
Project no. 019884

Project acronym: EU-AGRO-BIOGAS

Project title: European Biogas Initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants

Instrument: Specific targeted research or innovation project Thematic Priority: Priority 6, Sustainable Energy Systems

Deliverable 26: Seminars and final project symposium

Due date of deliverable: 2010-01-14 Actual submission date: 2010-01-15 Start date of project: 2007-01-15 Duration: 36 months (2007-2010) Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Partner N° 14, RTDS

For the dissemination of results several workshops/seminars have been organised. These seminars have always been organised in combination with a consortium meeting. The seminar was organised in order to disseminate the project itself but also to show the main results which were relevant or the respective region and relevant demonstration biogas plant. These seminars have been organised in:

• Exeter, United Kingdom: 3-4 September 2007 • Seddiner See, Germany: 6 February 2008 • Torino, Italy: 7 October 2008 • Essen, Germany: 26 February 2009 • Viborg, Denmark: 9 September 2009 • Warsaw, Poland: 19 June 2009 • Piverone, Italy: 14 July 2009 and 20 January 2010

Please, find some agendas, flyers and summaries as follows. As a whole 500 experts have attended these seminars and workshops. In November 2009, the final project symposium was organised. About 110 experts joined the very interesting discussions on EU-AGRO-BIOGAS findings. Monday, 27 July 2009 Together with the ARGE Kompost & Biogas, klima:aktiv the Consortium organised a biogas Symposium in Wels, Austria. The two-day event was launched on the 25th of November with the well-known national congress and has been added by an EU Symposium which was new this year. The EU Symposium mainly presented the results of this EU-AGRO-BIOGAS project but also invited external experts including experts from the Ministry and the European Commission. On the 25th in the evening a Cooperation event has been organised by CATT Management Gmbh ( where 49 bilateral meetings on potential cooperation and technology/know-how transfer have been organised. All presentations can are available via the project website.

14 Luglio 2009Sala Convegni “Casa per Ferie”

Piverone (TO)

-Azienda Agricola Bagnod Roberto-

Strada del Boschetto n° 33Piverone (TO)

“Come incrementare la produzione degli impianti di biogas, la loro redditività ed


Illustrazione di alcune soluzioniindividuate nell’ambito del progetto


Incontro Tecnico

La partecipazione ai lavori dellaGiornata dimostrativa è gratuita, ma vincolata alla compilazione e

invio della scheda di adesioneentro il 6 luglio 2009

all’[email protected] tramite fax al numero:



________________________________Nome e cognome

________________________________Società o ente





I dati comunicati verranno utilizzati solo per comunicazioni relative al presente incontro e sarannno trattati ai sensi del D. L. 196/2003

Come raggiungere l’Azienda Agricola Bagnod Roberto:Dall’Autostrada Torino-Aosta, imboccare il raccordoAutostradale Ivrea-Santhià in direzione Milano, e uscire al casello di Albiano. Seguire per Azeglio e poi per Piverone. Prima di entrare in Piverone, circa 30 m prima del semaforoall’incrocio con la strada statale del lago di Viverone (SS228), svoltare a sinistra in Strada del Boschetto. Percorrere la strada fino al numero 33 (sarà presente un cartellone con la descrizione del Progetto EU AGRO BIOGAS).

Come raggiungere la Sala Convegni “Casa per Ferie” diPiverone:Dalla strada principale per Piverone, proseguire per Piveronefino al Municipio. 50 metri dopo il Municipio, svoltare a destraper il parcheggio. La Sala Convegni dista 200 m a piedi.

Raccordo A5/A4Ivrea-Santhià

Casello diAlbiano



Azienda BagnodRoberto

1 km





A5 A4

Ivrea ViveroneSS228

Nel corso degli ultimi anni, si èassistito, a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ad una crescente diffusione degli impianti di digestione anaerobica alimentati con biomasse. Questi ultimi, tuttavia, non sempre sono in grado di fornire le produzioni e i ritorni economici previsti a livello progettuale.Il Progetto EU-Agro Biogas, finanziato dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del VI Programma Quadro, ha l’obiettivo di identificare e, soprattutto, risolvere le cause dell’attuale scarsa efficienza degli impianti di biogas, attraverso una serie di azioni, fra le quali la realizzazione di interventi migliorativi in impianti reali. In tale ambito, il DEIAFA dell’Università di Torino ha eseguito il monitoraggio dell’impianto da 1 MWel dell’azienda Bagnod, fin dal suo avvio, e ha apportato alcune modifiche tecniche e operative, al fine di incrementarne la produzione di biogas e migliorare il rispetto dell’ambiente. Nel corso dell’incontro verranno esposti i risultati ottenuti grazie a tali interventi e verràeffettuata la visita all’impianto e alle modifiche strutturali apportate.


