*gelli.-f with its hidden abnormal I b , nn.l r tli •••/ ■' ' T " ' ? - ; ? 5l!Ml ,U*n ;ii l ^ * - 1 |elrir.i* ter o f - two parallel wdl, history• • . 1 / ‘ ' * .......’ ’ ' ’ ,l" ol " J ‘ i*'h lie and , ,i,0 ,-;(M,ij|0 v-||Ur0|K ,u,ti| ,15 entire d 'd ru e lio ii; nn.l tin-

I. ' t lx - n • vab-d or - r ie .|.* into what ho the (.,‘ rrsurntct><^" staU— that k a rtlL jinu* c r l ib j r r . like the .<?

■(tianity, nnvst

and Iriu in pliant r«*-estabhshment o f tin- .lewi-lt t'hri-di.m t'liureh in all its Iranseendont and Ctr more than iu pristine glory.

‘ ^ i V, “ ' ‘ l “ ' Arl- '*V 's ° f hr is 0 f eorUlin piineiph^ c tiled “ the neonsvr o f the; ' 1 Z n h e m s d V , *> furthrow, being ....... •‘ uaai o « C

. . . . .. . 1 V- i ' ^ * ' r;UlU,> ;in'1 ‘ are all graphically and beaulifully n'pr.“ onl*'.l, umler certain trope*• , (the and character*, by the medium before spoken o f as the greatI. ,..Ml! tM.l e . n i - , . a : . - ; n g . - o l l i - • Spirit who smike throu h , r , , , ,.............. . , , . . . . ! 1 1 i spiritualist of that age, Jch v . “ And (her-- yva* given me a nvd

' ' - - “ ) * i ........... ' ■»« * d v « , u a « d . . . ................... „ T 7 , ......................, ..... , n .............. ............. .

lb.. .-am i."it lib-i.i^lylne-, |ii.>d.i,. d (U, uli-ind bisiarj yvl)U-h *t ri I tied in llie itr»t I**tv cbnpter* ol t.‘. n. I-

I II.- In mry of .No di',. ilnntl l* itl'.O founded on la. l. N'oili In.d .- (iiuliieiilionn ir*>m Sp.rita 'tli** ibre«iw uml jn.d'u-l.-tl that ilure tn b,- n yi. ,i( In purl *»f A i.i tilin'* he lived, null in 1,1- turn, warned Jn. rouiHiynicn of wbut w.mUl Imi|.)h-ii ; but t)n-v i ,s niiwilli.i; u. believe wind b * ‘-M him tw In ptirs ur*- m «•!* tlo* ■<». la'Ii, ve our Kplrituul m-uiin-Utlon- •v" il I1'.' vhom

M«*e - w.i" a iii< ilium, and th.* Spirit .ip|i. ,»re 1 1 0 him in lit*' burn - 1 •'iuj; bii-b. was Ihe .'*|"flt of Ids nn«> >i*ir N,,.ih. wb" imiidtuit * d lilin»*’lf ,l. till' tied l*f Vliralmni. IhsuIO. Wl'l daO*'l» im-ulilny that le-Wn- th«-KOlit"Soil i' who had apprnrvd t«» lh* m. Noal, bail ivlUi-,1 bis m* tod* -s' -mi to hi- |a.*t> ray il'i.mi:b |h.- ebb 'I -.*u o f rnch«ucc*-w>iv*- ii'-r.i- lion, nn.l voiuddrivd that th** chiMr*'n <*l krn*-l leid 'till a i ,;:bt to po .-* ’ • ib"-e l»inl«. wtiirh liad be,-a b< Id by lit- ir ntn-e loi**.

h wii'lw iisinj; Mo-.-s and Aaron |H>,jllvo anil ii' ^uihe inrili'iui- that the Spiriu pcrforninl their w*uvl, rs Is-for* Pharaoh : and »%•*• lire Odd the K<yptiau* bad akolhcir ina^ielnii-. who rf>»rmr*l etioHiir wonders. Thus we find tlml the Krypliaus had thrir spiritual innni- li-stutt.'u. a* well mt tit** lb-brews.and that the Spirit- of enrli poopl* weiv nt v*,ir with the otlu'r; but it appear* the Spirit- "I tl,*- II**- l.|,.«* w*-n> more hl^tlty ilevolopist. nml *-nnM'.pu-»itly prev.nbd over those of the KjrJ ptiaits. The Spirits tell UJ* that the pv i aniid.« of l\-v pi are *>f very reunite oriidn. They vvep. t-rectetl at a tint® when that vast portion of Africa, which i» now occupied by Ihe («i was iv fertile ami inhabited country, peopli'il In a raco lur anterior to the ancient Kjtypliitn*.

The lii-.iory of tin* life of J**>us Christ has often been the subject .Htr conv'nrwvtioii with tlm Spirits. The limits of this letter will not |K-rrnil me to write all that has been giti-n oil (Iliasubject. King \va' a wilae-s of Ida si*-ealled in I moles ai).l siiilerings, and u.i* among tin uumlu-r of angels who, ut last, transported him from litis earth to tin celestial regions. At Ids crucifixion the Spirits threw hint Into a trance, or what vie call a litestitrrie sleep, giving him the appearance of death The manner in which Ids -.isecnaiod was clbet-d is thus explained- V great multitude of Spirits united in a circle over him. and. by the pow.r of their will acting* ou the atmosphere which surrounded him. produced a circular motion, which forme*! a vacuum rising from the earth in tlu- form of a fuunel. Then admitting Ihe prciemr** of the atmosphere below him. they caitscl a suction, by which the attraction of gravity was overcome, and he was raised front tin* earth with

i >"U th'- J' lb i th<- b t-i b tel nlec, «>n tli

>1 out ■. pt* -■•nt i

H, by \

i an

.•.I I., . Iliial i him *

i In-ell-*,ll.l at '. it n

it n,< nils »v< r*‘ y ml'able la■|h"«tnly oit'ttvf tolhi»ipii (lion i- tl*

.*i the gentJi-inuli win) gave you the trlfer in place wrote th** letter. I l"» did you come to make tl

„,,m .»1*.- ' '>"» ........... f • mind w...with Urn gentleman tilm gave you llm l. it-r in pi " - »f ’*• '" •

with iln- wrifrr of th* Inter. Jlow did this liapji

, f j Jn' d . f . f u t |..•i jnd ifier'itt f-'t’

in mi i opinion v i r.

iln,' W !<■.1 Ihe i Jll' v I

>. II

•Ihu,-i d pi*-

i .l I .

»'.*• i»r«* noildng"IV M * » • «•

a tnlb.i

I! p ro ,( i » k> 1 ' 'tffrf' d to <. >l ■ fioimt o n l~- m o 'd by our p. I.t -o di in - pirit ih.vt . i i I - ■ i*i inflrn li, f

T J . «v i ! a. * .'I alf lltlsi*. •• in lb M Jntlnll* It- tuff, end tji.vl ...i.- *.f i'ili

I " 'IJ'l"i j liltin' ^

, | lie •

, ,,l Hi*- oafur*« nbicb art/*

. o ’ify

(b -

W 1*1*1 ’I i1. 1 . Hi-

m,d lie

ibilj:n Hit'll* i. on. iu .t i,ad don** by i of limn, and tl'.- dUr.x. ,,1 lhi» j-lid--. is a Jlnib m 1!•» «!.■»•' <•" ‘J,,r' r- •“ • • .Ivijbil*-- i/.lho n* . I I v dob c u t r m i .li-js. I foil" from • '» h «lh»r. still III h. - - .'-I '. • li-r. xd'iipl*

dig Th-l ' : . .J - nn. lor i j f '

lotellig* f’“ 'il, f' IneapaM" ,I'.flow . that i» *•. .m o ij'-r * lopm-.’t

Sp.i .1 or *.*ii ird'a/i to- Illppotl ot that of Ihi- citHli or rathe) p.-rhop,1 -li rtlig' ym * arl'i

a- i**r <■> ci idly d a ; tu we i-r.'gr* mny wWil- If.-." It lie th - * u rtli" 1 :<l »• *> •" lh;- |*r.,:iv. tit thbil • hi* high* r If fluem*-- {•■>irir gdovi

i ' j l i'■ ......... i'fJ h ‘i

t ill* ) |"<||I who V* lot*- III" b tier Was b • J>o ,• than the prr»"H who ( 4| ,

It hw* .»t JaW I- ■ n • tir*Jlly *>f praying t** on b .th. r Uni Hu- i" K"'mg «• g nioit fervently, l«»lh by id t»y ruMug up our J.<- "

th- nod- ore 'ml finil"IT • l,r

. nib i

'. not only by tin ■tiunity, b a t .il*o bi

- ol \ :,-li >!* in tlie (',*r,-,-o cont-•r ■'even c 'nirnun'm, . o f

AA t'.'.i v.'-.i: j . rniis lv i,■ uv .in (th e S i ■ ,Ii" vv tiling under the sun ; '•■iitun-s *>l th ' < 'hri'tini

*1 •I prop*-.* to show tly-it K*tti t\ie- ‘ 1 ' " ’ ‘" ' fy b r , : jboi'i'it.-s) are t).> but th it in and .luritio th.* first four • ». vv,- li.-iv, ilic record ,,f si.nil.h I

like unto .v rod ; and tin* angel slooJ. Kiyir.g, Ki-«- and iiiea-ui the tetnpK* o f (i.'d and tlio altar, and tli* ill tlml worship tlier-

jin . But tlio court which i- without the temple leave .'tit, amihoi v

ihe lili v. 'lb " i»rr-*'it who>- the b-ttmi who handed you Ihe h-tl. r. Th. .) .'t.(iidiiii; ui ur you --Ills l'i"U>-bt- - hi • 1ml *1 bad 11'iichf d , ours. Your . with hi*, in place of itowim;

afllnfty with you titan tin permit wjio gttva you th*- b-tfrr w end attention w, re ii\< *1 upon yonmind was therefore drawn m 1.1]<ort w!tli th>* b-tt' r.

If in addition to Ho ' - i : .’ii' tb. re was anything in h .ip| tram i wlitcli i-tMieU yml pivsitlvi-ly at the lime he handed vOil the I. tl> r or i von were thinking ot hint In-t "I *'f the letter whll" i-itgagt-il In Iln .-vjv'riment. U i* not ut all to Is* wondered ai that y.'ur mind flioubl mu .a iv/1 I w 1th hi- f-pb'*re, in place <■( that ot the person who wrote ib> h-tter. ll from trb it y<"t n lute, that you got strong and vivid inipr'-sioijx. nml that nfj imju. -inifs Here rorr.ct.TJie only error made was one of your own judgment. You ilmoght you were getting your improivsions tli>- J«(t.-r a.- usual, which not true Had you Wen o l 1.77 ort with the h-tter. your (li-»-ripti*'ti would have l*(vu Jij't as correct o f the writer o f the letter. You cor* icc ll, by your iiupr<-.-ions alone, the spin r>- tun] l)u p.-r-on with wliich your mind win* u ti- if Thi: i> all that psvvhoiiietr, at any time, or under any c-imm-tam* Ii iuj|.....silde for you to ppychomctrlie any pertoa with whom you are out m rapport. This is ihe tir«t law of }«ycboiai-irical science.

