
© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 1

Chapter Director

John & Beth Flaherty

Assistant Chapter Director

Alan and Donna Nelson

Chapter Educator

John Main

Pin & Patch Coordinator

Beth Flaherty


Beverly Blunk

Ride Coordinator


Membership Enhancement Coordinator

Mark and Joan Mullineaux

Shirt Coordinator

Joan Mullineaux


Danny Drane


Danny Drane

Kentucky District

District Newsletter


Appalachian Region N Newsletters

Appalachian Gazette


National Newsletter Wingin’ It

DDeerrbbyy CCiittyy WWiinngg RRiiddeerrss GWRRA Chapter A Louisville, Kentucky

July 2015

Kentucky District Region N

"Friends for fun, Safety, and Knowledge"

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 2

From the Director’s Track

Congratulations again to Danny Drane and our Chapter Newsletter!! We have been announced as the June 2015 Monthly Winner!! Now let’s talk about our next Gathering. Know where it’s going to be? Know what time it starts? Well we have moved again this time we are at Mark’s Feed Store 6501 Bardstown Rd. Fern Creek Ky. 40291. We eat at 11:30 and meet at 12:30, so please come join us in our new location. Our move to a new location was basically a service related issue. Ryan’s in May forgot about us and gave our room away. In June the room they usually put us in was not air conditioned. The other party room they planned on giving to a group that was there for one time only. After raising enough raucous I was able to persuade the manager to put a group that came in every month in the cool room. Also considering the service for steaks, being less than acceptable, I made the decision to try somewhere else. This move and time change also gives us the opportunity to schedule a ride after the meeting the same day. So I hope it is a benefit to the Chapter and one that you folks will enjoy. So it’s July and we have had as many rides cancelled by weather as we have made. I hope it gets better soon. We really would like to see more riders, so I have started putting the ride schedule on our Facebook page in the files section. So please mark your calendars and lets ride! Next month of course is the “Kentucky Blast” and the theme is “Blast from the Past” a retro party. We have Grand Prize tickets for sale $1.00 a piece for a chance at the Grand Prize of $400.00 need not be present to win. We also have Couple of the Year tickets for a chance at Weber One-Touch Charcoal Grill PLUS $75.00 Omaha Steak Gift Card also only $1.00 a chance and need not be present to win. We have District Cookbooks $10.00 a piece. So if interested in any of these items please let me know. Until next time! Yours in FUN! John and Beth Flaherty

Upcoming Events




July 9—11, 2015




July 24—25, 2015

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 3




August 13—15, 2015



“Rocket City Road Trip”


September 3—6, 2015




October 1—3, 2015 (tentative date)

***Welcome to our newest sponsors!***

GWRRA Anniversaries

Jim Rippy Charles (Chuck) Pinyerd

Ramona Pinyerd Kenneth Pinyerd Amber Pinyerd

Vella Adkins Stephen Fischer

Ron Stinson

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 4

Thomas Dench Donald Price Janet Price Joe Zimmer Joy Zimmer

Dennis Hayes Marcia Hayes Craig Gadlage

Beverli Gadlage

July Birthdays Beth Flaherty

July Anniversaries Mike & Kathy Lebre

Bridwell & Marnie Terhune Steve & Lani Kratzwald

Chuck and Ramona Pinyerd

Our Regular Chapter Meeting There were no photographs taken at this meeting due to Bev and I having family plans. I am also

the guy with the camera. LOL!

Door Prize Winners for June Bob Steigmier Rick Broadway

Bruce Jump Carma Steigmier

Tom Monroe

Couple of the Year Special Drawing Not Done

50/50 Winners for June Joan Mullineaux/ Lani Kratzwald

John Flaherty/ Alan Nelson

Chip Game Alan Nelson

No winner this month

Carried over to next month!

