
Name: Ms. Fittz English 2 8 December 2014  

English 2 Agenda Tuesday, December 9  



1. Good Morning! What is one thing you are going to do today in order to achieve your desired results this semester?


2. Nouns and Pronouns. Underline each noun and write a “P” over each pronoun in the following sentences.

a. You got me sippin’ on something b. The heart wants what it wants.

3. Adjectives. Circle the adjective(s) in the following sentence and draw and arrow to each word they modify.

a. It is cold outside today. b. The Fine Arts Showcase is fantastic!

4. Verbs. Draw a box around the verb(s) in the following sentences.

a. All of me loves all of you. b. You are my end and my beginning.

5. Adverbs. Draw a squiggly circle around the adverb(s) in the following sentences.

a. I will definitely study for my exam. b. I am going to do great on this mid-term.

6. Prepositions. Draw parentheses around each prepositional phrase. Then, write “prep” over each preposition. a. I ran around the school. b. Please put your pencils on the table.

II. Review Bell-Ringer III. Explanation of Persuasive Letter Assignment IV. Tara Myers from Earl Swensson Associates V. Conjunctions & Interjections: Identify and Practice {Wheel of Fortune} VI. Exit Ticket: Submit Persuasive Letter Idea {Brainstorming Grade}

Learning Objectives *We will… ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*We will… ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Announcements: Soccer on Fridays @ 2:30. Grass field behind auditorium. Do YOU have what it takes to beat your English teacher? ☺

Tutoring Monday and Wednesday 2-4. Soccer Friday ☺ [email protected] * text/call 615.543.6260 *



IV. Tara Myers from Earl Swensson: Technology

Pros Cons

*Conjunctions*   Definition: A conjunction (conj.) joins words and phrases. Conjunctions make writing more concise. Examples: Instead of: “I don’t like apples. I don’t like oranges,” you can use the conjunction “or” to connect the two sentences: “I don’t like apples or oranges.”

Ex. and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so Practice: Draw a triangle around each conjunction in the following sentences. 1. Justin Bieber can sing and dance. 2. Kobe Bryant either injured his foot or his knee. Practice: Use a conjunction to join each pair of sentences. Use a different conjunction each time.

1. I like oranges. I like apples. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. She was going out to play. It rained.



4. He stayed up late playing video games. He is tired this morning.


*Interjections*   Definition: An interjection is a word used to express short, sudden feelings. Emotions such as fear, surprise, anger, love and joy can all be expressed with an interjection. Interjections usually have an exclamation point (!) around it. Ex: wow! Hurray! Stop! Ouch!

Examples: “Ouch! Charlie bit my finger! Charlie, that really hurt!”

Practice: Draw a star above each interjection. 1. Wow! What a show! 2. Oh! I thought it was such so-so.

3. Hurray! We have mastered the eight parts of speech!

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