^maVr` gm¡a {XZm§H$ H$m{V©H$ 13 eHo$ 1944 | df© 47 | A§H$ 40 | ‘§Jidma 5 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2021 | nmZo 8 | é. 4
Heeve 4 Jej
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g§nmXH$ … {‘{bÝX ~ëbmi
R>mUo {OëømMo gdm©{YH$ InmMo n[anyU© X¡{ZH$ | BîQ> Vo N>mnUma | g§ñWmnH$ … ZaoÝÐ ~ëbmi
DAILY THANEVAIBHAV RNI REGD NO. 27878/ 75, POSTAL NO. THC/186/2018-2021 -, , -, -, , , , .
DELIVERING FUTURE ! What made you choose the field of medicine?
Wouldn’t it sound a bit idealistic and romantic to say that right from my childhood I had an inclination towards medicine. The options in the 70’s was either medicine or engineering. My father and his family grew up from abject poverty in the village to their success in the city. We were told - that he wanted to be a doctor, but economically and facility wise it remained a dream. Maybe that was the subtle inspiration - I am happy it worked out for me as well as it fulfilled his dream.
Why you decided to opt gynaecology?
One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world” said – Malala Yousafzai.
That teacher for me was Dr SN Daftary at the Wadia Hospital and GS Medical College – my guru, guide, mentor, well wisher, critic, philosopher, hand holder, skill developer, and human being par excellence. I was inspired by him and sky was not the limit under his chhatrachhaya.
How challenging it was when you started your career?
In 1983, I was married had a small son and was a lecturer in a medical college- the salary would last for 15 days. Then, inspite of being a MD, I was still eating from my father’s plate. Veena’s father expressed a wish that when they were around, we should have our own setup. We searched from Alibag to Nashik and Vapi to Surat for opportunities. Inspired by Dr Daftary’s setup , we dreamt of a nursing home, without the availability of necessary finances. The cost of a place in Mahim, where I stayed was Rs 2500 / sqft. So like the Malyalee who goes to the Gulf for petrodollars, we came to Thane in May 1985 with Apeksha Nursing Home - the quintessential expatriate.
When did you start your own nursing home and how were the initial days?
Finance was at 18% pa and that too after giving the documents of your parents, inlaws and anybody the bank thought would bale us out, if there was a crisis. The practice grew like a typical pregnancy.
It took time – a fairly long gestational period. We did not have a phone – I used to move around with 50 paise coins to be used at the Raymond gate PCO – to call an anaesthetist, to call a pediatrician. For personal calls, I had to given the number of a chemist at Vartakanagar. For sustenance, I used to travel to Cooper Hospital for duties as a lecturer.For the first three years we never ate out – there just wasn’t anything left to be called disposable. But slowly things picked up. As they say Naam Ek Din main Nahinbanta, Par Thaan lo aurjidd, jigar, jaan, aur josh se kaam lo. To ek din ban hi jaatahain.
How many operations have been executed by you so far any count..
Frankly speaking, I don’t know as I have not kept a count. But have had the honour to teach at Rajiv Gandhi Medical College and Chhatrapati Shivaji Hospital, and the opportunity to operate at many corporate setups. As guesstimate, must have done more than 10,000 deliveries.
Can you mention few of your patients experiences ?
KS was a patient who delivered a second time normally in Mulund. She bled a lot and needed an obstetric hysterectomy there. Then she went into coagulation failure. She was shifted to Singhania Hospital. We stabilised her with many transfusions, but Dr Ashalata and I had to reopen as there was a lot of blood in the abdominal cavity. We had to take a death on table consent. Subsequently, KS went into ARDS needing the ventilator, renal shutdown needing dialysis, subcutaneous gangrene, and puerperal sepsis needing heavy antibiotics. But she fought and after 45 days ofstruggling to keep her afloat, she went home.
UM was a 30 year old who had suffered from four pregnancy losses. When she came to me, I told her PhD husband, I will manage this according to some empirical methods I have learnt from my guru – and you can help by not asking for evidence based action. He was desperate and agreed. She needed a cervical tightening and complete bed rest but finally she was blessed with a baby girl. Eyes
streaming with tears the husband dis shastangnamaskar to me in the waiting room- crying – “Doctor, Tumchya Mule Zhala”.
Subsequently they relocated to the US. But for many a year whenever they visited India, they would come straight from the
airport for a pilgrimage to Thane – associated with embarrassing namaskars. Even now, she always reconfirms the doctors treatment in the US with an early morning telephonic consult.
Isnt it natural that this abundant niswaarth affection is the elixir that keeps us going - i treat He heals.
How the field of gynaecology has evolved over a period?
Newer suture materials, newer surgical techniques, better anaesthesia equipment and drugs have made surgical interventions widely available, affordable and safe. In the gynec segment, new drugs eg for endometriosis and minimally invasive surgery have
made - minimised hospitalisation, better postoperative pain care and quick recovery a routine option. In vitro fertilisation along with other assisted reproductive techniques have revolutionised the stigma of infertility. Role of NCDs, PCOS and better coping of menopause are better understood and treated.