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 5

On the Lighter Side

Motorcycle tool-guide

• Eight-Foot Long Douglas Fir 2X4 - used for levering a bike upright after using a hydraulic jack on the bike. • Hydraulic Bike Jack/Platform - ingeniously-designed tool for flipping bikes onto their sides, usually when you're alone in the shop. • Wire Wheel - cleans rust off old bolts and then throws them somewhere under the workbench with the speed of light. Also removes fingerprints and hard-earned guitar calluses in about the time it takes you to say, "Hand me 'nother beer, Bubba!" • Drill Press - a tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, splattering it against the Pamela Anderson poster over the bench grinder. • Oxy Acetylene torch - used almost entirely for lighting those stale garage cigarettes you keep hidden in the back of the Whitworth socket drawer (What wife would think to look in there?) because you can never remember to buy lighter fluid for the Zippo lighter you got from the PX at Fort Campbell. • Vice-Grips - used to round off bolt heads. If nothing else is available, they can also be used to transfer intense welding heat to the palm of your hand. • Electric Hand Drill - normally used for spinning steel Pop rivets in their holes until you die of old age, but it also works great for drilling roll-bar mounting holes in the floor of a sports car just above the brake line that goes to the rear axle. • Mechanic's Knife - used to open and slice through the contents of cardboard cartons delivered to your front door; works particularly well on boxes containing leathers or bike covers. • Hammer - originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a kind of divining rod to locate expensive chrome scooter parts not far from the object we are trying to hit. • Tweezers - a tool for removing wood splinters. • Phone - tool for calling your neighbor Bubba to see if he has another hydraulic floor jack. • Snap-On Gasket Scraper - theoretically useful as a sandwich tool for spreading mayonnaise; used mainly for getting dog-doo off your boot. • E-Z Out Bolt and Stud Extractor - a tool that snaps off in bolt holes and is ten times harder than any known drill bit. • Two-Ton Hydraulic Engine Hoist - a handy tool for testing the tensile strength of ground straps and hydraulic clutch lines you may have forgotten to disconnect. Almost capable of lifting a Gold Wing off the floor. • Craftsman 1/2 x 16 Inch Screwdriver - a large motor mount prying tool that inexplicably has an accurately machined screwdriver tip on the end without the handle.

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 6

• Battery - electrolyte Tester A handy tool for transferring sulfuric acid from scooter battery to the inside of your toolbox after determining that your battery is dead as a doornail, just as you thought. • Hacksaw - one of a family of cutting tools built on the Ouija board principle. It transforms human energy into a crooked, unpredictable motion, and the more you attempt to influence its course, the more dismal your future becomes. • Trouble Light - the mechanic's own tanning booth. Sometimes called a drop light, it is a good source of vitamin D, "the sunshine vitamin", which is not otherwise found in garages at night. Health benefits aside, its main purpose is to consume 40-watt light bulbs at about the same rate that 105-mm howitzer shells might be used during, say, the first few hours of the Battle of the Bulge. More often dark than light, its name is somewhat misleading. • Air Compressor - a machine that takes energy produced in a coal-burning power plant 200 miles away and transforms it into compressed air that travels by hose to a Chicago Pneumatic impact wrench that grips rusty suspension bolts last tightened 40 years ago by someone in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and rounds them off. • Phillips Screwdriver - normally used to stab the lids of old-style paper-and-tin oil cans and splash oil on your shirt; can also be used, as the name implies, to round off Phillips screw heads. • Timing Light - a stroboscopic instrument for illuminating grease buildup on crankshaft pulleys.

From the Educator’s Headlights

The Magic Number

At what temperature does hot weather riding differ from normal summer riding? The answer is 93

degrees. Why? The typical human skin temperature is 93 degree. Above that three out of the four

mechanisms that the body uses to cool itself no longer work. These mechanisms are convection,

conduction, radiation, and evaporation.

Conduction involves direct physical contact, such as immersion in cool water. While water is

conductive to heat transfer, air is not so conduction plays a very minor role. Convection involves

the dissipation of heat by the motion of air surrounding the body. Heat is transferred when the

cooler air touches warmer skin. At zero wind speed there is a minor amount of heat transfer

caused by the difference in temperatures. This changes with wind speed because the warmed air

is immediately replaced with more cool air. This fails when the air is warmer than the skin.

Radiation doesn't require physical contact with the surroundings. Heat radiates outward from the

body to the cooler surroundings. In still air, radiation is the body's primary cooling mechanism.

Evaporation is associated with perspiration. It is insignificant when the air temperature is

significantly lower than the skin temperature, but it becomes the primary cooling mechanism as air

temperature increases. It is the only mechanism which is still effective when the air temperature

exceeds the skin temperature. Therefore, effective evaporative cooling is critical in hot weather


The evaporation process occurs whenever the air in contact with the skin isn't already saturated

with water vapor. When the air is dry the evaporation process works well. When the air is saturated

with water vapor perspiration is ineffective because there is no evaporation. Sweat evaporates the

fastest in dry, arid conditions. The wind is our enemy in hot weather conditions, just like it is in cold

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 7

weather. The body is actually being heated by the wind; the reverse of wind chill. At 103 degrees

with no wind it requires an average evaporation of 12 ounces per hour to maintain proper body

temperature. In high winds that sores to 39 ounces per hour. At high winds with a wind resistant

riding suit the body requires 19 ounces per hour. For this reason you need to drink plenty of fluids

whenever you ride in hot weather. Sports drinks are better than pure water on very hot days with

significant perspiration but water is far superior to soft drinks. Alcohol is the enemy here because it

increases body temperature.

