  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    Astro Tarot Forecast - December 2014

    1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Eight of Cups


    A joyous month at the workplace awaits you in December, Aries. You may feel as if this year has been

    relatively quiet in terms of your career, but you must remember that in 2013 you were down and out,

    struggling with money problems for a large part of the year. And this year you've made great strides in

    every aspect of your work life. You deserve to pat yourself on the back, and with this relaxed month at

    the job site, you'll have plenty of time to do just that.


    Many an Aries is coming off a bad breakup, but if you're one of the lucky ones who have been single fora while, things are certainly looking up for you. You'll find plenty of opportunities for love this month,

    and your attractiveness factor, which has been a bit diminished in the last couple of months, is returning

    to its traditionally high level. This is a wonderful time to start a new romance and you'll have plenty of

    help from the cosmos in this endeavor.

    In Love

    Quite a few of your Arian brethren have lost their partners in recent months but it seems as if you made

    it through the rabbit hole unscathed. Congratulations, Aries. It's almost a sure bet that the past few

    weeks have ensured that you and your lover have something special between you that cannot be

    broken easily. As you head into 2015, you'll be happy to know that this love will be strengthened even

    more and the possibility of marriage in the future is very real.


    This is a great time to start looking into investments for the new year. Your luck in the realm of finances

    will only increase as 2014 draws to a close. This month you should be on the lookout for anybody who

    might be able to give you some advice related to money matters. It goes without saying that you should

    avoid any illegal insider insight, but the odds are against you falling prey to anything of that sort. But the

    more exciting development in your life at this time is the squaring of Uranus and Pluto. This is a very

    rare pairing that brings with it quite a bit of promise in the realm of technological breakthroughs. As

    such, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to you that we recommend looking into tech investments

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    in the coming year. Cloud data is one area in particular that you may wish to keep an eye on, Aries, if

    you wish to make 2015 even more monetarily beneficial than this year was.


    You may notice that your energy levels are returning to their peak form in much the same way that

    your attractiveness is having a renaissance. It's almost a sure bet that you've recently restarted that

    workout routine that you were forced to cut back on when things got a bit difficult earlier in the year.

    But now it is smooth sailing all the way and your robust physique will only continue to become more

    alluring as the weeks go on. The world is yours for the taking, Aries.

    2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: V The Hierophant


    This is a great time to really prove your worth at the workplace before the year draws to a close. Of

    course, you've already shown time and again what an indispensable asset you are to your company all

    throughout 2014, but this month you'll take a special pride in your ability to handle everything that is

    thrown at you with skill and aplomb. Naturally, this will ingratiate you even more in the eyes of your

    bosses and corporate overlords. Enjoy this wonderfully productive time, Taurus, and make the most of



    You won't be interested in any kind of fling during this period. Instead your heart will be set on the

    long-term. Any prospective partner who doesn't show an inkling of the desire for longevity in a

    relationship will be relegated to the wayside in favor of somebody who is serious about taking things to

    the next level. This attitude is par for the course for Taurus in general, but in the past year you've

    dabbled in short-lived relationships. Now you're ready to go back to your usual M.O. with a bit more

    wisdom and experience.

    In Love

    No matter how long you've been in a relationship with your partner, you will feel the need to rush things

    toward the next level. Though these urges will be strong with you throughout December, it is important

    that you try to tone it down just a bit. There will be plenty of time in the coming year to nurture your

    relationship into something even deeper. In the meantime, why not just kick back and enjoy a beautiful

    holiday season with the man or woman that you love?


    Getting rid of excess expenditures will be very important to you in December. You'll take a long, hardlook at the things that are costing you money each month and you'll be very decisive in what you want

    to keep and what you feel you can part with. You may decide to get rid of that expensive monthly cable

    bill, or you may switch your cell phone provider to something simpler and less expensive. This desire to

    clean house will set you up for a very productive start to the new year, so go ahead and perform

    surgery on your bank account. Sometimes you have to lose a finger to save the hand.


    Enjoy the clean bill of health while it lasts, Taurus. There will be some health complications in the

  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    coming year (nothing major, though, so don't fret!) but in the meantime it will be smooth sailing as far

    as your well-being is concerned. Mental health and physical health will both be in tip-top shape all

    throughout this lovely December, so rest easy. This doesn't give you carte blanche to start eating poorly

    and becoming lethargic, of course, but we know that a Taurus would never let himself or herself go like

    that anyways!

