
Presented By:Hessein Ali

Blogging for Long Term Affiliate Marketing

Sep 3, 4 - 2014

• Name : Hessein Ali

• Author of 2 Books ( SEO & AdSense )

• Founder of arabycash Network

• CEO & Founder of EKTBLY


What is the problem with Affiliate Arbitrage? Google algorithm changes that kills your SEO sites

AdWords giving you Low quality scores

Facebook ad costs rising

Offers come and go


Paid Media VS Trust

Authority Affiliate Marketing

Niche Websites

Authority Websites

1. Wide array of products you can review and discuss

2. Are there affiliate programs with good commissions?

3. Are people currently making money?

4. Could you write 100 articles on the topic?

The Good News

Continual profits every month

The Bad News

Another Good News

You Don’t have to do all the work yourself

and that bring us to

One Man Band Affiliate Marketer


The practice of having certain job functions done outside a company functions can be outsourced to either a company or an individual

Low-Cost Employees

I. As low as 200$ per month ( Lower than 2000 EGP per month )

II. Work rates up to 40 hours per week ( 160 hours per month )

III. Experienced Workers in variety of work fields.

IV. English is the Official languages ( A lot of them speaks Arabic )

• PPC ( Pay Per Click )

• SEO ( Search Engine Optimization


• Email Marketing

• Social Media

• Banner Advertising

• Video Marketing

Let me tell you a story about

Affiliate Marketer

who want to get Married


First Thing

Incorporate a Company

USA ( 500$ / Year)

UK ( 250$ / Year )

Should my Company just work in Affiliate Marketing?

Other ProjectsBuilding a toolBuilding an appCreating your own product or courseCreating your own offerRunning a startupInventing somethingEcommerceNiche sitesConsultingStarting a traffic sourceWriting/publishing

Final Notes

Diversify your Business

Treat your affiliate site like any

“Real Business”

Differentiate yourself and add value.

Let’s get one thing straight

Google doesn’t hate affiliate websites

Google hates crappy affiliate websites

Be Organized

One Last Thing

Trust me, You Can do This

Download List of the websites, the Slides & the files




Let’s connect

[email protected]

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