  • i

    .. -

    Andy Collins Eytan Bernstein Frank Brunner Owen K.C. Stephens John Snead















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    rllytuun: Crd&hton Broadhul'$t, Mary R. Hershey. Sterllng Hcrshcy, Neil Lance, Mikc Mohamkson, L indsay Mohandeson, Mark Smith. Owcn K.C. Stephcns Based 011 rhe odginal DUNGEO~'S & DRAGOS~ ru les creattd by E. Gary G)'gaJ.' and Da~ ArnC$Oll, lnd the new Dm-.'cPJ)ss& DIL\GOss game designed by }onathan Tw~t, Monte Cook. Skip WiUiams. Richard Blker, lnd Pctcr Adkisoll .

    . , . This prodoct uses updated material from thc dS revisidn. This Wrz..uos Of 1M.,. CoAST game prodU('t contain$ .J Opm Game Content. No portion oi th is wrk mar Ix rcproduttd in any form witbout .. ritten pcrmis.sion. To learn more about tile Opcn Gaming Littnsc and the d'20 S)'$tem LittnK', plcuc visit www. lIjurds.comjd'20. \

    . ~ ' V.s..CA~ADA, ASI .... 'ACJFIC, '" uns A"'E.lUCA Wiurdo .. . _ Cout.. l,.. r.o.lIoo: ';O'J ... n . .... WA 9f!Of7.(l107 ~iO

  • l ntroducto n .................................... 3 Chapter 1: Armar ...................... . .. . . . . . . 5

    Armor ProperllC's... . ..... 6 Spe

  • Ihal funClion primari ly as weapons (such as lhe rod ofplllllllg), bUI nOI Ihose wilhoUl such fu nclions, or whose weapon funClions are clearly secondary 10 Iheir Olher fUllClions (such as lhe rod Df IIlnlnrsS)-lhose are lools. Similarly, il doesn'l include offensive-based ilems Ihal aren'l wielded as weapons (such as lhe (rTdrl of bl1l5hrrg or lhe rronoolu/s of Bllarro)-such items are eilherdolhing or tools, based on whelher they're worn orjusl held.

    Clothing (Chapler 3): This calegory includes ali magic items Ihat must be \Vorn in order 10 function, olhcr Ihan magic armor and shields (which are in lhe armorcategory). The clothing cal-egory also indudes jewelry and similar baub[es. Most dOlhing items lake up a body slot (see page 2t8).

    Tools (Chapter4): This broad calegory indudes ali magic items Ihat must be held, consumed, or otherwise manipubted in order 10 function (talher than simply being wom), not induding items wielded as weapons. By definition, too[s don't occupy a body slOl; most bUl nOI ali mUSI Ix- held to be aCtivaled. Potiom, scrolls, wands, and staffs are a[so considered too[s.

    Item Sets (Chapler 5): This calegory indudes items Ihat fali imo al[ four of lhe c31egories described above. Rather Ihan spli l-ting Ihese seis up by ilem category, howcver, each comp[ele set is presenled logelher for easy reference.

    Using Magic Items (Chapler6): This chapter collects, revises, and expands various rules and guidelines for hand!ing magic items in pby, from placing lhe righl item in a Ireasure hoard 10 idemifying the item 10 w('aring it properly.

    Appendices: The book condudes wilh two seis of eXlensive lables lisling ali the magic ilems in this book 3S well as Ihose in lhe Dungron Ma,Ier's Gludr. The lables aredesigned toallow quick reference by DMs and pbyeu looking for jusl the righl ilem , as l\'ell as for random generalion of rreasure hoards.


    This book introouces anel\' format for describing magic items, which combines usefu! elements of past item formais with the familiar functionali tyof spell descriptions from lhe PJa)"rr"s Halld-book_ The new formal presenlS lhe most importanl information aboU! each item- how it's aClivared, how much il COSIS, where il'sworn, and what il does- in a simple, predictable byoullhal's easy to refer 10 during play.

    ITEM NAME Price (I tem Levei): The purchase price of lhe item, in

    go!d pieces (gp). The ilem's revel (see page 226) is given in parentheses.

    Body 5101 : The localion where lhe item is worn on lhe body (seI' Body 5101S, page 218). An enrry of - indicales lhe ilem need only be carried on lhe booy 10 function. An entry of - (held) indicales lhe ilem mUSI be physical!y held or manipubled (rather

    VOU CHANGED MY MAGIC ITEMS! Yes, we did. Chances are . if your cha racter owns a magic item Ihal doesn'l appear in the Dungeon Mos lU's Guide, sornelhing about that item-its price, activation, e ffect, or even ils body slot-is differenl here from when il was originally published. We didn'l change these ilems on a whim-the revisions he re are designed lo create a better overall game experience.

    If you own a magic item Ihal underwenl a draslic price

    than simply kepl in a pockel, pouch, or backpack) for ils power 10 function. Augment cryslals, a new Iype of magic ilem described on page 221, have an entryof -(armorcryslal),-(shield crystal), or - (weapon crysta!).

    Caster Levei: The ilem's caSler levei, mOSI oflen used 10 deter-mine ils resistance 10 dispel checks.

    Au ra: The ilem's aura slrenglh, which is revealed if 11 is sub-jected to a drlrr! ntllglr spell, follol\'ed by a semicolon. Nexl, in parenlheses, is the Spellcraft DC required lodetermine lhe school of magic, followed by lhe school or schools of magic associated with lhe ilem's aura (usually delermined by lhe spells listed in an item's prerequisiles). If lhe item requires only universal spells, or ir il requires no spells, Ihis reads "no school."

    If multiple spells of differenl schools are required, lhe item's aura is of lhe school of lhe highest-Ievel spell. when twO spells of different schools are equally high in 11"\'1"1, lhe entry menlions both schools.

    Activation: The Iype of aClion required to act ivale lhe ilem's effecl, along wilh whal the U5er must do to aClivale lhe item (see Activating Magic Items, page 219). An enlry of - indicales the ilem operales cont inuously, wi thoUI olny need for actiVollion.

    Weight: Item's weighl, in pounds. An emry of - indicates lhe ilem has a negligible weighl (less Ihan t/ 2 pound).

    A vrsua! Jlrsrnptron oflhe Ilrm, Tr

  • orfhe'~'~I~,.d;~~;~,';'., firsl and mOSI importam agalnsl enemies. NOI rnuch ca n compare with lhe effeclivcness of a m~gtcal[y

    enhanced (001 of lough lealher, slce! ringl, or swrdy piares. BUI lhe poU'ntial prorecrion of a sui! cf armoror shield doesn'! slopwith its c:nhancement bonus. 'rI,1is chaprc:rcoUecls douns

    of magical properries appliCllble toarmo~and shields, along wirh many specific suits of umor and'~hield5 consrrucred with a par-ticular ar[1lY of u~(ul properties.

    "My armor? +3 adama/llin/! Ifght fortificatiol1 fuI! p/ate. I wouldn'lleave 110m e willlOut il,-

    - Toroek

    Spia l Materia is: Five percent of armar or shields are marle of special materials,such u adamanlinc, darkwood, dngonbide, OI" milhnl. Tabks I- I rhrough 1-'f summariu lhe effects of lhe most common spedal malerials useCOSi 203 gp 257 gp

    Kardn ess and Mil Points: Each +1 of enhancemenr bonus adels 2 lo'lhe hardne!-S of asuirof armororshield , and 1010 ils hit poinl!. Only lhe armor or shield's enhance-menl bonus lO Armor Class applJes; spedal propenies with an enhancement bonus equivalenl for rhe purpose ofdetermining markel price don'1lncrease lhe hardness or hil poinls of armor or a shield.

    Arm o r Su b rypes: Some armoror mield emries ha\'e oi sublYpe, either"synergy or"Tec, in brackel$ follow-ing lheenlry's name. A synergy item bas a prerequisile, typically an exisling speclal properly already imbued inlO lhe .rmor 10 ~enh:mced. A relic Item has specia! eITec;tiveness for a charaCler de\"Oled 10 a pUlicubr deity. Additional rules forc.reating:lnd u.fing Ihese items appear in Chapter 6.

  • T ABLE 1- 4 : MIT HRAL A RMOR Arcane Ma~ Armor SpelJ

    De~ Check Failure


    Type Bonus Peno Chance Weight Cosi

    To add 3 special properfy 10 a shield or SUl t of armor, the shield or armor mus! already ha\'e al leas! 3 +1 enhancemen! bonus. A single suit of armor or shield cannol have a modified bonus (enhance-menl bonus plus speclal abilily bonus equivalents) higher Ihan +10, nor can ir have a markel price (not counting special materiais or lhe price of lhe masterwork armor or shield itself)of grealer Ihan 200,000 gp. For armor or shields Ihat exceed Ihese IimilS, see Epr( t"!lcI HlIlldbook

    Chain shirl +6 10% 12-1/2Ib. l,100gp Chainmail' +4 -2 20% 201b. 4.150 gp Breastplate\ +5 - 1 15% 151b. 4,200 gp Full plate1 +3 -3 25% 251b. 10,500 gp 1 Treared as light armor for the purpose of movement,

    proficiency, and olher limilalions. 2 Trealed as medium armor for the purpose of movemenl.

    proficiency, and olher limilalions.

    Unless nOled Olherwise in lhe property's Propeny enITy, each special property in Ihis chapler can be added ei ther 10 a suit of armor or shield. Some properties can be applied only 10 a particu-lar calegory, and are so nmed. A few properlies can be added only 10 a smaller subsel of a calegory (such as heavy armor); these are indic31ed in lhe ilem's Properly entry.

    ACID IC Price: +1 bonus Property: Armor or shield Cas ter Levei: 6th Aura : Moderale; (DC IS) conjuralion Activat ion: -

    Thls rlrm fUls 11 51r:-looknrg, grul1nh slwrll, Clt1d 11 IIglll, IIfT1d-smrJlll1g mlsl romlrH1lly rrSts fr01l1 ris srrrfau_

    A Ihin film of acid continuously covers lhe surface of Ihis armoror shield, which is nOI damaged by Ihis effecl. An acidic suil of armoror shield deals 2M points of acid damage per (ull round of conlaCI 10 each opponent grappling you, and 10 any object Ihal remains in direct COntaCI wilh il (excepI objects you are holding) for Ihal amOllnt of lime. However, lhe acid deals no damage 10 creatures or objecls Ihal remain in contac! lVilh il (or less Ihan a full round, such as when a creature makes a melee aHack againSI you.

    PrCI"f'lur,II.,s: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, Mrlfl

  • The aporrer propeny func lions IWO limes per day.

    P"'rtquliI/rs: CT1Ift Magic Arms and Armor, drmm5rOll doar.

    CosI lO Crra/r: 10,OOOgp, 800XP, 2odays.

    AVERTER Price: +13,000 gp Property: Shil'ld Caste r Levei: 51h Aura: faim; (DC 17) enchamml'nl At livalion: s I3ndard (ml'nlal)

    TIrll fil1dy IVroughl b!lId~ s/ur'" elllal1al(j /lU aum of bardy rOlllalllrd IIIfllllCt.

    when you aClivale an 3Vl'rtl'r shield. ali tnl'mies who can seI' it must succeed on DC 14 Willsavesorbeovercome bya pow-erfulaversion 10 the shield. for the nex t 3 rounds, affecled creaturesdo nOI approach wllhin 30 fl'e l of )'ou. This effecl is a mind-affecting compulsion ability.

    The avener propeny funetions Ihree times per day.

    Prrrtlj1ll511r5: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, JU"tJ/IIJ11 or /lIIf'nlOIl (EPH 79).

    CosI lo Crtil/e: 6,500 gp, 520 XP, 13 days.

    AXEBLOCK Price: +2 bonus Properly: Armor or shield CaSler Leve i: 7th Aura: ~ Ioderale; (DC 18) abjur:uion Activalion: -

    TIlt !urfllCt fJf /lrrJ rlrm ilPpta rI k'Tnllrd, lporl-Irlg hUl1drr,11 fJf /my.lmlfdrkr rdgn

    An axeblock shield or suit of armor magi-ully turns away slashing weapons, such u axes and mOSI swords, While wearing umor or carrying a shield lhal has this properly, you gain damage reduction 51 bludgeoning or piercing.

    Prrrl'quurlrl: Craft t.lagic Arms and Armor,IIOlltlkrn.

    Colllo Crra/r: Vuies.

    BALANCE Prite: +3,750 gp Propeny: Armor CaSler l evei: 5,h Aura: fain t; (DC 17) abjurarion Att ivation: -

    Tlm rlrgaut IITlllfJr apptllTl IIrI'allllrnr,1 )'tI lllmlr. 1/1 IUrfllCt 11 duomlrd wl/h prrflk', ptrfu/ly IYlllll1rlTl(al, gtom(lrrr deJlgtl!.

    While wearing armor Ihal has ,his prop-erly, you gain a +5 COmpelenCe bonus on Balance checks.

    PrI'rtqlllJlIN: CT1Ifl Magic Arms and Armor, balllll(lIIg IfJITmU (SC 23).

    CosI lo Crtlllc. 1,875 gp, 150 X P, 4 day5.


    Price: +18,750 gp Caster Levei: 15th Aura: Strong; (DC 22) abjuTalion Synergy Prerequisite: Improved


    As the balance property, exeeptl he armor granlS a +t5 competenee bonus on Bal ance eheeks.

    CosI 10Cmllr: 9,375 gp, 750 XP, 19 days.


    Price: +1 1,250 gp Caster Le"eI: 10th Aura: Moderale; (DC 20) abjuration Synergy Prerequisile : Balance

    As lhe balance property, excepl the armar granlS a +10 compelence bonus on Bal-ance checks.

    COSllfJ C",alc. 5,625 gp, 450 XP, t2 days.

