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Address all correspondence to:

CCSA Natal Midlands

P.O. Box 100983

Ph.: 079 899 2941 SCOTTSVILLE

Fax: 086 206 6335 3209

Season’s greetings Midlands, I hope that the festive spirit has entered your life and you

are looking forward to a well-earned end-of-year break!

On the 1st of December, we were awakened to the very sad news of the passing of Johnny

Engelbrecht, the legend has left us but he will live on in our hearts and memories. He will

be sorely missed by all who knew him. Our deepest sympathies go out to Elize and


Since the last newsletter, we have had two rallies, one at Powerboat Club over the

weekend of 16 – 18 November and our Christmas rally over the weekend of 7 – 9

December. The Majors were unfortunately unable to attend the Powerboat rally but I

believe that in true Midlands’s fashion, a great rally was had by all despite the drizzly

weather. There were 20 families in attendance comprising 16 Midlands, 1 Natal and 1

North Coast member as well as visitors Ben & Di Krogmann and Phillip & Mandy Kaufmann. Our last rally for the

year, the Christmas rally at Baynesfield was great to say the least even though the weather again didn’t play ball.

We had 22 members pitch for the weekend which was quite a busy one with carols on Friday evening, Christmas

party for the children with the arrival of Santa on Saturday morning, Nate Kotze’s birthday party on Saturday

afternoon and the Christmas dinner and dance on Saturday evening. If you have followed the comments and photos

on the “Camper Chats” whatsapp group regarding the Christmas rally, then you would have noticed that the

consensus was that it was one of the best ever – well done committee. If you aren’t on the group and would like to

be, then drop Debbie or me a whatsapp and one of us will add you. See rally reports elsewhere.

Some of you may not be aware that Jurgens CI, the biggest caravan manufacturer in SA, has been placed under provisional liquidation which doesn’t bode well for the majority of us who own their caravans; we will have to see

what transpires in the industry.

From Rhoda, Maxiene and I, we wish you all a safe and very blessed

Christmas, a happy and prosperous New Year and if you are going on holiday

over the Christmas period, travel safely. Remember the reason for the season

and put Christ back into Christmas. Hopefully I will see you all at a rally in

the New Year. To my committee thank you for all your hard work over the

past year, enjoy a well-deserved rest before we take on the New Year.

Our next rally is, again close to home, at Powerboat Club – Midmar Dam

over the weekend of 25th – 27

th January 2019 and I think Sally is still looking

for marshals so give her a call and volunteer, see rally information elsewhere.

“Work Hard – Do your best – Keep your word – Never get too big for your

britches – Trust in God – Have no fear and never forget a friend.”

-Harry S Truman-“”

Cheers for now, safe towing and God willing I’ll see you at Powerboat rally.


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CCSA Midlands Banking Details:

Bank: Standard Bank

Account No: 052210952

Branch code: 057525

Please always use your surname and

rally venue in the reference.


Please try and ensure that you have the

correct amount at Pay Parade as change is

not always available.

What a dismal day when it was advised that CI was placed under provisional

liquidation. Jurgens, Gypsey and Sprite have been around for as long as I can

remember and have served the caravan community admirably for many years. I wonder where this leaves

current owners with the availability of spares to keep their much prized caravans in good shape.

Most members will be aware that I keep the region’s trailer at my home and various games are stored in it

for use at rallies. So if you are marshalling and are looking for games, give me a call – Bingo set, Poker

dice set, Volley Ball net and ball and American Corn game (a fun game but it would need to be collected

as it is bulky and awkward to handle).

Jean Siepman was selling a compact double gas stove to members at the Christmas Rally at R300.00 – a

single at Makro sells for R499.00. It works like a dream and Makro have gas canisters on special at 4 for

R100.00. It certainly makes for a reliable source of energy at home during load shedding and obviously

whilst camping. I’m sure Jean would be able to secure more to sell should you be interested. Please give

her a call.

That’s all this time round, wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

P.S Please send me your useful tips and ideas so that they can be shared in the newsletter for all to





– 18 NOVEMBER 2018

The Powerboat Rally over the weekend 16 – 18 November saw some 20 families arriving for a “relaxing” weekend

next to the water. They should have guessed again!! Friday evening everyone gathered on the Club veranda for

pay parade and a welcoming word from Vice Chairman Terry Schefermann followed by supper, which was a

choice of vegetable breyani & dhall with salads, or boerewors rolls with salads. The choice of breyani as an

alternative seemed quite popular and, as there was a plentiful supply, many joined in the tasting. Thereafter it was a

case of ‘relax and chat’.