Iln- only purpose which the Id ler serves, is to put tin- luin.l o f (In paychotuoter >/i rapport vv it li the |ht- oii who wrote jt. Jl tlio letter fail* !*» do this, the «-\|h rim. nl will foil. In this cose th-* letter luilrd to put you eu rop/.<. t vvitJi the jHr-*in who wrote il. hocatt-** vr>ur mind had iuvuluntarily and previously g>l into rapport with the g utlemao who liand.-d it to you. Mi-takes o f tins sort oJU-i, ink.- place when

■ l i nt .-.v» '• •'lit f)!e. pray for high.

God is 1.. b*< had fHoping tint the :» .ve • • I.. dlsi-onnert Hi - b rtiv

n ; . and •

>-i. While giiitual wi . kind ..i' .king.

ap till*. , -l\ t

k. - I - fin lli.*

. I »- fie®

. nc-d hy

f..s l ■ lb,* flti ,.*l pro»

UowsR, \I bav* jo-i

ou like

v/r. I .. I ' "lm tb" :i'-r

•> caW it, ard • a .J.-t


Mu-. I 'll At: f "TTK S t lx li. v. - til tl her life !i * if Mr-. M. tl!'-r - nted 1 llm following l*ri*'f < p -

C A R N E S T W I T N E S S .

?".T'st 1 "i Bl ■ .11 •. ! !. (nil■ in tin- form ii

it-l-r. 1,.j-r.

, tnj-li

i n u l a ' ' *ii-n, w hichev er

U S * > 1) ■ rvtsi bv tl - :

: t" •

mi by.’ -Jdlv

antijwt !.*« in foitb and praciict*l ’-cvi.-us t,» t ’ i - i.ivcnt "i‘ Jesus, tli •■'irlli wm

• inhabitants the J

stud they -hall days, clothe.1

• 1order o f tlio Jewish Christian Church.

T h e two orders o f Jfo jiF< and A' -nv o f the li nitatt C itholic

".•vsttre it not, f.»r it is given unto Iln* Gentiles ; and th city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.”

' And 1 will "-ivo power unto my tiv<> wit '|'h.'. v a tliotisaud. two and llir sadtclotit.”— Rev. I I : 1-d .

; lli.* temple was tlu* J -wish Christian Church. Tin ' '-.'nil. or livid'd in ..' ] (J. mile Christian C hurch, would rule forty-two month-, or twelve I’ish and tlu jhundted and sixtv tears, after it had do-troyed and trodden

: « . « 0 " 1 „ „ . ! , , ; ,r , K o C i,r m the pag. - **f sacreil history

I Chuvolt have always witnessed to the two principles o f com mu >dti/ o f goods nml a celibate l i fe Imjhijj tlm true apostolic or<b- ” 1 th.- primitive Jewish Christian Church.

In t in t Church seven deacons were appointed lodistrihute tin n. cvsS'iries o f life to it- communicants every day. On.* o f those named Nicholas, introduced into the Church, in phu’o ol* the old

. . marriage sy-lein o f the world, ami instead o f the celib-tcv olin In- dreams in the , ‘ , . '. . . .

- S , ...... ,r him, »■„.. |liln ................ . I ' ^ f ............ " 1 , 1 t. . " ! . . .. 1 , i ^ f . i i i i " j .........* ,r h - , " " r r

lir-l „ , J ,h„ i.mwrL.nt „ f » !„ . I, . . . . ! 1 ,h™‘l ' h" r' h- ' 1" ' " '" " S "• 'K '"" " r J -

v wv.-l.k with tiicir r. -j Jn td c; and although th- feriot. it nevcnbelnra looms n i by f i r the moat conspicuous

1!'" ’ ' ' ' -M.t-.rt viti* d by t h - • respective portiw, on i }[■’ . , *(.i--'ti.*u. I.»y at th-* foundation o f all (1„. ditf.-r-■r - and distinctions I - t' the Jew and Gentil,-. Tin; J e w .*- cir. tun -.1, th - Ce. u t, w.,s u/icir. inncis-d ; nml ciremn- fon evid -ntly had ref,-rvnee to th

k iclt tuarriage i> but an a*ljur*ct.Abraham was a heathcu— a Gentile, w ho.

ccivabla rapidity. When rafoed to the electric region, which we term ‘ p»ycUonn*lricol exiK’rituenls ore conducted in :• -crowded room." Tb. **l"-tt space, beyond Ihe teach of the law of cohesion, the atoms which j psvcbonu ter should never practice Ins art in a crowded room, lf h* composed his *vrganirc*l l»**ly sought their adinities in the stirroun'liiig ( doe-* r«*. tlios** present shonld I**' perf. cl!y pa .--ve. and withdraw, a- fat element -. while his Sjvirit ascended to its destined sphere. ■ a- p.—iid.-, tbrir ati.-ntton from him ; and ubov e all. m* per-on tdiould

With regard to the si/.o of Spirits. ( him* another nlworvntion (•» !*■• in phy-ic.*l contact with die p*ych*'iii<-i. r When th. r. make. \Ylt.-n 1 m*c Spirit* itt a dimnnitivc form, they appear to he stir I about the psychomctcr. hi- mind i for more likely to How . • <.; ,i

funded by a luntinious »*tfiil;;en*-e : but when I am enabled to view with sonic positive anil kindled mind pr. .-.-nt. than with that **f th>- them a.s they e\i-ted on earth, there i« no such brightness round them, distant mid unknown writ r d th • b to r. If }•• i w b to g.-t g.wwl and 1 give you thi- loot, and leave others to deduce their theories from truthful re.-ulK lake the letter !<• Iw* p-yeboni.-jr.'.-d and retire t** tli •

■rrohorale Ibis M.itetnom l w ill n<UI the testimony of M r . J oUcnee nit«l mdilude of your own private room.Duncan, one of my neighbors, who, though he decs nut prolY-s to . The nth* r Instance of th>* eYpoi-imeut tv itli u V.-u» -uppoa-d in

i-v•• in tin- present spiritttul nianifestiidou . ,t.'i r -1 *t*■; the follow lug j you at the dm ■ to ho a . i- id-.* ea-ily • \plained \ <>u *fo not -v.-mv ; | to I* ■ aware that the power to impart p-iehoni* trieul impressions is notWhen l n.i- a h,»y ] was hired out lo lnl**>r, and >1 fell to my lot to eonlhied to b-llcrs and aul'vwoph-. Psychometrical •-? -u»nv may

sleep iu u gtrrct. where I w.i- i'"-'iilarly visited by liinuau fornu *•' I be i.)itiinc<\ fr**m a lock of hair, from n glove, n vail, a dtaw I, or nnvihiie;v.trntii'i -i - nml nj'i'.'.ir.ut' Someinnc the forius wet-- ainall, I which u pct'<‘"it hna worn or curried ulumt them for a time. In brief, bright, nml lnmluinu« They ujiji --ircd to out''i by a paid.- window , p' impre. ions can In* obtained from on,./.' ' i,-'..'A . ei,and phteed theiu-'elves iu a row iu the chamber. Ai other limes , ‘ iiii/.c, g- !«•.; i.- ...... n i in .;i «i.rv /•» ll

•re forms of a darker appearance, nml of a large The j yon take u per.-on hy the hand you can p-v choiueti'uc that person, for a

gralitviM*-tt|.-r for tb" im •iiaiaMe I*-., iii :* i i ,)» ( bav "flier inralualdc Cholera Elixir iiig o f th** 'J'HJi Ju ly lact I w.ts pains. I'jr.-ing ami voniiluig. followisl t.y * s with i lrv-'/ii»:< chill j v adit) _ the cctir. -y most intense k'-Jt wo.- uvt foil ; tunUitn; . •• if vt or relief AM hoj •• .<hours tvvix* nunbered. A m w.» *?i.In Hartford, with a m p t.ft dial h *w "u !,it ,Ji did so. ami on entering her ixx»m loan.] h r iu t nmimag patient" Alter a few minot. , 'd lay, la my com. which ib< n I I

principle *,f p rop ag ation ,

■ .tpp.u

*>ng f.ami that tlu-y

ivv ” j which vrim

ion they inu»t pay lit** oti’cmlc.l in <i. -n . (<. .■ alto

; the■*-t th,! "■'“ ' in 'portsm of whlok » a , . , ! , « )„.

p™ u.-.. upon k iin * !/ ,n .l u .^ n nil 1,1. m-,1, p « « H ly n muuUUon ■ : ■■:- ' ■■ . n .-.i 'C / i . , iu . - ,i.i i„. i .i , . j . , , , ,

j, a«l friend re p--ctiug tin* Ttmatc*.

Ilut t h . h im . M ...U ,ul.-.^ttuntlv •,i|.pli. .t this ikO-Kiie/, h« *ko lia ,,n o b u u U n S , 1 by flylntU .1 , i. t l F. , ., enjoin U|«I .very w onun s h o l-.-aii,.. a '■ un t i l . , in Fruul" .h o u l j p a ..tb r-.a 'h o rtuin t m o , uf purifioMiou. ut„l h , ,.,..|„,|,,1 f ,..m , l lc <SU1|. s l . ic l i . all. 1 holy,” folly ,| „ ,. f..r tl„. ,ri,n „ o f Ri,in g

* ° :l k - J . »iul wghtv •! .y , for ll... -n i l ,- , .f t,jr,i, („ „.'■tl: m il tli-ii, l.- f .r .. Imr rv mlmK-ion in to tbo " holy " , amp. sh,* " P tl 'l irc d b . b rln sn on j |„ ||„. pno 1 a .a n a, luoalodp-ti.m t that, h o p ., . r right it m ight 1 - fur tip- H,.,,p|„ ,.. -!■:, a ,-I , pleat.It tin .a r i l , ," ,1 ................. „ „ n|l r „ tI,

)• '»-. c a l l - 1 I - 1 - “ a holy |«opl,■ '•“M n'Jt "lo >t without " Iran gm—ing . . P . l l , - ' ■ ," " - l « "• « !■ ): fur which tm pros, nhod jx-nnltv t Lcviticu-t 1 5 : I s .)

