Page 1: Deliverable Nº 3 - Foresterra · WP leader: EFIMED Coordinator: David González EC project officer: Doru Irimie Publishable

Grant Agreement n°: 291832

Deliverable Nº 3.3 Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Lead participant: European Forest Institute (EFI)






Page 2: Deliverable Nº 3 - Foresterra · WP leader: EFIMED Coordinator: David González EC project officer: Doru Irimie Publishable


D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Grant Agreement n°: 291832

Project Acronym: FORESTERRA

Project title: Enhancing FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean through improved coordination

and integration

Funding Scheme: Coordination and support action

Date of latest version of Annex I against which the assessment will be made: 27th October, 2011

Deliverable Number: 3.3

Deliverable Title: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs Code name: FORESTERRA_WP3_D3.3

WP: Scientific cooperation with other Mediterranean Climate Areas

Date of submission: January 2014

Dissemination level: Public

Lead participant: EFI

Author: Victoria Sanz

WP leader: EFIMED

Coordinator: David González

EC project officer: Doru Irimie

Publishable abstract:

A specific workshop to discuss potential topics of relevance with other existing ERA-Nets and with

other Mediterranean Climate Areas, has been organised in Barcelona, on the 4 September 2013, in

the framework of the EFIMED Week. The aim of the workshop was to maximise synergies and the

impacts of research.

During the workshop, two important news were annouced:

The FORESTERRA joint call for proposal on the topic "Mediterranean-scale approach to study global change drivers, impacts & indicators on forest ecosystems and to foster forest system resilience through managing biodiversity", to be launched the 4th of November 2013.

The FORESTERRA Networking Workshop: towards building a multi-level transnational network in Mediterranean forestry research, to take place in Marseille, France, on 12-13 December 2013.

Participants exchanged experiences and knowledge on methodologies.

The conclusion was that interaction among other existing initiatives (ERA-Nets and JPIs) is essential for

running the activities more effectively and fostering a more effective and harmonized environment. A

long-term cooperation and synergy among ERA-Nets and between ERA-NETs and other research policy

actors such as JPIs, SCAR, and KBBE Technology Platforms is very important for the future.

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs


CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4

2. Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs ......................................................................... 6

3. FORESTERRA & SUMFOREST Workshop ............................................................................ 11

ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................... 13

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

1. Introduction

A workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs, to discuss potential topics of relevance for

other existing ERA-Nets and to develop some other major activities, took place at the Sant

Pau UNESCO World Heritage Site in Barcelona, Spain, on 4 September 2013.

It was planned for Month 24 according to the Description of Work, but the FORESTERRA Project

Management Committee decided to change the date in order to take advantage of the EFIMED

Annual Meeting, which is the largest Mediterranean forest research gathering during the year.

In this way, the FORESTERRA workshop benefitted from the presence of scientists from various

disciplines from all over the Mediterranean and beyond.

The Chair of the EFI Board, Jørgen Bo Larsen, presided over the opening session which was

attended by over 100 leading researchers, practitioners and policy makers in Mediterranean

forestry. Opening addresses were given by representatives from three entities: Juan Maria

Vazquez from the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO),

Jordi Bachs, Managing Director of the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Private Hospital Foundation and

Joana Ortega, Vice-president of Catalonia.

Following the opening, EFIMED’s new Head of Office, Inazio Martínez de Arano, shared his

hopes and expectations for EFIMED’s future, identifying some of the challenges that lie ahead.

Building on the work of the past, it will be important to implement, evaluate and develop the

Mediterranean Research Agenda and to improve forest-related policies and management with

a trans-disciplinary cross-sectorial approach. He is keen to increase the impact of EFIMED’s

work through exploring synergies with the offices and organisms that are already, or will soon

be, based in Sant Pau and with network partners.

