Page 1: DECEMBER 2013...1. To bring into actuality effect fulfilled their promises. 2. To carry out (an order, for example). 3. To measure up to satisfy. See Synonyms at perform, satisfy

HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 13555 Hillcrest Road · Dallas Texas 75240 Office 972-991-1166 · Fax 972-661-1717

E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site:


the Official Newsletter Publication of


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Holy trinity greek orthodox church 13555 Hillcrest Rd. * Dallas, Texas 75240-5412 * 972-991-1166 *

Clergy Reverend Protopresbyter

Christopher Constantinides Presiding Priest

[email protected]

Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes


Priscilla Owens Church Administrator [email protected]

Maureen Rakow Financial Assistant

[email protected]

Vickie Wells Executive Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Support Staff Basil Xeros, Neokoros

Torye Morris, Facilities Manager

2011 Parish Council

President Harry Tomisides Vice President Christopher Canellos Treasurer Sam Paulos Recording Secretary Dimitrios Horiates Corresponding Secretary Charles Pappas


Max Adams George Karahal Monica Arroyo John Lymberopoulos Nic Carayannopoulos Constantine Mathas James Chappel Frank Mihalopoulos James Dolmas Michael Petridis Tasos Kaiafas Daniel Shaheen

Holy Trinity Church is under the Jurisdiction of

The Holy Metropolis of Denver

4550 E. Alameda Ave. * Denver, CO 80246-1208

Tel. (303) 333-7794 Fax (303) 333-7796

The Holy Archdiocese of America

8 E. 79th St. * New York, NY 10075

Tel. (212) 570-3500 * Fax (212) 570-3569

and the

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Sunday Bulletin

All information to be included into the Sunday

Bulletin is to be submitted to the office no later than

Wednesday at noon. Please submit each article as an

attachment to:

[email protected]

Memorial Service, Artoclasia

Service & 40 Day Blessings

All Memorials, Artoclasias, & 40 Day Blessings

may be arranged by contacting

Vickie Wells in the church office at

972-991-1166 or [email protected]

Sunday Worship Service

Orthros 8:15 a.m.

Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.

Weekdays Orthros 8:30 a.m.

Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.


Reverend Protopresbyter Christopher Constantinides

Presiding Priest [email protected]

Reverend Deacon Peter Kostakis

Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes

Reverend Deacon Clint Sharpley


Ron Newhouse Church Administrator

[email protected]

Maureen Rakow Financial Assistant

[email protected]

Vickie Wells Executive Assistant

[email protected]

Support Staff

Basil Xeros, Neokoros [email protected]

Torye Morris, Facilities Manager [email protected]

003 Parish Council

President Christopher Canellos

Vice President Tasos Kaiafas

Treasurer Sam Paulos

Recording Secretary Jim Dolmas

Corresponding Secretary Matt Naftis

Members Nic Carayannopoulos James Chappel

Ellena Fox Jimmy Horiates

George Karahal Mary LeBrecht

Fotis Papanicolaou Ari Rigopoulos

Daniel Shaheen Chris Stern

Mary Ann Trapalis Alin Voicu

Church Office Hours Monday—Thursday

9 a.m.—5 p.m. Friday

9 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

Bookstore Hours Sunday after Divine Liturgy until 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday 1—3 p.m.

Ekfonesis December 2013

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Pastoral Reflections by Fr. Christopher Constantinides


Have you ever wondered why as the “Season to be Jolly” rapidly approaches, and the time before that “Jolly

Old Fellow” makes his annual appearance, we find ourselves running in every possible direction there is in

order to meet pre-imposed deadlines that we have put upon ourselves in order to acquire those perfect gifts

for our special friends and dear loved ones?

Have you ever wondered why we spend countless hours going from store to store and mall to mall to achieve

our goal? Because come December 24th, weary, completely exhausted and drained of every ounce of energy,

we find we have at least achieved for the most part the objective of our task. Getting those perfect gifts.