As a maternity nursing home how have we changed in last two decades especially in terms of technology
The advent of advances in maternal imaging because of the latest sonology, and MRI facilities has helped in better antenatal care and predictions. Antenatal testing for fetal problems have been a great boon. Blood availability even with fractionation has helped fight the menace of hemorrhage. Antibiotics, antisepsis and better sterilisation techniques have managed to control infections very well. Fetal medicine, fetal monitoring methodology and advanced neonatological care has ensured the survival of many a baby. Huge drops in the national indicators Maternal Mortality rate and Infant Mortality rate reflect the effect of the advances.
How can patients and doctors relationship can be strengthen?
Medicine is not an exact science and life is not eternal. Both these factors need to be understood by both sides. Concerned authorities need to create medicosurgical infrastructure to give affordable
healthcare to all, supported by a grassroot percolation of insurance for all. All of us are cogs of society and a transparent, approach with empathy, sympathy, understanding and respect for all will help strengthen relationships.
You are also active socially. How have you contributed to the society?
We learn, then earn and then return. Our commitment of giving back to society is fundamental to human living and existence. There is the power of one – everyone can and should do – and they do. But working together works. And if you get associated with an organised setup , you land up doing things – bigger, better and
bolder. I was invited to Rotary in 1986. I had come to Thane alone with wife and child. I landed up with an extended family of 3500 Rotarians. In 2019-20, as District Governor I could oversee them, collectively doing Rs 30 crores worth of community benefitting projects – from checkdams to solar lighting, from ewaste management to elearning kits. We gave over half a million dollars to the Rotary Foundation, did a quadrilateral bike trip Bharat ke Veer which generated Rs 45 lakhs for the armed forces martyrs. I became a professional asker – no qualms in begging for a cause. During the Covid pandemic, community kitchens to grain distributions, donations of PPE and masks to oxygen concentrators to ventilators – we were there, at a cost of almost Rs 4 crores. … and more is to come Picture abhibakihai dost !
How do you medical health care facilities in Thane. How has Thane upgraded?
Medical facilities have undergone a sea change in Thane. There was a time when in the quest of an ICU bed or even latest therapies, there was an exodus to Mumbai. That flow has stopped because of the availability of state of the art, on cutting edge of technology, matched with the arts and skills of doctors here – IVF, endoscopic surgery, advanced sonography, cardiac surgery, bariatrics, organ transplants, cochlear implants – to name a few.
A well-acclaimed gynaecologist with almost four decades of practice, a popular professor amongst his
students,eloquent speaker, a humour writer, a past district governor of Rotary, Dr Mohan Chandavarkar is multi
dimensional versatile personality. But above all he is one of the best human beings. Thane is proud of him. A valuable
Thanekar indeed.
4, Pokharan Rd Number 1, Tulsi Dham, Samata Nagar, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400606
