Page 1: Day 1: Chest and Biceps...Standing Wide Grip Cable Pullover Superset Standing Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows 4 sets x 10 reps each Performed as a superset, I want you to move quickly
Page 2: Day 1: Chest and Biceps...Standing Wide Grip Cable Pullover Superset Standing Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows 4 sets x 10 reps each Performed as a superset, I want you to move quickly

Version: Lock and Load

Resistance Training Program Page 1 of 12

This program will visit some very basic protocols for resistance training.

Moderation in set and rep numbers…nothing crazy there. However, we will

incorporate a ‘lock and load’ rep scheme for every muscle group at least once in

every workout. A lock load set is performed in the following manner:

❖ Perform a regular set of 8 reps with MAX effort. You should completely

taxed after just 8 reps. Make sure they are slow, controlled, heavy, and

most importantly challenging. Immediately after this, you are going to

decrease the weight by about 15 - 20% and then perform the same exact

movement for a timed 60 seconds!! You can rest / pause if needed during

the 60 seconds, but try and knock out as many quality repetitions as you

can. Your range of motion will likely begin to lessen due to fatigueness

and that’s expected. Even if you’re just getting a ¼ of the range of motion

you were getting before, just keep GOING until the 60 seconds is up!! You


Day 1: Chest and Biceps ................................................................................... 2

Day 2: Legs, Core, Calves .................................................................................. 4

Day 3: Back and Shoulders ............................................................................... 6

Day 4: Arms, Core, Calves ................................................................................. 8

Day 5: Chest and Back, Traps ......................................................................... 10

Day 6: Squats or Deadlifts, two accessory movements ..................................... 11

Page 3: Day 1: Chest and Biceps...Standing Wide Grip Cable Pullover Superset Standing Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows 4 sets x 10 reps each Performed as a superset, I want you to move quickly

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Day 1: Chest and Biceps

Incline Barbell Bench Press, Smith Machine Press, or Plate Loaded Machine


❖ warm up as needed but don’t press for more than 5 reps each warm up.

❖ 3 working sets x 8 reps

❖ 1 set Lock and Load at the end!

➢ Make sure you have a spotter for this. This single exercise alone

should pump the chest up!

Incline or Decline Hammer Strength Chest Press

❖ 4 sets x 12 reps

➢ 3 second negatives followed by a 1 second static stretch at the bottom,

a quick contraction, all while maintaining a proper range of motion

until failure.

➢ Increase weight every single set!

Weighted Bodyweight Dips OR Machine Dips

❖ 4 sets x 6 reps! (yes…only 6)

➢ increase weight every set. This can be with a bit more aggressiveness.

While maintaining proper shoulder alignment (i.e. pulling back your

shoulders to keep pressure off the tendons and humerus).

o Try to beat the week’s previous heaviest weight the following week.

Even if it’s 5 lbs, try to go heavier on your last few sets!

❖ 5th set is a Lock and Load! Get Ready!

Incline Push Ups (feed on bench / hands on ground) Superset Lying

Dumbbell Pullover

❖ 3 sets x till failure on both movements!

➢ Time your rest periods here for 90 seconds.

➢ By the time you get to the dumbbell pullover, you shouldn’t be able

to do more than 12 reps. Make sure to use a weight that is very

manageable and keep the tension / focus on the chest! ‘Flex’ the pecs

as tight as you can on the contraction as well as the top (when the

dumbbell is held above your chest).

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Bodyweight Reverse Grip Pull ups (with static holds)

❖ Warm up properly here with reverse grip seated cable pulldowns. Knock

out a couple sets of about 10 – 12 easy reps. Get straps ready if you need

them for grip!

❖ 3 working sets x till failure (typically around 6 – 12 reps)

➢ IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH SET, shake the arms out for about 10

seconds, jump back to the peak of the contraction (when the chin is

above the bar), and HOLD that position for as long as humanly

possible! As you fatigue, your body will begin to drop. That’s going to

happen…so resist it as much as you can!! DO. NOT. LET. GO until

your arms are fully elongated at the very bottom of the movement.

This will burn so good and take some serious mental focus and will

power to not give up!

Preacher Curls

❖ 2 sets x 10 reps

➢ increase weight on second set

❖ perform 2 sets of Lock and Load for a total of 4 working sets here!!!

Standing Barbell Curl

❖ 1 Cluster set

➢ a cluster set is a 4-minute set of you curling!! However, you are only

performing 5 reps at a time, then resting 5 – 10 seconds. Repeat this

for four minutes! Use a very manageable weight and try to resist a lot

of cheating at the end. A little is inevitable so just make sure to not

start ‘swinging’ the body around for a ton of leverage. Just a little bit

from the hips.

