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    Vascular endothelial growth factor is increased during early stage ofdiabetic nephropathy in type II diabetic rats

    Dae Ryong Cha1, Young Sun Kang1, Sang Youb Han2, Yi Hwa

    Jee1, Kum Hyun Han1, Jee Young Han3, Young Sik Kim4 and

    Nan Hee Kim1

    1Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Ansan, South Korea

    2Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University, Ilsan, South Korea

    3Department of Anatomical Pathology, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea

    4Department of Anatomical Pathology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Ansan, South Korea

    (Requests for offprints should be addressed to Nan Hee Kim, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University Hospital, 516 Kojan-Dong, Ansan City,Kyungki-Do, 425-020, South Korea; Email: [email protected])


    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been

    implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.We investigated serial changes of VEGF in the kidney andassessed whether glomerular and urinary VEGF levels arerelated to the severity of diabetic nephropathy. Further-more, we examined the relationship between urinaryVEGF levels and the urinary albumin excretion (UAE)rate in Otsuka-Long-Evans-Tokushima-Fatty (OLETF)rats. Glomerular VEGF mRNA expression and proteinsynthesis were evaluated by the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, immunohistochemical stainingand in situ hybridization. Urinary levels of VEGF weredetermined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.UAE was significantly higher in OLETF rats than in

    control Long-Evans-Tokushima-Fatty (LETO) ratsthroughout the study period. Urinary VEGF levels were

    significantly higher from 25 to 37 weeks, and then

    gradually reduced until 55 weeks, although the levels werestill higher than those in control rats. Urinary VEGF levelsalso showed a significant positive correlation with UAE(r=0262, P=0045) and serum creatinine (r=0398,P=0044), and were found to be independently correlatedwith UAE by Spearmans rank correlation. By immuno-histochemical staining and in situ hybridization, VEGF wasmainly detected in the podocytes in the glomeruli. Inter-estingly, a significant increase in VEGF mRNA expressionwas observed in the early period of diabetic nephropathy,and this was associated with increased urinary VEGFexcretion. Thus, the overproduction of VEGF in thediabetic kidney may participate in the pathogenesis of

    early-stage diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Endocrinology(2004) 183, 183194


    Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious micro-vascular complications. The diabetic milieu results in theincreased expression of angiogenic growth factors innumerous tissues in response to both hyperglycemia andtissue ischemia (Tilton et al. 1997, Duh & Aiello 1999,Cruz et al. 2002). Moreover, vascular endothelial growth

    factor (VEGF) is known to be an endothelial mitogen anda potent vasopermeability factor (Ferrara 1999).

    Recent evidence supports a direct role for VEGF in thepathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. VEGF is upregu-lated early in diabetes mellitus, especially in podocytes(Cooper et al. 1999). In vivo, the blockade of VEGF bythe administration of neutralizing antibodies to diabeticrats abolished hyperfiltration and suppressed the urinaryalbumin excretion (UAE) rate (De Vriese et al. 2001). In

    addition, VEGF may contribute to renal matrix accumu-lation, since treatment with anti-VEGF antibodies attenu-ates GBM thickening and mesangial expansion (Flyvbjerget al. 2002). These findings indicate that an inappro-priate rise in VEGF production in diabetes mellitus mayincrease glomerular vascular permeability and exacerbateproteinuria. Moreover, in support of the role of VEGF inproteinuria, serum concentrations of VEGF have been

    reported to be correlated with the risk and degree ofalbuminuria (Hovind et al. 2000, Santilli et al. 2001).

    However, little in vivo evidence is available on thepotential role of the VEGF system in type 2 diabetesmellitus. Although serum VEGF concentrations werefound to be elevated in diabetic patients with albuminuria(Abdel Aziz et al. 1997, Wasada et al. 1998, Hovind et al.2000), it is not known whether urinary VEGF excretioncorrelates with albuminuria.