    3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Queen of Swords


    Take heed this month, Gemini: Though you have an independent streak that remains a part of you at alltimes, this is not the time to strike out on your own. You'll need to work with others properly if you want

    to succeed at work in December. Any attempts to take the reins yourself have a much higher chance of

    ending in disaster, which will put you on very uneven footing leading into the new year. Besides, it's

    always good for a Gemini to learn a bit about teamwork. It may even help you to foster a growing

    friendship between you and your colleagues.


    This is not a very positive month in terms of meeting prospective lovers. Anyone who comes into your

    life during this phase is likely to have a negative effect on you and may even spoil your feelings toward

    romance for some time to come! The sad part is that you will be more attracted to people of this type all

    through the month, so you will have to be extra vigilant to make sure that your heart isn't put upon the

    chopping block. Tread carefully through this precarious December, Gemini, and you'll have much better

    opportunities for love in the coming months.

    In Love

    Geminis in a relationship will learn to appreciate their partners more during this time and it's quite

    possible that you'll be more inclined to do what you can to show them how much they mean to you. It is

    rare for a Gemini to dote upon a lover to excess but this month you may surprise yourself when you find

    that you're cooking their favorite meals, opting to watch football with them, and even letting them

    decide what to do on Saturday night. This is a wonderful time for the two of you to become even closer

    than you already are.


    Starting this month you'll start to take a much deeper interest in economics and investing. This will be a

    much more pronounced part of your life in 2015 but right now you're experiencing the anlage of it all.

    By the end of next year you'll be well-versed in neo-liberalism, disaster capitalism, and so forth, but rightnow you're starting with baby steps. You might take an interest in the concept of supply and demanda

    baby step to be sure, but it will lead to a great wealth of knowledge on your part.


    Nutritional deficiencies, always something to be careful of when you're a Gemini, will once again come

    into play this month. Yes, it's no doubt been quite a source of annoyance that every few months you've

    been having to deal with this issue, but it has also been a learning experience, reminding you that

    keeping a proper diet is a full time job. Remember to keep taking multivitamins, keep eating foods rich

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    in nutrients, and avoid empty calories that will only bog you down. Do so and you'll escape all the

    trappings of poor nutrition.

    4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: XIII Death


    You'll be a bit more sluggish at work this month, with fatigue setting in before the end of each work day.

    There will be some days where it will require all your strength just to make it to lunch time. But there is

    hope on the horizon. When the Solstice comes in the third week of December, you'll feel a newfound

    vitality that will help push you through the rest of the year in style. Just do your best to handle these

    first couple weeks and you'll be just fine.Single

    This month you'll be more attracted to unconventional types. That quirky girl at the coffee shop with the

    piercings will all of a sudden seem much more alluring. That rocker dude with the tattoos on his

    forearms who serves you drinks after work will start to enter your mind as a potential lover. By all

    accounts, you're looking for something different from the norm, which has provided you with little luck

    lately. And why not take a walk on the other side of the road for once? It may be fun, and you might

    even get a new, refreshing outlook on life.

    In Love

    The possibility of getting into arguments with your partner is a bit higher this month, and unfortunately

    most of the blame for this will fall upon you. The reason being is that in December you'll feel a bit bored

    with routine and the usual order of things. You'll desire a change of pace, a break from the ordinary, and

    if your partner isn't receptive to this, it can cause quite a bit of discord in your relationship. But

    remember that in most cases it is YOU who is against major change and your partner may have learned

    this habit of immobility from you.


    This would be a great month to start actively leaving notes on the refrigerator to remind you to pay

    certain bills. Yes, these days there are plenty of great direct deposit options that allow bills to be paid on

    time without you physically having to mail them in. But there is still the possibility of you forgetting to

    pay an important bill on time this month. This could have disastrous effects on your credit or even your

    livelihood. So why tempt fate? If you feel like you may forget an important payment, take the steps to

    ensure that you pay it on time.


    Headaches and migraines make their return this month for a select unlucky group of Cancers. Manypeople under your sign are predisposed to these unenviable conditions in the first place, and December

    may provide its fair share of pain in this regard. Take preemptive measures and carry some extra

    Excedrin (or whatever your poison is) at all times. You may need to refill your prescription migraine

    medication if your headaches are more severe than most. But don't fret too much: After December

    you'll be free of headache-related issues for quite some time.

  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: King of Swords


    December will provide a sizable share of difficulties relating to work, and if you can manage to take a bit

    of time off this month, it will do wonders for your productivity when you return to the workplace.