The National Burn Center tells us that to cause a second degree burn it requires a temperature of

113 degrees for 1.7 hours, 122 degrees for 2 minutes, 131 degrees for 11 seconds or 140 degrees

for 2 seconds. Keep in mind that your cooling system is keeping your engine cool by transferring

heat to the ambient air. At 93 degrees that could be 140 degrees, or about 110 degrees when it

gets to your legs. Add another 10 degrees and it could well be hot enough to burn you over time.

That's another reason your legs need the proper insulation.

If your body's core begins to overheat you could suffer from heat exhaustion. The symptoms for

this include confusion, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps; especially in the legs

because the muscles are larger, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pale skin, profuse sweating or rapid

heartbeat. If you or a riding partner begin to experience these symptoms you need to get out of the

heat and cool down by whatever means available; either under a shady tree with plenty of cool

compresses, in an air conditioned room or at last resort, a Dairy Queen. Okay, I was kidding about

the last resort part.

Just remember that when riding on days where the air temperature is in excess of 93 degrees you

need to:

Minimize your body's direct exposure to hot wind blast,

Wear wicking undergarments; especially a helmet liner to keep you comfortable during evaporative


Drink plenty of cool water or sports drinks, and

Insulate any parts of your body exposed to the effects of heat discharge from your cooling system.

Ride Safely John Main Chapter Educator

MEC Hello fellow wingers. It is officially summer and if you are like me the broad list of options that you have open to you are flying past fast. We are trying to pick and choose as we go, but there are far more things that we want to do than we have any chance of doing. The heat is not helping as we have not made a good transition to build us up to these heat levels. We are going to make as many events as we possibly can, be it on three wheels or four. We look forward to seeing all of our friends and the many great destinations that are planned. Mark

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 8

District News

August 13,14,15, 2015

Blue Grass Blast, at the Frankfort Convention Center.

Theme for this year is “Blast From The Past” a retro party so put your thinking caps on and pencil to paper,

we need a logo. Winning logo to receive free registration to the blast. We need them by the Ride-In so shirts

can be made. This year Grand Prize Tickets will be sold by the Chapters and Staff. Winning Prize $400.00

and the chapter selling the winning ticket gets $50.00. Tickets will be printed and handed out to all chapters

soon, so please do your best to help our District out with this

Region News

Evasive Action: Since we accept the risk when riding a motorcycle we also accept the fact that one must always be prepared mentally to evade an accident. This is done by always looking for an escape route. Recently I had to apply the escape maneuver twice while riding around Lafayette, LA. As I was passing a vehicle I was in the blind spot of a Tractor-Trailer. I notice a slight movement in the direction of his left front tire. Automatically I laid on the horn. This got his attention because he was driving distracted, on the phone. The result was he jerked the steering wheel back to the right to avoid an accident and started saying I’m sorry, I didn’t see you. The second incident was basically the same except it was a young lady distracted on the phone texting with the phone in one hand and the other hand working the keyboard. Her SUV was wondering into my lane. Yes, I love my horn! What I’m saying is to PLEASE be careful, ready to apply evasive action and to be on the lookout for distracted driver. The life you save will be yours and maybe a loved one! Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig Regional N Educators