    Journal of Endocrinology(2004) 183, 18319400220795/04/0183183 2004 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain

    DOI: 10.1677/joe.1.05647Online version via
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    Otsuka-Long-Evans-Tokushima-Fatty (OLETF) ratsare a genetic model of spontaneous non-insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus (NIDDM) development, and are con-sidered a useful animal models in the study of thepathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (Kawano et al. 1992,Fukuzawa et al. 1996). Due to their attractive character-istics, we performed this experiment using OLETF rats as

    a type II diabetic model.In the present study, we investigated the relation of

    serial changes of VEGF in the kidney to the duration ofdiabetes mellitus in OLETF rats in order to clarify theimplications of alterations in VEGF in the kidney withrespect to diabetic nephropathy. We also investigatedwhether urinary VEGF levels are related to the severityof diabetic nephropathy, and the relationship betweenurinary VEGF levels and the UAE rate.

    Materials and Methods

    Experimental animals

    Male OLETF rats, a model of type II diabetes mellitus,were kindly supplied by the Tokushima Research Institute(Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Tokushima, Japan). Male Long-Evans-Tokushima-Fatty (LETO) rats served as a geneticcontrol. All rats were kept at controlled temperature(232 C) and humidity (555%) under artificial lightcycle, and were given free access to rat chow. FifteenLETO and 20 OLETF rats were included in the study.Animals were caged individually, and their weights and24-h urine samples were collected by metabolic cage atcertain time points (17, 25, 37, 45 and 55 weeks). Blood

    samples were withdrawn when they were killed, andplasma glucose levels were measured by a glucose oxidase-based method; creatinine levels were determined by themodified Jaffe method. The study was performed inaccordance with the institutional guidelines for animalresearch.

    Urinary albumin assays

    The amount of UAE was determined in 24-h urinesamples from each animal. Albumin concentrations weredetermined by competitive enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). In brief, 96-well plates (Nunc,

    Naperville, IL, USA) were precoated with sheep antiratalbumin (250 ng/ml), and incubated for 2 h with standarddilutions of rat albumin or diluted rat urine samples.After addition of standard dilutions or a sample in 200 lreaction buffer and equilibrating for 60 min, horseradishperoxidase-labeled antirat albumin was added, and thereaction was then allowed to proceed for 30 min at roomtemperature (RT). Thereafter, the plates were rinsedagain three times with PBST (PBS containing 005%Tween-20), and substrate solution (prepared by dissolving

    O-phenylenediamine in methanol at a concentration of10 mg/ml, diluting this 1:100 with deionized water, andadding 001 ml of 30% H


    2per 100 ml of the solution)

    was then added and incubation continued for 3 h. Afterstopping the reaction with 4 M, the absorbance was read at495 nm with an ELISA reader. The sheep antirat albuminantibodies and standards were purchased from Cappel

    Laboratories (West Chester, PA, USA). UAE values werenormalized with respect to urine creatinine (urinaryACR).

    Histologic examination

    OLETF rats and age-matched LETO rats were anesthe-tized with pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg i.p.). Kidneyswere perfused with phosphate-buffered saline (pH 74)through the aorta, rapidly fixed in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin for 24 h and embedded in paraffin. Onekidney was processed for immunohistochemical study andhistologic examination. The other kidney was immediately

    placed in liquid nitrogen for subsequent RNA extrac-tion. Paraffin slices from kidneys were stained withhematoxylineosin or periodic acidSchiff (PAS). Allhistologic examinations were carried out by two pathol-ogists in a blind manner.

    Regarding glomerular histopathologic changes, me-sangial lesions were scored semiquantitatively in terms ofmesangial expansion and mesangial sclerosis. Mesangialexpansion was graded into four scales (0, no sclerosis ofthe glomerulus; 1, sclerosis of up to 25% of the glomerulus;2, sclerosis of 2550% of the glomerulus; 3, sclerosis of5075% of the glomerulus; 4, sclerosis of more than 75%of the glomerulus. About 60 glomeruli were analyzed in

    the kidney sections of each rat, and these scores werecompared for age-matched OLETF and LETO rats.