    Unfortunately, the holiday season is a time of year in which it can be very difficult to get even a day off.

    If you find that it is absolutely impossible to take a mini-vacation, do your best to cope with the busy

    workdays. With a bit of luck (and a lot of coffee) you'll push through and make it out alright.


    While it may be a difficult time at the workplace, you'll be relieved to know that your downtime will be

    filled with plenty of positive news. Wherever you go, be it Christmas shopping or a holiday party, you'll

    find that many people of many different backgrounds and types are more attracted to you as usual. This

    is a great time to find a little love and romance during this very romantic time of year. The chances of

    you kissing a handsome or beautiful stranger under the mistletoe is very high.

    In Love

    Here's hoping that your partner is a supportive, kind listener who is always willing to lend an ear and

    help you sort out your problems. This month you'll rely on this person to be your rockto be a

    dependable lover who will allow you to vent all your frustration. If your partner is not receptive in this

    way, there is the possibility of problems arising. But most Leos are good about choosing mates who are

    caring and loyal, so the odds are good that everything will turn out alright.


    You'll find yourself spending more money than usual on creature comforts. Expensive bath salts,

    gourmet foods, and so on will eat up more of your monthly budget than usual. Yes, there is the risk of

    you overdoing it and regretting your purchasing decisions, but you have to remember that every now

    and then we must pamper ourselves just so we can continue to face a cruel world outside day after day.

    The relief that these products bring you will counteract the small sum of money that you spend on



    Achy joints will make an appearance this month, aided by the cold winter months that many of us are

    starting to experience around this time. Leos who have injured their ankles, backs, or knees in the past

    will feel even more discomfort around these precious and precarious body parts. It would be a good

    idea to stock up on the Ben-Gay, IcyHot, or whatever you use to relieve yourself of pain in instances like

    these. If you have a fireplace in your home you'll find yourself cozying up to it on a nightly basis.

  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: King of Pentacles


    Virgos will be surprised to find that they are a lot more bold this month at the workplace. In situations

    where you would normally keep your head down and avoid rocking the boat, you'll notice that you're

    much more vocal in your views. Actions by coworkers and managers alike that you deem unfair or

    foolish will receive your particular blend of Virgo admonishment and practicality. Luckily, this vociferous

    attitude of yours won't threaten your position at work, just as long as you don't take it too far.


    Virgos may not be the most romantic sign of the Zodiac, but they are very good at being faithful and

    loyal to their lovers. This month, however, you may feel strong feelings for somebody who isn't your

    partner. We all fantasize sometimes and wonder what it might be like with that tall dark stranger, but it

    should remain just that: A fantasy. When you break the bonds of fidelity, you open a Pandora's box of

    disaster that almost always ends in ruin. You're too smart and practical to go down that route, Virgo.

    In Love

    You're much more likely to be argumentative this month when it comes to dealing with your partner or

    spouse. While your sign is not the type to nitpick, you'll be surprised when you ridicule your soulmate

    for something completely unrelated to the reason why you're actually fighting. The potential for an

    explosive bout is very real, and it would behoove you to cool your jets when you feel your temper rising.

    Fighting is bad enough no matter what time of year it is, but during the holidays it carries a particular

    level of tragedy.


    Your financial situation will continue to be healthy and prosperous, and it will serve as a perfect cap to a

    very fiscally productive 2014. In the coming months, as 2015 starts to set itself in motion, you will

    continue on this streak of good luck. As such, there is no reason to be stressed out about anything

    related to money matters. Just enjoy this lovely Winter and put your fiscal concerns on the back burner

    for a few months. Everything will proceed exactly the way that it is supposed to.


    You'll be a bit more accident prone this month, so be careful when crossing the street and do your best

    not to slam your finger in any doors. Virgos who engage in cycling or other high speed pursuits would

    be well-advised to follow all safety precautions. A helmet is an obvious must, but you should also be a

    little more vigilant in checking for motorists and other possible hazards. The odds are that nothing

    major or serious will befall you, but it never hurts to be as safe as possible.

  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: XIX The Sun


    The so-called eleventh hour will loom over you all month, unfortunately, and it brings with it the

    possibility of stress. Even if you do your utmost to finish your tasks on time, you'll still find that some bit

    of paperwork you accidentally neglected will cause you to rush your work in order to make it in before

    the deadline. But try not to be too harried. Though you will rush a bit here and there at the end of quite

    a few work days, it won't be nearly as difficult as some of the problems you've encountered earlier in

    the year. You'll handle it with the kind of grace that is befitting a Libra.