“Come incrementare la produzione degli impianti di biogas, la loro redditivitàed eco-compatibilità”

Alcune soluzioni individuate nell’ambito del progetto Europeo EU AGRO BIOGAS


L’impianto di biogas dell’azienda Bagnod e le modifiche apportate per incrementare la sua efficienza produttiva

Paolo Balsari, DEIAFA - Facoltà di Agraria - Università di Torino


La copertura flottante realizzata sulla vasca di stoccaggio del liquame digerito e risultati ottenuti

Fabrizio Gioelli, DEIAFA - Facoltà di Agraria - Università di Torino



10.40 L’ottimizzazione del carico organico giornaliero del digestore: risultati delle prove di laboratorio

Elio Dinuccio, DEIAFA - Facoltà di Agraria - Università di Torino


Visita agli interventi effettuati all’impianto dibiogas dell’azienda Bagnod



Apertura della giornata presso la Sala Convegni “Casa per Ferie”

Saluto delle Autorità - Regione Piemonte -

09.45 Il Progetto Europeo EU AGRO BIOGAS

Paolo Balsari, DEIAFA – Facoltà di Agraria - Università di Torino

Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V. (ATB) Telefon: ++49(0)331/5699-0 Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank Potsdam Max-Eyth-Allee 100 14469 Potsdam Germany Telefax: ++49(0)331/5699-849 Kontonummer: 41 754 774 00 Internet: Email: [email protected] Bankleitzahl: 160 800 00 Steuernummer: 046/141/01119 Ust-IdNr.: DE811704150

Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik

Potsdam-Bornim e.V. Abteilung Technikbewertung und Stoffkreisläufe

Ihre Zeichen Ihre Nachricht vom Unsere Zeichen App. Bornim, den

- - 1-jb/mp 0331-5699-216 17.12.2007

Workshop - Programm

„EU-AGRO-BIOGAS: Optimierung von Biogasanlagen in der Genehmigungspraxis“

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

am 6. Februar 2008 von 9.00 -12.00 Uhr

in der Heimvolkshochschule am Seddiner See

Seeweg 2

14554 Seddiner See

(in der Nähe von Potsdam)

findet der Workshop Optimierung von Biogasanlagen in der Genehmigungspraxis im Rahmen des EU-Projekts EU-AGRO-BIOGAS statt, zu dem wir Sie herzlich einladen.

Für den Workshop ist folgendes Programm vorgesehen:

1. Das EU-AGRO-BIOGAS-Projekt: Ein Überblick. Thomas Amon, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (A)

2. Genehmigungspraxis für Biogasanlagen in Brandenburg. Dr. Stock, Landes-umweltamt Brandenburg (D)

3. Der Einsatz des ECO-GAS-Modell bei der Genehmigung von Biogasanlagen in Österreich. Michael Eder oder Katharina Hopfner-Sixt, Universität für Bodenkul-tur Wien (A)

4. State of the art of biogas and approval procedures for new installations in Den-mark, Henrik Bjarne Møller, Forskningscenter Bygholm, Aarhus Universität (DK)

Wir würden uns freuen, Sie und weitere interessierte Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter Ihres Hau-ses hierzu begrüßen zu können. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

Für Anliegen aller Art (Anmeldung, Fragen, Hinweise, etc.) steht Ihnen Herr Jörn Budde ([email protected]) gerne zur Verfügung. Informationen zu EU-Agro-Biogas unter, zum ATB unter

Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V. (ATB) Max-Eyth-Allee 100 14469 Potsdam Germany

Biogaz ‘2009 Summary

The first international seminar in Poland specifically dedicated to the biogas technology “Biogas 2009. State-of the art on the production and utilisation of agricultural biogas, practical application of European experience in Poland” took place in Warsaw on the 19th of June 2009. The seminar was organized by the Institute for Renewable Energy (EC BREC IEO) and hosted at the EXPO XXI Warsaw International Fair Centre. The seminar was dedicated to local and international developers, investors, suppliers of equipment, representatives of industry and regional administration interested in agricultural biogas investments. This event was organised for the first time and is expected to become an annual event in the future.

Nearly 100 participants among them guests from Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, France and Ireland participated. The seminar was divided into topic blocs such as: O&M experiences, state of the art of the biogas market in Poland and in leading European countries, update for technology development and financing possibilities.

