Page 1: Dawn Ades Revised and enlarged edition 203 illustrati(lfl~' ~ Thames & Hudson world of art . Index

Dawn Ades

Photomontage R evised and enlarged edition

2 03 illustrati(lfl ~'

~ Thames & Hudson world of art

Page 2: Dawn Ades Revised and enlarged edition 203 illustrati(lfl~' ~ Thames & Hudson world of art . Index
Page 3: Dawn Ades Revised and enlarged edition 203 illustrati(lfl~' ~ Thames & Hudson world of art . Index


Figures in iralic refer to illustration numbers

About This 78-84: W' also Mayako vsky

Abst ract painting 92 Advertising, advertisement 19.

14 1, 156-7 Agit-prop: d ram a 74; pain tings

63; trains 63 A1Z43. 47. 49,50; 60 Americdll PllOlogropl,y 7 Apollinai re. Guillaurnc lO8 Aragon, Louis I I J; Lts Col/ages

42; 'Max ErnSl, peillfllTedes ill/lSiom ' ( 5: • La pritllUre till difi' , 5

Architectu rc 93. 103- 4 Arp, Hans 27. 36. 107. 111 AsccticiS1ll95 Atgct. Eugcnc r 16; Gentleman's

Fashions 116, 145 AUto matIC writing l IS. I [6 Automatism 118

Baader, Johannes 12, 26, 32; portrai t of 10; T lrt Author ;1I his Home 3 5; Dada MifcllSlrasse 22

Baargdd,Johann es 11 I, 129; Vellus QIJII tire Game o!the Kings , 62

Bardi, P. M . P<ltldofHorrors. 100; <Z]

Bauhaus8s. 129. 137: D essall l47; Wt"imar 99

Balll/aus periodical 14 7; cover of ,86

Baumt:ister. Willi Head 198 Bayer . H erbert 137. 147; R lJl llalls

1 cover 147. 186; Tire LauJ:lfage of Letters 137, 1/59; Lonely Metropolitan 171; Metamorphosis ' 47, 187

Beato n. Cccil 135 Beethoven, Ludw ig van 30 Belgium, 118, 123 Bellmer. H ailS 129 Berlcwi, Hcnryk 92 Berlin 19"-36. 41, 42, 47. 49, 63.

6 6. 100

Bcrman, M iec2ysb w 94; COIl5tructioll J 1 J 2; Lilldberglt ll S; Tbr Red Cap 94, 110

BI(lk magazine 92 Blumenfd d (Bloo mlield), Erwin

Bloomfield President Dada­C/Itlplinistj2

Bomer, l. K. (T heo van D oesburg) 24

Dook covers 85 Doucher, Pierre ' 7;

pholOmomage I j

Brassal Ciel Posticl/e [29,135, [36; <29

Brecht, Benoh 45 Breron, Andrc 1 14, 115-16, 121,

132, [35; ph oto/collagc of166; AUloma/;c wr;tillg 139; The Serpent 148; Surrealism and Painting 116; Surrealist Manifest(l (fi rs t) I I 6j Urlll'mpsdrrll icn 121

Brik, Lily 78, 8J, 84 Brik , Osip 70, 75, 76 Brownshirts 45 Druguiere. Francis-Joscph 17 Bnm ills. J acques 140; Ad "auseam

140, t75 Bufi ucl, Luis L 'Aged'or 159 Burchartz, Male 156

C apitalism 45,50;47 Card, Carlo FrerJch Official ob­

serving enemy movements 12; The Ftmeral oJ lhl' A"archist Calli 26

Cerda,Jordi Suitr Freud· Lacotl 178 Chirico, Giorgio de 28 C inem a see Film Citroen, Paul 99"-100; City series

72, 99; BrdtetlJcld 103.125; Ml'tropolis99. f 17

Collage 15.21, 2J, 30, J6, 107. Il l, I [4, 1I6. 11 8, 132, 135, 136,140.141 , 156

Combination printing 11 Communism. C ommunists 47.