VII o f which s ~ s I • .-'U.1,11.1, th - fact that ,1......,.>>itnn, U ;„uwho diet t«o.l U,e .................. ... thought th at tl,..,............ ...up.‘ >uC')roit»nts ot marring.: m th*. | fallen condition <*f the human m« '. wen* ainful- - j . rt.-, ’ o f the original pr*v. - ■»f riruj.le g. iienilion, av slill exhibited in nil order* o f nnimitb rj rpt h r who, n- the l.*rd and tin* moat noble nn.l int. Hi-f i,nt ii- .vl *.f creation, on glil to m*1 nn example o f law nml

**|' (in due obvcrvanco ol lin e > ami s-iuons, o f keeping sigh t th e i sK and the en l :m>l object o f every action, to inferior r.v.> * o f sentient croalur*-.— lie, m an , iv himself

iP L ira e lf th*- m ost law!* -, iirntionn), ami tM*n*.uall\ *leba-**l <>l M p i crcauon ; nml m ore especially in all that perl.aim to

p fcg e , or llie union ol tin* ".-v- . which i . subji-el t** nhifrcs lii.if ought to Is* abut***!, e ither hy the tv-iiistituli**u <»l

i^ptquHy i riginutid j th y t ir a i eiremm i ion, with it-eh*.* k" 1 1" AI*. . ; hv th. -dill more h'ghU

^Witred t j i ir itu a l e irn n n c iiio ii (o f win* h lli" former

j * y i(lranl ly jtc), wiili it- perfect *'<-libal.* virgin lib', i " '. * ' “• • v h**m an nil* i* nl Sjiirittinlh t or j*r.*|*hel

" ' **' oil' from fh c ir lh ; and who hIi.uII • 1* * 'lur*'r*t|p. | ,,r h** tva • tIn* ••n*l o f g* neinlion I "

I .1 O llier o f V. I l l 'l l In* H.l

th- . ' • . M. f

■ ilnpiigh y- u to Mis . . . -. .t i. • ) thi' ixJ I a'. t tu fh e n u .r o - : .i ... fl \k ith internal -e cramp- end -px-lus. ■io. ii.-otnuch that fh-

i, a* (bought (hat mv . :

I -ec Mr. Met t ie r ; h • c la irv o y an t a ta te , ex- r a lt. et '..a w as c&lb-d w i * ) . r- m arking that * \. r s*s-f). au<l ii any K . . ; . v * rv liin g look.w

i*ds. Thi- was the “ falling away" o f the Holy iG h o 't Ohurch— the u-ing o f tlu* religion o f ,1 ,-u . as “ clonk [•or Hcentioiisni'ss,” ‘“turning the truth o f God into a li.-.** beitiy the “ abvminalion o f desolation” its-If

Now, I do n.*t know tin t there i- .anything particular in tb* similarity o f the names o f Nichols and N icholas; bill 1 think there can be no doubt .at .all but th it their f a i t h ami p rae homogeneous. T h e •*doctrines o f tin* Ni.-olailam-.’’ and **f Nichols are evidently one and the saute.

It is a question lo b* pondered, ltovv far “ all advanced Spirit- unlists” will finally “ repudiate marriage,” and hold a commu­nity ot* goods ; not. however, by ceasing to marry, iu order ” «■>

— plunging into tin* very s|.*ugh o f m>d ual degrnda- ti**n. unknown to brutes—practicing tin* couiniunilv o f g*».i«ls,

■1 at lit® same tim«* holding “ the d-tei tines o f tlio Nic.*laitaii**> ; bul in ot.l'T to live a more spiritual— n purer and higher—a ('h ris fian life ; in breathing, from tlio very ln-.n-us a Spirit *>l

a**, puntv, and universal br**therliooil; that they may again tabliali tip,»ii earth tIt j lost on U r o f tlio primitive Jewish t'ltii-

tinn t lttirch, with its cirj'.n li fe and ".all tilings common,” at- •unjianied with nil the signs tlml were to “ folk)tv llio-e wit*

Is-li* vo ’ — spe\Ling in longtu-R, ln-aling tin* sick, ensting out demons, seeing o f Spirits and angeU, ami, in fine, u practically tmeful, and perpetual intercourse, in n divine order, with the in­visible, spiritual world— iliis being, as we Mippos®, the tine Hr- eurrrrtion .

mEnvmea vv. nviv«.YlU.HH!. NfW l.l UVSoX, C\n. Co.. N. Y.

sight of the latter excited in ittc saclt i'*-> lm of t' l-ror 1 lutv fri-*iuenily-crt-nnmd out nml nlnrim'd tin- I'.uuilv such tv.-ii-ien i, never failed to cent'' to n\\ .: i hun-c." The •• vi-it ilimi It,- nflirrn-. to have liven made when lie was in a iievic.-tly*-"U-cioii:i nml uorntnl slat.-, itml off. vs to nlVmu them by onlh, i f requested to do •

A* to your «|u<-siion concerning frees, dower.', *'(e.. IliU is hoxv we umti'i-slaud il : Krout 111" lifih gplu-re n.-cemliiijr. Spiiil- luive theputvov lo produce plaids, live-, nml lionet - . which ,-xist in hue; , i , the Spirits held th*-in under tli<-ii* intUi*'iii-e ; upon a principle Kimilur to that hy which they form a inngildo luindin our circle- l-'rom tin- nivllt sph'-re n«,-eudii|e t" what the Spirits- deiuonimtle the Go.l->pher.- ol InteMieence. tin* Spirits ran prow dnrntiU* plaid . Ire •-. and llowei. upon what they term the niagitetie principle. Tln-se priulm-(i»us arc grown from uuiRitetic g.-emu or see*|s. which are I'orim-d l»,v III.* eelealiul inliabitmils of Ihe (,'.**! spin-re ; which i . the tir-t sphere in which tin' poa.-r of foriuing Mich get ins can Iv i-xeici.-e-il. The SpiriUof Ihe sixth iml sev.-uili spheres nveivv those germs from which they cultivate those celestial pro*lu.-ti*ius to their owu fancy and taste, ami melt pro­ductions arc h, 1,1 sacred by them in honor to the i fr-.-r I’l.-as.* putdieh Uds letter in the SilHiTi i i Ti i.v.onal-u. for tli" Ix-n.-iit of its rc.nh r.1 iliall Im- happy lo an wer any other inquiries which may l~. *•*' puldie

i*-st I am. dear -i*\ yours cv.r,JONiTtl.W KOOVs

C O N T R A D IC T O R A ' S P I R I T T E A C H IN G .

B.M'i:r. the head. •• SpirilualiAiu Teaches ' I liml a conttnuiiiv.i- lion from one signed - <'.*'ri.i. He sat • - My eye.; lately fell upon parimraph in an article in a paper headed. •• Spiriru-iltsiu." The »1«- ia was to show wlint Spirilnalisin teach***. It* doctrines wen* express*- in ten propositions," etc . ctr

To - di-fv himself of ihe truth of ih* •• piopo-ilii'i)'. ot to a*c*Tlain tin' opinion of hi', gurdi \n spirit, he tool, occ * iou to a-k. and il npp. ar- from hb nitswi-iv Unit *'very uttc is coutra.lh-i.-il.uml tnoiv. for the Spirit so speaking oontradii-irt hiiuvclf In reply to the third propositi* mid, " l*ub«*! It i- true that all who arc renewed l*y tlio spirit -I' God, will progress ami finally roach heaven ; but tin- their hearts to liiin will not projii.-'."- They will filially oik to hell." |

in reply to the fourth proposition. In* no.* •• ll >- Inn* Ihnt Spirits. ■ tin* dixsolution of the IhsIv, nre permitted l» remain with thcl

friends for a while. Jn' if it ou'yfar a ir'it! thrymntt all .»,.*/1 /■> /*i. ,. .* plare "

M - if tin* greal cliff*

i* * L o f im titiag '', tho

M R S L O R IN L . P L A T T

•Mh. F. lioDlx'h.'X, ol I'*ii t*.I, Conti.,iu .a recent loitersj***!tks in l*'rms **( high coinineii*lnfr*>n o f .Ain*. I,. 1.. I'lnlt. \Y>* hnv known Mrs. I ’. f..r several v. ir ; li.-r ,-t utji.dlii-s are easily nml deeply i'\eit*.| hy th** sulf*-iiugs o f inatikiml, nml m* tiersoii In* :t more xim .-ro an.l earnest d* sir.* to relieve the nlHicl. -l.

AA *• extract a |*aragru|*h fiimt Mr. Ui*binw»nV h*tte»-. — Kt».

1 know tbul many of th*- : i*U and suffering will hie * the memory ul Mi . Tlatt, nml the poor ran not bin reiiK'iaU-r her : \ mpnthy and kindness.

Mr. und Mrs. I'la 't w* re my k," ''I'- ■ * veial w*-< k.*, nml during th* lime her examinations and prescript Iona were quite mini* rmiit nml •‘•tli* factory- "n o examination wn- made publicly, und nuothi i nml* i tb*' el**.-*' nml erilieal fcruliny of one of our nld* l pliy .ici.m.-. Th* Doctor f.iw il *l"lti-. Iml ill*- nodnt ,*yrrandi- lit vt bother • him. T!i*-r«' i but one wav to gel round the dilemma, nml that I line S< leiice mIimuIk " lutnibufr " I 'V Ih s. ml bin k i hear, (lo* lillntl sec, “ini iho Ni*.k arc nuvtlo well,

lliUi. nl once erlablbhval. Il Jon aia* snOieicutly impr yotiean even p-.-\clnitn<'iii<te wilhcmt physical contact of any *orL Iln only comiUion m'eded fur Ihs impre. -ible peraon t<* psyehomeii i/.e. I- llml a .1/7*011 bo * sgthlislnd between the p-ychonn ler and t\»-- imli- \ idnnl who-*'coiil is t*» be nti .amred. \ strong wish, will <*r dinfire to know n pcr.-oii's eb.xr.ieur, will sonwlinio-. uloue I*.- sufiieunt t*» (brow yon ■ ■ opr w ith lint pet on. nml you w ill Ihen be able to p-velunn- elii/e him.

ll I liobl n !■! in V ; I, . iu my hand a fen moments, and then give ii10 you, without allowing it to l*e touched by another,you will l*-- able to psychomcd-i.-..- it as well u* though 1 had covered it with my writing. This will e\|dnin why you succeeded well with the lady who hand* *1

the blank paper, li 'foes notweighn featlu-r agniuBt psychonw try, th it (In- p-y ehoiiti'ler does not know who In* Is describing, provided In uuihtully ile-,-rilie-. by the aid of impre -ions alone, xibalcter p* r-**n lie A r*ailv •'* mpiH-it with. To affirm that the psyehamcti-r could de- rcrilie any p* r.-ou with vvliom It** i ' not <<i io/'/v it. vvoithl Is- lo unship the whole basis **n which | \ vhometry re-l . Tin* vety fact that the psycbouteler, wi'.houl rvgntxl to lit . own belief or any other condition . d*--. riis-s only the per.**n with wheat h»* i" <■■ ..77< f. i- one uf tin ktrong |>**ints upon which we r*-.*l our claim-.

