Page 1: December 2012 Fully Alive


Christmas Events Page 2

School News Page 3

Building Update Page 3

LifeGroups, PRISM Page 4

Mary Martha Page 5

Primetimers Page 5

Stephen Ministry Page 5

the “table” Page 6

LifeLight Page 7

God’s Limo, ELC Page 8


Children’s Ministry Page 10

Scholarship Fund Page 10

December Calendar Page 11

Coffee News Page 12

Agnus Dei comes from two Latin words: agnus, meaning ―lamb‖ and dei, ―of God.‖ The traditional litany said or sung during communion is:

Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

It is based on John 1:29, John the Baptist’s salutation, ―Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!‖

In the history of God and man, two themes are juxtaposed: man’s sinfulness and God’s triumph over it. The songbook of God’s people is a liturgy of counterpoint: We fail, the future looks hopeless, but the Lord God Almighty reigns. Nowhere have the two themes intersected more poignantly than at the moment the Lamb of God came into the world. Nowhere has there ever been sung a more glorious song than this: ―Today is born for you a Savior.‖

On Sunday, December 2, we will once again experience the joy and wonder of the Christ in the manger, come to save the world, using the music of Michael W. Smith and the arrange-ment of David Hamilton. Please plan to join us in the main sanctuary that day, either at 8:00 or 10:30. There will be no services in the chapel that day, and there will be no 9:15 wor-ship. See you at the manger!

AGNUS DEI Christmas Concert

December 2 — 8AM & 10:30AM

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Our table community is grieving. Our friend, Mac, passed away a couple of weeks ago and we are trying to make sense of it all as we remember who he was. Mac arrived at ―the table‖ several years ago in a state of non-belief and deep in addiction. As time went on he and his wife Vicki attended ―the table‖ consistently. Their hearts began to change. God was working in their lives by providing them with a loving community at Bethlehem. Soon both Mac and Vicki became leaders in serving those at ―the table‖. It had become their community as well. A little more than year ago Mac was baptized and became a child of God. What a glorious day!

Mac was always there to help in any way he was able. He thought of others before himself. Our children had become close with Vicki and Mac. Memories of Grace and Carolyn running to Mac to give him a big hug bring tears to my eyes. They always saw his heart. He and Vicki would bring our girls little gifts; usually a toy from McDonalds. Although they didn’t have a home or income they would give what they had.

One of my favorite memories of Mac is when we shared Christmas dinner with him and some of our other friends from ―the table‖ at our house. To be able to celebrate our Savior’s birthday together was so precious. Mac had come a long way and was continuing to grow in his faith. Another great memory of Mac is of him with his hands in the air jumping up and down in praise for the Lord. Wow! What a difference in just a few years of coming to ―the table‖!

When we first heard of his death, we knew we needed to tell Grace. She loved Mac and would be

very upset. When we sat her down and told her that Mac had died, she became very sad, but then with the belief and faith of a four year old said, ―But we are happy that Mac gets to be with Jesus‖ and ―when do I get to see Jesus?‖ As the tears ran down our cheeks we told her hopefully not until she’s old, but we can celebrate Mac being with Jesus! Glory be to God!

Mac’s passing has made Adam and I reflect on our table community and just how important and precious it truly is. We are able to see God working everyday! Our friends are struggling more than we can ever imagine yet they have a faith and a hope in Jesus Christ that keeps them going. At times I’m not sure if I’d be that strong, but I’m learning from our friends.

We are grieving, but grieving with a hope in our Savior Jesus Christ!

Do you long for a midweek Advent series here at Bethlehem? This longing can be met this December at “the table” where we will be having an Advent series in preparation for the coming of our King Jesus. We will be preaching on the respective Advent texts that are not preached upon on Sunday. This is a wonderful chance to not only discover what God is doing through “the table”, but also for you to prepare spiritually on what it means that God became man in Jesus Christ.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

2012 Christmas Events

at Bethlehem

Special Holiday Worship Services

Sunday, December 2

Christmas Concert—8:00 & 10:30am in the sanctuary

[No Chapel or 9:15 Services this Morning]

Saturday, December 8

Kindergarten/Early Learning Center Christmas Service

10:00am in the sanctuary

Tuesday, December 11

Bethlehem School Christmas Services (Primary Grades)