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R>mUo, ‘§Jidma 5 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 20212
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g§nmXH$ … {‘{bÝX ~ëbmi^maVr` gm¡a {XZm§H$ H$m{V©H$ 13 eHo$ 1944 | df© 47 | A§H$ 40 | ‘§Jidma 5 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 2021 | nmZo 8 | é. 4
R>mUo {OëømMo gdm©{YH$ InmMo n[anyU© X¡{ZH$ | BîQ> Vo N>mnUma | g§ñWmnH$ … ZaoÝÐ ~ëbmi
DAILY THANEVAIBHAV RNI REGD NO. 27878/ 75, POSTAL NO. THC/186/2018-2021 -, , -, -, , , , .

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R>mUo, _§Jidma 5 Am°ŠQ>mo~a 20214
"R>mUod¡^d' ho X¡{ZH$ ‘mbH$-‘wÐH$-àH$meH$ {‘{bÝX ~ëbmi ¶m§Zr {‘S>-S>o BÝ’$mo{‘{S>¶m {b., R/847/3, Q>r.Q> B§S>ñQ´>r¶b E[a¶m, E‘Am¶S>rgr a~mio, Zdr ‘w§~B©-400701. ‘hmamîQ´> ¶oWo N>mnyZ Xm‘bo AnmQ>©‘|Q>, Q>|^rZmH$m, R>mUo (n) ‘hmamîQ´> -400601 ¶oWo àH$m{eV Ho$bo. XÿaÜdZr Z§. 25341526,25348594 Email : [email protected]

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Heeve 3 Je©ve

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R>mUo, ‘§Jidma 5 Am°³Q>mo~a 2021 & g§nmXH$ - {‘{bÝX ~ëbmi {Zdmgr g§nmXH$ - Hw$Umb åhmÌo & 5
go nm{hbm Jobo Va A{^ZoVo emhê$I ImZ ¶m§Mo {Ma§Ord Am¶©Z ¶m§Zm A§‘br
nXmW©{damoYr nWH$mZo AQ>H$ H$aUo ¶m ñV§^mV ñWmZ XoʶmBVH$m {df¶ Z¸$sM Zmhr. emhê$IMm g§~§Y ¶m CnÛ²¶mnr H$mQ>çm©g OÝ‘mbm KmbUo ¶mn{bH$S>o Zmhr, Ago ˶mgmR>r ‘mZmdo bmJob. VÛV {eënm eoÅ>r {hÀ¶m Zd¶m©Zo Oo CÚmoJ Ho$bo ˶mg {Vbm O~m~Xma YaUo J¡a R>aVo. ˶m‘wio emhê$I dm {eënm ¶m§Zm Xmof‘wº$ R>adyZ ˶m§À¶mda Aݶm¶ hmoUma Zmhr ¶mMr H$miOr KoʶmMm CXmÎmnUm g‘mOmZo XmIdmdm Ago ~mobbo OmV Amho. daH$aUr ho C{MV ‘mZbo Var Amnbm nmoaJm Agmo dm Zdam ho H$mhr Xþg¶m© KamV ahmV ZgVmV Am{U ˶m‘wio ˶m§À¶m Amjonmh© dV©ZmMr O~m~Xmar Hw$Qw>§{~¶m§Zm ñdrH$mamdrM bmJob. Img H$ê$Z Ooìhm Aem VmaH$m§Mo bmImo MmhVo AgVmV Voìhm Va ˶m§Mo dV©Z H$m¶Xm Am{U ZrVr‘Îmobm Yê$ZM Agm¶bm hdo. ¶mMo ^mZ Mmh˶m§Zm Zgbo Var go{b{~«Q>r-Amám§Zm R>odmdo bmJVo. go{b{~«Q>r ñQ>oQ>g O~m~XmarÀ¶m 'Q>°J'gh ¶oV AgVo.
Am¶©Z 23 dfmªMm Amho. ˶m‘wio nwaogm gkmZ Amho. ˶mbm J¡adV©ZmMo H$m¶ n[aUm‘ hmoD$ eH$VmV ho Mm§Jbo R>mD$H$ AgUma. AJXrM AS>MUrV gmnS>bmo Va dS>rbm§Mr nwʶmB© ‘XVrbm YmdyZ ¶oB©b Agm {dMma ˶m§Zr Ho$bm Agmdm. Vgo à˶jmV ‘mÌ hmoVmZm {XgV Zmhr. H$mhr dfmªnydu A‘o[aHo$Mo amï´>mܶj {~b pŠb¨Q>Z ¶m§À¶m H$ݶoda AerM H$madmB© Pmbr hmoVr. nU {Vbm doJim ݶm¶ XoʶmV Ambm ZìhVm. Amnbo nmo{bg dm Aݶ A§‘b~OmdUr ¶§ÌUm A{bH$S>o ~S>çm ‘mem§Zm Amnë¶m Omù¶mV AmoT>V AmhoV. ˶mMr PbH$ {M. Am¶©ZZo H$mhr dfmªnydu dmZIoS>o ñQ>o{S>¶‘‘ܶo Am¶nrEb {H«$Ho$Q> gm‘Zm ~KVmZm AZw^dbr hmoVr. H$m¶ÚmMo ajH$ {hgH$m XoVmZm A{bH$S>o ‘mJo-nwT>o nhmV Zgë¶mMo dma§dma {Xgy bmJbo Amho. ~S>çm ~±Ho$À¶m A{YH$m¶mªMr Or gܶm YanH$S> gwê$ Amho, A’$amV’$a H$aUmao CÚmoOH$ OobMr hdm ImV AmhoV,‘mOr ‘§Í¶m§Zmhr ~oS>çm R>moH$ë¶m OmV AmhoV, dJ¡ao gmao àH$ma nhmVm ~S>çm ~mnm§À¶m nmoam§Zr ZrQ> dmJm¶bmM hdo. ¶mMm AW© gd©gm‘mݶm§Zr H$m¶Xm hmVmV ¿¶mdm Ago Zmhr. na§Vw AZoH$ dfmªZr H$m¶Xoera H$madmB© H$aVmZm ¶oD$ KmVbobr nmaXe©H$Vm Ano{jV Oa~ {Z‘m©U H$arV Amho ¶mV dmX Zmhr.
PQ>nQ> lr‘§Vr Am{U AMmZH$ Am{U AZno{jV[a˶m hmVr Ambobo K~mS> Aem JwÝøm§À¶m ‘yimer AgVo. emhê$I ImZ ¶mZo Jm°S>’$mXa ZgVmZm àM§S> ‘ohZV H$ê$Z Zmd H$‘mdbo. ˶m àdmgmMo Jm§^r¶© ‘wbm‘ܶo Zgob Va ˶mbm Ver OmUrd XoʶmMo H$m‘ nmbH$ åhUwZ ˶mZo H$am¶bmM hdo hmoVo. ˶m‘wio ˶mÀ¶m X¡{X߶‘mZ ¶embm Ago Jmb~moQ> bmJbo ZgVo. lr‘§Vrbm gmOogo g§ñH$ma nwT>À¶m {nT>rV éOdUo {H$Vr ‘hÎdmMo Amho hoM Am¶©Z àH$aUmdê$Z ñnï> hmoVo. Mag, Jm§Om AmXr A§‘br nXmWmªnojm lr‘§VrMr Zem {H$Vr dmB©Q> AgVo ho bjmV ¿¶mdo bmJob.
