Page 1: Defence of A & N Islands exercise · The Executive Engineer, RCD, APWD, W imberly Gunj invites on behalf of the President


Friday�April 13, 2018 A & N Islands, Nation 3

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ TheAndaman and Nicobar AIDS ControlSociety (ANACS) conducted amainstreaming training programme onHIV/AIDS with the trainees of RajivGandhi Co-Operative Training Centre(RGCTC), Teylerabad on Thursday.Altogether, 40 trainees of the instituteparticipated.

Dr. M Joy, Project Director, A & N AIDSControl Society facilitated the aforesaidtraining programme. Mr Girish Kumar, AD(SPM), ANACS conducted the trainingprogramme. He discussed on Mode of HIVinfection, the preponderance of affliction

Mainstreaming training on

HIV-AIDS for RGCTC trainees

in injecting Drug Users, knowledge on HIVvirus growth in window period and howdrug abuse can increase the vulnerability toHIV. Further, he emphasized on the HIVscenario of the Island and highlighted theactivities done by the society to mitigate theproblems associated with this dreadfuldisease.

Though research world has gotmedicine to prolong the life of people livingwith HIV, but there is no cure. Knowledgeand education is the only preventivemeasure that can keep you away from thissyndrome. Earlier, Ms. Nandini, facultywelcomed the gathering.

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The Lt.Governor Puducherry, Dr. Kiran Bedi todayvisited the Disaster ManagementDepartment here and chaired a meeting todiscuss the initiatives and best practices ofdisaster management in A&N Islands. TheChief Secretary, A&N Administration, MrAnindo Majumdar, the Advisor to theAdministrator of Chandigarh, Mr Parimal

Puducherry Lt. Guv visits StateEmergency Operation Centre

Rai, the Secretary to LG, Puducherry, MrTheva Nidhi Das were also present in thismeeting. Dr. Kiran Bedi also inspected theControl Room of the State EmergencyOperation Centre. Earlier, the DirectorDisaster Management Deptt. Mr GovindRam appraised about the initiatives ofA&N Administration in disastermanagement in the Islands.

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ At thenational level, IGNOU has executedagreement with Common Service Centre toprovide online facility for IGNOU students.In this regard, a meeting of CSC centre stafffrom Port Blair and nearby has been held atIGNOU Regional Centre-Port Blair onWednesday. Mr Mohan Babu and 18 CSCcentre staff participated in the meeting andconveyed their feedback about IGNOUonline admission/examination/Re-Registration related. Dr. T.R. Satyakeerthy,Assistant Regional Director and Dr. S.Ganesan, Regional Director have informed

about the online submission of exam fromfor June-2018 session, as the last date is 30thApril-2018.

During the interaction, the feedbackand suggestions have been analyzed for therefund of rejected applicants duringadmission process. IGNOU students areadvised to make use of the facility at CSCsto apply for June-2018 exam by makingpayment of Rs.30/- as service charge toCSC.

The Kendriya Vidyalaya-01 (KV02901)is also exam centre for June-2018, besidesJNRM, IGNOU Study Centre-0201.

IGNOU & CSC Meeting held

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The State President ofBJP, A&N Islands, Mr VishalJolly along with Mr PrakashAdhikari, State GeneralSecretary BJP, Mr AjoyBairaigi, State GeneralSecretary BJP, Mr I.P. Singh,Chairman PBMC, BabyFarida, Adhyaksha SouthAndaman Zilla Parishad,Smti. Kalpana Bain,Adhyaksha, N&MAndaman Zilla Parisha andSmti. Swapna Mondal, Up-Adyaksha, N&M Andaman,Zilla Parishad met theMinister for Tourism, Mr KJ Alphons at New Delhi onWednesday. Various issuespertaining to developmentof the tourism sector werediscussed during themeeting. Mr Jolly requestedthe Minister to regularizethe services of 32contractual employees of

State BJP leaders meetTourism Minister in Delhi

the Tourism Department."Tourism is the only privateindustry which can creates e l f - e m p l o y m e n topportunity forunemployed youths of A&NIslands. But even afterfulfilling all the safetynorms, it is very difficult toget Certificate ofRegistration of the Hotel,Travel Agent, andAdventure Water SportsOperator, ParasailingOperations, Under Sea-Walk/Helmet Diving,Kayak operator,mechanized crafts, ScubaDiving, wellness tourismservice providers," he saidurging the Minister tosimplify the procedure forobtaining Certificate ofRegistration of Small &Medium Scaleentrepreneurs in A&NIslands.