Page 5: Day 1: Chest and Biceps...Standing Wide Grip Cable Pullover Superset Standing Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows 4 sets x 10 reps each Performed as a superset, I want you to move quickly

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Day 2: Legs, Core, Calves

Seated Leg Curls

❖ 5 warm up sets x 8 reps

➢ This is strictly for warm up purposes. Increase weight each set and

maintain perfect form with a 2 second static squeeze at the top.

➢ You might want to combine some bodyweight squats, lunges, and

even some foam rolling to prime for the legs for the muscular

destruction that will soon occur.


❖ 3 warm up sets x 4 – 5 reps (increase weight each set)

❖ 4 working sets: 12 reps / 8 reps / 6 reps / 6 reps

➢ Continue to increase weight each set here. The final two sets should

be your max weight for a 6 rep set! Perform this twice!

➢ Each Week will be a different squat! See instructions below;

o Week 1: Safety Bar or Front Barbell Squats (Box Squats)

o Week 2: Safety Bar or Front Barbell Squats (Regular Squats

o Week 3: Standard Barbell (Box Squats)

o Week 4: Standard Barbell Squat

Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (or single angled leg press for substitute)

❖ 3 sets x 12 reps each leg

➢ Stand in a lunge position. Your front foot should be elevated about 2

– 3 inches. You can stand on a very small box, platform, or rubber

plate for proper depth here. Perform 12 reps on one leg and try to get

the back knee to barely touch the ground every rep. One dumbbell is

held in each hand but make sure to not lean forward and / or swing

the weight around!!

❖ 4 set is a lock and load set here!! Lunges are phenomenal for glute

development so MAKE SURE you feel the burn back there.

Narrow Stance Angled Leg Press (feet close)

❖ 3 sets x 16 – 20 reps

➢ we are trying to isolate your medial are of your quads here aka the

tear drop. In doing so, we need to have our feet placement about 6

inches from each other and almost directly mid point on the

platform…maybe an inch or two below the center to push the weight

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equally through our heels and the balls of our feet. This set up

transitions a lot of the demand into our quads.

❖ 4th set is a Lock and Load set here!!! If you don’t have a training partner

to help strip down the weight, try and find one! REMEMBER, you are

ONLY dropping about 15 - 20% of the weight and that’s it. This is not a

‘drop set’. Decrease weight, start the clock, and do not STOP.

Walking Lunges (or kettlebell Goblet Squat) superset Prison Squats

❖ 2 sets x 12 reps each side followed by 60 seconds worth of Prison Squats

(hands on top of head and DEEP range of motion)

Hanging Leg Raises

❖ 4 sets x 25 reps

Angled Leg Press Calves Raises

❖ perform the following:

➢ 10 reps followed by a 10 count rest period. Then go 20 reps and 20

second rest, then 30 and 30, then 40 and 40…see how high of a

number you can work up to!! Ultimate goal is 50 and 50!

Page 7: Day 1: Chest and Biceps...Standing Wide Grip Cable Pullover Superset Standing Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows 4 sets x 10 reps each Performed as a superset, I want you to move quickly

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Day 3: Back and Shoulders

Bent Over Barbell Rows

❖ 3 sets (read description below)

➢ We are going to perform 3 sets and each set consists of three different

grips (per set) and lower volume as you go through them.

o 1st set: 7 reps underhand grip then immediately 7 reps with a wide

overhand grip (torso bent over slightly more…aka pendlay rows)

THEN immediately overhand close grip (about shoulder width).

o 2nd set: same weight, but only 6 reps each grip now.

o 3rd set: same weight, but only 5 reps each grip now.

➢ Same weight the whole time, only 90 seconds timed rest.

1 arm Dumbbell Row

❖ 2 sets x 60 seconds (on each arm)

➢ each side will be a 60 second timed set! Use a weight you’d normally

get about 8 – 10 reps with. Knock out as many reps as you can with

a dead / stop technique. Make sure the dumbbell stops on the ground

every rep before coming back up. We want FULL range of motion here.

As you fatigue, you can rest a bit longer in between each rep but do

NOT quit until the time is up.

➢ Rest 30 seconds before the other side and repeat.

➢ Then perform each side again for a second set.