    BANE BLlN D Price: +15,000 gp Property: Armor Caste r Levei: 7th Aura: Moderate; (De 18) illusion Activation: Swifl (menlal )

    1'1115 armfJr 11 p

  • BLlNKING Price: +15,OOOgp Propt'rr y: Armor Casler LeveI: IOlh Aura: M oder:ucj (DC 20) lr:lnsmm3l ion Activalion: Standard (com mand)

    ParI! Df lIus stllulnullparml MlnOr Sf(1II lo fllJr UI ~tlr:I oul OftXlSlrurr, !hrrrallr momrnl

    ~ndgollt Ihr nul.

    when you aCliv3rc armor Ihal has Ihis property, you can "blink" back and forlh bCllveen lhe Maleriall'lanea nd lhe Elhe-real l)bne. as ir affeCl(~d by a bJmk spell.

    The blinking propen y fun clions onee per Jay, and lhe em'cl 13slS fOf I minutc.

    PTfuqlH$ltrs: Craf, Magic Arms ~nd Armor, blmk.

    CO!l to CI1'1I Ir: 7,500 gp, 600 XP, 15 days.

    BLUESHINE !'rice: +1 ,500 gp PrepeTl y: t.l ela l armor Casfer Le vei : 121h Aura: Slrong: (De 21) abJur.lfion ACliv;uion : -

    l1l1Jllrmorgllllrnlwdh" MlI(bllld: dll't'n,lII If rlll'f'l1' (ollt'ml UI orlr Ir'llml SlIJrplurt. A suil af armar 1mbued wilh Ihis prop-erly never l:trnlsht's ~nd is immune 10 acid damage and rus ling t'ffecls. whilt' wearing blueshine armor, you gain a +2 eompeu'nce bonus on H ide checks.

    Prtrrlpusllrl: Cnft Magic Arms and Armor, Cr..fl (a1chemy) 5 ranks.

    CosI lo Cren te: 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days.

    BLURRING Price: +1 bonus Properl y: Armor Caste r Levei: 51h Au ra: Fain!; (DC 17) i\!usion Activation: 5wifl (comma nd)

    TllI! armor IIPJ>t'lIrs lIuluhnrl, li! Ihougll IIs tdgt's lI'rrt Imrllrt,1.

    wht'n you ~cliva t t' chis armar, your appeannce becomes dlSl0rled and hny, as if you \Vere affecled by ~ blurspell.

    The blurring property funcllons Ihrt'e limes per day, and Iht' t'ffeel la51s for 5 rounds.

    PrflTquullrs: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, blur.

    Cosi lo C,."lr: Vujes.


    Price: +2 bonus Casler Levei: 121h Aura : 5crong; (DC 21) i\lusion 5ynergy Prerequisile: Blurring

    A hghl mlll surroulIJI IluI arlllor, obsturmg Ih (Xael drllllll.

    As blurring armor, exct'pl Ihal lhe effecl"s dunuion is 10 mimues, and you can 3Cli-vau' lhe blurring properly any nllmber of limes per day.

    CosI lo Crrnte: Varies.

    BUOYANT Price: +4,000 g p Pro perty: Armor CaSle r Levei: 5ch Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) lransmUla!ion AClivation: -

    Tlus ""mh mrlnlllrlllor SUIIIS oddly IlgM m yuur hand5, U'l lll a hqlllll shun.

    This armor is blloyam in waler or similar Iiqll ids. Armor Ihal has Ih is property does nOlapply an armor check penah y on your 5wim checks. Addilionally, il granlS you a +2 compecence bonus on Swim ehecks while you wearil.

    Prrrrqul5lles: Cr:tfl '\\agic Arms and Armor, SWIIII (SC 217).

    CosI lo ClTalr: 2,000 gp. 160 X P, 4 days.

    CALLED Price: +2,000 gp Prope rty: Armoror shield Caster Le vei: 91h Aura: Mooerace;(DC 19)conjur:tcion Activalion : Slandard (command)

    AI firs l gla'lu, IIlIs aTIIU)ror sllIrM loob 'Ih II"Y ol llH IleUl of Ih /uni/. Clo5t""r mlpt'(holl ITllf'lls a smlln IInngr of n ""(.!:oulIIg ",md 1115(""".1 ou IIs surf"ft.

    provide-d Ihat you and your e~lled armor or shield are on Iht' same plane, you can eall il 10you by speaking lhe' propercom-mand word, regardlessof lhe imervenmg dislance. lf you aren'l wearing armor ai lhe r tme, a sUlr of called armar appeaTS on you r body, as chough you had donned il in lhe normal fashion. I f you are wearing OI her armor when )"OU speak lhe eommand word, lhe called armor appea rs in your space o r in a n adjact'nt spaee you dl yOll {nOI inclllding yoursel0 galns a +1 ., morale bonllson willsa\'es. HO\\'e\'er, che .. sh iny fini sh makes yOll so nOliceable Ihal yoll a1so lake a -5 penahy on Hidechecks (in addirion 10 lhe normal armor check pena1ty).

    PrrrrqlllSllrs: Cr:tfc Magic Arms and Armor, f'lglr's sJ)lrndor.

    Cosi lo Crr'll r: 1,000 gp, 80 X P, 2 days.

    DAYLlGHT l' r ice: +3,000 gp Propcrl y: Armor or shield CaSle r .Leve l: 5ch Aura : Fainc; (De 17) evocalion ACl ivatio n: Swifl (command)

    llUf bnghtly pollshtd 1/1'111 ""nN au IIl1agt" af lhe 11111 ,,"d lias a 8Old(ll Img.".

    wht'n acl ivall, a suil of armor or a shield Ihal has Ihis properly g lows wilh lhe brilHance of a dayllgM spell. This effecl funclions for up 10 30 mimlles per day, blll lhe duralon need nOI be continuous; yOIl un lurn the effeel off wilh a SWlfl aClion.

    Prrrrqumles: Crafc Magic Arms and Armor, dayllg/ll.

    CClsl lo Cr,',llr: 1,500 SP, 120 XP, 3 days.

  • OEATH WARO Price: -+-1 bonus Proper ly: Armorer shield Casle r Levei: 7th Aura : Moder:llc; (DC 18)

    necromancy AClivario n : Immedi3 ' t'


    Tlul blurl:tmuntltd "tm 11M li ITllIuIU(f1l1 qCHllr!y, 115 through " II'fTt 1101 tnhrf/Y oi Um lI'orM. 5111(111, 11'1111,' HlI(lgtl oi 51.:ul/, ,I('rorale Ihr Ilmlor', shouldrrs, liI,t grol,'squr CJ'fI u/tl!,

    against brt'"ath weapons. when-ever a breath weapon would normally allow rou a Reflex uving throw for h3 1f damage, )'Ou instead take no damage on a sueeessful sa\e.

    PrHtquurlrs: Craf, Magic Arms and Armor, {(Ifs grou.

    CoSI lo Cmllr: Varies.

    EASYTRAVE L Priee: +1,500 gp ))roperty: Armor Caster Level: 5th Aura: Faint; (DC 17)

    transmUlJ l ion Activation : -

    TIIIS armor .k'nns lo 1t't'lgh I.'ss rlII111 11 sllOuld.

    Armor and shclds Ihal have Ihis propertr are favored by Ihose dedicaled \O fighting lhe foul arE of necromancy. While wearing or using death ward armor or a dC31h waro shield, you (an :letivale lhe umar 10 ignore any dealh

    +1 me"",,!. ' '''1.e sttt"l shit"l, ~ 1 ""(IT,,,!. lMall 'Ul1N1lit!n shiel, +111'lIrri,,!. spikr fi ,1I pl .. /t

    w hen we3fing armor that has Ihis property, you ean earry up to a medium \oad as if it were a lighl load (ignoring the mni efft'magical dealh ef(eels, and energy drain) or n .. galive energy efreel (such as rufll(f spells or ('"Utou!!,).

    The deal h W;I rd propeny funclions once per dar,

    Prtrf'lUlfllts: Cnf, Magic Arms ano Armor, dtolh LI'lIm.

    CosI lO Cmllt: Varies.

    OEEPOWELLER Price: +12,000 gp Property: Armor Cas te r Leve!: 9th Aura : Moderate; (DC 19) Iransm1ll31ion Activation: -

    OI/fi blar];, tllr ILIbslallu of rins

  • ECTOPlASMIC WAll Price: +2 bonus Propeny: Shidd Caster Levei : IlIh Aura: t.'loder.ue; (DC 20) conjur.nion Acrivation: Sl~ndard (comm3nd)

    lmpem'J 0[01 JubdallU UI pai, lU lo bt ITIIIIS-pal'l'lll, Ih II Ihleld 11M [our protrulIOIlS l11Oul1d I!lr Tlm '''~I "old ., of[tllr graun" tvtn whtrt .'11 Imd [au down. when yOll aClivalC a shield Ihal has ,his properly and drop il 31 yallr [cel, a ..... all af eClop!asm comes imo hei ng, as I hough ere-aled by lhe 1\'1111 01 nlOr'.,m, psionic power. The IVall has ali area of up 10 ten 10-[001 squares or forms 3 sphere or hemisphere wilh a radius of up !O 10 reeI. The shield is lhe poim of origin for lhe ef[eCl. Once crealeJ, lhe wall is 5tal ionar)'.

    The \Vali of {,Clopl35m is 2 inches ,hick and has 20 hit poinrs and hardness S. The Slrenglh check De to bruk Ihrough lhe ""'311 ls 19. The w~1I can be dispel!~d, bUI checks 10 dispel it ~r~ made wilh ~ - 4 penah y. Spells, powers, ~nd mOSI ~ffee l s c~n't pau through Ih~ opaque wall, nor c~n elher~akre~lures, bUl LI doesn'l block leleporlalion.

    The ecloplasmic wall properly func-1I0ns once per day; lhe ~ffecl bsts for 7 rounds or unlil you pick up lhe shield.

    PTt'rI'qwults.: Crafl ~hgie Arms and Armor, lI'all flf rrol! or 1t'all flf ulflplamr (EPH 140).

    CfI!llfI CrI'alr: Vari~s.


    Pric~: +1 bonus Property: Armor or shield Cas l~r L~vel : 10th Aura: Modent~; (DC 20) ~'IOCation AClivalion: Immediate (eommand) Synergy Prerequisite: Energr

    resiSlance, impro~d energy resistance, or greater ~nergr resistanee

    nus rlrm fN.aN a slylrud dtmrnllll "1fI11f. HOlt'tlltr, ris JllIl!gti anti sprkrs lurlrelllr 11111/11 lias somt offtnsrvt wpIlltrlrly as II"rll.

    This umor continues 10 give you th~ benefll of il5 prerequisite property. In addilion, while wearing or uSlng this kind of armor or shield, you can wrealhe it in lhe type of energy specified by its energr resislance. while this effecI is aClive, anr crealure Ihat slrikes you wilh a n3lura[ weapon, unarmed allack, or nonreaeh

    manufaclured mell'C' weapon deals normal damage but also lakes Id6+1O poinlS of energy damage of the specified Iype.

    The energy defense properly funClions Ihree limes per day. Th~ effecl laSIS for 5 rounds or until rou dismiss it (a swifl aClion).

    PrI'rtqlmrlts: Crafl Magie Arms and Armor,fire sJudd, rtllJl tlltrg)'.

    Cosi lo Crelllt: Vuies.

    ENERGY IMMUNITY Priee: +2 bonus Property: Armor or shield Caster Levei: 131h Aura: Strong; (De 21) abjuT3lion Activation: Immediale (mental)

    Tllrs rlelll rs drcomltd IVrllr tlnrrrrrllll lIIalr[l. No pIlrtreulare!rlllrnlls f

  • Pl1'l1'ifllrsrl~: Crart Magic Arms and Armor, ,urbl1'alhll1g(SC 8).

    Col! lo Cl1'alr: 3,000 gp, 240 X P, 6 days.

    HAMMERBLOCK Price: +2 bonus Properly: Armoror shield Ca51er Levei: 71h Aura:;(DC 18) abjumion Activation: -

    TIlf lurfaft of 11m IIem 1I rOl'fl'l'd 11111/1 a pat-Itrn of hny mdrnlaholll.

    A hammerblock shield or suit of armor magiea!!y turns away bludgeoning weap-ons, sueh as maces and dubs. While wearing armor or earrying a shield thal has this property, you gain damage reduc-tion 5/piercing or slashing.

    PrerrqurSlltl: Crafl Magie Arms and Armor, sIOllrlJ.:ut.

    COII lo Crralt: Varies.

    HEALlNG Priee: +8,000 gp Propert y: Armor Ca5te r Levei: 51h Aura: Fainl;(DC 17)conjunllion AClival ion: Swif, (command) and -;

    see lext

    Thu (lrmar hus a fllml ga/dtll Ihul!, IIl1d ris surfau Utmboutd wr/JI htallllg Tlmrs. 011 lI, br("'ISIplalr 1111 drplrlllm of 1111 0f'('1I tft.

    when aCliva led, armor thal has this prop-erly hea ls you of2ds+5 poinlS of damage. I f your hit points are reduced 10 - I to -9, this erreel occurs aUlOmalically, without requiring any 3C1ion.

    The healing propen y funetio ns onee perday.

    Prerrqullllrl: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,TIIr(" modfmlr lI'oulld,.

    COII lo Crralt: 4,000 gp, 320 X P, 8 days.

    HEALlNG1 GREATER [SYNERGY Price: +24,000 gp Caster levei : 151h Aura: Slrong;(DC 22) eonjul'alion Synergy Prerequisi te: Healing

    As healing armor, exeepl Ihat greaTer huling armor he.1ls)'Ou or3

  • Tendrrls 01 drnst blall.: smo/;:r IIrram lTOII! el~ry opemllg !fi I/ns dar/;: armor, obsnmllg 1111 dellUl.