The President of the Board of the Institute of Renewable Energy, Grzegorz Wiśniewski in opening presentation introduced the state of the art of the biogas market development in Poland and in the EU, backed up by the results of the IEE EurObserv’ER project. New foundations for the development of the biogas market are stipulated in the Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources binding Poland to achieve 15% of RES share in the final energy consumption in 2020, including electricity, heat and transportation fuels. An important step, which will be decisive for the implementation of this guidelines on the local market will be the announcement of the Action plan of renewable energy up to 2020 by the Polish government, scheduled for June 2010. Moreover, an introduction of the new RES

support system in the amended version of the Energy Law is expected, which will determine the profitability of biogas investments in the forthcoming years. The moderator G.Wisniewski compared the state of the art of the biogas market A.D. 2009 in Poland with the wind energy market in 2001 and noticed that biogas investments are smaller, more expensive both in terms of installed capacities and O&M specific costs, more dispersed and especially in terms of the exploitation costs they require larger support for the technology to become competitive on the power market.

The state of the are of the biogas sector in Europe in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Austria was presented by:

- Gerd Carsten Hoher PhD from thde Department of Energy Crops and Bioenergy at the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Consumer Protection and Regional Development of Lower Saxony;

- Józef Neterowicz PhD, environmental protection and renewable energy specialist at The Association of Polish Counties and the Member of the advisory committee for energy at the Polish Parliament,

- Jorgen Ballermann, Executive Director of Xergi A/S, - and Thomas Amon PhD, the Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems

at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences BOKU, Vienna.

The basic model of biogas utilisation in Sweden relies on the co-feremntation

based on substrates such as communal waste, wastewater sludge and agricultural waste. Prices for agricultural co-substrates are comparable with food and fodder prices, therefore, they are applied only in limited range but as a supplement growing on importance in the biogas market.

The 20 years development of the Danish biogas market resulted in 20 centralized large biogas plants of 2-3 MWe each and 50 smaller plants (340 kWe) located usually on farms. Danish co-operative biogas plants are using around 366,577 t of waste (most of this amount are slaughter waste and waste from fishery, poultry, and dairy industry), which produces 325 Mm3 of biogas per year.

The Lower Saxony, which is hosting over 700 biogas plants of power reaching 365 MWe, and in terms of installed power is a leading German federal land. Currently in Germany as a whole 4,780 biogas plants are located of the total 1,400 MWe installed capacity. Biogas plants in Lower Saxony represent 18 % of biogas plants in Germany and 25% share of total installed biogas electrical power in this country.

In Austria well developed monitoring system delivers updated information on the technology, substrates, and energy crops, economical demands and management. Data analyses of daily input in 55 Austrian biogas plants revealed that co-fermentation mixtures of 4-5 substrates especially energy crops with animal manure (65.5 %), and energy crops, animal manure with organic waste (20.0 %) are usually used for biogas production.

The Experiences of Poldanor S.A in constructing and operating of agricultural biogas plants were presented by Anna Oniszk-Popławska from the Institute for Renewable Energy (EC BREC IEO). Poldanor, a company specialized primarily in pig-farming became in recent years a forerunner in building and operating agricultural biogas plants in Poland and the author of own solutions in technological process of biogas production. Poldanor is currently operating 4 biogas plants in Pawłówko 0.725 / 0.980 MWe / MWt, Płaszczyca 0.625 / 0.692 MWe / MWt, Kujanki 0.330 / 0.330 MWe / MWt, Koczała 2.126 / 2.176 MWe /

MWt. But the company already plans further construction of 9 instalations of the total installed capacity of 8.2 MWe and 8.6 MWth.

Suggestions for overcoming legal barriers and organisational obstacles for further developement of the biogas market were presented by Piotr Pasyniuk, PhD Ing. from the Institute for Building Mechanisation and Electrification of Agriculture as in the draft of the Programme: Innovative Economy, Energetic Agriculture, by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The suggestion for changes refer in particular to amendments in acts on waste, fertilization, emission trading and taxes.

Professor Thomas Amon of BOKU presented experiences and conclusions from the realization of the EU-AGRO-BIOGAS project, from EC 6th Framework Programme for Research, Technology and Demonstration. The project is aimed at improvement of the yield of agricultural biogas plants. Project is realized by the consortium of partners from Austria, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Czech Republic, Poland (EC BREC IEO in co-operation with Poldanor S.A.), Italy and Great Britain. The objective is the development and optimization of the entire biogas chain by testing new solutions in real scale from production of substrates, acquire of biogas to utilization of heat and electricity made of biogas. Experiences of GE Jenbacher Gas Engine Division gained during the realization of the same EU-AGRO-BIOGAS project were introduced by Adam Czewiński from KWE Technika Energetyczna, the authorized GE representative for Poland. During the project the quality and quantity of used ignition oil, and it influence on the work of an engine, changes of oil condition and desulphurization requirements were examined.