2018/2018 COMMITTEE

Chairman – Gordon


033 396 1943

082 374 2327

Vice Chairman – Terry


033 386 7250

083 382 7671

Secretary- Shelli


079 899 2941

Treasurer- Ruth Varrie 033 343 3002

082 375 5505

Chief Rally Convenor –

Sally Riley

082 372 8093


PRO - Anita Nefdt 033 386 4494

083 403 8957

Scribe - Linda Pretorius 033 395 2151

082 371 4315

Assets Master- Terry Schefermann

033 386 7250

083 382 7671

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Saturday morning saw some Ralliers taking the opportunity to ‘Meander in the Midlands’ while some took to the

water in boats, on water skis, or simply swimming/paddling near the water’s edge, and still others went for a

lengthy walk. It was clear all were having a great time soaking up the sun. Others took the opportunity to simply

relax at their vans or visit friends for a chat. A relaxing morning was enjoyed by all. At 2.30pm everyone gathered

on the veranda for games and entertainment. First up was a drawing competition. Each Rallier was given a paper

plate and a crayon or pencil. They were asked to draw a ladies face and Colin demonstrated how easy it was and

what it “should” look like. Then the twist!! They had to hold the paper plate up against their face and draw blindly

i.e. back to front. There were a few Picasso’s but definitely some Walt Disney cartoons as well.

Next some games by the games expert “Balan Singh”. These included team races of balancing a golf ball on a thin

piece of cardboard, followed by another balancing a water-filled polystyrene cup on their heads, and then a

combination of both. The ladies team said Colin obstructed their players and so they ganged up and doused him

with water (main culprits Jean and Gayle ). “Me” thinks, perhaps they were just sour grapes because the men and

boys’ teams were beating them. This was followed by a game of “table cricket” played with a miniature cricket bat

and wickets, and using a ping pong ball. Finally we understood what people mean when they talk of a second

childhood or acting like 10 year olds. I have never heard such noise and enthusiasm from ‘middle-aged children’,

with certain spectators (read Philippa) trying her best to start a ‘Mexican wave’ and others calling for ‘a TV

review’. Needless to say they were over-ruled and the Umpire’s ruling (read Colin’s ruling) was final. It was clear

that a great afternoon was enjoyed by all.

Saturday evening saw everyone gathering on the veranda for a braai and salads. A light fall of rain tried to dampen

the spirit, but our Ralliers in true fashion, were having none of it. As I recall the lights were doused around

11.00pm as the ‘late stayers’ finally wended their way home to bed. On Sunday morning Colin conducted a short

church service attended by approximately 16 members. Colin had forgotten to appoint a fines master so had to pay

a fine, and then a few members issued member fines. Grateful thanks must go to Lindley who had provided one of

his “GMT” quizzes for the weekend plus some prizes, and to Keith Cockerell who donated some bottles of

wine...thanks guys. NO!! GMT does not mean “Greenwich Mean Time” is “Grey Matter Testing”

Sadly, the weekend, held at a great venue, came to an end all too soon, and the cleaning and packing up began.

Special thanks to Jean and Lindley Siepman for their tireless efforts in cleaning up and leaving the venue spotless

on our departure, and thanks to everyone for a wonderful fun-filled weekend.

Colin, Keith and Gail









Dear Johnny.

We were all so sorry that you couldn’t be with us this weekend past so I am writing to you to let you know what we

all got up to, knowing that you would want all the details.

It pretty much rained from start to finish but we all embraced your attitude of not letting wet weather dampen our

spirits. It was clear to see that the Baynesfield club management had made a concerted effort to address our past

concerns and the clean swimming pool was most welcome, especially on Friday after setting up in 38 degree


As is tradition at our Christmas rally, after pay parade we gathered under the Lapa (now with canvas sides) for

carols-by-candlelight. Even though Aunty Noeline could not be there, her enormous efforts, especially under trying

circumstances, were obvious for all to see. Rhoda and Rose did her proud with a sterling job directing and

presenting the show. Des’ Christmas tree was spectacular as always.

