

Independence - Freedom - Happiness ---------------

Number: 1570 / QD-TTg Hanoi, 06 May 09 2013  





Pursuant to Government Code held December 25, 2001; Based on the Law of the Sea Vietnam June 21, 2012; Pursuant to Decree No. 25/2009 / ND-CP of March 6, 2009 of the Government on integrated management of natural resources and protection of the marine environment and islands; At the request of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, DECISION:

Article 1: To approve the mining strategy, the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment by 2020, with a vision to 2030 with the following principal contents:



- Natural Resources and the marine environment meaningful and important role particularly associated with sovereignty, national sovereignty, economic privilege and national security at sea, is a solid foundation to carry out marine resources that make our country strong maritime nation, rich from the sea.

- Innovation thinking marine economic development, moving from passive to being active, raise awareness about the potential advantages and disadvantages of sea influence, do all the activities on the beach, do not connect land development time with the sea, islands and adjacent international waters.

- Survey of basic resources and the marine environment must take one step forward, especially for the island, island group outpost, the island of importance in economic development - social security, national room. Priority investigate the deep sea, far from the sea and international waters adjacent to discover new resources and the creation of a database

of resources and the marine environment, islands, serve to improve forecasting and warning of natural hazards, the impact of climate change on the seas.

- Complete and institutions operating smoothly integrated management of marine and unity on the basis of the partition function, marine spatial planning and implementing a monitoring mechanism synthesis is the most important solutions to accelerate and improve the efficiency of research, baseline surveys, exploitation and sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment.

- Adapting to climate change on ecosystems; exploitation of limited resources recovery, ensuring both efficient synthesis of economic, social and environmental; limited to the lowest level of conflict between the protection and conservation of island exploitation of natural resources and economic development; interested community groups difficult, vulnerable; adapt to living with climate change are the basic principles of sustainable development to the sea.

- Vietnam Sea is an integral part of the South China Sea, the sea and the oceans of the world; efforts to promote the exploitation and use of natural resources towards sustainable development, protection of the marine environment of Vietnam as part of overall efforts to defend human resources, the marine environment for development goals sustainability. Incorporates organic, between the investigation and exploitation, sustainable use of natural resources, environmental protection, economic development and defense maritime security, protection of the sovereignty, sovereign rights Join in the sea.

2 Goals a) The overall objective

Better understanding of the sea, the potential advantages, the negative impact from the sea; promote the exploitation and use of marine natural resources in a sustainable way; preserve the quality of the water environment; maintain the ecological functions and biological productivity of marine ecosystems contribute to successful implementation of the Marine Strategy for Vietnam in 2020, the goal of sustainable development of the country.

b) The specific objectives

- Response to a step infrastructure basic technical information about resources and the marine environment; provide forecasts of natural disasters, climate change timely, credible enough for the development of marine economy, economic development - social and coastal areas on the island;

- Reducing the level of degradation and depletion of natural resources and curb pollution increased coastal areas, coastal areas and on islands;

- Enhance the ability to adapt to climate change, maintain the ecological functions and biological productivity of marine ecosystems to protect marine biodiversity and marine resources;

- Strengthening and improving operational efficiency management basic investigation, exploitation and use of natural resources in a sustainable way and to protect the marine environment.

3 Vision 2030

Basic understanding of the potential resource - the environment, the advantages and the adverse impact on the marine waters of Vietnam and adjacent international waters for sustainable development - economic society; prevent, repel increasing environmental pollution and degradation, resource depletion, decline in marine biodiversity to ensure ecological balance of the sea at a stable level.

4 The breakthrough strategy - Renewal of thinking, moving from passive to being active on the basis of knowledge of the sea, as all activities at sea, combined mining, sustainable use of the potential advantages of the sea with limited adverse impacts from the sea.

- Partition function to avoid conflicts between the exploitation of natural resources, economic development with the protection, conservation, ocean, islands; spatial planning coastal development towards open sea, land space connected with the sea, with regional, continental and global levels to maximize the potential advantages of Vietnam's sea and term most minimization of damage caused by climate change, natural hazards and environmental conflicts caused sea.