    This month you may find yourself a little jealous of your friends and family members who are currently

    in happy, healthy relationships. You might even question yourself and wonder if there is something

    wrong with you, considering the fact that you are single yet again during the holiday season. But these

    feelings should dissipate by the second half of the month and you'll be once again on more secure,

    confident footing, remembering that old adage about the grass being greener on the other side. Besides,

    there's plenty of great things about being single, too!

    In Love

    Be careful of coming off as too clingy this month, Libra. This is odd in the first place, because your sign

    is not the type to latch onto your lover for dear life, but you simply won't be able to contain yourself in

    December. You'll desire to spend more time with your sweetheart whether they like it or not.

    Depending on the sign of your partner, this could be a problem or a non-issue. An Aquarius or Gemini

    might bristle against your closeness, but a Cancer or Aries will be more than happy to be doted on by



    This is not the month to be making any risky choices as far as finances and investments are concerned.

    The risk is simply too high. Yes, you may stumble upon a tip or two that seems foolproof and promises

    riches beyond belief. But at the moment it is not advisable for you to go through with it. 2015 will

    bestow financial blessings aplenty on you, with a far lower level of risk. Why not hold out just a bit

    longer? It may end up being the most important decision you've made all year.


    Libras who are restarting their fitness routines should be careful to avoid injuries. The cosmos dictate

    that you are at a higher risk for pulling a muscle or otherwise harming yourself in the pursuit of physical

    health. Ironic, yes, but so it goes sometimes. To avoid any of these calamities, remember to stretch fully

    and properly before engaging in any exercise. And don't forget the cooldown, either. Every ever fitnesssession, you need to slowly bring your heart rate down with some light cardio and then perform one

    final round of stretching.

  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: Nine of Pentacles


    You've learned a lot this year, Scorpio, especially in regard to how you control your attitude at work. In

    previous months (and previous years, to be sure) you would think nothing of pushing the buttons of

    coworkers and managers, of reacting with sarcasm or anger when someone disagreed with you. But as

    we head into the final month of 2014, you've managed to curtail these urges in a very admirable way.

    And since the outer planets remain with you for years, you can expect even more emotional growth and

    maturity in 2015. This is the beginning of a wonderful phase for you.


    December doesn't hold much for you in the way of romantic prospects: You're more likely to be shut

    down while trying to woo an attractive member of the opposite sex. But again we see how much you've

    grown as a person all year. Earlier in 2014, you would have reacted to a brutal rebuff by insulting the

    man or woman's intelligence or looks. But now you can laugh off the rejection with ease and still enjoy

    yourself heartily, not caring a whit about the prospect of going home alone.

    In Love

    Scorpios in a relationship will also have a very smooth, even-keeled time with their partners. While you

    still have plenty of energy to argue if you feel like it, the fact of the matter is that you simply won't feel

    much like starting a fight. You'll even think about the feelings of your partner and how your words may

    affect them. Yes, this is a normal course of thought for most signs, but it is a sign of maturity for a

    Scorpio, so be proud of yourself.


    Any Scorpio who has business partners will unfortunately revert back to some of their old ways. If you

    feel as if your co-investor is making a foolish decision or has a quixotic view as to how a particular stock

    tip may pan out, you'll be more than happy to let them know how idiotic their ideas are. But money

    matters are a bit more complex than other areas of life. In this sector, it can actually be a good thing to

    be upfront and honest. It can mean the difference between vast profits or major losses.


    You'll be in a good mood throughout December, no matter how hard the world tries to get you down.

    But a Scorpio in a good mood often leads to excessive celebration. If you're the type who likes to

    dabble in drugs and alcohol (and unfortunately this describes many a Scorpio), do be sure to try and

    tone down your partying just enough so that you can wake up each morning without feeling completely

    drained. Yes, it is holiday season and everybody is partaking in reverie just a bit more, but only you can

    make sure that you don't overdo it.