I believe the reason, at least for me, for this annual frantic and sometimes erratic behavior comes down to one

thing, the pleasing of our friends and families and the joy we receive by seeing the glow and happiness on the

faces of our loved ones. I know we have all experienced the smile of a child who has just received the neatest

and coolest gift in the world and how imbedded that image becomes in our hearts.

Christmas is about the heart, a heart which is giving, loving, caring. It chooses to bring out the absolute best in

each of us and to truly encourage us to exemplify that which our Lord, whose Glorious Birth we celebrate,

wishes us to do upon this earth.

So while we are sharing a smile with one another, a gift with one another, a hug with one another, there is still

one heart and one spirit that is calling out to us and inviting us to share our love with Him. Our Lord God and

Savior Jesus Christ is jubilant over the fact that we are expressing ourselves in such a beautiful manner. He

watched and probably laughed a little as we spent those countless hours searching and searching for those

perfect gifts, and now all He asks in return is we take a few minutes out of our day to celebrate His Glorious

Birth with Him, as He always takes the time to celebrate with us.

Remembering that “JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON” let us make sure the love we have in our

hearts and which we are so freely and willingly sharing with one another, we share with Him. As we prepare

for one of the greatest days known to mankind, the Birth of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, allow Him

to dwell within us, and visit and celebrate in His home before you celebrate in your home.

It is my hope and my prayer as we prepare to celebrate this Glorious Holy Day of Christmas that your hearts

are filled with the warmth of His Love and the Light of the Star which guided and directed the Wise Men to


Wishing you and your entire family a most Blessed and Glorious Christmas!


With Love and Respect in Anticipation of His Glorious Birth,

Father Christopher Constantinides

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‘Give not out of your abundance, but out of your poverty.’ Mark 12:41-44

Miracle of Sharing ‘...and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Matthew 6:33

Stewardship 2013

About a year ago, each Holy Trinity Steward considered the time, talent, and treasure they wanted

to commit to His church for this year. Many stewards completed a pledge card as a symbol of that pledge.

pledge (pl j)


1. A solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something: signed a pledge never to reveal the secret; a

pledge of money to a charity.

2. a. Something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillment o f an obligation.

b. The condition of something thus given or held: put an article in pledge.

The 2014 pledge cards have been mailed out and are available now. Please prayerfully consider your

pledge and complete a new card. Consider what you can do to help us realize our goal of becoming a

100% stewardship-supported parish.

Some Holy Trinity Stewards chose not to complete a pledge card, but instead allowed the previous

year’s pledge to roll over and renew without change.

re·new (r -n , -ny )

v. re·newed, re·new·ing, re·news

1. To make new or as if new again; restore: renewed the antique chair.

2. To take up again; resume: renew an old friendship; renewed the argument; renew a magazine subscription.

Don’t our stewardship pledges deserve a bit more consideration than an antique chair or magazine

subscription? If you didn’t complete a pledge card for 2013, don’t just renew, please consider pledging for


As we approach the end of this year, it is imperative that each steward fulfill the pledge that was

made about a year ago.

ful·fill also ful·fil (f l-f l )

tr.v. ful·filled, ful·fill·ing, ful·fills also ful·fils

1. To bring into actuality; effect: fulfilled their promises.

2. To carry out (an order, for example).

3. To measure up to; satisfy. See Synonyms at perform, satisfy.

4. To bring to an end; complete.

We are about 85 % the way through the calendar year, but we have only received about 75 % of our

pledges. Please fulfill your pledge before the end of 2013.

Stewardship Dictionary Terms (A Refresher Course)

By Harry Yianitsas, Stewardship Chairman

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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Reverend Protopresbyter Christopher Constantinides, Presiding Priest Reverend Deacon Peter Kostakis, Assistant Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes Reverend Deacon Clint Sharpley

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

In this fast paced world with more new forms of communication than ever before, it is still an

overwhelming challenge to keep pace. It has been the good intentions of the Parish Council to provide an

ongoing account of activities with the community this year, however, with the feverish pace of activity, we

have been racing to keep up. With the year coming to a close, the holidays fast approaching, and the Parish

Council elections are upon us, we want to provide you with a recap of this year’s activities and


For many years it has been the desire of our community to hire a Youth Director. One has been hired and

we hope to have her on board shortly after the New Year.