67. 68,78 C o m munist Party pamphlet

(B arcelona) 57-8; 6J C omposite works 7. 11 Constable, John H aywain 58 Cons tructi vism 6. 62-97. 147; in

Poland 103. 147; in USSR 13. 15. 147

Cornell.Joesph 135; Ulllitled 135 , ,66

C ubism 12, 15,36,64, 111 Czechoslovakia 108

Dada 6, 12, 13,2 1, 20, 27 . 28. ]0, ]2, )6, 4 1. 42, 45, 63, 64. 66, 67, 72,107. 11 1,116, [29, 136. 154; in Berlin 12, 15. [9-36,9<), 108, 114; Club 24.26; in Paris 114. 12 1; in Z urich )o

Dada A lmarzach 29 D adaco.:!j,24 Dada Fa ir (Bcrlin)sce

In ternational Dada Fair Dada M anifcsto (Berlin) 2fi 'Dadaphotos' 24 'Dada, Surrealism and thcir

Heri tage" 15 D t rDada2 1. 23.24 Dali, Salvador 1 I H, 12 1; L'Agt

d'or 159 Dclacroi x. Eugene Liberty

GllidiPl,{! IlIc Proplt 58 Dim itroff, Georgi 47 Doesburg, Thco van set' Donset, I. Domda- Nieuwcnhuis, C~sar

156; BerUPI MlIsrtlms 100. 124: Elle~u 1 56, 200

' Dream image' 118 Duchamp, Ma rcel JO; Family

Portrait. t899 I56; M orlll Usa (LHOOQ) 107; cover of Vielll 12J; 154, 155

Ebcn , Fricdrich 26 Eh renburg, Ilya92 Eipper, Paul 156 Eiscllstein, Sergei 87; sti ll from

Strike 102

Eluard , Nusch 132 Eluard, Paul 114. 132 England 140 Engravings 1 18

Ernst. Max 15. 24 . 27, 36. 107, 108, 111 -21 , 129, I J6: portrai t of 16j; Beyond Paillting [ 16; Chinese Nlgh tingall' 116. 142; La


Page 4: Dawn Ades Revised and enlarged edition 203 illustrati(lfl~' ~ Thames & Hudson world of art . Index

Femme l(){Jlc,es 11 8; Hralt/! Through Sport IJS: Here Everything is Still Fiontins 1 I I,

1]6; Lop/op ["troduces Members oJthe SlIrrealist Croup 121, 147: Les PWades 160; Punching Bail or Max Emst alld Caesar BI/onarorri 140: All Rend(Z~vousdes Amis 121; The Song of the Flesh 1 J J,

IJ7; UPltilled or The MurderOl1S A eroplolll: '4J

Ernst-St raus, LOlliscAlIguslirre TI,otllas alld OUo Flake 1]2

Expressionism 26,63-4

Fascism41,45 Fashion 108. 159 'Fatagaga' I I 5 Feinberg,l. The Year [914 87;

wo Film 11-12, 87, 99: posters 90 'First Discussional Exhibition of

Associations of Active Revolutionary Art' 76

The First Working Group of Constru ctivists 71

First World War 12, 20, 42. 66,

'" Fracnkcl, Theodore Artisriqueet selltimell/a/lo8; 1]4

Franco, Francisco 41 , 57 Freud. Sigmllnd 47 Froltage 116,123 Futurism 12.26.99, 103

Gabo. Naum 71, 93 Gan, Alcxci 64 German Communist Party

(K PD) 26, 4J. 43. 50 Gcrm:my 42,43.45.64;

militarism in 67; tradition in 5S; universities in 47

Gilliam, Terry montage for Mtmty PytllOIt's FlyillR Circus ISI

Goebbcls, J osC'ph 47 Goering, H ermanll 4?-S, 57 Golyschev.Jcfim 30 Goskino90 Grosz, George 12, 19. 2J. 23. 24,

26, 30. 32. 36, 43. 72; 'The Communists are dying. .' 26; Dadaco 26. 2J; Dal/III Marries. 2); Ht'artjirld tlte Mechanic J; Kleilll.'" Grosz A1appe 20; cover of Ma] 7. My GenllallY 26, 24; by G ros2& Hearrfidd: Corr,lfell Self-Portrait of ROils seat I )2, J4;


Dada-merika 23 . 104,20; Lifetmd Aaivity in Universal City at 12.05 midday 2)-4,42,]0