    Semiquantitative analysis of VEGF mRNA expression

    Total RNA was extracted from renal cortical tissues withTrizol reagent, and cDNA was synthesized by reversetranscription with an RNA PCR kit (Applied Biosystems,Roche Inc., Foster City, CA, USA) in a 20 l mixturecontaining 1 g RNA, 50 mM KCl, 10 mM TrisHCl,5 mM MgCl

    2, 1 mM of each dNTPs and oligo-(dT)

    primers, 20 units of RNase inhibitor, and 50 units ofMuLV reverse transcriptase. The reaction mixture was

    incubated for 60 min at 42 C, and then at 90 C for 7 minin a thermocycler (GeneAmp PCR system 9600, PerkinElmer, Roche Molecular System, Branchburg, NJ, USA).Next, cDNA was amplified with 25 units of AmpliTaqGold polymerase in a 25 l reaction volume containing10 mmol/l TrisHCl (pH 83), 50 mmol/l KCl,15 mmol/l MgCl

    2, 02 mmol/l deoxynucleoside triphos-

    phate, and 30 pmol of each primer. Sequence-specificprimers for VEGF, which included introns between am-plification sites from exon 3 to the 3 untranslated end,

    D R CHA and others Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy184 Journal of Endocrinology(2004) 183, 183194
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    were used to amplify three splicing variants (VEGF120,VEGF164, and VEGF188). The expected lengths of theirPCR products were; 330 base pairs (bp) for VEGF120,462 bp for VEGF164 and 514 bp for VEGF188. Thenucleotide sequences of each primer were as follows: sense5-GAC CCT GGT GGA CAT CTT CCA GGA-3 andantisense 5-GGT GAG AGG TCT AGT TCC CGA-3.

    -Actin was also amplified as an internal control, and theexpected length of its PCR product was 460 bp. Thenucleotide sequences of the primers were as follows: sense5-TCA TGA GGT AGT CCG TCA GG-3 and anti-sense 5- TCT AGG CAC CAA GGT GTG-3. ThePCR conditions consisted of an initial denaturation at94 C for 7 min, followed by 35 cycles (VEGF) or 38cycles (-actin) of denaturation at 94 C for 45 s, annealingat 58 C (VEGF), or 60 C (-actin) for 45 s, and exten-sion at 72 C for 3 min, and these cycles were followed bya final extension at 72 C for 7 min. The number of PCRcycles was selected to represent a point before the productamplification plateau, as described previously (Cha et al.

    2000). To confirm the identity of each PCR product, eachof the electrophoresed PCR bands was extracted with aDNA extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) andsequenced by an ABI automated DNA sequencing system(ABI Genetic Analyzer 310; PRISM, Branchburg Park,NJ, USA). The RT-PCR products were separated on a2% agarose gel by electrophoresis and ethidium bromidestained. After scanning at 300 d.p.i., blots were quantifiedby densitometric analysis with NIH image-analysis soft-ware (Version 161). VEGF mRNA expression was quan-tified after correcting for-actin. Results were expressedas a mean optical density ratio of VEGF188/-actin,VEGF164/-actin and VEGF120/-actin.

    Immunohistochemical staining for VEGF

    For immunohistochemical staining, renal tissue was im-mediately fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, cast inparaffin, sliced into 3-m-thick sections, and placed onmicroscope slides. After removal and dehydration inxylene and graded alcohols, slides were immersed indistilled water. Kidney sections were transferred to a10 mmol/l citrate buffer solution for antigen retrieval atpH 60 and then microwaved for 10 min. After a waterwash, 005% peroxide/methanol was applied for 15 min toblock endogenous peroxidase. The primary antibody,

    polyclonal rabbit antirat VEGF (Biogenex, San Ramon,CA, USA) antibody, was added at a 1:20 dilution for 2 hat RT. Negative control sections were stained underidentical conditions by omitting the primary antibody.Using an LASB kit/HRP (DAKO, Carpinteria, CA,USA), kidney sections were sequentially treated withnormal goat serum, primary antibody, link antibody,streptavidinbiotin horseradish peroxidase, and amino-ethylcarbamisole (chromogen). Sections were then coun-terstained with Mayers hematoxylin.