On our campus we have completed a numbers of activities to improve our buildings and the surrounding

area. Repairs have been made to the sidewalks leading into the sanctuary and around the Community Center.

In addition we have resealed the seams around the Community Center building, repaired and replaced all the

windows and frames, and had the parking lot has been re-striped.

In our Community Center we have replaced 500 chairs. In the kitchen we replaced the flooring in the

freezer as well as completed the unplanned replacement of the air conditioner. As some of you may know, in

the midst of our baking preparations for the Greek Food Festival, we lost our primary kitchen air conditioner

and it had to be replaced at cost of $40,000. One week after the new unit was installed we received an

anonymous donation for $20,000 to help defray the expenses, for which we are very grateful.

We have completed an extensive upgrade to much of our technology. This includes the rewiring of both the

Community Center and Sanctuary. We also upgraded our network equipment, video surveillance equipment,

installed a new telephone system plus additional communications services. We now have WiFi!

To keep you abreast of parish news and events our clergy are now using Constant Contact, to keep you

informed. For parishioners who are not able to attend the Divine Liturgy we have services streaming live from

our website. It is our hope in early 2014 to unveil further upgrades to our church website.

It is our resolution in 2014 to communicate with you on an ongoing basis to keep you updated about Parish

Council activities. We wish all of our parish families a Merry Christmas!

Καλά Χριστούγεννα!

2013 Parish Council

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A Bird in the Hand is Worth What?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013, started out as a typical morning for me. It was about 7:45 a.m. and I had just parked my

car at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ready to start my day as a teacher at Holy Trinity Academy. As I entered the

door, I was immediately called by my peers to come into the lunch room. They were all gathered at the window looking out.

I also looked and saw what appeared to be a very large bird with a leash around his neck, standing on the sidewalk just at

the edge of the land cover by the windows. I asked “where did that come from?” The Office Administrator, Maria Satari

said she saw it out of the corner of her eye while she was making coffee. Someone had already called animal control, but it

was so early they were not open yet. Our Facilities Manager, Torye, said he was going to call a wildlife person they had

used before. I was worried as to what might happen to it since it was obviously a domesticated bird. My concern was it

would not be returned to its owner. I think divine intervention was at work because I knew immediately who I had to call.

I called my cousin, Betty Vouras Foster, otherwise known, to me anyway, as "the animal whisperer." Her husband, Tim

was the first one on the scene. The bird had moved to the top of one of the cars in the parking lot. With a glove on, he

walked over to it and got very close. I thought the bird was going to jump on his shoulder but off it flew. I saw Tim proceed

in the direction of the bird, but school was about to start so I couldn’t stay to watch anymore.

At 10 a.m. my class had snack in the lunchroom, and I could see people up in the bell tower of the church. I walked

outside and was greeted by Father Chris who said he had let Betty and Tim up there to try and get the bird. While they

were up there, Tim noticed several tiles on the roof were dislodged, and as if this wasn’t enough, a foul gas smell was

emanating from the air conditioning unit. Upon further inspection, Tim and Torye managed to fix a major gas leak and

place the tiles back in place. By some miracle, while they were doing that, Betty was able to catch the bird and wrap it in a

choir robe! When they all came down to the church courtyard, they were received by a very happy crowd, including me.

Betty said she was going to get the bird medical attention and then try to find out who the owner might be. They then left

with the bird still wrapped in the choir robe. She later let me know the wildlife vet said that the bird was dehydrated but

otherwise in good health. She took it home, fed it, and it basically made itself at home on Betty’s shoulder.

On Friday morning her wildlife vet called her with the news that he knew who the owners were. Drum roll

please….Medieval Times! Evidently this bird is the star of the show and had gotten herself lost during her exercise routine

four days earlier. When the trainer came to pick her up, Betty had her on her shoulder walking around the house. They

both were in tears. The trainer couldn’t believe it because the bird had never gone to anyone else, and he never thought he

would see her again. She is an endangered species and one of only ten Saker Falcons in the United States and is worth in

excess of $10,000.