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The fourth day of thefive-day Annual Campstarted with the Yogaactivities followed by asession on the theme "SocialService", which wasinaugurated by Padmashreeawardee, Mr NareshChandra Lal, Indian FilmDirector and Producer andAmbassador of Swachh

Day 4 of TGCE Annual Camp

Bharat Abhiyan for A & NIslands. He motivatedcampers to do best in life.The campers proceeded toMile Tilak village area toconduct awarenesscampaign programme, theywere divided into threedifferent groups andproceeded towardsJirkatang No.2, Veterinaryhospital and Mile Tilak

school. The programconcluded with thepresentation of Nukkadnatak on the theme"Alcoholism, Child Labourand school dropout". Thecampers came to the contactof villagers and realizedthat some of the families arenot aware of the bad effectsor social evils prevailing intheir society.

Suggestions invited on

Waqf Property lease rulesPORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ All concerned Indian citizensparticularly those belonging to Muslim community can puttheir grievances & difficulties being faced by them inimplementation of Waqf Properties Lease Rules, 2014notified by Government of India before the Committeeappointed by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government ofIndia appointed vide order no. F. No. 12/13/2014-Waqf dated07.03.2018 for review & implementation of the WaqfProperties Lease Rules, and asses their impact.

The suggestions should reach the Member Secretary ofthe Committee at Central Waqf Bhawan, Plot No. 13 & 14,Sector - 6, Pushp Vihar, Opposite Saket Family Court, Saket,New Delhi - 110017(email address: [email protected]) by 20th April, 2018, a release from theChief Executive Officer, A & N Island Waqf Board said.

Culvert construction at CollinpurPORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The Gram Panchayat,Collinpur will undertake the work for construction ofCulvert near Nirmal Das house on the existing rural roadfrom Collinpur junction to sea beach (Kali Kona) atCollinpur on April 16. In this connection, the road willremain closed for vehicular traffic till completion of thework. In a release, the Pradhan, Collinpur Panchayat hassought the cooperation of all concerned and expressedregret for the inconvenience.

Viva-vocefor studentsat IGNOUPORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/The viva-voce for MAEducation dissertation workon the topic "Study on theneed of counselling tosecondary level students foradmission to highersecondary/senior secondaryclasses: with specialreference to students ofAndaman & Nicobar Islandswill be held at IGNOURegional Centre at 3.30 pmon Friday (April 13) atIGNOU Regional Centre-PortBlair. Mr Goutam Hawlader,student of MA (Education)will make the presentationof his research work in thepresence of other MAEducation students as wellas examiner Dr. S. Ganesan,Regional Director RC-PortBlair. Interested persons,students of B.Ed, M.Ed,M.Phil (Edu), Ph.D (Edu.)students of other universitiesare also invited to attend theviva-voce.

Sr. AAP leader

on isles visitPORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ Aam Aadmi Party's,South India Observer, MrSomnath Bharthi, MLA andex-Law Minister of Delhi ison a visit to these islands.Islanders interested to meethim can call over mobilenumber 08588816643, arelease from the party said.

SBFT founder greets islandersPORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The Founder President of SBFoundation Trust (SBFT), Mr Bhabesh Majumder hasgreeted the islanders on the occasion of Baishakhi, BengaliNew year, Tamil New year and Rongali Bihu. In a release,he stated that observance of these festivals means feelingof culture where, there is no difference among the peoplebelonging to all caste, creed and religion and hoped thatthese new years will bring the message of peace andharmony, spirit of unity, integrity, brotherhood and bringall round prosperity and best of health. He alsoremembered Dr BR Ambedkar on his Jayanti which falls on14th April.

Diabetes Risk Assessmentcamp at Chinmaya

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ Chinmaya VanprasthSansthan, a wing of Chinmaya Mission for senior Citizens,will organize free Diabetes Risk Assessment camp onSunday (April 15) for senior citizens at Chinmaya Missionpremises. The camp will be held from 9.30 am and will beconducted by Dr. Namrata Lal, Consultant Diabetelogist.The camp is open for all. For further enquiry, people cancontact on 9434280904 or 9434262907.