Haje-k-Halkc. Hcil1Z Thf' '&IIYO PlayeYJ8

Hamilton. RichardJl/sr wh<lt is ir that makes today 's I,ollles 50 lIiffrr('tlt , soappraUIlg? 141; 182

Hare, David 1)2 Hausmann, Raoul 12. 19-36,

63-4,87. 158; pholograph of 25 ; self-portrait 10; ABCD )6. ]9; The An Critic 36, 36; COl/rrier Dada 6)-4; Dada COllquers 27-8,26; Double Portrait: Hausmann- Baader to; Festival Dada 28; Gurk 24: photomontage 158; SpiritoJOur Time 30, 28; Tatlill at HOlll e 24, 27-8,)2.27

Head, T im Equilibn·1I111 (Kllife 's EIIg,) 159:201

Hcartficld. John 12. 19-36, 40-(11 , 94,95, 154: AdolfThe S14perman 49,53; cover for Afierllte Flood 4]; Crisis Party COlll,t!tItiall 50, 5T. cover for Der Dada] .2 t; The Finest ProductS o.fCapilalislll 47; German Natural History: Metamorphosis 60: Gouillg the Executioller 47-8, so; Herrl'on Papell Oil thl' Hullt illi! Path 50, 58; Hurrah, tlu' Bufteris Finished! 57. 62; H ymn to the Fortes of . Yesterday.,8; 1 am a Cabbage . 5S:endpapers for Dorfman 's 1111 tanddes Rekordzahlm 42-3, 44; cover for Jt:'dermann seill eigller FussbaIl2I, 19;jllsticia 47. 52: Liberty Fights ill Their Ranks 5H, 109; 0 Little German Christmas Tree 48--9; Millions Stalld Behillll Me 49-50. 59; Neut JJ/g~"d ' typocollagc' 20, 18; A Pal/­German 45; TIIf~ Sletpillg ReicllStag 49; Tile Spirit oJ Gelll!va 48-9, 40; TIlt Suitide's Wish FlIljilment 50,54; 1'Immgh q~hftoNight47,5[; WAR : Sudetl.'n Germalls. you'll be the

first! 61; by Heanfic1d ann Grosz: Correaed Self-Portrait of ROlIsseall 32. J4; Dada-merikl123 , 104.20; Life and Activity in Universal Cit)' at 12.05 midday 23-4, 42, ]0

Hc:nderson, Nigd HeadoJaMan '74

H enri. Florence 129; Abstract Composition 16S

Herzfeldc, Wieland 21, 23, 26, 36 Hitler, Adolf 4 [. 49-50, 57 Hoch, Hannah [2. 13, 19-20,

26-30.129. [36, 159; photograph of 25: Collage IT. Cllt with tht Cake-Krli{t ]0, 14; Dada-Danu] I; Dada~Emst 16; Foreign BtUllly 159; Frol,' an Etlll/ographic Museum 157

Hockney, David Grorge, B/atuhr Celia Albut ./rId Percy. LOlldon January 1983 202

Hollein, Hans [3 6 Hudsc:nbeck. Rlcharu26, 30;

Dada Almallarl! )0. 29 Hugnct . Georges Untitled 165

International Constructi vist Group 156

In ternational Dada Fair 20, 23. 27. 28,30

International Press Exhibition 63 Italy 100,103

Janco, Marcd Constmction 30 j"rdemlatlll sein eiSZ/ler FIIssball21 Jung, Franz 26

Kassak. Lajos 147; The Ral'mlSo Kashlcr 47 Kennard, Peter 58; Difendedto

Death 58, 68; Haywaill with Cruise Missiles 5S, 67

Kessler, Count ('Red Count') 49 Kiesler, Freidrich Lrs Ian'es

d'imagieti'Hl'IIri Robert Marcd Duchatllp ISJ

King, Da vid A Shorl Sharp Shork 58;65

Kitaj, R.B. Addltd Art 158; 20J ' Klebebild' 21 Klints 95 Klutsis, Gustav 63-75, 93. 94.