So in a nut shell, this Saker Falcon made its way from Medieval Times only to land at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox

Church, caused us to fix missing roof tiles, a gas leak, and her name is Athena. I think God was working to save more than

just the bird that day!

Story and pictures by Dori Smallwood

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Christmas Reminders

We are all invited to celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ by attending Divine Liturgy. No one wants to

miss His Birth Celebration!

All pre-Christmas activities are to help us prepare for this celebration. First and foremost are the spiritual

preparations; secondary, are the social activities.

Some activities serve us in both capacities: Tree Lighting on December 7, Parish Christmas Program on

December 15 are examples.

In order to prepare for the Christmas Feast and Festivities we are encouraged to participate in the Christmas

Fast. “Advent” for Orthodox Christians begins on November 15. Although the Christmas Fast began earlier, the

length of forty days was established at a church council in Constantinople in 1166. Patriarch Theodore Balsamon

of the Great Church of Constantinople in interpreting this council noted that “only monastics were obligated to

keep the forty days and that lay people might shorten it to only seven days.” Many of our Yiayias and Papous

kept that seven day fast strictly during the week before Christmas. Let’s do our best to at least do as much

May we all have a blessed Advent as we prepare to celebrate His Birth!


Hronia Polla to all who celebrate their Feast Day

12/4 St. Barbara, the Great Martyr

12/5 St. Savas, the Sanctified

12/6 St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker

12/9 The Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos

12/12 St. Spyridon, the Wonderworker

12/13 Herman, the Wonderworker of Alaska & 1st Saint of


12/22 St. Anastasia, the Great Martyr

12/25 The Nativity of our Lord and Savior

12/26 Synaxis of the Holy Theotokos

12/27 St. Stephen, the Archdeacon & Protomartyr

The “ABC” Memory Verses

Beginning with the August Ekfonesis, a few short sentences of longer verses - for you to memorize - were

suggested using the “ABC’s” as an aid. You may look up the verse and learn the rest on your own. Work on one per

week. Below are the suggested verses for December.

N Now is the day of salvation… 2 Corinthians 6:2

O Oh, sing unto the Lord a new song! Psalm 98:1

P Pray without ceasing… I Thessalonians 5:17

Q Quicken me, O Lord… Psalm 143:11

R Rejoice in the Lord your God… Joel 2:23

Catechetical Students & Families

The Parish Christmas Program is on Sunday,

December 15th after Divine Liturgy in the


CATECHETICAL SCHOOL begins at 10 a.m.

A MANDATORY rehearsal is on Saturday,

December 14th, 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. Please

meet in the gymnasium promptly at

10:00 a.m.

3 year old - 6th grade Catechetical students

and teachers, readers and pageant

participants are expected to

participate and help, the day

of the program. GOYA is

hosting the Coffee Hour.

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Christmas Concert & Tree Lighting Ceremony

Saturday, December 7, 2013 Please join us for the Holy Trinity Christmas Choir

Concert and Lighting of the Christmas Tree Ceremony! It will begin with Vespers at 5 p.m. in the Sanctuary, and then after the Choir Concert everyone will move

outside into the courtyard to

Light up the Christmas Tree! We will also sing carols, share fellowship and have refreshments.

Reminder from the Office!

In order to claim a charitable contribution deduction for 2012,

all 2013 CONTRIBUTIONS must be delivered

to the church office ON or BEFORE December 31st!

The Church Office will be CLOSED on December 24th, 25th, 31st and January 1st.


Participation in the Tree Lighting Ceremony, December 7 (Vespers

at 5 pm)

Christmas Party on Saturday, December 14, 6 pm

Christmas Recess – December 23 through January 6…classes resume

January 7

Vasilopita celebrations in classes during the week of January 7

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Senior Fellowship Annual Christmas -Luncheon

Date: Sunday – December 15, 2013

Time: 1:00 p.m. (following Parish Christmas program)

Place: Greek Isles Grille – Plano

Cost: $20.00 per person, includes tax and gratuity

plus complimentary glass of wine.