1:30pm and 7:00pm in the sanctuary

Tuesday, December 18

Bethlehem School Christmas Services (Upper Grades)

1:30pm and 7:00pm in the gymnasium

Monday, December 24

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

3:00pm, 5:00pm (church & chapel) and 7:00pm

(Individual candles at all services)

Tuesday, December 25

Christmas Day Communion Service

9:30am in the sanctuary

Monday, December 31

New Year’s Eve Communion Service

7:00pm in the sanctuary

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Building Project Moving Forward By Pastor David Langewisch

Before any dirt is turned, before any foundations are poured, a myriad of questions need to be answered. Over the past two years there has been ongoing dialogue between the ministries of Bethlehem, the leadership on the Building Team, our archi-tects, the City of Lakewood, and various contractors.

Pictured here are soil samples being taken in the courtyard, where the new commons will be. Measurements are being taken throughout the campus. Building program requirements are being refined. Numbers are being checked and re-checked. All of this must happen to bring an informed and comprehensive

proposal to the Voters. This Voters meeting will most likely be convened in the first part of 2013.

If everything meets with the Voters’ approval, major dirt will begin moving once school lets out for the summer. A tremendous thanks to the many generous donors of Bethlehem who have been faithfully giving to The Next Door Project. This month we hit the ―first million‖ mark. This is an amazing accomplishment that stands as evidence of so many people trusting in the Lord in an

uncertain economy.

God be praised!

Our table community is grieving. Our friend, Mac, passed away a couple of weeks ago and we are trying to make sense of it all as we remember who he was. Mac arrived at ―the table‖ several years ago in a state of non-belief and deep in addiction. As time went on he and his wife Vicki attended ―the table‖ consistently. Their hearts began to change. God was working in their lives by providing them with a loving community at Bethlehem. Soon both Mac and Vicki became leaders in serving those at ―the table‖. It had become their community as well. A little more than year ago Mac was baptized and became a child of God. What a glorious day!

Mac was always there to help in any way he was able. He thought of others before himself. Our children had become close with Vicki and Mac. Memories of Grace and Carolyn running to Mac to give him a big hug bring tears to my eyes. They always saw his heart. He and Vicki would bring our girls little gifts; usually a toy from McDonalds. Although they didn’t have a home or income they would give what they had.

One of my favorite memories of Mac is when we shared Christmas dinner with him and some of our other friends from ―the table‖ at our house. To be able to celebrate our Savior’s birthday together was so precious. Mac had come a long way and was continuing to grow in his faith. Another great memory of Mac is of him with his hands in the air jumping up and down in praise for the Lord. Wow! What a difference in just a few years of coming to ―the table‖!

When we first heard of his death, we knew we needed to tell Grace. She loved Mac and would be

very upset. When we sat her down and told her that Mac had died, she became very sad, but then with the belief and faith of a four year old said, ―But we are happy that Mac gets to be with Jesus‖ and ―when do I get to see Jesus?‖ As the tears ran down our cheeks we told her hopefully not until she’s old, but we can celebrate Mac being with Jesus! Glory be to God!

Mac’s passing has made Adam and I reflect on our table community and just how important and precious it truly is. We are able to see God working everyday! Our friends are struggling more than we can ever imagine yet they have a faith and a hope in Jesus Christ that keeps them going. At times I’m not sure if I’d be that strong, but I’m learning from our friends.

We are grieving, but grieving with a hope in our Savior Jesus Christ!

Do you long for a midweek Advent series here at Bethlehem? This longing can be met this December at “the table” where we will be having an Advent series in preparation for the coming of our King Jesus. We will be preaching on the respective Advent texts that are not preached upon on Sunday. This is a wonderful chance to not only discover what God is doing through “the table”, but also for you to prepare spiritually on what it means that God became man in Jesus Christ.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!


December Happenings at BLS by Michelle Fischer

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiv-ing, and had time to stop during the busyness of family gatherings and food preparation to say thank you to God for all the many blessings He gives us each day. I absolutely love the holiday season! All the decorations, Christmas music, and festivities put me in such a good mood. However, most of all I love the celebration of that glorious day in the manger, so long ago, when Christ came to save us all. As we enter into the holiday season, I pray that each one of us can take a moment and step back from the hustle and bustle to remember and give thanks for the real reason for the season.