Since the weather was not conducive to lighting a braai fire, whilst mince pies were being munched and sherry

hastily consumed, we undauntedly lit one anyway but in the process almost set the thatch of the Lapa alight!! With

the braai moved a safe distance away and under umbrellas, meat and braai broodjies were expertly prepared. The

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rest of the evening was spent in the usual manner but interspersed with the odd trip to a van to tip water off a

sagging awning and to fetch Anita ice…

Saturday morning dawned with the ladies discovering that Murphy and his laws had struck again in the form of the

geyser at their ablutions tripping. Being open-hearted, kind, generous and gentlemanly, the men agreed to share

their ablutions with the ladies, sometimes resulting in a shortage of hot water for the men! Please indulge me while

I skip ahead temporarily to a much cooler Sunday morning and help me out with a logic conundrum: You know I

am not the type to name and shame and as such, I will do my utmost to protect the identities of Gayle’s husband

and son who both, refusing to shower in tepid water chose instead to jump in the pool!! Is it just me or is there a

fundamental flaw in logic here?

Back to Saturday, the kiddies Christmas Tree and the arrival of Santa: always a proper treat for our young folk but

witnessing Santa slipping on the wet grass and almost falling face first was a delight for the rest of us as well. Good

recovery though Santa!! It also wasn’t just the youngsters who were on Santa’s “nice list”, a couple more “mature”

folk also got to sit upon his knee (sorry Santa, I can recommend a good orthopedic surgeon).

We were all thrilled that Elize, Marelize and Marius came out and spent some time with us. Your wife is a brave

and strong woman.

After Dino had returned from fetching the parts of the spit braai that he forgot behind, Terry and Grant, under the

scrutiny and with the unsolicited advice of the masses started cooking the meat for the dinner-dance. Shelli and

Maxiene, with no such unwarranted interruption, once again assembled and wrapped up the hampers to perfection.

Great job ladies! The rest of the day was spent as usual with the ladies preparing salads and puddings, then

decorating the tables for the evening’s festivities with the men trying their best to dodge having to help the ladies

with these tasks (invariably trying to look busy and important around the spit braai!!!).


It seems that the sneaky Santa struck again, leaving each couple a very generous gift at their amazingly decorated

tables. The surprises continued with young Hunter, backed up by his sister, singing us all a Christmas carol, closely

followed by Nate’s impromptu rendition. Regrettably (or maybe not) despite our collective prompting, Gordon

refused to bust out a tune of his own.

You will be pleased to know that chilled Jägermeister magically appeared and a Ziggy in your honor was belted out

at a volume that had the inhabitants of Richmond hiding under their beds for fear that the sky was falling down.

DJ Shaun was brilliant and the dance floor remained occupied throughout the evening. Rhoda danced so hard that

she broke one pair of shoes!! Stephan put us all to shame proving to be a better dancer than the rest, even when he

danced to “Footloose” on one leg. Colin too gave it so much welly that it seemed the rest of us are getting our

energy from ESKOM!! To quote our very dear friend, “the jol was lekker man”!!

Sunday morning we reluctantly awoke, many with sensitive heads and aching dance muscles. Once “friendlies”

dispersed, we were off to pack up taking a fair amount of water with in our canvass at no extra charge.

We all missed you terribly and ask that you relay our love and regards to Ian, Bev and the rest of our family up

there rallying with you.

With all our love,

Your CCSA Midlands family

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Stephan’s rendition of “Footloose” First Regional Rally – Shelli & Reynier Gillespie


The Committee and Midlands family would like to extend gratitude and appreciation to the following members-:

Stephan and Juliet Spieker for the donation of R490.00 to the Children’s Christmas tree party and

Keith and Gail Cockerell for donating the charcoal for the braai and prizes for the games played at Powerboat Club.

Children’s Christmas Party with Santa

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Telephone 033 396 3051 Email: [email protected]


25-27 JANUARY 2019

Welcome 2019! Here are the first 3 rallies. This is a beautiful dam for boating, bicycle

rides and generally just a social weekend away from home.

Des and Elaine Shaw have volunteered to Marshal for this weekend. Thank you and we look forward to a great

weekend. Colin will be organising some fun games for Saturday.

COST: Adult per person: R120.00 per night

3 - 12 years per person: R60.00 per night



JANUARY 2019. Please provide your Vehicle registration,

together with the number of people attending as this is required by the office.


Please report to the office on entry to Midmar Dam to finalise your booking and obtain a gate access disc for

the weekend.