Th*- fact that, uotwilhstandiiig your bd id , notwithstanding you h*-bl llie letb-r to your lathd lodwcrllw the p.^oiiwlniwrol*- it. not beinj! *•'» raf.por! with bint. but. ou the contrary, did de«erilv11 nlhtidly another person with wh.*ui you were .*i ra jy . f , affords th* highe-t «vidcnce that rnd.-p. i.J. ni of all other condition-', the impre,- sioiis follow the 1 ; jort in all ernes, and lliat, therefore, piyehometrx i~ a lived leicncc. governed by lived law-. For furlber infi*rumtion on tliis subject, your attention is called to ltuelianan's Anthrapology, 0 book vvbieh throws a ifood of new liybt it|*on nun's interior nature. It i- writ I-n by Dr. James li. Iluebaitau. to whom belongs not only the distlngiibheil honor ofhavlne first di-e *\et**l the facts und ph, iioin, ,i , of p.yehoinelry. but nlsoof Iniug the null or of the Is-aittllul ami appro, print*’ lei ill by wlueh that >eiem*e In derigiialed. The name " psy ehonn-tryw.*s eomptuinded by llticUanaii from twoGrei I. vvoid", which turned Into siiitple English, uieitns k*>iiI nn a-uriug." Kntet twining tin* hope that thi- b-lli rwill satirfuetorlly explain the plienouienavvhit-h pi- led you, and that your faith in psyclrontetr; nmy Ik- revived.

I remain youm truly, n. u. m-.ow \

thing w.«s lo mu-i U -*1'it <-•1 dark, am i -he cnubl ll-.tb.o-- ihi Cholera Elixir am! Dy- :,t. ry r.i .,t.

My lr*i-l md dami prom ptly. atv**r li'-g to d ire. 1— 1 its poW.T W • I* 'I ibr.rit ;li di • • hoi . and lfl>- two follow mg •"!> - .d i .in - in ; whole sv - ' . ii». l-'oUi'winL no !'i iln .

mw enjoy Iv ltcr h ealih than I b ti Is* without th< '<• r it lo jlile r- .11 .1, liial they will do even m ote thn 1 i • cry lam ily i ' to k*«'p them in si. r

may bring forth. the day pr, i -..,’ • t.1 in the ovoning, feeling quite well.

N E IT H E R D E A D N O R S L E E P I N G .: -fob F.iirrons -l*b a .- d . e- • the favor to jmbli-h th is . lui-

axriv-ivl lu thi* city, a w ,, V n . irs’tci ■ .1 1 , t , .( |pri -> to li 11 n that t M j was current Ut*t l ld o ;;om« tim.,' ago ; »!••> tl: it m y- p rii b.t 1 ( ,p|. d a. . ; , t „rF.*; - " I - - nunifosicd il- ’If 0111 • * .» ..* .'. ei.'M medic < , th - city nd 1 many il*ewhirv« havie; held njt. r,- writ, 1 •> fionori.xt -IVcvonliitg to one ,*n,-l*> 1 ha.l f.m -b: .1 .In I and •-, ! wiug, d ; bv .» ■ ather nee*milt. I had eotinuii 1 . . :d;5i '-.i-.-a i:

And do*“ G O D " A N D T H E “ I N F I N I T E . "

" (Jon." •• the Infinite t” two di-tim-t terms, but ufo-’ h stoosi; how illteicMlfn-ed ill their signlticntloi*. alike I*I'inn and the philosopher!

When vv«* look back into the history of th** term “•l** discover that giving unto God the attribute of infinity i*Whatever, is uf recent origin compared to the origin of th* term •• (Soil" or “ g***!' "

The idea attaching it*ell to the \tervl*'t*od w ivs tir.'l **f all guardian spirit." ami »- dill'* rent tuitions wen* very properlj stipjwi *il to ba\


•« “ 11 rthat the detif

tu the M'venth. he cap* the * liniAX of alouolity ; hear him 1 not the lit lilt* teach this" Hill the Hibh* due* not leach Hint 1

man $J.»util nvr I -A- A* Spit it* far authority .•<■ titieiee It expressly for­bid* it Tht n't.ijc t i/t t tm ofo ia ih in j S p o ilt h e w at tin. nml «-r<* long God will close this ctuiand afJre'j-tioa. an.l tench that lie alone i< the director **f nil human affair*, and lhat to him alone .«hoiit*l 10:111 go for guidance."

Compare thi* with th. Kialoiucnl •*» Iln* mvoml pivp.*-iti.*n. when* he ray*. "T h e sy tein ofcoiuulting Spirit* wn* not given tot.neh Ihe im­mortality of th** soul." .. There is (mother .dO'Vl which Go/ ha* illv b-w in opening thi* communication with the Spirit-world, which will j dilfrrcnl gmilxlUu pirit-, »o did the Jew* >j»ak of "J.-h*>.*011 Is- iniwlc plain ’* j " itutnIUn spirit." oa b*-iug their t•**.!. ami si»**k*’ «»f the gisl* ot othei

Here, lh* 11, we find .1 contradiction >** palpal*!*- :\-i Hot I" *• cape the , nation* m iK'ing ” strange \e-l- " Hut though tw-kiiovCl* dgiug " ‘Irange utlenllonof the uio.t onlimiry mind. T*» >av that Go/ Iiuk o|M-n*-d a j g.*!*" te.*U'*-*nieittly a |>liiinllly of g.*l*A. they vl*-»i»*I the attribute*-f la- eoiiilnuitieatiou belwe.ii the natural uud splritunl worlds, and the) Unity to all except their own God. •• Jehovah." That the Jew* U-li< ve.1 ••whole syst, til of coiiintmiicalion i ' of -iu ." Is charging lh,vl very in .. plurality of g.-d- i evi.l.-nt trout the fuel that the Scrip- sin upon God UlttiBolf. tine* eoimtw-ne** with, "In the Ih-ginning "llie uow tn ou m ! cwfiwl

ll (bul h i* Indeed opened a than, ' i .herp: r. winch will finally i the lieaveti* nml the earth." Xml again, "T he itotv* -aid. I.**t« whirl million* of Ills er.-alure* fr* »m emll* •. loll, then man Im* mi a !- 'm m ." etc toiunlivc. \i»d he might iv well lemiiiii ignorant <>l hi* cmwlition . 1 Tin* uncl.-nl (b- .-k* ami lionnm* Ivltoved In a plurality ol gods, whov.-.-i. In' belter; and I doubt that the giiardian -pirit. il ll In- ... ol \ w ere, in th.-lr opinion, ipirltunl 1 wings who rated ever llie aituu*. .*r thi-

luu* a right to .ll- .d**-*-lh** vie iya or God. und thn* interlere ■ etrtlt, and who were ,.f dill'* v n t degree* *.| |***»‘' r 0,1,1 ‘h'Veb.pmant| Some lint power to produce or develop new form* ot Is-ing mi thi

lo try tin* Spirit*, and • ii tin* leaching* | earth ; olUvra could only hiihtenco (>"' p»yeholv*gl*t«) tho minds of men

•• C i 1VIN with his plum'

It il well lor Spiritllitlisi

1 *1 ,1 .France: -and /till another, h hind Dnt, -ir, to'- r* t ." although I labor uud.- my career I*, low.

I virile Ihi* tu correct th. mil to Announce tint l e\p, at;; l**ur My rubjc. i . v< ill 1*-. mou Sense." " The folliwle*. .* Modern Spiritualist:*- It* r>...

Spiritualist* nml their work, , mis of Kamo and Ojavith,

•other in»'V.*!I !*e<. r a .e l Ibt-pj*■■. Frame or V os-

[font W.fotr * 1 aini deadadi-e.vse Ibat probably w,u fcl .-itiv fini*h

il ' 'w ,l l ,t ,l l' “ :."•*- abroad.■l to ,-.* F , t 1 \\e-~t shortly ,e,

th*- mast -ladling character, obi um\l dune.together w ilt) one t*:t *T*-mp,-raiv.-.'' amt *> i -

Spiritttnti>lU." will vou-litute my *,; ! n.» ..1mih lecture* I e\p*vt lo puMi-li for the u- • >1 *•• iiniiiitme*- them (hroiqih the ^v,,,klyi .mwhen ready t*> .-jw-ak. and the loute I -fidt take l in • week or two will p*-rmit toe 1., .| u i. )n tbe h**ubl fo- a.blr. -,.l to uic. can* of F iii r r ..

i*Uice ot Si tBlrr vt. Tvi t'*.n»i ti. x

» and hi* Dcstr . * am i a U a n l.l* . - Sp ir itn aK -m .''

■ ............. ■ •- :• : .i.i ? have pr. pared ca lled •• f b , * tli..-. ii.iU ms nn.l r* 1 . 1 . 1

This |i,t <1• " Th.- £0,1,1 •hud.fourth and

' Ivvllt•'I 1 • d E ,,-

my health• *n tint - |, t4, r,

11 *1X001. In.

E G Y P T I A N S P IR IT U A L IS M .ir. *».- :

.TiatiqiolliivH, 1 iKioku of lletu.e* Tr t«rc«*k writer who ti.i Egyptian coilegt-* 1j relic to my wife, win* lie!uvea Tboth or lu­ll op.-ns by ile-i-ribiui* n .-tale

-s 1 they Iw-Jiig id "ti lie a l) . In to give th " form er a th .v j ty — Th*- Fa th er . \l **r«l ,-i n l*ooet forth for the pitai

attend to the bu.-fo, - »b«v,-phei.--. in to which the -*p «i .. from the body 11* sph.-te to sjdit r** is draorllwd, where they enjoy the pr«‘M*nce vi

I have U . 1 recently :i K. * |*. and f"U'»il .1 in IgUlK'. whit'll III- de •v*l ..- .*- to lire w in .t .1 ling Cruiupoltum' v» k it down. It pur pet t- - .a n d Eim andiT. th.


“ * ••• work o■ •■“' >'»* tello of the

through ........“ ‘ n n - in

^ * ,r-‘ "lat* d thu

••M'1 ' - - ;., ,, " l“ it ol Th,*:h or

’ irinitv A lu ll

Spiiitnali-m. a* We hive u. 1- d -,d .. given, which i . too my ti, ol forthe oli-cniity i* iu m. j.ur 0*1 i l:; l•This u-v. ud* • » III illlf ,«

Jew idr history. If you t\,< *' i*. 1 w)lion. Vef Mn. Cutni.m EvKinif." .


i.ictlvV under -lauding repeated uat»d.„; l> l vr ‘Vi)i..ldinK. „n „ |Ui

lv‘ 'ld\

U Vollt -,l*> . ' tr.i-.i

AY.* th ink tlio “ l-r.i *1114 111 * rvt. ru l (*> l . -h fo ld v in i. i* -Itn^ nm l im lim m .v t * .

l»u< mi*! t**x m yatn-al i',.r orvliuai

I i i . , '1 «a»kvr.ii not

'•••1 ). !le tis iOI, . ,plca-e forward it to u* a* early a> couvet.fonb

vSK !’ A U T 1U I) (i K A i\ 1) li It | T 'I' A iN ’ N S P I R I T

J u t r r c s t i u d ' j f f t i s c c l h u j ) .