  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Six of Pentacles


    This month you'll be bringing great joy to everybody around you at the workplace. In other words, it's

    back to your jovial Sagittarian self. Business as usual, you might say. Coworkers who are down in the

    dumps because they'll be spending the holidays alone will get a nice boost of cheer from you. Your

    Secret Santa recipient will be touched that you took a long time to decide upon the perfect gift from him

    or her. Your good mood will be infectious and bring plenty of happiness to the daily drudgery of the



    While other signs might be a bit despondent about being single during the holiday season, you'll

    positively revel in the joy of the single life. No waiting in long lines for that new video game system for

    your non-existent boyfriend. No haggling with the jeweler for the expensive watch that your fictional

    girlfriend is clamoring for. You'll be able to spend time with your other single friends and laugh at the

    harried reactions of husbands and wives going by, inured with the never ending stress of the holiday


    In Love

    This isn't to say that a Sagittarius in a relationship will be having a bad time. On the contrary, you will

    have a better time than virtually every other sign that is going through the holiday shopping rush. Long

    lines and frustrated shoppers won't bother you at all. You'll laugh at it all and carry your mirth

    throughout the entire month. Your camaraderie with your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend will be very

    high and the two of you will have a wonderful holiday filled with cheer and free of discord.

    FinancesDo be careful about spending too much money this month. When you're in a good mood, you like

    everybody around you to be in a good mood as well. You're more than happy to buy a round of drinks

    for the mates, or foot the bill for pizza delivery. But this is an expensive month in the first place.

    Extraneous spending when it really isn't necessary might cause you to be a little short on cash. But if you

    pinch pennies where you can, there's no reason why you and your friends still can't have some

    wonderful nights out on the town.


    Gastrointestinal issues might arise as a problem for some unlucky Sagittarians, so do be on the lookout

    for that. This will only affect a select few of you, and even then it shouldn't be terribly excessive. A bit

    of indigestion, perhaps some acid reflux, but nothing that should result in you having an unplanned stay

    in the hospital. For good measure, you might want to consider having a bottle of Pepto handy just incase. You also may wish to lay off the types of food that you already know will cause you stomach


  • 8/10/2019 December Astro Forecast 2014


    10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: XVII The Star


    The major theme this month is goal-setting, and it will permeate throughout quite a few aspects of your

    life, including your career. You'll think long and hard about how far you've come this year, and relate

    that to your progress in other years. If you're honest with yourself, you'll realize that you have been

    making great strides in this area, and feel a little better about everything. But Capricorns can be very

    self-critical. Do us a favor and don't dwell on your missteps along the way, and focus instead on your

    successes. It also may help to know that 2015 will continue your forward progress in a big way, so there

    really is no reason to be down on yourself.


    Prepare for a shift in your mindset as Venus goes retrograde in your sign this December. Venus, which

    rules concepts such as love and romance, can cause your thoughts on these hallowed subjects to

    become quite different during retrograde phases. You're more likely to reconsider your thoughts and

    feelings on relationships at a time like this, and as such, this month you won't be nearly as concerned

    about dating. Instead, you'll be learning how to love yourself. Yes, of course this sounds trite and it's

    easy to scoff at the idea, but there is a grain of truth in it. The fact remains that you can never properly

    love someone else if you still have a hatred of yourself that lives deep within you. And you'll be well

    aware of this fact and it will allow you to resolve some deep-seated issues that you've been neglecting

    up until now. This of course will put you in a wonderful position to experience a real, lasting love in


    In Love

    In the past few months, many Capricorns who have found their special someone have been thinking

    long and hard about the possibility of bringing a child into this world. There is a good chance that you

    are just such a Capricorn, so don't be surprised if those old familiar thoughts about fatherhood or

    motherhood start creeping into your head again. Here's hoping that your partner is just as gung-ho

    about childrearing as you are. If not, don't write them off just yet: This is a huge step for any couple and

    you shouldn't rush into this sort of thing until the two of you are both completely ready.


    This is a great month to pay off any debt that is still outstanding. That doesn't mean that you should

    drain your bank account in an effort to pay off every cent that you still owe your credit card company or

    car dealer. But it is a good time to put a decent-sized chunk of money toward payments, providing you

    have enough cash left over to take care of all the other important factors of your life. Doing so will make

    you feel much more comfortable with your financial situation as you head into the new year.Health

    Throat problems will arise for a select few Capricorns this month, which is most certainly not very

    welcome news. The chance of catching strep throat is a bit higher and you'll want to be extra vigilant

    when you find yourself surrounded by sick kids, coworkers, or friends. Capricorns who enjoy their

    tobacco may feel that old, familiar smoker's cough that they despise so much. If any of these problems

    persist, it will be a good idea to see a physician and rule out some of the more serious conditions, just

    to be safe.