FRIDAY: Boerewors Rolls @ R20.00 each

SATURDAY: The normal Braai with a share salad or pudding. Please arrange with Sally together with your


The costs for the 2 future rallies will be as follows:-

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Regional at River Valley – 15th

– 17th


COST: Adult per person: R80.00 per night

Under 12 – per person: R50.00 per night

2 years and under - FREE


National at Bushwillow – 15th

– 17th


COST: Adult per person: R125.00 per night

Under 12 – per person: R75.00 per night


REMINDER Please do not utilise the CCSA Midlands Facebook Group to send intentions –

utilise either the Whatsapp, Email, SMS options or give me a call.

All the best and cheers for now.

SallySallySallySally Cell 082 372 8093

Email: [email protected]


Marshals are still required for the 2019 rallies. The only volunteers have been Des and Elaine Shaw for

2019. This is our region and the success of weekends spent together depends entirely on what we as

members put into it. Please contact Sally to indicate which Rally you will be able to marshal at. Should

members not come forward and volunteer, the Committee will allocate a weekend to a member.



VENUE DATE VENUE DATE Power Boat Club 25-27 January River Valley 15-17 February

Bushwillow 15-17 March Karridene (Pedal car) 26-28 April

Mystery 24-26 May Corians (Long weekend) 14-17 June

Villa Spa 19-21 July Queensburgh (AGM) 16-18 August

Drakensberg Gardens 20-22 September Scottburgh 11-13 October

Rocky Bay 1-3 November TBA 6-8 December

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Discs are awarded to Members for achieving milestones as indicated below.

There are a few members “chipping” away at the three levels. National 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, etc. (round disc)

Regional 22, 44, 88, 110, 132, 154, 176, 198, etc. (square disc)

Provincial 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 etc. (gold disc)


Name Current Next Rally Current Next Rally Current Next Rally

Nell 124 125

Fischer 122

Cowan 22

Robertson 21 22 4 5

Mitchley 23 19

Todd 23 4 5

Boardman 24 25

Driemeyer 97 130

Cockerell 96

Siepman (Snr) 196 150

Mc Kenzie 8

Williams 20

Kotze Dave 87 88

Gillham 192 34 35

Buys 86

King R 175 176

Rawlins 9 10

Castle 9 10

Cawood Billy 9 10

Riley 24 25

Schefermann 9 10

Engelbrecht 43 14 15

Varrie 22

Pellew 20

Increase your Regional Milestone, see you at Power Boat.

Dear Chairman, Committee and fellow Midlands family

On behalf of Kevin and I, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the love, prayers

and support we have received during this very trying year. We appreciate it immensely.

We would also like to wish all a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous, fun filled caravanning

New Year.

Richest blessings and love to all.

Kevin & Sharon Leonard

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Greetings All Midlands members

It is with great sadness that our dearest Johnny Engelbrecht

passed away so suddenly on the 1st December 2018. Johnny,

the Midlands family are going to miss your stories and

infectious laugh and the way you always made us all feel so

welcome. You stayed so positive even while coping so

bravely with so much pain in the last few weeks. You were a

real gentleman and everyone loved you for it. Please keep

Elize and Johnny’s families very close in your prayers. We

send you all, love and warm hugs. May our Heavenly Father

grant you wisdom and strength in the days and months to

come! Elize just remember your Midlands members do care

and we are here if you need us. RIP Dereck’s Ou Swaerie.

I just want to thank everyone who attended Johnny’s

Memorial service and for supplying a plate of eats. I knew I

could count on our Midlands family and it meant a lot to

Elize and family.

Unfortunately some of our members are experiencing poor


Ken Gillham was admitted to hospital for surgery. He was

discharged on 15th

December 2018 and is very happy to be

back home. Dr’s are satisfied. Noeline also says thank you

very much for everyone’s messages and prayers. Noeline we

are thinking of you and thank you for looking after Ken so


Tarryn McKenzie had an adenoidectomy and grommets

operation in November 2018. Little Jordy was in hospital as

well with pneumonia. Mommy and Jordy are doing very


Stephan Spieker had the operation on his eye and the Dr’s say

the operation went off very well. For the next 2 weeks eye

drops are to be used at hourly intervals day and night. It is

quite a rigorous treatment but Juliet is at Stephan’s side at all

times. So far Stephan has already experienced improvement

in his sight. Wow that is such good news and we thank

everyone for their prayers and a big thank you to Juliet for

taking such good care of Stephan.

Isabelle Mare was admitted to hospital not feeling well. She

has since been discharged. Take care Isabelle and we are

keeping you in our prayers for a speedy recovery.