❖ 2 sets x 60 seconds

Reverse Pec Deck Flies (rear delt / upper back)

❖ 4 sets x 10 reps

➢ Scoot your butt back a few inches so the chest is firmly pressed

against the chest pad. Grab a few inches higher than usual on the

handle bars (hands should be above your shoulder height).

➢ Using a moderately light weight, STRETCH and fully elongate the

arms so you get a maximum stretch in the mid trap and posterior delt

area. Then, SQUEEZE your shoulder blades together as you contract

and pull back as far as you possibly can. Hold your peak contraction

for about 3 seconds every rep! This light movement is extremely

effective if you can really activate your mid / lower trap area and

maximize each rep.

❖ 3 sets x 15 reps (last set is a 2 round rest pause)

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Seated Cable Pulldowns 21’s

❖ Using moderate weight, firstly perform 7 reps in the bottom half range of

motion (from upper chest to about half way up), then perform 7 reps in

the top half range of motion and finally 7 full range reps 100% ROM.

❖ 3 sets:

➢ 1st set: wide neutral grip aka semi – pronate grip

➢ 2nd set: medium neutral grip

➢ 3rd set: V grip aka close grip

❖ 3 sets x 7/7/7

Standing Wide Grip Cable Pullover Superset Standing Wide Grip Barbell

Upright Rows

❖ 4 sets x 10 reps each

➢ Performed as a superset, I want you to move quickly in between the

two movements. Use a lighter weight and focus on that SQUEEZE.

Make sure your grip is equal for both movements. Make sure to not

go heavier than needed on the upright rows.

Standing Barbell Overhead Press

❖ 3 sets x 8 reps (max weight)

❖ 4th set is a Lock and Load

Giant Set: Power Partial Dumbbell Lateral Raises / Shrugs / Farmers Walk

❖ 3 sets of 10 laterals, 10 shrugs, and a 25 yard farmers walk

➢ perform with the same weight the whole time! Do NOT drop the


o Power Partials incorporate a very small ROM, usually 15 – 25%.

o Shrugs are done in typical fashion. Make sure to hold it at the top

for about 2 seconds each rep.

o Farmers Walk are about as simple as they come! Your shoulders

should be on fire by now but just don’t quit.

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Day 4: Arms, Core, Calves

Standing Barbell Cheat Curls

❖ 4 sets x 4 reps

➢ You’ll use a weight you normally cannot do with strict form. You will

indeed swing the weight up a bit using a small amount of momentum.

From then, I want you to control the negative for about 10 seconds

each rep! It’s only 4 reps but each set should be brutal.

➢ No more than a 60 second rest period.

Lying Barbell Skullcrusher (Smith machine)

❖ 4 sets x 8 reps

➢ Perform the same weight each set with a timed 60 second rest period.

➢ Following your last 8 rep set, I want you to then perform a MASSIVE

drop set with perfect execution and flexion of the triceps at the top.

Make sure to absolutely fail by the end of this. You might only be

using 10 or so lbs on each side.

o Side note: load the bar with a ton of 10 lb plates so you can achieve

a larger number of repetitions on your drop set.

Reverse Grip Chin Ups (weighted)

❖ 4 sets x 4 reps

➢ holding a dumbbell in between your feet, you’ll need to perform the

concentric phase as best as you can and perform a 10 second

negative! If needed, get rid of the dumbbell and continue to execute it

with perform form. If you cannot achieve 4 10 second negatives, grab

a resistance band to put your feet in for assistance.

Weighted Dips

❖ 6 sets x 6 reps (drop set on final set)

➢ Body weight with additional weight is the preferred method here but

if needed you can use a plate loading machine or pinstack machine

that has a great amount of weight.

➢ Perform with full range as best you can but, if needed, use just the

top ¾ of the ROM. You can still get great triceps activation in the


➢ Your final set will involve a multi – round drop set. First, use a weight

you can only perform 6 reps with. Rest about 10 seconds, then try it

again for maybe 3 reps. Rest about 10 seconds AGAIN, and try and

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get 1 or 2 reps! Then, drop the weight about 10 - 20% and repeat that

entire process all over (6 reps / 3 reps / till failure).

Preacher Dumbbell Hammer Curls

❖ 4 sets x 6 – 8 reps

➢ Curling both simultaneously, we are going to perform a static hold at

the top of the contraction for 3 seconds, then come down about 1/3

of the range and perform another 3 second static hold. DO NOT LEAN

BACK!! If anything, lean slightly forward to completely isolate your

brachialis and biceps. Come all the way down and immediately repeat

until the set is complete.

