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Day 1- Monday

I. Analyze Learners

The group I am focusing on is students in a third class between the ages of 8 and 9. In this unit I

plan on focusing on the 50 states and their capitals. Some students may already know some of

the 50 states and their capitals, but some may not know any of the states and their capitals. I plan

to make sure every student enjoys the activities and lesson, but at the same time learning.

II. State Objectives

By the end of the day students will be familiar with some of the 50 states and their capitals. The

goal for day one is to introduce the 50 states. Then begin to introduce their capitals. By showing

them on the poster. As we discuss each state and their capital students will receive participation

points. In order to receive these points students are required to participate in every aspect of the


III. Select Methods & Materials

For this assignment students will just need their voices. I will supply the poster. They will just

repeat each state with my and I’ll show them where it’s at on the poster. Then I will tell them the

capital and they will also repeat that as well.

IV. Utilize Media & Materials

For this assignment the students will be using their mouths and the information on the poster.

Where I will point to a state and ask the class what state it is and what is the capital of that state.

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V. Require Learner Participation

Each student will be asked to participate in the discussion about each state. I will try and pick a

different student for each question I ask so all students get the chance to answer and participate.

I will also create a blog for the students to discuss and practice the 50 states and capitals. I will

ask them to try and post a comment on the blog about which states they felt were more difficult

and which ones they had trouble with. I understand that not all students may have access to a

computer, so I will not take a grade for this assignment.

VI. Evaluate & Revise

At the end of the day I will take note on if any students had issues with any particular states and

their capitals. Also which one was the hardest for the students as a class and plan to work on that

particular state and capital more the next day. I will also check the blog to see which students

participated and I hope they all participate. There will be no formal assessment at the end of this

particular day.

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