
    IlEU> ON 1m. 16m, 11TH and 18TH. 1911.


    National Prcsidont

    National Vice Preoidonto

    National Soorotary

    National TreaslU'Or

    Ib,gazine Edt tor

    ..... Joon Sinoldl'..... JoyOG Harrill

    .n. Anna Karah'n. ,. M. John"ton..... •• lklinaahowitil..... Sho""" DunQlln


    Jllr3. Rabb, Mra, Wilke, Mrs. O"'llt, Krs. Morria, Xrs. Stott,

    M186. Pri08, Mrs. Dichmorrt, Min Grant/JIra. ltacking.

    CloPS EhS'l'Etlll IlECION.

    'Mrs. St. LG:~r. Min.' ILud1lllan.


    Mrs. Streak.


    Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Matthews.


    Mre. IJ:yor, Mro. Phillipa, Mrs. hrk-.Rou.


    Mrs. Carhon, Jllr8. Mo1'9, Mrs. !\lend-ol.ohll, Itrs. MaBon,

    Mrs. M. Sinolair.

    contercnoe opened on Monday 15th Pflbruary, 1911 lit 6 p.m with

    Il publio llIOoting Ilddroasod by tho NllTIONAL PilESIDENT, MIlS. JEIIN SINCL/JIR,

    "ho .poke on "Ol11'li'lIilD BOUNTY AND INlfhIlD BIlA$KAP", and Prof088or Jonathan SUZM.

    who spoko on "PnO'I'ES'l"'.

  • - Pa.,. Two _TUESDhT 111rH PE!llIWRT, 1911.

    ~ IZlllCAT!1Jf WAS RKAD •

    .,... Noel Robb, ChaiJ1lOM. Cape lI..tern Rogioll _l~ .11 Dala8llt•••

    ...... S1rltilau thanked cape lI_t.rn tor .u tbeir wond.dlll or8'"fti..Uon and.tor tM tlowe which _re a_H1:114

    "f'!jLOCIES = J'lobert., Cape lIe.Urn, b 111 &lid n.nt bar apoloeiee tor lion-aUOlIdalIoe. She al t Mr vel3' ban wiahe. 'or a .u....,...,1ll oonreNllOll.Itre. CobbeU, 'I'i'al> l Re&iOll. bill.

    'fti!: R\I.ES OF Pf!OC!ilXJilg l/E!lE ADOPTED,

    'ftIB PRESS cocra'I'ft:B -.. alecUd. vi. :

    ConvQlHlr _ JIln. Ilia.. Cape lIenel'll legion •..... Harrie. H~n. &lid ~aal RegiOll,..... St. L.ger, 'Cape £Ut.m R~"O......... S1;re.~had ._ P\lblicitT 14 tho pre.. , 1t .ppellre tbat there a eort :-

    ..... Stott tbet ._ Coloured people have been _ed t ...iee &Ad that Colcur~ftcgiAC ea-e in Cape "com. tIIlvo boMn dOolarod • ...hit.~ •.... , Ca.rlllfOll COl'lgI'eotll1ated tbe Region on Uwir 1&d~~al--."'iyiUee•

    ..... Stott apoke

  • Page ThNe -

    Arising out of tho Rllpon :

    Natal COllstal woro advised to ask for logol opinion on tho mattor of stands otc.

    TllANSVAAL REGION _ !(rs. Carlson reporting.

    Tho Confercnco eongratuiatod Transvaal on its sustainod stands CNer tho "22".

    BOllIE[l REGIOIl _ Mrs. Strsek roporting.

    Tho Rom.on has a suceossful multi_ro.cial group which "",te regularly'.

    Thars are a number of ycung housnomou3rogiens, to bo kt>own os Cape Enstern and Albany Regions respectively".

    Proposed. IIrs. St. Leger.Seeondod Mre. Streck.

    In oxpll\llOtien, Mrs. H. Loger that OOIMlWli.cation WIls diffioult and thatGraha.mstown >l3S a dineront typ

  • WiGllZINE EDITO.." S IlEPOll'l' _ lira. Dunoon Mporting

    Mrs. Dunoan asked all Roe1onc to plOl'lso send hoI' matorial, po.rtioularlyspooehoa at ....etinGS whoro thoy MVO intoreating spoakera.

    Tho Editor 113.B oongrntulo.ted by Conference on tho O%c

    '!'HE 1lEPOTI'l' W:,S ADOPTED


    Proposed 1I1:1s. 1'1'100.Socondoa Mrs. MaaOll.

    Itro. Boinashcwitz r

  • Page Fivo _

    IT WAS RESOLVED THlIT Cape We8tern Region invostige.te tho possibility.of II MarketROllOllrokon you can soU to thoao peoplo".

