  • 1. A Few Tips from Successful Digital Campaigns Davor Runje, drap Ivana Vrviar, Kra

2. Kra founded in 1911. the largest confectionery manufacturer in South- Eastern Europe tradition & quality the leading innovator in digital advertising 2 Effie awards, 1 Grand Prix & 2 Golds at MIXX... 3. 500.000 users An average user: 42 visits total of 3:46 hours initiated 142 trade offers exchanged 75 stickers 4. It works! 5. Tips 1. Donts speak, facilitate conversation 2. Empower your community 3. Storylisting instead of storytelling 6. It works! 22% increase in sales 5% drop in category 7. Tips 1. Donts speak, facilitate conversation 2. Empower your community 3. Storylisting instead of storytelling 8. Tips 1. Donts speak, facilitate conversation 2. Empower your community 3. Storylisting instead of storytelling 9. Thank you

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