After the successful workshop in Tunis last year, at which participants played big role in defining

the strategic themes for the FORESTERRA ERA-Net, the FORESTERRA workshop this year

brought members up to date with progress on the forthcoming call and widened perspectives

by welcoming presentations from other Mediterranean Climate Areas and from other ERA-Net


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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

2. Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

David González, FORESTERRA Coordinator, presented the progress and future expectations of

the ERA-Net; mapping research activities were identified by Giuseppe Scarascia and Marc Palahí

presented the FORESTERRA Strategic Plan.

The international joint call for proposal on the topic "Mediterranean-scale approach to study

global change drivers, impacts & indicators on forest ecosystems and to foster forest system

resilience through managing biodiversity", to be launched the 4th of November 2013, was


The strategic themes of FORESTERRA were presented, alongside synergies and the impacts of

research with other related initiatives. Some EFIMED network members made presentations or

posters on their institution / project / activity in relation to one of the four FORESTERRA

strategic themes. Participants had the opportunity to network and take steps towards building

trans-national consortia for the forthcoming calls for proposals.

Furthermore, the FORESTERRA Networking Workshop: towards building a multi-level

transnational network in Mediterranean forestry research which took place in Marseille,

France, on 12-13 December 2013, was announced. The aim of this workshop is to foster the

clustering of existing national research organizations as well as of relevant and strategic

research projects with the final aim of improving future coordination and maximize the

research impacts.

During this workshop, FORESTERRA maximized synergies and the impacts of research not only

with other related initiatives, but also with other Mediterranean Climate Areas, in order to

promote joint activities and exchange of information.

Presentations given at the workshop are summarised below and they are available in Annex 1

of this deliverable.

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

2.1. ERA-Nets and JPIs: experiences and opportunities

Water JPI: Framework of opportunities for joint work. Armela Dino.

Armela Dino presented the Water JPI and opportunities for joint work. A comparison with

different initiatives was done (ERA-Nets, Article 185 programmes and Joint Programming

Initiatives). The objective in JPIs is defined by grand societal challenges, but the objective in

ERA-Nets is defined by scientific field. Details on the Water JPI were presented (specific

objectives, Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, Ecosystem Sustainability,

Competitiveness in Water Industry and the Pilot Call for Proposals launched in 2013).

The main conclusion was that the joint collaboration between Water JPI and FORESTERRA

would be very positive; FORESTERRA domains would expand geographically and thematically

and Water JPI would increase its expertise through the already achieved FORESTERRA result.

One of the FORESTERRA research themes identified for a joint call for proposals is related to

Water JPI: “Integrated watershed management for delivering forest water-related services”.

ERANETMED: Mediterranean cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond. Maroun El Moujabber.

Maroun El Moujabber gave an overview of the ERANETMED (partners, countries, duration,

budget, objective, activities and expected impacts). Its Kick-off meeting was planned in

Istanbul, the 4th and 5th of November 2013.

FACCE – JPI: State of Play. Christine Bunthof.

Christine Bunthof presented the main achievements to date in FACCE – JPI (the Strategic

Research Agenda adopted in December 2012, the innovative mapping and foresight, the

implementation Plan 2014 – 2015 to be adopted in October, the organisation of annual

workshops with interested initiatives and with ERA-Nets and the five joint actions on-going or in


There are 16 ERA-Nets identified with thematic complementarities to FACCE. Annual workshops

are organising in iorder to map complementarities and explore joint actions. The main

conclusion was that interaction is essential to avoid duplication and to be able to lauch joint


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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

PLATFORM: Implement and interact for Impact. Christine Bunthof.

Christine Bunthof explained the main caratheristics for the ERA-Nets, as instruments for

building the European Research Area, which aim is the coordination and collaboration between

national and regional programmes in a longer-term perspective and with the participation of

programme owners and programme managers. She pointed out that in the framework of the

ERA-Nets over 400 calls for proposals have been implemented, mostly by virtual common pot

scheme. Combination national rules and international collaboration remains a challenge. The

conclusion was that interaction is the key to the sucess.