- Complete synchronization and institutions operating smoothly integrated management of marine and unity, the island in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency of state management of natural resources and the marine environment.


1 study, baseline surveys on natural resources and the marine environment

- Prepare overall planning, organization surveys, studies to clarify the possibility of natural disasters including geodynamic hazards (earthquakes, active faults, eruptions, tsunamis, landslides bottom sea, tectonic changes the sea bottom), the meteorological catastrophes, hydrological (hurricane, whirlwind, surges, erosion and accretion unusual changes seabed topography, canals, sand waves mobile) and complications related incidents, environmental disasters; seabed foundation characteristics (topography, composition and physical properties) planned to serve the marine economy development, exploitation planning to use environmental resources of the sea and islands; development, construction of marine works and works for security - defense.

- Better define the likelihood of earthquakes along the fault or the fault intersections, particularly in low-lying river deltas money Loin, the paint line - Deo Ngang, Tam Ky - Phuoc Son, Da Nang - An Hoa, Da Rang - Ca Na ...; evaluation of mapping areas of subsidence, erosion, improve surfacing, sediment, sand track, sand dunes, floating islands, caves on the coast, especially catastrophes have similar expression well as for raising

activities emerged in East peninsula Son, uplifted seafloor in areas of Ha Tien - Pirate - Phu Quoc, the emergent island in Pirate area, Truong Sa ...

- Promote the geodesic mapping seafloor topography ratio (1: 50,000, 1: 100,000 and 1: 250,000) over all the seas of our country as a basis for building a data base system geographical information about the sea and named for the island, island group. Calibrating the charts up rates for all Vietnam waters. Perform measurements mapping the seafloor topography large proportion of the sector for the development of marine economy, key economic areas, to measure the mapping service of maritime administration.

- In terms of mineral resources, focusing investigation, make better assess potential Ilmenite -zircon - rare earth and precious metals along the coastline and shallow seas; oil and gas on the sea; detecting expression, facilitate focused iron nodules "Sea manganese, cassiterite and gold placers have come seabed gas hydrate in the deep sea ... Reviewed clearly identify resources reserves of minerals, construction materials coastal areas, especially in the sand, even off the water from a depth of 100 meters or more. Paying attention to vehicles, equipment and modern technology to serve the investigation, research and discovery of new resources in the deep sea, far from the sea, off-shore islands.

- Investigate, evaluate and map the wetland ecosystem, mangroves, coral reefs, sea grass beds, unique ecosystems, areas of high biodiversity, the living areas production, migration flows by sea creatures, wintering areas, storm of migratory birds; clarify reserves, potential exploitation of marine resources, fishing streams, beach fishing on the waters of our country; clarify, establish a data bank of marine species, particularly species with high economic value, priority species protection, invasive species, including seabirds. Organizing a survey of the marine environment, assess the sensitivity and tolerance of the sea, islands to natural hazards, detecting the expression of conflict driven environment serve economic development - social Social coastal areas.

- Perform general survey, a comprehensive assessment of meteorological and oceanographic resources - marine environment, geology, topography, land resources, surface water, ground water, mangrove ecosystems, land wetlands, rare wildlife, resource status for port development, tourism, mining potential of wind energy, solar energy, wave energy, tidal shore coastal areas ... , islands, islands, island groups and coastal waters, along the big Island from Mong Cai to Ha Tien serve marine economic development with ensuring national defense and security. Note coordination, information exchange, between the results of the survey project, the study of the sea in the direction of synthesis and unity in order to increase the effectiveness of the investigation, the study of the sea.

2 Capacity Development forecasts, disaster warnings, the impact of climate change on the seas - Prepare overall planning, step by step construction of a new, additional monitoring stations meteorological coastal waters, offshore islands, the sea monitoring equipment to ensure adequate supply of data and information news service of the weather forecast, meteorological, oceanographic, disaster warning and impact of climate change on the sea.

- Upgrading and gradually modernized, automated monitoring stations marine hydrometeorological, associated with environmental monitoring stations; upgrade, set up automatic transmission, connect the monitoring station to the Central Meteorological, oceanographic regions, Centre National Meteorological and connected with meteorology

monitoring systems and regional oceanographic global.