Entrée Choices: Lamb Shank, Fish or Chicken

Advance reservations required

Please call:

Annette Dempsey – 214-366-4226 or Stacia Gialamas – 410-530-2715

Please advise your entrée preference

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Holy Trinity Academy wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!


Nationally Accredited

Lower School

Pre-School 2

to Kindergarten Accepting applications for

2013—2014 school year

13555 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX 75240

Ph: 972-490-7060

Fax: 972-991-3424

School Office Hours

8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


[email protected]

Class Schedule:

Pre-School (2/3-Year-Olds) PS2/3 T-Th 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. M-W-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. M-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Pre-School (3/4-Year-Olds) PS3/4 M-W-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. M-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten through Kindergarten M-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Before School/After School Before school care begins at 7:30 a.m. After school care ends at 6 p.m.

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The gift of generosity

This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported Holy

Trinity Greek Orthodox Church this past year with their time, talent

and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our

members in the year ahead. If you need a convenient way to make

regular offerings or if you plan to make an additional gift before the end

of the year, we encourage you to look into our electronic giving options.

As the pace of life speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may

find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. Visit or contact the

church office for more information.

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Parish Council Schedule

December 1 Jim Dolmas, Ellena Fox, George Karahal, Jimmy Horiates, Nic Carayannopoulos,

Dan Shaheen

December 8 Chris Canellos, Ari Rigopoulos, Jim Chappel, Sam Paulos, Mary LeBrecht

December 15 Tasos Kaiafas, Matt Naftis, Alin Voicu, Mary Ann Trapalis, Fotis Papanicolaou

December 22 Jim Dolmas, Ellena Fox, George Karahal, Jimmy Horiates, Nic Carayannopoulos,

Dan Shaheen

December 29 Chris Canellos, Ari Rigopoulos, Jim Chappel, Sam Paulos, Mary LeBrecht

General Interest

Parish Registry


Tom Velon who fell asleep in the Lord

Pete Augustus who fell asleep in the Lord

The Holy Trinity Bookstore/Library/Gift Shop Welcomes You! The Bookstore/Library/Gift Shop wishes all of our parishioners a very

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him – Romans 15:13

Christmas is just around the corner, and the Bookstore/Library/Gift Shop has the perfect gift for everyone on your

Christmas gift list! We are excited about the new books, icons, gifts for the home, greeting cards, stocking stuffers,

wedding crown holders, new Byzantine jewelry (crosses), children books, CD’s and so much more!

We are featuring books titled: The Love Chapter by St. John Chrysostom, First Fruits of Prayer by Frederica

Mathews-Green and Sacred Doorways by Linette Martin. These are just a few of the books that we feature for your

reading pleasure.

We are pleased to present the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church gift collection, available in the Holy Trinity

Bookstore/Library/Gift Shop. Bob Munro is the photographic artist whose spiritually inspired artist-created gift

collection features photographic art images of Holy Trinity’s most sacred and treasured icons, stained glass windows

and other church details. The Holy Trinity gift collection includes matted prints, triptych art, magnets and gift boxed

porcelain ornaments (perfect Christmas Stocking stuffer). This is a fantastic way to take a piece of our church home

with you to enjoy every day. You are sure to find something in our Bookstore/Library for yourself, family and friends!

Last but not least, we have Gift Certificates available for you to purchase. Please ask a Bookstore Team Member to

help you. We would love to see you, so come by and browse around, and visit for awhile!

Bookstore Hours:

Wednesdays, 1—3 p.m. and Sundays after Divine Liturgy until 12:30 p.m.


Christopher Horiates & Carrie Kendrick

Brandon Meek & Stephanie Kallis

Chadwick Turner & Carrinicole Pittman

Anthony Nason & Margaret Mathas

Please note our practice for submitting names

for prayers for health! Please email us at

[email protected] or call the Church Office at

(972-991-1166) before the 5th of the month.