    To evaluate VEGF staining, each glomerulus wasgraded semiquantitatively. Each score reflects changes inthe extent rather than in the intensity of staining. Fivescores were awarded, as follows; 0, very weak or absentstaining and no localized increases in staining; 1, diffuse,weak staining with 125% of the glomerulus showingfocally increased staining; 2, 2550% of the glomerulus

    demonstrating a focal, strong staining; 3, 5075% of theglomerulus stained strongly in a focal manner; 4, morethan 75% of the glomerulus stained strongly. For eachsample, 5060 glomeruli were evaluated, and the averagescore was calculated. Each slide was scored by an observerunaware of the experimental details.

    In situ hybridization

    Oligodeoxynucleotide sequences were designed based onthe rat VEGF sequence corresponding to the base-numbered 522551 coding region. Oligodeoxynucleotideswere synthesized and supplied by Biognostik (Gttingen,

    Germany), and these probes were labeled with fluoresceinby a standard end labeling reaction. Fluorescein-labeledin situ hybridization was performed with an InnoGenexISH kit (InnoGenex, San Ramon, CA, USA), accordingto the manufacturers instructions. In brief, sections of4 m were cut from 10% formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Sections were dewaxed, treated withproteinase K (10 g/ml) at RT for 10 min and washedthree times in 1 PBS for 2 min. They were then treatedwith Target Retrieval Solution containing a 02% RNaseblock, placed in a microwave for 15 min, and then cooledfor 20 min. Sections were then washed three times insolutions containing 02% RNase block for 5 min, briefly

    refixed in 1% formaldehyde for 10 min, and rinsed indeionized water for 5 min. Sense and antisense probeswere diluted to 100 ng/ml in hybridization buffer con-taining 50% formamide, and heated to 80 C for 5 min.A volume of 1050 l of this solution was then applied tothe slides under cover slips. Hybridization was performedat 37 C for 3 h. After hybridization, sections were washedin 2 PBS containing 01% Tween-20 for 10 min. Afterthree 5-min washes in 1 PBS containing 01% Tween-20,blocking buffer was applied to the sections for 5 min atRT, and then they were incubated in PBS solutionscontaining antifluorescein antibody and 15 mM sodiumazide for 20 min at RT. After 5-min wash 1 PBS contain-

    ing 01% Tween-20 for 5 min, and streptavidinalkalinephosphatase conjugate in PBS containing stabilizer and15 mM sodium azide were incubated on slides at RT for20 min. After three 5-min washes in PBS, activationbuffer containing alkaline phosphatase activator in TrisHCl (pH 95) and 15 mM sodium azide was applied for1 min, and the sections were then washed three times in 1PBS for 5 min, coated with developing solution containingNBT/BCIP, incubated in the dark for 612 h, and washedthree times with PBS. They were then counterstained

    Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy D R CHA and others 1 Journal of Endocrinology (2004) 183, 183194
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    with Nuclear Fast Red, and mounted with permanentmounting medium. As a negative control, in situ hybridi-zation using sense probes was also performed.