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1st Marion Fryer 8th Juliet Spieker

12th Rudy Buys 17th Charmaine Browne

17th Teagon Botha 18th Norman McGladdery

21st Isabelle Mare (81) 26th Nikoe Nel

29th Gordon Major 29th Kelly Riley

30th Eryn Williams

Wishing you all the best for your birthdays. Don’t count the

years – count all the cheers!!

Unfortunately Isabelle’s son Kevin is also experiencing ill

health and has to have an operation in the New Year. Isabelle

we are keeping Kevin in our prayers and hope that the

operation date can be scheduled sooner than March 2019.

Albert Fryer’s hip replacement surgery went well and he is

getting stronger every day with help from his dear wife,


Nic Koekemoer had facial surgery just before the rally and

still made it to the Christmas rally. We are all happy you

made it and we wish you a speedy recovery.

Please keep Ken, Tessa, Stephan, Isabelle, Glenda, Albert,

Nic, Sheila, Kevin Leonard and Kevin Mare in your prayers

for a complete and a speedy recovery.

Kevin and Sharon Leonard are very excited. Their house is

sold and now it is just the legal procedure to be done. We

wish you both all of the best with the packing of many years

of collectables.

Congratulations to all students and scholars who have passed

and for making your parents very proud. We wish you all an

enjoyable time over the holidays and the Festive Season. Not

as long a holiday as other years.

To my fellow committee members, I would like to take this

opportunity to thank you for all your hard work,

encouragement and support this year. May you and your

families have a relaxing holiday, blessed Christmas and a

wonderful 2019.

Congratulations to Chloé who excelled at the end of the year

prize giving and fashion parade in each of her final 4 outfits

for the year. Chloé came 2nd

out of 20 students and won a

R500.00 voucher. The most important news is that she was

awarded a bursary for next year as she achieved “The

Collection of the Year” award judged by a world top fashion

designer!!! WOW Chloé your Midlands family are so proud

of you and to top it all you did a superb job too at being one

of the Masters Of Ceremonies. A lot of hidden talent in this

young lady. Well done and keep up the good work.

Midlands, thank you for the most fun filled, enjoyable

Christmas rally. The company was awesome and the food

was out of this world and the music fabulous. My knees felt

it the next morning from all the dancing.

Dereck and I would like to wish each and every one of you

happy holidays. Christmas is the most wonderful time of

year, when our minds turn to our loved ones, and those we

hold most dear. May the memories and traditions, that have

always played a part in your lives, make this season special

and bring joy into your hearts.

Drive safely and a Blessed Christmas and a Happy 2019. Lots of love and God bless you All.



3rd Eric & Velente Rawlins (43)

6th Des & Elaine Shaw (43)

7th Bill & Sheila Pellew (48)

16th Albert & Marion Fryer (59)

29th Dino & Sally Riley (36)

30th Lindley & Jean Siepman (54)

May your marriages be blessed with love, joy and

companionship for all the years of your lives.

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Neil and Lee Campbell are proud to announce that their daughter,

Jessica married Dylan Shea on 15 December 2018.

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Shea and Neil and Lee. We wish

Dylan and Jessica many happy years together. A sneak view of

the bride and groom…

Hello all,

I attended the Christmas Rally for the first time since I

have joined the Club. WOW and what a success!!!

Sally delegated very well and kept us all busy with

preparations the whole of Saturday. First the Christmas

tree, then hampers, setting up of the hall etc etc.

I was totally exhausted by 01h00 on Sunday morning

and was happy to see my bed. Does it “always rain at Bushwillow” - My very first

experience was bright sunshine. I would say “it always

rains at Power Boat” (I have been to 2 rallies there and

it has rained at both occasions).

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Often over the festive season we have that one

unexpected guest “popping” over with whom we may

wish to share a gift and don’t have anything on hand.

Here is a quick and easy recipe for that unexpected




500 grams Castor Sugar

5 ml Vanilla Essence

1 tin Condensed Milk

100 grams Butter


Mix butter, condensed milk and sugar in a large

microwavable bowl and microwave on high for 2 ½

minutes. Stir.

Microwave for a further 10 mins on high, pausing to stir

every few minutes. Add Vanilla essence to last stir.

Place into a greased shallow tin and cool at room temp.

Cut into squares.

May you all have a blessed Christmas and a Healthy

and Prosperous 2019. For those who are on the roads

over this period, travel safe.

Linda (Joyce)

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