- Modernization of the low pressure system forecast tropical storm on the sea sufficient accuracy; Research the law changes, the direction, the affected area regularly for preventive measures, proactive response to hurricanes, tropical depressions in the sea, coastal waters.

- Setting up an early warning system connected with tsunami warning system for the region and the world; investigation, observation, mapping the flow, the movement of ocean currents in the South China Sea and on the seasonal waters, identifying the point, dangerous whirlpool area or seasonal and regular notice to fishermen, the prevention of marine facilities.

- Research and evaluation of simulation and prediction of morphological change of hydrodynamics and sediment transport regime of the river basins and coastal areas affect the marine environment in the context of climate change; build, supplement and strengthen surveillance systems, detection of environmental accidents, oil spills at sea.

- Research and evaluate the evolution of the el-nino phenomenon, la-nina and the impact on the bank to take measures to prevention, mitigation; investigation, evaluation, recognition from the standard deviation, standard error above the water surface elevation Vietnam waters serve navigating the waters, investigate, assess sea.

- Monitoring, identifying tidal regime, the waves, storm surges, zoning map intertidal areas, changing trends of the intertidal zone to serve economic development - social Coastal coast, coastal islands, islands, island groups.

- Study scenarios, forecasting, monitoring developments impact of climate change in the coastal zone, coastal shorelines and mangrove ecosystems, forests breakwater reef sand,, coral, seagrass beds combined with research findings, assess the resilience of marine ecosystems to approach and offer suitable solutions to adapt to climate change.

- Research and seasonal forecasts, the movement of aquatic resources, ensuring accuracy as the basis for organizing fishermen fishing activities sustainable, resource efficient fisheries on marine fisheries our country.

- Investigate, research, mapping the coordinates of the maritime safety area, the area to avoid waves and storm; also published regularly on the popular media to farmers, organizations and individuals for use during operations at sea.

3 Mining and rational use of space, sustainable, water, natural resources, marine position of serving economic development - social coastal areas, on islands, durable marine economic development firm

- Research and development building orientation space space marine in harmony with economic development - social mainland, connected to spatial development in Southeast Asia, continents, oceans and global in sight towards the ASEAN Community, the economic center of the world such as China, North East Asia, India, North America and Western Europe undertakings serving sea, enriching, growing up from the sea, building building Vietnam into a strong country on the sea.

- Establish a mechanism for co-management, the right to exploit and benefit from coastal sea level, along the island based on the market approach and the orientation of the State to regulate the principles of space, water sea resources owned by the people, by the unified State management.

- Reviewing the structure of coastal land use, consider meet environmental requirements, consistent with the ecological characteristics of each region and the open sea to the correction in the long term; land use planning to ensure coastal land use efficiency, reasonable, consistent with the ecological characteristics of each region, protecting wetlands, mangrove forests, forest breakwater, sand .

- Control the exploitation of surface water and ground water coastal areas and on islands within the limits of water recovery; looking for fresh water, building rainwater harvesting systems or applications technologies sea water into fresh water, not to local water shortages by region or season, meet the requirements of economic development - social Social coastal areas, on islands and marine activities.

- Improving economic efficiency, allocation of reasonable, fair benefits obtained to ensure the environmental requirements in the oil and gas exploration, mineral construction materials, especially the coastal areas to execute the mining strategy to meet domestic demand, consistent with favorable developments on the world market; high-priority technologies in mining, seabed, particularly technology friendly environment.

- Develop co-management, mining rights, benefits from fisheries resources; access mechanisms and market instruments simultaneously with the application of administrative measures, sanctions appropriate to regulate the exploitation of marine resources within the limits of recovery, especially in the waters near shore; protect and enhance the resilience of the ecosystem impacts of climate change.

- Planning mining, resource use status, the potential advantage of the sea in the direction of connection with the land and open sea, linking regions, with different advantages; from development of the open area, and the global ocean.

4 control sources of marine pollution, on the island

- Control the direct source of polluting emissions, environmental degradation of coastal areas, especially urban areas, industrial zones, export processing zones, the basis of farming, seafood processing, and commercial activities commercial services ... along the coast, on the islands, island groups; ensure waste water must be treated to meet the technical regulations before discharging into the sea.