Deecne Iejer Oeve ~ Meyoeb®eer®e jlves~ Meyoeb®eer®e Mem$es ~ ³elves keÀª~~
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Zem lrԤVrMr V
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R>mUo, ‘§Jidma 5 Am°³Q>m|~a 20216

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Q>|^r ZmH$m n[agamV 200 Am{U 250 Mm¡.’y$Q>mMm ~og‘|Q> Jmbo
{dH$m¶bm Amho. g§nH©$ - 9819249280
{dH$Uo Amho Q>moQ>b H$mn}Q> E[a¶m, 1158.67
ñ³do.’w$., 3 H°${~Z, 1 [agoßeZ, 1 n°ÝQ´>r, 2 ~mWê$‘ Q>oaog gmo~V {edZoar {~pëS>¨J, n{hbm ‘mim, JmdXodr, R>mUo aoëdo ñQ>oeZOdi. 8976823752
Am°{’$g ^mS>çmZo XoUo Amho
íesìîee peeefnjeleeRmeeþer mebHeke&À keÀe³ee&ue³e þeCes - 25341526/25348594
Omhra {Z{dXm B§ÐYZw n°bog H$mo.Am°¡.gmogm¶Q>r, Omo{Jbm ‘mH}$Q> eoOmar, CWiga, R>mUo
(n)-400 601. gmogm¶Q>rÀ¶m {VÝhr qdJÀ¶m (Or+8) nmB©n bmB©Z Xþê$ñVr d g§nyU© nmUr JiVr ~§X H$aʶmgmR>r ‘mݶVmàmá/nadmZmYmaH$ H§$ÌmQ>Xmam§H$Sy>Z ¶m H$m‘mgmR>r {gb~§X {Z{dXm ‘mJdV Amho. H§$ÌmQ>Xmam§Zr B‘maVrMo gd}jU H$ê$Z Amnë¶m {Z{dXm gmo‘dma {X. 11 Am°³Q>mo~a 2021 n¶ªV gmogm¶Q>rÀ¶m H$m¶m©b¶mV O‘m H$amì¶mV.
H$moU˶mhr H$maUm{edm¶ {Z{dXm ZmH$maʶmMm A{YH$ma H$m¶©H$m[aUr g{‘Vrg Amho.
ghr/- g{Md
Omhra ZmoQ>rg V‘m‘ bmoH$m§g H$i{dʶmV ¶oVo H$s, ‘m¡Oo-‘w§~«m, Vm. d {O. R>mUo ¶oWrb
gìh} Z§. 61, EHw$U joÌ’$i (ho-Ama-àVr) 01-91-20, AmH$ma é. 15.81 n¡. hr eoV O‘rZ {‘iH$V Am‘Mo njH$ma lr. a‘oe amKmo dmKo, amhUma- é‘ Z§. 101, n{hbm ‘Obm, E-qdJ, ‘§Jb AnmQ>©‘|Q>, Amë‘g H$m°bZr, H$m¡gm, ‘w§~«m, R>mUo- 400612., ¶m§Mo Hw$imMr {‘iH$V AgwZ gXa eoV O‘rZ hr {X. 09/05/2016 amoOrÀ¶m {~ZH$ãOmÀ¶m gmR>oH$amaZm‘m d {X. 30/05/2016 amoOrÀ¶m Hw$b‘wI˶manÌ XñV H«$. Q>ZZ-3/4980/2016 AÝd¶o lr. A{‘V O¶qgh ga¡¶m, amhUma- 701, gmVdm ‘Obm, ‘mD§$Q> pìhd H$mo-Am°¡.gmo. {b., gmdaH$a ZJa, bmoH$‘mݶ ZJa ñQ>m°nOdi, R>mUo (n)-400606., ¶m§Zm X¡Z§{XZ H$m‘o ˶mMà‘mUo H$m¶Xoera emgH$s¶, {Z‘emgH$s¶ nadmZ½¶m VgoM gd© ݶm¶mb¶rZ H$m‘o d H$m¶© H$aʶmH$aVm AXm Ho$bobr hmoVr.
na§Vw gXa {~ZH$ãOmÀ¶m gmR>oH$ama d Hw$b‘wI˶manÌm‘ܶo Z‘wX Ho$bobr gd© H$m‘o, H¥$˶, H$V©ì¶ d H$m¶© H$aʶmH$aVm Am‘Mo ‘wI˶mar nwU©nUo Aj‘ d AH$m¶©j‘ R>abobo AmhoV VgoM ‘wI˶mar ¶m§Zm AXm Ho$boë¶m ‘wI˶manÌmMm ‘wi hoVw d CX²Xoe ¶m§MoH$S>o Am‘Mo ‘wI˶mar ¶m§Zr Xþb©j d {Xa§JmB© Ho$bobr Amho d ˶m‘wio gXa Hw$b‘wI˶ma nÌmVrb gd© AQ>r d eVvMm §J d Cëb§KZ Pmbobo Amho n[aUm‘r gXa Omhra ZmoQ>rgrZo {X. 09/05/2016 amoOrMm {~Z H$ãOmMm gmR>oH$amaZm‘m d {X. 30/05/2016 amoOrMo Hw$b‘wI˶manÌ XñV H«$. Q>ZZ-3/4980/2016 Am‘Mo njH$ma ZmB©bmOmñVd H$m¶‘ñdê$nr ‘mJo, {ZañV, d aX²X H$arV AmhoV.