  • shie1d's enh:lncemem bonus (bUl not irs effeetive bonus from Ihis or olher special propertles) la Ihis base damage.

    Afler you have Ihrown il, a r:mged shie1d flies Ihrough lhe air back 10 you. 1I relurns jusI before your nexI lurn (and is Iherefore ready 10 use again on Ihal lurn~ Vou do nOI benefil from ils Shle1d bonus 10AC while il is nOI in your possession.

    Calchinga r:mged shield when ir comes back is a freI.' aellon. If you can'l e31ch il,or if you have moved sinee Ihrowing it, rhe shie1d drops la lhe ground in lhe square from which il was thrown.

    Prrll''1U1l1lrl: Cr:lfl Magic Arms and Armar, "urJ (SC 1\7) ar far haud (EPH \06).

    CosI lo Crcillr: Varies.

    RETALlATION I)rice: +2 bonus Propert y: Armar Cas ter Levei: 9th Aura : Modeule; (DC 19) necromancy AClivation: -

    TIlr UlrfMt 01 tlUlllrmor ro,ls wllh Pflllup tur18Y

    A suil of armor Ihat has this property strikes back at foes who hit hard in meleI.'. While \\"euing relaliallon armar, each time you take 100rmorepoinlsofdamage from a single me1ee auack, lhe armordeals Id6 poinlsof damage tO lhe atlacker. I( a single meleI' alt3ck drops your hit points below O, lhe armar strikes the allacker (ar 3d6 pointS of damage.

    Damage (rom renlialion armar is In:aled as magic for the purpose of over eoming damage reducl ion.

    Prrrc'JUI.,I,'I: Cr:;Jfl Magic Arms and Armar. syml'Ol of p,lIIl.

    Cosi lo Crrulr: Varies.

    ROARING I)rice: +3 bonus Properl y: Armar C.aster Leo veol: 13lh Aura: Strong; (DC 21 ) divinalion AClivation: -

    Tht Stulplr,1 VI5IIgr of li drllgou IIdorllS Ih, (ltrsll'ltrt 01 "us glram"'g armor. Embel 1l5h,ttfuls m Ihr slll1rN oi r/aws 111111 dra(omr \VIIIgs

  • STAMIN A Price: -+-500 gp Property: Armar Casler Levei: 5th Aura: Faint; (DC 17) Iransmul:lIion Anjv3lion: -

    l1us !lrmor appt'


    Th!' following suj ls of armor and shiclds 3rt usually conslructed w[lh exact1y lhe properlies described here. Vou can Lncrease lhe enhancement bonus of thes!' armors and shields or add more specia! propenies. juS! 3S yOIl lI'ould for any olher item,

    The ilcms in this se

  • DRAGONRIDER ARMOR Prie(hem Levei): 18,300gp (ISlh) Body 5101: Body CUler LeveI: 51h Au ra: Faln!; (DC 171lr~nsmuulion Actival ion: -Weighl : 50 Ih.

    TIII! /lrmor Sitm! lo IH- 1I!~,lt Imm old. lI'~ml dragou Im/ti, II'llld, gllli' Ir 1I r1r,uIII111y ruslrr /ook.

    This sul! of +lllmgolllmlr full pl!lrr is mllde (rom C3SI-0(( scales r:uher Ihan lhe hide of li slain dragon. While wearing il, you h3\1C T('sis l3nce 10 againSI lhe form of cn('rgy associ31 .. d with lhe bre:llh wc~pon of lhe dragon Ihal provided lhe scales (such as fire. in lhe case Df red dragonriJer armor). You also gain li +5 competence bonus on Ridt' chcs yOll make whi1e riJing :lny ((CaTUre Df lhe dragon Iype.

    In addifion, Ilmgollrulrr IIrlllor 3UIOm31 i-ca!ly produces li fcalher fali effecl (as lhe

    ft~rhtrf.l!1 spell) ir}'Ou (:lI! more lha" 5 feel while wearing i!.

    Prrrrqulirlts: Cr:lft t.'I ~gie "rms and Armor, tal'l grau.

    Cml lo Crralr: 7,500 gp (plus 3,300 gp for dr:lgonhide full plate), 600 XP, 15 days.

    EARTHPLATE ARMO R Priee (h e.m Levei): 41,650 gp (17th) 80dy 510 t : Body CaSle r Levei: 91h Aura: Moder.ue; (DC 19) conJur:Jlion Act ivalion; 5tandard (command) Weighl; 70 Ih.

    AI jirsl g/anu, 1/115 mil olfull p/urr /oohjill/ty (md 111 krpl. 0/1 r/oSl" txammllholl,)'I'u (11/1 lU " ri r .... '>t',,/y (mflr,l, anil w/lllluPI>t'urs lo &edl" l5adually !lh'(O/orofUtr mrlalllself A b/lUk (r)'SIII/ s/lIInll5 sellulrIZlHllally 11110 Ilrr fmnl of !Itr armor dCrDSS !Itr am/Omfn. Rllnrl 111 !llr Gllom"/allgullgf mllrk 11i gn'lIvrl a1U/ g'\UIIII'/s.lIl1d 111( flr(tIIHt of fr"lh l'llrllr 1,'

  • Zo"'/1! hidl! """'.1r

    EXOSKELETON ARMOR Price (Item Le vei): 21,350 gp (15Ih) Body 5101: Body CaSler Le vei: 51h Aura: Faim; (DC 17) necromancy ACl iv3l ion : -Weig hl: 30 Ih.

    PTI'pdl"l'd froll1 Ihr 1"I'II10lns fJf' ln (I'IIII1~lfll skd flon, Ih 1I Arll1fJr (fJVtrs lhe IIppt'r bC1!ly 1

  • This SIIil of +llr,lIlrrrallows yOll 10 make up 10 Ihree louch ~tlack$ per day Ihat replic~le lhe glloul 10u(II spell (Forl DC 15 negales).

    Prrrt1jlUsllrs: Cr.lft Magic Arms ~nd Armor, {lTlllr IlIIdflld, Knowledge (reli-gion) 5 r.lnks.

    CosI/o Cn-lIl r: 5,000 gp (plus 160 gp for maSlerwork le~lherl, 400 X P, 10 days.


    Priee (Ilem Levei ): 12,/75 gp (13th) Body s lo t: Body Caste r Levei: 91h Aura: Moderale; (DC 19) lr3nsmmalion Aelivat ion: - and swifl (eom mand) Weight: 20 lb.

    rIns IIU/ (lf urmor 11 (ov~ml !ly a la)'l'T of glg,mlre gol,ltr! ftaUlal Ihal S(WI /(1 sJUllllllrr m tllt'ulllt,llmmrslllghl.

    while wearing this +1 Jluddrd 1rlllllrT armor, yOll gain a continuous +5 eompe-Itnee bonus on Spol ehecks. In addilion, Iht armor has 1""0 other speci~l ~bilnies.

    Onee perday, )'OU e~n XllVoIlt Iht armar to g~in a +4 enh~nctmenl bonus 10 your Charisma for 9 minUles.

    Three times per day, you (an cause lhe ~rmor lO Sproul wings, allowing rou 10 ny ai a speed of 60 fee l (good maneuvel"'" abililY) for 5 rounds.

    The special properues o( a suil o(IUllI'k-frllllltrllrmllrfuncllon normallywhile you are in wild shape (although 11 does nOI gr.lnl ils armor bonus 10 AC). Th is armor inc\udes no melai pariS, and Ihus druids are nOI prohibiled from wearing il.

    PTrTf"'luISllrs: Crafl Magie Arms and Armor, fllSlls Splfudor, wild shape.

    CO$llo Crrall': 6,000 gp (plus /75 gp for maslerwork sludded lealher), 480 XP, /2 days.

    KYTON ARMOR Prite (Item Levei): 13, [00 gp (14Ih) Body Slol: Body Caster Levei: 11th Aura: Model":lle; (DC 20)

    IransmUlalion Aetivuion: Swift (command) Weight: 121b.

    11m armorofblack dlom 1mb IHU obvl(lll5ly j('rII !IMily ust: Flllr loug IrngUu (lf (hom , lo II'Iurh mUIy-lookmg b.lrbl ,md nu,,1I bI"dn ort offixtd, IIOVf IlUMlIt'ltd IInd 110ll'dllllgle ffl't from lhe bollom (lf lhe rhesl plrU.

    Thls sull of armor funClions as a + 1 IIfllhMI dnrl. when you aelivale il, one of the dangling chains makes one meleI" attack (using your bast' :l1 1:lek bonus) againSI an adjacenl ereature of

    your choice. The ehain deals Id6 poinls ofbludgeoning damage (no Slr bonus on

    d~ mage), and is Irealed as a magic weapon with an enhancemenl bonus equallO lhe

    ~rmor's enhancemenl bonus 10 AC. PTf"rtqwsrltJ: Cra(1 ~'l3gic Arms and

    Armor, al1lmo:tlt obJtlls. CoslloCrtolt:6,OOO gp (plus /,100 gp for

    milhral shirt), 480 XP, 12 days.

    Aj/(J/I armar


    !'rie", (Item Levei): 8, I 50 gp (12Ih) Booy 5101: Body Cas ter Levei: 20lh Aura: Slrong; (De 25) conjUnllion Act ivation: -Weight : 20 Ih.

    11115 lIut oi aflllor [trls hkt nulllm! (11,,111-!limIto Ihr /(1ll,11. bulll! mrnu$tldr rll1gl IITf (I pIIlr gutll rolar tlwl tunl bTlghlrr whol exposed lo lhe SIIl1. Ir you are chaol ic good, chaOlic neutnl, ar neutral good. "ul/el1lu,,! rhllmmarl functions as +1 mlrlml! (hallllnall ",hi!e yOll wear i!. 1t is consirlered Hghl armor and has a muimum DexterilY oonus af +8, an armorcheck penalty af -2, :md an arcan'" spell failure c hance af 15'\,.

    Relic Powcr: Ir you h:l\'c eSlablished lhe proper divineconnection. a sui l af mll-Itnmal dlammllrl painlessly ('>:Iends 'iny green roOlS imo your skin ",hen you don il. This eCfecl grams you fasl healing 3 as \on8 as yOll are in brighter than shadowy illumination.

    Touse the rellc Jl'O'""er,)'OU must worship Corellon Luethian and eil her 5auifice li 4th-leveI divine spel l slol or h3ve the True Beljever fea l md at lea5t 7 H O.

    Lore: The original suir of 11111101111111 rhllmmllrl WllS creatoo by li dryad deric for her 10\'er, an e1f hem who kept rhe surmunding woodbnds sa fe . Upon lhe elfs dealh, lhe armor WllS consecrated 10 Corellon Larelhian, whodupliuled it for se\'enl ofhis chosen heroes (Knowledge [religionJ OC 20).

    PrntqulSllfS: Cnfr Magic Arms and Armor, 5anclify Relic, r,'gtllmllt.

    CosI lo Crt'lIlt: 2.000gp (plus 4,150gp for mi thnl chainmail). 160 XP, 4 days.

    MITHRALMIST SHIRT Price (Ite m Levei): 3,400 gp (8th) Body 5101: Body Casler Levei: 6th Aura : Moderate; (DC 18) conjurarion Activatio n : 5wifr (mental) Weighl : \O Ib.

    Tlm drlrw/t/oobllg {lrllHl ihrrl ri forgNI from a selwr-lI'll1lr llul1ml/lll1oy Ihal glcam! /tkt slarllgM.

    Up toseven times perday. you can activate Ihis +1 mtllmll slml to fi 11 rour space with a billowingsilver misto This gleaming fog granls you roncealmtnt againsl allacks


    but does nOl inlerfere wit h your vision. The mis l laSls for I minute per activalion, anu il remains in lhe space where rou aClivalOO tht effecl (il doesn'l mo\'

  • II'f ~PJlfaran(t of faflgrd rrpldw!! heali!. Us 10th loob IIkr a lO!ltd IlIakt, and a grmrlkr s/llltd fyt Ifarel oul f TOm lhe gorgtf. ThiS +1 Icalher provides you wilh a +1 resistance bonus on Rene" savi ng Ihrows. While you we~r ir, yougain lhe benefi, of rhe Combal Renexes feal.

    Prtrt ljUlIIIN: Cnfl Magic Afms ~nd Armol, (a!'! gmlt.

    CosI lo Cr(

  • Despile ils mOlley :l.ppearanee,:I. slllrld of Ihr rrsolulr is a bulwark of aefense. 11 fune-lions as a +1 Irgl rl forlrfi((llroll Ire,wy ,mllrral slllrl'/, providrd Ihaf you are lawfu l good, neUlral good, or lawful neutral.

    Re.lic Power: If you have esublished lhe proper divi ne eon necl ion,:I. $lnt!!! of /Itr rrwlult lerrorizes enemies of I he dwarves. E\'ery goblinoid and gianl within 30 feel of you Ihal gazes upon lhe sh ield mUSI succeed on a DC 17 will save or be shaken (if its Hil Dice are equal 10 or gre31er Ihan )'ours) or frighlened (ifi! has fewer Hil Dice Ihan yOll do) for 2 rounas. This effecl funtions like 3 gne 3uack, 50 lhe $a\es mUSI be made 31 lhe beginning of rach affectea crealure's lum every mund, unless ir lakes measures to avoid seeing lhe shield (see D.\IC 294 for gaze allaek rules). Unlike with a frue gaze altack, you can'l use a standard action on your !urn 10 use Ihis effeCl ag:l.in51 a ere:l.lure. Once a ereature hu failed the $ave, Ihr shidd's power has no furlher effeel on Ihal crea-IUfe for 24 hours.

    To use the relie power, )'OU must worship Moradin and rit her sacrince a 6th-le\'d divine spell slolor ha\"e l he True Belie\'er feat anaal least 11 HD.

