Download - Dear Customer

Page 1: Dear Customer

Here is the mail I forwarded to the client,,,,

Dear customer,

The in text referencing has no year mentioned and sometimes even the writer is not mentioned,

for example,

“The transformation is beginning with the First Insight, and according to the priest, this

insight always surfaces unconsciously at first, as a profound sense of restlessness. What are we

looking for? That’s just it! At first, we aren’t sure. According to the Manuscript, we’re beginning

to glimpse an alternative kind of experience, moments in our lives that feel different somehow,

more intense and inspiring. But we don’t know what this experience is or how to make it last,

and when it ends we’re left feeling dissatisfied and restless with a life that seems ordinary

again.” JAMES REDFIELD (no year and pages mentioned)

“Don’t judge yourself or others, let everything go, come back to your intention, breath

through the postures” she would say, at the end of class she would close with another blessing or

a song of gratitude, I felt safe, like GOD himself was holding and speaking to me. Like what

Mathers said, “Once a person has a Meditational Experience, they then feel justified in practicing

their metaphysical beliefs, which have thus been made valid through this realization”. (no author,

year, and page no.)

Also, the size of references are not appropriate for an academic thesis. An appropriate reference

should have length about 40 words. So, Please provide the references list of the works you have

cited and your direction about whether to condense these quotations in an appropriate length or


Page 2: Dear Customer

Second, most of the sentences in the paper are not argumentative. Mostly, the sentences are just

stating the personal experience and they have no linkage with the quotations quoted in the paper.

Please specify whether the sentence structure should be made appropriate to an academic thesis

or left as they are?

The minimum word count required as per the direction of the university is 6000 while the current

word count of the document falls short. So, should our writer add the required word count in the

document or not? Your immediate feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Below is the reply of the client,

I have included my original paper with the highlighted quotes and, what I believe, is the correct

information you have requested. Some of the information is from websites, some from books,

and some from my school pamphlets.

Thank you so much for helping me with my paper. I really appreciate it. I was completely lost on

how to write something like this. (As you can probably tell) I will be going on to work on a

doctorate and will come to you for help with that paper, as well. Maybe you can give me some

guidelines as how to organize my material prior to when I start writing it so it isn't such a hassle

next time.

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