Temple Committee reconstitutedPORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The general body meeting ofArulmighu Sree Sonaiah Temple Committee, Delanipurwas held recently under the Election Officer, Mr A. Raju.The meeting unanimously elected Mr P. Pandi as President,Mr. K.Murugeshan as Vice President, Mr M. Govindan asGeneral Secretary, Mr A. Maruthupandian as JointSecretary, Mr N. Palraj as Treasurer, Mr N. Sekar as Asst.Treasurer and Mr M. Vijaya Kumar as Organizer. Beside, 27Executive Committee members, 13 Advisory Committeeand three Auditors were also elected for the Committee.

SATB mourns demise ofretired School Principal

PORT BLAIR, APRIL 12/--/ The South AndamanTeachers' Branch (SATB) of the Non-GazettedGovernment Officers' Association, Andaman and NicobarIslands condoles the demise of Mr Hargobind Pal Singh,Rtd. Principal, Education Department on Thursday at hisresidence here. He was the President of Gurdwara Dr.Diwan Singh, Port Blair. He was 84 years old. TheAssociation recalls his contribution towards improving thequality of education in these islands. The funeralprocession shall start at 11 a.m. be from his residence atRGT Road, Port Blair tomorrow. The South AndamanTeachers Branch of Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers'Association conveys condolences to the bereaved membersof his family.

Cong should stopdreaming about taking

over in Goa: state BJP chiefPANAJI, APRIL 12 /--/ Days after a Congress leader inGoa said the party won't hesitate to "take over" in case theruling BJP dispensation collapses, state unit BJP presidentVinay Tendulkar today made light of the claim, saying theCongress had failed to grab that opportunity after the 2017Assembly polls. Like their counterparts in rest of thecountry, BJP ministers and party MLAs in Goa todayobserved a fast against the non-functioning of Parliament.Union AYUSH minister Shripad Naik joined the leaders atAzad Maidan in Panaji to take part in the protest. Hittingout at the Congress, Tendulkar said the opposition partyhad been on the slide across the country.

"The Congress should stop dreaming about forminggovernment in Goa. They had an opportunity to form thegovernment (after the assembly polls) but they failed to grabit. In fact, after the polls, the Congress' strength in the (40-member) House fell to 15 from 16," he said referring to theoutcome of the 2017 state polls.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,APRIL 12 /--/ After its successfuldrive for organic vegetables andpalliative care, the ruling CPM inKerala is foraying into yet anothercampaign, this time against liquorand intoxicating drugs.

The Left party is opening a newde-addiction and counsellingcentre in its stronghold Kannur, thepolitically volatile northerndistrict, as part of its large-scalegoal to cement its grassroot levelsupport. The Centre is envisaged asa platform to help people recoverfrom the addiction to abusivesubstances through scientifictreatment and counselling. The

opening of the party-sponsored de-addiction centre assumessignificance in the wake of the LDFgovernment drawing flak over itsnew liquor policy which facilitatedreopening of some of the closedbars by the previous UDFgovernment. The declared liquorpolicy of the LDF is abstinencewhile the Congress-led UDFadvocates total prohibition in aphased manner. Located at ThazheChovva in the district, the Centre iscoming under the aegis of theparty-led 'Initiative ofRehabilitation and Palliative Care(IRPC).'

Chief minister Pinarayi

Vijayan would inaugurate thecentre at a function on Friday, CPMKannur district secretary PJayarajan said.

Detailing the significance of themove, he said the abuse ofcontraband substance is on the risecausing alarm. "Various kinds ofnew intoxicating substances areflooding the market attractingteenagers and youths. So, it is theneed of the hour to check this socialevil, from destroying ourindividuals, families and society,through people's movement,"Jayarajan said in a Facebook post.

The party strongman said theIRPC has already been indulging in

several awareness programmesagainst drug abuse and the newcentre is an extension of theinitiative. With an aim to reach outto common people and strengthenits grassroot level base, the rulingCPM has launched severalinitiatives ranging from organicvegetable cultivation to palliativecare.

The state-wide drive promotingorganic vegetables under the title'Jaiva Jeevitham' had been a hugesuccess. The left party is alsoplanning to open 1000 outlets oforganic vegetables across the stateduring the coming 'Vishu' festivalseason.

CPM to open de-addiction centre to fight drug abuse in Kerala

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