    Lore: SllIrMs Df lhe I'I'so!ult are said 10 be assemblea from pieces of lhe shields caHied by dwarves who fell in baule defending their homelands. whrn lhe 50ul Forger galhers Iheir souls, he creates these shields in his forge in remembrance of Iheir valor (Knowledge rrdigion] DC 20).

    Prarqumlrl; Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, 5a ncl ify Relic,fear, lll11lled 1I'lslI or IIIlT(u!r.

    CosI lo Crralr: 2,250 gp (plus 1,020gp for heavy milhral shield), 180 XP, 5 days.


    Price (Item Levei): 4,657 gp (9t h) Body 510 t: - (held) Caster Levei: 20th Au.ra: Strong; (DC 25) evocalion Act ivation: Immediate (command) Weighl : 10 Ib.

    1"llIs hClIVy worn/cll slurld rs tlllblnzom,1 wllh n gory Jralldpmll alld dcrom ltll wllh bloody sYll1bols. 1"llr b!oody rnnrks ~ppt'ar fl'l'sh IInllll~'I.

    This gory hem is favored by ores for il5 shock v~lue to enemies, as well as for ils special properties. A slurld of Ihr stl'rm/ IlnlHl functions as a +1 ImlVy IVoodrll dltrlll if yOll are chaolic evil, chaotic neUl~I, or neUlra[ eviL

    Re lic Power: If you have eSlab-lished lhe properdivineconneclLon, you can actiV3!e this shield tO make an immediate buli rush ~"empt (wi th a +4 oonuson theS!renglh

    ehrck) against an adjacenc oppo-nent lha, has juSt alf~ckea rou in

    melee. This aclion does nOI provoke an alladt of opportunity from Ihal opponent. You can', fali prone during this anempl, and you can'! follow lhe opponenl if you pllsh it back.

    1"0 use lhe relie power, you mllSI worship Gruumsh and either sacrifice

    a -uh-levei dlvine spell 5101 or have lhe True Believer fea l and at leas! 7 H D.

    Lore: The original sltldtl of Iht stvtrr,/ IIl11u/ was created when an ore wurior chopped off the hand of an elf king and mou nted il on his shield. Upon lhe warrior"s death, lhe sh ield was plaeed on his blazing fune~1 pyre. Aflcrward, I W3S found int3et amid lhe ashes, slill hearing lhe paIm prinl ofils grisly burden (Knowl-edge 11"t'ligionj De 20).

    Sbidd Df ,IN srurrd h'lnd Prrrrqumlrs: C~fl Magic Arms and

    Armor, Sanclify Relie, Blgbys forrrfulll~ml. Cod lo Crralr: 2,250 gp (plus 157 gp

    for masterwork heavy wooJen shirld), 180 XP, S days.

    TIGERSKIN ARMOR Pr ice (It em Levei): 17,100 gp (14 th) Body Slo l: Body Casfe r Levei: 9th Au.ra: Mode~te; (De 19) lunsmUlation AClivation: - and swifl (eommand) Weight: 25 Ib.

    Slrr/'l',1 fur, iIIltllmg II1lddyuf somr gl'l'lll ""~sl, nlvrrs 11m dUUlI slml.

    while wearing Ihis +1 /I11111r

  • TitP 'Iltin Armor

    In addilion, lhe armor has Ihree olher special abililies.

    Once per day, you can aC! ivate lhe armor logain li +4 enhancement bonus 10 [)ext!'r-uyfor9minules.

    Two limes per day, you can aC!ivale lhe armor 10 gain l he seem spedal quali ly (,\IM 314) for 5 rounds.

    Three limes perday on command, lhe armor allows you 10SproUI a pairof elaws. These elaws deal Id4 points of damage each (assuming you are Medium) and eXlend your nJlUral reJch by 5 fee l. You tan mack wilh bolh elaws as Ihough Ihey \\"eTC ptimary nalural weapons. Alterna-lively, you can use li single elaw 10 make an allxk as a nalur.ll ~condary weapon (-50n lhe amck roll, no effeC! on your olher allacks). If you charge a foe, you un altack wilh bolh cbws aI lhe end of lhe charge. These elaws last for 5 rounds.

    Ihe special propenies of a suil of Ilgtrskrn arm(lr funC!ion normalJy whi[e)'Ou are in wild shape (although it does nOI gr:lnl ils armor bonus 10 AC~ Despile ils milhral conslruC!ion, druids are nOI prohibiled from wear~ ing Ihis armor.

    Prtrtqwsrles: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, (/ll"5 grau, wild shape.

    CosI lo Cuali: 8,000 gp (plus 1,100 gp for mrthr:ll shirt), 640 X P, 16 days.

    VAMPIRE HIDE ARMOR Price (Ite m Level): 21,175 gp (17Ih) 1J0dy Slol: Body Casler Le vel: 12th Aura: Slrong; (DC 21) necromancy Acr ivalion: -Weighl: 30 Ih.

    nus armor u pr(p!lm' lrom a 5111gle layir 01 II

  • WRAPPED TOWER Price (Item Levei): 6,180 gp (10Ih) Body 5101: - (held) Caster Levei: 12rh Aura: Strong (De 21) necromancy ACl ivation: Immediatc (command) Weighl : 45 lb.

    Tlm 10wI'r sim'''' II J'ily. tlaHy sll'Clth~rI lU the fuurmry lI'mppmgl uf 11 IIImmlly. Ator II 11 n trl'st lI1o,ftltJ lo derlcl rire (!"tIl!UTt', !1()rn!rmg, umvmpJIf,/ \'ISIIgt.

    Once per dar \\Ih1le usingthis+IIOIl't'rdudd 10 gain 10131 cover (PH 125). you can aclvale ils special propeTly. AI your command, lhe mere sight af lhe shie\d's mummylike facade requires each "ie\\ler in f TOn l ofi! to SlLCCCCJ 01"1 a De 16 will save or be parllyzed wirh fear for Id4 rounds.

    Prt'rt"luISIII'S: Craf, MagicArmsand Armor, rTfa!.' 1/11111'11'1, Knowl edge (religian) 5 ranks.

    CosI lo Creu/r: ],000 gp (plus 180 gp for m3sterwork IOwer shield), 240 XP, 6 days,

    ZOMBIE HIDE AR MOR Price (Ite m Levei): 16, 165 gp (14th) Body Slot: Body Caste r Levei: 5t h Aura: Faint;(DC 17) necromancy Act ivation:-Weig ht: 25 Ih.

    Tlns arlllor li pupal'l',1 frulll a smglt layrTof r,urll arul slltrhe,j :o11lbre sk'll. &rhollsoflhe fleslr 111'1"'llr roll,,,llllIIlloru.

    This suil of +1 IlIde gr.mlS you damage reduclion 5/s1ashing. Though lhe umor spons various holes and rents, theS

  • Greater: As lhe lesser eryslal. and you are also prOleeled from lhe posilive-domi-nant and negalive-dominant Ifaits of any planes (DMG 149).

    Prrrrqum!rs: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, .Ira!l1lt'flrn, rn/h/re c/rlllrn!s, prolrr-11011 f TOm rhnos(good(evd( l'lw.

    COSI lo Cr,'ale: 250 gp, 20 XP, 1 day (Jeasr); 750 gp, 60 X P, 2 days (lesser), 1,500 gp, 120 XP, 3 days (grealer).


    Price (I tem LeveI): 250 gp (2nd) ([east), 1,000 gp (4th) (lesser), or 3,000 gp (7Ih)(greater)

    Body SIOf: - (armor crystaJ) CaSler Levei: 5th Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) transmutation Aerivarion: -Weight: -

    T1l1 l 5I'a-gr.'fn rryslnl nhl'ayl fr..!s malSl 10 tl1 r 10llrl!.

    A (fyl tal Df oquollr ar/IOI! aids the \Ve3rer while underll'3ler.

    Least: Any armor bearing thisaugmenr ryslal does nOI impose an armor heck penahy on your Swim checks.

    Lesser: As the least crystal, and you also gain a Swim speed equal toone-half your Iand speed (round down to lhe nexl sfoot inerement).

    Greater: AS lhe lesser cryslal, and you also take no penal ties on attacks or move-menl while undCTI\'aler (as if under lhe erreet offrrrdom of mowmrnl) and you ca n brealhe waler as easily as air.

    PrfrrqUlslles: Crart Magie Arms and Armor, frr,'dom of movrmr/!!, walrr broathmg.

    CosI 10Crea!r: 125 gp, 10 XP, 1 day{lcast), 500 gp, 40 X P, 1 day (lesser); 1,500 gp, 120 X P, 3 days (greater).


    Friee (Item Le vei): 500 gp (3rd) (Ieasc), 2,500 gp (7th) (lesser), or 5,000 gp (9t h)(greater)

    Body Slot: - (shield crYSl3I) Caster Levei: 5th Aura: Faint: (DC 17) divina tion Activation : -Weight: -

    rlll l hlllc l

  • Leas t: This augmenl crrslal gn nls rou :I .-1 competence bonus on 5aving throws ~gainst mind-~rrectingspdls3nd abililles.

    Lcsser: As above, excepl the cryslal gra nls a.-3 comlX'lcnce bonllS.

    Greal cr: As above, eKcep' lhe cryslal grants a +5 compelence bonus.ln addilion, if rou fai l a 53 ... e against 3 mind-arrecting spcll or abililY. you un choose 10 remll lhe $ave asan immediale (mental) aClion. This abili ly funcrions once per day.

    PTfrtqUrstltl: Cufl Magic Arms and Armor, TfmlallTr.

    COSI 10Crtalr: 250 gp, 20 XI', I day (Itast); 2.000 gp, 160 XP, 4 days(lesser); 5.000 gp, 400 Xl', 10 day! (grealer).


    Pr ice (Item Levei): 400 gp (2nd) (lcasl), \,000 gp (4Ih) (lesser), or 3,000 gp (7Ih)(grealer)

    Body s lol : - (a rmor crrslal) CaSle r Levei: 51h Aura: Fainl; (oe 17) abJur.nion Ac tivalion: -Weight: -

    TI1I1 111100111, drrp bluf rr)'Slal lS II'MII1 10 Ihr loudl.

    A {frllal of s(m'nHlg enhances a Slll o( armor wilh force, enabling il 10 prOleCI yOIl agalnsl lhe auacks of incorporeal foes.

    Least: This 3l1gmem cryslal imposes a -2 penahr on lOuch al13cks made againsl you by incorporeal creatures.

    Lesscr: As lhe leasl cryslal, excepl lhe penaltyis - 5.

    Grealer: As lhe leasl cryslal, excepl lhe penalty is - 10.

    PTfrrqumlrl: Cnfl Magic Arms and Armor,lIlagrllTlIlor.

    COSI loCrMlr: 200 SP. 16 xr, I dar (\easl); 500Sp, 40XP, I day (lrsser); 1,500gp, 120 X r, 3 days (grealer).

    CRYSTAL OF STAMINA Prlce (Ilem Levei): 300 gp (2 nd) (leasr),

    900 gp (4Ih) (lesser), o r 2,700 SP (71h) (grealer)

    80dy SIO(: -(umorcryslal) Casler Levei: 71h Aura: ,\Iodente; (DC 18) conjurarion ACI;vation : -; see leXI We;ght: -

    TI1I5 duJJ rrli rTyl lal pUlSrl11l Imlr 11'1111 your hrartM411.

    A rr)'Slal of Jlamma prOletlS you from aSs:lults ag:!inSI your physlc31 health.

    Lcasl : This ausmenl crrslal gr.lms yOll a .-l competence bonus on saving Ihrows againsl diSl'3se and poisan.

    Lesser: As lhe least cryslal, excepl lhe bonus is +).

    Greater: As lhe leasl crystal,except lhe bonlls is +5. In addirion. if yOIl (aila S3ve againSI a poison or disease effeel, you can choose tO remlllhe 5ave as an immedia!e (menlal) aelion. This abilhy funclions once per day.

    Prt'rrqwSllrl: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, IIfHtrallU polSMI, rrllHlvr dlSf'ClS".

    Cosi 10CTful,': 150 gp, 12 X P, I dar (le3st); 450 gp, )6 XI', I dar (lesser); 1,350 gp, 108 X P. ) days (grealer).

    IRON WARD DIAMOND Price (Ite m LeveI): 500 SP (3rd) (leasr),

    2,000 gp (6Ih) (lesser). or 8,000 gp (1IIh) (grealer)

    Body slol: - (armor cryslal) Caster Levei: 71h Aura: Moderale; (DC 18) evocalion Activation : -Weight:-

    Tl1I1 rlUtl .md rrru dUIII1!lIId 1$ ltI(rtJlbJy .hml/olr.

    An lroll lI'ar,1 .llCIIIIOIul lends its loug h-ne5S 10 armor, helping ;1 absorb blows in combal.

    teasl: The leasl \'ersion of Ihis augmem crys131 gn nls you damage redllClion 1/-. Thisdamage reducllon SI:lcks wilh similar damage redllclion gnmed by any olher source. Once lhe cl3sp has prevenled a 10lal of 10 poims of damase. il becomes inerl unlillhe following day.

    Lcsser: As lhe leasl cryslal,excepl Ihal ;1 granls damage reduClion 3/- lInlil ir has prevenled a IOIa1 of )0 poims o( damage. A IrlSf'r lron lI'ard dlamond fune-lions only when :!tl3ched 10 medium or heavyarmor.

    C realcr: As lhe leasl crr$ral, excepllhal il granls damage reduclion 5/-umil il has prevenled a 10lal of 50 poinlS of damage. A 8m1lfT lroll n'llrd dHlmolld funclions only when 3u3ched 10 heavy armor.

    Prrrrqll1srlrs: Cra(1 M:lgic Arms and Armor,

    COSI loCm!te: 250 gp, 20 XP, I day (lea51); 1,000 gp, 80 X P, 2 days (Iesser); 4,000 gp, 320 X r , 8 dars (grealer).