147; DYIUllllirCity 64, 67,68. 147,74.75: The ElectrijicaliolJ oj rhe Entire Country 6S. 77; photomontage for Molodaya Gwardya 79; The Old Warldand The World beillg bl/ilt anew68, 7]; posterS]; Sport 67-8. 147, 76; S tmggle Jor the Bolshevik H arveslS6; Tramport

Page 5: Dawn Ades Revised and enlarged edition 203 illustrati(lfl~' ~ Thames & Hudson world of art . Index

Achievemwt75, 93, 87. Youth ­Into the Air! 114

Der KlwPpel43 Kobro, Katerzyna92 KremlinTower 104 Kulagina, Valentina Women

Workers, Shock Workers, Strengthen Your Shock Brigades 94; I 16

Kuleshov, Lev Vladimirovich 87

Lachert, Bohdan DesiRn and Construaion oJa House, Warsaw 103; 128

Lang, FritzMetropolis 121, 122

Lanyon, Andrew IS9 Lautn!amont, Comtede liS League of Nations 49 Lebedev, Vladimir Vasilevich 6(j

LeJ magazine 64,70,71,76,78 Leigh, Roger Sarsens or Grey

Wethers 150 Leipzig47-48, SO Leistokov. Hails photomontage

in Photo~Eye 199 Lenin]2, 68, 70, 78 Lissitzky. Lazar (El) 57, 63, 64,

71, 7S, 84, 8S. 87, 92, 94, r03, 148; 'proun' compositions 67, 103, 148: cover for Amerika 85, 99; cover designs 97,98. 101;

The Constructor 147. 188; Tile Lenin Podium 80; photomontage 96; poster 6g; (& Senkin) The Task of the Press is 1111' Education of the Masses63, 70; montage from USSR in Construaion 94, If3; Wolkenbiigel I03-4, 127

Loplop Csuperiorofthe birds') w

LubbC48 Lubok66 Lukics Georg S7

Ma] 7 Maar, Dora IJ2 McBean, Angus IJ S Maddox, Conroy 140; Uncertainly

of the Day 179 Magritte, Rem: 118, 137; I Do Not

See the (Woman) Hidden in the Forest 12; Paris Opera I 36, 167

Malevich. Kazimir67, 93.147-8: Analytical Chart 148, 189; Architectmlics lOJ; The Non­Objective World 104; Projecrfora Suprematisf Skyscraper for New

York City 104,126; Womwatall advertising pillar 12

MaIik-Verlag 42 Manifesto oJFufurism 99 Mann. Thomas 47 Marien, MarceI 12J; Crystal

Blinkers 123; Incest IJ2; Spirit of Laws 123; Torrents ofSprinJ! IJI

Marinetti. Filippo Tommaso Manifesto oJFuturism 99

Marx, Karl47 Mayakovsky, Vladimiqo. 72;

About This 78-84; 81 Mecan024 MeJies. Georges I I; Man with the

Rubber Head I 1- 12, 9; Les Quarres Ullt COl/pS du Diable J 2; Voyager/ails la lune 12

Mesens, E. 1. T. 118, 140; The Disconcerting Light 1I 8, 146

Millotal/re J29, 132 Moholy-Nagy, Laszl0 7, 17, 148,

IS(}-I,153-4;jealollsy 194; The Law oJSeries I SJ-4, 192; Leda and the Swan 1ST, lYO; PaitJtillg Phoro~raphy Film ISO; Photogram: Lighlelling Rod 148 , I So, 185; The Shooting Gallery I S4, I9J; 'Space, Timcand the Photographcr' ISJ; Struaureof the World 183

Molinier. Pierre Les Hanel2 161

Mondrian, Piet Broadway Boogie Woogie 100

Montage 84-S,87, 90,123.1]2, 135, T40


Morrissey,John 7;5 Moscovv63,64,67,9S,10J Mussolini, Benito 4 r, 50

Nash. Paul 123; Swanage 123, 149 Natkin , Marcd Fascinating Fakes

in Photography 17; 13 Nazi Party & programlllc 47,49,

So, 57 Ncgati.ves 7 Nco-plastic art 156 Nelleju,\!end20; 18,19 Die Neue Linie 137 Neutra, Richard Amerika 8 S; 99 Nevvhall, Beatlmont ISO Non-objective art 74, 147-S9 Novy Lt{ll