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

PLATFORM offers a multi-faceted forum for the bioeconomy ERA-Nets community, united by a

targeted scope, each with its topic and target (group). Collaboration possibilities have been

identified by matchmaking session in PLATFORM Workshop with surveys about interests for


A PLATFORM workshop titled ‘ERA-Nets for the future’is being planned in Leiden, the 13th and

14th of February, 2014. The results of surveys and analysis done by various PLATFORM tasks will

be presented. Suggestions for deepening analysis, new topics to look into, and updating or

extending surveys and other assessments will be used in the drafting of a proposal for

continuation. Furthermore, a session about European Research and Innovation Programming

will be hold in order to get a sharper picture of the unique contributions that P2P networks

bring and how P2Ps can best operate – in coordination with others – to deliver and have

impact. The outcomes of this Workshop will contribute to elaborate the deliverable ‘PLATFORM

vision and roadmap’, which will contain recommendations and plans for programming in view

of the diversified system, scoping for topics/needs for collaboration among Member States and

optimal ERA‐Net operation (calls, other activities, collaborations).

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

2.2. Networking outside Europe: Short statements from MCA scientists and funding agencies

Programme managers and forest scientists from different Mediterranean Climate Areas

attended this workshop, in order to promote joint activities and exchange of information:

Five key challenges for forestry in Australia. Jerry Vanclay (Australia).

The Australian expert Jerry Vanclay, from Southern Cross University, commented the key

challenges for forestry in Australia (public understanding of forest management and condition

of fire ecology and suppression, Payments for Environmental Services for ‘undervalued’ forests

for public use of forests, complexity and environmental change) and gave a description of the

forests of the Mediterranean Climate Areas. He reflected about the community attitudes,

some of them should change in order to get benefficits and better forests.

Chilean Mediterranean Forests (matorral). Rosa Alzamora (Chile).

The Chilean researcher Rosa Alzamora, from the Universidad Austral, pointed out the wide

variety of ecosystems in Chile. Mediterranean forest occupies central Chile and has problems of

land use change, loss and fragmentation, and forest fire. She identified some needs of research:

restoration, valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity as a driver of value. Chilean funds for

research come from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research

(CONICYT), the Chilean Economic Development Agency (CORFO) and the National Forest

Service (CONAF).

University of California, Berkeley Forestry Research / EFIMED. Gregory Biging (USA).

The American scholar Gregory Biging, from the University of California, Berkeley, commented

that Forest Research in California has transformed from disciplinary research (economics,

silviculture, ecology, mensuration, wildlife) to research that crosses both disciplinary and

regional/national boundaries. The research interests of FORESTERRA and UC Berkeley have high

correspondence, particularly on global change and biodiversity. Given funding through NSF or

USDA for joint research between the groups, UC Berkeley faculty response would be quite


Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology (FAFB NCP). Bongani Ndimba (South Africa).

The South African researcher and project manager, Bongani Ndimba, from the Agricultural

Research Council, gave an overview of the different uses of land in South Africa, being only the

1 % forestry and the 68.60 % grazing, 13.80 % arable, 9.60 % natural conservation and 6.90 %

other. He commented the high number of people who dependent on forestry industry.

According to Bongani Ndimba, FORESTERRA made a good strategic choice.

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs


Following the development of the networking activities and the integration of research

programmes, it was organised a workshop between FORESTERRA and the newcomer

SUMFOREST ERA-Net. The venue of the meeting was in Krakow (Poland), last 8th of July and

was attended by 19 people representing the different Work Packages leaders of each project.

The FORESTERRA attendance was MINECO, FCT, CRA, EFIMED and INRA; with regards to

SUMFOREST, the partners involved in the workshop were BMLFUW, MMM, IBL, INIA, BLE and

BFW. Furthermore, MIPAFF, INEA and MAE which are involved in both ERA-Nets, were in

Krakow as well (see below the attending people).