˶m‘wio gXa gmR>oH$ama d Hw$b‘wI˶ma nÌm§À¶m AZwf§JmZo AmnU ¶mnwT>o Ho$bobr H$moU˶mhr àH$mam§Mr H$m‘o AWdm H$m¶© Am‘Mo njH$mam§da ~m§Yrb d ~§YZH$maH$ amhUma ZmhrV. VgoM ¶mAmYr AmnU Á¶m Á¶m {R>H$mUr Am‘Mo njH$mam§Mo ‘wI˶mar åhUwZ ñdmjar, VH«$ma, AO©, g˶à{VkmboI, Xmdo d Anrbo XmIb Ho$bobr AmhoV ˶§Mr XIb d H$m‘H$mO Am‘Mo njH$ma ñdV… OmVrZo hOa amhþZ H$aUma AmhoV.¶m§Mr XoIrb AmnU Zm|X d XIb ¿¶mdr.
Var, Oa H$moUrhr 춳Vrer dm Bg‘m§er AWdm ݶm¶mb¶mV ¶mAmYr Am‘Mo njH$mam§Mo ‘wI˶marZr gXa O‘rZ {‘iH$Vr~m~V H$moU˶mhr àH$maMo AO©, Xmdm, VH«$ma, Anrb, dH$sb nÌ, VS>OmoS> nÌ, g˶à{VkmboI, nwamdm, H$ãOm nmdVr, {XK© ‘wXVrMm ^mS>oH$ama, d{hdmQ> KoUo, ~mH$s XmZ, ì¶dñWmnZ qH$dm Aݶ H$moU˶mhr àH$maMo Am‘Mo njH$mam§Mo h³H$, {hVg§~§Y AgVrb Aer H$m¶© d H¥$˶ Ho$br Agë¶mg ˶m§Zr Amnbo hH$H$, {hVg§~§Y, A{YH$ma nwamì¶m{Zer boIr ñdê$nmV h³H$ {hVg§~§YmMo ñdê$n {dfX H$ê$Z d ˶mg§~§YmVrb XñVEodOm§À¶m à‘m{UV àVr gh Am‘Mo Imbrb nζmda Am‘Mo ZmoQ>rg Omhra Pmboë¶m VmaIonmgyZ 14 {Xdgm§Mo AmV H$idmdo. OoUoH$ê$Z Ago Xmdo, h³H$, dm {hVg§~§Y ¶m§Mm ¶mo½¶ Vo nwamdo Agë¶mg {dMma Ho$bm OmB©b AݶWm gXa eoV O‘rZ {‘iH$Vrg§~§Yr H$moUMmhr H$mhrhr Xmdm, h³H$, dm {hVg§~§Y Zgë¶mMo J¥{hV YaʶmV ¶oB©b ˶mMà‘mUo gXahÿ, ‘wXVrZ§Va Amboë¶m H$moU˶mhr haH$VtMm qH$dm VH«$matMm {dMma Ho$bm OmUma Zmhr.
{‘iH$VrMo dU©Z ‘m¡Oo- ‘w§~«m, Vm. d {O. R>mUo ¶oWrb gìh} Z§. 61, joÌ’$i (ho-Ama-
àVr) 1-91-20 AmH$ma é. 15.81 n¡. Aer eoV O‘rZ {‘iH$V hr R>mUo ‘hmZJanm{bHo$À¶m hX²XrV AgyZ {Oëhm d a{OñQ´>ma R>mUo ¶m§Mo A{YH$majoÌmV Amho.
{XZm§H$ … 02/10/2021 {R>H$mU - R>mUo nÌì¶dhmamMm nÎmm - Am°{’$g Z§. 110, 1bm ‘Obm, ‘moVr ‘mH}$Q>, Hw$Q>ra CÚmoJOdi, Om§^ir ZmH$m, R>mUo (n)-400601
ghr/- A°S>. amHo$e {d. Ho$Ur
ha{dbo Amho
‘r. S>m°. {ddoH$ H¥$îUamd bmoiJo, amhUma- ~§Jbm Z§. 1, aËZmC‘oX ao{gS>|gr, bwB©gdmS>r, R>mUo npíM‘, ‘mPo em°n Z§ 2, g˶nwîn gmogm¶Q>r, nmMnmImS>r, R>mUo npíM‘ ¶m gmogm¶Q>rMo A°J«r‘|Q> nona Am{U eoAg© g{Q>©{’$Ho$Q> har {Zdmg gH©$b ¶oWo H$moR>oVar nSy>Z/amhÿZ Jhmi Pmbo AmhoV. gXa ~m~VMr VH«$ma Zm¡nmS>m nmobrg ñQ>oeZ‘ܶo Ho$br Amho. (àm°nQ>r© {‘qgJ a{OñQ>a Z§. 1451/2021) Var H$moUmg gmnS>ë¶mg darb nζmda 15 {Xdgm§À¶m AmV g§nH©$ H$amdm.