    Mrs. Sinclair thanlrod Mro. Herbatoin for her talk,

    Rondoboaoh Branoh of Cape Weatorn Region ..oa thanked for providine both mornill{;and aftornoon tea, both of which were excellont,


    Mra. Sinolair thanked Mra. Robb and tho Capo Wostem Rogion for a lovely perty,

    IIGREED that ConfeNlnoo givo a statomont to tho Proal! on last night's "ourrentaffairs" progrllllll1lO re expcae' of "hite elUlll oonditions and 0U8eOating that thoyehow oonoorn OVal' ReaattlOlllOnt areas,


    Mre. Carloon &,vo a reswnb of tho oampaign ainoo its. ineoption and pl'(lsentodtha Charter, Mrs. Harris then introdoood. the Pl>tit10ll to be prosnt"d at tho !l.lrof tho HOUBO, Rogiona discUBSOd both Petition and;Chartor and. tooy are to bosubmitted moro or loBS all draftod by Transvaal Rogion. It ..",s 1181'00d tllat thePotition bo si@ibd by dolo/lBt08 only, on behalf of too wholo Blaok Sallh, and thctno outeide peoplo be involved, It ..ill bo prollontod. oither Oll Thurlldny 18thOl' Friday 19th Febr""ry by Mro. Helon Suzman.

    The Chnrtor will be aont fr l'lltifiootion to W(lGlOlIS' or8!1flisatioos and uood. forpublioity ~lll"l'lll1y. Reaionll ogrBod to use' the charter liS and when they oollld.The aUiWJstion that lapel bllttonS be used in tho oompaign ""s dfollted (18 Al;tli~st,3 For and 2 Abstontionll).


    This peper \/as prooentod by Mre. Harding lind Mrs. MDlhrbe of tho Rondebooch ill'Wloh.

    It "as IIllggt1atod. tl\llt aU Regions should oompH this 110M: of information andinsist on tho responaibility of the authorities in providing proper faoilitioG.Both speakero nnd tho Brunch wore oongratulatod. on thoir masnifieont resoorch ~n'l..onderful pepors, by Mro. Sinolair.



  • - Pal>" Six -


    ItNl. Sinclair thanked tile Palla ~ branch for tca.

    1'. lotter WIla aont f'1"OII Cont'oronoa to ItNl. Porroe1. ..hOBO hl16band died and ;ti,hae 6lIbaoqwi"ntly boon in a car accident, CDnvo,yina tho dcop a)'lllp6tlV' at 011dalolPlt"a.

    A talos:r- w..........t to ..... Barbll... WilUa ..ho 1& 111 in hoapiul •

    .. lDllHD.i:" w"a convc)'Cd tl'OIIlI ItNl. Bobbie Cluvor who ..,.,1. bert wiahea tor aall«llluflll cont'crc.nce.

    IftlS.IS hDa aak8d f'OT c:o-ope..tiOll in their plans for aepablic !Ill.1 end it ... Ql;J"C..dthat Np...._taUve. -cet. ttu. e.nd CX'O'I.idor thie OI!ttter.


    "'I'hat thi. C'.n1'orcnoa 6lIppGrta the roaoh.tion of' tho> Civil Rictrta Cont'crcnocor October 3m. 1970, COIIce",lll,1 con.ac1ontiolUl objecton to .Uital')' aorvi"'-".

    Propoaod Itr.>. St. La8"lr.Socondod Kr". ll;"ndoIOQhn.

    P::>.3Od 21 For, 2 At:;:>in.t, 2 AblItontionG.

    PACT P1'.PE:l _ m:3IONS.

    Thia Pl'P'lr ..os preaented by Mra. TI'Ull....oll, Capo We"tern KcJion. She W!l8oenar::ohlll.ted on" wonderful ~pur, fllli of fnot"',,nd fiearo" ...hich aN invaluc~l .•It ...08 dooidod th"t it should be pllbli.hod by the Bleck Saoh.

    Mro. Carlaen " .....;.:;c3tod ll. nevol f'o of pamphlet to UNlorlillo tho po!.lleity dAf'rican Old AQO Pensiono. Tran,v:;l.ol ill d~f1. this and no~ona ..ill diotribute it.

    PIlOl'ESSOIl HAIISI POLL.\!( THE:IJ J,DIlllI1:S3ED TIlE COl,f}l"uOlEliCE OI! '!'I£ FI "DINGS OF 10coon:llEllCE Oti 00L0lIRED EJX.IC&ITIOII

    Tho.,. ""'. liveLy di.e....ion nnd qu,OUtiM. and Ilrs. Stn.-ok th:l.llked the.pon.kcr on tx:bnlf of' C, nf'cronco.

    FtC? P:.~ _ UlDI1'.N PP.O~.s !I! !lAT"L.

