
PowerPoint Presentation


1. Exclusive proposition is an occultly compound proposition in which the word like only alone implies the entire clause. Example: Only citizens are voters.

2. Exceptive Proposition is an occultly compound proposition in which the subject term is restricted in its application by words such as except save but. Example: None is safe except.

3. Inceptive proposition express the beginning of a thing, action or state. Example: He begin to smoke last month; He gave up smoking

4. Reduplicative proposition is an occultly compound proposition that expresses the special aspect of the subject by reason of which the predicate belongs to it. It deals this by words such as as as much in as much as

5. Cooperative proposition is an occultly compound proposition in which we inspire the way an attribute is present in one subject with the way it is present of another. Example: John is bigger then Peter; the size of John is greater than the size of PeterLegal Logic: Practical ReasoningThe basic elements may be defined roughly as follows:

CLAIM is a statement or proposition that the arguer wants the audience to accept

DATA is the statement or reason put forward by the arguer to get the audience to accept the claim

WARRANT when the arguer relates the data to the claim, a relationship between the two is asserted or assumed. The warrant is the inference rule that authorizes this relationship. (warrant are best thought of as conditional statement inifthen form.

BACKING the principles of the field at stake in the argument from which the warrant is abstracted or drawn.

Legal reasoning:

Issue- what specifically is being debated

Rule- what legal rule governs the issue.

Facts- what are the facts relevant to the rule

Analysis- apply the rule to the facts

Conclusion- having applied the rule to the facts, what is the outcome.

Warrant Rule

A lawyer , a judge or whomever has to say what a rule is and where it comes from. The Rule says It is unlawful to treat someone in a manner that negatively affect the terms and conditions of employment, if the affected person is in a protected class and it treated differently from a similar situated person not in her protected class.

Each of the logical pieces you can break it into are called the elements of the rule. So, you could say the elements of discrimination are: A. having the terms and conditions of employment affected; B. being in a protected class; C. being treated differently from a similarly situated person. Cite the Rule warrant and backing

Ground Fact

We need to know if the boss behavior affected a terms or conditions or employment; If the Potential client is in a protected class; if there are similarly situated employees and if they have been treated in t e same manner or differently. The fact that ought to be relevant are: A. She is a woman; B. She has not received a raise or promotion in the 10 years she worked for this supervisor C. There are men who report to the same supervisor; and D. No man has worked for the supervisors has gone 10 years without a raise or promotion.

Analyze Consider Qualifiers and Rebuttals

Female being a woman means she is part of the protected classNot receiving a raise or promotion is affecting the terms and condition of employmentThere are men working for the same supervisor, so there are similarly situated persons who are not in her protected classThese men did not go without raise and promotion, as they were treated differently.Conclusion Claim All elements of the rule are met ad concluded that her boss engaged in unlawful discrimination.



Practical reason is what goes into such everyday decision we make as to whether to Take the car to school or to commute. Many times it is also the reasoning that goes into refraining from lying to ones client. In this sense, practical reason is action oriented

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