Omhra gyMZm
{Z¶mo{OV dZbú‘r J¥h{Z‘m©U ghH$mar g§ñWm ‘¶m©. H$monar, R>mUo (nyd©)
gd© g§~§{YVm§Zm ¶mÛmao gw{MV H$aʶmV ¶oVo H$s, {Z¶mo{OV dZbú‘r J¥h{Z‘m©U ghH$mar g§ñWm ‘¶m© H$monar, R>mUo ¶m g§ñWoMr àñVm{dV H$m¶©g{‘VrMo Aܶj AZoH$ dfmªnmgyZ AZwnbãY AmhoV. ˶m§Mm H$mhrM nÎmm CnbãY Zmhr. ˶m‘wio àXrK© H$mimnmgyZ g§ñWoMr g^m Pmbobr Zmhr. d g§ñWoÀ¶m g^gXm§À¶m {hVmg ~mYm {Z‘m©U Pmbobr Amho. ˶m‘wio g§ñWoMr {deof gd©gmYmaU g^m ~mobmdyZ ZdrZ H$m¶©g{‘Vr J{R>V H$aʶmMm g^mgXm§Mm ‘mZg d àñVmd Amho.
Voìhm Á¶m Hw$Umbm gXa àñVmdmda Amjon/CÎma/àíZ AgVrb ˶m§Zr hr gyMZm d¥ÎmnÌmV àH$m{VeV Pmë¶mÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 30 {Xdgm§Mo AmV Amnbo ‘V/Amjon/CÎma/àíZ, Imbrb nζmda nmR>dmdo. AWdm à˶j g§nH©$ H$amdm. gXa ‘wXV g§në¶mda H$moUVmhr Amjon/CÎma J«mø Yabm OmUma Zmhr d g§ñWoMo g^mgX darbà‘mUo {deof gd©gmYmaU g^m Am¶mo{OV H$ê$Z ZdrZ H$m¶©g{‘Vr ñWmnZ H$aʶmg ñdV§Ì amhVrb. ¶mMr H¥$n¶m gdmªZr Zm|X ¿¶mdr.
Zm§d - lr. XodmOr ‘mo{hVo, gXñ¶ g{Md nÎmm … Q>m°da 5/702, ‘b~oar, éUdmb JmS>©Z{gQ>r, ~miHy$‘, R>mUo ‘mo~mB©b H«$. 9867961880, 9167422699 2. Zmd … lr. dg§V KaV, gXñ¶ 3. Zmd … lr. {XnH$ Im§S>oH$a, gXñ¶
ha{dbo Amho lr {‘qbX emh ¶m§Mo B©‘maV H«$. S>r-1, âb°Q >H«$. 603,
hmBS> nmH©$ {gå’$Zrgr.EM.Eg.Eob.{MViga, ‘mZnmS>m, R>mUo (n).400610 ¶m gX{ZHo$Mo ‘wi eoAa g{Q©>{’$Ho$Q> H«$. 23 Z§. 111 Vo 115 hadbo Amho.
Oa H$moUmbm gmnS>bo Agob Va daÀ¶m nζmda 15 {XdgmÀ¶m AmV AmUyZ XoUo. ‘r ¶m~m~VMr VH«$ma {MViga ‘mZnmS>m nmo{bg Mm¡{H$V Zm|X{dbr Amho.( a{O. H«$.881/2021).
ghr/- (lr. {‘qbX emh)
J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio Vm. ‘wa~mS>, {O. R>mUo
Iwë¶m {Z{dXm (AmonZ Q>|S>a) J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio VmbwH$m ‘wa~mS>, {O. R>mUo ¶oWo OZ gw{dYm {ZYr ¶moOZoA§VJ©V gZ 2020-2021 ‘ܶo Imbrb H$m‘mgmR>r
Iwë¶m {Z{dXm (AmonZ Q>|S>a) BÀNw>H$ H§$ÌmQ>Xmam§H$Sy>Z {dhrV ‘wwXVrV ‘mJ{dʶmV ¶oV Amho. H$m‘mMr H$moar {Z{dXm (’$m‘©) J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio H$m¶m©b¶mV CnbãY Amho. gwajm AZm‘V a³H$‘ hr J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio (GRAMPANCHAYAT WANJALE) ¶m Zmdo YZmXoe (DD) ñdê$nmV J«m‘n§Mm¶V H$m¶m©b¶mV {dhrV ‘wXVrV O‘m H$amdr. aboë¶m {Z{dXm d YZmXoe ho ~§X {b’$mâ¶m‘ܶo J«m‘n§Mm¶V H$m¶m©b¶ dm§Oio ¶oWo {dhrV ‘wXVrV O‘m H$amdoV. VgoM J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio H$m¶m©b¶ ¶oWo H$m¶m©b¶rZ doioV CKS>ʶmV ¶oVrb.