The objective of the event was to maximise synergies and identify and define joint strategic

topics. Aim of the meeting: a discussion on SUMFOREST-FORESTERRA cooperation and joint

activity plan. The discussion could include, inter alia, strategic topics identified in the

FORESTERRA research agenda and their relevance at the European level, as well as possibility

for SUMFOREST to maintain the FORESTERRA information/web and database on research

activities alive after 2015, etc.

The workshop was opened by Adam Kaliszewski, Adam (IBL) and Annamaria Marzetti (MIPAAF)

who thanked the participants for attending the meeting. The first session was a presentation of

each ERA-Net in order to explain the background, objectives and milestones to the rest of the


Martin Greimel (BMLFUW), as coordinator, started this session presenting an overview of

SUMFOREST, describing mainly the workplan structure since this ERA-Net is just running up.

Then, Liisa Kaar (MMM) presented the WP2 Mapping Forest research initiatives and

transnational and the WP4 Strategic activities; Johannes Bender from BLE, made the WP5 Joint

calls and Martin Kalinowski (IBL) and Annamaria Marzetti (MIPAFF) presented jointly the WP6

International cooperation. The second part of the session was devoted to FORESTERRA and its

presentation made by the Coordinator, David González. Then, Giuseppe Scarascia (CRA)

presented the status of the WP2 Mapping and information exchange, Inazio Martínez de Arano

(EFIMED) the WP3 Strategic activities), Gema Herrero (INRA), the WP4 Implementation of Joint

activities, Marta Abrantes (FCT), the WP6 Scientific cooperation with Mediterranean Climate

areas and Almudena Albertos, both WP5 Transnational Joint research funding and WP7

Spreading excellence.

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

The main initiatives agreed is the presentation of a draft plan which will show the possible

future scenarios about Forest Research in the EU research framework; it will include also a road

map describing different joint working groups between FORESTERRA and SUMFOREST.

Furthermore, another challenge is the transfer of knowledge through different undertaking

activities such as:

1) Share knowledge of mapping;

2) Joint research units;

3) Joint call topic;

4) Joint programme on forestry (Forest JPI)

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs


Annex 1 . Presentations of the Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

The presentations of the Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs held in Barcelona, on the 4

of September 2013, are available at:

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Annex 2. Programme of the Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

FORESTERRA Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, Barcelona, Spain Wednesday 4 September 2013

08:00 Registration

09:00 Session 1: Opening Chair: Jørgen Bo Larsen, Chairman of EFI Board

09:00 - 09:45 Opening of the EFIMED Annual Meeting

Juan María Vazquez, DG for Scientific and Technical Research, Government of Spain

The Honorable Joana Ortega i Almany, Vice-president, Government of the Generalitat of Catalunya

09:45 Session 2: EFIMED Report

09:45 - 10:05 EFIMED achievements and way ahead, Inazio Martínez de Arano, EFIMED

10:05 - 10:25 Questions and discussion

10:50 Session 3: FORESTERRA Workshop Chair: Inazio Martínez de Arano, EFIMED

10:55 - 11:10 FORESTERRA ERA-Net: Progress and future expectations, David González, MINECO

11:10 - 11:25 Mapping activities, Giuseppe Scarascia, University of Tuscia

11:25 - 11:45 FORESTERRA ERA-Net Strategic Plan, Marc Palahí, EFI

11:45 - 13:15 Increasing FORESTERRA ERA-Net impact: Synergies with the ERA and MCAs Introduction: Andreas Kleinschmidt, FCBA

ERA-Nets and JPIs: experiences and opportunities

Xavier Le Roux (BiodivERsA2), Armela Dino (Water JPI), Maroun El Moujabber (ERANETMED), Christine Bunthof (Platform), (JPI FACCE)

Networking outside Europe

Short statements from MCA scientists and funding agencies: Jerry Vanclay (Australia), Rosa Alzamora (Chile), Gregory Biging (USA) and Bongani Ndimba (South Africa)

13:15 - 13:30 Wrap-up of the FORESTERRA session

14:30 Session 4: EFIMED Market place and Networking Chair: Giuseppe Scarascia, University of Tuscia