    Measurement of VEGF concentrations in urine

    The amount of VEGF protein in 24-h urine was deter-mined by a commercially available quantitative sandwichenzyme immunoassay (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN,USA), according to the manufacturers instructions. Urinesamples were collected at 24-h intervals. All particulateswere removed by centrifugation at 4000 g for 10 min, andsamples were stored at 70 C before VEGF protein

    quantitation. The VEGF assay used is specific for the mostcommon VEGF isoform, VEGF-165, but no data wereavailable from the manufacturer concerning its specificityfor the other isoforms. Before the study, the assay wasvalidated for urine samples. Appropriate reductions indetermined VEGF levels were observed by serially dilut-ing urine samples. The assay was performed in duplicate,and results are expressed as means. Urinary VEGF levelswere measured as described previously (Cha et al. 2000).We also examined the stability of VEGF in urine, particu-larly in acidic versus nonacidic urine, but no differencewas found. The detection limit of the assay was 5 pg/ml,and its coefficients of variation for intra-assay and interassayprecision were 83% and 105% respectively. This ELISAshowed no cross-reactivity with other cytokines or growthfactors. To control for urine concentration differences,urinary VEGF was expressed relative to urinary creatininecontent, and expressed as VEGF (pg/mg Cr).

    Statistical analysis

    We used nonparametric analysis because most of thevariables, especially urinary VEGF, were not normally

    distributed even after logarithmic transformation. TheMannWhitney U test was used to compare two groups,and correlations between urinary VEGF and clinicalparameters were examined by Spearmans rank correlationand multiple stepwise regression analysis. A significancelevel of 5% was chosen for all tests (P =005). All statisticalanalyses were performed with SPSS for Windows 100(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).


    Clinical characteristics of OLETF ratsThe body weights of age-matched OLETF rats weresignificantly higher than those of LETO rats throughoutthe study period. Plasma glucose levels were higher inOLETF rats during study periods, and there was astatistically significant difference after 37 weeks of age inthe age-matched OLETF rats. No significant differencewas observed in the serum creatinine concentrations ofthe two groups. UAE albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) inthe OLETF rats was significantly higher than in theLETO rats even at 17 weeks (180008 mg/mg Cr inOLETF and 035004 mg/mg Cr in LETO; P

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    glomerular morphology were observed in LETO ratsduring the study period. Early changes of glomeruli inOLETF rats were focal and segmental, and mesangial cell

    proliferation was not observed during the study period.Mesangial expansion was initially observed in OLETF ratsfrom 17 weeks of age, and this progressed with diabetesmellitus duration. Mesangial expansion was significantlyhigher in OLETF rats than in LETO rats throughout theobservation period (Table 2). Mesangial sclerotic lesionswere detected at 25 weeks of age in OLETF rats;thereafter, the sclerotic lesion scores of OLETF and LETOrats were significantly different. Significantly greater in-creases in mesangial sclerosis scores were observed in

    OLETF rats than in LETO rats at 25 weeks (OLETF016005 vs LETO 0010; P

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    period, but remained higher at 55 weeks of age. Interest-ingly, an abrupt increase in urinary VEGF excretion wasfound in OLETF rats at 25 weeks of age, after which itdecreased gradually until study completion (Fig. 2A). Theurinary levels of VEGF at 25 weeks of age were059012 pg/mg Cr per day in OLETF rats and030007 pg/mg Cr per day in LETO rats (P005);that is, they remained higher in OLETF rats.

    Figure 2B shows the fold increase of urinary VEGFexcretion over the baseline value at 17 weeks in urinaryVEGF level versus the duration of diabetes mellitus inOLETF rats. No significant change in the urinary excre-tion of VEGF was observed in LETO rats. However,

    Figure 2 Urinary excretion of VEGF in experimental animals versus diabetes mellitusduration. VEGF proteins were measured in 24-h urine samples by enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA). (A) Urinary VEGF concentrations were normalized versusurine creatinine concentration. Urinary VEGF levels were significantly higher at 25 and 37weeks of age in OLETF rats than in age-matched LETO controls. (B) Fold increase ofurinary excretion with respect to the value at 17 weeks in the same animals versusdiabetes mellitus duration. Urinary VEGF excretion was maximally differentially increasedat 25 weeks of age in OLETF rats versus 17 weeks of age. Data are shown as means S.D.* P

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    urinary excretion of VEGF in OLETF rats was signifi-cantly elevated to 299-fold higher at 25 weeks (P

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    glomerular permeability (Shulman et al. 1996, Horita et al.1998, Matsumoto & Kanmatsuse 2001). However, itremains controversial as to whether VEGF has a causativerole in the pathogenesis of albuminuria. Disagreements

    between studies (Klanke et al. 1998, Webb et al. 1999)on this point may be ascribed to the use of differentexperimental animals or different models of glomerulardiseases.