    RESTFUL CRYSTAL Price (llem Le vei): 500 gp ()rd) Body Slol: - (umor cryslal) Casler Levei: 51h Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) enchanlmenl AClivalion: -Weighl: -

    11m "h'fr tlusp II ,Ir(omltd ""fh lporkJmg (T)'5tals shllpt'd likr slars.

    A rrslful (r)'5I(11 is a grcal boon 10 :lny \Var-rior \Vho musl sl3y allVays aI lhe ready. Sleeping in armor Ihal has Ihis augmenl crystal an ached does nOI make you fllligued.

    Prt'rrqulSllrl: Cr.lfl Magic Arms and Armor, slrrp.

    Cosi fo Cmlfr: 250 gp, 20 X r, I day.

    RUBICUND FRENZY Price (lte m Levei): 500 SP ()rd) (leasl),

    2,000 SP (6Ih) (Iesser), or 6,000 gp (IOlh) (grea ter)

    Body Slot: - (armor cryslal) Casle r Levei: I\lh Aura: Moder:ne; (DC 20) enchanlmenl Activat ion : -Weighl: -

    TII'I ruby 1i (UI Itllo a lorus-Nollt'lrJ on tor, JlatNolom IIIS mranl lo brntlarht,llo /I SI/If of armor.

    A TlIbl(l/lul fWllrdrinks yOllr blood when you are wounded. whipping you imo 3 savage frenzy. This ilem funClions onlr for living crealures.

    Leasl: As long as yOllrcllrrenl hi t poim 100al is no grcater Ihan half yOllr (ull normal hil poims, Ihis ausmenl crysral grants you a .-l monle bonus on weapon damage rolls and saves agamsl fear.

    Lesser: As lhe leaSI crrslal, excepl it gnnf5 a +3 monJe bonus on lVeapon damage rolls and S3ves asainsl fear.

    Creale r: As lhe leas! crrslal, excepl il granfs a +5 morale bonus on weapon damage rolls and sa\'es ag~insl feu.

    PrtrtlllllSllrs: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, herolsm.

    Cosi lo Crr"lr: 250 gp. 20 XP, I dar (Iem); 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days (lesser); 3,000 gp, 240 XP, 6 days (greater).

  • s-king.:a w~rrlor 10 enler ba.ulc withouf his mm! Irusted bl.:ade is like asking bim la give up his righl um. A Slurdy sul! of armor mighr keep a fighleror baroort.:an alive, bUI Wilhoul a good weapon in his hand, he can'l win lhe bmle,

    Adamanlne wcapon5 are automat icaliy of masterwork qUlliry, and rbis COSI Is Induded in lhe wupon COSI.

    chapler collecls over 100 special weapon propenies, plus dOlens of specifit magic weapons, e3ch conslruC'letfwirh a pU" (lcular array of useful propcrties,

    Hardness and Hil Pein ts: E1Ch ",j of enhancemenl bonus adds llO.2 wc.:apen 's hudnesund lfO ils hit peinls,Only lhe weap-on's actual enhanccmenr bonU$ applicsj spedal properties wtth .:an

    enhanc~m{'m bonu! equiv31~nl for the purpose of delrrmining m.:arket prite don', inc::rea5e lhe hardncss or hll poinlsof; WClpon,

    ;'The best defellse is ri renl/y angry offense.~ Weapon Sublypes: Some weapon enlries

    have a sub,ype, ~il her "syneri)'" or"relic; in brackets followlng lhe enlcy's name, A syn-ergy ilem h;s; synergy prerequisite, typicaHy

    Specia l Malcria ls: Fi\.'e percenl of weap-ans are made of unusu.:al malcri.:als, such as adamanline, cold iron, or alchemical silver.

    -Krusk, half-orc barbarian

    Each of Ihese special maleTlals allows lhe weapon la overcome the damage reducrion of cerrain CTe.:atures, Table 2-1 sum marizes lhe .:additional effeels of I he mOSI common special materiais usoo ID we.:aponsj sce Special Materiais, OMG 283, for more det.:ails.


    Material Ad .. manline (old iron Silver, .. tchemical

    Effect Ignore hardness of leu than 20 Magical enhancemenls)(2 cosI - 1 damage

    *Jncludes 300 gp for masterwork component.

    an existi ng spec~ I property alreldy i rubuoo imo lhe weapon tO be enhanced_ A relicitem h.:as lipcd.:al effectiveness fOl"l character devored 101 pUlicular d~ity.,.ddilion


    A we~po" wilh ;1 specl properfy must havc aI least 3 +1 enhancement bonus. Vou can', simply have:ll PIlUlIl1g lougSlt'OT(I- h would have 10 be a I leaSI ;1 +1 plHnUlg

    rO"~II'OnI. A single weapon canna! have;1 mooified bonus (enh~ncemenf bonus plus propcrty bonus equivalems) higher Ihan +10, nOf can iI have a marke t pr ice (nOI counting special materiais ar lhe price af lhe rnas lerwork wcapon ilself) of greafer Ihan 100,000gp (or 200,000gp for each C'nd af a double weapon). For \veapons Ihal exceed Ihese Iimils, Sl"e [pu LtI'f'l Hlll1dbook.

    Unless nOled OIherwise in lhe Prop-eny entry, each spe

  • A b
  • T/m 1l'r4Iro" 11 uollulrullSl'llrrnl, /llmasl Ili Il!ougl! I1 wcr( g/ass, bul II 11 abvlolH/r af slurdlrr mllJu.

    when activaled, a blurslrike weapon paTfially fades f tom view for I round, appearing only 3S a f~int outline (though you, ~s the wLelder, c~n su II normally). Whl."n you atf~ck, an ~ctivaled blurstrike weapon (along with your hand and arm) appears lO o lhers as an amorphous blur, preventing a foe from knowing exact!y wheTl' lhe blow is aimed. A f ter you ael iV31f" this property, your opponent is consid-ered nal-footed againsl the firSI aflack you make with lhe b[urstrike weapon in lhe round when you aClivate il. Crenures Ihal dont Tl'lyon sighl forcombal (such 3S Ihose with lhe blindsighl special quality) and creatures with uncanny dodge arcn'l trealed as nal-fooled against Ihis atlack.

    The blurstrike properly funclions ten limesperday.

    PITI'I'qmSllrs: Crafl Magic Arms 3nd Armor, blur.

    CosI lo Crrllle: Varies.

    BODYfEEDER Price: +3 bonus P~perty;Weapon Caster Levei: 91h Aura: Moderale;(DC 19) necromancy Act ivalion: -

    Compouo,1 of Il dllTk. lluU mrl"!, Um 1\/tllpoU li ro!d lo Uu lourh. hulwl, II St'rlIlS 10 /lbsorb rour oollr lira!.

    whenevera bodyfeederwcapon you wie1d scores a successful criticai hit against a living crealure, you gain temporary hit poinls equal 10 half the damage dealt by lhe crilica l hil. These fempo rary hit points laSt for up tO I mmUle and don't slack wllh Ihose f tom any Olher source, including addilional cri lical hlls wilh this weapon.

    Prtrt'lI/ISlltS: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, V

  • CHANGELlNG Price: +2,000 gp Properly: Spear, shorlspear, ar

    longspeu Caste r Levei: 5th Aurll.: Fainl; (De 17) 1r.lIlSmUlalion AClivation: Swifr (command)

    11m spt'ar apptars lo '"' ltuHlr wtmly of 11 mtlal wllh 11 !mgltl JrIL"u hufl.

    Achangeling weapon allows you lochoose us Jength lnd appearance (,3ch rime you atrack wilh il. Once per round, by speak-ing lhe appropriate command \\Iord, rall (an change lhe weapon into a spear, a shorlspear, ar a longspear sized appropri-31ely for rOll. As parI ar lhe same 3cll0n, rou (an make ils haf, anel head appear 10 be composed of :lny wood, stone, metal, or combination thereof that you wam, and add anydecol'1l1ive flourishesdesired, though the spear's :lct ual composition does not change.

    PTtuqlllsllrs: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shrml: Ilrm.

    CoslloCrralt; 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2days.

    CHARGEBREAKER Price: +1 bonus Property: MeleI" weapon Casler Le vei : 51h Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) enchammem AClivation: -

    11m II'mpoll's IIp IS roulu/rJ dlgltl/y, It/.:r Ihal of'lJouslmg [anu.

    Anycharging crealure hi! by a charge-bTt"lIker weapon mUSI succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude slIve or be knocked prone.

    Prerrqlllsllrs: Crafl Magic Afms and Armor, dflu 1II0lIsler.

    CosI lo C",I/r; Varies.

    CHARGI NG Price: +1 bonus Properly: MeleI" weapon CI5ter Levei: 8th Aura: MooeT:lle (DC 19) lr:msmUlalion ACliva t ion : -

    111t mwgr of a IWlllr/y armortd, ",olllllr'/ bught, reVflmg a rlbbon-(OVfrrd lanu for 11 rhargr, adonl5lhls Iwapon.

    when you are mounled and wielding a weapon Ihal has Ihis properly, you deal an eXlra 2d6 poimsof damage on a successful charge all:tck.

    Prrrcqutsltts: craf, Magic Arms and Armar, Spirited Charge, kmr rdgr.

    CosI 1(1 Cnalr: Varies.

    COLLlSION Prite: +1 bonus Property: Weapon Caster Levei: 6th Aura: Moderare; (DC 18) InnsmUlalion Activation:-

    TIIIS ddlrtlldy balanttd 1I'i'lIpon stllltJ mio rol1r gnp tI5 If yOIl hod lVlrldrd 1I for )'I'ars. IIs &Iur-gray hur shumlltrs as you h(/I Ihr LW

  • A bardy l'frtrptlblr dark gluitl surromu!! !Im 11'\'111'0 11

    whenever rhis weapon scores a cri riul hit againsr a larget, il beSfOwS li curse Ihat impost$a-4 penaltyon altack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and abilily checks for I minUle. Muhiple slTikes aren't cumular i ... e wirh one an01her.

    Prafquud(l: Crafl ~l3g ic Arms and Armor, btslowwrst.

    Cosi lo Crt"''': Varies.

    DEADLY PRECISION Price: +1 bonus Properl y; Weapon Cas rer Levei: 5rh Aura: Fainl j (DC 17) In nsmUl31ion ACl iV3lio n : -

    11m \\'fllpol1 looks morr ,Irnda a.nrl dtgllltl 1111111 olhrl'S af fls IrPf. IH bl,r!! r, 1)(I{{1I, IIr IltItll gllllrl'l al lllougl1 a II1OUSll l1 11 hl1r fau ls Wfrr I'fJlrrlmg Ih, IIInblrl1l/lghl.

    A deadly precision weapon deals an extra Id6 poines of damage whene\'eryou make a successful snea k at!3ck 01' sudden srrike (CAd 8) wilh il. The properly gmnts no benefl r if rou don'l already have one of Ihese cbss features, and ils bonus doesn't increase if you have both.

    "r(I'fIjIMllrs: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor. krrn trlgt.

    COII 111 errai .. : Varies.

    DEFENSIVE SURGE Price: +1 bonus Prop erty: ~ I elee weapon Cas rer Levei : 5th Aura: Fainr; (DC 17) abjura rion Activatio n : Swift (command)

    Tlns ICosi lo CI'f!l/r: Varies.

    DISARMING I' d ce: +2 bonus Pro perty:Weapon Caster Levei : 5,h Aura: Moderare; (De 17) lransmlllarion Ativ3lion: -

    Stvtrnl JlIltlng I'l'tlllgsllnd ndgrs rxlmd frolll Um II'tllpoll.

    A disarmi ng wcapon granrs you a +2 bonus o n disarm au emplS. [n addilion, oppo-nenlS e30no' diurm you oflhis weapon.

    PrrrtljulSllrs: Crafl ~hgic Arms and Armor, bl4/1'f flr"lIgl h.

    Cosi lo Crt~lr: Varies,

    DISLOCATOR I' r k e : +1 bontls Properly: Weapon Caste rLevel: 121h Aura: S,rong;( OC 1 1)eonjuralion AClivation: Swifl (menta \)

    DI$ColOl'lltrolls 111 lhe mrfour 01"1U II'fI1P11" ~PJ!fIlT, /lIm f"dt III ~ mm/um pal/rrl1. Ali rlabara/t IWlldlr (011/111115 " JlwIlIDsr:td IIl1lrlll.

    whcn you aetivale a dislocalor weapon, rhe neXI sllCcessful arrack you make before the end of your lurn causes your urger tO be Iclcported up {O \O feel in any direction yOIl choose(Will OC 17 negales). Vou ean', Ideport a targel inlo an occupied space (such an allemp' auromalically fails and waSles lhe effeel),

    Projectile wcapons beslow rhis prop' erly on Iheir am munilion.

    A dislocaror weapon functions Ihree times perday.

    PIl'Tt"qUistlrs: Magic Arms and Armor,lrlrj)orl.

    Cosi lo Cr(~/t: Varies.


    Price: +1 bonus Synergy Pre requ isite: Disloc:uor

    Brdhrml drswlomhons til lhe IUrfnrl' oi li,,! 11'('

  • Olher effeclS rebted to thrNtening ar confirming critic~1 hits (such ~s "rrl! t,lgt ar "'tss 1I't'
  • An everbright weapon is also immu ne lO acid dam~ge ~nd rusting effeels.

    PrtuqwJllrJ: Craft M~gic Arms and Armor, 5f(lrHlg Jlgh!.

    Cosi lo Crtnlr: V~ries.