- Monitor, evaluate the extent and severity of the impact of marine pollution source from the mainland, especially from the river basin, from the coastal farming using chemicals, pesticides plant derived chemicals; planning processing facilities pollute coastal areas; improving water quality in river basins, coastal estuaries, coastal waters have been polluted, degraded.

- Carry out a strategic environmental assessment under the provisions of the strategy, planning, development plans, for the expansion project development of marine economy to

have the necessary adjustments or plans to prevent marine pollution source; strict implementation of the provisions on environmental impact assessment for projects of economic development - social coastal areas, seas, islands and island groups; inspect and certify satisfactory environment before allowing operational.

- Detect and timely measures to prevent, localize the scope of influence and respond quickly, effectively with oil pollution incidents in the marine environment, coastal estuaries; inspection, monitoring closely the conditions required capacity to prevent and respond to incidents of vessels transporting oil, chemicals operations at sea or passing through our waters as well as the storage petroleum, chemicals, plant protection drugs coastal areas and on islands.

- To strictly enforce the environmental impact assessment as prescribed, tight control of project dykes, polders, soil and stone, sand, gravel, building materials into the sea; control, completely blocking the dump hazardous waste into the sea in all its forms.

5 Conservation of landscape and marine biodiversity, enhance the resilience of marine ecosystems to the effects of climate change

- Research and clarifying ecological functions and biological productivity of marine ecosystems, especially wetlands ecosystem coastal areas, mangroves, coral reefs, sea grass, seaweed, zooplankton, phytoplankton, ... pressure from economic development - coastal society, the economic activities on the marine ecosystem and their ability to withstand the effects of climate change.

- Research and evaluate characteristics, representative of the marine ecosystem, coastal shorelines, residence areas, natural habitat of permanent or seasonal marine species on the list of priority priority for protection; review and consider the extent to meet the criteria established national parks, nature reserves, protected areas species - habitat, protected landscape area in accordance with the Law on Biodiversity and the law relevant; planning the establishment of new or expansion of existing parks to gradually establish a system of natural protected areas in the sea.

- Assessing the threat of extinction of marine species have value, including seabirds, considering the level of response criteria to be included in the list of priority species protected under the provisions of the Law biodiversity for the Prime Minister for approval; formulation and implementation of conservation programs for priority species protection.

- To evaluate and determine the main causes leading to degradation of aquatic resources, particularly in coastal waters; make a list of aquatic species, setting the restricted areas, closed season or limit exploitation and enforcement mechanisms to ensure the implementation in practice; implementation of the overall solution, determined to prevent early decline of fisheries resources in the waters, and gradually restore aquatic resources enriched coastal waters.

- Planning of protecting existing mangroves, restoration, natural regeneration of coastal mangroves, forest development in key areas, forests breakwater, coastal sand to form a green belt firmly coastal sure Mong Cai to Ha Tien.


1 propagate awareness about marine exploitation, sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment and island

Promote the implementation of Decision No. 373 / QD-TTg March 23, 2010 of the Prime Minister approving the scheme promote propaganda on management, protection and sustainable development of marine and island Vietnam South. Focus propaganda, raise people's awareness about the sea, the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment through propaganda campaigns peak, the environmental events, seas and oceans such as World Environment Day (05/6), World Oceans Day (08/6), Sea and Islands Week Vietnam (01 - 08/6) ...

Promote legal education to enhance knowledge, thus forming a sense of environmental protection, planting, restoration and protection of mangroves, consciously abide by the law of the sea in the society. Propagation and dissemination of knowledge for coastal communities, on the island of climate change and adaptation skills for living with climate change. Athletes fishermen do not use measures destructive, unsustainable fishing in, not fishing in restricted areas, not catching aquatic species banned mining and accountable for the protection of aquatic species on the list of priorities to protect ...

Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam and other media propaganda categories of natural resources, the environment and people's responsibilities in the protection, exploitation and sustainable use of resources and preserving the quality of the marine environment; disseminating knowledge about the prevention, response, control, disaster recovery, and environmental incidents at sea; Awareness of cooperation, integration and protection of sovereignty, natural resources, marine environment, the island.

