
“Deafness, Diversity and Delivery: How to Serve Persons who are

Deaf or Hard of Hearing”

Susie Tiggs, M.Ed.Theresa Johnson, M.Ed.

Session Overview

• Define the population• Cultural issues• Communication• Independent living needs• Access-home and community• Technology• It’s the law!

Two Views on Deafness

Defines deafness in terms of deficit, hearing loss, compared to hearing norms

• Respects, values, and supports the language and culture of deaf people

Medical Difference

Defining Deaf people by what they CAN’T do

Understanding Differences

• Generally…..

“Deaf” with uppercase “D” refers to a cultural construct

“deaf” with lowercase “d” refers to the lack of hearing without touching upon cultural status




Hearing is limited, but may be amplified for ordinary life experiences.


Sound has no meaning for ordinary life purposes.


• Oral Deaf-generally use speech and residual hearing to communicate. May use manual communication as a supplement but do not identify with Deaf community

• Late-Deafened—Mixed views on age of onset, but generally used for individuals who have lost their hearing during their teenage years or older. Do not identify with Deaf community as a rule.


Categories of Hearing LossNormal HearingCan hear soft conversations

Moderate to severe56 to 70 decibel lossWill miss 100% of speech information without amplification

Minimal loss16 to 25 decibel lossWill have trouble hearing faint or distant speech

Severe71 to 90 decibel lossCan only hear loud noises at close distances

Mild25 to 40 decibel lossWill miss up to 50% of a group discussion

Profound91 decibel loss and aboveDepends solely on vision instead of hearing for processing information

Moderate41 to 55 decibel lossConversation over 5 feet away may not be understood



Deaf Culture

• Disability vs. culture

• Deaf / dumb

• ASL as native language

• TTY / relay/vp/technology

• Name signs


Deaf Culture, cont.

• Saying goodbye

• Introductions

• Role of Deaf schools/programs

• Deaf “grapevine”


Hard of Hearing Culture

• HLAA (Hearing Loss Assoc of America)• ALDA (Association of Late-Deafened Adults)• Young vs Older• Hearing aids fix the problem• Persons who are HH know what they need??• Speaking/Listening/environmental factors


• Sign language systems• Manual/visual support systems• Oral Communication/lip reading• Symbols/gesture • Factors which affect language acquisition• Tips for better communication

Modes of Communication

• American Sign Language• Pidgin Sign Language/Contact SL• Signed English• Signing Exact English• Cued Speech• Oral• Communication Books/symbols/pictures• Gesture


Definition of ASL

ASL is a natural, visual-gestural language

which has evolved to meet the linguistic needs of its users, and therefore it is a language fully accessible to deaf individuals. Eric Drasgow, Council for Exceptional Children, 1998


Some Features of ASL

• Signing space• Non-manual signals• Directionality• Number Systems• Role Shift


Definition of Signed English

Signed English is a reasonable manual parallel to English. It is an educational tool meant to be used while you speak in order to incorporate speech development and aided listening skills.


Some Features of Signed English

• Signed in English word order• Can be conceptual or literal• Initializes signs for synonyms


Definition of SEE

Signing Exact English is a sign language system that represents literal English, to make visible everything that is not heard. SEE supplements hearing and speechreading.


Features of Signing Exact English• Signed as English is spoken or written• A sign is translated to only one English



Definition of Oral Interpreting

The interpreter “mouths” the words spoken for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

student. Sign language may sometimes be used as a filler


Cued Speech Transliteration

Cued Speech Transliteration is a visual method of communication that utilizes hand cues in order to provide spoken information that is ambiguous through lip reading alone.


Communication Books

A tool used to facilitate a student’s expressive and receptive language which can be used as a communication aid with both non signing and signing partners.


Features of a Communication Book

• Typically organized by grammatical categories/topics

• Best custom designed for individual students’ needs

• Should be accompanied with print representation or signed representation


Tips for better Communication

• Lighting• Environmental sound• Face to face• Look at the person not the interpreter• Don’t exaggerate facial expressions• Repeat/rephrase• Write or gesture

Less Obvious Background Noise Sources:

Air conditioning or heating units

Traffic noises, lawn mower outside an office

Other people talking nearby, cubicle chatter

Static on a phone line

Refrigerators, projector fans, vending machine humming

Telephones ringing , copier running

People coughing, moving in their chairs, rustling papers

Use of Interpreters

• Certification/Qualifications• Cost• Role of interpreters• Ethical expectations

Independent Living Needs

• Assistance with housing or understanding the process, lease agreement or other paperwork

• Assistance with accessing the community-how to request services from physician, dentist, bank, etc

• Assistance with purchases, such as vehicle, furniture, insurance, food

• Assistance with employment-how to access community job-search resources, interview

• Assistance with accessing technology, i.e. STAP, VP


• Hearing Aids• Cochlear Implants• Amplified phones• Video phones/facetime/skype• CART/C-print/Typewell (on site and remote)• Loop and FM systems• Ubi-duo

It’s the Law!

• ADA• Title IV – Telecommunications Relay Services• Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

mandated a nationwide system of telecommunications relay services to make the telephone network accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have speech impairments. Title IV of the ADA added Section 225 to the Communications Act of 1934.

• Statute: 47 U.S.C. § 255 available at 47 C.F.R. §§ 64.601 - 64.606 available at


• Specific issues or challenges in serving individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

• Resources and materials


[email protected]••••••• [email protected]/deafhard of hearing services

Thank you

• Susie Tiggs• [email protected]• Theresa Johnson• [email protected]

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