Each entry will be for a month duration and

must be renewed each month.

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General Interest

Parish Christmas Program Sunday, December 15, 2013

Immediately following Divine Liturgy in the Sanctuary

This is a Parish event.

All are invited

December Sunday Coffees Sunday, December 1, 2013 Eritrean Women

Sunday, December 8, 2013 St. Barbara’s Luncheon

Sunday, December 15, 2013 GOYA

Sunday, December 22, 2013 HTHD

Sunday, December 29, 2013 Available

If your organization would like to sponsor a Sunday Coffee, please contact

Presv. Alexandra Poulos at [email protected]

Caregivers Support Group Next Meeting

December 14th at 9:30 a.m. In the Boardroom of the Community Center

We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month in the

Board Room, at 9:30 a.m. On days when there is a

Divine Liturgy, we meet after the liturgy.

Caregivers include parents of

special needs children and spouses and

children caring for adult family

members. Our purpose is to provide an

opportunity to address caregiving

issues with those who have had or are

having similar experiences.

Confidentiality is a key component of our


For more information, contact Steve Pakes,

Bill Lane or Presv. Alexandra Poulos


Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

in the Greek School Room.

December Rehearsals: 12/1, & 15


Teens are encouraged to sing with the

Adult Choir on Sundays.

The Youth/Teen Choirs will sing with the Adult Choir on

Sunday, January 5, 2014.

For more information contact Mary LeBrecht at

[email protected]

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2013 Report as of 9/30/2013

Actual Budget

Stewardship $ 605,432 666,666

Total Receipts 923,649 795,416

Expenditures 948,436 948,350

Difference $ - 24,787

Fund Balances

100th Anniversary Fund 20,575 Funds for the celebration of Holy Trinity’s 100th Anniversary in 2015

Babalos Fund 58,273

Provides financial assistance to young men training for the priesthood Rev. Peter Bithos Scholarship Fund 48,788

Provides scholarships to eligible theological students Permanent Endowment Fund 134,069

Accumulates funds for any unforeseen non-budgeted maintenance expense or budget shortfalls not covered by our General Operating Fund

Memorial Fountain Maintenance Fund 11,280 Provides funds to be utilized for maintenance of the Memorial Fountain/Wall.

Iconography Fund 125,680 Provides funds for expenses related to additional iconography for the Sanctuary

Kumpuris Epitaphio Flowers Fund 24,192 Established to offset the cost of flowers to decorate the Epitaphio for Pascha

Nikolopoulos Greek School Fund 57,025 Established to encourage and reward students who want to learn the Greek language

and/or pursue Hellenic studies offered at the university level. Poor & Seminary Fund 75,070

Provides funds for charity work and matters relating to Holy Cross Seminary Benevolence Fund 20,071

Provides funds for assistance to needy families and individuals within our church community, in the larger Dallas area, and around the world.

Building Fund 115,728 Provides funds for capital improvements, purchase of additional property, construction of additional buildings, or major repairs to facilities.

Loan Balances

Operating Loan Balance 230,000

Holy Trinity Parish

Finance Update

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Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

CS & AFE after HC

Coffee hosted by Eritrean Women

after DL (A,D);


Practice 12:15-1:30p

Philoptochos Bake Sale Pickup (A) 9am

Yarn Guild (BR) 11am-2pm Choir Practice (S)

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Philoptochos Bake Sale Pickup (A) 9am Pickleball (Gym)

2—4 pm; Austin St. Cooking (K) 2:30 pm;

HT Greek School 5-8:30 pm

AS Volunteers leave 5:30 pm

St. Barbara

Orthros 8:30 am; Divine Liturgy 9:30a HT Greek School

(Children) 5-6:30 pm

Paraklesis 6 pm

Adult Faith Enrich-

ment 7 p (BR)