    Figure 3 Renal VEGF mRNA expression in experimental animals versus diabetes mellitus duration. (A)Representative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction showing the 330 bp product, which isidentical to that of the alternatively spliced VEGF120 isoform. A second 462 bp product, corresponding tothe VEGF164 isoform, and a third 514 bp product, corresponding to the VEGF188 isoform, were alsodetected. (B) Densitometric analysis of RT-PCR data: results are expressed as an optical density ratio of

    VEGF188/-actin, VEGF164/-actin and VEGF120/-actin. VEGF120 isoform expression was greater thanthose of VEGF164 and VEGF188 in renal cortical tissues. Data shown are meansS.D. The VEGF genetranscript was significantly elevated at 25 and 37 weeks of age in OLETF rats versus age-matched LETO rats.* P

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    In the present study, we serially observed changes in

    urinary albumin and urinary VEGF excretion, andglomerular VEGF mRNA expression and protein produc-tion. The glomerular VEGF gene transcript and urinaryVEGF excretion increased in parallel and peaked at around25 weeks of age, and then gradually decreased. In agree-ment with previous reports, VEGF proteins were found tobe localized primarily in glomerular epithelial cells in bothcontrol and diabetic rats (Monacci et al. 1993, Simon et al.1995). Although we did not demonstrate a direct causalrole for VEGF in terms of the induction of albuminuria,the present data suggest a causative role for VEGF in thepathophysiology of early diabetic renal disease. Thus, itis tempting to speculate that increased intraglomerular

    VEGF synthesis may be important in the early stages ofdiabetic glomerular injury, and that this predates theappearance of overt structural damage.

    The mechanisms of increased vascular permeability byVEGF may involve the stimulation of collagenase produc-tion (Unemori et al. 1992), the induction of endothelialfenestrae (Esser et al. 1998), the stimulation of nitric oxideproduction in endothelial cells (Papapetropoulos et al.1997, Van der Zee et al. 1997), and an increase inglomerular filtration surface area by an augmentation of

    glomerular capillary endothelial cell growth (Nyengaard &

    Rasch 1993). Antonetti et al. (1998) reported that vascularpermeability in experimental diabetes is associated withreduced endothelial occludin, a tight-junction proteinbetween endothelial cells. With regard to vascular per-meability, Williams et al. (1996) showed that an acuteinfusion of VEGF into experimental animals markedlyincreased sciatic nerve and aortic albumin permeability.

    In the present study, we show for the first time thaturinary VEGF levels increase in accordance with intra-glomerular VEGF mRNA expression and VEGF immu-nostaining, suggesting that urinary VEGF may reflectreliable intrarenal changes caused by these stimuli inthe diabetic milieu. Furthermore, we found that urinary

    VEGF levels correlate strongly with 24-h albuminexcretion.

    In our experiment, UAE was higher in diabetic ratsthan in control rats throughout the study period. Consist-ent with previous reports, mesangial expansion wasfound to be preceded by the development of albuminuria(Fukuzawa et al. 1996, Tsuchida et al. 1999). Moreover, anincrease in the glomerular mRNA expression of VEGFand urinary VEGF excretion was found to precede theoccurrence of mesangial sclerosis.