Every year the students celebrate the birth of Jesus and the Christmas season with wonderful music programs. Please join us for the following events:

ELC and Kindergarten’s very own Christmas service will be held on Saturday, December 8th at 10:00am in the main sanctuary followed by a cookie reception in the PAC

1st through 4th grade will be held on Tuesday, December 11th at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the main sanctuary

5th through 8th grade will be held on Tuesday,

December 18th at 1:30 and 7:00pm in the gym.

Each month the school sponsors a night of food, fun, and fellowship at a different restaurant around town - Bethlehem receives a percentage of all that attend. Please join us on Wednesday, December 12 at Mimi’s Café in Golden! Watch for more details.

Our PTL has been very busy! Thanks to our new president, David Sizemore, who is doing a great job guiding our group. The Book Fair was a huge success - the best in five years - and all money goes back to the BLS library. Special thanks to Karen Eggers and Danna Mauz for organizing and running the Book Fair, and all of YOU for shopping and supporting the school! Our December PTL meeting (Monday, December 3 at 6:30 in the Music Room) will feature a speaker from the Concordia Academy High School Association.

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“Am I doing enough?”By Pastor Tim Ahlman

I had a conversation with a young dad recently who expressed to me an overwhelming sense of guilt saying, ―I don’t think I’m doing enough to grow in my faith.‖ ―Why do you feel this way?‖ I asked. ―Well, I’m trying the best I can to be a good husband and father and worker. I read the Bible, lead family devotions, pray – we’re even in a LifeGroup at Bethlehem. Yet, it just doesn’t seem like enough.‖

I looked him straight in the eye and bluntly said, ―It’s not enough. I’m doing the same stuff you’re doing to grow in my faith and by itself, it’s not enough.‖ He seemed confused and said, ―I don’t get it.‖ I replied, ―I’m sorry – let me be clear. God is teaching me not to try so hard to grow in my faith. Don’t get me wrong – devotions, prayer and being a godly husband and father and worker are great, but they’re certainly not enough. Jesus alone is more than enough. Stop stressing yourself out by trying so hard to grow in your faith – Jesus is enough.‖

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, ―28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.‖

One of the main reasons we have LifeGroups at Bethlehem is to place you in intimate communities where you can continually be reminded that Jesus is enough. Stop trying so hard to please God. Daily bask in the ―enough-ness‖ of Jesus. Bask in the fact that He has now freed you to love and speak truth into the lives of others who sometimes believe the lie that God expects us to do enough to earn His love. You are more than enough through faith alone in our coming King Jesus.

Join one of our numerous LifeGroups this winter! Simply go to or pick up a new winter catalog to join!

New Lifegroup ~ PRISM Weight Loss By Bunny Fischer

PRISM is unlike any other weight loss program. PRISM is not a diet. It’s a lot more. PRISM is based on Christian principles, honesty, and discipline. This one-of-a-kind program calls you to make a complete lifestyle change. It fosters confidence that you have the potential to create a new you - with God’s help. PRISM focuses on transforming your attitude about food, the activity of eating, and most importantly, your attitude about yourself.

PRISM provides each participant their own unique motivation and path toward a more healthy lifestyle and a new outlook on life. It was created to be the last weight loss program you will ever join. It is

meant to be a vehicle for lasting change. Commitment is the key to a great new beginning and successful transformation. PRISM asks the group member to commit to six weeks of program at a time. Each phase includes daily workbook activities as well as a weekly video presentation.

Please join us on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at 6:30 pm in the PAC for a free introductory meeting. Come see what it’s about. Be prepared to enroll for the first six-week phase at that time, and to order and pay for your notebook and Phase 1 curriculum. For more information, call the church office or Bunny Fischer at 303-421-9451. Looking forward to seeing you on the 8th!

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December Prime Timers Activities by Pastor John Petersen

Saturday, December 1 Bunco in the Chapel Fellowship Hall at 1:00pm

Tuesday, December 4 Bible Study in the PAC at 10:00am

Out-to-Lunch Bunch at 11:30am to Black-Eyed Pea, 1st and Wadsworth

Sunday, December 9 Christmas Potluck (note the earlier date!) in the PAC at 12:30 pm - Bethlehem’s musical group Joyful Noise will entertain us!