T II A K 'I’ JO L K GR A P H .


ed itor* o f l l . - 1 • > 'l" " l T n ’i' 0,/ .< ..«</ V 'U a »>• i III .........d . - l

« il'.nt vditorial f.«tu mli r tliilc o f Hut l ,*.i h

).y ur m r Am i "• ».'l- 'Ifrudy*> 1,1 r ‘ •*«<»«-W 1- i |i- iratfd b> .1. rtl,U ‘ - 1 l!" • Al'Iln •! • 11 1 • , .-.iv . A v r ite tl > 1'" ' 1 D*.

•tirin* Ihe r.i||'Mlitft, Trh ef, l . i j l , * nl) , , i account:1 K ltltra al.lW.- lo re . • . 1 i •I N . ilkal,, a.„| wi»- highly

ltllK|W.(| Alslllt (" ll. i J l '. l I'.-llllW!, Hit - nml in,uin., Ih.glMil-.,I 'b *n.l |k;,. . - F.-r u l.i.: Ii '■ 1.... i iv|, , |VK. , , , , ,, , ,| .Iia-l -I d *’« " li ' - ini Ih. , H I ll. > » >' '■ - ll.- II. • mid IIIOl .lll 1 i’ll 1 l> - iliui. . - .- 1 ..f . .il mull.hi |>nt|.1;n n m l" f'*1’ • »"•! > '*n|‘P - 1 I '!-• ,.i. >d 1 -*■' ")"• gut a ...... 1 dllDl.'l-

" > l i v ' i n Jlir emir ot* Our liv ■' • .-. I H I,' Urn l'». .»L -i) n> A ur>.a varli'iy »r lull-■ .|| ml< rl»li)inriii- W\ ban • Ii. ir-lnH:-i*H«.f urn*; > faun o k - Hull I . .Im t'row, tiuv w*v. t. mull I i .li

r! ,-N.:i lij Invi llde pcrforind.* 11 u«*1 ith

W« >- - • < Hu- spit 1.1 - „| »|> I .10

li - I.IOV.'IV, I* At l

CoA rm.iJI unfafi.;-!. .1 n>n,i - ,v tompruy of •llivmi 11> u.u>l m<

m i! :> i lY*uio"<-tfc (h*tn w Mcb hung I wadi urn- up-n««f 1*1-1 • ln-1'Ottih, K-rm .1 !n tb>- li.iincwor.. 11 - violi '-. lui.,K.i■ ■ • l ■ , . i i .upon oil-- Mi-, >'M a in K -.1- m upon i Y- 1. -t •>‘•1 .» I* > ' ml, i * [HK-ill.i'1 t !" l U 1 rl'oru- r in till- lb 1> >• -uUl be KTvilli.V In-Ill' u.uil of i-’.lvn r u; A ia l u i'i l li>t> medium—«

- - *1 A p r


’ c 1 U N O T lC l ' T II t , * g . ’

ei in uiion 110: Rfo-Vi hputiTVAL BTPUy d p t i j i : a o i:.

i-gtti'l. i mly - tin., I> li|K. i-n!lv Iml it

• I Hiiilitj; iliui) -.1. Ail'li

( u r n u i .U i ' j o ,ni(.i,i .u k .

• lb. r

■ 1 > I. li u|

nut n full liiiUlc

n - .lit- r 'rv» 1. voiy In.i,-. w .*

- Hit.iM 1- r.

uli ami oil w..h l.v 8 *U ami 1.

-.pomHo inform

HXUi-n of ulioiii vitro >-i tkuiiwi 1-lV - III Mil" 4«-l wouiewhni up ;. -I at i girt.-.l with in. -; t.tlf

hi* table. Th<- gravity with ;il V'u .• v.i-uM !■."« l- 11 highly till.

in ol trv*0« i J u ' . • l .I .1 " i. : ■

[-.111 . ll I, a’ld Ono ill Ilf* ll ■■■ .1 0.-1 tin- }*|iir;t.-« tin* violin M.- ll 1 ■ w o never L-i-.uil ih it Itla.-K H..M V \..i hnv iu j ill'all In • Hi - >11 lighting ihe

pu'« Ho. -.1 1 nd the- clPO 0.1 .'Id luno With yi

Previou Hank n

v . h i l l e d -1.1.1,,.(

draw i) a!'on, ! v nth

Ig perform -l wllh.iiil Tho .- about uno hundred and OR* l<

Ih- 1 lion - . I. i . . di>- |»iiiltf t iiu.l p ig . .1 . .1-mi11 knted - i . o . v i - -l .

I ..n 111.- to otHkk 1-y ; wvi-r.ll (in.- . on "v .-i.l- . >iol- -I aii.t i-aton In ulint u Kit;

•t'u-ii.lio ii- l.d tli>- pul of ilnvighl .niiniul* elili. hi. h you |>1- ll**'.gi»t-» m> in i-'.-.iiil of tli. •.. king of a bcaitlliiil tin

-•»* 1" r > I'uin ' All i-

[i:il IH -

v a i ratiKn-; 1 it round. -' Til.

• Vv*. >«•>:" and that * 1 - the I tftrr Um> sinRing of tb- hymn, the Ught «*-> tilted in thtok ilarkn **. hw ently tb* rv n rr tvhi r.- the la * , viol -t«H»l. ami the u.-r.l

■. . . . . " To nil of t bit i, Uworibv S.pi r • u -|- 1 H .,1. li -..rty thmtip . wll I’m mV.Io m-i’in-g1 , . . ■ ■ 1 !-, 1 . * ; ’ •••.!.ill U10 rft f.-r ihitiv.|lvc* A bjrmu n-.f now »ung. ; .-iiijuinl.Hl

; ■ - I . . i Ho VHA 1 ' 1 with 1 ■1 l l ■ I 1 1

-ev.-ral at th» tab!-- d l.trt.l b . hml touch,*1 tb-m with l> * I \ I a'I . ri

•m- non 11 11 \ f.-tv nii.lil- -iiu’i- 11 liitly t.-Hiding Inmil with 0 MMiiniH a*-.* id out whiK- in .1 uf wmi- .->( no kaoltl.-dg.' that 'h>- over 1, . . . iroiil In 1- be.I

.iliile .i-I, i-. nor .lid an) permi! in dm li.npia Uuoiv ttmt nil-' « ..* :> >mn n.imb ilint, Uiough Ih.-y ln-1 ti>'.|iu-mly U. ird voice■< in the night linn* n.r ii li,. U tiny .meld not uci-"nii(. CM the night in «|u.-*i ..n rlu- look I-. r >ldld, tvtHiut .1 your «ml a h alf old. »ui ol U«l. .1. ..•nde.i iho -i.iir* atid >..- ,i out to the ■ for toinctliing In eat The table lind itln iuly Ih . :i - . 1 for Lr. ukl.L-l tli.- ll- x l uiomiu;;. and Hi* put th - food ii|h.|i itt ufl.T which ih ” Ir. ue.l b ■ -If uinl child to 1. hearty meal. Without

o ■■ ■’■■'. be t arm I to h. 1 d -roou , laid th-1 • olwerved ! . V. i 1 : — • I 0 • o -i. .. . - I down 1 lira. A i . lie «l- -. • nd. d -Ip- pniw-- 1 the Chi- >n. with a -u'.nL'ing v. nwl.-.t winch an o ',.- b n . mid wilh-O - ll. vrd o i ! on-, know mg uli- -I. ■ «.1 *. ;>|. -.1 ( in.I foil Imndlnng to Iho

I..,.; --( I: • -• i ’ i l l ...........' t| I .Hill - V .11 br-ik-n tiy (In- fall. iUill -In-nvrin.1 1 -- . -iv cooIiihIoii ou lb.- frontal boue. which, bow over, for- tuunl-dy ill.l not prove of .1 '--riou« ehur.w l. r. Tlu- n.iis.1—l by (lie n 'l on ok • mi....- ol III.- f iinlly. ivlio lmnn-.liat.-ly ,miI up, i*llpp»'-ing tl, -t ihe h*** 1—* I-11 l> en ."d- • -I '<> robl. i -. when tin- iiiif..rtnnn(e Indywe* found ..nth - llnor. and In a M.ito of inwiisihlllly. She *0011 i.*-.•ot. r.-d, Iml could nut udl hotr he emu., in Hint eonditioa. Medical aid mo- e ill'-.l and Hie wound* ottonded t*». the Ir.uMnr - proving only the small b-mi- of line I'ore-artit, She Hub-u-.nienlly romemhered and re- citod what li- call- .1 a droani, in whi.-h fill.- thought >he had taken tin- cbdd and'ion.-todlimer. On wjverat occof>i«n* jircvionsly. the food pin awav tit night w.v- found loin- much I- ainl the domestic of the

Are vf you. brother ll.tvit!i,-r King"” T-> all tbi-the

brother King. t<> touch me aC or re-i 1,11--.1 with a mie-l .leaf- thunip-.i.g upon the dmia An r tightening up the ir.-ini-., nt he drummed out a tnr.*\ c.-c.iinpanicd by the violin piaycr p re-cut in the flesh While he was playing, vre-a* ol-,i „ »•- fill oib. rv—pln.-' l --ur hand- upon Ih-ve of the gi. diiun. in order to lx- a.*»;irrd th*t In every tartan.-, when the b.v..d to-.iebcal the m-diuroV, wbioh lay npo^the table, it i.v. iw-d a -tn-ke from the <lnjncil:ck in lie bund- ..f tiic invisible perforin, r. Tlii- !--ing done in the dark, it was difticult t*> uit-1- r-:a :-l L.-w he tuana c-.d always to hit exactly. Bat of c«-tir-e darkn- - '- no. -b-*.;ele to i!i - Spirits'.