EFIMED Market Place: Network members’ presentations in relation to FORESTERRA themes

Networking / Consortium building for FORESTERRA call

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Grant Agreement n°: 291832

Annex 3. Participants of the Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Title First name Surname Organisation Email address Country

Ms Sarah Adams European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Prof Rosa María Alzamora Mallea Universidad Austral de Chile [email protected] Chile

Dr Joana Amaral Paulo Instituto Superior de Agronomia [email protected] Portugal

Ms Annabelle Amm Ecosystems Forestiers [email protected] France

Dr Pilar Andrés Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Spain

Dr Sofia Bajocco Research Council of Agriculture [email protected] Italy

Dr Victoria Bermejo CIEMAT [email protected] Spain

Mr Christophe Besacier Food and Agriculture Organization [email protected] Italy

Prof Gregory Biging University of California, Berkeley [email protected] USA

Prof Ertruğrul Bilgili European Forest Institute [email protected] Turkey

Dr Yves Birot Academie Agriculture [email protected] France

Mr Denis Boglio Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia [email protected] Spain

Dr José Antonio Bonet CTFC-Universitat de Lleida [email protected] Spain

Ms Rachdi Bouchra Faculty of sciences Ben M'Sik [email protected] Morocco

Dr David Brand KKL-Jewish National Fund [email protected] Israel

Dr Lluís Brotons CTFC-CREAF [email protected] Spain

Dr Christine Bunthof FP7 Platform project -Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari - CIHEAM [email protected] Netherlands

Dr Lukrecija Butorac Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation [email protected] Croatia

Mr Nuno Calado Mediterranean Forest Owners Association [email protected] Portugal

Dr Elena Capolino Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali [email protected] Italy

Title First name Surname Organisation Email address Country

Prof Hamed Daly-Hassen Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education [email protected] Tunisia

Prof Jorge De las Heras Universidad de Castilla La Mancha [email protected] Spain

Mr Francesc de Paula gambús Generalitat Catalunya [email protected] Spain

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Dr Giovanni Di Matteo Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Italy

Ms Armela Dino Water JPI - Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología [email protected] Spain

Dr Enrique Doblas Miranda Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Spain

Prof Richard Dodd University of California, Berkeley [email protected] USA

Dr Glòria Domínguez Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia [email protected] Spain

Ms Marion Duclercq Plan Bleu [email protected] France

Dr Gabiña Dunixi Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza - CIHEAM [email protected] Spain

Dr Maroun El Moujabber ERANETMED - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari - CIHEAM [email protected] Italy

Dr Nesat Erkan Soutwest Anatolian Forest Research Institute [email protected] Turkey

Dr Silvano Fares Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Italia

Dr Irene Fernández IIAG-CSIC [email protected] Spain

Dr Estrella Fernández García Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [email protected] Spain

Dr Jordi García-Gonzalo Instituto Superior de Agronomia [email protected] Portugal

Mr Santiago González INIA-CIFOR [email protected] Spain

Dr David González Martínez Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [email protected] Spain

Ms Elena Gorriz CTFC-European Forest Institute [email protected] Spain

Mr Carlos Gracia CREAF / Universitat de Barcelona [email protected] Spain

Ms Francesca Guardiola Generalitat de Cataluya [email protected] Spain

Dr Luis Guasch Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [email protected] Spain

Dr Jean-Marc Guehl Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique [email protected] France

Dr Gema Herrero Corral Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique [email protected] Spain

Ms Anne Jambois Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique [email protected] France

Ms Marketta Juppi European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Prof Vassiliki Kazana Technological Educational Institute of Kavala [email protected] Greece

Dr Mohamed Khemici Institut National de Recherche Forestière [email protected] Algeria

Title First name Surname Organisation Email address Country

Dr Andreas Kleinschmit Von Lengefeld European Forest-based technology platform [email protected] France

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Prof Jørgen Bo Larsen European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr François Lefèvre Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique [email protected] France

Mr Heiko Liedeker FLEGDT [email protected]