Mary Martha Society By Jean Wendelin

Stephen Ministry Corner By Martha Rowley

Bettye Bryant Honored at 2012 Congregational

Health Ministries Church Symposium

Bettye received the Excellence in Service Award posthumously on October 18th. Our Stephen Ministers were invited to the luncheon along with Bettye’s son and daughter-in-law. Bettye worked for the Inner City Health Center which is a part of the Congregational Health Ministries.

The luncheon was delicious and we were so proud of our Bettye. Her son accepted the award with a wonderfully encouraging speech; Bettye would have been very proud of him. Those in attendance were Sandy Wendelin, Martha and Neal Rowley, Sharon Brown, Lorraine Clark, Vivian Meyer, and Bettye's son, Alberto Ramon Jordan, and his wife, Kelly.

Our November meeting began with some wonderful refreshments provided by our hostesses.

Pastor Langewisch led our devotions on Psalm 136:1 ―O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.‖ Devotions were followed by a business meeting where we decided that our Christmas gifts this year should benefit Mean Street Ministries and the Action Center, and the ladies will move bricks at our December meeting. We concluded the meeting with the members doing a Christmas craft for our shut-ins.

We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 9am in the PAC. Assembling Christmas crafts for our shut-ins



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Remembering Jerry “Mac” McKenzie By Katie Winterhof

Our table community is grieving. Our friend, Mac, passed away a couple of weeks ago and we are trying to make sense of it all as we remember who he was. Mac arrived at ―the table‖ several years ago in a state of non-belief and deep in addiction. As time went on he and his wife Vicki attended ―the table‖ consistently. Their hearts began to change. God was working in their lives by providing them with a loving community at Bethlehem. Soon both Mac and Vicki became leaders in serving those at ―the table.‖ It had become their community as well. A little more than a year ago Mac was baptized and became a child of God. What a glorious day!

Mac was always there to help in any way he was able. He thought of others before himself. Our children had become close with Vicki and Mac. Memories of Grace and Carolyn running to Mac to give him a big hug bring tears to my eyes. They always saw his heart. He and Vicki would bring our girls little gifts; usually a toy from McDonald’s. Although they didn’t have a home or income, they would give what they had.

One of my favorite memories of Mac is when we shared Christmas dinner with him and some of our other friends from ―the table‖ at our house. To be able to celebrate our Savior’s birthday together was so precious. Mac had come a long way and was continuing to grow in his faith. Another great memory of Mac is of him with his hands in the air jumping up and down in praise for the Lord. Wow! What a difference in just a few years of coming to ―the table!‖

When we first heard of his death, we knew we needed to tell Grace. She loved Mac and would be very upset. When we sat her down and told her that Mac had died, she became very sad, but then with the belief and faith of a four year old said, ―But we are happy that Mac gets to be with Jesus‖ and ―when do I get to see Jesus?‖ As the tears ran down our cheeks we told her hopefully not until she’s old, but we can celebrate Mac being with Jesus! Glory be to God!

Mac’s passing has made Adam and I reflect on our table community and just how important and precious it truly is. We are able to see God working everyday! Our friends are struggling more than we can ever imagine yet they have a faith and a hope in Jesus Christ that keeps them going. At times I’m not sure if I’d be that strong, but I’m learning from our friends.

We are grieving, but grieving with a hope in our Savior Jesus Christ!

Do you long for a midweek Advent series here at Bethlehem? This longing can be met this December at “the table” where we will be having an Advent series in preparation for the coming of our King Jesus. We will be preaching on the respective Advent texts that are not preached upon on Sunday. This is a wonderful chance to not only discover what God is doing through “the table”, but also for you to prepare spiritually on what it means that God became man in Jesus Christ.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

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Fully Alive

Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School

2100 N. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214

Church office: 303-238-7676 School office: 303-233-0401

Visit us online at E-mail [email protected]

KLTT 670 Radio Broadcast 11:00 AM Sundays

David J. Langewisch, Pastor

Tim Ahlman, Pastor

John Petersen, Pastor of

Visi tat ion & Older Adul t Ministry

Caleb Kruse Vicar (Student Pastor)