Paolozzi, Eduardo Colla.l!eovcr Afriran Stu/ptllre 140; 173

Papen, Franz van 50; J8 Paris 83, J08, I r 4, 116, 140 Petrification 132 Photo-collage IS Photo-Eye 19, 45 'Photogenic drawing' 7 'Photograms' 7,17, I r8, 148, ISO Photo.l!raphic Amusements 17 Photographi c Society (France) II Photographs, photography,

photographic techniques 12, 13,21,24,32, 36,42,45,48,49, S8, 63, 66,67. 71, 72, 90, 94,99, 104, Ill, 114, 115, 116, 1I8, 129, 132, l3S, 137, 140, 141, 147, 148, IS3 , lS6, IS8-9; double printing, double exposurc, doubling 1 16, 129; trick photography 7. 11 ; sec also petrification. photogenic dravving. solarization

Photomontage: definition of IS-17; first examp1cof21 ; invention of 12, 19-20; political use of 41, S7- 8, fi3 - 4, 67, 72, 74-S, I SH

Photomontage Exhibition 21 'Photoplastics' ISO Picabia. Frands 27, I07- 8;Jesus­

Christ Rastaquourre I07; LHOOQ. version of, 107; Tableau Rasradada 107-8, 133; 391 JO,107

Picasso, Pablo JO 'Picture poems' 108 Das Plakat 66 Podsadecki, Kazimierz Hands

Speak 153; Modem City 99-100, HO

Poetism 108 Poland 92, lOJ;seealso

Constructivism in Poland Polish-German alliance So Pop artists 140 Popova, Liubov 75; design fo r

The Earth in Turmoil 72, SJ Portraits & self-pottraits J2, 108 Postcards 7,20,21,99, 107; 3,4,

15. 130, 1J 1 Posters 64,66, 71.90,94, 141 Potamkin, Henry 17 Prague 42,43 Privale Eye 58; 64 Production Art 27 Propaganda 62-97 ·ProUIl' compositions 67, 103. 148 Prusakov, BorlS I Hurry lOsee the

Khaz Push 90, 104

Publicit y 62-97


Page 6: Dawn Ades Revised and enlarged edition 203 illustrati(lfl~' ~ Thames & Hudson world of art . Index



Rakitin, VasiIi i 64 'Rational Archi tecture' exhi bition

l OO Rau schcnberg, Robert Labor's

CelltctJuia/ AFL-CIO 1881-1981 158

Ray, Man 7, 17, Tl 6, li S, 121. 132.135. I SO; Rayogram : Kiki Drinking 184; 'Sel f-Portrait' from IWi/lo/(mre 116, 143

'Rayograms' 17,116, 11 8, 147; ,8, Rcalism 90. 95, 104 Red Dragon Print Collecti ve 58 ;

66 Reichstag 47-8,49 Reichswehr 27 Reissman, W. 49 Rejlander. Oscar G. The TII/o

Ways'!fLijq;6 Reklam Film 90 Reliefs 156 Remarque, E rich Maria 47 Republicans (Spanish) 41 Revolution (Russian) 63.67. 92;

84 La RevolutiOlJ Sllrrealistr I 16, 118,

129; 12 Richter, Han s Dada: Art mid Antj­

Art 19-20

Rimbaud, Arthur 36, 107 Robinson, H cnry Peach 11 ;

Nor'Easler I I, 7. 8a, 8b Rodchcnko. Alexander 67, 70-2,

75.78--90.95; photomontages for Abollt This 88-95; The Crisis 82; poster for KillO-Eye 105; Pru Eto 104

Roh, FranZ4_5; Ph% -Eye 19 Die Rott' Fahlle'43 Rousscau, Henry 32; 34 Rubin , William 15-17 Russia see USSR Russian Exhibition (Zurich) 75 Rlmlalld 103 Runman, Waiter BerIi1199- IOO;


S:mt'Elia, Antonio 103 SASDLR set Lt SUrretl/islllearl

Service . Satire ,'i8, 63, 67. 94 , 100 Schad. C hristian 7. I ,'iO;

Scliadograph 191 'Schadographs' 17 Schiedemanll. Phihpp .z6 Schmalhausen, Ouo 30 Schuitcma, Paul l,'i6