    Figure 4 Immunohistochemistry of VEGF in experimental animals versus diabetes mellitus duration. (A)LETO rat at 55 weeks of age; (B) OLETF rat at 17 weeks of age; (C) OLETF rat at 25 weeks of age; (D)OLETF rat at 55 weeks of age. Positive staining for VEGF was detected in visceral epithelial cells (arrow).Glomerular staining for VEGF was markedly increased at 25 weeks of age and then increased with diabetesmellitus duration. 400.

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    In this study, the glomerular immunostaining for VEGFwas increased until 55 weeks of age. However, urinaryVEGF excretion was elevated at the early period ofnephropathy, and then fell to control levels. Decreasedurinary VEGF excretions at the later stage of diabeticnephropathy may be due to the loss of podocytes, whichare the major source of VEGF secretion in the glomeruli.

    However, cell-associated VEGF isoforms can be depositedin the extracellular matrix, which is increased during thecourse of diabetic nephropathy, and could be detected byimmunohistochemical staining.

    In this study, glomerular VEGF mRNA expression andurinary excretion were at a higher level in diabetic ratsthroughout the observation period. Various mechanismscould be responsible for this observed upregulation.Diabetes results in several pathobiologic changes, such asthe activation of protein kinase C (Uchida et al. 1994,Williams et al. 1997) (generally recognized as a keymediator of the cellular response to hyperglycemia), ad-

    vanced glycosylation end product (Yamagishi et al. 2002),the upregulation of cytokines and growth factors (includ-ing transforming growth factor (TGF)- (Pertovaara et al.1994)) and of reactive oxygen species (Tilton et al. 1997),and stimulation of the reninangiotensin system (Williamset al. 1995, Gruden et al. 1999, Pupilli et al. 1999). All ofthese changes are known to increase renal VEGF produc-tion. To summarize, many stimuli that act either indepen-dently or in combination may increase VEGF productionin the diabetic kidney.

    In the present study, however, marked upregulation ofVEGF synthesis was observed during the early stage ofdiabetic nephropathy. This led to speculation that early

    diabetic glomerular injury might induce VEGF produc-tion by the kidney, especially by podocytes, and that thismay lead to albuminuria. Therefore, VEGF may partici-pate in the progression of the early stage of diabeticglomerular injury. The decreased VEGF synthesis in thelater stage of diabetic nephropathy observed in this studymay be due to the loss of podocytes, which are the maincellular source of VEGF synthesis in the glomeruli.

    In conclusion, a significant increase in VEGF mRNAexpression was observed during the early period of diabetic

    Figure 5 In situ hybridization of VEGF mRNA in the glomeruli ofexperimental animals versus diabetes mellitus duration. (A) LETOrat at 55 weeks of age; (B) OLETF rat at 17 weeks of age; (C)OLETF rat at 37 weeks of age. Hybridization was present in theglomerular visceral epithelial cells (arrows) of both LETO and

    OLETF rats. No specific hybridization was detected in tissues byVEGF sense probes. magnification: 400.

    Figure 6 Glomerular immunohistochemical staining scores forVEGF in experimental animals versus diabetes mellitus duration.Glomerular immunostaining scores for VEGF were significantlyelevated at 25 weeks of age and increased with diabetes mellitusduration. Data shown are meansS.D. * P

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    nephropathy and glomerular VEGF gene transcription wasassociated with an increase in the urinary VEGF level.Moreover, urinary VEGF levels were found to be corre-lated strongly with 24-h albumin excretion. Our findingssuggest that the overproduction of VEGF in the diabetickidney participates in the pathogenesis of the early stage ofdiabetic nephropathy.


    We thank the Tokushima Research Institute, OtsukaPharmaceutical Co., Ltd, for providing the Otsuka-Long-Evans-Tokushima-Fatty (OLETF) rats. This work wassupported by a Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF-2002-003-E00076).


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    Received in final form 25 June 2004Accepted 6 July 2004Made available online as an

    Accepted Preprint 19 July 2004

    D R CHA and others Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy194 Journal of Endocrinology(2004) 183, 183194

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