Bringing educational content resources, environment, maritime sovereignty in the curriculum at the high school level, middle level colleges and universities to provide information and basic knowledge of marine resources and our country's marine environment, the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment for school classes and students.

Promoting the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations in advocacy, education and awareness of exploitation and sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment.

2 Complete and institutions operating smoothly integrated management and unified resources and the marine environment and island

Focusing construction and finishing law integrated management, unified resources and the

marine environment and islands. Issued soon complete mechanisms and policies to mobilize and efficiently use all resources to exploit the full potential of marine resources. Continue to improve the organizational structure for integrated management and unified resources and the marine environment and island from central to local levels towards unified, centralized hub; defined functions, duties, thoroughly overcome fragmentation and overlap.

Focus consolidation of the organization, enhancing the management capacity of the State General Administration of Seas and Islands Vietnam. The study formed interagency coordination mechanisms, inter-regional development of non-profit organizations, state corporations strong baseline surveys, resource survey and synthesis of the marine environment and islands.

Establish a mechanism for monitoring implementation and unified synthesis activities related to natural resources and the marine environment and islands. Strengthen capacity and promote the role of functional forces in the implementation of this Regulation to coordinate the integrated management of natural resources and protection of the marine environment, islands issued Decision No. 23/2013 / QD-TTg April 26, 2013 of the Prime Minister.

Develop database system full, comprehensive and unified; establish mechanisms to exchange and share information about the sea, especially the information on meteorological, oceanographic, and natural conditions, ... to serve fishermen at sea, economic development - social coastal and marine economic activities.

Investigation and assessment, space planning, partitioning functionality waters based on the ecosystem; identify priority areas, limited or banned exploitation of natural resources, economic activities to reduce to the lowest level of conflict in the protection and conservation of natural resources exploitation, economic development.

3 Focus training, mobilization and use of human resources for investigation and research on the ocean, the integrated management and unified resources and the marine environment and island

The State shall encourage local universities to train specialized sea, especially specialized integrated management and unified seas and islands. State investment training or foreign affiliate training subjects show little or no training facilities in the country, take steps to provide adequate human resources for research, baseline surveys, resource management Natural, environmental protection, integrated management and marine uniform. State support or priority post-graduate training in foreign countries for the sectors related to the integrated management of marine and unity.

Develop and implement uniform policies on treatment, support, encourage, attract a team of scientists, experts, professional staff, experienced in working in the field of research , baseline surveys, resource management, environmental protection, especially in the integrated management of marine and unity. Applied research priority mechanisms, special incentives, rewarded for regular officers or most of the time right on the sea, beyond the islands, especially the remote island, linked with the task of protecting maritime sovereignty.

Expeditiously implement the training program knowledge, skills disaster, incident, escape at sea, maritime law knowledge, international law and the training program synthesis knowledge the sea, islands serve the general management and unified resources and the marine

environment. Strengthening the capacity of training institutions manpower resources and the marine environment, focus on training staff surveys, research, planning and integrated management of marine and unity, human resources for professional service in the future as sea tidal energy extraction and exploitation of natural resources deep sea, under the sea ...

4 Strengthen and diversify the sources of funding for basic investigations, resource management and environmental protection of the sea and islands

Increased investment, recurrent expenditure budget at a rate corresponding increase investment in the development of marine economy for fundamental investigations, resource management and environmental protection of the sea and islands.

Strengthening mobilization of resources in society, from the economic sector, ODA and support of countries investing in basic investigations, resource management and protection of the marine environment.

Research, develop mechanisms to provide revenue from natural resources and the marine environment for investment return for the investigation, marine research, natural resource management and protection of the marine environment.

5 To promote scientific research and application of high technology in the baseline survey, exploitation and use of natural resources, protection of the marine environment and island

Attach importance to building staff about marine science, especially the science of integrated management of marine and unity. In the first phase should focus on exploitation and mobilization of scientific staff in the relevant sectors involved in this area. Restructuring research institutions of science and technology using sea state budget accordingly to meet the requirements of the establishment and operation of integrated management mechanism and uniform sea meet requirements of the underlying investigation, forecasting, early notification of an earthquake, tsunami warning, maritime disasters, the impact of climate change on ecosystems, coastal communities.