JOY (A) 7 pm

Adult Bible Study

(BR) 10:45 - 11:45a

HT Greek School 5-6:30 p

Philoptochos Board Mtg. (BR) 6:30 pm

Pickleball (Gym)

7-9 pm;

St. Nicholas

Orthros 8:30 am;

Divine Liturgy 9:30a

(Great Vespers (C) 5 pm

Followed by Choir Concert at 6pm,



FRESHMENTS in the Courtyard

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

Choir Recognition


CS & AFE after HC

St. Barbara Luncheon following

DL; HTHD Pre-K - 5th Practice 12:15-1:30p

Interfaith Council of

Thanksgiving Square (A) 11:30 a - 12:30 p Choir Practice (S)

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Sr Fellowship Planning

Mtg (BR) 1-3 pm Pickleball (Gym) 2—4 pm;

HT Greek School 5-8:30 pm AHEPA Mtg. (O) 6:30 pm; DOP General

Mtg (A) 6:30 p HTA Board Mtg (D) 7 pm

HT Greek School

(Children) 5-6:30 pm

Paraklesis 6 pm

Adult Faith Enrich-

ment 7 p (BR) GOYA General Mtg. (Gym) 7 pm; HOPE

(A) 7 pm

St. Spyridon

Orthros 8:30 am;

Divine Liturgy

9:30a; Adult Bible

Study(BR) 10:45 -

11:45a ; HT Greek School 5-6:30 p

Pickleball (Gym)

7-9 pm;

Caregivers Support Group (BR) 9:30 am

Mandatory Christmas Program Rehearsal (S) 10am-12pm

Great Vespers (C) 5 pm;

Greek School Party (O) 6-9 pm

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

CS & AFE after HC

DOP Founders Day Coffee & Bake Sale

after DL (A,D);

11:30 am; HTHD

Sr GOYA Practice 12:15-1:30 p

Yarn Guild (BR)

11am-2pm Choir Practice (S)

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Pickleball (Gym)

2-4 pm; HTGreek School 5-8:30 pm

HT Greek School

(Children) 5-6:30 pm Paraklesis 6 pm Adult Faith Enrich-

ment 7 p (BR)

Adult Bible Study

(BR) 10:45 - 11:45a

HT Greek School (Children) 5-6:30 p HTA Family Christ-

mas (A,D,O) 6:30p - 9 pm; Parish Coun-cil Mtg (BR) 6:30 p

CANCELED Pickle-ball (Gym) 7-9 pm;

GOYA Christmas Party - Tomasides’ Home 6-9 pm

Great Vespers (C)

5 pm

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

CS & AFE after HC

Coffee/Bake Sale hosted by HTHD

after DL (A,D);


Practice 12:15-1:30 p

HTA Holiday












Orthros 8:30 am;

Divine Liturgy 9:30a

HT Greek School



CANCELED Adult Bible Study (BR) 10:45 - 11:45a


ball (Gym) 7pm;

HTA Holiday

BREAK Great Vespers (C) 5 pm

29 30 31

Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

CS & AFE after HC

Coffee after DL (A,D)

HTA Holiday




December 2013 Please check the web calendar at

for schedule changes

Page 20: DECEMBER 2013...1. To bring into actuality effect fulfilled their promises. 2. To carry out (an order, for example). 3. To measure up to satisfy. See Synonyms at perform, satisfy


EKFONESIS December 2013

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 13555 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX. 75240

EKFONESIS INFORMATION DEADLINE Please be reminded that all information to be included in the next Ekfonesis must be in the

Church office no later than the 5th of the month.

Please submit each article as an email attachment to:

[email protected]

Editor-in-Chief: Father Christopher Constantinides

Layout Editor: Vickie Wells

HOLY TRINITY CEMETERY LOTS AVAILABLE Cemetery plots are still available in the Orthodox Christian Garden at Restland.

Prices in the funeral industry continue to rise, so please don't miss this opportunity to

secure your family’s burial needs.

Please contact:

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Office 972-991-1166

Pre-Purchase: $2,250.00

At Need: $2,750.00

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