Black Hawk n-.w uud. rio.-k t-> rv,- u* a tune upon Iho tambourine, but not -ur. .tin • \ ry well, Kir.;: David came to bis assistance, and the two nude m»-t b'-rrlblc disc...-.!. At !x-t. apparently disgusted with bis w ant of -re; s-. Clack Hawk .cut the tamt.onrine whirling over our 1: a>l* i the nil-idle of the floor! The .-spirit of Mis* liniilv Macon.1* r then played several tunes upon tho bo.** viol, in Terr pxvl rtyle. Hera was d.dly the best pertViraucce of the evening. After a few more as-'a.-r manilestat-on* a lx-11 rang, and wo were inf.-ruu-d that the Spirits bar! d-ti'.;-.---d n *. The concert was ort-r

•• ,\ud do yon bt-liev it ad W. II. v 0 will tell you what v.e «lo i 'I believe. We .i'-a't belict e that the ir.-trumeats were moved l.v any sort of machinery—examination rati-A M us upon that point. Neither can we are bow any person pri fent could have us-d the itutm omts in the position-; in which thi-y were W e are then forr forccl to admit that the mu.-: ■ wa* ma>ic by some p- vor unknown to n« A- to tho agtucy of tke Spin: . w.- v.-ill odIv -ay that we could not see i\hat affinity of -pirii .-ould i elv.e. a Black Hank. Kin ' David, tb- Iltps-ror of Chip 1. and Emiiv M.'-comlx-r A moib-y company.

c -init 1.1:.lily v 1 ]» etvd ol* the th.-ll tli.iugii til— lady hcrjelf ala.i; . ; • of tb key II iv.i* tortunale he did not full tho lir-l time wins

down, or tli'-child would m all probability have h-vD kill..-d.—

t o m i i U b i i . a\i> r u t . A i n .

., I,(to

IWI m fl'N ll. VV AIIUI.N. ,%r. I.H- . 1, ,-U III ■•l»..|. . • 1,1" r - ‘ MurfPr .

O lT K il., laTIH .nillCH , A\l) I'llll.OsOrillt ll. MS,'•111 >11 \fs.

J»U. « . T. m.Vft.lN1’ r 11 1 it r v r 1 u 0 r * r n t; t j r m iiP |li.;l.m Ttltrd .\ \ ,

I . M. hid.1.01.<1 \ t().,I* R O H I) 1 ’ ll C O M M I S S I O N M K R C If A N T S

No. II W tvi'ii f in !,:, r . Nkiv VoIik.O I.H IJt* »V. Kill.I on.)- K(m*BD ll. KKUAHl'l. I ’m

TO l . l .r THIUlf .IHO U K K i ll KLOOKS1. Piciory ..ii • o.ui. i.t. of Wni ;i;u, >ir> • 1, st... 1 ui. iiuii.iu.: .., 1 m r.. ,0 .1 . r. if rnpilrnl. Apply i<> « H *UI.K< I’All I Uli)'.Ik t»-- K

Iloni.llnu. I ”7 *•(»» l»»s; S i r . . I—tv . - i. t/...i->|.-1 - . m |l... uj|h r -ml-rl aiut

;. r»,ui.d M fJUotoi reBllt-r V l' reed- ■ •1 Mow, all o l Mlrkfl '

Tf, • .'1 !./■.,t/y <f t ' v

I’MlTHIDliK .V JlltITTA X’S 1-1 J!1.1>'ATI'>N;S-OtirlH eiubi ik . m«|| (J,. pi in. Ip .)Hi r pilfdi hr,1 by nun

n.uM.eri.,ill( r 111 rood- 1 .»• ** **":*l lie

I.fllvi of Tint!(»,?.! Ilfl ff'»,k.‘ 11 / ’If/Lilli iIf p .id 'I ih" ofib of ii. lii 1 1 o.l f-.iOJ. font iiw-i.. y In

Tim Tolfigrnph p.ipus

r lie |.»i* and |

i. ; ■-. ..■ , . ! , ■ ! i. -

<i J ’/Ori/lo/jcZ


j M /.to .i) In»U*">-r

’ !><<■ U ' A' .1 -.J A '•>.'/ W:..

* n -

...11'....•1 n 1 1

,. 1 1.1Volunt'-i I I and I I I .

l/u'.iiro'i. Divuuf RoveU;;'jin.'Clr.I t>-\I:

T. 1 1

MpiritUaWxm, Volume II

Pjocaedings of tho Hartford Bjbfo C'oi.v:It- (••'(‘ •I / l.. i '/oi l.,.'.ii. AifcJr. «■' i i-f

Void*, froui Spirit-1.and-

Right Bid". Nature.

Phyiico-Piiytiologlt il Re,.,an.ii"..

Light from tho Spirit-Worfd.

pasiT iu: k.u .k o f t ih : i»oiju\ of Tin; south \Mi.inn\ imihamn.Tni- r ..le t -liiiAie ...I ilie r.*|. l>fm. ii i!r*.,.i emi.l M»ri it, li n. .M..i.n.onil.

...I. ■.1 >.,l.,.i,

.» mi-r.- I'urtlciili.r .1. *.-i,pile. New


part in the performance, j T',,! Snairw ** Tnum i.rii 1- publi.brd "ok ly at i i ja r oi.nn— —ills payable in oilcan.:.. li i. i>. ..--iii'i our patrour »»f Hi.* l.n>*. when

a4'>J<ripi.'.n-l. renaJ*.*. ami If of.* #,«»l rri.i-we.l, lln- ] ij r ia dlseoaUllued, IV. bet; our Ir.. i..L< not l.v .I. •... II ii'irdj.l er nnkiiut In ij- il ll.o I j «r I- dlscontimicil.

nee ..ur ma'.lm* clt rk kc-pc ihe book- in aei '.r.l.uir.i« iili Iho ivn. ml «j *icm have. I..po d. ami .-si. . V'-r. : -.. no dl*en?U.iii. Tlxj |i,«|.rli ton n.- . r know, ntci-pl by laiuie, wh. o a anbo-riptlou rx| Irv, or n |>a|*r Ii dheontlnncd.To oca 1I 1 ; ei L-Ki.olasn ■ W e purport- ill f.llurn In deliver ll.H paper Uiclty uitb '.U-i« tliroufc-li ibe r«vti!ar mail, which con lru done for <mc con p r copy, if ll..- ibo-rilw pr r .i lie- po-Luv al Ih" 1 >fliis . The price of Ihe piper and dcliv. ry » III 1 J .- and iluj ..uhs-rher uiu-! lake ti.c ri-k «>« ll.e lalll.fu) perrormaneo of duty,...

fa/ os rcLilia to the P.r-: Offlce Di parm. nl.To A n u r .r n , , .—Tin wide clirulatl.»n of ll.e Tn.rr.eirn r...w render, it n d. *lr-

advriieun; medium, and life proprietor, will CoUlinnc to .veupy a portion Ib'-iT « at the ruliowinu rale*. Twilve and a half cants l»r line wnl be Un-

;cv t*»r a sinxl.- It, :r,iua; ,-jcli rneceeding insertion, Eight caiita [or iiiu-. To |ho-e D« a J i. rti.w f.r tbr.e tdunlbv. no rur.i cliar^e will be uin.10 fur Ui« first .. rj »|i.-rli«'r>.enl u u ! be frrpttd to wcur.' it, ai-pc-iranvi- for die time it la.-xpecl.-d remain, ami it will be .li-.* >nlii«i.-.t when that time expires.

- But why w.i-it dots.- in thi dark Well. U|»ou that w. ar> in the dark uur - I i — They .-ay. however, that the Spirit- have more pc— T in UarktK si. cu th.- principle, we uuppo»t . that during all tinu, gliu 1-, witch- - .aid bohg-’blinj have Ixcn forced to .Kparl at break <d day. Tb ro wer' .1 toiul-vr f.f u- il kuowu and iutelligent citizens present, uud th.-y all concurred in believing that no deception was pr- tic'd . We should state that tome of the cotnpauy were po-ilivc th. «*w a light for a few seconds, in the vicinity of th - instrulneui*. . we were not It-* Icing in that diriciion. M e did not 11


I os nos - ll. Kiiklicsk, 21® Sox k To.. 17 Ludgole llitl.

>. -I ll. Bvll l t-lltl •■r, II < alt.- del Principe,

GF.NEKAt AGENTS Foil THE UNITED STATES.lutiowimt are C.;u.

nr 'i-iMC'd will «ipp:y.i!l it" 1*. •'*. tlu 1 Mia 11. N>. I’. Franktir.- -

. our I'-', al pnUlsbi rs

. Ilo.lon, Mua*.

I HrmiTnai.-T''

.1 X. V.t\ ll. ..J .-m:- M. I Nadu illn, Tcun.

. als.l'- SlXtb, 1'liif.ul. l|.-,.unI, dG< Idles.

Sam si. B u n . i t l Arch- Kei>kriis* x a. Co , 9 and 12 CourMtro 1, lln II. TaVI.'ik, Bun Iron lluildunr, 111 Billlmor J'. \ UTr.xia, Toronto, C. tV.VVh.luu M. I . imnc. It .ltlinure, Mniyland. Tsa-.-ri.iMi A n tn , I a r . Peso , of Tboiup-.iiivill.-, I t ~c" Dill, r Ax- lils wul bonk .1. nil rn «>11 In- Kllpplk-l

Li.*>'.u } ll.e old. r.

Ilaliimorc, Md.



Max and Inu.'UTaUTV.—Mon is wed. and l.irvb i- planting. 1 life for cultivation, not exhibition ; he is here chiefly to be acted on, not to lx- characteristically an agent For though man is an actor, h<- more a recipient. Though he produces c fleet.-*. b<-1> i L-ivi-* a Uiou-ntulfold more Lhiin be produced. And In- i* to be iKtimab-d by bis capavit) l'»r receiving, not of doing. He has his leant value in v.hat In- iit rail I ■ in what he c m.»l.!e of having d..U>- to him. The ......... ,. . . r . n- . . . . . . . . r. i v , . . i v ™ .dmtaedleg, (he ifb c tiw . t‘.- , i i and I ri : • . u> u... a,. ,~.i eeocrsjiy.character: i ;.rally, r c x lp i - - of influence, and only secondarily are they I ‘"-•1 '-, l* ,li« 1 I -kill ..i ii.h • . ,ih> ” arc -.. Now, how diff-rent i-* the value of ore. dead in It* silent | ■'< p'-' f i will t..- pn.iiipilyw aiting plocen, from tbc wrought blade, the nil but living • agin.-, nml the carved ar.d curicai* otraul!

Ol how little value Is a -hip standing li. lp lns on the stoch-—Imt half built, and yet building—to one wbo has no knowledge of the ocean, or of what that belplcai balk will become the moment she slid.-s into her clement, and rises and falls upon ihe flood with joyous greeting.

Tb* value of an acorn is not what it is, but nbut it hall Is.- when nature has brooded it, and brought it op. and .i hundred years have sung through its branches and h it tin ii- -tri-ngih th r,-.