Technical and engineering aspects of biogas plants construction was the subject of the presentation by Enprotech of Belgium and its domestic representative Mysak, which as partners of this seminar, presented own experiences in designing, financing, constructing and realisation of investments. The moderator of the seminar G.Wiśniewski noticed that especially in Poland, where majority of biogas plants will be built with the EU support, an increasing number of projects realized in the GRI, Turnkey and EPC (Engineering –Procurement -Construction) modes can be expected.

Sebastian Piwowarski and Lesław Janowicz, PhD from PNO Consultants presented 11 advices on how to effectively acquire financial support from the EU funds. Among them the most important seems to be not to postpone the project set-up till the last moment before the submission of an application. A project application should be well prepared for the competition, which means that especially formal and legal documentation must be collected as early as possible, another important element is the selection of the project co-ordinator.

Co-financing possibilities for biogas plants for the years 2007 – 2013 from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management were presented by Małgorzata Kijowska, the Director of the Air Protection Department and from the Regional Operation Programm of Mazovian Voivodship by Dariusz Kowalczyk.

The Biogas 2009 Seminar confirmed a growing interest in the agricultural biogas market in Poland, big demand for knowledge of practical applications and the market developments, which encouraged organisers to regularly host similar biogas events in the future. The discussion in the final part of seminar, moderated by G. Wiśniewski, led to a conclusion that developers and investors act under a constant legal, financial and technical risk. A more holistic approach is missing to legally support and guide the investors in terms of procedures, information on substrates, processes and technologies, reference specific costs and calculators. It was proposed to create an internet biogas forum for the improvement of information exchange and constant monitoring and review of legal regulations.

Institute for Renewably Energy (EC BREC IEO)

Warsaw, 26th of June 2009

EU-AGRO-BIOGAS is a project funded by the EU Framework Programme 6

The EU-AGRO-BIOGAS Consortium invites you to take part at this opportunity to meet policy- and decision makers, scien-tists and company representatives in the field of biogas. It also gives you the possibility to meet experienced researchers and experts from the European Commission and to develop new projects. The EU-AGRO-BIOGAS project is funded through Framework Programme funds and has the goal to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants in Europe through the op-timisation of the entire value chain. Take the chance to hear and learn about promising results from the EU-AGRO-BIOGAS experts.

The EU-AGRO-BIOGAS symposium also includes a co-operation and partnering session for bilateral meetings on 25th of November 2009, as well as gives other EU Project Consortia the opportunity to present their project results by posters and flyers.

Location: Wels, Austria (at the fairground)

Date: 25th and 26th of November 2009

Information: The Symposium costs € 135 (Registration: e-mail to Mr. Andreas Moser, [email protected]) or

Accomodation: After your registration you will receive further information about the hotel, venue, and other administrative items.

EU-AGRO-BIOGAS Symposium in Wels, Austria

In co-operation with biogas09

25th to 26th of November 2009







EU-AGRO-BIOGAS_Flyer_Symposium.indd 1 23.06.2009 12:27:42

25th November 2009

09:00 – 18:00 biogas09 Congress (in German language)

18:00 - 19:30 Partnering session

20:00 Dinner

26th November 2009 EU AGRO BIOGAS final symposium

08:30 – 09:00 Registration

Plenary (Moderation: Markus Lyson)

09:00 – 09:10 Thomas Amon – WelcomeOverview of the EU-AGRO-BIOGAS ProjectUniversity of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Austria

09:10 – 09:30 Kyriakos Maniatis (EC Representative) (invited)European biogas strategiesDG TREN, Project Officer EU-AGRO-BIOGASEuropean Commission, Brussels

09:30 – 9:50 Andreas Dorda (Ministry Representative) Biofuels as a driver for sustainable mobilityFederal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and TechnologyVienna, Austria

Section I: Feedstock (Moderation: Paolo Balsari)

9:50 – 10:05 Ursula Roth, Anke Niebaum, Helmut Döhler, Thomas Amon The On line European Feedstock Atlas and DatabaseAssociation for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL)Darmstadt, Germany, BOKU Wien, Austria