Michel le Fischer , Princ ipal

Sandy Wendel in,

Director of Discipleship and Early Learning Center


Mari l yn Havekost, Director of Music Minis try

Scott Bubke,

Director of Operat ions

Paul Beasley, Director of Information Technology

Adam Winterhof,

Director, Student L i fe Ministry

Suke Gnagy, Preschool Director

Mel issa Meuzelaar & Timi Schuessler

Cornerstone Counsel ing, 303-238-7676, ext . 315

Fully Alive is published monthly for the members and friends of Bethlehem Lutheran. It focuses on news within the congregation and activities in the church each month. Articles may be submitted to the church office by the 15th of each month for the next month’s issue.

e-mail to: [email protected]

A Man After God’s Own Heart By Jim Lewis

David, a man after God’s own heart.

Ponder that a moment.

This is no ordinary phrase, you know. In all of history it was said of only one man. And it wasn’t the rosy opinion of a friend or a fan. It was God himself who ―sought out a man after his own heart‖ (1 Samuel 13:14, ESV), and God himself who said, ―I have found in David, the son of Jesse, a man after my heart,‖ (Acts 13:22, ESV)

―Heart‖ often indicates our inner self - the deepest thoughts, motives and emotions that make us who we really are. Despite his spotty track record, something about David’s inner self resonated with God’s inner self.

What was it? Consider how David’s heart answered three crucial questions:

Where do you find joy? For much of his life, David had plenty to enjoy. But only God himself filled David with the sense of wellbeing that moved him to celebrate: ―In your presence there is fullness of joy.‖ ―Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.‖ (Psalm 16:11; 73:25, ESV)

Where do you turn for safety? David spent a lot of time fighting - and running - for his life. When it comes down to survival, there’s no pretending what you believe or whom you trust. God was David’s safety: ―He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge.‖ ―You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.‖ (Psalm 144:2; 4:8 ESV)

What do you do when you’re wrong? We all tend to avoid our guilt by denying it, excusing it, or blaming it on someone else. David did his share of that, but in the end he ran to his God and fell on his knees. ―Have mercy on me, O God … for I know my trans-gressions … Against you, you only, have I sinned … Create in me a clean heart, O God.‖ (Psalm 51:1-10 ESV)

The same questions confront us. How do we answer them?

In LifeLight this year, we are studying the life of David and many of the psalms he wrote about waiting for the Lord. It has already proven to be a wonderful journey. You may register online at lifelight@

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Bethlehem Beginnings Early Learning Center by Sandy Wendelin

There is always something fun and exciting going on in our Early Learning Center!

In preparation for our Thanksgiving meals with families and friends, the children in the Forest Room learned about manners. After learning how to set the table, and practicing eating with one hand in their lap, this classroom invited their chapel buddies to join them for a meal. It was a wonderful meal with good food and friends and … good manners!

Now is the time to register your child to start preschool at the first of the year. It is a perfect time, after the holidays are over. We accept children anytime during the year after their third birthday. Schedule a tour by contacting me at [email protected] or 303-233-0401 x105. Come and check us out!

For quite some time now, the greeters have been talking about mobility concerns for members and visitors at Bethlehem. It was suggested that a golf cart would be a great vehicle to assist in transporting those with disabilities, the handicapped, the elderly, injured, and those with small children to and from the sanctuary and chapel. Well, to the glory of God, a 6-passenger hospitality golf cart, affectionately known as "God's Limo", has arrived at Bethlehem!

As an extension of the greeter's ministry, God's Limo will reflect the love of Jesus in assisting members and visitors alike with transportation needs. For those of you who are golfers, we realize that you are already quite familiar with the inner workings of a golf cart and we invite you to consider using these well-practiced skills to assist others to and from their vehicles. For those of you who are not golfers, but who have a desire to serve the Lord in this way, it’s fun and easy to drive, and we encourage you to give it a try. Our plan is to have it accessible at all services.

If you have any interest at all and would like more information, please contact Francy Zehnder ([email protected]) 303-971-0936 or Randy and Sherri Wells ([email protected]) 303-238-5869. Training will be provided.