He. thin. Ihat judges man by what be can do, judge* him in tin- h cd.W.- must him tbr«.'.igh some h-.iec—we must prOlgure In'. in.inm taliiy While, Ijn n. Iiie value in life must depend on what li.- van do. w.-. ban- h> r.- tin- Isiginning of a mortal value which l«-.u Uo realization to hi- power, but to Ids future d.-tiny - - llin n / IVn'il

I"! r.L ll |.|i,.i:l.l

ill l in t ill* * - tLiin-s could only I*' obfiorv,Tu ti - l thin, Insti spring w l.i•n tin- l.ig u-lipM ini' lit. >1 nt \Vu-liiugD.ji. H " took a lar;u*ually in Un» ligiit-lmus" K - r v i .m id mi*un u|mn u pin. i- o f rliiujrl. -the ivihmI l.-gt

' i f A*, a l.<k o f l.air «.r ..ilicr ■ " l-l V ,\. JollX-.iN . M 11„ \„. il lB. No |cis.-r will r . .. ju. nl; * uni.

Th.' >ijt» m. nl will I-- a ■. 11,. i, nl ;i

1, Willi IKOO • I,

i an-l M slliiin,

‘•'".fly t"-

rc-idi-nce. Ail.

-lifrJIy Complied

N I'IKin Al. « l \ilMDVA\ti:.

No a l\.«

Ti n s

f.ltl.-', II. lM 'lu m ii . d i i s i i i p .

.. i-.

The S i x mam Hkh Ki-iU!-- —Professor Henry. Is fnre lh>- Amerieirn A>socJaliofi uf Kcirju'c, giivc- odd nnailts touehioi: th-c\i-l> rice of red flames on tin- edge ol the sun. a- olrscrved during wi.lor c lip ,.-. Th. - pretprelions o f red Ibln - were observed ag-iiu in May. A bhu-kl-.ard repr cron tali on of them was glv.u— ,i rirf b- with rloveii tougus- Hr.-.During ccl'pe*-- it ui»pe«ni, r murkil.le appeuraiu-es of il. Mime have boon observed einc® tb«- yf-ar J x X uli.-n AI.-ihiuIit and Henry were astronomers tog* Iln-r at Princeton. One u-* d ay,-ll.,w (doss, the o th er* red ll wu* fonu il./o-jgb the m l gl ins, 1 happened, Mr Henry , ip*Ixirniug leus. smfli <ui arc centrated the rays of IhoUi lornt, wh o presto 1 the -ami- sort ol Ihuiie uppr.ited, of a Is-aui pKiL color. A ra i ' • ol diP Tent colored gl i - •• was brought L, I, but through no'." of them, yellow, gn -n, imt anyUiin.' 'I - ' ’ but m il iiratim ; --Mr«. n«. ' .a id th" tl .on- b - - " I . Mr. Ifi.nry call 1 in tti** a n h ile e t «l that days. Wu.Iiuk1»)‘ . ltlMl l , "lll> •-1,1 .Smith- .uia.-i Ir.. HlutJoii. :i’*d had him 1«ki!i l|e wuv oblivious ol lb- ; mi.. evistone.* of the U/tom till 111" r-.-d gla < a me. A . uudb- u •* ■ t 'd * " ' I "''Ui up. rril It was invb-liil" through the red g !» -. The inb-r-in <• i-. j M|1. llU-* pie .i -m- nun in rml The pink, .ucordlog to Mr. Henry, i- " *“ib m..iium j . 11v • color, or color in lb'> eye. This open , It 1- said, a Held lot if" vestlgallon

BEHOLD! TIIE SICK ARK Ill ll.MH.MBS s It. JOIIX'I-.l.\,of Ha,r.’..r, M1; IVyctilrnl Itii'lriun an.1 Vle.lltim, vri.util r.-

ip.xifull) Is r i-i.i. 'l li) l,.-r liu»lisinl—i.illioiliv«M,l,pirliriiUrlyh.i-e will, rarerrr.ui ultll.lii.lis and .... i, die . . . . gen. rally .u Ini'o 1, >1)1 I II...•f U.e Isciliy "

ILviTlilu..ll..l.4 of [k r^.n. *il ft dl-lfti.c- sill I-. pi...,ij.ili nil*.nil*.I l.» ,.n il„. r.

•|"'"y. mx Hats |”i|- r ..(.Ini,-

li.,> iii-.sni: -W. .li.i Mlay, ;idiifi«ii. r .i.fki.I!.'fi-ral*"lii IU"w O l'r>-f|.-li. No."A Itiirnlay--Ir. c l; IJ It M'.nnliiK, N.r,.’. I . '..•irltmi ll

'Ire.: : T|||I|>"I> T.IWIHI-II.I, N" N*n-• m vli. e i , I.. N. I(,.||. X,, |Ui! ITilti.ii -•,..-)■.1, T f*. smllii. r..rner Hr.sulwoy and IWum-rlie. i ; Ju*. i- ii. , i. r, \„. ;i. : -ivdefm ou. ; OJII'--. ,.f Tlie Uorkuif t’.'iriin r. N.,. in F'uH..ii (n-..|, ”.T n Vnrk; .............I .1 >l»p.-.. Kink, New J«r,i > ; • T. I cle », N... Pi s .i.Oi Mn,fcowitr.-,-i. B"<-i..n: !'■ I', i lurk, N" 'i'I Afrli- iris-i, ri.iladil|ilil>: It. i.Jio.ui I'rm r. 'Tfirnmufi, win n|||I>|I> itC'CilpIliili of 111' ( l.'pefly 1.11) l»: m u.

Pnnlev ile-irJinf i.« jmi.-l.r*— me IniH.-il " , ex.nnn«- ll.e pr.iparly. Addr<-» TIIP NOItTII AMKItll VN PHALANX, er • "lier .if Hi.- 1'i.d. r - i . I , nl p».,i).-.i.x f ..."

■e. MitnimmUi < .'"'inly, N. J.M l.Uil.i:.; -I \Its. I ..inniiltf».

Sulliflg’8 Pncumntology,l - (Cle, Wl.kt (lui.l.t »

B(l-li. I*ut,f|.|,e.| I,) I'..ii- -I ; . k ll,,iflic Piigrinuigo of Ikomav i'nine.

•I.c.l by I- Drldu • u DnUu Pei--/

Soavc-j of ProvorBLV n*>e* of P4.14 suit n.-yotsUoiu COW •< 8|'lru*. tl; .*-o(»iiu - 1.. Ol. Ne*

Dj-.conr :-. from Hie SpirtKWorld,

»wl Is ll.e Kolclwii role <•( ll.e iinlr. i


M R S . .11 E T T L V. It * S M E b I C I \ E s ,' now Is—[l lei.” (III,Ill'll tlefe/e tjn- put,Jlc l>. win A Ve'-il IKIIlie <”/ lllifin—llililrloilclu-r I* i.rliml Itlnl. All o f her Ri incdle* mo compounded arccidinit to hi r

( gin ii "Tiil- in ft .--•'•1C of CJalr. ..y.mce, ui.d .ire' viveijble, uf,.| p.-r fecllj , .I.- under ;.II circum*lnnc-r.

MRS. SETTLER'S RILSTOSATIVE SYRUP,Ttiongb |i*.l n f'ntii-r/ol l-anft.-cj, I* one nl iho ii)(,«l i ntcnclous Item.ilU v for all lie.-.-

o. r i wlilch orlglnafo in -ri liupuro State of tin: Okxsl, berangemenl of Ilia fic­tion/, nml lliliu.m Oiidrli. lii.-ns. Thotc who am Iroubh-d with uneuuftl Circulation, k and Rorvmw lliii.ljirl.i-, IjuClivily of tho Liver, ii|i;illi.n of lln- Dowi-K union of llm Mucous Mi-inhraoe, together wlih their various symfwlbutlr. .ff.c(s,

will Glut this Syrup liiralnnhK'.MRS. METTLES'S DYSEKTERY CORDIAL,

A firoM u n 4sn I)»ivkl Coskijctor. This rciiiidy has always proved suc- ce'Mul when properly used,anil Ihe directions rlriclly carried out, and no family stioold be wiUioui ll. It h a n-mnrkabtc mt-licir.o, an-i iiav n> .-»/■ fa lla l to cure in upward of 3oQ cases here ill Hartford.

MRS. METTLER'S CELEBRATED ELIXIR,for Cholera aiul sc'.re Cholic Pains Crani|>» of the Srotni/li r.iut ltoW<-l*, llie-umi'

lie and NcuraMc Pains, llihoiis tendency of the rdomach, IVv. r and Ague, amt revere pain* induced by iub rnat mjiirira. This will he found to lx- , <|iia!l> ir.«-I e.r Ih.- pur- pos.-s to which It Is csjacblly adapted.

A. It'J.dK, A*;, nl. Iluri(»rd, Conncctlcnl.P \Iff'Kllltii: fci HltlTTAX, Agents for New’ York.

JtKEs Mcf'i.r-Tcn, Proprietor. Agents for the Snle ol Msor. Ate I tier's It. in. dir;.

A. Rose, Ih.rlfi.rd.f 'oiin.; fi. II. Unties ley, N’orwich, Conn.; John A. Weed.Nnrw. Jk, Conn.; fi al.-y, M.-mifonl, Conn.; Itmlney Moore, Wl.i.J.d, Conn,; ('has. Dyer.Middl.lowii, Com..; Pariridgo t firman, New Y o rk ;----- - Harbour. Rinkhiimpton,N. V .: IL Walrrs, T(»y. N. V .:------- t'pham. roiighkeepslc, N. Y .; ll. nry Sliorbnrno,Bsp.-r.-iic.-, N. Y. J Mrs. G. N. Ik Hrowno, Broomc-vlr.-ci, New York; fi. Ward

ii, Cleveland, Ohio; 8 .8 . Jlrfnnt,Lo ltoy Hill, .<..nil»;u, N. Y .; fiam'l Harr), Pl.ila.l Iphia t l ‘<slcrhurn Ai Co., U arid J l Cutirl-slreet, (tostoil, Mu-s.; tYdliuni If. Dj.-r, llrldgejMirl, Colin.; fi.dn Marsh, IS Prankllnisireel, llnston, M i"*.; cinrl. •

I*. .'In-on, IG7 llioad-slri'vl. Providence, It. I .; .Mr-. M. Ifnyrs, 17.. I'ull.ui Ilrooklyn, I,. I . ; Pr.di k. Uayden, K-.-o.v, Conn.; It. K. Dlisi L Ilmen, F| . inurt. IdMa.