Mr Josep Enric Llebot Generalitat de Cataluya [email protected] Spain

Mr Louis Maire National Institute of Geographical and Forestry Information [email protected] France

Ms Raquel Marcos del Rivero European Forest Institute raquel.rivero @ International

Mr Inazio Martínez de Arano European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Harald Mauser European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Robert Mavsar European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Maria Mayol Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Spain

Dr Christian Messier University of Quebec [email protected] Canadá

Mr Ramon Minoves Pujols Diputació de Barcelona [email protected] Spain

Ms Verònica Miquel European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Chadi Hanna Mohanna Ministry of Agriculture [email protected] Lebanon

Dr Sven Mutke INIA-CIFOR [email protected] Spain

Prof Bart Muys KU Leuven [email protected] Belgium

Dr Pierfrancesco Nardi Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Italy

Prof Bongani Ndimba South African Department of Science and Technology [email protected] South Africa

Ms Joana Ortega Vice-President, Generalitat de Cataluya [email protected] Spain

Prof Risto Päivinen European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Marc Palahi European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Mr Pere Pardo Sabartés AGAUR [email protected] Spain

Mr Alain Pénelon European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Title First name Surname Organisation Email address Country

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Prof Davide Pettenella University of Padova [email protected] Italy

Ms Joana Pinheiro Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) [email protected] Portugal

Dr Joël Poustis HEXABIO Consulting [email protected] France

Dr Carolina Puerta Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Spain

Ms Alba Pueyo EU FLEGT&REDD Facility [email protected] Spain

Mr Joan Puigdollers Medi Ambient i Serveis Urbans de Barcelona [email protected] Spain

Dr Serenella Puliga Ministry of agriculture food and forestry policies - Italy [email protected] Italy

Mr Arnau Queralt i Bassa Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible [email protected] Spain

Dr Isaura Rábago CIEMAT [email protected] Spain

Dr Elisabetta Raparelli Research Council for Agriculture-CMA [email protected] Italy

Dr Elisabetta Raparelli Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Italy

Dr Nicolas Robert European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Ms Mercedes Rois European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Mr Albert Rubiol Vilalta Diputació de Barcelona [email protected] Spain

Ms Montaña Ruiz Avantia XXI working for Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [email protected] Spain

Mr Carles Sáez European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Ms Anabel Sánchez Agricultural Research Council [email protected] Spain

Ms Victoria Sanz European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Prof Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza University of Tuscia [email protected] Italy

Ms Patricia Sfeir Seeds-int [email protected] Lebanon

Ms David Alejandro Solano Grima Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia [email protected] Spain

Mr Patrick Spencer Cork Forest Conservation Alliance [email protected] USA

Ms Marta Subirà Generalitat de Cataluya [email protected] Spain

Mr Ferran Tarradellas European Commission [email protected] Spain

Title First name Surname Organisation Email address Country

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Ms Martina Temunovic University of Zagreb [email protected] Croatia

Prof Maria Margarida Tomé Instituto Superior de Agronomia [email protected] Portugal

Mr Antoni Trasobares Generalitat de Cataluya [email protected] Spain

Mr Alessandro Trevisan European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Ms Lea Turunen European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Dimitrios Vakalis Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change [email protected] Greece

Ms Pilar Valbuena Pérez CESEFOR/SRMBM [email protected] Spain

Mr Jean-Charles Valette Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique-EFPA [email protected] France

Ms Sophie Vallée Association Internationale Forêts Méditerranéennes (AIFM) [email protected] France

Prof Jerome Vanclay European Forest Institute [email protected] Australia

Ms Elsa Varela CTFC-European Forest Institute [email protected] Spain

Prof Juan María Vázquez Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [email protected] Spain

Mr Jussi Viitanen European Forest Institute [email protected] International

Dr Dijana Vuletić Croatian Forest Research Institute [email protected] Croatia

Dr Angels Xabadia University of Girona [email protected] Spain

Mr Janez Zafran Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment [email protected] Slovenia