Bethlehem Goes Mobile by Sherri Wells


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The National Youth Gathering

By Adam Winterhof

For over thirty years, The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) has demonstrated its care and affirmation of young people by providing National LCMS Youth Gatherings.

The National LCMS Youth Gathering provides youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to:

Be affirmed in their lives as God’s people

Nurture their relationship with others in the church

Celebrate their salvation in Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament

Recognize that youth ministry happens in a variety of settings in their parish, community and world

Held every three years, LCMS Youth Gatherings provide young people an opportunity to learn more

about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith, and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in worship, God’s Word, prayer, song, and service. This event

is organized by LCMS Youth Ministry in St. Louis, Missouri.

The next event is July 1-5, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas. LCMS youth and adult leaders will visit the city under the theme Live

Love(d) based on 1 John 4:9: ―In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.‖

The majority of events will take place at the Alamodome and the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in downtown San Antonio. More information can be found at www.lcmsgathering. com.

Members of CHOSEN will be attending this event - watch for more information in the coming months!

Bethlehem Youth Ministry exists to partner with parents in the work of bringing up teens to live by faith and to live fully in the grace and mercy of our Risen Savior Jesus! To that end, we have two age groups that meet regularly.

R.A.D. Jr. High Youth Group (stands for Rebel Against the Devil) meets each "3rd Friday" of the month from 6:00-9:00pm. Our aim is to help students deepen their relationship with each other and with God as we explore the Bible in how it applies to our lives today. We share a meal together each week and many parents and students have been a great help in contributing a dessert, soda, or a side to share with everyone. We call it ―3rd Friday‖ to make it easy to remember!

CHOSEN High School Youth Group is a committed group of teens in grades 9-12 who, along with dedicated adult leaders, continue to explore the life of salvation won for us by Jesus. We meet weekly on Sunday nights from 7:00-9:00 pm when we share snacks and "hang time" as well as a game or activity leading into a time of worship and devotion. We have time in small groups where we find relationships and discussions get deeper each week!

Bethlehem Youth Ministry - All Are Welcome!

By Adam Winterhof

LVR Youth Retreat

“Winter Jam”

Jr. High - January 25-27 High School - February 22-24

Contact Adam to register!

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Children’s Ministry By Marva Tonniges


A time of reflection,

a time of good cheer,

a time for friends and family during a

special time of year!

Merry Christmas

from the staff

and children

of Sunday School!

Seminary, College, and High School Scholarship Fund By Dale Wagner

For nearly 25 years, Bethlehem Lutheran Ministries has provided scholarships for members wishing to continue their Christian education, either at Parker Lutheran High School, Faith Christian’s Lutheran Track, one of our Missouri Synod colleges, or one of our Missouri Synod seminaries. Funding for these scholarships has come from the generous donations by members of Bethlehem as well as a modest contribution of approximately $6,500 from the annual church budget.

Over the past 25 years, grants have been awarded to 45 Lutheran High attendees, 8 Faith Christian Lutheran Track attendees, 34 synodical college attendees and 6 seminary attendees; a total of 93 of Bethlehem’s continuing education students benefiting from the grants and having received an approximate total of $225,000.

The number of Bethlehem members who are pursuing their education at Concordia Seminary and other members who are pursuing church worker degrees at a Missouri Synod college, along

with those members who are attending either Lutheran High or the Faith Christian Lutheran Track, are an absolute blessing. Bethlehem continues to be a training place to send out mem-bers to spread the Gospel. PLEASE consider helping us to support these students in their pursuit of a Christian education and of ministering the Gospel.

If the Lord is leading you to make a contribution, please clearly indicate your choice of College (includes seminaries) or High School Scholarship Fund, using one of the contribution envelopes in your packet, or by sending them directly to the church office. Should you have questions, contact Terry or Karen Donze at 303-420-7876, Helga Duncan at 303-985-4952, or Dale or Marty Wagner at 303-972-9431.

Thank you so much for your past support. We look forward to the continued sharing of God’s wonderful bounty in your support of furthering Bethlehem’s Christian outreach.

There is NO SUNDAY SCHOOL on December 23 or 30.

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Non-Profit Org.




What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that

every path may lead to peace. Merry Christmas!

DECEMBER Specials: Jack Frost Latte / Steamer

Peppermint Mocha Latte / Steamer

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