A new M .d lein e P u re ly V rgrlnhlo. mersnau KKTIttKLY vv SI-IBIT-OIUK. IIOW, TIIUulnil

M It S . P.. J . P I! E N C II , M E I> I O M . P I T T S It If It , P A . ri.. -.- I aro dlvldxl iulo obu-v-s adapted In (In. dl/cmu-s -jn-cill'Wl under each

n.iuilii r, and (ire M-parelel) or In romtdnaiioli a ruifn and certain cur.- for nil Cl... .IIo-a s i mid. r ll.e r. *|h.'cU'ii In ad-, many of wl.lrli have for urj. < huOl. d the skill uf ll.e learned, am.hi; wlih-li are 8l. Vims' liaucc,Tic lii.lormiv, Neiirulgia, Itli.mmallsm in all its varied forms, lewknl Jaw, i'.plltpsy, or railing Sickinm, Pnl-y, Nervous nn.l.-iick III idncl.1', Dyspepsia, . ...... of tin- Kidney ■> .imt Liver, l>lnriiiicn, IrreznUrl.lies of lln- I’wnnitu fiysiern. T.iti r. met nil C.itniiroin IH n-cs. Chills nnd lever. I ramp, Colic, < lio)era-ln..rl.ui, Cl...lent, Quinsy, liill.ufim, nnd all Aculc Pains anil Nervous Di.-sx- •• Tin-.- fluids have not Is. giro n-llef in any s.f then cars- " lo re lin y liave b.-eii I .irty l. slot, and wo have now a number el luirur

Also lie- l ine, and Cough fi'yrup, a safe and Inmlualdo r.Coldn. b' Ttir.wlx *I>-I fir. on lual Affi-clums—a sure core l.i

l'.s In.” ii mi .Inly u. make known to ihe nllliefed Hi. Imahiuld i re only 111 olM.lleuce lo.Hu- pinilive coinni'iiult of my S|iifiH?..lili-s, Iml ln*in a lh»n.u;h eonvicllun Ihil they are all llial is el for Ih. m, and from a J.- in- to relieve the -urr. lii.-.i of 1.II1..1. .t l.omi.ini). 1 pi,,|H.... lo pla.e them in ll.e hand, of rill al Die neol rv..— illsIde rah", and -hat}, as far a. I leiiu Hie al.tlil) lo «l.i ..., eh. .rl'ully supply il without . u. all who may nol lain Iho mi s'.* lo pay for II. Por further pie, s, T. > ih k t , es, Aee.ll, Pitl.l.lirr, P.w

Ihiiernl Ag.-nls; PniUftler fc firiiuu, 31-J Ilniadway. New York; C.-tcrhrrn k I'o., o aiul 1.11 on dree\ Ih. -oil ; \V. II. Uiiim-, ‘.’Hi it dlwnm., fiiillliii. n•: Henry st eif, 4.1 M lin en I. fit. Iciiili. Also sold liy Dr. Lanlliur, ll'.d.rn-, 1)/. Uetik, l*u. Arch".toe I, Phlladoiphln-, Dr,.:.. MID, ...i „ , U |s.[ It ... linker, l-iin.l slu Ij,r. IVI-. ; l\ Illy,* and otli.-rs. lMc..)-i |n-r tioHlr, ur i

Mr- I’r.-heh will I'ontinuo lo mak.' Clair, oysol i-xnmtnnl' pr.'on win'll Hie parlies n/e pres,Hil, V” l»(; If iiln-.-ul, ft t,

ll K»r. i I \ln- Aild(.~

<l.\IKYO\l\€i: AID PxU'limiLTUY.d IVjininall. ii »o.| Prosrnptlon

ndm.-il Vl ll


Ki.ou s, N o. M2 i I l ln v n '. n , N * iv V • will h M . in I. . b.r - |.ui(u it In-.-r. oil ■ d.'lly Ir *

In- Coli.iilte.l ul 9I (■


.: Mc Hiiiii lo M-jiilpulal

ipda*. Pr.f.pilig, iVritlliir,. •; -iml epi akllig

.1. It. STAFFORD'S 01.HE T ilt,a n p. i. i: i t R t r i t: it ii i i. v p i, i ’ i i),

itYI.1. 1.1 - lilt, del and Applied ; II I' n.H taken.)O I. I V' K T A If


llv ri.iri-iii i n i. r r,n .o.-r nuUr. or by mm '• iiin.- a n»l ... j: it til ft warm room, ts- Ii.wiyrs «o vtmr .-* rjiclr'f. i ,-.V- ,a*. -i- Amt nil M VI. Mil A or VNFIXTION pu . nl. I-p 'No ill-ria. can 1 oc? rout lime or -pr. a 1. where He* .Nt..r ..fOliiu Tar e\l*l.-.Omv« T m i.s by hie .il. i.; .n atm.npli) n> with ll... odor, which -niimf III contact will. Dm hl-sl as U p i ,. , ihrmizli III- lime. ,l-r ,r li-1 f,t sups..-i • f.-rrr lin t aryv.rr I, n p th ,t i in rcr ilo l.The .slot ..I. lllve Tar la a d. ll.;lillul fi].-udi-l aroma."'lon '.too Tar Is ll i* luk. u up *o ll.» ahiub»nl«, and Hie c/,.r.-„ i•ntalni I, . n rr. | (|||,| a I li-r : H.mi|.;l,..l|t lie •!. Ill 111 Ihe 11,0. , » which i"run -til in contract.

■ ••I ........... . ll..-, III. , ulllt b. (M,, ;i sl»l) and -eienly new and '.llutild.«c<pl-. ell in; lo lln. , ninplil. I -a al v duo .. - r . w ill i... -. nl ir. e pe-tae,. i , , . ip' ol **\ eeii-a ,,r ,u>, |.<(|er , lamps, lo Mm

> T \ P i ll It || n I. I \ |; T \ f( i li M p A M ,N. • ..•mid 21N. * -.|„. |, New Volk,

£ i/“ •■'jdiilmil.-l' who limy be i.lluei. dniih .lo.- • •. I. l rr.'.l I., m.duno i for Hu

ONE THOUSAND Young Mon -f -mail m.a..- c u. m ,,,. r „„„ |„„. i„. rent ui a m » nnd easy huslue-a Apply, cucl.Mii.; damp. In

,* 1 9n Ci n iK >i (,ll,, MlT;l LET IMT it US IN THE TKLUUItAPIl Blll.DINC.

.So. .142 Droadway, in from u( |Uv* Hruadway Talwrna.-).-. Alai, il.»ius auiu'.l.- fir wanufiKAurlng |,nr|e.„.. Apply to l'AKTBtDUK k. tllU ITAN, <m Uio pn-inRef.


A IM v : ‘. j

1' L t ,

-. Vv-

Brituu’9 Roviow o; Bcc*Jif r s Report.. . . . . ! i

bound, flt>.l l- Cs in i.iil-l.n; |s«-fa.*e. .I ami 'Britain and Richmoaii'H Discut .ion.

PHI pa / -s octal... Tni W.irk coidaias l»en.)-r. above tunned, ciftlm-Jyluv.<e a le.rnl--/ of lu- sianid lo Illn.irab- th. aplrittial phenoor nv of .Mjud/*. To Insure a wnfo c.rental, hi. H o l SI- Portage, 3 ) caltw. Publiilitil by Parlie

Epic of the Stirrjr Ilea|e.keU by'lbouias l. in 2d ie'ur-

■ cut Arglunc; , pro wrl • ■

U pa > Id-451 ; rnomcev, di - ’i. p. I'-- r. n-.s.

Tile CcitiUa! Telegraph.Or, secret* of He- l.deloiom e; when in Ho- i:»id.-i.r<l She F-na.oji.1 ll.rfHVi j~.Uu#of the Soul uji-r Its fi- paru'i.m from Ihr fi.aly arc j-rt-i.-.l by niiaj' ja r , tJLji: rime uu, by Ihoa.onsr.f <.. :_nc sa>.iman.bufut-, who l -.1 l: -j.ij i' rccpuonv of T lil/ly-SiX l\/e>f.i III llje rspir.,uaj VVorid. fiy L A. Vj ...'.”. Tub- tishcil by Parind .c u liridan. Price, $ i W ; j. "-_^s-. ly u a '*

Ih o ApprCaChiEg Criais.

Davis. ruld.-U-t by Partr-.ds-- k llr.Han. IN >> c> ; porta;.-. LJ c.Philosophy of the Spirit-'World.

It. v. H u ita iJ&ioRK'nd, MrMiirm. t-uh' - ...; l.y Part..: lr fir.iun. Prio-dccents; jH.stagv, IS c- uls.

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The Spiritual Rcasoner.11} I - VV. la.m-% Uo D. Pric.-, 7ucod- ; poilave.!.Tho Birth of the Universe.

Throudh It. P. Au.ld.-f. Price, .’n .-cot*; (« '.lv ;c,« ccnlv.Dictionary of Correspondence.

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ir.TJu-.No"1 liispi-n ..ii,-it, !*y » laiynnin. f ii .-e .'t ; pn-taei-, 7d 1. nlHumanity in tlio City;

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Spiritual Expcriouco of Mrs. Lorin L. Platt Price, 22 «vuU; postage. ;i ,1 m,.

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Icview of Bi-.-eher's Ecpcrt.Ih-

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B-.ryrv-hy r . X:- . - r . • f

SpinuWorzz R :-,’ . hn*. net hTj-.-.c;.'A la.-ciu','. *-> Afiad 1‘ J /j... Pr..., -.1 e, i

Arnatd, and Pcemr.

Epitoute uf Sp.rft In’-drco’di"*

Buchanan's Aulhropol■' r

The Lily W reath

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Modern Sp-.riluahsni;,..J l u

y P.The II . .sling of the Notice.

RTklDCC 1 UR ITT IN, p Q b fi.b .r * ,Vo. J U Ih w u t ln y , \ cw Yin.

it Cammnuion.Fufi o\ t: u - i i u t t .

Divine Rlisniinari.

■I'i'D afnopU.lHi :.iry of r..:.2tion

1. It f.•i "-r 1-"if the Pavtcr ,- Ch.’.'i’ iian Rhureh of Ii.-.

Discovvr#.: on Uuitariaaisiu, VlnlvitriAlLsiii and Spiritualism, by J , .

Short Treatise on tlio Second Coming of Chr'mt.

Principles of Human Mind,I d In.m I 1 .» - Ry Ufrvd 8m II. P„

Elnmonts of Animal Magnotixm;>r. Pbw.i! and Applicill.'ii f.,r i.duuintf hum.,n si

MitS M’UtiTI tt U I " '1 IH'

'. I "The Great Honnonla, Vol. I.

Th- Physician, lly A. J. Dark. prtfThe Miterucosuv;

Dr.lho t’lHVer— NVithoiiL ily VYliUm in.l-lni, 7 7 c. i.t.; |.osiaVe I • r. ui«

Tho Groat Haruiouia, Vol. III.Tho S-er. Ily A. J . D»vl«. PruK, | i ; poilig*, I0 .-.-uu. No 312 BROADWAY, vSptritunl Tolrprepl* BuiliHUJ'

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