Iwë¶m {Z{dXm (AmonZ Q>|S>a) {df¶r A{YH$ ‘m{hVr J«m‘n§Mm¶V H$m¶m©b¶mV {‘iob.
A.H«$. H$m‘mMo Zmd A§XmOnÌH$s¶ a³H$‘
¶moOZm/ {ZYr
{Z{dXm ^aʶmMr ‘wXV H$m‘ nwU© H$aʶmMr ‘wXV
1 J«m‘n§Mm¶V H$m¶m©b¶ Xþê$ñVr H$aUo.
999762/- OZ gw{dYm ¶moOZm
9997/- 8 {Xdg ({XZm§H$ 5/10/2021 gH$ mir 10.00 dm. nmg yZ 14/10/2021 gm. 5.00 dmOon¶ªV)
3 ‘{hZm
ghr/- J«m‘godH$
J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio Vm. ‘wa~mS>, {O. R>mUo
ghr/- gan§M
J«m‘n§Mm¶V dm§Oio Vm. ‘wa~mS>, {O. R>mUo
Omhra ZmoQ>rg {^d§S>r ¶oWrb ‘o. {XdmUr ݶm¶mYre (H$ ñVa) {^d§S>r ¶m§Mo H$moQ>m©V
Mm¡H$er AO© 79/2021 {Z. 5
1) lr‘. em{bZr ~iram‘ OmYd, d¶ 63 df}, Y§Xm-eoVr 2) lr. ñdßZrb ~iram‘ OmYd, d¶ 38 df}, Y§Xm-eoVr 3) lr‘. ñZohb {ZVrZ R>mH$ao, d¶ 41 df}, Y§Xm-eoVr 4) lr‘. ñdmVr hf©X nîQ>o d¶ 35 df}, Y§Xm-ímoVr ..... AO©Xma H$. 1 d 2 am. ê$‘ Z§. 302, {~pëS>J Z§. 1, aV moB©a nmH©$ gmogm¶Q>r, am‘~mJ boZ-4,
JOmZZ hm°pñnQ>b Odi, H$ë¶mU, Vm. H$ë¶mU, {O. R>mUo. H$. 3 am. ê$‘ Z§. E-2/101, g§Ioída Xe©Z, H$mbm Vbmd, {dê$Õ O¡Z gmogm¶Q>r,
Vm. H$ë¶U, {O. R>mUo H$. 4 am. JmonrZmW Q>m°da, ê$‘ Z§. 104, ‘w§~B©-nwUo amoS>, nma{gH$ ZJa, H$idm doñQ>,
nma{gH$ ~±H$ Odi, H$idm, {O. R>mUo. 1) AO©Xma H«$. 1 ¶m§Mo nVr d AO©Xma H«$. 2 Vo 4 ¶m§Mo d{S>b H¡$. ~iram‘ ~m~w OmYd
ho {X. 25/10/2020 amoOr ‘¶V Pmbo AmhoV. 2) AO©Xma ¶mnwT>o ‘o. ݶm¶mb¶mg H$i{dVmV H$s, H¡$. ~iram‘ ~m~w OmYd ho ‘¶V
Pmë¶mZ§Va ˶m§Zm nËZr em{bZr, ‘wbJm ñdpßZb, ‘wbJr ñZohb d ñdmVr Ago H$m¶Xoera dmagXma AmhoV. ¶m dmagm§ì¶{V[a³V H¡$. ~iram‘ ~m~w OmYd ¶m§Zm H$moUrhr H$m¶Xoera dmagXma ZmhrV.
H¡$. ~iram‘ ~m~w OmYd ho {X. 25/10/2020 amoOr ‘¶V AgyZ ˶m§Zm AO©Xma ho ˶m§Mo H$m¶Xoera dmagXma Agë¶m~m~VMm dmagXmIbm {‘iʶmH$m‘r AO©Xma ¶m§Zr gXa ݶm¶mb¶mV AO© XmIb Ho$bobm Amho. H¡$. ~iram‘ ~m~w OmYd ¶m§À¶m dmagm§g§~§Yr Á¶m H$moUmMr h³H$, {hVg§~§Y, Agë¶mg ˶m§Zr gXa ZmoQ>rg à{gÕ Pmë¶mnmgyZ 30 {Xdgm§À¶m ‘wXVr‘ܶo gXa ݶm¶mb¶mV boIr ñdê$nmV haH$V ¿¶mdr. ‘wXVrV H$moU˶mhr àH$maMr haH$V Z Amë¶mg AO©Xma ¶m§À¶m AOm©da gwZmdUr KodwZ dmag XmIbm XoʶmV ¶oB©b ¶mMr Zm|X ¿¶mdr.