    FIERCEBANE [SYNERGY] Price: +1 bonus Properry:~e3pon Curer Levei: 12th Aura: Slrong; (DC 21) conjuralion ACl ivation: -Synergy Prerequisi t e: Bane

    Cnn'rd 11110 Ihr '''HldJr of Ilu! 1I'('011On 11 a ungIr rlmr Inlllr Gllolllr Inngwlgr rrprrk'nl-IJlg Ihr for 1!lr IVC'l/'Onll IIrdl(llltd lo slnymg. A fiercebane weapon excels aI 3f1 3cking one Iype or sublype of crealure. 11 acts

    ~s a bane weapon againSI lhe crealUre Iype (and sublYpe, if relevam) lO which its synergy prerequiSlle ability was al-luned. ~henever iI slrikes its designaled h3ne enemy, it begins 10 emit ~ low,eager hum, as ifil were ~clually fecding off lhe vic lim's !ife blood.

    A fiercebane we~pon glows when;li des-ignated foe comes wilhin 60 feet, even if younnnol secordeteet 11. In addllion, lhe weapon deals eXIr,;a damage on every suc-cessful riliul hit. rhe amounl depends on ils criticaI muhiplier, ~s follows.

    Cril iul Multipl ier x2 xl x,

    Extra Damage ldl0 2dl0 3dl0

    Pro)eclile weapons beSIOw Ihis propeny upon Iheir ammunilion,

    Lore: Few rmgers acquire lhe skills needed lO crea le magic ilems, but lhe gnome ranger Tir I-Ieanhand learned 10 hale orcs aI an early age. Unsalisfied with normal orc bane weapons, he devoled lhe lasl half of his !ire 10 crealing the ulti-male weapon for slaylngorcs (Knowledge (ma na) or Knowledge (his loryl DC 20),

    The first fiercebane weapon was an orc bane sdmilar sized for a gnome and named Hearlhand, afler ils crealor. Tir Hearthand wielded Ihis weapon for many years,and 11 e\'enlually achleved a near-Ieg-endary SlalUS. Gnomes wuh an InlereSI in now be!ieve il 10 be a polem amfacl capabl{' of slriking dead any ore Ihal even seIs eyes upon 11. The original weapon 15 bdieved 10 h3ve been lost in .heduk hills near lhe longdead orc king dom where Tir Hearlhand mel his end

    (Knowledge {arcan~J or Knowledge {his-IOry] DC 3D).

    Prerrqumlts: Cnfl Magk Arms 3nd Armor, !ummOIl /110m Itr t

    CosI lo CIl'OIf; Varies.

    FLESHGRINDING Pr ice: +2 bonus Pro pe rly: Piercing or slashing melee

    weapon CaSler Levei: 11th Au ra: Modera!e; (DC 20) IransmUlation ACl ivat io n : FreI.' (command)

    Upoll dose 11Ifpt'(1101I, 11m II'rlll'01l "PlIfON lO lia)!t !haUolV 5frrallons alol1g li! !llndr.

    You can aClivale 3 fleshgrinJing weapon any time you dealdamage with il toaliving creature in me!ee. When Ihis occurs, you leI go of lhe weapon and il magically ani-mates,grinding ilselfinlO lhe foe's flesh.ln each round aI lhe SI3rt of your lum, il au-lomalically damages Ihal crealure as if you had scorro a normal hil wilh it (including damage from lhe weapon's enhancemenl bonus, OIher weapon properties, and your normal bonus from Strenglh, bUI nOI extTll d3mage from feals such as Power Attack),

    The grinding continues for 5 rounds or umil you or someone else pulls lhe flesh-grinding weapon free; doi ng I his reqUl rcs a Slandml aClion and (for a nyone olher t ha n you) a successful De 20 Strenglh cheek. Afler lhe dur.nion expires, a fleshgrind ing weapon relurns to your hand (as the re lurning weapon property). lt \\!ill not relurn loyour hand if the target has pulled lhe weapon freI.' and slilI holds ir.

    l'ull'qulsllc!: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor,

  • HEAVE NLY BURST Price: +[ bonus Properl)': Weapon Caster Levei: 7th Aura: t. l oder.lle~ (De 18) evocalion Anivation: -

    n1lS ll''af'Oll tnllls 11 !OLl' l1ulII IIHII Klululs dlslrnrlly I,/':r" dllmlS dwnlmg Ilowly.

    On a criticai hit againSI an evil crealure, a h!'a,,!'nl)' bUr51 weapon discha rges 3 shower of radi~nce Ihal deals 3

  • illu5ion b~ne we~pon ~ nd speaking lhe appropriJteeommand .... ,ord. For uample, lOuehing ~ Srrrl1/lIlIa~ spell (or an image generared by the IIIlrror IImlgt spell) with the ..... eapon subjecls 1110 lhe dispel cheek ImmedineJy. A sueeessfu l eheek again51 any part of the illusion dispels lhe whole effeel, sodlspellingone mrrror mr(lgrends the spell enlirely for lhe largel ereature.

    Lore: The iIIusion bane properly was erealed by a seel of the church of SI. CUlhhert whose memhers desprsed iIIu-sionists and desired a way to deslroy Iheir protecllVe illusions (Knowledge [religion) DC 20).

    An illusion ba ne weapon func lion5 mueh like lhe drsprl ma)]r( spdl, bm only again51 illusion "ffeels (Knowledge [arca na] DC 25).

    PrHtqrHSrlrS: Cufl Magic Arms and Armor, Inrr s .. rmg, drs! ... r maglf.

    Cosi lo Crralr: Varies.


    Price : +2 bonus Property: Weapon Ca51er Levei: 171h Aura: Slrong; (DC 23)divmation Afivation : Standaro (command) Synergy Prerequis ile: Illusion bane

    1111~dllrk mrl(llwtllplll1 rSfr4/rd ofMll rIU" IIl1d IIdamarrlmr workl'll m/Da Imlplrrlcsrgll. &1 nr/o di pommrl orgrtp 11 a ruI arHI pIlllshrd prtu of quarlt.

    An illusion Ihcft weapon fune lions as an illusion bane weapon (seI' above).

    In addilion, such a weapon allows you to disrupl opponents' illuslons and lrans-fer Iheir proleelive qualities 10 yourself. The firSI illusion spelll hal Ihis ..... eapon dispcls wi lh its ill llsion bane properly is aUlomalically stored wilhin I. This abi!i ly funelions like l he spell sloring property (DMG 225), wil h the following excepllons.

    11 musl be an illusion spell, bUI il need nOI be 3rd levei or lower. A spell eannot be cut into lhe weapon; 1\ ean slore only a spelllhal il has aetu-allydispelled Ihrough lhe illuSion bane abililY An iIlusion theft wupon need nOI aetually slrike a erealllre 10 aelivale lhe Slored spell.

    The Store


    Price: -t-t bonu5 Propcrty: Melee \\'e~pon Casler Levei: 9th Aura: Mooerate; (DC 19)conjur.llion Ac tivalion: -Synergy Prercquisite: Chosl fOuch

    ,.'115 ll'f(lpotl 15 sHllrlr 111 dtslglllltlll appt'ars mllty gmy. tvtll thollgh thr !iaS(' mattrud 11Sf'1/ 111 IIs (onslrufho" IllIs li drstmel (olor Df lI! aIV/I.

    An incorporeal binJing weapon fune-[ons as 3 ghosllOuch WCJpon (OMG 224). In addhion, \\lhen this weapon slrikes ali incorpoTear crea ture, il emils 11 single pulse of gray energy Ihal temporarily anchors lhe largel more firrnly to lhe material \\Iorld. An incorporeal crC;lIure damaged by ,his weapon loses lhe ben-efi, of ils incorporeal miu chance (5~) and ils 50'\. chance tO ignore spells for I round. lt does, however. retain ali olher bcnefi,s af incorporealness. induding immunity 10 ~[] nonmagic~1 ~n~ck forms, lhe ability 10 pass Ihreugh solid objls, and a defleclion honus 10 AC equal 10 ils Chuisma honus (ir ~ny).

    Pn'rrqulSllrs: Cnlrl "lagic Arms and Armar, dmlrllllonul Mlchor, plane sI!!fl.

    Cosi lo Crtul,: Varies.

    KNOCKBACK Price: +1 honus Properl y: Weapon Caste r Levei: luh Aura: Modt'r3It'; (DC 20) evocation ACl ivat io n : Swifl (command)

    TJrrl II'r~llOn [ooh bramIa IIru!IJrr(krrl/ran a 'rp,ca! riem of III 'rpt'. A rum's /rrad II'II/r nlrl-IIIg Ilorns rlrcoralrs ris hrm[ or ',111.

    Three times per day, you can aClivale Ihis weapon and use iI 10 rive youropponem back. The neXI lime you hif a crealure wuh lhe weapon before lhe en of your turn, lhe urgel mUSI succeed on a De 19 Forritue sa\'e or be pushe back 5 feel. If lhe largel can'l move back, Ihis abilily hu no eITecl. The knockback property works only on crealures of your own size calegor)' or smaller.

    rrrrrquIsllrs: Cr:rfl Magic Arms and Armor, r,'pulsron.

    COlllo Cmllr: Varies.

    LUCKY Price: +1 bonus Prope rly: Weapon Dlster Levei: 15rh Aura: Slrong; (De 22) divinalion Activalion: Free (mental)

    11lr goMrn shrrn 011 11m l\'tapou TIII5tS )'Our spmls aml fills )'Ou wIII, confidrnrt 111 )'Our fighlrng prolt'f!!.

    A lucky weapon offers a second chance ai success. Once per day, )'ou can rerol! a single failed anack roll.

    PrrT"ljwsl/rs: Cufl Magic Arms anti Armor, momrnl of prrSClrnu or falr of one (EPH \07).

    Cosi lo Cr"lr/r: Varies.

    MAGEBANE Price: +1 honus Properly: Weapon Caster Levei: 8rh Aura: Moder:rte; (DC 19) evocarion Activation: -

    Tllr sl/rflllt of UTIS brrrck r10n It~apo'l IS II1scrrbfd IVllh runrs rrprrstrrhnglllt g1OuI"[-II1gofmrrgy, and rIs ponrmtl orgrlp li Itl II'ltlr Ihn'c dUlllrorrds.

    Weapons Ihal have Ihis properly ~re fe~red by arcane spellcaslers. AgainSI ~ny crealure Ihal can casl arc~ne spells or use irwocalions (CAr 7), ~ magebane weapon'senhancemenl honlls is 2 higher Ihan normal. (Thlls, a +1 10/lgm'Ord wi l h the magebane properry becomes a +J 101lg-Slt'Ord when wielded against sllch targels.) Funhermore, a magebane II'eapon deals an extra 2d6 poimsof amage againSI largelS capable of casling arcane spells or using invocarions.

    The magebane propeny can be added loa cold iron weapon witholll paying lhe eXIr:r 2,000 gp (D,\IC 284).

    Projt'Clile weapons beslOw this prop-erry upon Iheirammunilion.

    PrrrrqumlN: Cufl Maglc Arms and Armor, drsptl magrc.

    CosI lo Crral': V~ries.

    MAIMING Price: +1 honus Propert y:Weapon Caster Levei: 51h Aura: Falnt; (De 17) Iransmulat ion AClivation: -

    TJrrs IW4rpor, lIas 4r IlIPlslr,[ lrafl or grrp mui IPlkrs alo/lg rIs hlRrlr, Irrar!, or poml.

    A maiming weapon IwislS ~nd digs imo lhe flesh of ils largel, rending, learing, smashing,and bruising 11 . wheneveryou $Core a criticai hit wilh rhis weapon, il deals an amounl of extn damagedepend-ing on ils cri lical mulriplier.

    Criticai Multiplier x2 x3 x.

    Extra Damage 1d' 2d, 3d.

    PTI'I"f'lrrlstlts: Cuft Magic Arms and Armor, krrll rrlgr.

    Cosi lo Crra/e: Varies.

    MANIFESTER t' rice: +12,000 gp flropert y: Weapon CaSlcr Levei: 81h Aura: ModeralC; (De 19) divinalion Acr ivation: Free (menral)

    Radlalrng mner poWI'r, 11m prll1u/y lt'tapon Itlllrs a/ld c1rmfirs )'Our I1roughls.

    when manifesling a power, lhe bearer of Ihis weapon can dnw 5 power poinu frem il. These poinlS musr be ali be useCosi lo Crralr: 6,000 gp, 480 X r, 12 days.

    METALLlNE I' rice: +2 honus Properl y: Weapon Caste r Leve! : 91h Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) transmUlation AClivalion : Standard (command)

    l"lrr (olor alld Irxlu" of Ihrs lI'ellpon 5trm lo slufl lIIrl11 rnclllNlSlrng rnomrnl.

    when you acrivate a metalline weapon, you can change ils composi tion ro ~damantine, alchemical silver, cold iron, or ordinary sleel.

    rTl'rtqulsllrs: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor,fat.nrlllr.

    COSi lo Crr,rlt: Varies.

  • MIGHTY SMITING Pr ice: +1 bonus Property: Melee we~pon Caste r Levei: 8th Aura: Moderatc:(DC 19) ('vQUl lon ACliv3Iion : -

    T~1I Lt'filpClll fuls IltllVltr 11,,,11 11 )lI:Ir111111 U'filpon oi ris 'Yl'f'. Jll sr rrbt-d 011 11s J!lrflUt 15 (I IIIflSllgt affirnurlg rI s S lll~rll)rltr aVir somt fa'tgary Clf {Traluft.

    Ir rOIl have a smile abilil y (smite. smite tvil, smite shadowbnds, or lhe like), you gain an extra +2 bonus o n your smhe auack mlls anJ damage rolls. In addi tion, rOll gain one additional use af yO\l r smi re abilily l'ach dar \\IhiJe wieldi ng ,his wcapon. I f you have more lha" onc smil(' abil ily, you musl choose which one gains lhe cxua use.

    A weapon of mighly smiling only granl! one extn srn he per day, regardless ofhow many chancters wield it.

    Prtrt'lumlrs.: erorl l\l3gk Arms and Armor. dwmr poll'tr.