➢ You will likely need to decrease weight as the sets go on. That’s fine,

just keep hitting 6 – 8 perfect reps. By rep 3 or 4, they should already

be one fire.

Standing Overhead Rope Triceps Extensions (1 and ¼ reps)

❖ 3 sets x 10 1 ¼ reps and 4th set is Lock and Load

➢ Facing away from the weight stack, you’ll attach a rope to the lower

hook and extend the rope overhead (behind you). DO NOT GO TOO


➢ We want perfect form, no momentum, and an insane burn.

➢ Fight to keep your elbows ‘inward’. Don’t let your arms flare out.

Hanging Leg Raises Superset Seated Calves Raises

❖ 4 sets

➢ 1st set: perform 25 reps for each movement

➢ 2nd set: perform 20 reps

➢ 3rd set: perform 15 reps

➢ 4th set: perform a lock and load set for each movement!!!!!

Standing Calves Raises

❖ 3 sets x 15 reps (1 ½ rep each time)

➢ Starting at the bottom, you’ll want to get a damn good stretch before

coming up as HIGH and as HARD as you possibly can with your


➢ Come down half way, then immediately, rise back up to your peak

contraction. Finally, come down to your starting position. This is 1

rep! Now knock out 14 more to complete the set.

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Day 5: Chest and Back, Traps

Bodyweight pull ups superset Incline Barbell Chest Press

❖ 4 sets x 3 – 4 explosive pull ups followed by 6 reps on the incline

➢ increase weight each set on the chest press.

➢ Final set: perform a 6-rep max weight on the presses after doing your

pull ups. Rack the weight for 15 seconds, attempt another 3 – 4 reps,

rack the weight for 15 seconds and finally try to get 1 – 2 reps. THEN,

drop the weight by about 20 – 25% and REPEAT ALL THIS AGAIN.

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press Superset Pendlay Rows

❖ 4 sets x 8 reps each

➢ Use a rather manageable weight here for both movements.

Standing Cable Flies Superset Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raises


❖ 4 sets x 12 reps each

➢ Think of performing the antagonists of this movement. Place your

body in the same exact position. The whole idea here is to activate

both sides equally…your pushing and pulling muscles.

Machine Shrugs or Dumbbell Shrugs

❖ 3 sets x 8 reps

❖ 4th set is a Lock and Load

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Day 6: Squats or Deadlifts, two accessory movements

Squat or Deadlift (alternate each week)

❖ Same rep / set scheme for both:

➢ Week 1

o Squat: 8 working sets x 3 reps at 70 – 80% of your 1 rep max with

a 120 second timed rest period

▪ If unable to squat, utilize a squat machine, hack squat, power

squat, or, if needed, a leg press but make sure to use a great

range of motion and drive through the heels as best you can.

▪ If needed, you can also just do Sumo Stance Deadlifts and

focus primarily on your hips and glutes.

➢ Week 2

o Deadlift: 8 working sets x 3 reps at 70 – 80% of your 1 rep max

with a 120 second timed rest period

▪ Barbell, Trap aka Hex Bar, Machine Deadlift, or Dumbbells are

all okay substitutes.

– Partial Range of motion is also okay here if needed (i.e.

Rack Deadlifts)

➢ Week 3

o Squat: 6 working sets x 4 reps with a 2 ½ minute rest period at 80

– 85% of your 1 rep max

▪ If unable to squat, utilize a squat machine, hack squat, power

squat, or, if needed, a leg press but make sure to use FULL

range of motion and drive through the heels.

▪ If needed, you can also just do Sumo Stance Deadlifts and

focus primarily on your hips and glutes.

➢ Week 4

o Deadlift: 6 working sets x 4 reps with a 2 ½ minute rest period at

80 – 85% of your 1 rep max

▪ Barbell, Trap aka Hex Bar, Machine Deadlift, or Dumbbells are

all okay substitutes.

– Partial Range of motion is also okay here if needed (i.e.

Rack Deadlifts)

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Hyperextensions or Reverse Hyperextensions (alternate between each week

❖ 4 sets x 15 reps

➢ weighted if possible.

➢ Most places don’t have reverse hyperextensions so if they don’t, I want

you to try Lying Dumbbell Hamstring Curls. When done correctly,

these are AMAZING. Let me know if you need help understanding it.

Glute Ham Raises

❖ 3 sets x 8 reps

➢ If this is not available, perform seated hamstring curls instead.

Goblet Kettlebell Squats

❖ 4 sets x till failure!!! Use as heavy as a weight as you can and maintain


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