10:05 – 10:25 Walter Schmidt, Ralf Krebs, Andreas von Felde Actual developments and breeding strategies for energy crops KWS Saat AG, Einbeck, Germany

10:25 – 10:40 Christian Leonhartsberger, Alexander Bauer, Herwig Mayr, Thomas Amon, Posibilities for sustainable agrarian feestock production and utilistion BOKU, Vienna Austria

10:40 – 11:00 Discussion

11:00 –11:30 Coffee break

Section II: Innovations in Process Optimisation Fermentation (Moderation: Monika Heiermann)

11:30 – 11:45 Phil Hobbs, Sreenivas Rao Ravella, Alastair WardAutomatic early-warning system for biogas plantsNorth Wyke Research, UK

11:45 – 12:00 Theresa Suarez, Jörn Budde, Alexander Schattauer, Thomas Amon, Herwig Mayr, Monika Heiermann,Feedstock optimisation and preparation through enzymes and additivesATB Potsdam, Germany, BOKU Vienna

12:00 – 12:15 Discussionww






12:15 –13:15 Lunch break

13:15 – 13:30 Henrik Möller, Alastair WardNew possibilities of feedstock pre-treatmentAarhus University Denmark

13:30 – 13:50 Olaf KruseMetabolic and metagenome characterisation of the biogas fermenta-tion process, Biorefinery-Systems including biogas technology (Title to be defined), Ce BiTec Bielefeld, Germany

13:50 – 14:10 Eberhard HartungNew possibilities for process optimisation through NIRS CAU Kiel, Germany

14:10 – 14:30 Diskussion

14:30 –15:00 Coffee break

Section III: Technological innovations for biogas plants and Best practice of biogas for Europe (Moderation: Peter Weiland)

15:00 – 15:15 Paul Krampe, Alexander Schattauer, Elhussein Abdoun, Peter WeilandOptimising the feedstock feeding at biogas plants, new approaches in feeding technology Vogelsang Gmbh, Germany, ATB Potsdam, GermanyvTI Braunschweig, Germany

15:15 – 15:30 Friedhelm Hillen, Thomas ElsenbruchORC Process and cleaning of biogasGE Jenbacher, Austria

15:30 – 15:45 Jörn Budde, Christian Reichinger, Monika Heiermann, Anke Niebaum, Thomas AmonOptimised heat utilisation concepts for biogas plantsATB Potsdam, Germany, BOKU Vienna, Austria, KTBL Darmstadt, Germany,

15:45 – 16:00 Discussion

16:00 –16:30 Coffee break

Section IV: Environment / Assesment (Moderation: Helmut Döhler)

16:30 – 16:45 Paolo Balsari, Fabrizio Gioelli, E. DinuccioEnergy Recovery and Reduction of GHG Emission by the Coverage of a Digestate Storage TankUNIT, Torino, Italy

16:45 – 17:00 Michael Eder, all Partners Economic assessment of best practice biogas technologies in EuropeBOKU Vienna, Austria

17:00 – 17:20 Ursula Roth, Anke Niebaum, Helmut DöhlerLife Cycle Assessment: Case StudiesKTBL Darmstadt, Germany

17:20 – 17:50 Discussion

17:50 – 18:00 Summary

EU-AGRO-BIOGAS is a European Biogas initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants in Europe, to optimise biogas technology and processes and to improve the efficiency in all parts of the production chain from feedstock to biogas utilisation. Biogas is a key technology for the sustainable supply of renewable energy. It offers a high flexibility in substrates, thus avoiding food-feed competition. Biogas is an essential part in the transition towards integrated bio-refinery concepts.

EU-AGRO-BIOGAS aims at the development and optimisation of the entire value chain – to range from the produc-tion of raw materials, production and refining of biogas to the utilisation of heat and electricity. All developments and strategies are demonstrated and proofed at real life conditions. An efficient utilisation of raw materials will be achieved through the definition of raw material quality, an in-creased input of secondary agrarian raw material components and by-products of the food and bio-fuels industry, and energy and economically optimised raw material mixtures (incl. pre-treatment). An online European Feedstock Database is developed. The state of technology, management, economy and envi-ronmental effects are assessed through benchmarking on selected medium- and large-scale biogas plants across Europe. The improvement of biogas efficiency, conversion and utilisation (technical, economical, ecological) is shown by demonstrations on selected biogas plant across Europe. Heat utilisation is improved through optimised management. Demonstration activities are benchmarked and recommendations for an efficient biogas production are devel-oped and widely disseminated.

EU-AGRO-BIOGAS_Flyer_Symposium.indd 2 23.06.2009 12:27:44

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