    Jtn. !bUlle.... , K:l.Ul.l eooat.1l Ro;P.on, proacntod this pepur which Wll.. in thr..-o.aotiona CO'ICrillg V7Ubo.nlr:, Stoc:kvUla and the C....,. Streot area.

    SlIol(;llllUona ....w Wacnt.:>tivoa of tho !:ogi.Oll. app:r .1. an Cr~up ',~aboarin,;r> and ~vo l!Vi'''''noo; tMt tho Clallal tor a CDCIproho!n.aivo 11&;>01'.

    JlA~ Arn:SIlIC PRO!! KImm:s OJ" COtIPCllRllCE. 1268.

    Jln. Stott ot:J"OOd tCo ...rite .. latter to an oPPMition !loaIbora of' Parl~ton .... int;;manoo (;r1lIlta for lIfriCQn WOMOO.

    In dioe"..lI1on 011 tho p"aaibility of ch:l.r>gi.nll" tho finanoial yo:>r - it ..31> narccd·that Conforono revort 1." Ootober o.nd that tho n011. conf'eronoo be hold on 16th,17th, 18th end 19'tl! October, 1972. To bridSO tho eop it docldod th.:t.t "",ootine of' Ro/liona1 Chnirmon tx: hold in October 1971. (19 For, 2 A(,'oin ..t).

    BoO-'Il..o of' the ehanee of d::>te, it wn "!Jl"led th!:1. tho tiMnci:>! y~r'Ulc.haniI'Od.

  • · - Pal$O Sovon

    WE!lNESDIIy 18m FEllRU/lRY, 1911.


    Th18 discWlsion ""lS i:lltrodoeod by lira. Patrick, Natal Coastal RelP-0n,IIho road a paper IIritten by Mrs. Wondy Jackson Ilnd endersed by I'zo. 1!Mrs. ca.rlson _involved, viz ,_




    Wo have drawn up a list of ways in which now members CIIn bo

    Advice Office.Tho C""""it toeConveners to contact no>l lIlenbera to find out theirwishes and capnbilitioa.

    Visita to ooUTts and hostels, eta., Tnlro official tOlU' to Sowcto.Go and sec DiaGOnal Street ("here all Indians are to be moved)Follc-.>p of fl1",i11ea who havo boon moved.EnslU"O that the c""""ittee dolo.1"tos work.Contact African wemon.Take {l

    III'S. Dichrnont/-

    Pa60 Ei~t/

  • Mrn. Dichmont _ Non-mombers could bo callod to .. maetina in thoir own aroa,..ddre......d by a «ood apoakor. Any rocruits cnuld then bo formed into infor=lgroups to carry out projects.

    Misa. Price _ Wo have feund that removals have involved meny people. One ofour projocta is to take old aee pensioners to COllect their pensionn and thinhas resulted in deep involvement~. -,,-,--,_

    "NATAL NA'M'ERS" _ (II houGe lIanazine which is intended to aotivate membera in theNatal Coastal Area, only ono oopy of whioh has boon iasued to date).

    ~ra. Harris of Headquarters Recion resd a letter Which had been sent to NatalCoa!Jtal with oo

  • ~ Nine-

    4. Opinion -wit be lJ.O~ On Il80 of SaIIh fund.B ••lruad,y oa hAnd,for- donaUona to oU",r- or-ganbUiona 1lno3"'o.ed Jlre. Dye...Seconded Hi... Prioe.

    II.... Jo)'oo H&rria

    M.... Anna Mar"in

    .... olocted • Vice r~_ident

    P"ope_1Id Mn. MondobohnSeoonded Hre. Carhon

    .."a olocto

    PropoBOd M.... P"trickSecondo

    Johanneaburg, OctO'beT, 1972.

    C1UIRXIIN'S ~NG. J, _oti"6 of tho Chai......, or ,,11 Rosion. and thoHoadq\laTtora Executivo ..ill be bold in Ea8't London in October, 1911.

    llolll'ro APPAIRS ADI'IlNIS'ftllo'!'ION BILL,

    Kra. Ro~b £;avo tbe oentenn of tho bill and tbe.... _a diaoualiOIl OIl thogJ"OWda or p....,tloost. It._a~ that the d1lli:'1lltiOll of tho :>


    Nev _tbod.s of proton .".inet tbis Act vc.... discu.sad &nd thofollowina id04S given ,_

    1. An intOl'lRltion board in s PJ"OI"LnMt place.2. U.u WW~id. Pglp1t.".). Bant lareo Billboard and adYflr'tiH on bus......4. U80 placa...a an panel van.5. UN on oars.6. Two .inut•••Uonco at ogr'tun t~. flf the dI!;J.T. f'ra7ur 'I'i( in churcbll. vHb pllIIphleh r-rovided (........r1ck said

    tbi...... n.lrll

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