Schwitters , Kurq 6, 108; Film 33; Mz '58 The Kots Piaure 135

Second World War 41, 140 Senkin, Serg(."Y 70; photomontage

for Molodtlyaglvardya 78; (& Lissitzky) The TaskoJthe Prw is the Education of the Massts63, 70

'Shadowgraph' I SO

Silk-screen print J 58 Sima,josef I08 Sitomirski. A . 95; H ere's tire

Corporal. . 111

Skyscrapers99, 104, 137 Slinger. Penn y The Abysm.r{ [76 Social Democratic Party (SPD) SO Sohri:zation 1/6, 132. 135 Sommcr, Frederi ck 132; Max

Enul .63 Sontag. Susan 13 5 Sovkin090 Spain : Civil War 41 , SS;

Communist Party 57, 63; Repu blicans 57-8

Stalin Cf395 Stenbcrg, Vladimir& Geoqpi 75.

90; pos tcr for Til t Elcvetltlt92. I06; To Iht' Fallow Groullli90, 154. 107

Stepanova, V:lTvara iJlus. from Galm Tscliaba 72

DeStijl group 24, 156 Strei chcr,julcs 45 St rzeminski. Wladislaw 92 Sturl/labteiltlllg 50 Stiinlltr 45 Stuttgart police photograph 46 Styrsky, Jindrich 108 Supcrimposition 137 Suprcmatism 67, 6R, [03, 104,

147-8 Surrea lism 6, 17,28,36.107,108.

1I,'i-23 , 129, 132, 135-7, 140; ill Belgium 118; in England 140

Lr SurriaIislllt au Scrvi(e de la Revolutioll J 2 J

Surrealist Mtlllijesto (first) 1 J 6 Surrealist obj ect 121. 123, 129.1 ]2 Szanajca, j oseph Dt$((!lI ami

CO/urn/aiollof a H ouse, Warsau' 103,128

Szczu k;r , M icczyslaw 92, 93; Ktma/'s COrls/flletivc Pro.~ram 93, <08

T abard. Maurice, 1I El; Hand and Woman 137, /72

Ta lbot , Fox 7; Photogenic Dralllill,e 2

Tanguy, Yvcs 1.21 Tamow, Fritz,'io Tatlin , V1adimir ·21-28; Portralt :17 Teigc, Karcl 108 Telingacer, Solomon 87;

photomontage (or Th t' Year 1914 87,100

Thiriat. H. 1 1 8

'ThisisTomorrow' cxhibi rion J41 T illy 118 Toy~n (Made terminov.l) ro8 Tretyakov, Scrgei I6-J7, 19,70,74 Tschichold,Jan 85, 154, 1,'i6; fi lm

poster 193 Tucholsky, Kurt47; DelltschTand

DcU/schialld uberaIlej 43 Typography 21, 26,85,87,92.137 T zara, T rista n 36,121

Ubac, Raoul 132; Ptnthesilia 132,

164; The Wall 132 Uelsmann .Jcrry 140; Untitled 170,

'77 Umbchr. O u o (Um bo)

Perspectiveoftlse Street 1 18

Unovis 67 USSR 27. 4 1. 64-7. 78. 90. 84,

103; industry in 63 V SSR ill CO/l$tru(/ioll 1)4, y6 Utopi3.nism 2()

Valemin, Albert 11 8; phuto­mOntage in Variitis 1 18. '44

VariitUs 118; 144 'yertov, Dziga Tht Elcvl'lltli 92 ,

106; Killo-Eye90: 'Kino-Pravd:t ' documentaries 87; still from Mtlnlvitfl tJ IWovie Came", 103

V rshch-Objer-Gegellsttllui92 Vordembcrgc-Gildcwarr .

Friedrich 156; Vlllitled 156, 196

Warhol, Alldy 154, 1,'i8 Warsaw Instilute of Technology

WJ Weimar: Cabinet 21; Repu blic .26.

41.67 Wood bury, Waltt:r 7, J I;

PhOlographic Amusemrrlts 7

Xanti (Alexander Schavin sky) Mussolini 50. 55

Xerox ' 59

Zarnower, Tcresa92 Zwarr, Piet J 56; advertising

pholOmou tage 197

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