AmO {XZm§H$ 04/10/2021 amoOr ‘mPo ghrZo d ݶm¶mb¶mÀ¶m {e³³¶m{Zer {Xbr Ago. hþHy$‘mdê$Z
ghr/- ghmæ¶H$ A{YjH$
{XdmUr ݶm¶mb¶ H$-ñVa {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo
ghr/- {bnrH$
{XdmUr ݶm¶mb¶ H$-ñVa {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo
Omhra ZmoQ>rg {^d§S>r ¶oWrb ‘o. {XdmUr ݶm¶mYre (H$ ñVa) ¶m§Mo
ݶm¶mb¶mV, {^d§S>r Mm¡. AO© Z§. 40/2021
{Z. 5 1) lr‘Vr. à^mdVr O¶am‘ eoQ>Q>r 2) lr. Am{edm©X O¶am‘ eoQ²>Q>r 3) lr. AmXe© O¶am‘ eoQ²>Q>r 4) lr. AZrb O¶am‘ eoQ²>Q>r Z§. 1, 2, 4 am. Ka Z§. 318, âb°Q> Z§. 15, 3 am ‘mim, JmoqdX {Zdmg, ZOamZm H§$nmD§$S>, {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo Z§. 3 am. Ka Z§. 402, {eVb AnmQ>©‘|Q>, Q>obr’$moZ E³ñM|O g‘moa, {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo ..... AO©Xma AO©Xma Z§. 1Mo nVr d AO©Xma Z§. 2 Vo 4 Mo dS>rb lr. O¶am‘ AITTAPPA eoQ²>Q>r,
am. Ka Z§. 318, âb°Q> Z§. 15,3 am ‘mim, JmoqdX {Zdmg, ZOamZm H§$nmD§$S>, {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo ho {XZm§H$ 1-2-2021 amoOr ‘¶V Pmbo Amho d ˶m§Mo Zmdmda Imbrb n[a{eîQ>mVrb ~ma A°ÝS> aoñQ>moa|Q> na{‘Q> Amho d AO©Xma ho ‘¶VmMo dmag Agë¶m ~m~V dmag XmIbm {‘iUo H$[aVm AO© XmIb Ho$bm Amho.
n[a{eîQ> ‘¶V O¶am‘ AITTAPPA eoQ²>Q>r, ¶m§Mo Zmdo {Xbobo F.L.III license/Permit
Bearing No. 91 and was running Bar and Restaurant in name of hotel PRABHAT
Var darb dmagmMo XmIë¶m~m~V Á¶m H$moUmMo h³H$, A{YH$ma, {hVg§~§Y Aer H$moU˶mhr àH$maMr VH«$ma dJ¡ao Agë¶mg Ver boIr haH$V hr ZmoQ>rg à{gÕ Pmë¶mnmgyZ 30 {Xdgm§Mo AmV ¶m ݶm¶mb¶mV XmIb H$amdr. darb nÕVrZo H$moUmMrhr haH$V Z Amë¶mg AO©XmamÀ¶m {dZ§Vrà‘mUo dmagm§Mm XmIbm XoʶmV ¶oB©b. ˶mZ§Va Amboë¶m haH$VtMm {dMma Ho$bm OmUma Zmhr.
AmO {XZm§H$ 30/09/2021 amoOr ‘m¶m ghrZo d H$moQ>m©À¶m {e³³¶m{Zer {Xbr. hþHy$‘mdê$Z
ghr/- ghmæ¶H$ A{YjH$
{XdmUr ݶm¶mb¶ H$-ñVa {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo
ghr/- H$-{bnrH$
{XdmUr ݶm¶mb¶ H$-ñVa {^d§S>r, {O. R>mUo
dH$sb- lr. àem§V Ama. Ho$gadmUr
PUBLIC NOTICE My client viz. Mr. Raju Kashinath Ghodake/
Mrs. Sangeeta Ghodake residing at, Kamraj Nagar, Ghatkoper, Mumbai-400077 is intending to purchase a flat mentioned herein below and is contemplating to enter into Sale Deed with M/s. trinity Developers, a Partnership Firm through its Partner Mr. Parag Ratnakar Jage, the Promoters/Builder, in respect of Flat no. 303, on Third floor, R-5 Wing, adm. 38.04 Sq. Mtrs. Carpet area in Building known as "Trinity Galaxy" lying and being situated at Survey No. 172, Hissa No. 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 Village Badlapur, Taluka Ambernath, District Thane within limits of Kulgaon-Badlapur Municipal Corporation, within the Sub-Registration District Ulhasnagar and Registration District Thane (hereinafter referred to as "said porpery")
If any person has any claim of any legal right, title or interest in respect of the said property, the claim shall be raised with me in writing at my address at Shri. S.D.Gaikwad (Advocate) Add : 001, Ground Floor, Phatakwada Co-Op. Hsg. Ltd., Behind Datar News Paper Agency, Tembhi Naka, Thane (w)-400 601 alongwith necessary supporting documents within 15days from the date of publication of this Notice failing which my client shall construe that he is no objections and may proceed to enter into necesary agreement in respect of the said property.
Sd/- S.D. Gaikwad
Mrs. Sangeeta Ghodake
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R>mUo, ‘§Jidma 5 Am°³Q>mo~a 20217

R>mUo, ‘§Jidma, 5 Am°³Q>mo~a> 2021 8

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