    CIIS! to Crrll!t: Varies.

    MINDCRUSHER Price: +2 bonus Properly: We~pon Casler Le veI: 121h Aura: Suong; (DC 21) necrOffiancy AClivario n : -


  • 1'111$ t\'t~porl bt~N " tltlmbtr of IIl1 rd-Io-su p
  • Good Criticai Extra Outs ider Multiplier Damage Extra Damage x2 ldlO 2dlO x3 2dl0 4dlO x' 3dl0 6dlO

    ProJectile weapons ~SIO'" (his properly upon Iheir ammuni tion.

    Prfrt"lulsdrs: Cuf[ M~gic Arms and Armor, IIlflrd rnllwllVlwlHIs.

    CosI lo emll.,: Varies.

    PSIBANE Price: +2 bonus Pro pe rty: Weapon Caste r Levei: 15th Aura: 5lrong; (De 22) divinalion Activa tio n : -

    nm f\':lruordlllary LI'

  • by nand rrom an CXlradimcnsional spacc rcquires a movc (manipulation) aclion.

    PrrrrqwllltJ: cr.!rl t-hgic Arms ~nd Armor, Ltonllmd'J st"Crrl rhN I, slm,,1;: IIrm.

    COil lo Crtlllr: VUiC5.

    RESOUNDING Pricc: t i bonus Proper ty: Mclec wcapon Ca51er Levei: 51h Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) enchammem Act ivato n: -

    TIIIIIWIIIIOI1 b.."!rJ 11 IIIIIIU rngl1H1l11g of 11 bdl. A resoul1ding weapon emilS a deep, ring-ing chime e3ch l ime il successfu[[y hils a largcl. Thc sou nd carries ovcr lhe di n of ballle, encouraging youra[[ies. When you sfTikc a foe whh a resounding weapon, allies (i ncluding you) within 30 feel gain a +1 mOr:l[e honus on altack rollsand saves againSI rt'ar effecls for I round.

    PrtrrqurlllN: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, ~INI.

    CDil lo Cmllt: Varies.

    REVEALlNG Price: +1 honus Pro per ty: Weapon CaSle r Levei: 51h Aura: Falnl; (DC 17)evocalion Ae l ivatio n: -

    A $f"1I 01 JlalllN Jllrkr1l upon tlul lI't'al'0Il, IlIougll l/li "nlu l!y (001 lo lhe lour" .

    Any opponent Slruck by a weapon Ihal has Ihis propcny i5 outl ined in magical names, as lhe 1!II'Ylr fi rl' spell, for I round.

    Prrrrqursrlrs: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor,fdrrlt' fin'.

    COlllo C",1I1 r: Varies.

    SACRED Price: +1 honus Pro pe rl y: Weapon Caslc r Levei: 71h Aura: Modcrale;(OC 18) conJUr:lllOn Actival ion : Slandard (eommand)

    1'IuI slhlt .... ..,IlIlt W~lIpoll 15 duol1lltd 11'111, 11 slIIg!tgoMt'n SUII . A runlr plrTIIst dtscrlblngll "Holr dtt'd Tllllllllong IIs hlllde or "lIfl. By speaking lhe appropria le comma nd word, you can shea lhe a sacred wcapon in luminous posilive e nergy. If)'Ou are nOI undead, Ihis energy does nOI harm you; olherwisc, you lake I poinl ofCharisma damage for e3ch round Ihal you hold lhe

    weapon. This effecl laSlS unlil you speak anOlhercommand word 10 t nd il.

    While 3Cliv31eJ, 3 s3crt'd weapon dea[s 3n eXlra Id6 poinls of damage 10 any undead 13rgel (or 2d6 poinls againSI an evil oUlsider) on 3 successful hil. A[5O, iI is Irealed as good-aligned for lhe purpose of overcoming damage reduclion.

    Projeelile weapons beslOw Ihis prop-erly upon Iheir ammunilion.

    P",uljumll'$: Crafl Magie Arms and Armor, wrt IIgI,' II'OIIII'/S.

    Cosi lo C",II /f: Varies.


    Price: +1 bonus Property: Weapon C3sler Levei : 121 h Aura: SITOng; (DC 21) conjuT31ion Ac riv3lion: -Syne rgy Prerequis ilc: Sacred

    Tlns srlwr-lI'h,lt II'tllpon 11 drcomlt'd 11'111, do:tlls o/ goMen IWl mOhls. Rum( plrmstS dfscrlbrng VIlrlOIlS ht'lIm lIuds rim II10rrg IIs blode or "1I/11l11d glow II'hrll Ii II II'IrMtd.

    A sacred bursl weapon fu nclions as 3 sacred weapon (see ahovc).

    In addilion, lhe weapon explodes wlth posil\'c energy on a successful crit icaI hil, dea[ing tXlra posilive entrgy damage 10 crealures as sei Oll! in lhe lable below. (This effecI aerivales even ir lhe larget is nOI normally subjeel 10 eX lra damage from crilical hi ls.) A sacred bUTSI weapon deals even more damage 10 evil outsiders on a sllccessfu\ cri lical hil . This burSI does nOI harm yOll or any crealure olher Ihan lhe largel unless yOIl are undead; if you are, yOll lake ld4 poinlS ofCharisma damage f TOm lhe bUTSI. This is a conti nu-ouseffecl and requires no aClivalion. Even if lhe weapon has nOl been 3elivaled 10 deal eXlra damage hecause of lhe ucred propert y, lhe weapon slill de-a ls ils eXlr:I posilive energy damage on :I succt'ssrul cril ical hil .

    Evil Criticai Extra Outsider Multiplier Damale Damage x2 ldl0 2dl0 x3 2dl0 4dl0 x, 3dl0 6dl0

    Projeerile weapons beSIO\\' Ihis properly upon Iheir ammunilion.

    Prrrf'luIIllt'l: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, (u", rrr lualll'tlumll.

    Cosi/o CTl""e: Varies.

    SCREAMING Prite: +1 bonus Properly: Weapon CaSle r Levei: 71h Aura: Mooer.lle; (DC 18) evocalion AClivation: Sl3 ndaro (command)

    Tlm \Wllpon 11 p,rrctd wllh numtrou! hny holtl 111 11 decorllhllt' p;tllcrn. Tlttlt holl'1 produrt 11 II'llIslImg lOutld whtn lu r /110m Ihmugh Ihem.

    Upon command, Ihis weapon begins 10 vibr:lle gently, Ihollgh il emilS no aClUal sound in Ihis made. Whenever 3n aeli-VlIled screaming weapon hilS, il produces a high-pilehw sound and dealsan extr.! ld4 poinls of sonie damage 10 lhe 13rgel. l'his noise is unpleasant , bUI il has no adverse effecl upon any creatures OIher Ihan lhe one slruck. The abilily of a scrta m-ing weapon 10 deal eX!Ta 50nic damage is negaled in any area of magical I,ItIlu.

    Scre~ ming weapons have no addilional adverse effeel on crealures wilh unusually ~cule hearing, although such c reatures tend 10 dislike Ihem.

    Projeelile weapons beslOw this prop-erty upon Ihcir ammunilion.

    PrrrequIsI /I'$: Cra fl Magic Arms and Armor, Ihoul or lOulld bUNI.

    Cosi lo C""II t: Varies.


    Price: +1 honus Prope rty: Weapon C3Slc r Levei: 121h Aura : Slrong; (DC 21) evocalion ACl ival on: -Synergy Prerequis ilc: Screaming

    11m 1I'fllpoll IS duomled 1111/" t llgmvmgs 01 ,,",UI, rym"'''s, (ITIlIIIS, 111,,1 olltrr mwges USSO(l-IIleJ wllh louel nOlsts.

    A screaming bUTSI weapon functions as a screaming weapon (see ahove).

    In addilio n, lhe weapon explodes wilh sonic energy on a successful c rilical hil , dt'aling t'XIr.! sonic damage as sei 0111 in lhe 13ble below. (This effeel aCl ivaltS even if lhe largel is nOI normally subjeel lO eXIr.! damage from criliul hi ls.) This bursl does nOI harm you or any crC31ure olher Ihan lhe targel. This is a cominuous effecl and requires n03clivalon. Even if lhe weapon has nOI been aClivaled lodeal eXlra damage because of lhe screaming properly, lhe \1't'3pon slill deals ils eXIr.! sonic damagc on a successful criticaI hil.

  • CriticaI Mull iplier x2 x3 X4

    Extra Sonic Oamage 1d. 2d8 3d.

    Projclile \\'eJpons beS101I' Ihis propeny upon Iheir ammunilion.

    PrrrrqulslltS: Cr:a(1 Magic Arms and Armor, slloul or sm",d bursl.

    CosI lo Crralr: Varies.

    SHAOOWSTRIKE Price: +5,000 gp Property: Weapon Casle r Levei: 15th Aura: Strong; (DC 22) ilIusion AClivation: SWlft (mental)

    Tlns Ivrapou rs IIIndr of li ,Iul/ blark molerllll, ~/UI d! r.tgts st"/II IIlIlullllrl.

    A shadowsnike weaponcan reach Ihrough your own shadow 10 calch foes 0([ guardo Once per day, you can aCliv:ue lhe prop-('ny 10 add 5 feel to the weapon's reach for a single allack. The targel is denied ils Ikxlerily OOnuslo AC for Ihis allack.

    Pl'I'rtqlllSIIN: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, sll~doll' roll)umIrOIl.

    CosI IClCTf~lr; 2,500 gp, 200 XP, 5 days.

    SHATTERMANTLE Price: +1 OOnus Property: Weapon Casler Levei: 51h Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) divi nalion AClivation: -

    Tmlulu(rlll, II'rllllll18 rlltrgylllul blur !l'nrks (1111 be srfll r'181118 II'rllllll tlus II'(IIPOII.

    A sh3ffermanlle w('apon da mages a foe's spell resislance. Each lime lhe weapon strikes a foe Ihat has spell resistance, lhe valueof Ihal spell resislance is reduced by 2 for I rouml. The penalties for mulliple hi ls during lhe same rollnd stack. Forexample, if you succeed on Ihree al lacks in lhe same TOUnd againSI lhe same foe, Ih:1I foe's spell resistance is reduced by 6 unlil the begin-ningof your neXl lum.

    PrrrtqumlN: Crafl }'Iagic Arms and Armor, lIHay SPf'J1 rrmlllnft (SC 17),

    CClII 111 CUlllr: Varies.

    SHIELOING Price : +1 OOnus Property: Ughl me1ee weapon Casler Levei: 10th Aura: Moderale; (DC 20) IransmUla tion AClivation: Swifl (command)

    TI'f IUIII.tlr of Ihl5 11'(111'011 11M 1i 1I1111dguanl sllllp

  • SOULBREAKER [SYNERGY] Price: +1 bonus Propeny: We;pon Casrer Levei: 17th Aura: Slrong; (De 23) neeromancy Activation: -Synergy Prercoquisite: Enerv;uing

    SllrlJlUlrJ br 11101 C/f JllrbltsS, /fUI Wfllpoll 1$ !Itr (olorol I,!ltrp bnuS(.

    This II'capon (unclions as an enervadng wcapon (see page 34). Howcver, a nega-tive leveI gaineJ from an allack from a soulbreaker weapon doesn', fade I hour [Mer. I nSlcad, 24 hours after being struck, ir lhe negalive levei ar leveIs have nol becn purged, lhe subject mnsl succeed on a De 18 FortilUde uve for each negalive leveI ar lose a characler leveI.

    Pl'I'rrqul$llrl: Cr,lf, Magic Afms 3nd Armor. tl1trgydmrn.

    CosI lo C"dlr: Varies.


    Pricc: +1 bonus Propere)': Melee ",capon Caster Leve i: Slh Aura: Faml;(DC 17) na romanc)' ACliv:uion: -Synergy Prerequs ile: Enervaling

    A oordy J'fruph&Ie shadollJ, I" lhe SII

  • Imagts 01 r/ouds (l)ld gmlulg IVmd tOl/fr Um dmngtly jlrll1blr II'fapoll.

    This property gnots )'ou a +2 compell~oct boousoo aoy Streogth check made 10 rrip ao oppooeolwirh lhe weapoo.

    Prrrr'lurSlles: Cnfl Magic Arms aod Armor. brlll's slrrllglh.

    Cosi la CTI'olr: Varies.

    TERRAN Price: +2 boous

    Property:~eapoo Casler Levei : 71h Aura: Moderale: {DC tS) evocarion Act ivatio n: -

    TIus 11'A lransmuring weapon does nOl gain any OIher benef1! of lhe properlies it lakes on, aod il always deals normal damage.

    Prrrtqmsrlrl: Crafl Magic Arms an A rmor, l"brrtllfr.

    Casl lo Cre~lr: Varies.


    Prite: +1 bonus Prope rty: Melee \\"tapoo Caster Levei: I uh Aura: Mooenle; (OC 20) evocalion Activarion : - and swifr (command) Synergy Prerequis ite: Unholy

    TIm Vllt 1\'(lIpo" rI JuaTlllrcl II'llh JlIggtl' spllm, "wl/!, IIl1d ollla IIIl1Cllbl'l' dtstgllS.

    characlers who serve gods of murder, slriCe, and other b~se deeds cnfl these weapom of pure evil for themselves and for others who share Iheir foul desires. This weapon runClions as an unholy weapon (DMG 226). This is a continuous effect aod requ ires no aClivarion.

    lo addilion, on a successful me/ee :lIIack wilh an unho!y surge weapon, you can command it 10 emil a burSI of unholy energy, which deals an eXlra 3

  • Price: +1 bonus Pro pe rl y: Weapon Casler Levei: 71h Aura: Moder.ue: (DC 18) Iransmul:l!ion ACILval ion : -

    Fourglllsst)TS {Irrlr Ihll Wfllpoll, rCl(h waleh-mg a drffrrtnl drrtehon.