National News

1979 Wing Ding I Phoenix, AZ

1980 Wing Ding II Phoenix, AZ

1981 Wing Ding III Phoenix, AZ

1982 Wing Ding IV Steamboat Springs, CO

1983 Wing Ding V Steamboat Springs, CO

1984 Wing Ding VI Lake of the Ozarks, MO

1985 Wing Ding VII Knoxville, TN

1986 Wing Ding VIII Santa Clara, CA

1987 Wing Ding IX Knoxville, TN

1988 Wing Ding X Snowmass Village, CO

1989 Wing Ding XI Madison, WI

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 9

1990 Wing Ding XII Knoxville, TN

1991 Wing Ding XIII Tulsa, OK

1992 Wing Ding XIV Madison, WI

1993 Wing Ding XV Louisville, KY

1994 Wing Ding XVI Albuquerque, NM

1995 Wing Ding XVII Greenville, SC

1996 Wing Ding XVIII Madison, WI

1997 Wing Ding XIX Billings, MT

1998 Wing Ding XX Huntsville, AL

1999 Wing Ding XXI Springfield, MO

2000 Wing Ding XXII Billings, MT

2001 Wing Ding XXIII Greenville, SC

2002 Wing Ding XXIV Fort Wayne, IN

2003 Wing Ding XXV Madison, WI

2004 Wing Ding XXVI Grapevine, TX

2005 Wing Ding XXVII Ft. Wayne, IN

2006 Wing Ding XXIIX Nashville, TN

2007 Wing Ding XXIX Billings, MT

2008 Wing Ding XXX Greenville, SC

2009 Wing Ding XXXI Tulsa, OK

2010 Wing Ding XXXII Des Moines, IA

2011 Wing Ding XXXIII Knoxville, TN

2012 Wing Ding XXXIV Fort Wayne, IN

2013 Wing Ding XXXV Greenville, SC

2014 Wing Ding XXXVI Madison, W

Wing Ding 37 September 3rd - September 6th 2015

Wing Ding 37 September 3rd - September 6th 2015

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 10

Chapter A rides for June

Tousey House

A really unique little gem with some awesome sights along the way.

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 11

Historic Train Park and Rail Museum Photographs by John Main

John and Beth Flaherty and John Main went on this ride. They rode to Bowling Green, KY to the L&N depot and train museum. From there they went to Smokey Pig for some barbecue, and then the Lost River Cave. I have taken a few photographs he posted on our FB site and put them here.

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 12

From the Good Cooks or in this case, posted and stolen from FaceBook!

Easy Crock Pot Potato Soup


1 30oz. bag of frozen diced hash browns

1 32 oz box of chicken broth

1 can of cream of chicken soup (10 oz)

1 pkg. cream cheese (8 oz, not fat free)

3 oz bacon bits

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

salt and pepper to taste


Put the potatoes in the crock pot. Add in the chicken broth, cream of chicken soup and half of the

bacon bits. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Cook on low for 8 hours or until potatoes are tender.

An hour before serving, cut the cream cheese into small cubes. Place the cubes in the crock pot.

Mix a few times throughout the hour before serving.

Once the cream cheese is completely mixed in, it's ready to serve.

Top with cheddar cheese and some additional bacon bits.

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 13

Upcoming rides for Chapter A

July 12th Greyhound Tavern 2500 Dixie Highway FT Mitchell Ky. 10:00 AM, KSU 10:10 AM July 17th Cristi’s Cafe 12810 Dixie Hwy Valley Station, KY 40272 6:30 PM, KSU 6:40 PM July 25th Schimpff’s and Deli 347 Spring Street Jeffersonville In. 9:00 AM KSU 9:10 AM July 31st Mike Linnings 9308 Cane Run Road Louisville, KY 40258 7:00 PM KSU 7:10 PM

© Derby City Wing Riders Newsletter July 2015 14

All rides for Chapter A originate at the DQ at 9656 Bluegrass Pkwy.

KSU at the time posted on the ride.

Check the calendar for additional information. Copy and paste this link in your browser.

Regular Gathering times and locations for area chapters.

Chapter A Meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at Mark's Feed Store 6501 Bardstown Rd. Fern Creek Ky. 40291 Eat at 11:30 & meet at 12:30. Chapter B-1 Meet on the 4th Sunday of the month at Ryan’s 1921 Mel Browning St, Bowling Green, Ky. 42104 Eat @ 4:00 & meet @ 5:00. Chapter C Meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month at Roosters. 124 Marketplace Dr. Lexington, Ky. 40503 Eat @ 11:00 & meet @ 12:00 noon.

Chapter G Meet on the 2nd Tuesday at the Golden Corral, 4770 Houston Road, Florence, KY. Eat @ 6:00 & meet @ 7:00

Chapter H Meet on the 1st Friday of the month at UK Extension Shelby County Office 1117 Frankfort Road Shelbyville, Ky. Social Time @ 6:30 & meet @ 7:00

Chapter S Meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month at Golden Coral U.S. 31 W. Elizabethtown, Ky. Eat @ 4:00 & meet @ 5:00

Chapter T Meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month at Carriage House Ramada Inn Paintsville, Ky. Eat @ 6:00 & meet @ 7:00

Chapter W Meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Frisch's in London off Highway 192. Eat at 6:00 & meet @ 7:00

Chapter Y Meet on the 1st Thursday at Majestic Family Restaurant 700 S. 6th St. Mayfield, Ky. 42066 Eat @ 6:00 & meet @ 7:00

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