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Annex 4. Pictures of the Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Photo 1. Opening of the EFIMED Annual Meeting (Photo: IAMZ)

Photo 2. FORESTERRA Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

(Photo: Robert Ramos/Fundació Privada Hospital de Sant Pau)

Photo 3. FORESTERRA orkshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs (Photo: Nicolas Robert)

Photo 4. FORESTERRA Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

(Photo: Elena Gorriz)

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D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Annex 5. List of participants – FORESTERRA & SUMFOREST Workshop

No Name Institution Affiliation E-mail

1 Abrantes, Marta

FCT FORESTERRA [email protected]

2 Amm, Annabelle

Ecofor SUMFOREST [email protected]

3 Albertos, Almudena

EFIMED FORESTERRA [email protected]

4 Bender, Johannes

BLE SUMFOREST [email protected]

5 Capolino, Elena MIPAAF


SUMFOREST [email protected]

6 Cesaro, Luca INEA*


FORESTERRA [email protected]

7 Gonzalez, David

MINECO FORESTERRA [email protected]

8 Greimel, Martin

BMLFUW SUMFOREST [email protected]

9 Herrero-Corral, Gema INRA FORESTERRA


[email protected]

10 Jäger, Dietmar

BFW SUMFOREST mailto:[email protected]

11 Käär, Liisa

MMM SUMFOREST [email protected]

12 Kalinowski, Michal

IBL SUMFOREST [email protected]

13 Kaliszewski, Adam

IBL SUMFOREST [email protected]

14 Korbar, Uroš MAE


FORESTERRA [email protected]

15 Marongiu, Sonia INEA*


SUMFOREST [email protected]

16 Martínez de Arano, Inazio

EFI FORESTERRA [email protected]



[email protected]; [email protected]

18 de la Peña, Anabel

INIA SUMFOREST [email protected]


Scarascia, Giuseppe CRA-UNITUS FORESTERRA [email protected]

Page 22: Deliverable Nº 3 - Foresterra · WP leader: EFIMED Coordinator: David González EC project officer: Doru Irimie Publishable


D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Annex 6. Agenda – FORESTERRA & SUMFOREST Workshop


Hotel Campanile, Św. Tomasza 34, Krakow, Poland

8th July 2014

8.30 - 8.40 1. Welcome by IBL & Mipaaf

8.40 - 9.20 2. Introduction to:

SUMFOREST Martin Greimel

FORESTERRA David Gonzalez Martinez

9.20 - 10.20 3. Identification of the possible synergies between SUMFOREST

and FORESTERRA (WP leaders short presentations, 10 min each)

SUMFOREST*: Liisa Kaar WP4 and WP2; Johannes Bender WP5; M.Kalinowski-

A.Marzetti WP6; Annabelle Amm WP7

FORESTERRA*: Giuseppe Scarascia WP2; Inazio Martínez WP3; Gema Herrero

WP4; Almudena Albertos WP5; Marta Abrantes WP6; Almudena Albertos WP7

10.20 - 10.40 Coffee break

10.40 - 12.30 4. Discussion and prioritization of tasks within SUMFOREST and


12.30 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 15.00 5. Draft proposal of joint activities to be presented to Steering

Committees of both projects

15.00 - 15.15 Coffee break

15.15-16-15 6. Future activities - draft timetable

16.15-16.30 7. AOB and closure of the workshop

*Already confirmed

N.B. An informal dinner will be held at the Restaurant Jama Michalika, ul. Florianska 45, on 7 July at


Page 23: Deliverable Nº 3 - Foresterra · WP leader: EFIMED Coordinator: David González EC project officer: Doru Irimie Publishable


D3.3: Workshop with relevant ERA-Nets and JPIs

Annex 5. Pictures – FORESTERRA & SUMFOREST Workshop

Photo 1. Foresterra and Sumforest workshop (Photo: Almudena Albertos)

Photo 2. Presentation of Foresterra (Photo: Almudena Albertos)

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