    A w~rn[ng weapon grants you a +5 insight bonus on inLlblive checks as long as LI is held.

    Prrro'qumlrs: Cnf, Magie Arms and Armor,elrt"sgmu.

    COlllo Crralr: V~rirs.

    WEAKENING Price: +1 bonus Proper l y: Weapon CaSle r Leve.l: 5th Aura : Falnl j (De 17) necromaney ACl ivalio n: -

    Mawbrr orllllmrnlnlron IInd Ilrrldrrd brls Df /rllllrrr II1llkr 11m 11'i'lrro" look as lllOugll ri II'rl"1' ItIlldt froltlll rrwtlrd Irmb.

    when you score a criticai hil with a weakcning weapon, lhe largrl lakes a-4 penally 10 11 5 Snrnglh score (10 a mini-mum scoreof I) for 10 minures. Multiple Slrikes aren', cumulali\"e.

    ProJec,ile weapons besrow this prop-eTly upon Ihrir ammuRLlion.

    Prrrrljurulrl: Crafl Magie Arms and Armor, my of rllfrrblrmrnl.

    CosI lO Cl1'lIlr: Varies.

    WHIRLlNG ilr ice: +1 bonllS Propert y: Slashing meleI' weapon Casler Leve I: 111h Aura: Mooeralej (DC 20) 1r:lRsmulalion Actival ion : Full-round (mental)

    T"t lull Df tJus 11'-heaJ, Ihr faus of li glglllthe Irulkr ri flllltllrJ lo ris Itp.

    This +llIrTVIV inJecls~nycre3lure il strikes wilh poison (i njury, FOrl De 16, Id6 Con/ ld6 Con~

    An IIHOtl'ofbllrngcan a[so be created 3S a crossbow boI! for lhe $ame priee.

    PrrrrljUlulrs.: Craft Magic Arms :tnd Armor, por50lI.

    Co,-llo C"alr; 250 gp(plus 6 gp (or mas-lerwork urow), 20 XP, I day.

    ASSASSIN WHIP I'r ice (Ite m Levcl): 5,301 gp (10th) Body Slol: - (held) Caster Levei : 51h Aura: Fainl; (DC 17) Ir~nsmUla l ion Activatio n : FreI' (command) Weighl : I Ih.

    AllllOllgh !fU! ftelll! lo bt nolhmg "Iort Ilrall 11 ',,"gltd, !ollg-lrll{rLIIIHlf, ollr rlle! IlIu !>rr" hlOllrd mio 11 slunlr hancllr Ilh 111111 of 11 II'11Ip.

    Twice per day, you can aClivale Ihis +1 Ll'IlIp afler successfully hilling a Medium or smaller larget lha! is slanding on lhe ground_ Doing Ihis causes fendrils of \'eg-elalion 10 spring forrh fram lhe ground, rmangling lhe largel and dealing ;!d6 poims af damage per round. This effcct !aSIS for 3 roundsorunlillhe affccled erea-lure escapes from lhe lendrils (a DC 20 Strenglh check or DC 20 Escape Artisl checK made as a full-round 3clion).

    PrruqulSrlts; Ceafl Magic AfmS and Armor, eulaug/e.

    Cosi lo Crrlllr: 2,500 gp (plus 301 gp for mastcrwork whip), 200 XP, 5 days.


    Price (Ite m Levcl): 8,530 gp (12th) Body Slo l : - (hrld) Castcr Le ve I: 20lh Aura: Slrong;(DC 25) lunsmuI31ion ACl ivatio n : -We ighl : slb.

    A "o/r Irmbol of Morildll1 dccomlrJ Ilte ]01111 NhlYfI1 1111' "rllJ 1I",llltr !ta/Iof 11m sturrlr adllllllll1lrnr U'Ilmx(.

    when you wield an :axe of anceslr:l.1 vinue, it functions as 3 +II:Ul1l1dllltUrnlrl1t IIMtr",,, lI'Ilmxl' if you are /awful good. lawful neulral,or nculr:l.lgood. Prized by lhe failhful of lhe Soul Forger. Ihesc weap-ons ha\"e long becn used in lhe defense of dwarfholdings.

    Rclic Powc r: If you have eSlablished lhe proper divine conneclion, an lixe of IlltrrJlml vrrlu.- re"cals ils intelligencc alld scntience (AL LN; Im lO, Wis 17, Cha 17: speech, lelepalhy, darkvision 120 fI .. hearing; Ego score 17). In adcli l ion, lhe axe can use blesJ, rurr mOllrml( lI'orwds (wielder only), and fame forr, each Ihree limes per day.

    To use lhe relic power, you mUS! worship Moradin and eilher sacrifice a 5lh-Ievel divine spell slOl or hal'e lhe True Beliel"er feal and 311eaSI9 HD. Ifyou s3crifice a

    rr(I'W o{ bilm,

  • 7chle\'el divine sloc (or have lhe True Believer feal and ac leas! 13 H O). the weapon can 21so use IUHle (widder only) Ihree limes per day.

    Lore : Un lOld years ago, one of Moradin's high priesls \'olUnleered la be bound inlO lhe original Uf of IlI!ftslrul vlrlue so Ihal lhe weapon would havt bOlh ir'llelligence and lhe virlu, ous nalure 10 serve Morndin well. This priesl 's personali ly has been duplicated imo lhe few copies of the weapon Ihal h3ve been forged since. The weapon has nen'r re\ocaled lhe pries(s original name lO any user, bUI Judging from lhe facI Ihal lhe axe conslantly urges ils wielder 10 artack lhe andent enemies of lhe dwarves (goblinoids and gian(5), he mUSI have been a fierce warrior indeed. The weapon lakes greal delighl in "illumin:Uing urgels (fllmt fire). "salv ing honorwounds" (U" 1II00Itmlr lI'oLmds), and granling "godspeed" (hllSlt). The axe also Judges its wielders on how well lhey adhere la traditional dwnf culture, and 11 rebels mighlily against nondwarves who so much 35 pick il up (Knowledge [rellgion] DC 20),

    PrtrrqunrlfJ: Craft Magic Afms and Armar, 5anclify Relic ,

    blrH, curr modrrale IL'IILlluI5 , flltru flrr,

    1111$1(, ktrn f'!gr. Cosi lo C"lIle:

    2,500 gp ( plus 3,030gp for .:ad.:amantine dwarven waraxe), 200 XP, 5 days.


    Price (1le m Leve i): 10,320 gp (13th)

    BodySlo l : -(held) Caste r Levei: 71h Aura: Mooerale (DC 18)

    necromancy Activat io n : -and slandard

    (command) Weight: 12 Ib,

    111t bllldt of 11111 IlIrgt grrRlaxt looh ltI:t Il rr flIn'flllRII fi/! of $/)"'f grtal fis", lIIul I"r 11IIfl ri seulplrtllo look 'Ikr a lotlg stnrs of cotllpkx 51111"r', kllolJ. Tllr 11.~f sme/ll of bmlt'.

    This +1 grralllxf allow5 you 10 n03f alop lhe W3lcr, no malter your weighl. This effect runclions conllnuously and requires no aClivalion.

    Vou can a[so aClivale an l1:1'f of Hrr 5Ca rrtlvtTs 10 access IWO addil ional abililies. Vou can ut lera warcryengnved into lhe

    axe's hafl. Vou and ali allies wlthin 15 fee l ar yOIl gain a +2 morale bonus on allack rolls, weapon damage, 53\'e5, skill checks, and abililychecks for I round.

    In addilion, you can speak a com' mand word engm'ed upon lhe blade. Ali enemies wi thin 15 fee l of)'OU become pan' ickttl for 1 round (Will DC 16 negates).

    Each of Ihese abililies is usable once perday.

    I'rruqUr5r11'5: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,f.'ar, "rrolSlI1.

    CosI lo Crrl1lr: 5,000 gp (plus 320 gp for maSferwork grealaxe), 400 XP, 10 days.

    BLADED CROSSBOW Price (Item Levei): 4,660 gp (9Ih) Body Slo l : - (held) Cas fer Levei : 11I h Aura: Mooerate; (DC 20) evocalion AClivatio n: -Wcig h t: 121b.

    111 1' frolll ofllm hravycrosWolV I' fillft! 1\'Ilh a JN11T C/f cUTvrd, ,"orp bludrs. T"r gl1p bt'lLt't't'1I Illrll1lS prrf(ctly 1'011110111''/ IC/ullow '''r 1~lr"JI1 ' Ilarll p.HSIIge of a (TOISOOW 0011.

    This crossbow has an excepliona lIy SI rong slOck, which is shaped so lha! younn grip and 5wing lI as a melec weapon. Vou can use a b/mlrd (TOSlOOnr as either a +1 "ravy (roJlOOW for ranged macks, or as a +1 11111-Ilrj\xl' for melee all3cks.

  • Prtl'l'qumlrs: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, blmlr hilrrrtr.

    Cod lo Crr~/r: 2,000 gp (pluS660 gp for maslerwork heavy crossbow and maslerwork ballleaxt'), 80 XP, 4 days.

    BLAZING SKYLANCE Price (h e m Lc-vel ): 8,310 gp (12Ih) 1J0dy Slo r: - (held) CaSle r Levei: 5th Aun: Fainl (DC l 7)evocalion ACl ivatio n : Slandard (command) We ig ht; 10 Ib.

    Rt,1 lIIul omugi' JlIlU!!" Iltl.: Illt Ifl1glh of Um ~11Vl'rlrH1rr. Thr '1(Iflll II'ml'pd 111 slrr)/$ of rrd sCIlh,I IMIJrrr.

    Three limes perday, Vou can com-mand Ihis +1 11111(( 10 fire a 15-fool cone of searing flames from its lip,

    d~aling 5d4 poinlS offire damage 10 urgels whhin lhe cone's area (Reflex De 13 half)_

    Prtrrqumlrs: Crafl t-hgic Arms and Armar. bllrl1l11g Ila.ull.

    Cosi lo Crrll/t: 4,OOOgp (plus 310 gp for maslt'rwork lance), 320 XP, 8 days.

    BOWOFSONGS Price (h e m Levei): 12,)30 gp (13lh) Body SIOI: - (held) CaSler Levei: 81h Aura: Moderall'; (DC 19)

    evocalion Activatio n : 5wifl

    (command) Weight : 21b.

    BIJ'/V o/ tbr

    TJus 1'011' IS 1II11,lr of fim 1\'00,1 1II11lllpl'l'

  • of lhe QUler Planes (Knowledge [reli-gion] DC 20).

    Prnfq!lI!ltr~: Crafl Magic Arms and Armor, Sanc-tify Relic, ( 1 I)mllZ~l( mOllSler.

    CosI lI) (mlle: 10,000 gp (plus 400 gp for mas-terwork spiked

    CbrOlllalic " d

    chain), 800 X P, 20 days.


    Priee (Item Levei): 12,308 gp (13th) Body Slot : - (held) Caster LeveI: 20th Aura: Srrong; (De 25) conjuration Ael ivation: Slandard (command) Weig h l : ] Ib.

    l1us Irolld1(1/1 roJ IS crol1!llrd l1!111! fivr dmgoll Ilrad5- onr rarll of black, bllle, glml, rrd, ulld II'lnlc. Tlle hrads uI! facr olllil'ard, Ih,'lr )/lII'S JI~rlrd 115 If lo brratlt".

    whl.'"n you wield a cllroma!rc rod, il functions as a +1 II10rl1lngslar wirh the corrosive, fros t, Oam-ing, or shock property if you are chaotie evil, neutral evil, or chaolic nl.'"utral. Vou can selecl or change lhe prop-erly by speaking lhe eommand word, bUI il can ha"e no more Ihan one such prop-erty aI a lime.

    Relic Power: If you ha\'e eSlablished lhe properdivine connl.'"ction, you can also use lhe cltromlt!rc rols spell-likl.'" abililies, as given on lhe table below. Each is usable once per day.

    CosI lI) Crealr: 6,000 gp (plus 308 gp for maslerwork morningstar), 480 XP, 12 days.

    Spell 5101 level/HD Slh/9


    5pell-Like Abi lilies Gained Wall ofiet (300-fl. range,

    covering up lo Iwenly 10-fool squares)

    InsteI (1.200-fl. range, creating six adjacent swarms)

    Dominatt person (75-(1. range, wiU DC 20 negales)

    Find lhe pOlh (duralion 200 minutes)

    Vtil (Will DC 21)

    To use these spell-like abiHries, you must

    worshipTiamaland either sacrifice a divine spell slot

    or have lhe True Be!iever feal and a

    cerlain number of Hil Dice. The spell slot leve! and Hit Dice required are given foreach

    entTy in the lable. Lore: The first dlrom~hc rod was

    forged in hellfire by the fi"e consons of Tiamal as a gifr for Iheir queen (Knowledge [religion] DC :!O).

    Prt'requHlI,'s: Cmfl Magic Arms and Armor,Craft Rod,Sanctify Relic,

    domUlalr persou, finrl lhe pnlh, msrcl pl!lgur, vCII, il'aJl of lU.


    Price (Item Level ): 4,310 gp (9rh) Sody Slot: - (held) Cas le r Levei: 10th Aura: Moderale; (DC 20) evocarion Activation: -Weight: 4 Ib.

    TIIIS lougsll'onfs blarlt ts cruflrrl from )!lggtd VioleI crrst~I. W/tell rOIl /to/ri II rlosr lo )'Ourcar,)'Ou hr~r

    afollHI hum.

    A crysl,tI rdlOblatlc normally func l ions as J +llolIgslI'Drd, but is enhanced by yom musi-cal abili!y. If you use your bardic music abilily while wie!ding the weapon, lhe blade resonales in harmony, dealing additional sonic damage on each aT1ack equal 10 half your bard !evel.

    Pn'reqUlsltes: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bardic musico


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