State funding for adequate rate to meet the requirements to serve research needs to investigate, learn about marine research, exploitation and sustainable use of natural resources, environmental protection, especially management unified synthesis and sea-based systems approach, according to the program, the focus, the key to achieve high efficiency.

Invest in upgrading infrastructure and equipment, renovation, modernization, automation equipment basic investigation, warning, notification of earthquake, tsunami warnings, natural disasters, accidents at sea and use of high technology in the information technology platform for research, learning about marine resource management, environmental protection, integrated management and unified island.

6 To promote international cooperation on the management of natural resources and protection of the marine environment and island

Promote the implementation of the Project of International Cooperation of the sea 2020 was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 80/2008 / QD-TTg June 13, 2008.

Expanding international cooperation, strengthen ties with other countries, especially countries in the region, take advantage of opportunities for learning, mobilizing experts and resources from external research support learn about marine resource management, environmental protection, integrated management and marine uniform.

Promote alliances, joint ventures, bilateral, multilateral, based on mutual interest in the exploitation and use of space, water, natural resources and protecting the marine environment. To boost participation, elected officials participating in international organizations, the regional forum and the world of the sea in order to improve the impact and role of natural resources and environment sector in general, and the resources sector marine environment in particular on the international forum.

Promoting international cooperation in scientific research and technological development of the sea; review and proposed participation in international treaties and relevant organizations to properly implement the international treaties to which Vietnam is a member, is particularly beneficial agreements for marine environmental resources and water It is, for the sustainable development of the country, peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world.

Promoting international cooperation in monitoring, early notification of an earthquake, tsunami warning, storms, disasters at sea; prevent and respond to incidents at sea.

Promote exposure, introducing and promoting the participation of stakeholders, multilateral cooperation in resolving disputes and conflicts of interest related to natural resources and the environment in the South China Sea, contributing build trust in the community of nations and coastal marine-related benefits for a peaceful South China Sea, stability and sustainable development.


1 Responsibility for implementation of the Strategy a) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Assisting the Prime Minister agreed implementation strategy for exploitation and use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment by 2020, with a vision to 2030; guide ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities and coastal agencies and organizations involved implementing the objectives, tasks and Strategic solutions.

- Lead and coordinate with ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, People's Committees of provinces and cities under central coastal monitoring and inspecting the implementation of the Strategy; annual, 5-year institutions preliminary evaluation results of the implementation, learn from experience; The Prime Minister adjusting goals, tasks and

measures in case of necessity.

b) The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, National Defence, Foreign Affairs, and related agencies within the management authority are responsible for implementing the objectives related to natural resources, environment, agriculture and rural development, defense, border and maritime; combine exploitation and use of natural resources and environmental protection to firmly protect maritime sovereignty; close cooperation between the state management function synthesis and agreed with the function of state management in accordance with Regulation specialized coordinated integrated management of natural resources and protection of the marine environment and island were issued with Decision No. 23/2013 / QD-TTg April 26, 2013 of the Prime Minister.

c) Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance to allocate resources and guide the use of the 5-year funding annually to implement the goals, targets, tasks and solutions strategy.

d) The Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Built Environment; perfect mechanisms, fiscal policy, mobilizing economic sectors involved in the implementation of the goals, tasks and solutions strategy.

e) The ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government in the maritime area of responsibility assigned is responsible for implementing the objectives and solutions relevant regulations in accordance with the coordination strategy, guided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

2 Monitor and evaluate the results of implementing the strategy a) A list of monitoring indicators, assess the results of implementation of the Strategy issued in the Appendix to this decision. b) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for synthesis, uniform monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy; ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance targets relating annually send the results to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to synthesize, report Prime Minister.

Article 2 This Decision shall only take effect from the date of signing.

Article 3 of Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, presidents of People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the central government, the heads of the relevant agencies responsible for the implementation of Decision this.