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    11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Five of Cups


    While Aquarius is typically one of the most personable signs, you can expect to retreat just a bit inward

    this month. There will be a lot of personal reflection going on during this period, not unlike the sort of

    pensive thoughts that occupied you a few months ago. You'll be a bit quieter, and hopefully your friends

    at work won't mistake it for aloofness. You'll still be kind and friendly, but you may not initiate as many

    conversations as you normally would. You'll be too busy contemplating personal matters.


    There will be quite a few opportunities for romance this month, but unfortunately they will be all butwasted on you. You won't feel much of a pull toward going out with your friends and meeting new

    people, which is extremely out of the ordinary for an Aquarius. But the inward wrestling you're doing

    with yourself at the moment is a good thing: You're sorting out some longstanding issues that have been

    troubling you, and by the time the new year begins you'll have a much better outlook on the world.

    In Love

    Your partner may feel a bit miffed at the fact that you are keeping him or her at a distance, but any

    understanding lover will know and appreciate what you're going through. If you're with the same

    partner that you've been with for the better part of the year, he or she will remember vividly how you

    experienced this same pensive mood only a few short months ago. But keep in mind that you don't have

    to bottle all of these thoughtsthat's what a supportive partner is for. Feel free to lay it on them, they'll

    most likely be more than happy to help you through.

    FinancesIt would be advisable to avoid any big investments or purchases at the moment. Your mind isn't

    completely clear right now and you may be susceptible to ripoffs or poor decisions. Even a seemingly

    sure bet has the potential to blow up in your face. When the new year begins you'll have a fully

    revamped outlook that will make you unstoppable in terms of financial acuity. But at the moment, the

    best course of action is to sit on the income you have made up to this point and try not to spread it

    around too much.


    Some Aquarians may be prone to depression this month, and the fact that it is Winter and you aren't so

    inclined to go out and have fun with your friends has the potential to exacerbate this condition. There

    are some steps to help avoid this, however: Try to get up earlier in the day, when the sunlight is out.

    The sun is a natural antidepressant. Avoid drugs and alcohol, which can sap serotonin and leave youfeeling even worse than you already do. With any luck you'll come out of December with a smile on

    your face.

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    12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Ten of Pentacles


    Expect to be a bit competitive at work this month, Pisces. In many ways you will seem almost like an

    Aries, as you push to be the best, most efficient worker on the job site. You can bet that your superiors

    and bosses will notice your new, go-get-em attitude, but you must be careful to make sure that you

    don't alienate any of your friends and coworkers during this period. They may balk at the fact that

    you're making them look bad, or skipping their usual lunch date so that you can get some more files

    completed. But as a Pisces, you'll be able to smooth over any problems with your usual charm.


    This is a very vibrant month for you in terms of sexuality. Seemingly everything will make you feel a little

    more frisky, even the Christmas carols that are blaring in your ear while you do your holiday shopping.

    And while we would never condone rampant, boundless intercourse, you should nonetheless feel free

    to have a little fun if you meet someone that you really take a shining to. You might even consider it an

    early Christmas present to yourself! Just make sure that whatever you do, you take all the necessary

    safety precautions first.

    In Love

    This month you'll strive to become a better partner for your sweetheart. If you've been putting on the

    pounds this year (always a risk for Pisces) you will want to trim that waistline and get back in the gym in

    order to be a more attractive mate. If you've been rude or short with him or her lately, you'll find any

    excuse to bestow a bevy of gifts upon your lover. It should go without saying that this will be a very

    blessed month for the two of you, and 2015 promises even more happiness.

    FinancesBe careful not to spend too much money in December. There will be a lot of excuses to go all out with

    the holiday shopping, and many Pisces find this to be their favorite time of year. We've discussed how

    you've have a relatively fortuitous 2014 and you probably have a bit of extra money stowed away. If you

    feel comfortable parting with some of it, then knock yourself out. But we do recommend that you try to

    be at least a BIT frugal with some of your purchases.


    The desire for a more fit body will be strong with you this month, and luckily you'll have the energy

    stores handy to be able to sculpt a leaner, healthier physique. Whatever form of exercise you choose,

    from cardio to weightlifting and everything in between, you will have a much better chance of excelling

    at it. And lest you think that this is just a monthlong attempt at fitness, we're happy to report that you

    will continue to take care of your body well into 2015. By all accounts, this will actually be a majortheme for you next year. So feel free to start early!

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