Recipients: - Party Central Committee Secretariat; - The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister; - The ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government agencies;

- People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities; - Central Office and the Committee of the Party; - Office of the General Secretary; - Office of the President; - Ethnicity Council and Committees of Congress; - ONA; - The Supreme People's Court; - Institute of the Supreme People's Procuracy; - The State Auditor; - Committee of the National Financial Supervision; - Bank for Social Policies; - Vietnam Development Bank; - Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; - The central offices of the unions; - Office: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Assistant to the PM, E-portal, Departments; - Note: VT, KGVX (3b).


(Issued together with Decision No. 1570 / QD-TTg September 6, 2013 of the Prime Minister)

No Objective Agency responsible

for collecting,



2010 2015 20201 Provide more comprehensive information database on the beach1.1 geological and mineral

map of coastal areas and islands along the 100 m depth

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

0 to 30 m Additional finishing30-100m


1.2 Database of geological features shallow layer, geodynamics and resources - environmental Vietnam's waters (depths up to 300 meters of water)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

0 - 30m water Seas waters 30-100 m

water sea water to a depth of 300m

1.3 Topographic map of the sea bottom and sea floor topography map details for the development of marine economy

MONRE Additional Additional finishing

finishing basically

1.4 Map of floating islands, submerged

MONRE Built Complemented complete

1.5 Level of response data and background information on meteorological, oceanographic, marine

MONRE Raised Raised over 2010 compared to 2015

1.6 The accuracy of forecasting meteorological, hydrological sea, maritime disasters

MONRE Raised Raised over 2010 compared to 2015

1.7 Level of response data and basic information about the quality of the

MONRE Raised Raised over 2010 compared to

water environment 2015

1.8 The degree of synchronization and consistency of information and data on natural conditions, natural resources and the marine environment


IMPROVED over 2015

1.9 Frequency of influence and area of red tide

MONRE Decrease over 2010

Decrease compared to 2015

2 Reducing the level of degradation, resource depletion, pollution of the marine environment

2.1 Proportion of agricultural land coastal areas and on islands lost due to conversion purposes, degenerate, degraded, desertification

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

Decrease over 2010

lower than 2015

2.2 Number of total land area and coastal areas around the island landslides, sea encroachment

MARD Decrease over 2010

Decrease compared to 2015

2.3 Number of coastal areas on the island depleted water resources by overexploitation

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

from 2010 Decrease

Decrease compared to 2015

2.4 The response of freshwater resources for economic development - social coastal areas, on islands and maritime activities

MONRE increase over 2010

Compared to 2015

2.5 The area of coastal wetlands, islands around the saltwater intrusion

MONRE not increase compared with 2010

No increase over 2010

2.6 The decline of coastal fishery resources

MARD Decrease over 2010

Decrease compared to 2015

2.7 The basic parameters of coastal water quality around the island

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Achieving national technical regulations

2.8 Number of oil spills, oil pollution at sea

Defense Department

from 2010 Decrease

Decrease compared to 2015

3 Improving resilience to the effects of climate change, maintain the ecological functions and biological productivity of marine ecosystems

3.1 Forest Area breakwater, sand coastal and island (coastal green belt)

MARD Increase 10% over 2010

Increase 30% over 2010

3.2 Number of scale and coastal erosion

MARD Decrease over 2010

Decrease compared to 2015

3.3 The area of coastal natural wetland

MONRE in 2010 Hold Hold in 2010

3.4 The area of coastal mangrove forests, around the island

MARD Increase 10% over 2010

Increase 30% over 2010

3.5 The area and quality of coral reefs

MONRE not decrease compared to 2010

Not decreased compared with 2010

3.6 The area and quality of sea-grass beds

MONRE No decrease compared to 2010

No decreased compared with 2010

3.7 The number and total area of the nature reserve sea

MONRE Increase 20% compared with 2010

Increase 50% compared with 2010

3.8 The number of aquatic species rare and threatened with extinction

MONRE No increase compared with 2010

No increase over 2010

3.9 The number of aquatic species rare and extinct


3.10 The number of natural heritage sites recognized

MONRE increase over 2010

Compared to 2015

3.11 Number of invasive alien species invading seaborne


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